Golf Players

Fantasy Golf Best Ball Is Here | Strategy, Scheduling, Rankings, & Tools

Rick Gehman introduces 2024 Best Ball on Underdog and discusses strategic, schedule predictions, rankings and tools!

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Fantasy golf just got a major upgrade because Underdog released best ball drafts and I’m here to walk you through what that means the rules I’ve got rankings for you I’ve got strategy I I’ll even do a draft during this show but honestly best ball is probably the most popular at least growing most

Popular format of fantasy sports it’s never been available for golf before in until right now so I’m very very stoked about it I absolutely cannot wait let’s jump into it all right so I’ll just say this right here at the top everything that I’m going to show you all the

Resources that you’re going to need the spreadsheet the schedule the way the rounds work it’ll all be in the description all the links will be there there is also a link to sign up and join Underdog using my promo code Rick to get a $100 deposit match that is all in the

Description for you you don’t need to look anywhere else all right what in the world is best ball well here is Underdog and there are currently uh three different best ball contests that are season long it’s going to run from the Phoenix Open to the Open Championship

There are $10 entries $3 entry and a $100 entry and the way that best ball works is that you are going to draft a team and that is it you do not have transactions no waivers no trades you do not even pick your starters so you have

A team of 10 golfers and every single week the six best scores are automatically applied to your team as starters amazing you don’t have to worry about who to sit who to bench all that stuff it’s just all about kind of upside how far you can go and the the the

Points are already and the starters are already determined for you so um that right there makes it incredible and then there is just a ton of strategy with this when you think about you know best ball and football you have to think about schedules later in the year later

In the rounds who’s going to have good matchups who might break out and golf is similar but even more complicated because guys are not playing in the same tournaments which is why I have this spreadsheet right here more on this in just a second I’ve gone through and and

Have done my best to uh try to determine who’s going to play at what tournaments assign them a value and give you great rankings this has taken me basically a week to do I’ve been spending a lot of time on this since the announcement came out it’s taken me basically a week and

I’m going to share it with you the link is in the description um but before we get to that part we we’ve got to make sure we understand the rules because I do think there’s going to be a lot of people who are not familiar with this

Type of format so we we’ll focus on uh you know the scramble here which is the $10 version where you can enter up to$ 150 times it is $100,000 guaranteed and there are uh there’s $10,000 to first place so as I mentioned you are drafting

A team of 10 and you are drafting it against five other people so every draft is a six-person draft 10 draft picks which means 60 golfers are being taken now uh the way that the scoring works is based on rounds so you have to advance

Out of round one to get to round two 2 to 3 3 to four four to 5 and round five is the final 31 person group this is probably the most uh confusing part about this so I’ll try to make it as easy as possible I have a little graphic

Here that hopefully helps explain what’s going to happen so right out of the shoot when this uh when this contest starts at the Phoenix Open you are going to be put into groups of six and the first six events are round one Phoenix Open Genesis Mexico cognizant classic

That’s the old Honda Classic Arnold pal Invitational and the PLAYERS Championship okay so once those six events are over the two teams out of your Sixers group who have scored the most points move on the other four are eliminated so you need to finish in the

Top two of six to get out out of round one now here’s something critical when you start round two your points reset okay the points do reset so you now start at zero again it’s not an accumulation throughout the entire season round two in every round your

Points do reset so in round two you’re you’re bumped up to a 10p person group okay and this is only four events valpar Houston open Valero Texas open and the Masters the top three out of those 10 move on and seven the bottom seven out of 10 are eliminated uh and along the

Way here you there are payouts right so it’s not like you have to go all the way to the end to get these payouts you’ll see that when you look at the prize pool you know finishing 30 3700 is $10 and finishing uh 1,116 is 15 I’m assuming

These are how many people like getting through each round I’m assuming getting through round one you’re guaranteed at least $1 I’m assuming getting through round two is 15 etc etc and then you’re trying to get as many of your entries as far as possible obviously um so when you

Get to round three it’s back to a six-person group only four events and this one you got to win number one moves on only the other five are eliminated uh rounds four six-person group four tournaments only number one moves on the other five are eliminated and then

Finally rounds five five of events that ends at the Open Championship is the final 31 people winner here gets 10 grand second gets 7,000 31st so if you finish last in round five you get $500 okay so I know that’s a lot if you want to rewind that’s fine go back whatever

This is where best ball golf diverges from uh football best ball obviously barring injuries or whatever every team is going to play every single game or and every player is likely going to play every single game that is not even remotely the case in golf and there are

23 tournaments that are included in this entire season of best ball but you need to make sure that you are drafting guys who are going to play a lot guys that are going to play in round one so that you can advance guys that have value in

Rounds two three four five in case you get that far right because there are there’s a lot of future value here there’s a ton of strategy that can be implemented into this which I’m about to walk you through in just a second but I cannot just describe how different this

Is than than than fantasy football I should also note for this that um the scoring system is is fantasy points it’s Underdog’s fantasy point system so uh you know four points for a birdie 10 for an eagle you lose 1.2 for a Bo you lose three for a double bogey right so that

That is um that’s the scoring system that you’re that you’re going to want to to to look with here so um let let’s reveal these rankings because there’s a lot to talk through there is a lot that we need to consider and there’s a lot that I have already considered and I’m

I’m hoping that um you’ll you’ll be able to find Value in this so I have ranked the top 136 golfers I believe for 2024 best ball now you’re only going to need to draft 60 of these guys so this is a little bit of Overkill and the other thing to consider

Is you know this is a starting point I’m doing a lot of educated guessing and guessing in general we are not privy to who is going to play every single event but what I did do is I went through the the the tedious uh task of grabbing everybody who is eligible and qualified

For the Signature Events everyone who is eligible and qualified for the major championships and I was going through the individual tournaments and I actually got a little bit of help on this so uh I got help from on Twitter his his name is jh4 do media who helped me kind of fill

In the gaps on some of these other tournaments and basically what has been generated here is if a golfer is uh qualified for an event or they are the past Champion or they have committed to the event or they played it last year it is essentially considered a strong case they will play

It this year okay it’s not going to be perfect trust me it’s not guy you know this is a completely different schedule from last year everything’s different there’s going to be some guys who take off events that we didn’t think and and guys that play events that we never

Considered but this is a pretty good guideline especially based on the events that qualification matters which are the Signature Events and the major championships so let me show you let me show you what I mean by that these are all the events that are in underdogs season long it’s it’s 23

Events now six of them six out of 23 are Signature Events you have had to have qualified for these last year or a handful of guys qualify kind of like every single every few weeks to get into these but there’s 50 guys who are already in each one of these Signature

Events they don’t need to qualify anymore a lot of those guys overlap into the major championships the guys who are already in for Majors now a lot of this major criteria happens a lot later than the time that I’m posting this so that is a very loose uh and wild calculation

That I’ve done but that’s four more events that qualify as major championships and then a lot of those guys that are in majors and a lot of guys that are in signature events are also going to be qualified for the Players Championship so that is 11 of 23

Events that are either the Signature Events the major championships or the players those are like your big boys but that means that 12 of these events including half of the events in round one three out of four of the events in round two are non Signature Events non-

Majors non-players and they might be weaker Fields so this is the balance that we’re trying to to go through here um you know if you get to round three it’s almost certainly going to be a bunch of the big boys it’s it’s two Signature Events it’s a major

Championship and it’s the CJ cup at Byron Nelson which has gotten a pretty decent field in the past that that event in general um so but getting through rounds one and two might require you to invest in some guys that are not Superstars or at least have them on your

Roster in terms of volume so all that being said without boggling too many brains what I’ve tried to do is create a calculation and a sheet that does a good job of balancing all of this you know a a way to look at golfers who uh are

Going to play a lot golfers that when they play they play very well and golfers that have a lot of value throughout the course of this contest so you know this spreadsheet starts out pretty simply how many fan fantasy points do they score per start what

Percentage of that uh you know what P what percentile do they usually finish in their Strokes gained metrics um what tournaments they’re in I’m just gonna I’m GNA hide these I’ll hide these columns just for for for E of use of e uh ease of use and then I’ve got it

Broken down here by number of projected starts possible starts and then how those spread out over the course of the round so the way that this looks and I’ll get myself out of the out of the way here is Scotty Sheffer out of 23 events is uh

I I believe likely to play about 14 of them now four come in round one so he’s he’s likely to play four out of six two of them come in round uh two four come in round three and then he kind of tails off a little bit where I think he might

Only play uh one time in round five now you’ll also know I I know I’m making a lot of caveats here but this is a very complicated uh situation that we that we have that we have going on I will also note there’s not a lot of information on

Round five yet round five is um the Open Championship which we we know who’s likely to be qualified there The Travelers that’s a signature event so we we we know who’s in there but these three events here rocket mortgage John Deere Scottish open are kind of crap

Shoots right now so you’re not going to see a lot of guys with a ton of round five potential starts because I just couldn’t really commit to that um but if you get to that point like great good on you you would have needed to have a lot

Of these guys who are playing well anyway but that’s again kind of a whole another story so then what I did was I took um a couple of these valuable items which are how many points they’re going to score uh what percentile of that what’s their actual Strokes gained I’m

Using all of these weighted metrics how many are uh how many starts are they going to make comp compared to the rest of their peers where do those starts come and and just mashed up a um a calculation to assign a value to every single golfer you know I didn’t want I

Wanted to rank them but I wanted to say hey Scotty Sheffer is Head and Shoulders above Rory mroy which he is Scotty sheffler is an 11.1 the best score that I have Roy mroy is a 9.4 you’ll see here these the the the guys in three four and

Five are almost identical uh Patrick Klay 8.9 shley 8.8 Victor havin 8.7 so so as you’re going through these drafts and you’re using this sheet any one of th those three guys are basically the same they’re basically the same guy based on on these calculations but

There’s a big gap from them to Terell Hatton right so that’s why I like looking at the actual value here this goes all the way down to the bottom there are guys who uh at the bottom are are are negative are negative scores negative value so wow I’m sure I just

Just threw a lot of information through the through the uh trying to drink through the fire hose here but I believe I I like what this calculation does and then you can also see you know hey I might be looking for someone as I’m building these teams

Right you don’t necessarily I guess want to frontload all your starts in round one or if you’re noticing hey my team I’m covered I got great guys for the first couple of rounds I got great volume guys who can I drop the Hammer with who is going to play three times in

Round four well you know here’s here’s two guys as an example both of them score exactly the same 6.4 Justin Rose and Adrien Moran Moran gets a pretty big score here believe it or not um I have Justin Rose probably playing three times in round four I have Adrien Moran

Playing once uh now a lot can change but like that would be a deciding factor so I’m probably going to use this spreadsheet very very heavily in my drafts I’m going to load it into Underdog which I’ll show you in a second and then we will use it to draft um and

I’ll keep the spreadsheet handy so I know who’s close who’s not and all that fun stuff if you want this spreadsheet please do not click share and ask for request or whatever like do not request for Access I’ve already made this easy enough just go down to the tab here at

The bottom it says rightclick me right click on that tab it’ll pop up and say copy to as long as you are logged into a Google account you can copy this into your own Google Drive and then you own it you can make any adjustments to it

You can sort it you can I don’t care what you do to it uh but that is how you do it you do not need to ask for access from me I will not Grant it to you because I don’t want you screwing it up for everybody else so just copy it to

Your own Google Drive and do whatever the heck you want with it I cannot stress enough that I think scheduling is going to be the biggest edge here it is a it’s not an exact science but getting it right I think goes a long way and so

Having rank having rankings is going to be critical and having your rankings take into account future value and scheduling will determine winners okay I’m going to take these rankings now and I’m going to load them in to Underdog so I’ve never done this before obviously it’s the first time I’ve played best

Ball on Underdog and I just finished my rankings so here we go so they’ve got a CSV upload and download so I imagine I download it first okay and then let’s see what this looks like okay got their IDs and then oh how am I going to do these

Rankings I’m actually not sure if I should just move them around or if I’m using position rank I think I’m using POS the good news is when I figure this out I will just save the spreadsheet I guess then we could all use the same rankings that that’ll be

Kind of annoying but um I don’t think there’s enough of us to matter I don’t know um okay let me figure this out okay that was actually um that was actually pretty easy it looks like it worked there save it okay I think I’ve done it uh I will

Put that spreadsheet I’ll I’ll link in the description you can uh you can download it it it it looks like this you’ll just have to upload it yourself I don’t know if it’s great if we’re all using the same rankings you might want to make some tweaks and all

That fun stuff but uh I’ll I’ll save this and and include it but let’s let’s go do a draft and see if this worked we’re in the lobby here let’s do a $10 entry there’s two options either 30 seconds per pick or eight hours per

Pick so it’s a slow draft or a fast draft so you could just you know you could fire up a bunch of these and you have’t you know the next couple weeks till the Phoenix Open to you know go eight hours per pick but for this let’s

Try 30 seconds per pick um and see what happens all right we are we are ready to rock and roll here this draft is going to start in uh about a minute so just to recap 10 Rounds six teams 60 golfers we’re in the four spot for this draft

We’re probably just going to stick pretty close to the rankings I think as we start to do more and more of these I’ll take little Liberties here and there or try to get more exposure to different golfers but I think for now we’re probably just going to stick to

The to the sheet so top four is either Scotty Rory Klay or or Schley um which is not you know the greatest thing in the world now we I don’t know if the I think the four spot’s kind of tough um but I do have the sheet open on the

Right hand side so I can compare ranking so if we do get um you know like like basically Klay Xander and Victor would would all be fine so I’m just going to take my favorite one when we get to that point because their their scores are so

Close to one another I imagine Scotty goes one and I mean Victor could could go too his um his ADP is pretty high Scotty won no surprise there okay Victor does go two Rory three so that that does give us uh Klay or Xander who I have at

The exact same score um let’s go we’ll go Klay and we’ll you know we’ll diversify more as we uh as we get these going so we’re we’re in on Klay not super thrilled about it but I think the four I think the four spots pretty tough to pick out of

Probably the the worst in my opinion three and well yeah it’s probably the worst because top three you get either Scotty Rory or Victor at the turn at least you get the turn you can pile up two of these guys having to decide between Klay and Xander are it’s not fun

Hom goes though so we’re getting to the uh getting to the turn here for the first time yeah I mean great Xander goes that’s a great spot at six you get morawa coming back that’s a pretty good start there for for Griff alicious now if we get I mean we’re gonna this is

Going to Fe wow that’s a that’s a pretty big reach on ludvig actually not that bad now th I think for a lot of people this is going to feel like a reach on Eric Cole we’re g to take Eric Cole here he is he’s our seventh projected golfer

And I have him playing a ton he’s in all the majors he’s in all the um uh Signature Events and he is literally just a a prolific Point scorer so those first couple of rounds where he’s probably going to play five out of six three out of four four out of four I

Think he’s very valuable spe I’m spe goes at the 10 spot I’m very high on spe personally I have him ranked 22nd he is someone that I will reach on as this um as these drafts go on but 10 10 was too high but I will be reaching on on Jordan

Spe uh probably quite a bit the other thing to consider is I don’t think the the rankings for golf are are going to be super sharp I think there’s going to be a lot of people using a lot of different ranking systems so I think

You’re going to see a lot of weird a lot of weird stuff happen in the in the in the middle rounds at least for sure all right so we’re looking for somebody to to add to can’t L and Eric Cole uh we’ve got a a volume guy we’ve got a guy who’s

A top end player and both of them are in all the the siggies all the Signature Events here we are probably looking at Terell hattner Windam Clark uh we are in this portion of our board um 7even eight and N are already gone but I have hat

And six overall and a decent bit better than Windom so I I’d like to get Hatt in here but he is pass his ADP so I think there’s a good chance he goes PSM don’t take him took F out wow all right so we we are GNA take Hatton here the other

Options would have been um Fleetwood or Windam Clark I I have hadn’t scored uh you know half a point half a point higher than those guys so so we’re going to we’re going to roll there when it gets back to us um you know sunj is long

Gone happy to reach on sunjay he’s been gone for a while Fitz Patrick’s Gone ludvig’s Gone you know if we can now get wendam or Tommy Fleetwood I would probably prefer Tommy Fleetwood Windom scores a little bit better but I think he might have just been coming off a

Career year and Fleetwood I think still has some some juice to squeeze out of this so i’ I’d probably prefer to get Fleetwood nope fleetwood’s gone so maybe it’s Windham Clark or we’ll see what happens next all right so it’s up to us here we’re probably going to take um so

We have Windam and we have minwu Lee on the board still so 10 and 13 and we’re on pick 21 so that’s uh that’s pretty decent for us I do have Windam about a half a point four10 of a point higher than Mino so we are probably goingon to

Have to take Windam Clark here um if he is available as much I would love to take minwoo I’d love to be invested in in 2024 year of minwoo but but windom’s windom’s the best play here Brian Harmon goes we’re we’re we’re taking wind uh

And we hope that he can kind of rekindle at least like give us like 80% of that magic that he had so it’s a pretty decent team we’ve got right now yeah MW just went immediately after Windham Clark so can’t let Eric coold Terell hat and Windham Clark guys that are going to

Be in a lot of events that are going to play a lot I’m I’m generally fine with that so far um just kind of looking at some of the later round stuff um it’s a bunch of guys who I think are going to play three times in like the guy we probably want

To avoid at some point here is Adam Scott who I just think is we’re not going to be able to drop the hammer on with late in the year uh I presume all right so coming back to us here a little bit we still have benan on the board who’s

Our 16th ranked golfer got a real big boost the end of 2023 he’s got an elite skill set and scores very well or Russell Henley they’re basically identical Danny McCarthy just went so he’s out so it’s probably going to be benana Russell Henley here for us uh the

Next best off would be Justin Rose who I have at a you know little a big enough Gap other guys well below this have have already gone and I wouldn’t mind Chris Kirk either but maybe we can get him uh on the way back we’ll kind of see how this how this

Shakes out I don’t love I don’t love grabbing Moran day or Adam Scott so I’d love to get um yeah so there’s Henley so so we’ll see what PSM does but benon Chris Kirk is is probably our our best case scenario here okay so we could do rose or benan

Um it’s kind of sick but we’re gonna go Ben on I mean I’ve got him graded I’ve got him graded higher and then when this gets back to us in the sixth round which is in four more picks I’m gonna hope Chris Kirk is still there I’m not not sure that’s the case

His ADP is 39 and that slots 33 so depending on what rankings everybody’s using he might he might still be I mean Cory Connor is still on the board he’s 28 in the ADP we’re on pick 29 right now but I have him lower than that wow zot

Taurus went okay I was wondering when zotus was going to go 29 I had him way lower than that maybe I shouldn’t I mean I guess if Rose is still well if Rose is still there we probably have to take him I don’t know though because Kirk I mean

Kirk just won that increases his value a lot um Keegan goes that’s a good one all right I we we’ll take we’re going to we’ll take Kirk if it’s if he’s here so we’ll do we’ll diverge a little bit from our from our rankings if Kirk goes we’ll take Rose so

We’ll get one of those two guys okay Poston went so um we’re gonna just go a little bit off and take Chris Kirk and now we’re kind of getting into some pretty interesting spots here you know not all these guys or a lot of these guys are not in the Signature

Events uh I think Adam hadwin is he would be pretty interesting except straka just went you know I still have Justin Rose I have Rose at 21 and we are at pick 35 but his ADP is 48 so so that’s what I mean when there are a lot of different ranking systems

And projections and things like that that people are going to be using and you’re gonna see some really weird stuff and it might even be by you so we’re looking at KL Eric Cole Terell Hatton Windham Clark Benny on feels weird taking him there uh Chris Kirk and

Then maybe I mean I honestly think it’s probably gonna be Justin Rose based on his ADP unless anybody is extremely high on him um because it’s going to be pick 40 is 80 piece 408 I guess they don’t have to be extremely high they’ve got to be around

Early hii goes yeah so I mean I think we’re pro unless PSM snatches him up we’re probably going to run with our 20 first ranked player which would be pretty good all right Adam Scott just went which is great that’s not somebody that we particularly wanted so Rose goes

Now now we’re in um we’re GNA try to find probably a lot of volume the rest of the way uh like I would love Jagger as far as my rankings go would would love joerger here uh I don’t know if he’ll get to us I think Nick Taylor’s

Going to play a lot and he’s he’s in a lot of events both Canadians here hadwin and Nick booster had a good uh really good fall so I wouldn’t mind that Adam shank is actually so when I was running some of these numbers Adam shank oh

There he goes yeah that’s a good pick so so Griff Griff I think is pretty sharp I’ve seen him in these before when Fen and shank shank is probably going to be one of the most undervalued golfers here he’s in all the Signature Events he’s in

Like a lot of stuff um plays a ton k k Kurt Kyo so so I was looking to get joerger you know Moran is very very volatile here I’ve got joerger at 29th in my ranks and he’s gonna probably play a ton he makes a ton of cuts uh at the

Time of me doing this video he’s got like the fourth longest cut streak on the PGA tour so I think I’m I’m going to be able to get a guy who piles up a bunch of points even if he doesn’t finish very highly so happy to get happy

To get Jagger there would have also liked like I said shank but I was probably um I was probably coming to shank in the next round as far as live golfers go probably not going to take one you know you’re at best getting them four times a year um

I don’t know probably not going to end up taking one we’ll diversify on that later would not mind getting some combination of Adam hadwin Nick well there goes hadwin so Nick Taylor um he’s farther down my list but luk list hoping I can get him maybe in

The next round we’ll see about that ecro goes that’s pretty good but I think if we can get Nick Taylor I’ve got Nick Taylor at 37 probably play about 16 times and play a lot ear I he’s going to play a lot I think if we could end this

Draft with Nick Taylor and Luke list I’d be I’d be thrilled that’s Ry so we’ve got a fade a Nick Taylor Pick here he’s he’s getting much closer to his all right that was Harris English so we’re going to take Nick Taylor and then we are going to try to get Luke

List um in 57 which his ADP is 56 .5 so we’re we’re right on it I’m passing up um kind of some some some known entities you know like BR and Todd Matt coocher Taylor Mo I think list subside is a lot better than those guys so I’m GNA try to

Round out this team with Luke list if not uh not thrilled I don’t I don’t know where I would go all right we’re going to get them so we’ll get list here and and that’ll be be our team so we got Klay uh let’s see Klay Eric

Cole Terell Hatton Windam Clark Benny on Chris Kirk Justin Rose Steph jger Nick Taylor luk list I’m pretty happy with that as mentioned we’ll continue to diversify a lot in the next you know 100 drafts I’ll do um I’ll do a lot of live drafting on the live chats Wednesday 3 p

PM eastern time each week I’ll put content in my email newsletter rickun newsletter I’ll put the rankings in everything that you learned about today in the link in the description and of course use use the link to go sign up for Underdog deposit get your $100 deposit match the code if

You need one is is Rick helps me helps you uh helps everybody and this is a really really good format so I want to continue to support Underdog on this one all right guys that’ll do it uh best of luck I’ll talk to you soon


  1. Hey Rick, thanks for your work on this. Hoping you can share some thoughts on Ludvig Aberg and Nicolai Hoojgard (sorry for spelling).

    Both I’ve been excited to draft just bc I’ve thought they might play in a bunch of events while having a high ceiling within the events they played. Their participation in the Ryder cup and expected performance within the season should get them into majors and signatures right?

    If you were to project event participation rather than base rankings off of what they’re guaranteed to be in as of today (not a critique or suggesting one is better than the other) would those guys move up the rankings?

    Or am I seeing it wrong?

  2. One last thought – if there’s a way to discover an edge in round 5 it’s worth trying to look into. Much larger groups than the other rounds and it’s where all the money is made.

    I’m considering giving a slight boost to Europeans bc of the Scottish and open being in that round.

    Wondering if there’s an archetype of player who can get 4 events in

  3. Hi Rick, Why are the "Rankings" different from the "Right click me" players rankings? The "Score" column is different and the order the players are ranked in is slightly different. For example, Aberg is 12th on the rankings and not on the "right click me" sheet at all. Thanks

  4. Hearing your thoughts and player takes in the moment was really cool! Thanks for sharing! I’m about 9 drafts in and have been getting really into this format!

  5. Been on underdog for a couple years and won some baseball/nfl playoff best ball contests in the past. HUGE edges for those who research and project out. Advancement structure is the biggest key missed by average players.

  6. Rick, thanks for all the work you done. Seriously, words aren't sufficient. I have a question, though. Why are the rankings on the spreadsheet different from the import csv rankings? Which one should we go off of?

  7. Love the content! Two questions:

    1) If we play the non-tournament format, how would that affect your rankings? I don't feel like it's as easy as taking the most projected points because you still need to have golfers playing on the less important weeks. You don't need to "advance" at any point but you don't want multiple weeks of an non-full roster.

    2) Would it be beneficial to incorporate ADP into the rankings spreadsheet and a column of the difference between ADP and your rankings? It's okay to draft players before their ADP, but you don't want to do it too early or you're missing out on value.

  8. Do you draft new golfers after each round or do you have the same team throughout the entire season?

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