Golf Players

How to Exploit Ground Reaction Forces Correctly with Terry Hashimoto

Terry Hashimoto is the founder of Jazz Golf in Canada, a co-developer of the BodiTrak Golf Pressure Mapt, and inventor of the world’s first inertial measuring unit for golf and other major golf products. He is a PGA Professional and one of the foremost experts in the field of Pressure Mapping and Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) and he joins #OntheMark to teach you the mechanics of building a good golf-swing from the ground up.

He talks about GRF at length and illustrates important charts and data that pertain to the “Flow of Energy” with specific regard to:

Efficient and Inefficient Pressure Traces, The Center of Pressure and what it represents, Velocity Charts and how Peak Velocity is created, and Vertical Forces, what they are, how they are exploited and when they are exploited in the swing. He also shows the differences between Professionals and Amateurs, Long Drivers and Short Drivers. He shows what Long Hitters do in the swing for power and he describes and illustrates Power Address and Impact positions.

He talks about Rotary, Lateral and Vertical Forces in the swing and when and how they should be used, and he shows how Pressure Mapping and the correct use of the ground can mitigate injuries.

STREAMING: On the Mark is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and wherever else you listen to podcasts.

ABOUT ON THE MARK: Mark’s knowledge, insight and experience have made him a sought-after mind on the PGA and European tours. Through his career, he has taught and/or consulted to various Major Champions, PGA Tour winners and global Tour professionals such as: Larry Mize, Loren Roberts, Louis Oosthuizen, Patton Kizzire, Trevor Immelman, Charl Schwartzel, Scott Brown, Andrew Georgiou and Rourke can der Spuy. His golf teaching experience and anecdotal storytelling broadcasting style makes him a popular host for golf outings.

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This guy gets me so excited I have to start the new year with him Terry because we’re going to build good golf sings from the ground up Terry Hashimoto welcome to the show Happy New Year how are you Happy New Year Mark and happy New Year to everybody watching I’m so

Excited to be with you guys it’s crazy man Terry you’re the best guy to text because when I get texts from you they’re like exploding in emojis and happy faces and Rockets and and I mean you just seem like you are all guns blazing here for what you’re about to

Share well I I’ll tell you Mark when we started body track uh nearly 13 years ago actually 13 years almost the to the month now uh we really didn’t do a good job of educating the market so one of the reasons I asked you to if I could

Come back and share with your good friends we now have finally put into place the proper Educational Tools for for people to you know all get on the same page with pressure mapping and and I and I’m not doing it for the money either the first section is free for the

People so that they can learn how to use and read all the proper graphs they need to understand awesome we’ll get to we’ll share that information toward the end of this conversation um Terry quickly what have you been up to because you joked with me you’re like because I did this

That’s why I can talk to you for the rest of my life what you been up to since you’ve been last on the show well we have uh developed a new training program as you know it’s called gol but the opening up the kimono to the

Endgame we are developing a well we’re part of an app now that we’re going to be able to share with your with the coaches that they can do online education through our new app and we’re going to crowdsource it for but we’re not sharing this with everybody we’re

Only going to be doing it with like-minded people we’re also after the truth Mark we there’s a lot of guys out there that have got some ideas that you know maybe make sense or maybe don’t we don’t care as long as it as long as they understand the fundamentals of pressure

Mapping so as long as it fits in we are going to be crowdsourcing the consumer to the G proo and we have developed I’m a part of a new program that’s going to allow the G proo and the coaches for training physical therapists to share their ideas with the planet and I cannot

Tell you how excited I am about this we’re launching it at the show Mark it is insane it’s called whop I know I I know just enough to be dangerous and you make a good point earlier because you know thanks to you I have a body track mat it’s in my garage teaching

Studio I love it and I know about the cop the center of pressure and I know what it should look like but like I say again I know just enough to kind of be helpful and also a little dangerous and that’s why I’m I’m so glad personally

Why you are going where you going with this because there is a treasure Trove of information and golf swing Improvement stuff that come out of the ground I mean always in the back of my head I’ve got Sam Sneed saying you know good golf swings are built from the

Ground up and and you guys are now proving this well curling up the toes was Sam s’s greatest I think when I when I saw the clip with Sam sne curling up his toes you know I take off my shoes and curl up my toes when I playing so

Well and just belting it I mean it worked for him but why did it work for him that’s what we did is we figured out why it worked for him and you know the toes as we mentioned are the breaking mechanism of the foot the heels are the

Acceleration portion of the foot and if he’s accelerating through his heels he’s going to be his kinematic sequence more in sync so if you’re accelerating through your toes which is the breaking mechanism now the upper tal is going to be having to slow down to catch up with

Speed up to catch up with your feet and that’s just not going to work all right you’ve teased people and they’re like wait toes are Breakers heels are accelerated the first time you said this to me I’m like yeah that makes sense because if I’m moving toward the hills

My body’s rotating okay I’m going to let you share the screen don’t screw it up now okay and while Terry we practiced this before we went live folks uh while Terry is sharing his screen I’m going to just basically explain to you what we’re going to do Terry is hooked up with the

On form app and Nate her grve has been on the show before with on form they got a really cool golf instruction app I use it Terry and the body track folks um have connected with them so now you can do everything in one place how are we

Doing over there Terry yeah I think so are you seeing what I’m seeing uh not just yet okay uh hang on guys we go techology expert not so much of an expert here we go rock and roll well you know how to use the feet it’s the mouth

That I got to teach you a little bit on okay folks for the audio listeners I would recommend that you go and check this out on YouTube we’re going to do our best to describe what we’re seeing and right now I’m looking at Terry’s desktop and he’s got some sweet images

Here of two golfers um basically videoed through the on form app and you can see their Center of pressure traces now he toggling back and forth so Terry go after it share the folks share with the folks what you looking at and what is the importance over here all right so

What we’re going to see here Mark is the flow of energy between your feet and we call this a pressure TR Trace okay upstairs here we’ve got a a good friend of m a a t Pro his own right Indo and then below that is Roberto Diaz okay and

They’re both excellent players but watch in the top screen how the flow of energy is through Ian’s toes and watch below yeah how uh Roberto his energy is Flowing underneath in the trace okay now what for the audio listener I’m looking at a screen here where this pressure

Trace we’re looking at a rectangle it’s got a Crosshair in in the middle of it and there’s numbers that represent the pressure in the heel and the pressure in the toe and as Terry is toggling through these swings you can see those those numbers changing whether the pressure is

Moving to the toes or the heels of the trail foot going back and the top swing you could see the pressure going to the toe which is a stopper that’s a breaker where you can see Roberto corn faery toe winner uh he turns back into the heel

And the pressure Trace just moves back and forth and and Roberto’s line is a whole lot neater it’s a lot straighter uh Terry I’ll let you keep it then now no this is it’s an excellent summary Mark um now the cool thing about this is well Ian’s an excellent player he but

He’s not quite at the level that Roberto is yeah and you know this is an a flaw the number one pressure flaw on golf is getting too much pressure into the toes what’s interesting in the lower level there is that Roberto actually gets too deep into the trail Hill and recently I

Posted uh you know this is the major difference between a tan pro and an amateur is a tan pro will get too deep into their Trail heel but notice where he gets too deep into the trail Hill as soon as Roberto takes that club back he’s already got 95% of his pressure

Into his Trail here so he’s got left arm parallel with the ground for the audio folks so Roberto’s left arm parallel with the ground and he’s already got 95% of the pressure in his trailing heel that’s what Terry’s recommending about guys getting the really Elite golfers

Getting too deep into the trail foot and you know what you know our friend Jake thurm who’s part of my new company called golf rehab he he he rebutted on the post he said maybe we should all be doing that and I thought you know that’s

A heck of a good idea so for the heck of a a few of our my buddies and I we started messing around and we just lifted up our Trail Tow and just hit the ball from there and we hit it pretty good I knew this anyways but may have

Done this before but it works well I will say this Ernie Ellison I think I’ve mentioned this to you before and Ernie can swing it and hit it I mean he hits the ball in the middle of the club every single time he said to me goes I always

Play my best golf when I’m in my heels always um but I want you before we even go back because you’re talking about this flow of energy and I love the numbers and you can see the pressure almost folks who have not seen this you

Should get one um but it looks like if you look at a storm system like the Doppler radar like clouds forming and and where the most pressure is there’s like a red cell like a big thunderstorm there um but the numbers on the side are fascinating me because from the start I

Want you to take them back to address please talk about where pressure is in relation to left foot and right foot and then toes and heels and what you feel like is the most important um for any golfer as they set up such a good question

And you know for our friends out there you know there are five key pressure positions but one of them is address okay we never spent a lot of time talking about the ratio of total heal we we we acknowledged early on that the modern golfer sets up stronger on the

Lead side and we understand that to be the case but what’s interesting is what about where’s their pressure relative to their toes and heels and what we’re seeing if you take a look at Roberto he’s very deep into his heels at a dress position um I not quite so much but he’s

More pressure into his Trail heel now what we’re finding is the more we look into this is that at the dress position the best players in the world are favoring their heels both heels and and that makes sense to me because it falls into our our our logic

Which is toes are are brakes heels are the accelerators so if you want to get pressure in into the trail heel or the trail side quick or the lead side quickly you need to do it via your heels not your breaking mechanism which are the tolls so this is just Falls right

Into our sort of program but this is a a relatively new uh point of review for us we never really paid much of attention to you know is there a standard operating procedure for pressure into the toes and or the heels at the addressed position and it turns out

There is and so just to summarize folks so the out of all the research Terry and E crew have done heel pressure sort of evenly distributed at a dress not like all heels because you don’t want to be out of balance but athletically so you

Just want to don’t want to be in the toes too much right you want to be in the transverse proximal Arch which is where the where the ankle joins the foot and just a little bit behind that and that’s you know that’s the ideal spot but what’s cool tool Mark is that as

Soon as you take the club back that pressure is going to begin to go into the lead toe yeah so it’s not so so here’s the key folks because as you watch the pressure tress move back and forth uh it looks side to side it’s moving like that because it’s your

Center pressure and it’s moving because from a dress the pressure moves backward into the heel of the trail foot and F into the toe of the Lead Foot and that movement rotates the body from the ground up and moves the pressure Trace to the right for the right-hander am I

Saying that correctly correct and look at on the lower case here so as rerto takes the club back watch his left toe pressure increase significantly MH now he’s beginning to break on his lead side because the pressure is moving to the lead side so now he’s creating a wall to

Hit against yeah but he releases the energy a little bit early I’m going to show you another slide here in a second and you but he gets it into his lead heel prior to impact that’s the secret to clearing properly and if I can I’m going to slip slide over to another

Trace here I’m so glad you did and while he uh he does that for the audio listeners again check this out on YouTube just search for Mark imman um this the opening up because this is a thing in golf now rotation you got to open through contact if your pressure is

On your forward foot toward the toe Terry correct me if I’m cra if I’m wrong it is next to you impossible to open up unless you only use your shoulders and your chest it will never come out of your thought it’ll be all upside down and out of kinematic sequence am I right

Oh 100% And this is a fairly new thing uh when I say new now what’s cool but what you said is I’m going to add one caveat to that Mark okay this this is Nick Flanigan who’s from Australia that won the US amateur at Oakmont many years

Ago and I believe he’s is a coin fairy winner as well mhm we all know hitting ain’t scoring but in terms of what I see in terms of the traces this would be a trace that I would say I would bet my last dollar on uh if I could see the

Trace prior to a competition and this is he’s clearing perpendicular to the Target perpendicular to the Target not around it but perpendicular so the pressure is going from his lead toe to his lead heel he’s at the top of his swing moving towards impact and he’s

Already got 91% of his pressure into his lead heel he’s already he’s already started the breaking mechanism and then he’s clearing into his lead heel and then now what’s in go ahead I want to I want to say this because what Terry said it may sound like I can see I was

Visualizing but then I looked at the image and Nick Flanigan here you can see how his legs are centered you can see pressure in his knees his arms are into the downswing but his hands are still above his right shoulder and his pressure is move to the forward side and

Get this folks his hands are above his shoulder at about the height of his ears he has 91% of the pressure in the leading heel he doesn’t look spun out he has not spun the chest the chest is closed to the Target yet there’s all that pressure in the Fort Hill it is

Downright sexy this is when I saw Nick when I was working with I wasn’t working with him he was testing shafts to be absolutely honest Nick’s got his own way of thinking he’s a great smart he’s a very intelligent player and we were working with him in San Antonio

Testing shafts when I saw this Trace he asked me what I thought I said I I I I I can’t use the words in on your show like it was it was orgasmic I can say that like it was like this is perfect because what I’m going to show you uh next

Is is is is also outstanding and this is Justin James now this is former World Long driving Champion folks Justin James he’s been on the show he talked about his kettle bell routine this guy’s a beast unbelievable he’s a machine and he’s in a little bit earlier stage than Nick but

But this is what he does he’s breaking extremely hard on his lead toll and then I’m um now just again for the audio listener I want to describe this so this is Justin because I know the length of his back swing it’s longer than this he looks like he’s

Hands above head shaft just slightly short of parallel um the pressure Trace has gone back and forward but even though the clubs going back he’s already got almost 90% of the pressure in his forward toe folks so think about this his Club still going back yet his Center

Of pressure has moved forward into that forward foot and man he’s Lo building up that thing so he can jump and turn and do whatever he needs to get out of the way of it right and then if you go to section five in the first course you’re

Going to see him clear perpendicular to the Target like Nick now the funniest thing about this Mark from my perspective is when we started pressure mapping guys would say you can’t have the same Trace in your driver as you do in your irons if you’re a good player if

You’re a long hitter I said you know I whatever but the truth is the longest hitters on the planet the one that can keep it within the grid the most have a linear Trace so I mean Nick Flanigan versus the world’s long drive Champion both have a linear Trace both really

Good and they both clear perpendicular to the Target okay and you know what that’s the number one way to avoid injuries yes fantastic I want to mind that in a minute but just in the interest of understanding because that’s always my goal for all of our fans um

We’re all about understanding so when you say say a linear Trace I want you to describe that for the listener and once again just visit the perpendicular to the Target because and just me personally I was the best spinner out of a golf shot you ever imagin because I

Read the Ben Hogan modern fundamentals book and I got it all wrong okay and so I was a weak ball Striker I was good but I was didn’t never got the most out of it so I want you to talk about the linear Trace describe that and the

Perpendicular to the Target please so there’s a line going back I I know if you can see my cursor going back on on Justin’s Tracer but there’s a line going back and then a line going through towards the target when you’re line on line that’s linear there’s a slight Gap

In between it but that’s very minor the bigger the gap between the line going back and the line going through the more dispersion the opportunity for making an error and the line represents what it’s the flow of energy between your feet but that’s actually the for that’s the

Average of all the forces created by gravity when you stand on the pressure mat it’s not your center of mass it’s the center of pressure so when you stand on the pressure mat and you know please go to the free section it’s absolutely free to take a look at this it tells you

What it is and it’s the it’s the average of all the forces created by gravity when you stand on a pressure mat and then when you move side by side not your body when you just tap your feet you’ll see the energy going right left right

Left right left into your toes into your heels toes heels toes heels yeah so it moves fast it’s easy to read and it and it and it’s and it and it really is the absolute truth in terms of how stable you are during your swing

Okay I think I’m a little I’m a golf swing nerd you know me um and both my girls they were into gymnastics when they were very young and so my wife is she’s the smart in our operation by the by the longest way and she she’s got

Visions so because the girls were in gymnastics and there were all these routines she bought a balance beam not the one like they use in competition but just the beam that you laid down on the ground so they could work on balance and walking and straightness and stuff so I

Now am using that balance beam to give golf lessons because if you’re on that balance beam right and you’re trying to make a swing you can just figure out quickly enough that if you’re tilting from one side to the other too much on that balance beam that’s likely your center of pressure

Not being linear is you going from one side to the other am I right absolutely correct I’m using a new tool that I’m testing called axus core okay and um it was developed by a fellow named Brian Doyle you can Google it axus core and they’ve assigned to me a trainer her

Name is Jackie D Martino and she’s killing me but um they it’s a board that’s got lights on it that will tell you if when you’re out of balance or not turns yellow I mean turns green or red okay and you can feel it anyways you

Don’t you know and but it’s to your point and it’s an amazing you don’t hit balls on it but it it’s it’s for propri reception and working your upper torso as well when you’re when you’re on the ground with it there’s a whole bunch of ways to use it but it’s absolutely nuts

And it’s like what you’re saying the sheftic board was an early you know precursor for what we’re talking about and then I I saw John Tillery use a skateboard to um to teach his guys how to maintain balance left right and into your toes and heels and that’s another

Good way but a little dangerous JT is a little bit nuts but uh in a positive way JT but the you know like but to any board at all that’s got some sort of you know that there’s a ball underneath that’s going to make you have to find

Your your your balance side to side and toll to heal that’s a great vehicle to to work with as long as you’re in a you know keep it safe you don’t want to fall off that thing I’ve posted this drill before I’ll probably repost it too where for people that you

Know I see so many golf swings where you got rolly feet right you swing back and you roll to the outside of the foot and your way through there’s a lot of foot roll over and that’s messy um and so I just lay an alignment rod down on the

Ground that’s parallel with the target line address you stand on the alignment Rod so it’s sort of just through the arches of the feet and then on the back swing I want you to feel the pressure move to to the body side of the alignment Rod so you basically go heels

And toes and then you flip-flop that and you’ll see if you’re watching yourself in a mirror when you do that how rotary the action then becomes that’s worthwhile right oh it’s totally totally cool um one of the things we’re experimenting with now with our online

Uh with Jake thur and uh are some of the coaches that run our golf reab team is we’re we’re we’re trying to use Easy uh methods to train with so to your point that’s a good one what we like to see guys do is take a 2×4 about 4T long and

Just initially put your toes on the 2×4 keeping the pressure in the heels just taking a few swings progressively building up the speed and then learning how to use what it feels like to to get into the heels of both feet and that’s going to increase your rotation both

Sides and then once they get used to that feeling what we do is we get them to um stand in dorsy uh um in their Trail heel and plant her on her lead which is a dorsy is up so your toes up on your Trail and planter is toes down

And take a few swings and they will feel the rotation increase on their Trail side and they will feel the resistance on the lead side because you’re you’re in your toes and then what we get them to do next is we get them to practice clearing perpendicular on the lead side

So now they’re beginning to open up the hips in a very modern way and it’s also and it’s it’s keeping their kinematic sequence in sync because the pressure pressure is going to allow it’s going to drag the hips the shoulders the arms and the hands with them through the sequence

As opposed to hitting over the top and the hands initiating the arms and then everything else being out of sequence okay I’m going I’m going to segue this to the perpendicular description I wanted you to talk about again but I remember back in the day when Nick feldo

Was rebuilding the swing alongside David lver because um feldo was very leggy s the legs were soupy underneath him lots of knee drive very old school that’s a fall back and hand action through contact he would stand there for hours where he’d take his lead leg pull it out

The way so he’s a little open with his low body chest Square wind up press into the heel and then his toe on the front foot and then as he turned out of the way you could see him go even though he’s open go and plant that lead foot so

He was basically hitting on his left toe for a while but as he would go through go into his follow through and he just became so rotary and look the rest was history I I don’t care what anybody tells me uh I I know this to be true because I’m

There as you get older you lose rotational forces and we all know that golf is a combination of of rotary lateral and vertical forces you know I can move as fast as I want laterally because I’m fantastic that way I was taught by Bob tsy which is sort of the

Ballard method in the 70s and you know I’m not saying tsy copy B what I meant is they both were lateral guys but as you get older Mark you know you’re too young yet but when you start losing your rotational speed that hip speed’s hard

To get back so that drill you just laid out is perfect tremendous okay perpendicular um you said clearing perpendicular to the Target just describe that one more time and then I want to get to uh your other graphs you have so I’ve got Nick Flanigan back up

On the screen because I had I had Justin James at a different position Justin James was at a much earlier position is and and now you now he does what Nick does he clears directly into the lead heel but you can see that line in that

CP graph is that it’s perp pendicular to the Target it’s not on an angle it’s perpendicular to the Target he’s he’s clearing perpendicular he’s moving the pressure from his lead toe to his lead heel very quickly and now he’s freeing up his body so he’s going to prevent

Injuries because now he can rotate clearly around his body without injurying his lead sight so that’s the key to the that’s the secret one of the secrets there’s two of them in my opinion doing this and lining up your joints at impact those are the secrets to safe distance

Yeah hey folks um the aha moment is this the pressure Trace which moved linear almost in a horizontal line back and through clearing perpendicular that pressure trace on Nick Flanigan’s image again you can go see this on YouTube went from linear or horizontal and it turned straight downward it was went

From it went from east to west and then straight to South and so that’s how well he cleared there was no rolling over in that forward leg the front knee I’m sure never got beyond the front ankle it was pure clearing and the pressure was moving backward into the heel and that

Opens everything up and it allows the club really to free wheel all the way to the follow through yes absolutely correct and then I want to show you here again Justin James and you can see clearly here he’s in the 59 it his lead healed this is at the address position

Okay um this is clearly before his hands move if you had this on video be even more clear but you can see the club position at the ball now you can see that little forward press he’s got 70% of the pressure on his lead side now

This is very common in what we’re seeing with the longest hitters on the world but not only is JJ long he’s straight relatively speaking for his category of of golf and then you take a look at we’re seeing more and more tour players the ones that we’re getting the traces

Of that are major winners they’re setting up more on their heels than we thought they did initially uh and this is a very critical thing to look at because now it this is how you initiate app your back swing he’s going to move from his lead heel into his lead toe as

He goes back love it now we’ve got some other charts and graphs here that um you know a lot of people are interested in the vertical forces I thought maybe you might like to take a look at this I would and yeah folks this is completely self-serving for me because when I use

My pressure tracing my my my my my body track pressure Trace I look at the trace back and forth I can see if someone’s out of whack we can f that because I understand how one needs to move between heels and Toes um but this stuff when

The movement occurs I’m uh I know just enough to be dangerous I think so have added the vertical forces are relatively easy um the there are two times when you break once on your Trail side and the second time is Once on your lead uh next

On the lead side when the club is when your lead armor is parallel to the ground on the way back typically that’s when a good player will pressed down hard into the trail heel to move pressure to the lead side in this case what we’re looking at this is one of our

Golf rehab teammate member Stuart bantine who’s an excellent player he was a college player played tried to play pro golf then moved on to become a master fitter working with Taylor Maid and bringing pxg to Canada but his lead arm is parallel to the ground on the way

Down and you can see that this is at the top peak here that blue Peak that that’s the maximum vertical pressure on his lead side in this case it’s 1 Point time 1.1 times his body weight so when you stand on a pressure mapping system of

Any type uh you know we yes we sell body track but we’re but we are a uous company at this point with regards to education this will show up in the V1 or it shows up in the swing Catalyst or the s2m or the gasp system there will be a

Form of vertical forces and what all of us seem to be doing is the same thing when you stand on the pressure mat of any type we give you a unit a body unit of one so that we measure the relative value of the increase in the vertical

Forces relative to you okay and the T average in total is about 1.5 during the swing St is an excellent golfer hits his 6 iron about 200 hits his driver about 295 to 305 carry and he’s generating a total of 1.3 times his body weight so

That’s not bad tur guys is about 1.5 but let’s also take into consideration here is that when you break on your lead side prior to impact what you’re doing is you’re creating effectively a wall that you’re hitting against so that you’re so that when you’re slowing down on your

Lead side now your hands can rapidly accelerate past it it’s like two cars going down the highway at the same speed now if your feet represent the car that’s about to break all of a sudden if you rapidly put on the brakes now your hands go rapidly past it got and that’s

Exactly what the issue is here so the Harder Faster your break the faster your hands will accelerate past the break Sensational you’ve explained the concept this is the vertical Force measure everyone gets a value of one and as we look at the graph here um over Stuart

Again it’s a graph and there’s up the I can’t remember which was X and Y well it tells you here that why you don’t have to remember it because it’s the it’s it’s I forget X Y and Z all the time and so we the horizontal there’s the

Horizont Al measure that looks like it’s in seconds and then the vertical of the graph that is the pressure or the vertical force and then there are three different bars here there’s a yellow there’s a blue and an orange describe what those are as we’re looking at them

The blue one represents the vertical forces on the lead side okay the yellow one or the gold one represents the vertical forces on your Trail side and then the orange one represents the total at all times so although I’m showing you a a fixed Picture This is actually alive

In the graphs that when you see it so you can you can go to any part of the swing and see what the vertical forces are at those key points incredible so and and obviously folks as you would imagine because the force is moving from

One side to the other so as the blue side the forward side went lower the trail side there was more vertical force or pushing to the ground or making oneself heavier and then as you transition into the downswing and there’s a vertical lineer I guess that that vertical line is impact the that

Vertical represents the position that that like he’s he’s where currently is um you there’s massive downward force in the forward side and then uh not as much in the heel side so so you can see the relationship between the two sides as the body rotates back and through

Sorry I didn’t mean to flip the screen on you so quickly now we’re at the velocity chart and the velocity chart uh represents the lateral speed and Heel To Toe speed now this is one of the most misinterpreted charts and graphs that we have ever uh we didn’t do a good job

Explaining this but I understand why you here that’s why we have you on the unmarked shirt sorry so this is how I made my uh uh how I built up whatever little reputation I’ve got these little spikes uh that where that vertical line is that that uh you are actually right Mark

That’s impact okay so the um these little spikes going up and down those two little spikes prior to that Peak Spike and that Peak Spike we call that Peak velocity that’s the point in time when he’s moving the fastest towards the lead side but these little spikes up and

Down represent restrictions where his body is speeding up slowing down speeding up slowing down then speeding up and now slowing down towards impact now don’t let this confuse you because uh but this is in Nick anan’s chart and you’ll see this in the freebie section

One so go to it and and see it for free his he’s one Spike up one Spike down because he doesn’t have any restrictions on the way back and the way down Stuart in this case does have restrictions so this is the beginning Mark where we can

Begin to use um the pressure mapping tools to understand if a golfer has any physical restrictions in on their body during their swing can I isolate what the physical restrictions are no but what but I can tell you what side of the body they’re on and I’m going to show

You how you can see that in the seal P chart as well but this is the velocity uh side to side is the white line and toe to heel is the Gold Line again folks it’s just a graph um and there’s a white line which is the lateral movement and

What’s surprising and Terry I want you to elaborate on this please you know people have heard well you got to shift your weight from back back in the day and then they shift back and they go backwards laterally too long and then they way late and then their upper body

Has to react then they come over the top and they wonder why and then on the way down then they’re like well I got to get through it so they’re shifting laterally too long and not turning where this the change in Direction yeah a lot I don’t

Want fast as dangerous because it’s not a vigorous move but in relation to you know transferring from left to right you are forward along wait long time before the club’s down and then the body slows down so the club can catch up and slingshot to get back to your race car

Comparison that’s exactly it that’s that that I mean a bll whip is is is my favorite analogy in terms of um uh now this is a bll whip is my favorite analogy where it snaps just prior to impact creating supersonic speed and that’s what you’re doing when you’re

Breaking you’re breaking on your lead side so that the hands can rapidly accelerate past it but this is the final slide I’ve got with the graphs and the charts but this is a uh I’m not I I actually forgot his name I apologize I’m having a senior moment but he won his

First European Tour event uh he’s from Ireland uh about two years ago he came right as soon as I got out of the Hop and he hasn’t had very good he’s been working on his game since um we were a little bit uh into the Bailey when we

Were doing this at one of my friends backyards I was waiting to catch a plane to home and he was waiting to catch a flight to go some someplace in Israel to play golf tournament we were sharing a friend’s house Matt ail down in Orlando but you’re going to see the Restriction

Right here you can see this Trace right here yeah can you see the little zigzag he’s that impact now but if you now that you’ve seen what a trace is you can see how he’s getting into his toes but you’re going to see this little sort of hesitation where that cursor is rolling

Yeah and I said to him if you got any injuries on your Trail side in fact he had he had a knee surgery on his Trail side side and so this restriction is something that he has to work he has to get around and how can he get around it

Well if he’s got a serious injury you can’t you’re going to have to learn how to live with it but the point of it is this is that once you if you can identify the injury which side of the body it is part of our goal is to

Connect the golf coach with the proper physical therapist that is a golf specializing in golf so that they can work on these injuries to reduce the restrictions because when you are in a restricted mode all you’re going to be doing is compensating to get B to get

Pressure to the lead side somewhere and when you’re compensating what happens to your body you’re hurting some part of your body yeah hey as I look at that pressure trace and incidentally it was videoed on the on forum app which has got a cool feature where it shows the

Joints of your body too so you can see how things are lining up and you heard Terry say he wanted joints over each other at impact um that pressure Trace there is not as linear as a as a Flanigan for fum mistake so Not only was there that

Zigzag where you moved forward and then backed up he looks like on the downswing things are working way too long and too far towards his toes am I reading that correctly and he not winning um we lot of uh and and we had a lot of discussion about this um you know the

The I can say this now because the limitations of stat limitations are long gone but when we were first learning how to use pressure mapping there was a a few early adopters at the University level and I had was given the opportunity and you know it’s a little

Bit unfair to the players because you know there’s always the human component but um the coaches would send me their the guys traces and they’d say which player is going to be more consistent this week that’s very easy to predict I would tell you when I look at

This Trace that this golfer has no chance of winning a tournament the next week he’s going to have to with that pressure Trace because for the audio listeners it went back okay and now he’s at impact you can see there’s been movement way towards the toes and then

The rotation to the lead heel side has been slow um so there’s going to have to be probably a very Inside Out swing path with a lot of hand action through contact judging by what the trace says yeah there’s there’s no question like you know the the the hands are the Joker

In the in the stock of cards yeah um but you know they can compensate and do a lot of things both positive and negative but I like to I always tell my my friends and my players and my coaches you know the hands choke the feet won’t

Um I mean you can’t slip and slide but um but generally speaking um if if you can unlock your feet um just by moving them left right left right left right and then knowing where to put pressure at a dress it frees up your hands to go into whatever position they should be

Based on your own personal physiology and uh I’m not a tree hugger or a natural guy and saying look everything comes natural in life but there’s there’s one word that I really hate it’s gravity I hate it because when I drive and my pen goes from one side of the my

Phone slips out of my pocket and goes into the corner of the yeah you know what’s happening next and and gravity just sucks but if we can learn how to tap into gravity properly and not force Gravity by putting ourselves into a position that we can’t replicate all the

Time we’re going to have a better chance for success and I have found objectively speaking that we can reduce the tension in your upper torso by focusing in on the pressure and where our feet is just by tapping left right left right left right and you see the Monster hitters

Today going bang bang bang and and you know a guy sent me Mark I promise I’ll shut up but a guy sent me a a video uh criticizing me he was saying that Terry you know this leading expert in biomechanics Quan was saying uh it’s not just about hard hard you

Press into the ground but you got to have rhythm and timing well no take Tracy I understand you got to have timing and Rhythm I mean you need a biomechanic degree in that keep in mind we’ve got lots of biomechanics on our team but I mean do I need but and I’ll

Shut up but but hitting the modern way of playing today is a lot more about hitting then swinging in my opinion I agree but here’s the thing if you want Rhythm and timing it comes from the extremities and and if the music starts playing you will find you start tapping

Your feet a lot quicker than what you KCK your fingers think about that for a minute right and then you get the uncomfortable dancer who has to go and dance on the Dance Floor he or she’s not waving their arms around they’re just moving their feet back and forth from

One side to the other and if they get a little frisky there’ll be a little hip shimmy but that hip shimmy only happens when pressures move moving in the feet because if you glue your feet to the ground you could turn from side to side no well there’s a great video clip from

The 60s or 50s with Fred a ster golfing a swing dancing around and hitting the ball apparently he was a scratched player in his day but I mean footwork is everything you know we in in our course we talk about golf dance and as silly as

A name that is you know I really when I watch all the old clips of Hogan going all the way up to the modern guys like Sheffer they all have a a rhythm in their feet that that sets them apart from each other but the basics are left

Right left right left and and you always end up on that lead side before you pull the trigger I mean you know we’ve talked about this before but if you don’t know what initiate your back swing forget it I mean like you don’t get into your car

And put it and drive before you start the engine and your feet are the are the key it it separates you from the rest of the pack you see guys just stand up there statically I mean I’ll drop as much money as I got if I got the right

Amount of Strokes cuz he’s Frozen um you know and getting Strokes by the way is a secret to winning gam you you know but but I mean like you you when you’re static you’re dead a lot of golfers will go for a lesson with their Club professional or whoever and and you’ll

Typically hear well you flipping your hands or you too handsy or you want to um go from too much extension in your wrist to more flexion through contact will the Rea yeah can if you’re watching on YouTube you would have seen Terry look up to his right and sort of shake his

Head the hands and the wrists are a necessary evil right and if you’re not moving properly between your feet and if you’re moving beyond your swings boundaries or outside of your feet either left or right or north and south and you’re out of balance your

Hands are what save you so I’m going to let you leave this with the listener and the viewer that if you want to eliminate X’s hand action through contact move properly between your feet to allow your body to rotate better first you got the

Mic a amen I mean that’s I can’t add to that I mean that’s as well said as anybody could ever say it the the the hands are the Wild Card U they can save you and they can kill you but by move putting your feet in the right position

At the right time it freeze up the hands to do what they got to do and I and I and that’s the only natural thing about me is is I’ll say you use you nailed it Mark I mean that is as well as it can be

Said well I learned from you okay um let’s help folks because now it’s the new year we’re going to do this properly we’re going to build from the ground up so they can get the on form app in the app store the body track Matt or or they

Go and get your system tell folks where they can go to get those things please go to golf just like it’s spell golf we have a new team We’ve Got Jake thurm we’ve got Dr Hayden Atkinson PhD postd Sciences at Western University in London Ontario we’re going

To be talking about fitting we’re going to be talking about how to tweak your clubs we’ve but more significantly we’re going to be talking about how to use the ground properly uh not only to gain optimal distance but so that you can avoid injuries and if you see

Restrictions we’re going to connect you with the proper physical therapist that’s going to put you on a right course with your sports trainer and we’re going to do it online it’s a modern way of doing things Mark as you know I mean do you know as as we all

Know it’s the first time in the history of universe where we have more golfers that don’t play on golf courses than there are golfers playing on the golf course and so this is the Golden Era of golf Mark I am so excited I swear to my

On on my father’s grave I’ve never been more excited to be a part of the golf world than I am today because we can finally do it without me having to go into a jet airplane and travel 250 days a year like you do yeah and you can do

It injuryf free if you listen to Terry where can they follow you golf Mark and Terry Hashimoto on any Instagram Facebook all the sites but if they go to golf click the online courses all my social media are up there and all the reviews and thanks

To everybody and happy 2024 this is going to be amazing year and Mark thanks for seeking out the truth sincerely of course my friend I appreciate you so very much likewise how’s


  1. Great stuff Mark. I was listening to the podcast and had to come watch just so I was clear on certain points. It reminded me of something I have done when I know my weight is on my toes. I would simply curl up my toes which forced my weight slightly back on the foot. Again great stuff and I will add it to my IG later so more people can learn from this serious knowledge bomb

  2. First minute in, “we did a bad job educating the market”, 30 minutes later I stopped watching, hearing what you wanted me to hear, but the visuals make it unwatchable and difficult to follow. Maybe 3rd times a charm

  3. If you look at Snead watch his heals. (I see them; there must be a secret in them). I’m going to find Terry at the Show- can’t wait to hear what he knows about Sam.

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