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Coach Speak *LANGUAGE WARNING* | Roasting Sports Coaches in Press Conferences Ep. 16 | Warchant TV

Coach Speak *LANGUAGE WARNING* | Roasting Sports Coaches in Press Conferences Ep. 16 | Warchant TV

The Seminole Headlines crew of Jeff Cameron, Ira Schoffel and Corey Clark break down some of the best college football press conference moments over the last week of the season from across college football and basketball. Coaches featured include Nick Saban, Darko Rajakovic, Dennis Allen, Eric Musselman, Jim Harbaugh, Kelvin Sampson, Mick Cronin and Tommy Lloyd

Coach Speak is brought to you by Artezia Water! Check them out at

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Welcome in another Edition coach speak it’s always fun we’re not going to go away just cuz it’s not college football season anymore there are coaches that coach all kinds of sports all across the landscape of sports so we’re going to be right here monitoring those conversations that they have with the

Press and just finding the obligatory stuff like like we can do today with all the Nick Sabin stuff guys and I think our good producer here Ben has decided that uh we’ll have a Nick Sabin best of moment here on today’s uh coach speak so that’s a good thing oh all right fun

Okay I was told beforehand that that’s what’s going to happen uh shout out real quick to our friends at artisian Water water’s still cold setup is right over there in the back left corner still get it every morning appreciate them very very much now with that said Ben let’s

Rock and roll what do we got hey you uh you teed it up perfectly there let’s just go ahead and check out my favorite Nick Sabin rant this is before Alabama played Charleston Southern and I guess he got pissed off about the question about Charleston

Southern and uh went on a two and a halfe rant so here we go good stuff go Nick terms of their their quarterback obviously has some division one or FBS experience playing at UAB what have you seen from him he’s a very good player you know he’s a he’s a really good

Player and he does a great job with their offense and you know these teams that are typically the best teams in in in their division are really good teams all right and you all may be taking the week off all right this week but I’m not

And a lot of people take a lot of things for granted and I get asked questions like well how important is it for the the young guys to get to play this week well how in the hell you know they’re going to get to play I mean what makes

You think that you can just assume that they’re going to get to play because you’re assuming that the other team is not very good they do have a division one quarterback he plays like a division one quarterback and they’re very very productive on offense and they

Do a great job of executing what they do and if we don’t play good against them you all don’t remember the Georgia Southern game do you I don’t think we had a guy on that field that didn’t play in the NFL and about four or five of

Them were first round draft picks and I think that team won a national championship but I’m not sure and they run through our ass like [ __ ] through a t horn man and we could not stop them could not stop him could not stop him because we didn’t we we couldn’t get

A look in practice we didn’t practice it right all right and everybody said the same thing in that game y’all took a week off all right this wasn’t important yall took it’s not important to anybody else it’s got to be important to the players and it’s got to be important to

Us that Podium is about to come down he’s hitting it too hard man you everybody gets all excited about the beginning of the Season you know you get excited about getting married all right but after you’re married for a while you know you got to have a process to make

It work all right and no matter what happens we need to have a process to make it work in every game that we play every game that we play can’t assume anything I don’t even know what you ask me but I just wanted to say that that is that is 100% obvious

Yeah did anybody see that game you saw that game yeah I think we’d given up like 300 yards rushing the whole season in 10 games that’s like 30 yards a game and all anybody want to talk about was how dominant the front was and how nobody could run against us they got 300

Yards rushing in one game you don’t remember that the guy the guy asked him you weren’t around then I how good’s quarterback was you sure you want to ask I’m good the the that the whole I mean I I love that he went in there wanting to

That rant was planned he was gonna he was gonna give that rant no matter what but the question was specifically how good is their quarterback who’s an FBS goty or got division one experience like the guy it’s almost like he had asked the question do do you think you can

Score 120 yes yeah yeah what are you going to do when you’re up 80 at half coach are you who are you going to play I mean that poor guy’s like what is going on I thought I specifically asked you how good their quarterback was I was

Kind of implying that he seems like he’s pretty good I wanted a coach’s perspective on just how good instead of you referencing the Georgia Southern game which Cory is now going to tell us ended what was the score 56 to6 yeah wonder if any of the young guys got

To play yeah I didn’t see the rushed it up and down the field between the 20s never stopped still haven’t stopped him yeah a miracle we won that game by 50 it was 40 it was 49 to nothing at half yeah no man they ran through them like [ __ ]

Thr tin horn yeah talk about Cory 300 yards rushing in a game 49 to nothing at the half but I mean Alabama had Calvin Ridley Derrik Henry I’m just looking at the box score I mean it it it’s ridiculous what they had back then but

Man I I you yeah you could tell that he was like it wasn’t even really a real rant because it was planned right and he kind of did it he I mean he did it with a not a smile on his face but a a wink because he knew that he wasn’t asked

That question so he wasn’t really mad at anyone in the room he was having fun with it a little bit he was having fun and I he’s sending a message to his players more than anything uh but yeah that was that was that was really funny especially with the context of who they

Were playing uh which it wasn’t an SEC team a bottom feeder SEC team it was charlest and Southern we’ve seen that program in do it ain’t good it’s a um it’s a it’s a tip of the cap on his part to the Old School coaches Lou Holtz did

It every week yeah when he was at Notre Dame they put their pants on the same way we do if we’re not careful we could lose this game coach your favor by 37 yeah but well hey have you watch football upsets happen you know like he

Would do it every week week and so all those guys that come from that you know pedigree from back in the day they all do that because they don’t want to talk about how bad they’re going to beat the B Jesus out of poor Charleston Southern poone conclusion yeah and you

Can’t course point about talking to the players which a lot of times coaches are doing in these press conferences they’re trying to send messages to their players and you can’t yeah if a Coach exudes overconfidence and obviously his team’s not going to take him seriously which

You don’t want but I did like the the fact that he he’s he’s he mentioned twice about the media taking the week off yeah y yo is has s ever been like wanting more media hey I want you guys to work harder can you guys do some more

Stuff why weren’t youall at practice oh wait I don’t let you come to practice I don’t allow it you must have had the week off you w talking to my assistants you weren’t talking to my freshman oh wait I don’t allow that either all right then what do we got

Next hey what is a tin horn by the way just the horn that you would apparently I don’t know but apparently [ __ ] runs right through it right through it what the hell does that even mean that’s like a farm sounding thing and I wonder if that’s I was thinking of like a spatoon

But those are brass yeah [ __ ] through a brass spatoon that doesn’t flow off off the tongue like [ __ ] through a t I’m gonna do some research while Ben’s up the next uh all right there we go let’s do it and we’ve got a coach speak first uh this is our first International coach

Com from the NBA it’s Darko rajakovic and he’s right the Toronto Raptors head coach he is pissed off that the Lakers had 24 free throws in the fourth quarter and I don’t blame him the Raptor the Raptors had two right they they had two 24- two shot with 23 free throws and on

Fourth quarter what you thank you Doug thank you Doug that’s that’s that’s outrageous what happened tonight this is completely BS this is shame shame for the referees shame for the league to allow this 23 free throws for them and we get two free throws in in the fourth quarter we get like how

To play the game I I understand uh respect for all stars and all of that but we have star players on our team as well how’s possible that Scotty Barnes who is Allstar caliber player in this league he goes every single time to the rim with force and trying to get get to

To the rim without flopping and and not trying to get foul calls he gets two uh free throws for a whole game how is that possible how you going to explain that that to me they had to win tonight if that’s if that’s the case just let us

Know so we don’t show up for the game just give them a win but that that was not fair tonight and this is not happening first time for us Scotty Barnes is going to be allar he’s going to be the face of this league and what what’s happening over here during whole

Season I’ve been holding it back it’s a complete crap coach do you feel like you’re getting any explanations at all that offensive foul did you did you see like get any explanation no there is no explanation they just they just come up there they review what and they see what

They want to see they don’t want to hear us what we got to say they don’t want to hear the players they they they they don’t just want to protect us over the game they got 36 free throws 23 free throws in in the fourth quarter what are

We talking about what are we talking about how are we going to supposed to play is this a A oneoff or do you feel this has been happening to your team a lot throughout the season it’s happening a lot but I’m telling our guys be professional keep fighting keep going

For the next one but until when for how long thank you thank you thank you thank you I’m done I can’t hey I I have to I have to commend him because uh he he used one of my favorite phrases and he nailed it what are we doing here yeah

What are we doing here I I say that all the time like can you imagine being a coach and watching an opposing team any opposing team get 23 free throws in a quarter to year two and in the Lakers and and you know I the one thing I point

I know well I what I’d love to see is I because I saw this rant and we all did it was obviously huge I I want to see his reactions I want to go back and watch the game and see like sideline like what is he just is he throwing

Stuff on the bench you see I mean as that’s happening because you can’t get to as mad as he was at the end and sit through 23 free throws without getting to Stage seven eight nine like he had to be just epiplectic during the game yeah

I I’ll be honest with you I I I keep up with the NBA a decent amount um I I had no idea they had a Russian coach and that’s and that he sounded like malovich on in rounders like I had no idea that that’s what we were dealing with in

Toronto they went from Nick nurse to him he might be an all-time great coach I don’t know that’s that was uh not alarming it was uh it was just really surprising that that’s what the that’s how he the coach of the Toronto rappers sounds I like him he I do too yeah yeah

I like him a lot there’s no justification for 23-2 in free throws ever well there could be if the the team you’re playing is an incredible and you’re not if it’s Duke verse Charleston Southern but it isn’t that bars does attack the rim a lot and the final foul

The one that took away I think their go-ahead or their game clenching three-pointer was an offensive foul on a screen on Anthony Davis where Anthony Davis because he always does flops like a maniac and they call the foul that was why he brought he and LeBron and that’s

Why he brought up the flopping he’s like without flopping yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it and Scotty Barnes obviously we covered Scotty Barnes when he was at Florida State so we’re intimately familiar with him I did like that he pointed that out like because that you

Get it man if you’re in a small Market team and you’re playing the Lakers the odds are you’re not going to get the calls but he’s like look man Scotty Barnes is gonna be the face of this league can’t and it’s not like he’s playing soft he can’t get one call I

Mean know you’re gonna protect we like Scotty Barnes that was a bit of an over well but he’s he’s gonna be one of the faces of Le he’s gonna be at all Allstar prob yeah he’s one he’s going to be one of the faces of the leag for sure he

Didn’t say that I know he said he’s going to be the the face of the league I’m like no no he’s not he’s not going to be the face of the league but he’s he’s a good player but the point is it’s not like he’s nobody it’s not like it’s

Not like that team hasn’t done anything they want to change well you also said they’re a small Market team they’re not that’s a huge City it’s not a it’s not an American city it’s not the Lakers the point it’s the it’s not the Lakers at the end of the day the point

About Scotty Barnes is most Salient because of the way Scotty plays he tries to dunk on everybody he goes to the hole he’s a huge guard who is attempting to attack the rim it’s crazy that he wouldn’t get a and he’s a physical freak you I mean we watched him he was dunking

On people he’s a freshman they were seniors he’s hammering on people left and right yeah he’s good mercilessly next we we approve of that press conference yeah hey by the way did we find what it you were looking at your phone Ira did we get an update on in 10

It’s man I’ve been extensive extensive searching over here and it is uh in fact there were when he made that comment I think it was in 2015 there were a lot of Articles written about it trying to decipher and I’ve got a couple theories I’m still working on I’m gonna get back

To you I’m try I don’t want to give you the first thing I found it found one thing I’m finding something else I’ll get back to you we’re gonna hold it down during this next clip you find this I’m really interested sincerely let’s check in on our our friend Mick Cronin who uh

After a loss to Stanford at which the brew and shot 32% and 23% from Deep uh Mick was was not pleased of course why would he be let’s see I actually did not cut that one yet we’ll have to come back to that one instead go to uh Eric

Muselman who was mad about a poor performance from the Razer backs and a loss all right their transition game even early when the game was closed seemed to really kind of help them when it was a bit of a grind and I know Arkansas has struggled this year some in

Transition D what is going on there do you see as far as struggled everywhere defensively we’ve struggled on pick and roll your shot selection has to do with your transition defense so I mean when you lose by 30 I mean I could we could go all the way

Around the room and each of you could pick a different area and you would all be right we stunk in all areas I mean I don’t know I mean transition defense what about Johnny broom in the second I mean I can go on and on yeah we stunk

What I mean and we got to get a lot better to even survive in this league we got to get a lot better we got to be a lot more competitive so with that I will say you guys all saw how poorly we played and there’s a million things we

Could discuss but we stunk in all those areas I like the interruption it would be fun to hear Mike Go Ira Ira I’m aware we suck across the board I don’t you don’t have to point this out just you know Corey you either I’m done with it

Oh guys have a good one we suck we suck y’all y’all all Talk Amongst yourselves about how much we suck it felt like uh Tom Herman we had Tom Herman during the season where he was basically the same way he’s like I get it you guys are

Going to ask questions about all the things we do poorly and yes we do them all poorly I don’t how long do we want to do this it sounds like me when my wife brings up the same four or five complaints she has about me in 19 years

Of marriage and then I’m like I mean how long we’ve been together yeah you you still get mad about this I mean what upset that I forgot to take out the trash by the way we for I did I wanted to bring that up what a weird pivot that

Was in the middle of the Sabin rant to just bring up marriage marriage yeah like you know everybody loves it when you get married at first and then you got to work at it it’s like I mean I get it it’s not wrong I guess but what a

Weird there was no connection well he got there from he kind of went on a tangent everybody excited when the season the beginning of a season yeah exactly yeah y’all were all excited when you were getting married but when you wake up next door her after the fourth

Year I like Jesus this you got to work out Jeff’s Jeff’s thing about uh your your wife’s frequent complaints I’ll never forget the one time I was in there I think I tweeted about the at the time I was in an airport and I was standing

There was a guy next to me on the phone and I don’t know who he was I don’t know what he but he was on the phone apparently with his wife I’m guessing based on the context because after a while he’s just sitting there he’s sitting there listening listening he’s

Like finally goes yeah you know what I [ __ ] it up I [ __ ] it up and you know what I’m gonna [ __ ] it up again at some point and I was like dude I want to go get my hug I’ve been there yeah yeah that’s what those Alabama reporters

Should have been like yeah coach it was Georgia Southern we’re sorry quit bringing that up they were a good running attack I it’s our fault but this is Charleston Southern it’s different you’re gonna win 56 to6 so on the uh the [ __ ] through a tin horn and this yeah

This I guess we’re just we’re just going to go with whatever language you want to on this episode but um not we buddy it’s all you I’m just repeating Nick Sabin second ago the guy in the airport uh but anyway the uh he uh there’s a couple of things

One is like gamblers back in the day it was something they would bring they would keep their or like when they would do card tables there’s like one kind of uh thing that they would hold chips in that was like made out of leather but if

It was cheaper they would use a tin one and it wouldn’t hold the the the stuff then there’s other people’s with Farm you know farm equipment or something also so I don’t know man there’s apparently George George George Patton said it at one point okay it’s uh man

That must where got it episode I think that’s probably where he got it from was Pat think there’s not a lot of other references besides Nick Sabin and George Patton so that’s fair that’s fair I’ve got a whole there’s a message board it’s called language chat and there are people chiming in on

This thread that I just found I did you find the same thing uh I think I couldn’t I couldn’t it wouldn’t come up on my phone but I saw the link to it yeah bu we want to send our viewers and listeners down a rabbit hole go look

This up guys there’s like Fierce debate about where the origin that that phrase comes from and the Wild Wild West and all kinds of stuff so yeah it makes sense it sounds like something that would come from a saloon well or yeah and a coach that grew up in West

Virginia yeah well absolutely yeah that part’s definitely true yeah Ben what do we got hey I’ve been watching seminol headlines guys and Mick Cronin it was just a te you know learn from mck Cronin is uh he’s ready to go and again this is after a bad

Performance and a loss to Stanford so Mick not happy we invent new ways to turn it over canny gets in the game he our oldest smartest guy supposedly our most trained player he fouls 98 ft from the basket on a rebound they’re struggling to score we’re up eight we immediately fouled

Them on two rebounds 98 ft from the basket where they cut it to four and in the next possession can he set an illegal screen so he played 45 seconds in the first half he had two fouls and a turnover and one of the fouls was 98 ft

From the basket so no wasn’t it is what it is so you just got to keep trying to get better um I know you’re going to ask me about like guys confidence you know it is what it is I mean you know can’t call your mommy she can’t help

You get opportunity to a lifetime that may not last forever depending on your performance Mick Mick seems like a fun guy to play for right do he I don’t know how you interview that guy and come away with anything other than this guy’s an [ __ ] I I

Don’t want him running my team it’s you know for real like it’s funny to what it’s it’s just funny to hear coaches throw their players up the bus like that because it’s so rare and and it it says so much more about the coach than it

Does the player but uh yeah I agree I think at ad looking at that it’s like I don’t think this is the right fit I think he was okay at Xavier or Cincinnati or wherever he was but where this is La like this doesn’t seem and I

Know he skipped a press conference last week too when they lost like he didn’t even show can’t just do it after every game that doesn’t go the way you wanted to that’s the thing it’s like there’s a time and a place to to lamb base your

Team you can’t do if you do it every week it loses also STS we keep seeing them when they’ve lost Ben can we do the next time we do one of these if UCLA ever wins again can we get Mick Cronin after a a w because I want to see if

It’s the same guy I bet he’s the same guy I doubt he’s Pleasant no I I think he’s one of those people that uh wants to yeah even when they win up at poker they they they they tell you about the bad beat they had two hours before they

Won the tournament like shut up much like the Toronto rappers coach when he had Matt Damon down to his last few GS got and then he showed him the Oreo he showed him the Oreo trick and it was always it’s a WAP and if I it wouldn’t

Shock me if MC Cronin call says to his players in the locker room look you guys can’t call your mommies you know this is oh man and that’s the worst I but I could see it I could see you doing it in the locker room or in a private

Conversation with you know whatever you get that relationship I get it but doing it in a PR conference to me is is not is not what especially after talking about a particular kid so now he makes that kid look like he’s crying for his mommy fouling people apparently in the cheerleaders he’s

Throwing in the cheerleaders because he’s he’s he’s with the camera people does mck Cronin not know that it’s a 94 foot Court yeah what’s weird is why did he say he said it three times like the first one I was GNA forgive I was like

Oh maybe he just forgot it’s 94 feet but then he kept doing it I’m like well damn man that’s not when he was inbounding the ball you don’t know how big the CT is Mick you’re he must think it’s 100 feet he must think a CT is 100 feet long

That’s the that should be what the UCLA reporters followed up with that craziness with Coach how long just out of my curiosity how long is a basketball court how many how long do you think it is yeah then I’ll tell you how long it really is yeah all right Ben what do we

Got that’s weird stick sticking in the Pack 12 I guess it’s the pack 12’s still a thing for basketball right for now for now we’re going to Arizona Tommy Lloyd is getting defensive pun bad pun definitely intended uh after a loss he’s sticking up for his defense teaching defense you know a lot

Of times it starts with the shell or it starts with on feels like guys here’s guys stop you’re making you guys are making a lot we got our ass kicked last game by a team that was on fire yeah okay okay you know what going into that

Game we were the second rank defense in the country so I mean I don’t know if it’s broke we’ll figure it out and we’ll see how it is tomorrow and if it isn’t tomorrow I just have to keep working on it we did we’re not approaching it any

Different than we have before and we’re not we don’t need to get into philosophical deals to start questioning do we start with a shell drill do we start with this ball screen coverage going into the game we had the second rated defense in the country and we got

Torched so now we need to step up and see where we’re at I mean obviously the plan was okay up to that point I mean if you had the 202 rank defense in the country you could ask me any philosophical question you want and and

Then you know now you and I could go to Bob dos get out some napkins and we can talk about you can help me with how I want to start my base defense and I I’d probably be all ear I wasn’t going to insinuate insinuating of that I was

Saying since your guys are such strong on ball Defenders and you see that in the first half against Cal what does it take to get the rotation or get their you know their their willingness to help at the same energy level they’re on just takes consistent effort and you got to

Be great on the ball you got to be great off the ball yeah he’s done with this yeah um by the way nice shout out to whatever that local place is we got of us need to go to Bob dobs at some point I have a cold

One boys probably no chance ever right there will be a Tucson together the three of us in Tucson on our trip out west just to see what it was like back in the day watching the watching the head basketball coach draw up plays draw defensive coverages with a reporter I

Want to go to Bob dos I’m gonna look it up after this buddy I do like in that instance because I’m on the other side of it uh the reporter kind of stood up for himself and and wanted to make sure make it clear that he was not

Questioning whether they were good at defense or not he had a specific question probably too over my head about college basketball about their specific defensive philosophy I guess not not like why do y’all suck all of a sudden on defense he wasn’t saying that sometimes coaches will leap to what you

Think you’re ask what they think you’re asking and not what you’re really asking right a lot of reporters will just kind of let that happen but he didn’t well and but I I also I give coaches credit for there are times reporters will ask them questions that are kind of insulting

When you’re asking a coach who who has had tremendous success in an area and a game doesn’t go well right and like the reporters will ask like you know what are you gonna do about this and I think it’s okay for a Steve Spurrier to be like hey man I know about offensive

Football or Nick around here yeah you know I I don’t mind when coaches push back that way either I don’t think this was that necessarily but I do I do know what you’re saying that happens a lot a team will have a bad game it’s Sports and you’ll be like well what’s what’s

Wrong what happened why can’t y’all throw the ball anymore it’s like well we can we were fifth in the country in passing offense good job today yeah yeah yeah yeah Ben next on the docket I’m uh Curious to get your all thoughts about this uh because you’ve been in a lot of

Press conferences and uh the reporter who tweeted this said it was a bizarre press conference but I feel like their questions were just terrible uh this is Kelvin Samson Houston head coach after his first loss of the season to Iowa State obviously known for playing a pretty physical brand of basketball and that

Seemed to be the whole game for each team do you feel like that kind of lean one way or the other by the end of the contest in terms of one team kind of coming out on top on that battle well one team shot 22 free throws and the

Other team uh shot 12 so not quite 23 to2 coach what were your impressions on the atmosphere tonight nothing changed um I remember being here one time and I think we’re up 16 or 17 and a half time and uh Jal Tinley couldn’t hit water if

He fell out of the boat from the three-point line made 63 second half I’m exaggerating on both counts probably but um uh Larry was the coach and I’ve always had great admiration with fans here people here you had 12 turnovers in the first half it was going too fast for them or um

No no we just um we just kind of pee down our leg here you go not really an athlete any more questions thank you very much oh my God I’m in Hilton Coliseum the moment’s too big not really an athlete that guy that guy had a lot of things on his mind none

Of them were about being there and here’s and for a little context here and Corey and I have been in this situation more than probably anybody that’s going to be watching this is when when a coach goes on the road for a press conference in basketball I’d like to know a little

Bit more about who’s there because a lot of times especially in this day and age and Houston’s really good so maybe there’s some media that goes with them but maybe not because and the reason I said Cory and I when we were at the Democrat and would go on the road for we

Were pretty the only people that would go on the road for ACC games around the country or wherever and a lot of times we wouldn’t even go to the main press conference that Leonard Hamilton had to go to because that was going to be the media that’s there and then we would get

Him on on our own outside so that may be a deal where he’s in a room full of people that cover Iowa State and so he doesn’t know any of these people he’s pissed off his team just lost they’re asking him questions he’s still trying he’s still seething about what just

Happened also this is good Ira you’re bringing up a good point because if that’s true he’s also viewing those questions as being goated right right so so he’s processing what are you trying to get at I don’t know any of you people yeah and hey no I like the atmosphere

These people are great yeah leave me alone yeah yeah yeah so that that I just want to offer that a little bit of context yeah I did I and I don’t even know I it didn’t even look like it was at a real press conference it looked

Kind of like it was out in a hallway to me I I might be wrong it didn’t seem to have that feel of like him sitting at a Podium like they will at some of these places and we done that too right like you talked about like Leonard Hamilton’s

Availability be right outside the locker room standing up against the wall and yeah all the Iowa state folks are in their own building or their own press conference waiting on uh whoever their coach is who is their coach now anybody know is he Russian apparently it’s not

Larryace anymore not Larry I don’t think he’s any Larry is hammered on the corner somewhere College down near man it was great even thinking about that like him bringing up Larry I’m like oh let right Larry’s greasy hair a sority party that photo is the greatest hopefully Ben in post production Larry

St you’ll find a lot of great stories drinking Natty light right isn’t he drinking natural light The Natty light he’s in the bag he’s at a yeah it was the original college party it was the precursor to Urban at his bar uh the video we got in new new new uh era we

Got a video of urban Meer at the bar with the young lady Larry st’s just at the keger at the frat house uh gotot like Urban Meyers intera was in I’m talking about a grandad rubbing up against I don’t know a 31y old woman in front of hundreds of people

Was so much more appropriate than what Larry she did it’s not even that’s how bad what Larry I mean that was crazy that he just imagine the idea that you’re at like like a frat party and in the the college basketball coach just shows up imagine like be you’re in an

Athens frat party and Kirby Smart rolls through the door and says Phil this up give me my Red Solo Cup the problem is that for Larry it’s like how does it not occur to you like that’s the problem I don’t care what the kids think like at

Some point when I know I’m blitzed at a college party and I’m by the ceg I gotta be like oh you know what I think it is is I it was right I think it’s right right when cell phones were were turning into Camas May so he probably thought

I’m going to go in there I’m going to make sure nobody takes out a Polaroid uh camera of me or yeah and I’ll rip that out of the the camera if I see it he didn’t know that people could take P well that’s not true because he’s posing he’s posing in those

Pictures yeah yeah know it was that was a good trip down memory lane man coach too he’s a good coach tying to back up though with Samson so yeah and Ben because Ben talked about the questions yeah and even the question and assuming the question because a lot of the

Questions we hear on Coach beak are from the media that cover that coach so there is some relationship when the guy asks and I’m guessing it’s an Iowa State reporter who probably has never seen before says we had 12 turnovers was a little little too fast for you guys by

The way 12 is not a ton it’s a lot Ian I it’s a lot for a half for a half is a lot it’s a lot for a half it’s a lot but people have 20 turnovers people have 24 turnovers in games it happens it’s not

Unheard of but then the is a little too fast for your guys like come on man we we are undefeated we’re a final four team we’re like number three in the country we just had a bad was it too fast for you like that he talked about our guys too good for you

Yeah yeah these Cyclones too much they two the atmosphere atmosphere well in the atmosphere thing also again because I just think back to when sheski Mike shvy would come to Florida State and and there would be great crowds and the reporters inevitably would like some of our colleagues or student reporters

Would say what was that atmosphere like for you tonight he’s like I play a every night yeah coach well coach K’s like yeah man this is where wherever Duke Basketball goes this is what it is you almost wanted him in that moment like I to give him credit you I always thought

He could have just looked at any one of those reporter who asked that kind of question be like you know who we are right exactly this everywhere yeah this is like we’re a rock star man we go yeah Google yeah Google Google me at all my wins please Google Duke basketball and

Coach K yeah see what you find buddy you think that’s what drove Sabin out with Signet like he saw that he saw signet’s press conference and he like I can’t I can’t be in the professional with this guy this ain’t right B do we have any

More hey guys we got two more uh just in case it comes up at trivia night Iowa State’s head basketball coach is TJ otzelberger was uh before we wrap up like I said two more but we’ll go to this one first uh this is Jim Harbaugh after winning the championship and the

Question is intended for Blake corm about the season and all they’ve overcome with the allegations and and Coach Harbaugh just had to intervene this was not a season where everything went the way you wanted it to there was the off the- field issues which we all know about can you talk

About the satisfaction having overcome those as well to get to this point does it make it even sweeter right can I can I yeah go ahead yeah it it couldn’t have gone better it went exactly how we wanted it to go uh to win every game uh the off off the- field

Issues we’re innocent and we stood we stood strong and Tall CU we knew we were innocent and innocent I just like to point that out and These Guys these guys are innocent and yeah overcome that um it wasn’t that hard because we we knew we were innocent

So um yeah that’s uh that’s really what I want to say it went exactly how we wanted it to go it went exactly how we wanted it to go nobody could ask like well coach then why weren’t you coaching against Penn State why weren’t you on the sideline that game what happened

There twice why’ your school agree to those sanctions yeah because you in running around there you would have thought you’d stood up for yourself but you didn’t you seem to accept those penalties yeah ex not once twice coach I do like that he asked this the running

Back can I take this but corm should have been like ABS actually no you’re talking a lot of weird nonsense can I answer this question you’re gonna ramble on about blinds or something I I oh man the thing that bothers me about it just it’s just

Bothers me is that he to say that word over and over say innocent over and over again is so bad because we at some point more is going to come out I mean we what we know already what we already know says he’s not innocent he’ll be the head

Coach of the Chargers when it does and he knows it yeah but that’s but to just be that obnoxious about it is infuriating oh that’s who he is buddy that’s who he is sums him up in a nutshell yeah exactly he wasn’t like I think if you want to give him the

Benefit of the doubt you can say like I don’t know like we didn’t win because of that we not we’re not great because of that because look at us now would be fair yeah there’s a lot of way yeah there’s a lot of ways you to say we’re

Innocent implies that well then who was Conor stallion’s work who was who was his benefactor how was he getting all these games who is who is he working for why did you have to fire him yeah yeah exactly and another coach and then why did you have to take the suspension it’s

A little bit of thou protest too much it’s typical what he is yeah it’s frustrating but that whole in that whole game the broadcast you know the post game the broadcast a little all that they’ve gone through exactly they’ve overcome this adversity it’s like you can’t overcome adversity you created by

Cheating you didn’t you didn’t the games that he had to miss they were going to kill those teams I mean it was like Pinn State sucks guys can we just say it they suck yeah there’s a lot of teams in that League that just suck that’s all there

Is to it like oh I’m missing the Maryland game I mean come on stop it they overcame a lot Jeff they overcame a lot I don’t know get this ruter game without Coach Harbaugh today and then you know and to say the are in a s yeah

Man nobody said anything about the kids nobody said a thing about the kids it’s you just go to hell all right Ben final one all right guys I think this is our first NFL clip uh this is Saints coach Dennis Allen after the controversial ending in the Falcons game to lineup in

Victory formation ended up faking it ran it in for a touchdown already up by 20 plus so this is what he had to say after the game about this game that’s not who we are that’s not how we operate uh we should have taken an e so um I want to

Apologize to them um cuz look we’re all like it’s we got a good rivalry um and and it’s a heated rivalry um but there’s a way we go about doing our business and I wasn’t happy about that so did you clarify like what what happened we

Should have taken a knee right there um you know they asked me about getting Jamal a touchdown at the end um I said I wanted to take a knee we put Victory out there and um the guys kind of wanted to get him a touchdown and they they did

That on their own that’s not that’s unacceptable bad look for you Arthur seemed pretty upset after he should be that what he he should be he should be and that’s what the onfield that’s what it was is that the quarterback’s responsibility there I think it I think

There was a lot of guys that wanted to get Jamal’s touchdown um can we Jame honestly I’m not sure exactly what was going on behind that but other than they wanted him to score touchdown so was going on let’s move on let’s go to something

Else my favorite part of that is that is that’s got such a bad look for him yeah 100% have no control of your team they’re just like willy-nilly like well that’s great coach you want to do that we’re gonna go ahead and do this we’re not making the playoffs we got nothing

Left to play for the guy that they’re trying to get a touchdown for led the league in touchdowns last year yeah I know Ira Ira on Twitter Ira on Twitter pointed out and I remember that game vividly they beat Wake Forest 59-3 and 13 and Jimbo was iate after the game at

Jam for trying to throw to Georgio Newberry Newberry never had a catch Ira this guy led the league in touchdowns last year the league in touchdowns last year he wasn’t a manager that they let get in the game for some viral finish on a football let hey Chuck up some threes

Kid you might make a few we really need Jamal to get a touchdown here guys well he led the league in touchdowns last year done before I I did like that they asked him him on the sideline can we go get him a touchdown he says no like and

Then they go they go and you said yes right didn’t you say yes when I asked you that question oh I’m sorry I was J jamus brought it up like it was a team thing it was a team love he well then jamus and then jamus afterward was like

I’ve got all the respect in the world for Coach yeah I gotta apologize to Da not really but but I got the coach in the world but I was gonna do what I wanted to do yeah not too much respect because I went exactly against his

Wishes now I I so I I I don’t care at all I’m glad Arthur Smith was mad I’m glad he’s gone uh and I would I really would have had no problem with it at all if they lined up at the two and ran a TS sweep well actually nobody would had a

Problem with that the problem the lining up in the victory formation and then go you want some of this yeah touchdown that’s a touchdown formation not Victory players have a problem with that one because they’re not going to give effort you could get hurt that was that and

That that to me that was where jamus and that the whole offense was lucky is that nobody got hurt if somebody got hurt well don’t you think also it kind of shows it was also obviously a very bad look for the Saints uh that they they

Just their offense is like we don’t care what he wants we’re running what we want to run but then the Falcons didn’t start a brawl tells you all you need to know about how they felt about their coach oh exactly no that’s got that’s got to be a

Brawl the second it happens yeah but they’re like we don’t care our season’s over we hate this I’m trying to go play golf I ain’t got time for all this I want to get to Cancun man I don’t want fighting you but there’s so many like

Layers to it also we’ve touched on a bunch but like in the in the jamus interview when the one the one one reporter is telling him you know he’s disappointed whatever but he says you know you have to play those guys two times a year well first of all jamus is

Probably like well I’m not gonna have to play them two times a year I sit there and watch but second of all what does that mean like oh so then oh the now the Falcons are really gonna try next year I just to me is also it’s the NFL man half

The guys on the Falcons won’t be there next year the turnover it’s not like you’re playing these guys they’re sophomores and they’re all about to be Juniors and and like see you’re right there’s a lot to go around here there’s a lot at play and even so he’s right to

Be angry like I got no problem with him coming out and saying something to him and I clearly da didn’t care either but he’s right to be pissed he’s like what is that nonsense you should have punched him you should have been like I would have loved Dennis Allen to be as he’s

Walking to Arthur Smith go it was jamus it was jamus jamus I promis that was all jamus I know what kind of Knucklehead he is I have no control guys a wild card man he is a wild card I did not call that I promise for Ira and Cory I’m Jeff

Thank you Ben great job coach speak we’ll be back again next week be good everybody peace


  1. Tin horns were what new comers to the American west were called…..”s*** through a tin horn” meant in modern terms scared sh**tless. It was referenced in a football game first in 1897 by a reporter about a running back cutting through the line and running wild. “Like water through a tin horn”

  2. I've clearly not been using my tin horns correctly. Now that Nick has retired, perhaps he can make a youtube video showing me the proper use. If nothing else, perhaps he can provide details for the efficient application of lubrication to said horns as well as the tender body parts that they're intended to come into contact with.

  3. I was at that GSU Bama game 😂😂😂

    Btw, Guys I think he was referring to 2011, when they won 45-21 Bama probably gave up more rush yards than the whole rest of the season.

  4. HardCore Fact Check (4:00): Bama won 45-21 against GA Southern in 2011 which was what Coach Saban was referring to, and Bama gave up 302 yards rushing (GA So was 1/7 passing). How did Corey get this wrong so badly!

  5. One of the highlights of my week and it should be for you too…
    0:42 Nick Saban (Alabama ➡️ Retirement)
    7:18 Darko Rajaković (Toronto Raptors NBA)
    14:07 Eric Musselman (Arkansas Basketball)
    19:01 Mick Cronin (UCLA Basketball)
    22:58 Tommy Lloyd (Arizona Basketball)
    26:10 Kelvin Sampson (Houston Basketball)
    33:50 Jim Harbaugh (Michigan Football)
    37:35 Dennis Allen (New Orleans Saints NFL) – first ever NFL HBC!

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