Do This Pete Cowen Drill for 5 Mins to Fix Your Swing

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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Let’s talk about a drill now the idea on this drill is it’s going to give you immediate feedback whether you’re sequencing the down swing correctly or incorrectly and it’s a super simple drill if you can do this this exercise this means that you have got the correct

Idea about the down swing if you can’t do this then this means you’ve got the incorrect idea about the downswing and all you need to do and we’re taking again I love taking a little bit of inspiration from either a tour professional or a golf coach and we’re

Really very focusing on Pete so Pete Caren talks a lot about loading and unloading the lead arm and what we’re doing in today’s video is we’re going to take inspiration from P ceron but we are going to swing the club singlehandedly and you’re going to swing it single-handedly with your lead hand and

You’re going to see exactly the reason why now what should happen in the golf swing and particularly this exercise we’re going to hold it lead hand only so we need to lift our arm up okay and that is a composition of two movements one lifting two bringing it across your

Chest so you’re going to do both of those movements to get the club into a good position as you swing back now what you’ll notice is as you allow your hands to lift this will help you encourage a nice bit of rotation but we’re not going to Overkill the turn okay we’re just

Going to lift our hands into a nice place and then all you’re going to do is you’re going to drop your arms down as you turn through okay and you’re going to notice how important those two movements are because if you lift your arms up and you just drop them down

That’s absolutely fine and what you’ll notice is you’re able to get the club to strike where the ball would be and that would be a good thing to do to start off with so just lift your arm up Drop it Down results aren’t going to be anything

Fantastic as long as you can get the club on the back of the golf ball initially that is really good now what you should notice is if you’re focusing keeping your lead arm straight which you would do your lead arm can only go so

Far okay now what you have to do is if I now turn because the rotation moves the shoulder that means my arms can finish nice and high and you know when we see the Tor PR and they finish nice and high and the club looks this way that’s how

You’re going to do it you’re going to get that Movement by focusing very much on your arms going up and down and then up down as you turn with it and if you can do that you should be able to produce some decent contacts lead hand only you’re obviously not going to get

The same distance as you would if you were doing it two-handed but the point is that you should be technically very sound and you should be able to produce decent strike on the back of the ball pretty much each and every time now if you’ve got the wrong idea so a student

Of mine was convinced that he was supposed to move the upper body more over lower body in the back swing and then keep and then start his down swing like this to shallow out the club all this is going to do is going to get you

Really stuck and you’re not going to be able to get the club off the back of that ball or even if you do you’re going to be so Scoopy and stuck behind it it’s not going to work so this drill is perfect it’s really simple it’ll give you instant feedback and then eventually

If you were to do this exercise with two hands you can get the same feeling of arms up turn as you drop your arms down and you’re going to be amazed how simple the swing really is see you soon


  1. Randomly came across you and love your content. Would really enjoy seeing you play some. But understand this is more of a coaching channel. Keep up the good work, love how you break things down

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