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Indiana Basketball @ Wisconsin Postgame Show with Todd Leary – Live from Hoosier Hank’s East

Reaction from #iubb’s matchup against Wisconsin

Welcome to the Indiana basketball postgame show live from hoer Hanks East now here’s your hosts Todd lirry and Jim Cole hello everybody Welcome in to another edition of after the game with Todd lry Indiana basketball show torl got a little double uh I don’t know how that happened double intro yeah

Producer it’s really got me confused glad that stopped um yeah definitely uh pilot error are you hearing the same thing I’m hearing I don’t hear anything just you okay that’s just in my ear then that’s going to be great um welcome aboard as I said Indiana goes into Wisconsin to

Madison and uh does not get the win things started out okay for Indiana but quickly you could just see Wisconsin putting a little separation and other than that nice 90 run that Indiana made in the second half there wasn’t uh really much to change that throughout the

Night yeah I mean this this uh was a team that I I know they didn’t have you know there’s always an excuse like we’ve always got some excuse so we don’t have kware tonight so you know I I don’t think that makes it any better but it’s

Just uh it’s just another excuse we get to throw on the board there and um you know they look defeated from the beginning of the game to be honest with you I mean I I didn’t you could just tell the intensity level and and everything favored Wisconsin and that’s

That’s your beat at that point already I thought yeah uh and uh I don’t want to beat this into the ground but when you have Robbie hmel really making uh not an issue of it but talking about it as politely as he possibly could uh Indiana picking up a

Third flagrant to foul in the last couple of games this one of course by CJ gun which we were talking before we got started it wasn’t you know back in the day this never even gets seen and never gets talked about unfortunately this is not back in the today you can’t do that

Stuff today and it it really is just not a good look for Indiana right now yeah and and I mean you know so this this just has to be brought up and he’s put himself in this position so it’s not our fault that it has to be brought up but I

Mean is this Xavier Johnson’s fault I mean a part of it is for sure I can I can assure you the coaches I played for would have held the senior accountable for what just happened today and and so what would have happened at practice tomorrow is Xavier Johnson would have

Run until he puked on the stairs in Assembly Hall five times and all because of CJ gun and what he did and so you don’t think next time players aren’t going to hold him accountable for something like that like it doesn’t take doesn’t take too many

Times for you to hose over one of the veterans before you just realize that kind of stuff can’t happen I mean I you know what was there that much contact no is the act the the issue yes so I mean he should get ejected like that’s that’s

Just a stupid play I don’t I love to hear his his explanation for it what someone was talking trash to him come on man like give me a break it I think it was as simple as the guy had his head on him and instead of just using your

Shoulder I mean use your shoulder and do that don’t you can’t move into him yeah just move into him like if if you really want to be involved in that confrontation I mean you can subtly win that I mean Draymond Green probably watched that scenario tonight and like

Man what a rookie I mean that guy didn’t even have a clue how to how to throw a a flagrant elbow but I mean it just it just shouldn’t happen I mean you should never be in that situation CJ gun in his brain should be thinking I what what can

I possibly do to earn more minutes because I know he thinks he deserves more minutes and he should be thinking what whatever he could possibly do and and that can’t register in your brain that me throwing a cheap shot elbow at somebody whether it connects or doesn’t connect is going

To get me more minutes well this is the game Indiana did not have uh their the best scorer on the team on the roster kle wear who was out with a lower leg injury that uh popped up in practice at some point uh before this game but Malik

Renew a great night for him uh eight rebounds to go along with 28 points 13 of 21 from the field three of four at the free throw line M imbak McKenzie imbak 17 points seven of seven at the free throw line four rebounds for him as

Well those two guys tried to pick up a slack for this team but it wasn’t quite enough yeah I mean it was just it’s asking a lot to begin with with a full roster and and I’m not making excuses every team deals with injuries and

That’s just the way it is but um you know Indiana you know it’s so hard because the Indiana finishes the game and the stats don’t look like what they look like for the meat and potatoes of the game for the for the part of the game

That got Wisconsin to a 14 15o lead and so you know you look and see Indiana at the end of the game ends up making six three-pointers okay but but I look I followed this stat throughout the game I mean I think they had three three-pointers you know in the first 30

Minutes of the game in the first part of the game when they’re not down 15 and and just trying to come back because obviously you’re going to shoot some more threes at the end of the game the issue was Wisconsin had taken one less shot than Indiana they’ only shot two

More free throws than Indiana but they had made six more three-pointers and in in this in the same number of shots and so you’re just like that’s the stat that I mean yeah you can you can say as a coach there’s a lot of other things that you did wrong

But those are that’s a true statement but you can’t you can’t keep fighting I mean you even heard if you said you listen to it you heard Robbie s humel saying it both of those guys said it in today’s college basketball you can’t win you can’t win consistently beating good

Teams when you only make five or less three-pointers that’s just where today’s basketball game is yeah and Indiana six to 14 on the night behind the arkc uh Gabe cups a good night for him three of three from the field overall he hit his only three-point attempt uh which has

Not been something we’ve seen a lot this year Malik Renu uh he is one of two this there was a time that he was wide open on one didn’t put it up waited hesitated didn’t put it up uh eventually and Robbie commented that uh you know why

Not put it up when you’re in in Rhythm right off the bat when you were open right and that’s something that reminded me I noticed nobody is really looking for this three-point shot on the team U not that I’m asking that that they force it but it just doesn’t seem like

Anybody’s really looking for the shot as they should be because mbako is the only one that’s confident like I’m mbako would shoot it from my living room if I gave him the ball and but he’s the only one that that’s you know a guy that’s out there looking for a shot and

And I’ll say the next probably aggressive guard at looking for his shot is is Xavier I mean the rest of them uh driving the ball I shouldn’t say that obviously CJ gun is but I I mean guys that are consistently going to be on the floor for 25 plus minutes and but

But you get a guy like Galloway and driving to the basket he’s aggressive at that but he doesn’t want to shoot three-pointers like you can you I’m I’m a shooter I know what Shooters look like and I know what I know when they look confident and he does not look confident

And he’s not obviously but not just singling him out because I know you’re talking about the rest of him yeah honestly coaches would never agree with this in a thousand years but I will tell you anytime that Malik or ambak or G Gabe cups or Galloway are open they should shoot

It because it’s it’s not that easy to come get a good offensive open shot on a possession and when you’re passing up good ones it’s not that easy to get a second good one this is a game that hurt Indiana not having kle Weare uh I don’t know that

That Wisconsin I think it well obviously it changes the game if if he’s in there for Indiana but I boy I think that Indiana would have maybe had the matchups that they wanted if they could have had kle wear in the lineup tonight and I think it would have drastically

Changed uh Poss be the outcome of this game yeah and and I mean we’re not like let’s just pretend like this is just two teams written on paper and it’s a game tomorrow and we’re not fans of who the team is like if you said the team’s leading scorer or second leading scorer

Wasn’t going to play forget the fact that he’s a rim protector and a shot blocker and you know is able to catch the ball and track to double team to get Guys open like forget all that part of it you just said that second leading score or leading score is not playing in

The game you would kind of expect the outcome the way that it is and and I think what we’re ex expecting because we saw it so many times when all of us our age were growing up was Indiana to overachieve Indiana to overcome those situations there were no excuses if

Somebody didn’t play it was just somebody else’s opportunity and um I think that’s the part of it that you know we’re the ones that need to adjust to that because that’s not that’s not really uh relevant to this team especially boy Don Fischer saying he is embarrassed of this ball club that is

Not something you’re going to hear very often and he’s seen plenty plenty games uh for the kman Crimson yeah well I mean I’m sure he’s referring to the annex that you have to I guess try to defend I mean you know I at some point these guys have got to figure it

Out now whether that comes from the coaching staff getting to them or whether that comes from the players just having their own meeting and realizing the opportunity they have in front of them and how you know they’re probably never going to understand how 30 years from now they’re going

To not feel great about the way they’ve handled this opportunity they have yeah and uh when it starts spreading like that you have to wonder what’s the mindset in the locker room what what’s the frust obviously there has to be frustration losing bears that borns that

But what is the true mindset do do they have the the ability to get through this to fight through this mentally to to keep keep fighting yeah I mean so and I don’t mean literally fighting on the court either yeah yeah we’ve seen enough of that I

Mean here here’s here’s the way I think this would be handled I think our old school Minds would want this to be handled is so the situation that happened tonight the coaches would hope and they have have enough spies that tell them what goes on in the locker room when

We’re not when they’re not in there that they would hope that that situation that happened tonight would be handled by the players the problem with that is is I’m not sure that Xavier has The credibility to be able to handle that the way that he should handle it so then it falls on

Trey Galloway and Trey Galloway is not really that kind of leader I think I’m not I hope that doesn’t come across negative there are all different kinds of leaders but that’s not really the kind of leader that Trey Galloway is and so then you I get I think you gotta drop

At that point all the way down to Malik Renu who’s really only in his second year and and you know he’s talking to somebody is same age not not like it’s an older guy or a super younger guy so these are the things that you would hope

Get handled in the locker room and if it’s not handled sufficiently then then the coaches I think need to get involved but Jim now we’re at a point like um you know Xavier kind of started it I guess I mean I I don’t want to put all

The blame on him but he kind of started it and now when you see this coming from CJ gun obviously it’s going to be addressed and it’s not going to be addressed in the first way I told you before of the players handling it because obviously the players didn’t and

Haven’t handled it yeah I there’s no doubt uh I mean I think I’ve started to see for quite some time now Malik Renu has been trying to be a leader I’ve seen him try to do it vocally in huddles uh I’ve seen it at home games he has

Definitely tried to step up he’s tried to do so by performance he tried to step up tonight and he did a hell of a job with that uh like I said 28 points 12 of 21 shooting Indiana shot the ball great 54% from the field uh Unfortunately they allowed Wisconsin to

Shoot 60% uh a telling stat in the first first half 10 made baskets one assist um probably a little bit little bit too much one-on-one play I guess yeah I mean in all seriousness the offense wasn’t the issue tonight I mean you gave up 91 points to

Wisconsin um I know it’s a little bit faster paced Wisconsin team than normal but but it’s not a 91o team and I I I’ll be surprised if unless it’s against Iowa or possibly Nebraska they have another game this year where they scor 91 points in in the Big 10 conference and so like

The the issue I I looked at the stats I I’m mad I didn’t take a screenshot of it but if you looked at the halftime stats for Wisconsin Not only was the bench scoring 15-2 but when you looked at everyone that scored so they had 10 players that

Got into the game nine of them scored only two of those nine Jim had two points I think I think almost everyone else else was there was out of nine guys I’m going to say at least four that had more than seven points like like they

Just they had a lot of scoring and and no one was in double figures I don’t think like it was one through nine guys that came in there you know all had a bucket and these were not um you know these were not given free throws that

Guys came in nine different guys scored in the first half for Wisconsin yeah yeah and look at look at their scoring it’s not like a guy had two points here like there’s a bunch of four and sevens and Y I remember looking at it at halftime and you’re like man they gave

Up a lot of points and you know 39 to 26 I mean you you can’t really look at look at the offense I mean 79 points minus 26 so if they score 53 in the second half you know that skews the numbers a little bit I mean Indiana’s not a 53 points and

A half type team um and so you know those numbers got skewed by it being out of reach and a blowout a little bit but the 91 points is the issue I mean that’s that’s not a 91 that’s not a a 91 Pace or 91 Point Pace team in Wisconsin

Well they sent Wisconsin to the free throw line 29 times of which they made 25 for 86% that’s pretty damn good shooting Indiana not a bad night especially by their standards 17 of 21 for 81% they just didn’t get there quite enough uh to make that up because everything else is

Pretty close turnovers Indiana with 10 Wisconsin with nine points off turnovers Indiana actually LED that by a bucket 15 to13 uh Indiana gets out rebounded by two uh offensive rebounds they actually have two more than Wisconsin which is is a bit of a change Second Chance points

13- 12 uh bench points again 14o difference right there there points in a paint as Indiana out did Wisconsin but Wisconsin uh a little bit better from the three-point l i I say read the three-point line and then you’re going to see a point 10 to 21 there for a nice

Crisp 48% Indiana though six to 14 again they statistically they had a great night but defensively I guess that’s where it just didn’t work go to to Indiana’s favor yeah and Indiana had Indiana had a good statistical night in every category except for three-point shooting and if the coaches say that

That’s not an important statistic then that’s that’s the way that this team is coached but when you look at the other team making four plus more three-pointers than you every game I mean you do the math I mean uh what was what was Wisconsin’s shooting in the

Game how many shots did they take overall 28 of 47 for 60% yeah Indiana took 52 shots so I mean you’re looking at Indiana and I know the free throws probably even that number out almost to being identical almost to exact and so then you come down to you

Know of those made baskets that are on there if four of them are are three-point field goals I mean that’s just giv you an extra point every time and it’s I mean I I don’t know I don’t know that we can expect and and I this is not me being critical Indiana fan

Because I’m repeating what Robbie hmel said which he’s repeating what you and I basically have said all year long is in today’s college basketball world if the three-point shot is not a pretty big part of your Arsenal then you’re going to struggle to win big games consistently that’s just the way that it

Is team is going to have to do that because not only do they have to stay out on the road they go to Illinois not only do they go go to Illinois Teran Shannon has been granted an injunction temporary restraining order against so that would allow him to play to return

To the Illinois team so that’s Illinois had been playing fine without him but now you get him back that’s probably going to make it even more difficult for that Indiana for the Indiana team when they travel there but what what did they need to do different just put up more

Three-pointers tonight because from a percentage standpoint at 40 43% that’s pretty D that’s really good shooting for for Indiana but you’ll take that all day long for anyone it’s just not enough six of 14 versus 10 of 21 yeah and I mean the the number of makes is the

Issue and I get it I know his his you know cute answer that he gives in that will’ll we’ll take more when we start making the ones that we take well I mean that’s that I know that’s cute answer but that’s not that’s not a the way it’s

Handled like that’s just not true you can’t win in college basketball today you cannot win consistently you can win games here and there you cannot win consistently against good teams if you make five or less three-pointers a game that’s just a fact so you got to start

Putting them up like yes you can’t make more unless you shoot more like I I get it uh Trey Galloway he missed a couple of wide open ones who who else can needs to start putting these shots up we obviously renew where renew where like I would put

Both of those guys out there and they would be greenlighted from the three-point line because all that’s going to do is drag think about if we had two inside guys that could also step out and make three-pointers like that’s a big deal I mean look at what happens

For other teams when their fourman is able to stretch the floor and get out and and drag those interior guys away it’s pretty hard to double team when you’ve got a cover Shooters and you know it’s it’s laughable when teams would I I could say that because it was such a

Limited number but teams would not double team against old Indiana teams they just wouldn’t and I’m not just talking about my teams like teams I grew up watching like they would not double team because you’re just leaving a shooter open and everyone knew at that point most of the people from Indiana

Can shoot I noticed on another possession uh the ball Wis to work the ball down into the post and then Gabe cops comes off of his man to double down in the post and I thinking what what the hell are you doing what are you gonna do

And then of course they kick it right back out and up comes a three-pointer uh do you really expect a six foot two guy to drop down and double down on the post is that is that going to work defensively yeah that’s not that’s not

That big of a deal to be honest with you like the size of the second roller sure it’s great if the second double teamer could come down and be long and athletic and all that of course too those guys are going to be more effective than a

6foot two guy but but it’s not that big a deal the problem wasn’t Gabe the problem was the rotation and that they highlighted another one on there that was I think Malik renew going down to double team and Xavier Johnson not rotating over to pick up his man and and

Then and you know people always say well if he leaves his man then his man will be open and that’s when the second rotation comes in Trey Galloway the next guy over all of those rotations should have been happening it’s not like a pass is made and then you all of a sudden

React to it like all of those rotations are already started way before the ball ever gets passed and so that’s that’s the part of it that Indiana I mean they gave up some wide open Shots tonight because they didn’t rotate very well yes I mean I I don’t know that I would say

That’s their biggest problem but it’s something they could clean up it’s something you could clean up after a game like this I mean you you handle rotations back but you’re always G like you’re not changing the double teamer that guy’s definitely going to double team from wherever he came

From defensively what is this team gonna have to do better uh as they can as they move forward be in charge like like dictate how how play is happening whether you’re trying to speed a team up or slow a team down um you know I I’ve said this for several games now it’s

Pretty obvious Indiana defensively reacts to whatever the offense is doing and instead of the defense you know dictating like like take a Syracuse for example like in my opinion the reason they played Zone all the time is because they controlled a lot of things that happened within playing a zone They

Controlled kind of the pace and where you could or couldn’t get the ball too easily but if you got good at beating all that it became pretty easy to beat a zone defense like that but that’s the reason why they played it because they were they could helped dictate how the

Game was going to be played and this team defensively doesn’t dictate anything they react to everything that’s going on you very seldom see us um you know surprise a team with like a run and jump or a double team or you know a changing defense or something like that

I mean that’s where I would go with this team right now I would go into a bunch of changing defenses and and if that sounds like I’m I’m grasping for straws I am I am because you just gave up 91 to Wisconsin I’m looking for I’m trying anything

Possible and and I think that’s where they’re at I mean I think we’re they’re at panic button time in my opin just save this without question uh km met uh eight of 11 from the field tonight not uh from behind the arc but he was five

Of seven from behind the ark which is uh that’s Todd lirry shooting that’s uh my jump shooting by the way don’t forget uh for those of you that uh do listen to this if you have someone or knows someone that uh kid guy girl whatever doesn’t matter that that needs

To wants to work on their jumpshot my Jump by Todd Larry yep that’s what you need get it straight get it right if you’re not satisfied trust me I’ll make it up to you he’ll make you he’ll make you a shooter uh too bad that we don’t have

Todd L’s and Pat grahams and all those kinds of Shooters on that on this team for a for the fans because man there’s just no one is just looking to take that shot like I said and you pointed out that the only one that has that confidence is is uh McKenzie

Mbako uh Malik renew has had seems like he had more confidence early on in the year I’m I’m not sure if he’s worried about providing a different role right now or what the case is little bit probably yeah there was something he’s just not putting up the shots that that

He normally would now maybe that would have hurt Indiana on the rebounding side with not having kle wear along him tonight yeah I mean and here’s something that I would like to see and and I I don’t think I don’t think I’m G to get

To see it but I mean I’d like to see mckeny and bako with a green light like a green green light so that no shots really a bad shot until further notice like I can yank that I can I can dim that green light a little bit as a coach

Later on but for now like if you’re putting up 11 threes a game let’s just see how that works you know let’s see let’s see what happens like if you maybe he becomes a three-point shooter like who knows but but I think it would stretch some defenses out especially

With kle I’d love to see him offensive rebounding with mbaka or I mean with uh Malik out there firing three-pointers dragging the second big guy out of the lane like I’d like to see that happen I’d like to see them Zack Ed maybe get a over the back foul because he’s trying

To block you know we got somebody that’s trying to get an offensive rebound like those are the situations like I’m I want to see something different you know what I don’t want to see I don’t want to see the next game us come out and run the

Exact same thing and expect a different result because if if we go shoot you know if we shoot 60% and make six of 10 three-pointers we’re most likely not going to win that game on 28 made shots tonight by Wisconsin they have 14 assists on 28 made shots Indiana has seven assists uh

What do you take from that number yeah I mean there was a lot of um you know dribbling into shots on your own like without there being assist stuff um assist opportunities um but you know that stat is is sometimes skewed like I would say in a game like this it’s

Skewed if you look at I I would have told you that I thought Wisconsin had a lot more assist than that it seemed maybe the the stat guy was tired or something I don’t know man I’m not saying that’s not true it just seemed like both teams were a little light in

The assist category but Indiana also you know anytime you get Malik he’s going to cut down a team’s assist uh numbers quite a bit because he takes so many dribbles and backs his guy in and there’s never going to be an assist on something on a play like that and so

I mean look what he he had 12 of our field goals tonight and you know probably probably eight of those were not assisted at least maybe maybe 10 of those were not assisted because he just backs his guy down those are not assists no matter who gave it to him at the end

Of the day what was the difference between winning and losing for Indiana tonight um I’ll say partial toughness partial uh Team um discipline confidence you know I think Wisconsin feels great about themselves I think Indiana is laughing having a great time on the bench yeah I mean they’re they’re they’re questioning themselves there’s no doubt about it no one no one likes to lose no one likes I Wisconsin was

Laughing having a great time on you know I got you I’m just saying like this this Indiana team is um they’re not confident and fun and and you know there’s not the positive touches that you would want to see I mean there was a play tonight um

Man who made the free throw I can’t think of who made the free throw one of the Indiana player Oh Xavier Johnson made a free throw and you know how it’s kind of become a little funky game now you even saw Edie do it in the game when

There was no one on the free throw line where you go up and you give five to both guys then you give five to both guys behind you like you see that all the time well Xavier Johnson made a free throw late in the first half and I think

Um McKenzie and Bako hit him five and that was it and is that a small stupid little thing yes is that maybe positive touches I know you talk about tell yeah does that have a tell on where this team is inside the locker room maybe I’m not sure but I

Noticed it you know I notice I notice positive touches a lot um you can tell a lot about a team when it’s there there’s fake positive touches too I know I know what those look like too but when your team’s connected and really feeling good about how they’re playing together and

What another guy’s doing and another guy successes or a great play that just happened or a good rotation on defense like you can see it like it’s it’s pretty obvious and I can I’m not saying there’s a problem but I’m telling you this this team ranks very low in

Positive touches with amongst each other on a basketball floor uh 63 points for the Wisconsin guards coming out there on the perimeter that that is something Indiana’s had problems defending all year we talk about the the number of three-pointers they’ve given up uh which they do so we

Again to tonight giving up 10 of those but uh there have been games they’ve given up a lot more than that this late in the season it still seems like they’re a step behind defensively getting to guys that that they should be closing out on yeah I mean the only

Thing that I can really I’m just going to double down off on my last comment I mean you’re connected and you are playing for the next guy like you’re all playing for each other you have one common goal out there and that’s what defense is like defense is being one

Unit I mean you got five guys out there that make up a unit and and you make it as tough to score as possible and if that’s your goal every time down the floor um you’re going to be successful at it more often than you think and so I

Don’t see that connectivity with this team like that’s those are positive touches when when you’re playing for another guy you know I stop running over and picking a guy up off the floor you know what I want to see the team now that just makes everybody else pick

Themselves up like knock it off like everybody’s a baby now they won’t get off the floor without somebody helping them up that’s not a positive touch okay that’s not it sure it’s GNA fall in the category but everybody does that like it’s to nauseum everyone does that I

Don’t need four guys to go lift a guy up off the floor and so th that’s fake hustle that’s fake camaraderie or whatever you want I call it but but this team this team doesn’t have the typical positive touches like the ones at the free throw line I’m talking about or you

Know just when a when you miss there’s a positive touch when I miss a rotation and I tell a guy we’re running down the court I dap a guy hey my bad I didn’t get there quick enough like that’s a positive touch like negative play positive touch and you you don’t see

That out of this team like this team I see I see a lot of resentment for playing time I see guys when they don’t hustle they’re not being yelled at by other guys on the team or you know and I can pull out one EXC one example of that but if I watch

The film I could pull out a ton of examples of that and and we’re getting out hustled you should never get out hustled a team that’s grinding the way this team should be grinding for a win if there’s one thing you should not be at the end of a game it’s out

Hustled Kayla Banks was in the game five minutes and uh uh I was like all I could think about was boy I’m glad I’m not in the same room with Todd lirry right now uh just got lost on defense and gives up an easy easy bucket yeah I mean you know I think

Caleb has Caleb um could have a a real value to a team that is surrounded by a bunch of Shooters I mean this is not all Caleb’s fault right now I don’t think for how ineffectively he’s playing I I think the issue right now is like when

He’s on the floor you know a lot of times it’s with Walker and um CJ gun and Gabe CBS and and he’s needed to be a scorer like he’s needed to be um you know able to to score and get some points and Caleb’s more of a hustle guy

Um playing on a team with a bunch of Shooters around him Welly he could have a massive impact I mean he’s he’s very similar to what Joan Morgan was for IND in his first couple of years and look what Joan Morgan ended up being I mean

Him as a freshman he was lost I know I’m a Joan Morgan fan loved him when he finished I love I love that he’s having success now but watch him as a freshman he was lost and I know kaleb’s not a freshman anymore but I mean he’s young

In his career definitely young in his minutes uh Sparks might have the water skills of a buffalo but that Buffalo was skating tonight man how about that steel and taking it in I was was like Wow Hey Big Man Rumble big man Rumble yeah he he

Uh that was an impressive move that he made there and and you know it’s you he would be an really interesting um podcast at the end of the season like after everything’s over to analyze like you know he was the man at Ball State I

Mean he was the go-to guy he was the leading scorer he was the leading minute getter like he was the go-to guy and and I’d love to hear his take a year later after transferring to a bigger school on TV more often play bigger games a lot

More notoriety you have a good game it’s going to get talked about on Sports Center um like I I would like to hear his opinion of The Limited minutes he has now versus you know that I know that’s irrelevant to this particular game but I think that’d be interesting

To hear his take on that um I I know that uh from a coaching standpoint there’s probably not a lot that uh you can say but right now with where they are it doesn’t seem like they’re improving o other than the statistically tonight they surely did

But it kind of looks like the same movie We’re watching the same movie uh each time we go to the theater yeah and you know that’s one of those that you look at I mean sorry excuse me to look at the numbers here but that’s one that you look at and you’re like

Okay I don’t know what the average number of field goal attempts is in a game but but my guess is it’s going to be higher than 52 so the issue is not the percentage it’s it’s the only the number of 28 field goals made I mean and

So but but also go back and say 79 points for this Indiana team like they cannot possibly expect to score more than that it was the 26 in the first half I think that killed him and and it is a it’s a different game I I don’t you

Don’t understand this if you or you’ve never played before if you don’t understand this that starting the second half down by 13 we scored 53 points in the second half I mean we sh We we played pretty darn good that’s as good a half as I think we can expect to have offensively

And we still lost the game by 12 points you you dig that 13-point hole in the first half man that’s why I think I get so shocked when I see teams come back and win nowadays after being down by that many because I’ve been down 12 15

Points before in games and it feels like you’re getting killed like destroyed so to be down 13 and a half I mean that’s a gigantic it it’s like what happened Indiana had it at 90 run and and what did what did that end up cutting it to like seven like I I

Can’t remember what it got to I’m usually got within seven and then of course Wisconsin hits big three that’s the hard part though only cutting it to seven if that cuts it to one even or gives you a lead and then they come down and make a big three or

Whatever it’s different but when it when you can make that huge run and the team makes one basket and the lead goes back to 10 I mean you’re you’re you’ve got to have a perfect half at that point not only do you have to put the 53 number up

You got to have a perfect defensive half in the second half and they obviously didn’t have that I mean they scoring 53 points in the second half we should be talking about some of the positives that took place in that and there really weren’t any I mean Malik Malik played

Really well that’s that’s about the extent of the positives you can go with and and his he was forced he probably did not he didn’t want to take 21 Shots tonight love to but he would love to but I mean that’s not that’s not gonna be

Typical for Indiana if it is we’re in real bad shape going forward now they’ll travel they’ll actually have almost a week golf in between games so I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing well coming off these last two losses um I

Will just tell you back in the day it would be a bad thing um I personally yes yeah yeah I mean this would be a week of practice that we talked about when we were 53 like this would be a toughy um but you know I I don’t know I

Mean what the difference was be we would never expect to lose you know a home game last week and then a game on the road to Wisconsin like that and so um I you know I don’t know I don’t I don’t even really know how that would be taken

Like it would be such a shock I think we’d be watching so much film it would be crazy as they prepare now they have to hit the road when they do get back out and travel to uh take on an Illinois team team that like I said they lost

Teren Shannon they were playing okay still now they’re getting him back and they have a game in between the Indiana game and and now they play Sunday I forget who against not sure if tan Teran Shannon plays in that game or not but he’s going to be practicing unless

Something changes and yeah most likely he’s going to be playing against Indiana yeah I mean they play ruers on Sunday I think and and uh I heard them say tonight that he was to play in the game I think and so but but you know here here’s the and I’m not I want

Indiana to win that game yes but I’m I’m not like rooting bad things on on their team to happen or whatever but I mean there there are some issues in taking a guy away and bringing a guy back especially a guy that has the ball in

His hands for a team as much as Terence Shannon um I honestly believe like this he was there and then they took him away and then now he’s back but they’re not sure how long he’s going to be back I mean the the whole issue of that could

Have a negative impact on that Illinois team I I don’t I don’t necessarily think I I’m sure they wanted to have him back I’m sure they wish they’d have never lost him but I’m not sure it’s going to have the positive impact that you would think it

Would uh and so what does this Indiana team going to have to do to take on the Ali they uh have been a team that has been very very solid under Brad Underwood he’s probably one of the more underrated coaches in the Big 10 yeah I would agree with that um I

Think he he gets he’s getting a really good transfer product it seems like on on an annual basis so he’s doing a good job with that constructing his team um and and they’re playing pretty well together I mean there he’s getting a lot out of them so yeah I I would agree with

You you know I the answer to the question of of what does this Indiana team do like I I’ll tell you what I think they should do I think they should go with I’m not sure if you had them all sit down individually where they couldn’t see the other guy and said I

Want you to write down on a piece of paper what’s the identity of this basketball team I’m not sure you get very many of the same answers I’m not sure they’re sure what their identity is and so if it were me at this point I would create that identity like if I

Were the coach if I were the coaching staff I would create that identity and what I would do with this team I’d speed them up like crazy and I we’d shoot we’d shoot so many three-pointers you couldn’t believe it and would we have games we lost by 30 yes but would we

Figure out a different way to play and an identity and then if we were able to identify that and slow it down later in the season that’s the only way I see this team able to make a run in the Big 10 tournament I I think that’s the only

Way they’re gonna make the NCA tournament is winning that big 10 tournament I mean unless there’s some drastic change um but I mean that’s what I would do I would speed this team up I’d have Malik renew shooting 10 three-pointers a game I’d have kle wear shooting eight three-pointers a game we

Would become a fastpac get up and down the floor team I mean it’s working for a team like Nebraska and we have much more athletically gifted players than Nebraska so you ask you ask me that’s what I would do because Jim look he definition of insanity we’re going to put the same

Product out there on the floor next week and we’re going to get the same result but we’re going to expect a different one and who’s the crazy one at that point yeah and I don’t want to throw Ken P’s name out there like he is the end

All Beall but does uh he’s kind of like Vegas man he’s pretty accur he’s pretty in there he’s pretty in the ballpark and he’s projects Indiana to to lose 12 out their last 13 games he’s already won on the board but even if they uh they win

Three out of 10 or whatever that’s still you know that’s that’s a nine and 23 Mark at the end of the season and that is nothing close to what anybody would have expected hey here here’s what’s great about Ken Pal’s projections is if the team starts playing a lot

Better then his Pro changes get a lot better get a lot better like all of a sudden Indiana starts playing really well and then it still sticks with that old projection like oh man look how wrong he was no if they start playing really well they get they move up the

Ladder with that and and so that’s why the projections that’s why they have some credibility because what they’re predicting is based on the way this team is playing right now and I don’t I don’t know who’s going to argue with you that they’re going to have a much different

Record than that if they play the way they’re playing right now like we’re all hoping that they play better right like it’s there’s a lot of things to fix and clean up shoot better do all the different things put all that together for 40 minutes like that’s what we’re

All hoping for to start happening on a consistent basis and we’re not crazy enough to think if we just go out there next week you know and because it’s a road game okay it’s okay to lose it but then when we come back home again we put

That same product on the floor we’re gonna expect it to win just because we’re at home no it doesn’t work that way nope and exactly as you said they they have to do something different because they doing what they’ve been doing and it ain’t working we beat this

Horse yeah this horse is is tapped out so yeah it’s in my opinion it’s time to try something different it’s time to do uh it’s it’s it’s pretty much proving like I’m not I don’t think I’m throwing some hot take out there saying we need to do something different like no no the

Proofs in the pudding after uh you’ve played uh 19 games right you’ve played every level of of of T don’t have a single a single quad one win like that is goose eggs goose eggs Goose kind of stuff you say against you say about a team that plays in like

The American comp the Mac this is a Mac they don’t have the they don’t have the opportunity to get very many quad one wins but man this is uh this is tough to defend This Record like I’ll just it’s tough to defend this team right now with the talent that they have

With potential two NBA players on her right now it’s tough it it really is I mean it it I I think there’s a lot more to the positive touch you know team chemistry um situation than than than what we all know I mean we’re not there on a daily basis but but I

Know I know I know if the CJ gun thing is not handled tonight within their own team meeting with not having to have a coach present if that’s not handled that way then then there’s a this this team’s not going to recover I don’t think there’s there’s a bigger problem than what we

Know about I certainly agree with you Todd lirry from my jump don’t forget if you uh have a kid or know of someone boy girl doesn’t matter needs help with that Jay my jump toddler will get you taken care of and of course who’s

Your Hanks make sure you stop by see hi to B Benny and the guys uh get the Jimbo special oh man I wish I had one of those pizzas right now I can tell you that for certain can’t wait to get back out there to get that and then uh I’m back on

Monday to do it again with Indiana sportsbeat radio as always gigantic thanks to Todd lirry for taking his time to uh educate us a little bit as little as he as best he can and uh until we do it again for Todd I’m Jim Coyle thanks

To each and every one of you until the next time I will see you on the radio


  1. make that ..20…straight losses at Wisconsin….this team may not win another game….but not to worry Woodson is going to get them over the.."hump"…lol.. can't shoot…can't rebound…can't play defense….can't make FT's…can't defend the three…what did i miss ?…a sad and lost bunch….i'm an old guy and i go back many years with IU BB but i can't listen or try to watch anymore. i do check the scores not to see if they won but to see how much they lost by.

  2. This was pathetic, blue bloods don't lose 20 in a row to a mid, I don't care where it is. I'm disgusted. I agree with Don Fischer. Sorry for even mentioning that nickname moniker.

  3. I say you need 8 made 3 pointers with 10 or less turnovers and out rebound the other team. That will put you in the game if not win it. Just hit your free throws. But IU is horrible with team defense.

  4. This was one of IUs finest shooting performances of the season and they still get rolled by 12. The Hoosiers shot 54% from the field, 43% from the 3 and 81% from the line. If they shot their usual percentages it would have been a 30 point loss. Poor defense lost this one. As an IU alum I am very proud of my school but embarrassed with the men's basketball team.

  5. Steve Alford will take Nevada to sweet 16 . Great time for him to leave Nevada and take over IU next year . I know IU would shoot 80% from foul line. Better beyond the Arc too. Just saying. IU did shoot 54% . You can shoot 60% , but is you can't hit free throws , or shoot a 3 , or rebound , you still lose game.

  6. I appreciate Todd's comments tonight. I don't know if we will ever know the real reason for the problems with this team. Question for Todd or Jim if you know. At what point do former Players say to Mike Woodson this is unacceptable? Thank you.

  7. It obvious to see this team isn’t tight, they don’t all hang out together . Compare their body language to other top teams. You have a mix of guys who are highest NIL offer recruits, and then some true Indiana team guys

  8. X and CJ Gunn should be gone ~ Clean out your locker ~ Coach Woodson will let it pass just as he did with Xaiver… He has lost control of his locker room.

  9. Teams dont become great teams without quality distributors up top. Stat of the night for me – 7 assists in 40 minutes.

  10. They need to set screens for Mgbako to get open looks, but that's not going to happen in a Woodson offense. Woodson doesn't care about perimeter shooting. If he did, he would have got better shooters in the portal. It's not part of his offense so it's not going to any better when/if Liam McNeely gets there next yr

  11. Great show and really appreciate Todd Leary’s valuable insight and candid commentary as a former Hoosier great!

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