Golf Players


Gr’s 200 to 100 what is he doing he’s putting ice on his face why I think he was we’re just F so nervous no yeah it means it matters you guys in joggers bro I don’t I don’t get it hey you piped it I piped that one

Mhm yeah scale of 1 to 10 how nervous were you I was like a eight you drew it over the water I mean that’s perfect position ooh little bullet he pulled it left yeah oh my hands are sweaty right now watching this got a one shot lead right here mm this for Eagle

Oh oh my goodness oh my gosh good shot by the way that was amazing that’s disappointing what a match what an ending that really that’s so cute wow


  1. Gongrats to Grant on the win. Garrett is crazy good when he's on. Watching Bryson and him go 16 under was amazing!

  2. If you had to choose between Garrett and Grant to be on your scramble team, who you picking?

  3. I agree with him about the joggers. Leave that for the ladies to wear that. Kind of weird wearing bottoms you can see a man’s ankles like that

  4. Thanxs bryson for showing how corny they was for acting like that Garrett very sus person he's low key hiding sumthing

  5. Think joggers is a high school to mid-twenties thing πŸ€”

    Looking forward to the DeChambeau/ Horvat collab! Let's Go!!

  6. Thank u Bryson. They’re not joggers, never heard of that. they’re capris and my sister wore em when she was little.

  7. Only 2 shots in at the end but Grant could easily have been 5 shots ahead. That video showed the different levels between the two of them.

  8. Bryson you are such a down to earth guy and an absolute stud fair play to you brother you can see your genuinely happy for people top top man

  9. Congrats to Grant first of all! But he’s putting ice on his face because he’s tired after the flight and no sleep. He’s purely running on adrenaline at this point. Perfect for another match!

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