Golf Players

ISB 1/16/2024: Joined by Mike DeCourcy, Michael Niziolek, Chronic Hoosier, & Casey Bartley

#iubb #boilerup #nflplayoffs #b1g

Welcome to Indiana sportsbeat radio presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington no your roll and shut your mouth you De Bron fires upfield into the end zone and it’s caught jalani Woods touchdown 43 night for tyres halber how do you like that partner yoway drives all the

Way to the hole throws it up got it indi’s got their first lead of this contest simple I win Google me now from the golf club at Eagle Point Studios here’s your host Jim Co hello everybody Welcome AB board appreciate you being with us of course Indiana Sports Beed powered by Andy Mo

Honda and we are back on this beautiful beautiful frigid Tuesday January 6 16th I hope everyone’s having a wonderful day it is a uh big day for basketball of course Purdue Indiana will be tangling tonight at the Simon Scott of Sibly Hall in a uh battle for second place in the Big

10 right now as those two teams are tied for that spot uh but that doesn’t matter it’s Purdue and Indiana so uh you’ve got that going for you which is nice Ken Palm has Indiana at number 91 and projected to lose 12 out of their final 14 games but

We’ll see about that we’ll he from Mike Woodson Tampa Bay last night these NFL playoffs have been uh wacky uh Houston just destroys Cleveland and Tampa Bay destroyed Philadelphia 35 39 to9 last night um Baker Mayfield the forber Cleveland quarterback having a great time Grand Canyon remember them they’re 30th in the

AP poll that’s uh that’s something uh of course we’re going to have a full schedule for you today Mike to Cory from the sporting news and Big 10 Network joins us Mike nasck from the Bloomington Herald times kronic hooer as well and uh Casey barley along today

John he most certainly is to give us the Purdue perspective on tonight’s match mat up so we’ve got it all we got it all covered looking forward to it uh it is a uh a Blustery Day of course another Blustery Day out there weatherwise it uh is

A b it’s a baly five degrees right now how about them apples I like them apples I think people need to learn to appreciate the winter time a little more Man this ain’t winter this is Arctic bro this is Arctic uh so what is winter what

Was it need to be like in the 40s just above freezing is that what people think winter is it’s not what they think it is it’s this sucks I’m just gonna tell you bro this here and I get it I understand why people dislike it especially for

Several days in a row where it’s like this I get it but I don’t know what it is I guess it’s just something in in my nature that I just enjoy I love looking outside love looking out the window and seeing the snow on the ground and it it

Brings a different kind of brightness that you don’t really get at different times of the year you can have that brightness at 30 two degrees that’s true but here’s the thing though whenever you have snow and it’s right around2 degrees it does but it also doesn’t you let’s if it’s sunny and

It’s right at 32 the surface level temperature melts the snow away even though it’s still below 32 that’s the way it works sometimes philli I have been outside you can tell me to go outside I have been outside a few times yeah that’s nobody’s on the same page with

You but I appreciate your take it’s okay I like to share it because it’s it’s a different take I feel like most people hate the winter time at least around here I I I I really don’t hate it it doesn’t bother me at all it’s not hating

The winter time it’s hating single digit temperatures there’s just a certain coziness about it Jim that you don’t get whenever it’s just 30 degrees it feels different it feels different when you’re up on the couch you know you shouldn’t be outside you get a couple blankets light a candle or two watch your

Favorite TV show watch a basketball game a football game there’s something different about doing it in this kind of weather than when it’s not like this and again maybe it’s just me it probably is just me but I wanted to share that either way

I I’m glad you uh I’m glad to have you on the couch and uh let you share those things how how’s how’s your life going how’s everything else going how are you feeling everything else is great are you feeling okay is everything you feeling postive I’m trying to bring

A positive perspective to this they they said yesterday Jim there’s what they call Blue Monday the third Monday in January they nickname Blue Monday because it’s supposed to be or supposedly the most depressing day of the year for most of Americans I guess how was life with your father John how

How was your relationship everything is great how do how do you talk to your mother still I talk to my I’m in great relationship with my entire family I’m just kidding ah happy Tuesday everybody happy Tuesday happy freaking Frozen Tuesday popsicle Tuesday we appreciate everybody jumping on the Andy Mor Honda

Hotline already Fred John Las Vegas Larry Mike Southern W bash County Fred Roberts Phillip Ed Kevin Drew good thing we didn’t do at NFL playoff pick him he said he’d be one in five and he was so somebody who was at the top all year long yeah this has been

A wacky we should have done that but this has been a wacky playoffs man I mean not only some teams winning that you don’t expect they’re just kicking the crap out of the other teams these scores are wild Houston putting up uh 45 points and one you haven’t mentioned you

You didn’t even mention the Packers beating the Cowboys 48- 32 that was the pack or that was the Cowboys first loss at home all season long and they lose to the Packers who aren’t bad obviously but I mean when you when you have the reputation that you have for the season

And you let somebody who’s squeaked into the playoffs do that to you I mean the Cowboys fans are fed up well I mentioned this yesterday that was their they were down 27 to nothing at halftime the largest half halftime home playoff deficit since 1969 I I think that they they were only a

I’m trying to remember when their franchise even started I I think it was in the early 60s when Dallas became a football team my old roommate um Vince Fischer his dad was on that team amazingly enough hello Derek from Owensboro appreciate you John on from Southport Caleb uh let’s

See oh yeah Kevin says coach Signet was good with Don on the coach’s show he is confidence good times from football there’s no doubt he’s got confidence are you kidding me I’d call it a little bit more than confidence but uh yeah I didn’t get a

Chance to listen to that I wished I would have but I’ll have to go back and try to find it um Mike also enjoyed it tonight Indiana a nine and a half Point Underdog at home has to be one of the biggest numbers in re that’s the biggest number

In recent memory now I don’t know that that doesn’t count during the the dark period as I call it Lil Roadie was here that was those were just the dark times Drew says this weather’s great for ice fishing and now that he’s a grumpy old man great movie by the way

John I bet you have no idea what we’re referencing I I know grumpy old man but whoa I haven’t seen it haven’t seen it though dude you were missing out it’s maybe one day doing with your life when I’m when I’m older and retired if I

If I’m lucky enough to get to retire maybe I’ll finally sit down and watch all the movies I missed back whenever I was I guess what what have you been doing with your life how do you miss that many movies I I’ve just never been

A movie person and and it’s not that I don’t like certain movies there are certain movies that I really really like like for example I think it was last year or a year and a half ago top gun Maverick I watched that and that ended up being probably one of the best movies

I’d ever seen and again I don’t have a big as as big of a quantity to base that off of as some other people but there are just certain movies that hit with me and and many many that don’t I’m just not as big of a movie buff as some

People are D Way’s here I I I’ll be honest with you I don’t think I I haven’t seen that movie yet either the new Top Gun yeah if you like the first one it’s definitely worth seeing the second one again I would I would go as far as to say and it

Probably doesn’t mean anything coming from me but the the second Top Gun is one of my favorite movies of all time oh wow there you go so uh yeah I remember that Drew says uh winter of 77 the Ohio River froze solid in Cincinnati I I remember standing albeit just with one

Foot on the Ohio River as a kid wow I I remember it froze and I just had to do it and I had to put my foot on it so I could say I I walked on water is that accurate I I think you you did some variation of that for sure it’s

It’s frozen water but it’s still water right it is so there you go yeah I I how wacky is that to be able to say wild and wacky you wild and wacky I I walked on the Ohio River that that’s crazy to think about how a River a moving River of that size

Because there are rivers that are small much smaller they’ll have the Ohio river is not one of those it’s you know I don’t know exactly how wide that stretch is I mean quarter of a mile maybe but that’s a that’s that’s a big width but it’s not just the width it’s

Moving it’s constantly moving so how how that happened I’m going to have to research that how does a moving River freeze but I recall that so this is yeah this is not that for sure uh the AP polls out of course been out came out uh late yesterday I believe

Yukon ascends to the throne of number one the reigning National Champion very shocked at his has taking them this long to get up to that number one spot I really really am uh Purdue drops down to number two after being knocked off at the number one spot uh again number three

Kansas Kansas is just not they’re a good team but we saw them play in Bloomington I I just don’t see them as the number three team in the country unless if that’s the number three team in the country then things are a lot more moderate than one would

Think one minute North Carolina Houston breakout the top five Houston’s one of the top teams as well followed by Tennessee Duke Kentucky Baylor Memphis Wisconsin number 11 and where is Illinois number 14 so you’ve got Purdue at number two Wisconsin at number 11 and Illinois number 14 those are Indiana’s next three

Opponents by the way so you want to talk about the toughest stretch in Indiana basketball this season there you go they’re about to step into the beginning of it we’ve got lots more coming up including the great Mike to Cory from the sporting news and Big 10 Network back with him

Right after this we’ll be right back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda Bloomington in the good morning Mike Mike you look all snuggled up baby oh it’s cold outside you notice that I’m telling you I’m

Telling you that’s what we were talking about it sucks I was advocating for the cold weather I I I have a strange appreciation for it oh my God you gotta be kidding me Sunday night after we finished Big 10 Basketball and Beyond I had instead of going straight

Back to the hotel I had the Uber drop me off with the Chipotle that is that is one block from the hotel one block from the hotel and I am telling you that by the time I got back to the hotel your food was cold no I mean it was miserable one

Block and I had in Chicago I I had a Canada Goose on even cuz my wife bought it for me for Christmas last year for days like that and it was still miserable yeah I just I just when it gets down you know there’s the difference between cold and what

That is that’s not cold that that’s that’s that’s something from from outer space man what I don’t understand is why they were talking about moving the Chiefs game when it wasn’t even one of the it wasn’t even the coldest game on record you had I think there was at least two

Other games that were colder oh yeah the uh the the ice bowl and the freezer Bowl it was much so why would they I mean I guess we’re in a different kind of society now but I don’t know I guess I I I I was surprised that there was any

Conversation about it given that it never happened before uh in that in that regard um you know I understood why they moved the the Steelers Bills game it was legit yeah that’s a different scenario uh yeah I mean I look it’s terrible to to be out in that cold but I

Don’t know if you remember this but it was a year two years ago now this the uh US Men’s National Team soccer team played a qualifier inis Canada right oh it was in Minneapolis well they played one in Canada that was terrible like that and they played one in Minneapolis

That they had control over and people you know a lot of American fans were outraged that they would do that and it’s like you know how many times have they been put in the heat and humidity in Central America and the Caribbean and so now they’re kind of returning the

Favor there was a feeling among some American fans why do we need need to do this it’s like you do what you can man the the uh I can’t remember who it was they played maybe El Salvador maybe Honduras I think it was Honduras like those dudes didn’t want any part of that

By you know and the US played well and won it’s like that’s that’s the game man all right guys Jimbo we got 10 seconds and chop chop Steakhouse chop shock market and table a part of the wild food group is your butcher Baker and Fish House no matter where you live

This segment is brought to you by The Chop Shop home of the Indiana football and men’s basketball coaches Shows now back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coy presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington [Applause] hello beautiful people welcome back on this Tuesday a frigid and Arctic Tuesday January 16 joined now by the great Mike dorsy from the sporting news

And Big 10 Network saw you on there uh Sunday night in the break we were talking about your one boock trip from Chipotle to the hotel but that was in Chicago I can I I can tell you right now I went I was at the Pacers game last

Week and I failed to get parking so I had to park a couple of blocks away oh it’s not a big you know normally not a big deal but I was like oh God walking three blocks and I’m like just dying to get in and of course the media

Entrance to gamebridge is at the far very end of the building on top of that um I am not a fan of singled digigit weather um I can take it when it’s probably 20 degrees and above I mean that’s cold but that’s not a it’s

Not a big deal you can dress for that man it gets down below that we’re not built for that uh we don’t this this we don’t live in that this is not where this part of the country is Man and it’s uh unusual but I was looking at a map

Yesterday it was like eight in Dallas um San Antonio for whatever reason was colder than some of the cities to their North San Antonio’s in far south Texas and it was I think 9 degrees and I’m like that is not even possible to be nine degrees in San

Antonio Texas uh so I was just this cold snap is wild but it’s it’s stuff that happens you know I I again I remember as a kid we all do those blizzards of for me it was 77 78 and 79 they weren’t all the same but that three-year span was just weird man

I mean we got pounded I it’s like it just I remember being being out of school for like two weeks at least um but uh yeah just W that cold it’s it’s just brutal you know and all these fun things they do Mike having the volleyball games outside having Ice uh

Hockey games outside can you imagine to have of having a basketball game outside in this frigid Arctic weather how that would no no we were talking in the break about the fact you know about the fact that that there was a question about whether the Chiefs would play in their

Frigid temperatures and of course they did uh we were talking about the fact that two years ago uh the US Men’s National Team played a soccer World Cup qualifier in Minnesota on purpose to make it miserably cold for the opposition I believe it was Honduras at

The time I’m not positive of that but what it was a Central American country I know that and it worked I mean there their guys man they didn’t want any part of that game by about halftime they were ready to go home uh I it’s I I one of

Their players just checked out said I’m done uh I couldn’t do it anymore and it it it is it is a terrible it is a terrible thing to go through but you could look the Steelers yesterday fumbled twice because they were intent on breaking their falls to the ground with their

Offand uh rather than protecting the football and going into the ground because it was so hard that they were concerned that they might injure a bouncing off yeah B it’s like bouncing off a concrete yeah and and and they fumbled twice in that circumstance one of them didn’t lose because they were

Fortunate enough that the the player Pat FR with the tight end was half out of bounds and the ball hit him when he was half out of bounds so it became a fumble out of bounds rather than a lost fumble and the other one was lost and it was

Really that one of the two most important plays in the game so it it it does change the event that that is being contested to be played in that weather I don’t know what Buffalo is going to have this weekend uh whether it’s going to be as

Bad as it was this past weekend I know it’s warming up and when I say warming up I mean warming up in quotes but I know it is in some places going to be better by this weekend than it was this past weekend but uh it certainly can

Impact the games to be played in those kinds of conditions yeah just to let you know in the first segment uh so you have this information and don’t ever uh forget it I I’ve walked on water Mike I walked on the Ohio River not really walked I I put a foot and stepped

Onto it uh but the Ohio River froze over wow uh back in the 70s and and I still I’m gonna have to research how in the hell does a moving River of that size freeze uh not that I would have wanted to walk all the way across it although

There were people out there I was a kid uh my dad grabbed me by the deal and I’m like I just had to do it uh but yeah it’s kind of kind of crazy but uh I want nothing to do with this cold when I was

A kid Jim the managa Halo River never froze because that was where all the mill the steel mills were uh up up River and you know how that went keeping it warm baby they were keeping it warm keeping it warm So speaking a warm it will be warm

Tonight at Simon Scott Assembly Hall as number two Purdue comes in um Indiana has not does not have a signature win this year um and Purdue has shown that they are beatable as they were last year but in Indiana has won Mike Woodson has won three out of four against him he’s

The only guy who’s beaten Purdue three times in the last uh few years yeah for new team I think well it is it’s a better team but it’s it’s not that much different it’s deeper now and they’re a and they’re they’re more Dynamic uh with Cameron Heidi and Lance

Jones uh being part of the mix uh they’re more Dynamic than they were uh so so that they get more out of Trey Kaufman Ren now uh than they got a year ago from backup bigs but one of the things that I’ve noticed I talked about

This on Big 10 and Beyond on on Saturday one of the things that I’ve noticed with Purdue is that when there’s a challenge like something that that that you know everybody can see like you’re playing the N you’re playing one of the top 10 teams in the country like when they

Played uh Purdue at home excuse me Illinois at home or when they played in Maui uh and they had to go Gonzaga Tennessee and Marquette in three days like they like when there’s something that for them to get serious about they are they are the the least touchable

Team in college basketball but when the other team is looking at them as a sort of meal ticket as their op as their entry to March then and and for Purdue it’s like oh it’s another game we got to play that’s been where the problem has arisen it it it developed against Northwestern

It developed against Nebraska those teams looked at Purdue as if we can get this win at home we can get into March and each of them cash that and now Indiana is in the same circumstance they are out of my bracket uh they are down around 90 something in the net they need

This much more than Purdue does Purdue it would would they like to win another big 10 title sure but that I think there’s an understanding among their players that they want to get to march in the best possible condition because with you know with the best possible seed because that’s what facilitates a

Successful trip through the tournament but that another big 10 title is not going to change their narrative they’ve already got the ring for that that’s not what they’re looking for they’re looking for final four and Beyond and and that means taking care of business every day certainly you can’t

Get there and succeed if you’re not serious about what you’re doing and I think I think they certainly are but then you encounter a circumstance where the game is just way bigger for the opposition than it is for you and I I wonder if do the does the fact that they were

Swept by Indiana last year and injecting the quote unquote Revenge Factor back into this into this rivalry whether that brings Purdue’s level of intensity up to the level of the opposition absolutely and uh we we’ve seen well we’ve seen Indiana do that sometimes except for their those have been uh a

Little further down uh unfortunately uh they they either they played down to the level of competition early on in the season when they were getting by uh teams like Florida G coast and and all of those uh Morehead yeah Morehead Army we we saw them just get by those teams

But then we saw him play with number two Kansas with a chance to beat him um so it’s which team shows up they’ve had which team within the team situations with Xavier Johnson um you know know his most recent transgression in the Maryland game and I

And I guess that with him not starting uh last week was a repercussion of that but while that happened the statistics would tell you Indiana had a better game with that situation with him not starting and with him coming off of the bench but I that’s

Again is it what I don’t know where his mind is if he’s playing pissed off and unattentive because I I noticed that he wasn’t the most engaged when he was on the bench uh with the team and by body language that stuff that all that matters because if I I compare it to

Someone like Anthony Leo this is the guy who doesn’t get in a lot of minutes but he’s always engaged in the game always knowing what’s going on he’s calling out plays to the to his team hey watch out for this hey watch out for that that’s

He considers that his job if he’s not in the game and when you’re not engaged that I I don’t think you can just engage when they call your number and you have to go into the the game you you either are engaged and ready or you’re not and

I think that there’s a huge difference there I I don’t understand why bother playing a I believe this is his sixth year why bother if you’re not going to be engaged do you think that’s going to be the con the the ticket to a contract

In some in the NBA or some other uh basket professional basketball league They Know Who You Are by now and and if you are in the process of redefining ing Who You Are by reminding them that your final stages at pit didn’t go well that’s certainly not going to go well

For you at the professional level they don’t need to see how you handle the ball how you shoot the ball how you pass the ball how you guard a guy they don’t need to see any of that they have seen you for five years or four years and and

And onethird whatever it is they’ve seen you so the only thing they need to see now professionally is for you to succeed and I don’t mean you personally I mean you as a group they need to see you as part of a highly successful group because the most success that Indiana

Has had or that or that pit has had has been subsequent to his absent has been subsequent to his departure whether it’s permanent or temporary permanent in the case of pit uh he leaves and what a a a year and a half later they’re in the NCAA tournament and winning a game two

Games count the first four or Indiana last year finishes a four seed after after losing Xavier a third of the way through the season so that doesn’t look good for you if you’re Xavier Johnson so the only way you make it look good is if you come back and you

Get fully invested in in the hooers and you carry them to a level of success that they didn’t enjoy without you while you were hurt that’s the only way otherwise you’re just totally wasting your time athletically now what he’s doing scholastically and all that I have no idea but from an athletic perspective

If he’s going to get himself into circumstances like the Maryland game and he’s going to get benched and then he’s not going to play well he’s wasting his time I it it just doesn’t there there’s there’s there is no reward for that there is only reward at this point for

Team success in his in his circumstance but that’s also wasting the team’s time and their success it stunts them in a way well it does but they but they have the you know they have the uh remember the coach controls the playing time so they have they have the apparatus to to

Correct that if they want uh it he he but he has complete control of his compartment how hard he plays how intelligently he plays how much he pays attention to his coaches what they want from him how engaged he is with his teammates he complete control of all

Those things and it it does it does not appear over the three four games he’s been back that he has that he has used that control wisely uh Brian on The Andy moranda hotline says he thinks that X starts tonight hopefully under control I don’t

Know that he does I I really don’t but I it that’s just a complete guessing game on my part of what Mike Woodson is going to do what his mindset going into this game is if he thinks that he’s better with Xavier which right now I don’t know

Why he would think that uh the numbers don’t bear it out the team success does not bear it out so I personally don’t think he starts even though gab cups gives you very little offensively but he gives you consistency and he gives you good defense which in this game it might

Be enough because defending Purdue guards is one of the big Reas ways of beating Purdue uh you’re not going to stop as Dan Patrick would always say you can’t stop him you could only hope to contain him uh you’re not GNA stop him he’s GNA get his 30 and 12 or whatever

That’s fine you’re not going to lose 30 to to whatever but Purdue has a wealth of of talent around him now that has continued to get better whether it’s Trey Kaufman Ren or Caleb first Braden Smith Fletcher lawyer uh uh uh Jones the three and they’re going with three

Guards who are all averaging in double figures Mike so that is where Indiana needs to U put their that’s the basket egg their eggs need to be in defending the perimeter against Purdue but in all honesty Jim they should be better with Xavier they should be absolutely he’s

He’s their most dynamic guard he’s experienced he’s got five nearly you know what four in the third years or whatever of experience uh he he should be well and going on five five in a third he’s probably the quickest guard in the Big 10 yeah I think that’s probably true uh

He he certainly has the the length and strength and quickness that is that is rare at the position he should should be terrific um and and he has been at times been that player I think he was at the start of last year before he started to

Get injured and I don’t know whether being hurt and maybe he’s playing hurt trying to get back is frustrating him but again he has control over his comportment and his engagement and his investment in the team he has control over those elements and has not used that control wisely over the course of

The first three or so games that he’s been back from the injury and this is not the night to get well so to speak I mean this is not a night where you just say okay we’re going to get everything under control because we’re playing uh a

Weak team in our league you’re playing not only the best team in your league you’re playing the best team in the country and the consequences of this result are could be as simple as you win this game you’ve got a shot to get into the tournament you don’t win this game

And and it’s going to be uh it’s going to continue to be a long road to toward that level of success yeah not winning this game is this could be a shove in the back downhill because after that they play at Illinois at Wisconsin both ranked inside the top 14

Um Tennessee or Illinois rather you know they’ve been a up and down they lost their best player but yet have maintained a a level they didn’t have the drop off that I one would have expected losing a guy like Terence Shannon uh and Wisconsin is Wisconsin

They are just a a model of consistency and that’s how they play consistent uh and then to go to a place you haven’t won in what 31 tries now I think it’s unbelievable that that streak is mindboggling um but I this the way this team is so inconsistent I’m talking

About Indiana I don’t see them going up there they had a a lead the last time and a chance to win that game and and gave it away I don’t know what it is that’s become that but anyway they’ve got the Purdue team ahead of them

Tonight and Purdue has lost three out of the last four so they can’t be happy uh this is not what Zack Edy wants to go out losing to Indiana that much or any of these guys because this is a big- Time game still and it means a lot and

It’s everybody that comes there Zach Ed is from Toronto but he knows what this game means uh the Indiana players now have a coach that played in this and so I’m thinking that they know how much this game matters uh so it really has come to

Fruition this game is being back to a true rivalry but it it’s hard to make it a rivalry when you lose nine straight times which Indiana did but now they’re back on the deal and and so they’ve taken three out of the last four Mike Woodson the only coach to beat Purdue

Three times in you know in recent memory but Purdue and Purdue knows that uh you know from the Big 10 uh OD dag on it the uh before the season um Big 10 Basketball media days you could tell I mean or I could tell that that Zach EDI

He seems a little more narrow focused on this season and games like this oh I think he is and like I said this is the one out of out of the teams that they’ll play that have a shot at March and the ability to to to get there of the teams

That they’ll play this is the and and I don’t mean like teams like Wisconsin that are going to get there or Illinois that are going to get there that are real highlevel contenders I’m talking about the teams that are trying to fight their way in like Northwestern and and

Uh and Nebraska teams like that Ohio state will will fit that category now uh those teams are desperate for wins over teams like Purdue where but Purdue is not as desperate to win those games but this one might be the exception because of the Rivalry this is the one that they

And and especially because the Rivalry tilted last year in in the opposite direction I I think that they’ll be serious about this game and that’s not great news for the hooers they have to dissuade Purdue from being engaged and you do that by making it hard for hard

To play against that’s my that’s the number one thing we saw how Maryland making it hard to play on Sunday affected Illinois Illinois just didn’t compete to at the offensive end in order to yeah how about that losing to a team who couldn’t win on the road if you paid

Them uh last year seriously in Maryland they you couldn’t beat them at home but man they might as well have not even taking the road trips because they were not going to win those games and now they go out and they win not just win on

The road they win at a very tough place in beating an Illinois team that has been pretty good and that was a game where they they they got that separation and and Illinois just couldn’t overcome it and watching that uh it was a fun game to watch um but Indiana now has boy

They’ve got so much they have to get over it’s not just basketball it’s the mental part uh there are so many things Indiana’s just got a lot of stuff going on mentally like we talked about with Xavier um then you’ve got Trey Galloway and this team now he’s going to

Have to step up and be the the quote unquote on court leader if Xavier is on the bench but these two things three things actually free throws by this Indiana team are just it’s unbelievably bad and it is going to cost them in games like this I believe if you’re shooting

50% you cannot win games against big-time teams when you’re not hitting free throws off rebounding they have just been horrible and when Woodson’s asked about a lot of this stuff he doesn’t answer the questions he answers them but he does not answer them he he answers them with he was asked

Yesterday day about the rebounding and well he says what well you you gotta block out you gotta put it well no joke I I think we all know that we we we don’t need to know what you need to do to rebound why aren’t why isn’t your

Team rebounding why is your team being so outrebounded consistently by everybody especially on the offensive end what what are they doing to change that and that’s what we’re not hearing he does not want to be asked about his his uh substitution uh ways he gets really ticked off and finally yesterday said

I’m not even going to talk about it um which to me is a joke because it’s just a question why can’t you just simply answer the question because when he would be asked about that the question was why are you substituting four guys at once why are you taking your starter

His answer would be these guys can’t play 40 minutes no one’s asking you that why do you have to do it all at the same time is the question but again I I don’t know to me that’s a problem either he doesn’t see the problem or

Doesn’t have an answer I I’m not sure which it is well I think he I think he has habits what’s what’s interesting is that he’s brought some things from the NBA into coaching Indiana like the second quarter concept the second quarter lineup if you go to NBA games in

The regular season the second quarter opens usually with four four to five reserves on the floor that’s and that’s for both sides it’s the way the game has been played for as long as I’ve been going to NBA games and that was it’s almost 40 it is 40 years uh I I I

Noticed that as something the first time I was a was was able to go to an NBA game like in 83 or so went to see the Cleveland Cavaliers and noticed that they do that at that point and so he take he he’s brought that with him and

That seems not necessarily to be a great approach for college basketball cuz you’re not playing 80 games a year 82 games a year uh plus playoffs you don’t need as much rest and you you have a shorter game as well eight minutes shorter than in the NBA so that isn’t

Necessarily A A logical approach also the fact that in in an NBA on an NBA roster you have 17 guys that they are all happen to be professionals yes true and that and that’s a factor as well and that so he’s brought that but then he hasn’t brought the

Recent uh Trend modification toward the perimeter toward the three-point shot he’s he has not embraced that at all as hoosier’s coach he didn’t embrace it he doesn’t embrace it now because he doesn’t have great shooting I get that of course he could have recruited more

And he didn’t embrace it a year ago when he had Miller cop who was shooting 45% from three and and I I would I don’t I haven’t done the research on that I would tell tell you I bet there are very few players who shot the percentage he

Did that had as few attempts as he did uh that or as or played as many minutes as he did and certainly that that that that played at a high major level look if most places if they had a Miller cop shooting that number they’re going to

Get him close to 2003s and Miller was not close to that that’s not the way they played it last year so I I it has been a curiosity to those particular elements that he’s you know that dichotomy of embracing the way the NBA coaches on the substitution circumstance

But not embracing the recent Trend toward the step what I call the Steph Curry Revolution not everybody has a Steph Curry but almost everybody’s trying to play like they do and so I I that I don’t understand but I I do think that there are things that he has done to to

To calm the fan base so to speak uh to get them away from The Angst that existed in the program for basically 20 years after bob Knight was dismissed uh and I think that he has he has gotten his players to play for the most part reasonably hard

And and effort has rarely been a problem but you know I I don’t look at their free problems as something that can be fixed I it they have to they have to sort of repair themselves I mean Trey Galloway is the only player on in the rotation who’s shooting a number that doesn’t

Suit his game that doesn’t fit with how he plays or how he has played because he’s been he was as high as 73% as a freshman and he’s and he’s been a regular 65% and now he’s shooting 48 that’s that’s a problem you can’t have a senior who has shown that he can

Shoot free throws shoot 48% and he’s not and he gets a lot of attempts for a guard he gets a reasonable amount of attempts not a truckload but a reasonable number because he he attacks the lane on Cuts he doesn’t bounce it into that circumstance very often but he does cut

As well as anybody in college basketball so on occasion he’s going to get fouled and he’s not con hurting at all and that and that’s problematic we’ve got to take a break I have uh completely blown through it but uh we’ll be back with more there so much to talk about Mike

Dorsy from the sporting news with us back with more on Indiana Sports Beat radio right after this we’ll be right back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington if you’re looking for a John’s going to kill

Me oh man it’s funny because he usually jumps in there on the on the screen when he’s ready for a break and he jumped in and I’m like trying to trying to back I I I get hyperfocused sometimes I could tell you were going down one of your

Paths where like I knew you had like a point like you you went on like a two or three minute rant and I was like he’s not gonna break you know what I I’m gonna have to get a shot caller I guess what is a shot caller a shot

CER oh my God that’s the best idea ever yes I’m gonna have to get a shot collar that’s that’s the only I swear that’s the only way John gets when you hear jump out of my seat that’s John hitting that button it wouldn’t be as big of a

Deal if so like the first hour we send to Fort Wayne and whenever one of the segments is really long like that one just was sometimes when it goes through it’s just super wonky end up having to trim it down and then it just doesn’t

Make any sense I know that’s my it is what it is I would do radio with a shot CER I’m just saying I sh very uh very Howard Stern thing to do hey I’m the one that suggested it for myself I trust me I know I tell it would

Be really funny if if I had a remote and it could reach all the way to bloom God it would it would work I promise you and it’s probably maybe the only thing that would work I think you’re right J whiz I look when I saw the I’m like oh my God are

You kidding me I thought continue this conversation after yeah and that’s why the side I can’t believe we went that long it’s yep it happens and by the way when we come back you only have about two or three minutes to kind of wrap things just so I would just I guess

Ask Mike what’s up next and then get ready for the Heart Break depending on what he I mean unless you have any other closing thoughts I guess but keep it breef I just I just need to get out of the chair and let Mike talk yeah he’s right Brian more people

Probably would watch if I had a shock to on we’re something here everybody every guest gets the button [Laughter] yo wow the only way to make it effective would be if you could only use it once a show get a no get a sponsor get a shot collar sponsor oh my this segment

Brought to you by lightning shot collar all right 10 seconds here we go APR financing for 36 months on a 2023 Honda ridg line go to anymore and get more to your door this segment is brought to you by Remax Advanced realy Indie Home Pros team by Cheryl

Seore now back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio Jim Coy presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington welcome back Indiana Sports me radio here on this Tuesday it’s January 16th tonight Indiana taking on Purdue number boiler makers visiting Bloomington uh Mike what are you your expectations for this game like I said I think Purdue will be very serious about this game because of the two losses last

Year and when they are serious they are really hard to beat and so I I do think that they’ll be affected by the The Atmosphere by the crowd it should be hard to play there uh but I think they get out of there with a W it it’ll be

Interesting to see whether Indiana can make make it hard for them uh and I don’t just mean the the who’s your crowd I think they they will do their job I don’t have any doubt about that but can can the ho your players uh make it hard

For Purdue to operate Mike’s done a great job against Edie he’s the only guy that beat him twice so we’ll see whether or not he can he can pull it off a third time not only that Purdue is 4-2 right now tied with Indiana for second place

In the Big 10 they can’t afford a third loss already to go to four and three right now this early in the season only seven games in you’ve got Wisconsin that sitting at the top at five and0 this that that’s a loss that they really don’t want to take for a number of

Reasons oh absolutely they’re still fighting for a number one seed and they’re in great shape for that right now uh but they they still it’s it’s going to be a battle all the way until selection Sunday so you need to do as well as possible within the League I

Don’t think they have to win the league in order to get a number one seed because their non-conference resume is so close to overwhelming but they certainly need to not finish what whatever the uh 20 game equivalent to four and three is I five times I don’t

Know what the math is on that so uh you’d be winning like 11 games or something like that you you can’t do that so uh they they’ve got to they’ve got to pick it up and I think this is a night when they really need to bring it because Indiana will certainly

Understand as it was true in the Kansas game when they played so well and nearly won the game that this is the kind of game that can get you to March and an Indiana will certainly understand that uh what is up next for you sir yeah this

Year this week uh is the 50th anniversary of of Dwight clay The Iceman’s shot for Notre Dame to beat UCLA and end their 88 game and uh and and D Dwight is a pittsburger uh so gonna gonna do a little piece about uh is he a uh what do

You call what do you call him there in Pittsburgh yinzer a yinza is he a yinza I don’t know I didn’t ask him that question I should have asked him do you consider yourself a yinzer but I think if you’re as much of a pittsburger as as

Dwight is uh Dwight you know has lived in that area with the exception of the time he play spent playing basketball away he’s lived in Pittsburgh his whole life businessman uh and a high school referee he’s been a high school referee for a very long time and he still does

It uh I think he’s he he would be uh in his late 60s and he still does he still does some games uh so he he’s he’s always been close to the sport Mike appreciate you as always man make sure you are giving Mike to Cory a

Follow and are at uh the sporting news and catch him on Big 10 Network I was able to see him Sunday night but uh thank you sir we appreciate you looking forward to it as always thanks Jim back with more Mike nck from the Bloomington Herald Times joins us next

On the other side right after this we’ll be right back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington In The Mark that’s kind of a not a bad idea loading uh we could do is a charity

Thing Mike we uh I went really super long in a segment with Mike dorsy and and I realized that I’m like you know the only thing that’s going to start preventing that is if I was wearing a a shock collar and my producer’s got the his hand on the button that’s that’s an

Extreme potion well sometimes there are Extreme Measures are needed when it comes to uh my attention span my ADHD gets the better of me how are you doing I’m good how are you thanks for coming on a little earlier than normal stories we we uh we’ve got a guy coming

On later in the show I mean obviously for the game tonight soate you shifting around a Purdue guy the Purdue Guy Mr Casey Bartley they actually are Purdue guy they’re Purdue they’re all fans Jim I I think you can be a fan and be objective and I know you disagree

With me on that yeah but you can’t if that’s fine but you can’t show it and when I could tell people are fans like you can’t I I I would argue anybody that I act like a fan of anyone that I cover oh I was gonna say I

Said you act like a fan for certain teams but not I guess that I that I cover that I cover holy moly well it’s a big game tonight yes sir Purdue is going to be pissed off they’ve lost three out of the last four they still not I think it was nine

The line was nine points that’s that’s a big old fat line I I’m trying to think how long has it been Indiana was like a fivepoint underdog against Kansas I think John do you remember remember uh that’s a good question don’t I don’t remember that one I think it was closer to like

Five all right here we go guys available with Scenic viewers of the golf course contact Amy Roa with re Bestco real estate for additional information 812-5838 n or go to my stonest that’s my stonest for more details this segment is brought to you by whoer Hanks

East now back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio Jim Coy presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington hey hey welcome back everybody appreciate you being here with us on this Tuesday it’s January 16 Indiana Sports B radio rolling right along Michael nislick with the

Bloomington Herald Times joins us now uh and Michael you have been along for the ride this year seen every single game Purdue has uh been Purdue but they’re also been shown to be human last year they came close to losing at Nebraska this year Nebraska gets that done and

Right now with the early season loss to Northwestern Purdue sits in a two-way tie for second place in the Big 10 conference with Indiana both squads are 4-2 and that’s not where Purdue wants to be but more importantly they are three- one in their last four games against Indiana and

That’s another reason that I’m sure sticks out to them but this is a game that they I would say uh are really focused on winning in addition to the fact that they are either a nine and a half or 10-point favorite coming into this game which we don’t see that’s

That’s not something you see uh very often at all in terms of Indiana being that lops side of Underdog at yeah it seemed High um you know just based on the environment uh it’s GNA be a white out tonight I think um so you know obviously

You know 177,000 plus fans um you know it it it’s an environment that’s it’s hard to win I mean Kansas earlier this season uh you know saw that and and this line is is much bigger than than that one so uh I was kind of surprised by

That but um it’ll be interesting I mean you know Vegas tends to know but we’ll we’ll see um you know Indiana needs uh you know coming off one of its better you know I think more complete wins of the season um needs to carry over some of that

Momentum well and the big question there Mike is as you talk about it that way that was also a game in which Xavier Johnson was on the bench did not play a lot uh and when he did things were as far as looking at the plus minus uh stats

Indiana was in the negative when he was on the court as opposed to being on the positive when he was on the bench yeah I mean obviously um you know Mike Woodson wasn’t interested in kind of talking about that situation um he ever what is he ever interest in talking

About that’s true Xavier Johnson obviously was a did uh the previous game for a low blow um I think played about 17 minutes off the bench um came off the bench in the second half as well um you know showed flash some frustration at times I thought especially in the second

Half when he subbed out kind of down the stretch um you know wanted to be on the floor but um you know Mike Woodson played him like a reserve and so um you know was that a one game thing uh you know that’ll be something to watch

Tonight um and and how he bounce backs and and responds because I think he is ultimately pretty important as a you know six-year veteran uh a guy that tends to bring energy um you know with the exception of the other night um and and and Poise um um you know didn’t show

That recently um you know after having one of his his best games of the season um after coming back from injury um so you know he’s had he’s just had a very up down season and you could sense the frustration I think right now from him

Yeah and that’s the thing is not the Poise not maintaining the Poise uh he because he does possess so many characteristics that can that can be a positive for that team he can be a great defender he can be a guy that can get to the rim um he he his quickness there’s

Nobody on either roster that is as fast as he is with or without the ball um but if if that’s not being used in a positive way and a way that gels with the rest of the team it it doesn’t matter um and the frustration you can’t

Get to that point you you have to stay within the game and what’s going on and and that’s been very difficult for him to do this year being in and out of the lineup whether it’s been injuries uh just you know the the trouble it’s it’s Indiana has not had a consistent year

And a consistent roster yeah I think ex Xavier is sort of an example of that I mean you’ve had you had a lot of young guys and so they’ve been really up and down um you know you can’t I I don’t think you can sort of necessarily expect what uh you know Mike

Woodson’s talked about it that this it’s it’s hard to predict what you’re going to get out of this team on the road they’ve been you know I guess the only way they’ve been consistent is they’ve played poorly on the road U and that’s not really what you want to see but at

Home they’ve been a little better um but they still you know their intensity tends to wne at times um you know Mike Woodson obviously loved that start the other night uh but it’s been hard for them to sustain that over 40 minutes Xavier Johnson you know a veteran and

Trey Galloway have sort of been examples of that where they’ve kind of ridden that wave as opposed to being you know the answer at times uh where you know they’re the veteran captains and where you know Mike Woodson wants that from them they haven’t been able to do that

Necessarily um this year and Purdue goes with a three guard lineup that uh has kind of been the Nexus for Indiana’s problem perimeter play from other teams shoot especially three-point shooting their three-point defense has has really been a problem and not that Purdue is killing people with three-point shots

But they do have three guys that are guards that are averaging double figures and that is a model of consistency especially when you have Mount Edy down below that you know you’re going to get a minimum of 22 and 11 which is what he’s averaging right now well yeah I

Mean the last thing Indiana could do is get in a you know shooting contest they’re more than likely going to lose that I mean that they just don’t have uh they just don’t have they don’t have the the the Firepower there and so you know if Purdue on and their defense is

Lagging I mean they’re they’re going to they’re going to fall behind and fall behind quickly I mean you’ve seen that in games uh where you know teams are were on from a three-point line and Indiana has a hard time matching just because you know they’ve been better of

Late shooting a little bit um when when they’ve gotten AIT in Big 10 play I think closer to you know 37% but it’s still not uh not something they could do they want to you know uh win in the paint and that’s going to be hard to do

Against Purdue team that has the answer there but um yeah that’d be tough you know perimeter play has not been this team’s strength this season not only that that when you have Mount Ed who he’s going to get what he’s going to get and then you have a

Perimeter that has been that produces for you at the rate of three different guys in double figures you look at Indiana’s perimeter and right now especially if if it’s Gabe cups that’s going to spend most of the time out there he’s he’s averaging uh where is it

2.6 points per game that is that that’s where the huge drop off comes and everybody wants to say well he does some other stuff that that’s great doesn’t matter you still have to have more points on the board than the other team and Indiana lacks I don’t know that

Their interior can make up the loss that they’re having on the perimeter yeah it’s almost like you know how Indiana women’s basketball overwhelms team overwhelms teams you know when you have Mackenzie Holmes but you have you four people around are capable of scoring uh you know 10 to 20

A night uh Indiana um the men’s team doesn’t have that right now and that’s why the other night uh McKenzie and bak’s success mattered so much because when he gives you um you know 15 to 20 game looks confidently confident on the offensive end that’s something that they

Need they need that extra uh punch beside Malik renu and KH wear um you know and so you know McKenzie is kind of what we’ve been talking about up and down has been able to sort of string Su you know successful games together uh looked really bad against ruers I I

Thought u in kind of a homecoming game then has his you know I thought best offensive game of the year um against Minnesota so you know when he does that um you know Mike Woodson rans some plays for him to sort of get involved early he

Seems to have an edge when he sort of hits a three or two um you know at the start of the first half uh that’s what Indiana needs to sort of uh get you know know get going well and not to uh steal a phrase but tonight I do believe that

McKenzie andb is The X Factor for Indiana of course they have to get production out of kalle wear and Malik Renu I know I know that everybody knows that but they have to get production someplace else Trey Galloway is going to have to have a decent game he doesn’t

Have to score 20 points but he’s going to have to be a part of of this game but McKenzie and Bako is going to have to step up and Beyond because I don’t expect Gabe CBS and I don’t this is not a knock on him

But I I don’t expect him to be a a contributor offensively because he hasn’t been somebody is going to have to step up and be an extra contributor tonight and I think that that will fall to McKenzie and bako because he’s a guy that gets his play mostly from the

Outside uh he’s not in the interior much and he’s going to have to knock down some three-point Shots tonight to me with for Indiana to have a shot in this game well not just that I mean once he if he hits a couple shots he’s he’s

Pretty Dynamic uh you know with the ball kind of you know attacking the lane uh attacking a Defender oneon-one from the outside and kind of getting into the lane uh he had a couple of nice moves against Minnesota um but when he plays with confidence he’s he’s just clearly a

Different player um you know he still sort of at times can get in his head a little bit it looks like um Mike Woodson has been quick when he makes mistakes to kind of pull him um you know I thought in the Minnesota game that was less less

Of a case and so I think he needs to sort of trust McKenzie to sort of play through some of those struggles and and McKenzie needs to reward that um by you know like we said stringing these games together and not just being sort of um wildly different from one night to the

Next and the importance of this game Purdue sitting in second place right now uh in the Big 10 conference at 4-2 tied with Indiana at 4-2 while Wisconsin is sitting there with a nice little Five-0 mark But Purdue cannot afford this loss in the Big 10 Race

Because last year they they barely beat Nebraska this year they lose to Nebraska uh so there are going to be other games on the road for them where they either get challenged or lose and this is not a game that I think that they can afford

To lose as far as their seaing purposes um nor mentally they want to win this game because hey Indiana has owned them for the last couple years which was rever a reverse uh of Fortunes under the uh the previous regime of Lil roie Yeah but I I mean I I think when

You’re looking at Indiana I mean you know Indiana doesn’t have a a win on on its resume that uh really stands out um so I mean I think the flip side of that is probably um a little more it’s it’s more important for indana because they’re lacking the the quality wins

They need to even make the tournament yeah I mean Purdue has higher expectations this this season and you know could this cost them a one seed possibly but their resume you know the wins they have on their schedule already are really impressive particularly in the nonconference whereas Indiana lost

Every game um in terms of um you know you’re talking about Connecticut Auburn Kansas you know they lost all those games and so they do need a a sort of a win that would define this season um and you know the schedule it’s it’s not

Getting any easier I mean so um and they have and since they’ve played so poorly on the road you can’t really count on any of those happening you know in the those what six or seven Road games they have left so this one would be a prime

Opportunity for them to sort of find that signature win that I think they’re going to they’re going to need come you know tournament time absolutely and uh we will see you there tonight sir looking forward to it can’t thank you enough absolutely Jim we’ll see you tonight Michael nlac from the

Bloomington Herald times and we’re back with more in Indiana Sports me radio including coric whoer right after this we’ll be right back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington forly be thank you sir I

Appreciate you absolutely we’ll see you tonight all right buddy thank you good morning chronic good morning gentlemen how’s it going today it is effing cold tell me about it spend about 3 and a half hours without power last night oh my God holy smokes the whole east side of Bloomington from

Third Street to Winslow from Walnut to uh Sarah Road what the hell happened I have no clue [ __ ] got cold what happened wow holy smokes sorry to hear that no I am super glad my son decided to start a fire before I came home from work because I just

Kept good thing you had a too bad you just didn’t have a fireplace well you know and they uh they thought an internet at 6 was going to be the worst thing that could possibly happen in the world oh man 25 years that’s what it was haven’t

Won in Wisconsin in 25 years that I I can’t I can’t that’s I I cannot comprehend that that’s just unfathomable what’s crazy is I’m old enough to remember when Wisconsin basketball was the doormat of the league uh I Indiana won 31 consecutive times there I believe

Yep basketball and football it it uh it shows just what the power of hiring the right Personnel can do for you imagine that I sent out a tweet the other day which some people took it the way it was but Old Miss right now you know what their record

Is they are 15 and one last year they were 13 and 21 do you know what the difference in between them they hired Chris beard yep and then everybody wants to talk about oh God you are you suggesting this or oh he’s got I’m like whoa whoa whoa

Stop with all that crap I don’t want to hear it um he dealt with whatever he dealt with um but yes the right people it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about sports or business yes you have to have the right people in the right position or things will not work period for every

Organization the most important resource is human resource here we go guys 24 Honda Pilots hrvs CRVs Honda ridg lines payment free for 90 days or get 0.99% APR financing for 36 months on a 2023 Honda ridg line go to Andy Mor and get more to your door this

Segment is brought to you by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington now back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana Sports be radio with Jim Co presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington hey hey welcome back Indiana Sports B radio on this Frozen and frigid

Tuesday appreciate you being with us chronic ker joins us now hopefully warming things up a bit in a break we were talking uh what the hell were we talking about I forgot already uh Power and Personnel yeah you lost power last night for a while that that wow that this is

Not the time to do that but uh yeah there are just no no doubts that no matter who you are what you are business Sports whatever you have to have the right people in the right position and tronic follow that up with a uh another uh which was

I what was your comment H the most no matter the organization the most important resource is always human resources exactly dislike the uh the most important ability is availability uh and that is both physical and mental and I think that that has been a problem for Indiana sometimes with Xavier

Johnson uh last week I’m not sure he was available mentally uh and that is going to be a a huge factor in tonight’s game either he’s going to be a part of it in a positive way or he’s not and Indiana the thing is you kind of need to know that

Going into a game because if you’re playing somebody who is not in the game mentally then you’re man that’s detrimental and sometimes that bears it itself out on statistics but you can’t always go by that because there are many factors that play into that but if you

Looked at the stats last week Indiana was a better team with Xavier on the bench now I know a lot of people jump on that but like I said there are other factors that go into that so you can’t just take that for f just on on a face

Value but Xavier is somebody who is of uber importance to that team he has to be of major importance to that team for it to matter and for them to compete with a team like Purdue you’re going to have to have all hands on deck this team

Is not good enough to beat a team that good otherwise yeah yeah I think it’s going to come down to Indiana’s back court and you know if there’s ever a game for your senior captains to both step up uh I’m looking at at Xavier and Trey Galloway

Uh they’re going to be the uh they’re going to be the deciding factor in tonight’s game uh I I wholeheartedly believe that um you know obviously Ed is going to get a lot of the attention rating player of the year uh likely front runner for player of the year yet

Again um but you know make no mistake Indiana’s got a uh got a big guy who happens unlike Purdue big happens to uh be appearing on the draft boards right now in the first round so uh you know that battle is going to go I think fouls

Are going to go a long way in determining who maybe has the upper Edge in the paint but the end of the day it’s going to be a guards game and uh you know for the longest time Purdue biggest weakness has been their guard play uh

They are showing that the uh the baby boilers are growing up quite quickly in their backc court and uh perfect opportunity for uh Indiana senior leaders uh Xavier and Trey to assert themselves and to control the game uh to you know focused yet aggressive and I

Think that’s been the uh you know what we’ve seen throughout Xavier Johnson’s career especially since his return from injury is uh figuring out a way that he can impact the game in a controlled Manner and that’s always a uh a Razor’s Edge was xavor but I think it’s going to

Be imperative tonight that Indiana puts pressure on Purdue guards uh defensively that they uh they attack when they have the basketball and more than anything um just make smart plays take care of the ball well there’s no question about that because you’ve got not one not two but

Three Purdue guards that are averaging double figures that is that’s a change for them number one you you’ve added a weapon uh which makes them more dangerous because you still have Mount Edy in the middle and he’s gonna get what he’s gonna get you’re not stopping

Zack Edy nobody else has uh you it’s just hard to slow him down and to to make a game plan for that would be either it’s going to have to be ingenious uh or in vain so one of those two and I think it would it’s easier to

Slow down the guards than it is to do anything else but Indiana not only has to slow them down they have to produce at the same time and if both of those are not in play then I I don’t know how successful that will

Be yeah you know um it’s this is one of those that on paper uh you know Vegas has Purdue by about 10 pomoy puts it at 11 uh this is one that Indiana can totally win I think you know as we saw against Kansas Indiana is a perfectly

Fit for the fight when you get them back in the confines of Assembly Hall and uh perhaps there’s just enough inexperience left in produ back court that they can get rattled a little bit by it um but it’s it’s going to be one of those where

I I think a lot of stars are going to have to line in order for Indiana have a chance uh but not the least of which um you know they got they got take shots they got to make some Shots tonight they cannot be hesitant with the uh with the

Ball the shots open you got to take it uh rather than working for the perfect shot take the best one that’s in front of you um so I’m curious to see how that shakes out I I think a sneaky subplots going to be uh how effective uh McKenzie

And bako can be um I think he is a a nightmare from a mismatch standpoint for Purdue um you know the difference is is they’ got a little bit more experience in what they may throw at them um whether it be Mason Gillis or Kaufman Ren or however they choose to defend him

Uh but I think there’s going to be some room for him to get open and he’s been um he has been ascendant here as of late and you’d love to see that continue to go uh what a perfect opportunity for him uh to to get a signature win for the

Program uh because that is something Indiana desperately needs at this point uh both for the tournament St chances but as well in order to keep um keep touch with top the Big 10 right now yeah it is uh it’s important for both teams to be honest with you it’s more important

Obviously for Indiana they they desperately need this win for a couple of reasons because they have not beaten anybody of consequence really uh this season like you said they do not have a signature win they do not have a resume something that’s that you can get you

Can bang on about on your resume and the next next two games following are not going to be any uh any easier for that matter either but also Purdue they cannot stand to lose a fourth out of fifth game to Indiana and all they’re they’re tied for second place in the Big

10 if Indiana wins then they’ll remain in second place and Purdue drops down another spot which would be uh more than surprising uh to see because Purdue is a better team this year than they were last year they’ve added uh oh Dad gon who’s that kids it Lance Jones that they

Added uh to the to their roster that has proved to be a very very beneficial I think he’s the only guy that they added in the off season uh as a matter of fact and it has proved great dividends he’s averaging over 11 points a game and that

Is he’s a third guard you got Fletcher lawyer averaging 11 points a game you’ve got Braden Smith averaging 12 points a game so their perimeter is providing them with a lot of Firepower from a lot of different places and then you’ve got Mount Edy in the middle who is averaging

22 and 11 so boy that’s a hell of a good-look team right there lost chronic there for a second I’m sure we’ll get him back but yeah that that’s that’s the problem for Indiana to me is perimeter defense in this game they have not done the best of

That this season but now not only are they going to have to do that and do it well they’re gonna have to do it to an extra level who’s going to be that third guard gu guarding that guy chronic back with us uh just chronic like I was

Saying Purdue is a better team this year because they still have Mount Edy but they’ve added perimeter play you’ve got three different guys out there who are averaging double figures no doubt this is this is certainly I I my estimation a better team than what we saw last year I think

They’re still um I think they’re still vulnerable I think the guards are still the weak spot the problem is is the uh the armor is that much thicker this year than what it was last year uh but you know you look at their losses to Nebraska um you know it helps when you

Want to shoot lights out against the boiler makers and maybe catch them off on a uh a down night perhaps um I don’t know uh I I I still think it’s going to be decided by Xavier and and Trey uh if those guys shoot above their averages I

Think Indiana’s got a fighting chance if they decide to go to go missing uh on the offensive end if they can engage defensively uh and you know specifically looking at Xavier um his ability to stay on the floor uh to to maintain his composure uh while still turning up his

Aggression as much as he can I think that’s the ball game right there for Indiana absolutely and they’re going to have to I I I think the key to this game is going to be well everyone is going to have to play and play well no no doubt

But mckenzi and bako to me is going to have to really stick out Indiana is going to have to have some perimeter offense uh without question they’re not going to be able to play this game uh inside only they’re they just dominating Indiana dominates the paint in the Big

10 they’re the only big 10 school that gets over 50% of their points from the paint and that would be a little surprising but that shows a little unbal how a little unbalanced they are so this is a game when you’re playing a team who has is the opposite that is very

Balanced you’re going to have to do things that you not normally done and and and do them a little better yeah you know this is uh this is not quite what we were advertised going into the season that it was going to be an entirely different style of ball but I

Think you know at the end of the day you default to what works and for Indiana CLE Weare um and uh Malik renew have proven to be extraordinarily effective um so it makes sense that you uh you know you keep going where your Bread’s getting buttered that said this is going

To be a tough challenge for both of those guys tonight with uh with Zack Edy uh the one thing is though uh unlike last year uh both of Indiana’s bigs pose uh considerably more threat from outside so I’ll be real curious if Woody doesn’t uh pull the bigs a little bit try to

Open up some space inside and uh see if that doesn’t create some new avenues for attack in the paint uh but the end of the day you know what Purdue is going to do um and how they’re going to try to play us so at this point in the season

Everybody knows everybody sets you watch the bench you’ll see them calling out the plays on defense as the offense is putting them in uh it’s just a matter go going out and executing your stuff better than the other guy um you know the other thing that I think is going to

Be critical for Indiana where I think they have struggled um just 5050 balls uh Indiana cannot allow itself to get just dominated on the glass uh as we’ve seen here lately um they’ got to get aggressive when it comes to the loose balls whether it be on the floor on the

Boards um foul trouble be damned uh go out there and take it to them and you know let the chips fall where they may have produced the better team so be it but you cannot allow it to be because Purdue outworked you and that’s something that program’s entirely

Founded upon is putting in hard work so uh you know this this Indiana team seems like it loves to play to its competition so if that’s any measure hopefully you see the best Indiana’s got to offer tonight yep we’ve seen Indiana play against number uh three Kansas when they

Were uh here in Bloomington and played them quite well to the point to where that game could have been won now they’re playing uh a Purdue team that it their FA Purdue is favored by n and a half to 10 points depending on where you

Look and this is a game that Indiana has to follow with two Road games against ranked teams so if they do not win this game this could kind of put them on a a a a downward Trend downward slope that uh is hard to recover from now and

That’s going to be I I think that is in the big picture that’s going to be the uh the the biggest component of tonight’s outcome is uh you know you get a chance to win you get a little bit of momentum you’ve now got a two game

Streak before you go on the road to Whiskey and then Illinois uh whereas a loss and you set yourself up for an absolutely brutal stretch afterwards with uh Iowa following that trip to Champagne so uh again if Indiana wants to uh to bolster its tney resume uh the

Opportunities here over the next two weeks are tremendous uh but so is the risk uh because the absolute last thing you want to see is a slide towards the bottom half of the Big 10 and then uh you know fan engagement player engagement everything starts to spiral

So we’ve seen what can happen but this is one of those precipices uh where Indiana’s got to find a way uh not just to get the W tonight but to get it trajectory on on a path that’s going to put it in position for Success come March absolutely well we thank you

Brother and looking forward to it see what the outcome ends up being on this frigid United Bloomington H where white we’ll catch you guys at the gym take care there you there you go brother kronic H are joining us up next Casey Bartley from boiler upload as we

Continue to talk about tonight’s matchup between number two Purdue and Indiana at Simon Scott at S Hall back with more right after this we’ll be right back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington in the

What’s up how we doing we’re doing big day today it is a big day today you gonna be at the game me either oh yeah oh yeah there we go is that you coming I saw the seat yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I go to all the games is

Travis more of the football correspondent and you’re the basketball correspondent no I do both right now you do both okay okay yeah it was Jayce doing football and me doing basketball we had to do some stuff around and so now I’m doing both what is is Travis

More so just the publisher right gotcha yeah Jim’s the do- it all he pretty much I feel like you do everything for for theer you have writers but you do I mean you’re not just a publisher you go out and cover everything Goa yeah everything that’s that’s pretty much

What I do and then Travis writes what he wants Jayce does recruiting stuff for us now Jeff um the hell is his name Sho where’s my damn Mouse what’s his name Jeff what Jeff uh Jeff K who you who are you talking about no Jeff GFF Goodman put out the 20

Worst coaching hires of men’s college basketball since 2000 I just open that I haven’t looked and Archie Miller is not in it H and I’m like this thing is is worthless to me now is Kenny Payne number one he is number one he needs to be number one yeah and then New Mexico

State guy’s number two which is fair because honestly you might have I You could argue that should probably go one yeah just because of the the reality of what happened there no I think he must be buddies with Arie Miller well he Archie comes on his P his podcast he’s

Not going to sit there and put Archie that’s right that’s right Kevin Stallings in Pittsburgh was pretty bad uh Patrick and georg’s only nine yeah Billy glp’s on it twice but they they’ve got him at oh go ahead filet and enjoy it cook to perfection in Chop Shop Steakhouse chop

Shock marketing table a part of the wild food group is your butcher Baker and Fish House no matter where you live this segment is brought to you by Reynolds Family Dentistry in Sellersburg now back to the golf club at Eagle Point Studios for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington hey hey welcome back Indiana Sports me radio on this Tuesday game day as a matter of fact Indiana hosting the number two po Purdue boiler makers tonight uh that game is at 7:00 on peacock and for those of you in the Bloomington area if you don’t have it

Head out to Hooser Hanks East over by College Mall Road or off of College Mall Road for the opportunity to watch it there uh have yourself uh something to eat be nice and warm and cozy in there then afterwards you can hang out for after the game with Todd

Ly with us now Casey Bartley from boiler upload and Casey we have been talking about this matchup for me I it’s it’s uh Indiana has to contain produce perimeter play they have three guys that are averaging in double figures that is what makes this team better than last year

The the addition of Lance Jones which is ironic you bring in one guy and it makes uh it makes a huge difference I don’t know how much better this team actually is because they’ve still last year they almost lost at Nebraska this year they do lose to

Nebraska uh and they’re sitting with two losses a little earlier this season I think than they were last year and if they were to lose this game it would be amazing because that would have them sitting uh in third place of the Big 10 at this time which

Would be shocking to me the fact that Indiana Purdue or Tide is a little surprising but they are as we uh head into this game tonight but Purdue is also smarting from losing three out of the last four which is also something that’s in their minds I know Zach Edy

That stuff matters to him uh but that’s not what Matt payer is preaching he is just focused on this game and winning this game Nothing Else Matters outside of that nothing that happened last year matters nothing that happened the year before that matters this is right here and right

Now yeah I mean I don’t I don’t think Purdue is panicking as a team because they sit number two in the Big 10 because they you know also sit number two in the country um they do have two losses but both of them Road games on

The Big 10 I think I think it’s pretty clear that the road is going to be hard for everyone this year um I do think it makes a difference that these guys coming in aren’t true freshman like they were last year um Fletcher LA and bradden Smith uh both at times were

Overwhelmed both at times were physically not up to par last year I think that kind of thing makes a difference in their second season um and Lance Jones really has just provided this constant energy um I’ve been I’ve been watching a lot of last year’s team

And just the amount of time that their offense would get stuck last year um when they couldn’t get the ball into Ed there wasn’t a whole bunch else they had going on at times turnovers were a problem they they still turn the ball over this year but just the overall

Motion and the way the offense is worrying this year like it’s it’s night and day at times compared to last year um defensively I think IU can do a couple things with they’re two bigs both on offense and defense it’ll be interesting to see how Ed handles it but

It’s gonna be a fun game assmbly hall there’s not many places that get better for big games in Assembly Hall yeah it that uh is something that Indiana does have in its favor and they are a they are a valuable Sixth Man and anybody that doesn’t think that is nuts and

Obviously has not been to Assembly Hall for a big game there’s a reason Indiana has and have a penchant for knocking off top five teams when they probably shouldn’t because it’s let’s just face it it’s freaking hard to play in there you cannot here uh when you’re down on

That court and for those that that aren’t sitting on the court the noise that everybody is making if you look at the design of that that Arena it is designed like theaters and that noise all rains down and uh there’s too many guys that have told me that dude you

Can’t hear you have to use hand signals and and that does matter but it does not always mean it it’s going to equate to a win but it’s a hell of a sixth man can I ask you like I’ve been to Bloomington quite a few times I like the

City the campus is pretty a lot of good things why are y’all so angry down there it’s the number one it’s the most angry like there’s just a hostility from I’ll tell you why I’ll tell you exactly why uh in my opinion the AP poll just celebrated 75 years of Po polls Indiana

Still with all the crap they’ve gone through in all of these years is still the eighth highest ranked team in 75 years of the Big 10 pole that’s what Indiana fans are used to and but they haven’t been getting that and they’re sick and tired of it because there’s no

Reason not to be able to get back there you just have to have the right person at the right time and that just hasn’t happened uh you I use I boy I’m gonna I get I I put this out in a tweet the other day I didn’t really say anything I

Just put out oh miss is 15- one right now last year they were 13 and 21 what is the difference they hired a very good college coach in Chris beard it matters who you put in the right position and that’s that’s one an answer to your question to students they have the largest

Student uh Congregation of any uh of any team in the country as far as allotment of seats half of them are from out of state none of them have seen true success at Indiana basketball and to me that’s why there’s no reason Indiana has the resources this is a state that puts out

The talent year in year out and there’s no there’s just simply no reason for Indiana not to be successful yet they have not been able to really find that recipe and it’s mindboggling and now that we’ve entered the transfer portal era it makes it even I don’t want to use

The word easier but uh more attainable I guess I should say it’s I kind of wrote about this last night after talking with Trey Kaufman Ren um during practice yesterday because I’m talking to him and he’s he’s an interesting guy to begin with um doesn’t

And I and I’ll be honest with you I truly believe he would have been in Indiana had it had it not been for Archie Miller if Archie Miller wasn’t the coach IU was never on his radar um Archie that’s because Archie Miller was there well I you can he’s

Been pretty locked in he was a Louisville fan growing up um but I just thought it was funny because we were talking about Purdue and he to him he doesn’t really understand the IU Purdue dynamic because to him growing up he about Purdue growing up and then he’s

Like I produ the blue blood in my eyes for as long as I’ve been here we’ve been number one well I don’t think he has an understanding of what a blue blood is a blue blood I don’t think I you does right now well dude you well when you

Have five national championships and you started in the 40s and your success covers decades that’s what it is they’ve still been to a final four more recently than Purdue has obviously I can’t argue for Purdue’s state in the in that matter but like but Purdue is not a blue blood

And not close to it they’re a big 10 blue blood that though that’s well they’re not they haven’t won a national championship how could they be considered a blue blood they’re a they’re a big 10 Blue Blood I’ll give you that they’re definitely a big 10 Blue Blood 16y olds don’t care about

That they don’t care about things that didn’t happen like in they can not care about it but that doesn’t make them right they don’t know what a blue blood is well it’s not going to matter if they keep choosing Purdue over IU though so like that’s that that’s my point I well

I’m not uh they’re definitely the more successful program I’m not going to give you that they are and they have been the most dominant program in in their in their growing up years in their little four-year span of high school that’s that’s without question I

I just think we like as people who are used to the dynamic of IU being seen as up on this pedestal I don’t think kids coming in in high school recruits like they don’t really see it that way anymore no agree we argue the parameters of that but like

It’s it’s just weird because it would seem laughable 30 years ago to say the talent from Indiana’s going to Purdue like you you’d be like what no but like now that’s just kind of how they see it because Legacy and stuff like that I mean there’s like what like seven

Coaches that have national titles at this point like it just keeps recycling between them and IU and Purdue don’t have either of them right now yep IU is is just not had the success uh that they should have and not only have they not had success they have

Made bad hires that have just pushed him for Archie Miller was just it I I’m looking at uh Jeff U Goodman put out the the worst hires in division one of the last 20 years Archie Miller’s not on it well that’s because he they’re buddies

And he does a podcast on the field of 68 Network that he owns so he’s not going to put him on there but let me tell you he was he’s got Tom creen at Georgia Georgia has never been at basketball so who cares how’s that a horrible hire

When you don’t do Jack at Indiana that’s a bad hire but regardless of that fact Indiana has to they’ve got to come around and for people to say they expected a drop off in year three under Mike Woodson that makes zero sense to me

Zero sense to me the goal is to have an upward Trend So when you say you expected a drop off in year three I’m like what the hell are you talking about it’s been Johnson’s third year at Minnesota right yes and what are they doing now they

Are they Indiana butre are way better than they were yeah if you I Nebraska Fred hyberg it’s taken him a long time I mean how long’s he been there five years right but that’s Nebraska right it’s it’s a little bit like starting quarterbacks like after three years you

Have to see something um and I it’s weird that it’s still the same issue with Indiana the the lack of three-point shooting um when I look shooting period hell they can’t shoot free throws when I when I look at like ways that teams are going to beat Purdue and

If I you’s Gonna Knock this off like they’re going to need shooting and it’s just hard to when your guard shoot the way IU does it’s just hard to imagine um they’re gonna dominate everywhere else enough I’m really I know Woody is a smart guy he he

Played basketball at a high level he played here he played for bob Knight he was with the NBA for 40 years yada yada I understand that what I don’t understand is I he he’s sick and tired of being asked about his his uh substitution patterns but every time he would be asked about

It he would answer it as if someone was asking him something different it’s the question is not about subbing everybody knows you have to sub we all know that but you don’t have to sub everybody at the same time and that’s not what was being answered um so you got that he

Doesn’t want to talk about about it uh he was asked about why Indiana is being so unbelievably outrebounded and his answer is well you got to block people out no crap we all know that why is Indiana not doing that why are they not doing that I

So why they’re not doing things that question is not being answered and I don’t know if there isn’t an answer or what but tonight they’re going to have to find something in order to beat this Purdue team now it is going to be you know playing in Assembly Hall is and

Should always be extraordinarily difficult for anybody I don’t care how good you are and and how good you are can be affected by that because let me tell you you can’t mimic that uh you can’t mimic it in practice and it the the lack of being able to communicate sometimes uh can affect

But even with that you the other team has to perform Indiana is shooting like 60 something per as a team from the free throw line if you’re in a close game that’s going to cost you and things like that Purdue has added Lance Jones and that has probably been the best thing that

They’ve done yeah it’s just adding a dynamic guy who can’t get caught can’t get stepped up like he’s just so lightning fast he’s good for two to three transition buckets a game um not afraid to shoot and he’s a guy who can just go be a stopper um

There will probably be moments where he’s guarding Galloway Xavier Johnson McKenzie and bako like they trust him to take on any guy on the perimeter and pry really didn’t have that last year and I think they have two of them this year with the way that Camden Heidi has been

Stepping up and playing as a red Shir freshman so especially when you go up against a team like IU that’s so big on the perimeter uh throwing in two Dynamic guys like that it’s a different team than last year that said um The Elixir for IU is been seemingly to play Purdue

They’ve played their best ball games of the season the last couple years against Purdue um it’ll be curious if they can do it still without Trace Jackson Davis and Jaylen Hood chafino who were the stars of both of those games so and they so it’s a different dynamic because they

Do have a couple of bigs that are better than the two bigs they had when you combined them right uh with trace and race trace of course stood out but race as good as he is he doesn’t bring he didn’t bring the dynamic between that

That uh kle wear and mik renew both of those guys can step out and shoot the three is is one of them able to pull Edy out who’s going to guard who’s Edie going to guard do you in your estimation um I think just because of the way the

Starting line lineup is I don’t it is X Xavier Johnson starting for you guys I I my guess right now is no but that’s a guess that is strictly a guess I I I assume that P is gonna start with Edie onwar um and I think painter would be

Happy to hide Edie on Walker or Sparks whenever they come in maybe even if he’s onw we’s going to probably do his best to get Edy outside right um that’s definitely an issue uh but at the same time it’s not been great but has IU’s offense been disciplined enough to take

Advantage of a matchup throughout a whole game and then the other part is like we cannot stick with Ed it’s the same issue as last Trace Jackson Davis couldn’t guard Ed last year well who can do I yeah no one can so it’s still a give and take I

Think it I could put you on my shoulders if we couldn’t guard right no give me a steel chair and I’m not gonna take him out it’s I I I think that is what makes this matchup so fun though because I think reneu and where both the way they

Move on offense and the way they’re able to get around like Edy has problems with guys that can relocate very quickly and with how vertical those two guys can be they’re definitely going to get some hoops on that end um I think it would almost be a disservice to IU’s offense

If you just stick them outside I think you would involve them in the pick and roll get them on the Move make Ed have to make choices on defense it’s still not something he’s the most comfortable at and I I think just using either big as a

Shooter would be a net win for Purdue yeah we will certainly see this is going to be and and not knowing who the starting guards are going to be it’s just there just a lot of questions going into this game tonight uh and whoever mentioned they want to see how many

Times Ed gets called for over the back there is no such thing in college basketball there is no over the back there that is not that’s not in the rule book there is no foul unless you push somebody that’s just a push and he’s been G for a lot of rebounding fouls

This year a lot more than last year well we’ll see but man it’s going to be entertaining look forward to seeing you tonight uh safe travels cold out there man yep I’m excited I’m IND down so it’s only about an hour and 20 minutes to get

Down there there you go excited to see him Assembly Hall again perfect looking forward to seeing you my friend and it should be a great one tonight uh don’t forget after the game with Todd liry as uh we will bring you the results of this

Game that starts at 7 pm at Simon Scott Assembly Hall and then of course for those of you that that aren’t going to make it it’s on peock uh your favorite network uh by popularity I can tell I’m just kidding everybody hates having to stream but thanks brother we appreciate

You Casey appreciate it hey everybody else big thanks to you guys is always uh for joining us today I can’t uh thank you enough Mike dorsy as well Mike nck from the Bloomington Herald Times Crown ker and Casey Bartley there from boiler upload as Indiana faces their toughest

Task to date taking on the number two Purdue boiler makers tonight at Simon Scott Assembly Hall and I’ll see you after the game with Todd Larry until then I’m Jim Coyle I will see you on the radio thanks for listening to Indiana sportsbeat radio be sure to subscribe to

Our YouTube page for more clips and team coverage of Indiana basketball football and more you can also find full episodes and tons of other content on the we’ll see you next time for another edition of Indiana sportsbeat radio

1 Comment

  1. it brings a calm to me I love the cold too cause your not forced to do crazy stuff you don't wanna do its a reason to be lazy haha

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