Golf Players

Today’s Swing Analysis

All Ramsey welcome in Ryan tranger your class a pro I’m recording good to have you buddy looking forward to continue to help you improve your game so let’s take a look here so first of all this setup posture is solid dude you got your headline with your spine I like it you

Got your arms hanging down from your shoulders you got your hands close to your body here pointing at your belt line with your uh with your with your grip I really love that you’ve got the arms in a nice triangular position here you’ve got your now this is where we

Have to talk because I think I think that the space between your thumb and pointer finger is an issue Steve elkington do you know that guy you know what I’m talking about yeah yeah Australian yeah exactly you ever heard I don’t know what did he okay

Uhuh yeah shot like seven under on the and I thought he wased the end that’s funny dude Steve Elton yeah he’s he’s he was quite a player I I studied his game a lot when I was younger and um he said that to be a better golfer if we could have something

Surgically done to ourselves we would have our hands sewn together he said he said that he said that that was the only thing surgically that we could have done to us to become better golfers and so the point is is when you’re when you’re making your grip he believed that there

Should never be any space between any of your fingers so that that even more CL than it was is it yeah so I was almost like wide open that right yeah so I would just say and I I think you’ll find it to be helpful to to to close all the

Fingers um otherwise I’ll have to sew your hands together just kid I know I know control well there’s a certain balance there right yeah good point okay so now then the next thing is where are the v’s pointing because when we played you want to have your grip in a position where

You can’t like the the two ends of the spectrum aren’t going to happen meaning you don’t want have your grip in a place where you’ll slice and you don’t want to have your grip in a position where it’s too easy to hook so there’s like the there’s like this range okay so look

You’ve got your your left hand right now is here and then your right hand is here right now the uh window of like what’s supposed to be um you know good is like this uh this blue uh yatsi pie or whatever here what what’s what’s considered to be

We weak would be from there over there right and then strong is going to be over over here somewhere right so you’re in the spectrum of of strong right now on on your grip which is why sometimes you’ll get a hook okay so I I would

Encourage you to um to work on putting your v’s and now you know it’s amazing I I’ve done studies on this like so Sam Burns who you know this guy is pretty amazingly athletic and I don’t I don’t even know how I mean some of the things he

Does isn’t even correct but he’s so athletic that he does it look where his grip is see how his left hand is right to the inner shoulder right hand up the shoulder you can tell there there’s no there’s no he doesn’t have any space between his finger and His Hands see

That’s tight in there right then if we look at watch this also who I mean gez this guy John ROM is now becoming a a thorn in everyone’s side um He is unbelievable and look at this when he grips it look where look where he has his his hands

And look again no space and the thumb see the left hand V is even a little bit weaker than Sam Burns slightly weaker than slam Sam Burns he’s at the limit of weakness he’s almost to his right ear yep yep they’ll talk about it right then

The last one here I want to show you is uh brooksie right um and if we look at Brooks right his V’s you’ll see that he’s got them there and there right he’s got them more uh quote unquote traditional um left hand at the inner shoulder you know so anyway so I would

Just say that that’s a high priority for you is to to fiddle with your grip and explore getting the and and this know the hardest thing is looking down at your hands is never the same as getting in front of a mirror yeah getting in front of a mirror is

Torture uh with this but I’m telling you right now that’s uh a very important thing that we need to work on okay next up let’s take a look ball position is perfect nice job let’s see uh foot position pretty good only thing about your foot position is most the players

Out there are going to have their their front foot with a slight aversion um so most of them are going to have that and so I would encourage you the old saying was like you could tell a good golfer when you see one because they walk like

A duck that was a joke you know how like uh walking up a hill that’s snowy you’re supposed to walk like a duck um same idea so you want to have you want to have like your feet with a little bit of play um it helps with the hip movement

To do that as well okay especially the left hip with you having some hook tendency sometimes sometimes what can happen is if this foot’s closed too much this hip can’t open you feel jammed so it flips where when the when the foot’s more like this now look now as I come

Through my my hip can uh can get out of my way so I would also suggest here your setup position that we get your your your your foot more more split okay now let me see what you’re doing as you start swinging here what’s happening right and remember don’t walk around

With your score in your forehead you’re a great person I love you as a person I think you’re an exceptional human being and um I think you’re a great role model to many so if you have a bad day on the course golf’s a hard game and the golf

Ball is too small and the club’s too small so you know what I mean it’s going to happen all right let’s take a look and see what happens here even happens to the best Pros Al gyberg shot 59 his next round he shot 84 Al gyberg shot 59

In a tournament he said his next game the golf Gods every evened everything out yeah yeah you know and so that’s just how it goes you know all right up the plane this is correct nice job right now your head position’s doing really good Ramsay nice job your hips

Gotten better you know this still slight drift um can be an issue now here’s the deal on that look just to be uh straight up with you on all this stuff look um there’s players that will uh drift their hip a little like brooksie here right watch this going to drift a

Little bit off the ball here with his hip at the beginning of the back swing but here’s the deal when he gets to the top right before he starts his down swing he gets it back so some players will come off but then they reposition at the top because I’m working I’ve been

Watching it so yeah I watch that was Charles how video yeah that has helped me so all right so continuing this here to to finalize the video um so we we have uh a tiny bit of the hip off the line here I still want

To help you with that a little bit um then you come back down around this way let’s see and you’re right on the plane this is where I saw you shine and look your face angle is like this so you’re definitely squaring things up your elbows in nowadays better right and look

At this you’re on your left side really well here Ramsey this is beautiful look at you left shoulder left hip left foot nice reverse K impact position your butts on the line now as with many you have your because your grip was so strong your emblem on your glove is

Facing us not facing the Target because I see like Che right right yeah you get it you get it perfect and then coming through now look you did a nice job of keeping it this way but it’s more difficult to keep it straight that way

So I want to talk to you a little bit about some uh of the left hand stuff your hip looks great here coming through then around you go off the back foot and then the right foot around a little bit more at the end

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