Golf Players

Home Course | Talor Gooch’s NEW Oklahoma Mansion

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Home Course is an original series produced by PGA Memes that takes you inside the homes of top professional golfers, athletes and celebrities. On this episode of Home Course, we travel to back to Oklahoma City and take a peak at Talor Gooch’s new home that includes a simulator room, full gym and outdoor golf complex.

Welcome back to the channel we’ve got a brand new episode of Home course we’re in Oklahoma City with our first repeat guest Taylor gu Taylor’s coming off an incredible season with Liv golf where he was crowned the individual champion last year when we had the pleasure of touring

Taylor’s home he took us through a tour of his new house being built which they’re currently living in so we’re going to head down the street and go check it out and believe me he has got the most incredible complex inside of his home with the full Sim gy it’s every

Golfer’s dream so let’s go check it out I’m I’m it I’m It when I’m not on the course hacking it up making double triple bogeys or roasting professional golfers on the internet I like to relax put my feet in the sand enjoy the Sun and throw down an ice cold Corona Premiere but unfortunately for me even when I’m on

The course my feet tend to still be in the sand in the Bunker my golf game might not be Premier but my light beer Is what’s up dude house has come to life man yes sir good to see you yeah thanks for having us again man absolutely absolutely Dude Looks unbelievable yeah it’s nice to finally be home you know it’s been a while so it’s been years in the process years in the making and

Finally finally come together hey last time we were here it was just uh Framing and some Sheetrock and some Concrete how you been good good man good good just enjoying the holidays and ready to uh ready to get the the season going here in the next few weeks your family is uh growing so you got another one coming here day right yeah yeah any

Day uh I mean what’s today Friday I mean Wednesday is is if he doesn’t get here by Wednesday that’s when he’ll be getting here so yeah any day now that’s awesome man your little girl have a good Christmas holiday yeah man great it was

Uh man it’s so cool to she’s 2 and 1/2 years old now like she knows who Santa is like she knows that there was going to be presence under the tree so it was fun to get to experience that and and you know just to see the joy in your

Your kids eyes is is the best yeah that’s great man this this is unbelievable so you guys really have quite the the pad here man yeah man it it it turned out good you know like I was saying my wife and I with all of our

Travels we get to see a bunch of cool houses and different architecture around the world and so everywhere we’re traveling we’re like oh that’s cool that’s a good idea and so like I was saying this has been years in the making with you know our vision um you know

Even like this like this island we wanted this to be like a centerpiece of the house like a a big kitchen island where we’re going to eat all of our meals people are going to come over and gather here and um so like this you know this whole area was built around this

Island and then you know the the sliding doors in the back you know when the weather is good not like it is right now like open those up and kind of have the indoor outdoor living space and you know a place that we can have a bunch of

Friends and family over and just you know enjoy some camaraderie yeah I mean this is the ultimate place to entertain people so all your families around here in the area yeah yeah yeah so it’s it’s good to you know have my parents thereby and Ali’s parents are are not too far

Down the road as well so it’s it’s good yeah dude this is incredible man yeah the pocket doors are sick I can imagine on a nice warm day with the pool and yeah the putting green back there can’t wait to check that out yeah absolutely dude so coming off a great year last

Year man it was like dream year for you playing Just lights out made a ton of money but just also just made it just a huge footprint in the game of golf so dude hats off to you for all the success that you went through so it it was fun

To see you know from the from the sidelines and going into the new year with the new team so you’re with Brooks and smash GC MH so how excited are you to go into that new chapter of the life career yeah absolutely you know it’s um it’s obiously a huge opportunity to you

Know be around one of the the greatest of our generation one of the greatest of all time with with Brooks you know day in and day out you know that was you know for me the the kicker of the situation it’s like you know I I always

Want to put myself around you know great golfers and obviously you know Bubba is great and Harold’s great and TP are great but you know dude Brooks has won how many majors five Majors you know he’s he’s one of the greatest major champions in the last you know few

Decades and so you know to put myself around a guy like that in a you know day in and day out basis I I just know it’s he’s going to make me better and and he’s going to push me to be a better golfer and um I’m super excited about

That and then obviously Jay and and GMAC are are great players you know both of them have you know won many times in professional golf obviously gmax major Champion as well so it’s going to be uh it’s going to be a fun season I’m I’m

Really excited about it I know all of us are it’s it’s it’s going to be fun to just go out there and compete yeah you guys are going to be a scary team dude it’s going to be fun to watch you guys all come together so I love uh Brooks Jason Graham they’re

All good guys so it’s going to be fun to see you guys come together to play and compete so yeah big year ahead too so fun schedule you guys are going all over the world and you know just love to see what Liv’s been doing growing the game

In different areas and pockets of the of the world and you know it’s catching on here too in the states quite a bit you see a lot of the The Angst and some of the stuff kind of fizzling out a little bit and some more big names they’re

Signing which is great yeah it’s it’s it’s we’ll have to go back and watch the video a year ago of of us doing this and talking about live because I feel like this is a much different talk now than what it was a year ago you know and so

It’s cool it’s great it’s great for the game of golf it’s great for you know the fans I think it’s great for for everyone you know that um you know some of the animosity starts to subside and and we start to come together as a community as

A golf community and in the professional golf world as fans players you know sponsors everyone starts to realize like you know what we can we can all do this together and and we can do a lot of great together you know around the world

Uh and so uh I’m man it’s it’s cool to think about this season too like going back to Adelaide going back to Singapore you know going back to these places that you know we saw once and now they they’ve seen what live is they’ve seen the product they’ve seen how much fun it

Is and excitement and going back for a second year it’s just going to continue to build and build and grow and so uh man it’s just it’s such a a blessing and so fun to be a part of and obviously when you play some good golf that helps

It pays off too so well you’ve got like the ultimate spot for your house like pretty much every guy whether you’re a pro golfer or you’re an amateur golfer dreams about so want to go back and check check this out cuz I’ve seen some videos but we walked through it last

Year when we were here but your sim room your gym all that got to check this out cuz it just looks world class and I’m sure everybody’s going to be drooling over this yeah absolutely let’s do it All right I’m excited to check this part out man yeah last time we were here we got it all framed out and you were walking us through your vision so yeah yeah it was uh always a dream to have um the home gym you know it it kind of

Gives you less of an excuse to miss a workout when you just have to walk to it so uh I got with my trainer Colby and I said hey help me Design This I don’t want this big lavish outrageous gym but I wanted to have everything that we use

And we need so it’s it’s very functional very purposeful and like I said it uh it kind of gives me no excuses to not to not get it in oh you have absolutely zero excuses now so correct a fitness like lifting weight’s always been a part

Of your regime yeah as your through your professional career yeah for sure I um growing up playing different sports you know I was always working out you know and so uh whenever I pivoted to focusing on golf you know that was you know later in high school and um you know I just

Saw the the future I felt like with with athletes getting into golf and with golfers becoming more athletic and tigers just set the stage for that you know and so I knew that if I wasn’t working out and getting stronger faster um you know I was going to be losing

Ground on guys and so um you know when I turned Pro I I kind of fought some injuries as well so uh that’s when I started uh working with Kobe tuler and you know ever since I got with him you know we’ve just we’ve been able to get

My body right and you know knock on Woods stay healthy and and continue to to you know gain strength and speed those guys got to go we went toward their facility and it’s pretty incredible to see yeah yeah all the Banners are hanging there with all their

Athletes they putting them in the right spots hang the banner baby yeah dude this right here this is something yeah this is uh this is like every golfer’s dream come true whether you’re an Amer or a pro right yeah exactly it was obviously uh you know when you have

Weather like we have today it’s nice to uh nice to be able to get inside and and just to to hit you know to swing to to stay stay moving uh but obviously as you can tell with some of the other parts of it it’s kind of the hangout so it’s uh

It’s fun to have my buddies over and uh get a little competition going have a cocktail or two and and and get it going got some new added Hardware here you had quite the amazing season last year man yeah it was uh it was a good year this

Was uh this is probably the coolest it’s a little bit hidden is uh yeah this is unbelievable the ring remember being there with you in Miami when you got this handed you this is Mr Ben Baller man it was sick it was sick I had no idea uh and then when Greg

Brought it out I was like okay this is this is as cool as it gets so yeah know it was it was a good year man it’s uh we had like I said we added some trophies and yeah see if we can do it again in 24

So what was that like for you you know getting your the first win under your belt was it in Australia correct mhm yeah just went on a tear you were winning all the international events seemed like and then but I mean just like were you just in that zone where

You just felt like you could make any shot on the course and confidence with Sky High yeah it’s you know obviously we all know how hard it is to win and and whenever you’re playing well and you just want to ride that wave as long as

Possible and so uh went in back toback weeks it was nice playing back toback weeks you know when you’re playing that good after Australia it’s like you want to play as much as you can and so uh go to the next week and in Singapore and

Get a win there it was it was awesome and it was cool cuz we did it in kind of two different ways you know like the first week in Australia I had a whatever like a 10 shot lead going to the final round and and then the next week in

Singapore I think I had a tyer lead or something I was right I don’t even know if I was leading but I was in the final group with Brooks and Sergio and so I end up beating Sergio in a playoff so you know to have those back toback weeks

Where you win in two different ways it was awesome but also you know for me great for confidence moving forward you know knowing okay you just beat Everyone by a lot and then also when it comes down to the nitty-gritty like you beat you know one of the best players of this

Generation in a playoff you know and so that was great for the you know for the confidence and something I can I can always look back on when uh when I need to in those situations yeah especially in front of all those fans too that the

First St was oh it was insane insane can’t wait to get back there you ever played any in front of crowds like that before I mean waste management is the only one that’s compares to it you know I I kept telling people you know Waste Management probably had more fans on the

Stadium hole than we had in you know for the watering hole but I’ve never been in a louder environment um because the the all of the uh seating was so much tighter on the t- boox and the green and everything I remember the first round uh

We teed we started there that was our first hole on the first round uh so needless to say the nerves were they were running hot uh but literally my caddy we had to like get into each other’s ear cuz it was so loud that like standing like this talk like you

Couldn’t hear each other that’s how loud it was so it was it was not the most people I’ve I’ve been in front of uh but it was easily the loudest I’ve ever experience yeah that’s not f it was insane sure it’s going to be even more

Rowdy this year so uh yes yes I’m excited excited I’m excited so this whole setup here this is uh HD golf yep HD golf yeah so you put a lot of work in here balance it out between on the course and yeah yeah you know nothing is

Going to replace uh getting work in you know on course on real grass uh but again when you know when you have those days or those weeks where it’s tough to get out because of weather or you know if you’re the amiter that’s you know has

A 9 to5 and you know you got kids and you can’t get to the course like you know getting you know into a Sim room and and just swinging dude it’s just it just helps keep you sharp and keep you moving and so it’s great for for that

Part but again like I said it’s it’s just fun dude it’s just it’s just the hangout so it’s fun having having my buddies over and having some competition and just you know just just having fun so you got your little girls taking some space over too so she’s oh yeah oh yeah

She’s uh she her her thing that she likes to say is I want to go big boom so she likes to she whenever I hit obviously in here it’s loud uh cuz it doesn’t have anywhere to move the the noise and so uh that’s why she’s like

Daddy we go big boom let’s I want to go big boom I’m like all right baby come on let’s go so it’s fun that’s awesome yeah no this a good spot man you can turn the music up loud have a good time so absolutely pretty sure there’s going to

Be some good memories in this area right here absolutely so show me out here real quick I remember you guys were talking through the plans of what you wanted to do outside yeah yeah We talked a while about what this you know backyard would look like obviously we wanted to do a pool and hot tub and uh so this space is all cool and we got some covered patio area to you know have some fun and you know grill out and got

Some TVs and when the weather’s good we’re going to be spending bunch of time out there you got the big pocket door there that goes into the house yeah correct and so uh that’s that’s all fun and and exactly what we wanted but then when we got out here we’re like all

Right what we going to do and so first off I said uh I don’t want to mow every time I get home I’m around mowers a lot yeah last thing I want to do is get home and have to go mow so we Turf the whole

Thing and uh and then we added a nice little putting chipping green here yeah this is sick right here yeah it turned out it turned out good it was fun like kind of Designing it I felt like a golf course architect designer uh cuz we were

Like all right we’re going to make this part flat and then we’re going to like raise that up over there and then kind of run away and then we’re going to put like a little backboard there to kind of chip into and so you got some tough

Putts and some some ulation here but you got six holes yep yep dude this is sick man yeah it turned out turned out really really fun there’s uh again there’s been some fun nights out here that that we’ve had so far so uh it’s cool too at night

All the cups light up and all the trees are kind of uplit and down lit and so even when it’s dark out like you can kind of like see everything pretty nice so it it makes it it makes it fun man this is like quite the setup here this

Is what most guys dream of right you’ve got your your sim room your gym right there open the door and you got your six-hole putting green chipping area I mean correct again like I said I got I got no excuse to not play good golf now

Got no excuse so yeah it’s uh you got big shoes to fill from your uh from what you played last year but well you got it though keep it running it’s time to keep it going keep it going yeah that’s right dude this is sick yeah it turned out

Good little chilly this time of year but yeah yeah it’s all right it’s it’s just part of it it’s nice to be forced to not be golfing all the time you know so worked out this will get your uh your young ones into it pretty quick too yeah

Yeah and that was one of my other thoughts I was at first I was like you know what I don’t want to do this cuz whenever you know golf is a thing in the past for me like I’m not going to use it at all right it’s like in 10 what

However long I decide to be done with you know the game I’m like it’s not going to be you know as fun or as useful but then I was like you know what with you know our girl and then our boy on the way it’s like if this is something

That we can all enjoy together yeah worth every every penny so oh for sure uh so yeah it’s it’s I’m I’m super glad that we decided to do it I’m super glad that my wife was was on board with it too so that’s the that’s the biggest

Thing right there is make sure the wife signs off on it that’s right what do they what do say happy happy wife happy life I’ll let you say it that is very true we’ve got an outdoor putting area but we made half our yard just grass like this yeah honestly the best thing

We did cuz the kids aren’t running in the mud they’re playing but they love golf and they’re not taking it too serious they’re just they’re just having fun when they’re around the sport they enjoy it yeah 100% we have three dogs and so not dealing with the mud and the

Grass coming in and out game changer very low maintenance Game Changer well sweet let’s head back inside it’s a little bit warmer yeah Absolutely so I know last year when we were with you some of the things we talked about was your foundation and the progression and kind of how it started but last year you had a big year for your foundation kind of walked me through what you’re able to accomplish

In and around that live event and kind of what good you guys have been able to do for the community yeah it was it was great to have live you know come on board and help support uh you know the foundation and what what they were able

To do was the week of the Tulsa event uh the live Tulsa event they they gave us the golf course the the Monday of that week to to have a fundraiser tournament um and I forget the exact figure but we we raised a few hundred th000 just in

That one day and so you know we’ve partnered with a few local organizations hope is alive and positive tomorrow is the the groups that we’ve been with you know for a few years now and then obviously one of our focuses for the foundation is junior golf here in the

State and we were able to bring the first ajga tournament junior tournament back uh to Oklahoma uh they haven’t had one here in a few years and so to bring the premier you know junior golf tour in in the states uh to bring a tournament here and showcase some of the best

Players uh here locally but also kids from around the country and the world came to Oklahoma to play junior golf it’s just cool and obviously I’m I’m proud of junior golf in Oklahoma I wouldn’t be the golfer I am if it wasn’t for junior golf in Oklahoma and so to

Continue to support and show fur next generation of golfers in is is going to continue to be a focus for for our foundation and um yeah so you know it was a great year for for the foundation and you know we’re excited for for this year we’re we’re looking at uh right now

What the year looks like we’ve got a couple of events that we’re going to you know hammer down the next the next few weeks and um yeah so super excited for it yeah that’s awesome man I mean it was cool just to hear the story of how it

All evolved and got started kicked off with your you know big win on the PJ tour and then just what you’re were able to do last year it’s cool to see the league cooperating with you too here with Liv just to help you put your foot

Down on the pedal and raise more money so yeah yeah it takes it takes a community you know you can’t do anything yourself and especially you know with helping others the more people that will get behind you to help others it’s just everybody wins and you’re able to help

More people so it’s uh it’s been great to you know have players you know to help support you know and friends and family and and and obviously when live Gets behind it just makes it that much better yeah well another big year ahead dude so you got the the baby coming next

Week so best of luck to you and your wife for that I know think’s going to go great and you’re your little boy yeah yeah new team new season so yeah dude best of luck everything ahead man so I appreciate it D look forward to seeing you out there buddy thanks bro I

Appreciate it thanks for having us yes sir I’m get it I’m get it I’m get it I just know that I’m get it I’m


  1. Awesome video Travis. Taylor is so much fun to watch. I am a huge LIV supporter. I have to believe that Rahmbo signing helped squelch all the bad talk and is bringing everyone together. It is going to be one hell of a fun year !

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