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LUKE SKETCHES! (Nerdrotic Mocks Echo & Gets Threatened, As Expected)@nerdrotic

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Holler if you hear me and welcome to this week’s edition of Luke sketches because the world of Marvel’s Echo is a miserable World an angry world a world full of nothing but bitterness entitlement and actual real bigotry and hatred but because it’s another excuse for white liberals in Hollywood to feel

Like they matter to the rest of the World by using a minority as some power fantasy and revenge fantasy against anybody who disagrees with them politically outside of Hollywood they think that they’re so important but actually they’re not and you only have to look at that Rotten Tomatoes score

From the actual people that matter when it comes to measuring a film’s rating and that is the audience score it turns out people don’t really like Eko it turns out that this is so terrible that this isn’t just marvel going off the rails it’s Marvel now going off the

Rails and also off the reservation and I say that as quoting the title for nerd rtics review of it that actually got far more traction and attention than anything to do with actual echo in and of itself Eve you know something’s bad when even a guy like Razer fist who is a

Staunch probably the biggest fan of Daredevil out there in the world is looking at the show and saying no not even going to bother really addressing it unless you directly Super Chat him during a live stream because that’s where for unlike the people that were involved in the Marvel production yes

Eko actually know the origin began with the seminal Brian Michael Bendis run on Daredevil where as Razer in one of his little bits of ackron pointed out that the show and that had nothing to do with the character that the character is supposed to be this Ninja Assassin woman

With this dancer’s body even leaner and more statuesque and more Runway like than what you would have seen with Electra and instead we get an actress who has the kind of jelly arms that’s usually reserved for this one time my dad’s girlfriend saw my mother in a

Short sleeve shirt at a grocery store and thought with arms that jelly like why is she wearing a short sleeve shirt like that well I had asked the same thing about Ekko but then again I remember this is modern Hollywood where they want everything to be as ugly and

As miserable as they are and now they aren’t even going to bother with any kind of glamorous casting choices for the most part and now they want all their Productions to show on the outside how everybody in Hollywood really feels on that inside hence the woke as all

Hell looking reboot of Mr and Mrs Smith that has some sitcom token and some other hideous looking inclusivity hire in the place of mid-2000s Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit and then you wonder why that crap is going to be a wet fart that was such a miserable nightmare you know

It’s bad that even Phoebe Wilder Bridge wants nothing to do with that woke hor and what’s next we’ve got nerd rodic’s review of it that is leading to such a positive outlook that is leading to such uh stability from his sociopolitical detractors online what is their response well we’ve got one

Gentleman who calls himself Jay and forces the hash free Palestine in his Twitter bio talking about how he wants to uh what’s the expression I would say oh oh yeah he has an expression that he is so damn scared of censorship where he knows that what he says is wrong knows

What he says that is actively inciting real hate and violence but knowing that he’s obsessed with Twitter even though he can stand Elon Musk but is dependent on Twitter to feel like he matters even though he has no money no action no life no reason to really live

Except for social media brainwashing in the name of whatever it is that’s in a Jimmy Kimmel monologue this week so he’s going to self-censor to get away with calling for violence against nerdrotic by instead of actually saying any specific word of wanting to see him get

Hurt or ended he puts in a bunch of asterisks in its place like he’s somebody involved in Major League Baseball trying to sabotage the chance for Mickey Manel Roger me’s breaking the Babe Ruth all time home run run record in a single season but that require a

Knowledge of two things that people like this jrey Palestine loser actively hate a knowledge of actual history and a knowledge of sports because both real history and real sports are things that remind him of how much of a miserable loser he is who probably is the product of divorce and can’t function without

Scrambling his brain on Tumblr porn of a bunch of fat ladies with shoulder tattoos and guts that look like that one creepy veto Fanboy on Twitter who wanted to see the X sitting around with their little tummies in between him watching you know watching the little ladies in

Kindergarten where they make the toilet cuz I’m coming to yeah that guy and what is this jrey Palestine loser this man who in his bio talks about freeing Palestine and about in a world of so much hate let’s bring up hope yes this is the these are the

Statements he makes in his Twitter bio talking about wanting to bring hope with so much hate by saying that he want wants to you know he wants to you know end this let’s say he wants nerd rodic in a ditch somewhere in the same fate that usually is resulting in

Somebody that has evidence that would lead to Hillary Clinton’s arrest and what is he getting responses with oh he’s getting responses not of people wanting to go and censor him or wanting to see him get some kind of suspension for inciting hate no no no what is he getting he’s getting responses like

People from somebody calls himself Sovereign chupacabra in his replies reposting a little image of saying I want this guy ended I want a clean shot oh yeah so you’re getting somebody who’s taking an image out of context and putting it right under there of saying

How they also want to see a guy who reviews pop culture stuff on YouTube get shot yeah if this guy is such a loser if he’s such a basement dweller if he’s so much insignificant to you and to the rest of your kind why is it that you are

So obsessed with making sure that you actively call for violence against him and remember here’s a guy who served time here’s a guy who’s been through a prison riot and you are the type of people who actively feel sorry for some loser who some loser who lies about

Being neurod Divergent to get away with just being an insignificant waste of space who the best they can do in life is part-time job at a Starbucks and I’d love for my Uncle Jim lifelong Democrat who fought in Vietnam because it’s either that or go to prison go up to

Them and give them a little piece of his mind since he’s actually experien some real troubling things in life like nerd rodic with him surviving prison riots and just being in San Quinton in general yeah you’re going to see some that’s most definitely going to make you

A hell of a lot tougher than one of these idiots who can’t function without Twitter all day long but want to tell you about how everyone else is so hateful and miserable and also you get somebody talking about how they want to they’re reporting his channel yes yes

Because now we we’re so insignificant and so angry and so miserable and such professional bread tuber wannabe Edge Lords and guys who wish we were Skeptics that we are now actively going into the world of trying to have people censored of lying about him exactly like what

Veto galdi did when falsely reporting a Friday night Tight Stream for the sake of having a guest that vitto galdi doesn’t agree with although I would agree that VTO galdi right now is probably having nightmares about the thought of hero to all parents Cain Velasquez having his trial start in this

January and then the wish the thought the definite that this man A Real American Hero Kain Velasquez is going to be acquitted for what he did to that man who did what he did to assault his four-year-old son and men like vetto and vosch and probably also fudge man mcge

And Sovereign chupacabra and jrey Palestine are going to be actively having nightmares about this man and what he tried to do in the name of avenging his abused humiliated son oh yeah you all are going to definitely have nightmares about that and call for that guy to be ended for the same people

Want to talk about Hope and about ending hate you are the most disgusting vile hateful narcissistic entitled Losers of all time you are the type of people who pretend that calling for genocide at an IV League school is a free speech and that you’re so brainwashed by your

Dependency on Saturday Night Live for your propaganda injection every sat every weekend that you will actively see nothing wrong in them thinking that defending anti-semitic presidents of Ivy League schools is okay because the woman in Congress question them is a republican so you are so godamn pathetic and so brainwashed and

So blood hungry in the name of woke that you will go and actively support belittling a woman for the crime of being Republican but then again with that type of double standard when it comes to women yeah women who defend anti-semitic genocide protest is perfectly fine that’s just Free Speech

But a republican woman in Congress questioning them about that no she’s an evil stupid and you’ll teach her to ever with any woman who plagiarizes speeches and acurately cheers for Jewish genocide right there so yeah uh for that but that’s also a little side tangent about when it comes to the free free

Palestine people them and you too because somebody that speaks their mind on the internet about pop culture that speaks ill of the Walt Disney Company does not make them hateful he has done absolutely nothing to go and generate hate the people who generate hate are the people like you who

Actively want to see people get exposed and end them you know like uh fudman McGee who says on Twitter that he wants to go and find where nerd rodic lives oh yeah H you know for the same kind of people where if you uh make a crack about Dylan mulany and budlight you

Should be put in prison well now these people in the name of a YouTuber who didn’t like Ekko and made a silly pun about it in his title for his video just like he did for Blue Beetle you’re now saying you’re going to go to his home

Not that Adam CES will have anything against that of course he’ll cheer you on but then again he’s a worthless drug addicted waste of space with no value to humanity just like all the people that cheer free Palestine and all the people that are calling for a YouTuber to be

Ended over a piece of crap show but because these are sociopathic cultists these are blood-hungry ideologues living and attempting to end people in the name of the Walt Disney Company because they’re the kind of people want to talk about love when really they only live for the love of Corporations and

That’s not my opinion I know I’m right I want to thank you for watching subscribe to my channel hits 10,000 subs don’t forget to become a channel member today and don’t forget to shop at my art store at the second link below where I have

Pen and ink art I have color art I have sketchbooks I also have commissions available and you can also donate in my store donations are the first thing you see there any denomination around the world is accepted and you can also remember if you want to buy or

Commission me from outside of America just add up the prices in US Dollars of what you want and include another 25 us for the international shipping and make your payment as a donation your items will ship immediately so beine slam it lick it suck it and see you space cowboy


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