Buying Your 1st Set of Beginner Golf Clubs | Step-by-Step Guide

🏌️‍♂️ Are you ready to dive into the world of golf but feeling overwhelmed by the choices in golf clubs? Look no further! This video, “Buying Your 1st Set of Beginner Golf Clubs,” is your ultimate guide to making an informed and smart decision.

🔍 What We Cover:

Understanding Golf Club Costs: We demystify the price range – from budget-friendly to premium sets, and what you really get for your money.

Quality and Design Insights: Learn about the build quality, design, power, and forgiveness of different golf clubs.

Spending Wisely on Golf Clubs: Tips on how to balance cost and quality. We discuss why super cheap isn’t the way to go and how to find value in your purchase.

Choosing the Right Brands: We explore the best brands for beginner golf clubs and provide a handy list for your reference.

Longevity of Beginner Clubs: Discover how long beginner golf clubs last and the technology behind them.

Shaft Material Choices: The pros and cons of steel vs. graphite golf shafts, and who should choose which.

Club Head Design Explained: Understanding the importance of cavity back heads and the sizing of drivers and woods for beginners.

Custom-Fit Clubs – Are They Necessary? We address the question of custom fitting for beginners and provide additional resources.

New vs. Second-Hand Clubs: The benefits and drawbacks of buying new or used golf clubs in today’s market.

👍 Whether you’re a complete novice or just looking to upgrade your gear, this video is packed with essential tips and advice to help you make the best choice for your golfing journey.

Useful Links:
Up To Date top picks:

9 Best Golf Clubs For Beginners [2024]

Custom-fit measurement

Buying your first set of golf clubs can feel like a big decision they’re expensive and there’s a lot of complicated terms out there in this video we’re going to go through helping you step-by-step buying a first set of golf clubs and answering your questions what’s the difference between

Cheap golf clubs and more expensive golf clubs when you’re looking at beginner golf sets build quality and design tends to be the key factors that separates cheaper golf clubs and more expensive golf clubs what does this mean for you as a golfer tends to mean that the more

Expensive golf clubs are a little bit more forgiving particularly in the irons and the hybrids and woods and then we tend to see that the driver in more expensive golf clubs is a little bit more powerful and a little bit more forgiving are cheaper golf clubs going

To mean that you can’t use them at all absolutely not but as a professional we certainly notice these differences when we tend to give better equipment to beginners we just tend to see that them learning the game tends to be a little bit easier and it tends to make the game

A little bit more fun as well if You’ got the right equipment for you how much should you spend on golf clubs it’s a tricky one to answer but what we would say is avoid super cheap golf clubs if you see a full set for around £300 $300 they tend to be quite

Poor quality once you get up to about £500 $500 we tend to see some really good gear on the market and you can get some great equipment for your money there when you’re spending more than that and you’re getting up towards £1,000 there is certainly uh diminishing

Returns in terms of what you get for your money it becomes a little bit more about preference if you are trying to save money look for sets with fewer golf clubs in them this sounds strange however if you have fewer golf clubs they tend to be able to invest more more

Into the quality of those golf clubs what are the best brands of beginner golf clubs this is something a lot of golfers want to know and in reality there’s loads of good choices out there to keep this up to date what we’ll do is we’ll drop some links below

And keep them up to date throughout the season and throughout the years to make sure you’ve got the best equipment for you how long will beginner golf club last year this is something that surprises many beginner golfers but if you buy some good quality beginner golf clubs they’ll last you all the way

Through your 20 handicaps potentially down into when you’re a teen handicap and playing regular golf in that time you may want to change the driver add a different wedge in or something but the basic equipment is good enough to actually keep you progressing as a golfer for quite a few

Years do you need steel or graphite shafts this is something so many beginner golfers asked I’m going to clear it up right now every golfer should have graphite shafts in their woods and Driver graphite shars mean that you can make the overall Club a lot lighter and that means that you can

Swing it faster and hit the ball further with the same amount of force you’ll see even golfers like Tiger Woods Roy maoy who swing incredibly quickly have graphite shafts in their Woods if you buy good quality set beginner golf clubs you’ll find that as standard they tend

To have graphite shafts in the woods and drivers where it gets a little bit more nuanced is what you want in your irons and wedges most golfers can do really well with steel shars in the irons and wedges however if you have a slower swing speed and you’re trying to max out

Distance you may tend to find that graphite shafted irons and wedges not only allow you to hit the ball further but actually allow you to control the golf club better as you make your gol s graphite shafts are expensive so if you are buying a complete graphite shafted

Set you are looking to pay about1 to £150 more for that golf equipment do you need custom fit golf clubs the answer for most golfers around 80% of golfers will be absolutely fine with normal standard golf clubs you may find if you are tall or slightly on the

Short side that custom fit golf clubs allow you to set up to the ball a little bit better and actually feel a little bit more comfortable when you play golf many golfers think that height is the key factor here but actually the key predictor of whether you need custom fit

Golf clubs is wrist distance to the ground if you are quite tall but you have long arms you may be fine with custom fit golf clubs on the other side you could be very short but have quite short arms and again normal size golf clubs are absolutely fine for you we’ll

Drop a link below so you can read more about this should you buy new golf clubs or are you best looking at secondhand golf clubs 15 years ago when I started coaching golf you would always tell people to buy secondhand golf clubs you could get way

More for your money and new golf clubs were really expensive and not necessarily designed for beginners however you now have so many more great options on the market for beginner complete sets and they’re actually really good value and good quality buying secondhand golf clubs and buying your irons driver Woods putter all

Separately does give you a little bit more chance CH to customize your bag and get slightly different things however you do have to be a little bit more careful you have to be a little bit more careful in terms of looking at the shlex that you’re buying um the condition of

The golf club and some small little details that may actually make it a little bit less forgiving buying new golf clubs on the other hand is a little bit easier it is a little bit more expensive and you don’t get the customization that you would buying secondhand however you can be quite

Certain that if you buy a good set of beginner golf clubs everything is there ready for you to start golf and all of the equipment is going to be suited for you as a beginner if you like a complete video on buying secondhand golf clubs drop a comment below and we’ll create a

Video for You that wraps up our guide on buying beginner golf clubs if you want to check out our top recommendations at the moment check the links below we’ll keep them up to date and feel free to ask any questions in the comment section

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