Golf Players

IFISHTV Swimming with giant TUNA & Snapper on a SPANNER!

Yeah I’ve got a bit of a tip for viewers if you turn to another Network and don’t do that and you’re happen to see a Sheffield Shield game at the MCG and Victoria’s two players short it’s because they’re out here catching the snaer so leave the boys

Alone Christie here’s one more for the bucket [Laughter] list [Applause] [Applause] A [Applause] Oh no It’s in the air what’s the car the car I got a technical question that’s it why was anyone puffing I don’t I thought down around here holy sing now as you can see by the sign Aro Bay the home of the biggest staff in the world and the

Best cricketers that covers me what up YouTu what are you doing I know where are we off I hope so I think we’re off going fishing we’re going fishing Cameron white John Hastings play cricket for the great state of Victoria and Australia boys let’s go uh catch a flipper let’s Go Well it’s 5 minutes past noon on the 30th of November and I officially declare the South Australian snapper season of 2010 2011 open get in one boys let me just say there’s fellas all around us catching fish the guys are on Plastics I’m going to use something

Different I’ve been called a tool from time to time so I thought why not try and catch a Snapper on a ring spanner this one I prepared earlier Hooks and all I’ve got to see this let’s Hope and we have threeway tie it’s a hattick and the boys are getting slugged and guess what I’ve got a fish SP oh how cool is this opening of sppa season congratulations to the South Australian Fisheries for coming up with such a fantastic concept allow the fish

To actually rest Aggregate and spawn and even more importantly allow dummies like us and I’m talking about YouTube likes to actually catch him oh Johnny mate doesn’t get much better than this does it let’s be honest you getting smoke tell you what that’s all good and this is just insane

We’ decided cuz it’s opening and the fishing should be pretty good that we’re going to fish artificials and the boys have both got squidgies on I’m not sure they’ve ever caught the Snapper on soft plastics it’s a new day and it’s a new day for me too because a few

People have called me a tool but I’ve never caught a Snapper on a spanner I actually went and saw my good mate mdy Hardy at Mega M 10 and packet him I said M I need a spanner said oh B of work around the house Paul I didn’t I

Didn’t tell him what I was going to do cuz I knew he’d think I was just insane the old ring spanner trick and this is just wrong what’s you Theory there Johnny that by the time you catch him you will have grown into a monster I’m

Hoping so Paul tell you what they fought hard don’t they they’re good fish are they W amazing what’s what’s the biggest R You’ C John well I was just saying a watery last week we went out on Port Philip Bay I don’t think it was as big

As this so This Could Be the One this could be the one let’s hope so I’ve got a bit of a tip for viewers if you turn to another Network and don’t do that and you happen to see a Sheffield Shield game at the MCG and Victoria’s two players

Short it’s because they’re out here catching Snapper so leave the boys alone and fellas so far I’ve just I’ve had time to assess things when it comes to fishing you BLS are very very talented cricketers thanks for I’m brave when they’ve got their arms full of rods and

Re you seen the size of this BL he’s got his own post code oh the size of that it’s not a bad fish WHYY that is a big fish and guess what get that fish out of the net Ash cuz I’ve got a fish on the surface here onest

Spanner now if you can just put that fish in the net for me Ash oh and I think that could possibly be a world first that is just insane I’m going to grab this fish out of the think of a spanner come here fishy that’s a big

Fish not as big as Camerons I don’t think but still a big big snapper oh have a look at this if I can get him out the old caught him on a spanner trick I just want to thank a few of my friends Matthew Hardy M Mega 10 oh

Another big Snapp is coming up you saw it first an iish TV you got to use the oh excuse me you got to use the 8 mil ring spanner though I find it gets a much better flut than the old driver screwdriver that is gold You’re we team hey you is the man there you go tell you what yeah well done boys oh that’s a big fish a big Fish now fellas I know you enjoy whacking the pals with the South Australians but there’s a better whacking Snapper pretty good isn’t it decent fish how’s that for three cast three fish they magnificent fish we’re actually going to keep these three because we want to take some Snapper

Home the Snapper here eat pretty good congratulations boys we going to do catch a few more AR can you vs now that you’ve mastered the plastic you might want to move up to the spanner don’t know about the spanner we see how we Go so basicly what the three of us are doing here is casting artificials trying to get them to the bottom and then slowly working them up the two boys are working their soft Plastics we’ve got a slick rig and also a Shad and I’m working the spanner just for something a

Bit different oh yes oh pulls on oh yep got him oh so just explain the technique there Johnny well I I don’t think it really matters here mate but uh what we do is try and Let It Drop to the bottom and then just work it slowly up and I

Don’t think it matters by the time you get it down and they just Gul it up they go so I tell you what’s interesting though you said when you hook that I don’t think it’s as big as the last one now I’m starting once it felt that hook

It certainly did get excited didn’t it it did it did I’ll take that back how incredible is this made when you fish around the world for a living and you get the chance to come to places like ano Bay opening of snapper season couple of brand new best friends well they’re

Working on it they haven’t quite made the grade yet and you’re catching fish like this look at this they’re so thick even camera L can catch them keep you’ll come back you’ll come back it’s just insane there must be thousands of fish down there we’re actually fishing an old

Crn troller wreck we’ve put the underwater camera down and seen it it’s just mindblowing and there’s Snapper everywhere and you get that old Thump Thump Thump your no there are red on the end of the line and there’s something about Snapper I don’t know what it is

John but it just makes you get weak at the knees oh man makes you get weak in the forearms as well this is awesome oh dear there’s that spner going mate well you know there was a bit of theory you might just think I’m nuts but I thought

About like this in South Australia big snaf eats Banner crabs ah and sna at crabs so I thought what better when I was at the hardware stor with screwdrivers SP WHYY he’s dropped him in the Outfield what’s he doing the crow are going so anyway I’m in the hardware

Looking at screwdrivers and Socket Set another guy and then I went for the spanner good work WHYY Third Time Lucky exactly and how’s it been in those rods when you get a good fishery in you know you’re going to catch fish the key to this and Ash went through it last night

With me is use light gear we’ve got like 10B fins braid 4,000 size reels even smaller and we’re enjoying the Snapper because we want to catch him we want to let him go and catch the moreall don’t we exactly right this is exceptional now the coach might be listening John so

Just be careful but what’s more fun playing Cricket for Victoria or doing this definitely not feeling definitely not feeling and dropping catches in the Outfield I gu you look at that fell good work mate he’s only just hooked in there as well we get the net out here he comes go this side

Out oh well done thanks mik good work well we’ve got the first Wicket down we on a hattick can wh get his fish up we’ll just standa do the job you’ll find out after this next installment of iish with banners and that’s just the BS I’m stand on the boat

With today’s fishing and boating tip is brought to you by boats AU you they say the word boat stands for bring out another thousand so it makes sense that you’re going to ensure that boat and look after it now I’m standing here with Greg Fisher the CEO of Club

Marine because I’ve heard about a thing called Club Marine assist I can’t believe it’s actually true so I’m going straight to the top what’s it all about Paul Club Marine assist is a free advice and offering to all Club Marine members a unique offering not experience anywhere else in the insurance industry

Okay so when you say free offering I’m going to ask some examples cuz I do a lot of boning things happen I’m driving to the boat ramp flat tire what do I do get on the phone ring Club Assist and they’ll have someone there get you back

On the road if they can’t fix it there and then they’ll get you tow to the nearest location to have it fixed okay next scenario not that this has ever happened to me of course I’m out off say coffin Bay and I run out of fuel what

Happens once again Paul pick up the phone give that number a ring we’ll have someone there with the fuel to get you going get you back to shore okay I’m going to give a tough one here I’m off can’s great Barry Reef just caught 1,000 M and I’m Delirious with excitement I

Can’t find my way in into cans Marina what do I do once again pick up that phone give club marina sister a call we’ll find out your GPS coordinates and then we’ll help you get back to where you need to be and are you telling me I

Have an insurance policy all this is thrown in for free yep it is a free offering to all Club Marine members so how many people you you think actually help uh last year we had 42,000 hits for a number of different issues which was all within the confines of what Club Mar

Assist offers Sensational Club Marine assist I can’t believe it’s actually true when I speaking the man it tells me it is so make sure if you’re insure with Club Marine get on a club Marine assist and use it I can tell you this year Greg there’s going to be

451 hits okay you’re going to run out of petal again let’s not say that because I caught plenty of grief from my producer but how fantastic is that remember if you’re going to ensure Ure Club Marine because you get Club Marine assist and when you’re on the water things can

Always go peir shaped this fishing and Bone tip was bought to you by Club marine and boat Cameron and John keep smacking those monster Snapper we’ll be back to you in a minute but if you come to this part of the world try something different at Port Lincoln Christie how exciting is the thought of a tuna dive I cannot wait to get my snorkel gear on and see these

Guys no rods no bait just a pure Adrenaline Rush of swimming with blue fin tuna just us a massive pen and big big fish let’s go and have a bit of a doggy paddle with some Big Tuna hey D Good welcome Emma PA let’s go with some tuners y Woohoo this is so good the sad thing is I’d actually have a look at this I’d actually have a chance of catching one here I’m loud though it hurts well this is Emma Forster owner of swim with the tuna out of port Lincoln and I’ve got to say Emma not what I

Expected wow what did you expect well I expected a little Pontoon a tuna pen but this looks like something you’d see on the gra barrier roof it’s amazing we’re very proud of it it’s um the tunon turn is about 30 m long by 12 M we got a

Shaded area the divver deli um Plenty of Fish to swim with and that’s where we’ll be getting you a bit later on too sensation in the future I’d like to bring my boy back here and do this cuz I reckon he would just go off his tuner and you’ve actually thought about that

Because apparently you’ve got levels here anywhere from sort of well as young as you want to be to his old as you want to get yes we’ve got the touch pond so the kids or adults can um pick up crabs and learn about the the sea life then

We’ve got what I call the the beginners pool this is full of King Fish Malay moong all the sort of fish that you you’re used to saying abely and then if you want to take it up a level you can jump in with the tuna and have a

Fantastic time so if I snu a fishing rod on the boat and I’m only saying if what would happen if I bought on the pontoon I would tell you that your 12 minute trip out here would be about a 2-hour swim back that’s not very nice at

All no no they’re our pets and they’re the stars of our show so we don’t want people catching them so absolutely and you know what I love fish so I can I can admire just sitting down there and watching them cruise around those big Tails smacking and when you drop a

Handful of Plies on them and like 40 of them just come out and go smash it’s pretty incredible in it so are you going to jump in uh I’ve heard you’re not not too keen on swimming but I have it from you you’re going in I am in as quick as

I can get this interview over I’m getting in there cuz I can’t wait I might play a little game where I just paddle around and people throw pileds at me and see if I can get these Big Tuna to mess with these guns while we in trouble what are you laughing at

Let’s see what we can see see see at the bottom of the deep CCC W that oh my God look at that what’s that a blue moong and some awesome Nan guy those things what is the other thing I’m thinking they’re so good to eat

I want to know about these blue fin tuna obviously these are fish that have been caught in the ocean out here that’s correct and how do you get your hands on them and what is the concept behind looking after them feeding them up are they the luckiest tuner in the world I

Think they’re the luckiest bush in the world they get people feeding them every day um they’re caught in The Great Australian bite um and they’re brought in here uh with from Comm commercial fishermen um and then we were like fortunate enough to purchase them and um

This is their new home and this is where they’ll stay forever in a day now probably the most important thing as far as for me being a parent yes and this pontoon is the fact that it’s not 3 hours from Port how long does it take to

Get from Port Lincoln when you leave out here it takes approximately 13 to 14 minutes Sensational so you get a nice little drive you might see a bit of uh Aquatic Life in the way out that’s right it will take longer PA if we see a pot

Of dolphins cuz then we’ll stop we can have some photos of the Dolphins um and then we’re out here at the tun upon Two well one of the attractions we have here on the swim at the tuna platform is tuna feeding tuna feeding sorry I’m in awe of these massive fish now what are your thoughts Chris are you actually Brave us of course this look so cool you go first if you come back with five

Fingers I’ll be happy to have a crack that’s awesome fish I’m using the big Pilon way I might actually it’s the it’s the anticipation that kills you that was that was way having other guys out oh okay here we go and here the trick if you wash your

Hands do it quickly what christe we M five Fingers like oh oh he so [Laughter] cool nothing like squealing like a school girl is they chy these tuner are pretty awesome but how cute were the kids in that touch pool they were having an absolute ball meeting at Debbie the Fort Jackson shark I think she fell asleep at one stage Debbie she did sh

Her eyes closed now we fed the tuna from up here we’ve seen them yes are you ready to get your gear off and get in with them I’m ready to get my gear off and put some scuba gear on and get in or snorkle gear I mean she doesn’t know you

But when she gets in I’m going to start throwing tilters at it just like this I’m a Cru man lucky me let’s Go well thank you to all the people who have contacted me through my Facebook page I fish with tackle world and congratulated me on my move to Suzuki I really appreciate the emails and I got to say so far I’ve been very very impressed cuz I’ve had a real chance to

Put this thing through its Paces there’s three things I’ve noticed one fuel economy unbelievable if you don’t like pumping Petrol in and wasting all thaty on fuel get yourself a Suzuki but don’t believe me go to world’s best fourstroke tocom all the stats are there they will

Blow you away the other thing the noise this thing could almost be running now no it’s not of course but they’re just not loud it is amazing every person who gets on my boat they say Paul I can’t believe how quiet is I fish on a lot of

Boats a lot of Outboards and it is number one for quietness now I’m going to get a little bit technical with you and just bear with me the powerhead of this engine is further forward than any other four stroke that’s where all the weight is so it gives you a much more

Balanced outfit when you put on the boat because most of the weight’s directly over the transom giving you better performance the other thing just down here somewhere not exactly sure where I’ll guess it’s about there is a gear reduction system and what this allows Suzuki to do is to run a propeller that

Is 1 in bigger in diameter than all other four strokes on the market you may have heard that term oh I won’t get a four stroke they’re a bit sluggish well this takes the sluggishness out of the system that extra inch of propeller that gives you extra grip like a bigger

Towood on the road so you get out of the hole and off you go so the report card is looking good fuel economy tick quietness tick and all this technical stuff that’s what we’ll call it a great big tick Suzuki’s going well keep your emails coming to me on Facebook I really

Appreciate him it’s Quality Unfortunately Jetty didn’t get a gy this trip so I’ve taken the opportunity of using South Australia’s only Cil and writing him a little postcard to let him know we will be back and he will be with us christe here’s one more for the bucket list What w well swimming with the blue fin tuna an amazing experience you’ve just got to come and do it even if you’re not into fishing it is out of this world thank you so much to swim at the tuna what a brilliant concept I will be back but for

Now it’s time to get back to those cracking Snapper of Aro Bay we know what youd rather doing we know what you really got in mind we know you’d rather be out fishing and today the day you’re going to wet a every day’s a good day stop wishing

Every a chance to drift away drift away every day’s a good day for fishing see it down a tackle world today hook up with a local and visit one of the many tackle World stores right across Australia every store is earned and operated by experts who know exactly

What bait and tackle you need to catch your target species because they all fish drop into a tackle World store where everyday is a good day for fishing Mr what if you don’t mind un not bad manate not bad now did you always realize you’re such a Ted anger or did you come today uh couple years of practice but um on to be quite honest not this good time you realize you’ve had two drops two cars two mon but two

Monster fish that one’s got to be about 18 the first one was 20 so s you were just too Ted you’re right there m look I haven’t been standing long it’s you in the spanner it’s me in the spanner I’m going to go back over to M tool shop all right

Man just talk us through this beautiful fish Cameron well be totally honest this does the G’s not even getting to the bottom at the moment so it’s obviously as’s got us on a bit of a hot spot here PA well he is the man and that is the

The fish Ash genius very good fish well if you’re sitting at home and you got a computer nearby Google wrong town I think you’ll find Aro Bay cuz this is just going off at Snapper there are boats all around us The Season’s been open for about 20 minutes Snapper

Everywhere I’ve got a beast on the spanner this is a really big fish I’ve been on for about oh here he comes now I’ve been on for a long time the boys are catching a Fisher cast behind me and look at that for a snpp and I think he’s

Got a tag in his side too look at this that’s a big fish on the spanner and there oh that’s actually my other hook come on mate look at that oh come here look at that that’s got to be very close to 20 lb of Snapper on the old ring spanner

And this place is just insane I don’t think I’ve quite got 20 it but I’ll Whack Him on the brag mat and measure him come on mate we’ll see how long he is that fish is laying there we’ve got I think you missed me oh you

Oh I’m close I’m close I’ve got 90 oh no oh he’s got him oh no 95 CM too good mate that means these boys are about that far behind and I’m letting them use real art officials come on fellas got to say I’ve done a lot of

Cool things but this just about takes the cake and eats it as well got to love fishing it’s too good So cam you this is a good size big one think this is not a bad fish hooked a couple so far so this one feels like it’s probably a bit better than those so quite a bit harder well Ash is actually saying as the day goes on believe it or

Not the fish can get bigger hard to believe at the moment it is hard to believe it’s just it’s just wrong folks around us everywhere pulling over fish the average size of our fish has been what 85 to 90 CM at least and I know

That this has just got to be 1 cm or 1 mm or two bigger than 95 CM so o they get a bit FY the boys there a bit of serious competition Happening Here let me just say unlock competition between Sportsman is it exactly and you know you

Know what I need to prepare for this cuz I’m a pretty serious Sportsman get a training of course I did a bit of training what I did I didn’t change anything except for the fact work John Go Johnny except for the fact when I bought my deodrant I bought Rex to sport

Oh really which I think is a pretty good thing to do keeps you dry keeps me dry and it helps with the sporting aspect now if the Australians selectors are watching two of the best cricketers in the country Cameron white John and the best Snapper catchers let to say boys

These guys are very good at Classic catches check this one out holy snapping you might have me on a technicality here I’m going to go for the net cuz no man is strong enough it’s not a Spano though is it not Spano but look at the size of

That he’s heavy just slide his head around that is the fish of the day I think Whitey oh look at that it’s just so big oh if I didn’t see a fishing one in your hand John I’d be very concerned about the noises you making mate sorry mate

I’m a little bit exhausted now remember that old song Lean On Me I’m doing it to PO old Johnny just using you as a brace oh excuse me this fish is a bit like Hastings full of hot air by the sound of it rather tall as well now Cameron this

Is a big fish M if you can just grab that net from under there sorry don’t worry just the Stag is going through now look at this on a soft plastic a snapper of get out there oh no you’re weak 91 will give it what do you

Say about that it’s disappointing I tell you what for 3 cm you say that he says disappointing how’s this for a fish couldn’t be disappointed could you it’s a bit hard to be disappointed lovely weather we’re having a here today as well yeah we’ve actually forgot about the weather hav’t we is it

Rough yeah I thought so now I got a serious question you obviously represented your country playing the game of cricket which you love y I’m just taking a seat is getting bit rough now on your day off and you don’t get many what do you do oh this is

Basically us really Port Philip Bay is where we like to obviously get out and relax and uh get your mind away from cricket and uh well just try and catch a few fish and at the moment as we know in Melbourne there’s a few Snapper about so

When we do get the occasional day off um like to get out and try and catch a few but I must admit not too many of this big po that’s exactly right so this is what professional Sportsmen who represent their country do on their day off and Karen and John do it sometimes

As well how you going over there Johnny yeah just got him up to the service now a little baby but for good fun yeah just a little bit of line out there there we go so you having fun mate unbelievable at the risk of someone saying pardon the pun I’ve got to say

You’ve bowled a few snap R today I don’t have now you’re a you’re a medium Pacer Yeah medium pace B yeah so almost like a Terry Alderman maybe yeah a little bit without the swing no without the Swing Swing so so what you’re saying is your

Best delivery is about 120k he and dead straight exactly short pitch so they can see it coming they just miss it so he’s a talented angler Cricket he’s he won the Bradman medal yeah that’s right yeah Bradman young Cricket of the year so that was uh obviously nice but uh we’re having a

Great time here today absolutely well there couldn’t be a better average and I reckon what we need to do we need to aim for the DA’s famous Mark 9.94 runs for every time he lost his Wicket let’s see if these two weak blows can get a snapper of

9.94 and just show the don how it’s done that would be nice that would be nice absolutely Don Bradman of the future I think [Laughter] Not I just can’t believe I’m actually catching these monster Snapper on a spanner so I just want to show you what I’ve done to soup it up you see there’s a big Optus swivel on the end there massive split ring with an owner jig hook assist hook hanging off the front

On the back another massive ring and then another assist Hook and the fear is this will bounce around the Snapper will see it and think I’ve just got to eat it so I’m going to show out work I’m going to throw it in I’m going to cast and

We’re going to roll through the entire process cuz there’s going to be people at home say seriously worsing there is no way a snapper would eat a spanner and what you’ve done is put a diver down there and he’s hooked him on I can tell

You the score is at the moment 2 N the Snapper’s eaten the spanner twice and I haven’t had a miss so what I’m doing is I’m just fishing this like an artificial I’m letting it go down to the bottom you can see lines coming off the

Reel and once that 10 lb fins hits the bottom all I do then is just lift it slowly and get get that spanner moving through the water column the fish is going to see a bit of shine bit of shiver and he’s going to go you know

What bit of Shimmer too I’m going to eat that thing so I’ve got to the bottom the line stop coming off it’s just a matter of lift or just had a bump just lift it up there and there we go oh now he’s dropped it as well come on

Mate there we go look at that oh he’s dropped it as well so hooks three make that four and that is how you catch snapper on spanners there’s no divers down there oh he’s got off too as he hang on a sec I got to go back to the bottom I

Think so that’s five fish this drop have eaten the span obviously it’s about 8 in Long there only two small hooks so go back to the bottom wait for that line to stop coming off the Reel you see that bright High viz line that’s why the high

Viz is so good and we’re just rolling the whole time to prove that Snapper eats spanners so lift there we go and that is Snapper number six I think this upop and for all the people who said I don’t believe that there you go and the boys I think it’s all

Right that’s the thing about fishing just when you think you know it all you know nothing and always try something different I’m not saying you got to fish with a spanner but try a different color lure try a bigger jig head cuz people they get stuck in a rut and you say oh

Want you get Snapp onise it are all on piled they only took pits I say to them what fate you use just pits so you’ve always got to think about your fishing think about those fish that are down there and remember they at that smart cuz Snapper must have a brain the size

Of a peanut just run you through this beautiful gear I’m using today magnificent Shimano Tac curve the t- series it’s a beautiful stick ideal for Chuck and Plastics The Reel a sustained 4,000 by Shimano just below a stellar one of the better reels you will find in any fishing tackle shop around

The country just so smooth and 10 lb fins braid you’ll find 10 lb is enough to stop almost any Snapper and the important thing I’ve tied 30 lb lader on these fish with big teeth if they’re biting away they hopefully won’t bite me off because these spanners they’re not

Cheap you don’t want to lose too many on fish how much for a SP P um I bought the four pack because I got the better deal and my mate mad Hardy looked after me and you know what people are scared because you know what the best tool in my tool box

Is my checkbook cuz if you’ve seen me work at all Christy gets very scared that’s when she Rings the home Man your te that is a big boy look how fat of he that’s a horse stretching out hey I reckon there’s a shark around they get a lot of white pointers in this golf they come in to eat the Snapper so hopefully we don’t get half a snapper

I’d like a whole snapper please I can tell this fish is very very nervous cuz he’s just bouncing and shaking as I would be if I was in the water with a white pointer one of the questions I most commonly get asked at my tackle wheell

Store in cranman as close as yesterday I was in there and someone come and said yeah but what’s the biggest fish I can catch on this rod and reel that’s a pretty fair question if you don’t really know you’re fishing but the moral of the story is you can catch a monstrous fish

On a little rod and reel just a matter of having the patience and having a well set drag see line coming off that reel whilst that spool is turning that means it’s pulling line off the Reel when that happens there’s no possible way my line

Can break so if I got a couple hours and a lot of patience I can catch a 50 lb fish on 10 lb fins not a problem at all it’s just a matter taking your time and that’s where the art of angling as a opposed to fishing comes into it

All it’s still a little bit rough Richie and I think I can hear the drinks break coming on shortly oh oh that’s I just know I’m going to make it those big thumping lunges on that Rod tip that’s how you know you got to snap look at that whack whack

Whack you see I’m just putting my thumb on the spool I can put a bit of extra pressure on there but if the fish goes I just drop it straight away and the fish can swim Away Great move instead of cranking your drag up cuz if the fish go

Just too hard to get to so just use your thumb rest it as you come up with the wave just lift the fish up oh there he goes again just lift the fish up and wind down on that wave thumb on the spool and letting him go you can see

That just that little bit extra gray who said snap it don’t fight and I see a big white belly and there we have a beautiful red Third Time Lucky the old spanner now come this way Snapper spanner oh how fat are these fish just going to lay him down in my

Tangled mess look at that and there’s the old spanner on the assist hook I think that’s the key to making the spanner swim properly he’s getting that assist hook working there we go it’s just that big blubbery lip that is out now I have two boys over here who are

Doing very very well I’m just going to let that go to the bottom get out of my way I’m going to bring my Snapper over how’s the colors in that thing excuse my back how’s the fishing over this side boys the wor it’s been red hot red hot

I’ll put this guy back and there’s a beautiful fish Cameron off you go and bring in this way look at the size of this thing not King not King come here that’s a big fish count big fish big big boy look at the size of that mate what

Do you reckon it’s not bad is it now have you got a secret to tell me about the technique in which you caught this fish I do have a little bit of a secret uh not too much of an issue there with any sort of squidy just the jig head

Itself so it’s D gray in color as well that is amazing well it all makes sense cuz this morning when you met me at the airport you said I was a bit of a jig head I did manate and now come good I’ve come good look at that chewed to bits

That is a cracker fish Johnny what are you doing there mate mate I’m uh I’m just about to be on to another one here so stay tuned I think it’s a fair effort to say oh there we go that the Snapper is still going very well unfortunately

Our hour is gone a great big thanks to Ash at Aro Bay and my brand new best cricketing Stars talk about some classic catchers Johnny Hasting Cameron white I love your work thanks Paul adios I’m there go oh it’s a big girl there we go there we go big

Girl you are one big fish you hold these fish up like this let’s give them a kick down away they go if you want the latest fishing info head to iFish and follow us daily on face Facebook at iFish with tacle World remember subscribe to iFish off when Cameron white decided

To crawl out of the cabin and just have one last cast before we made the journey home well you won’t believe it he caught the biggest Snapper I’ve ever seen in my life this incredible fish measured 101 cm and we estimated it at well over 35

Lb the fish was tagged and released say she’s still out there swimming off Aro Bay you might want to come to town and find her cam congratulations that is a snapper of a [Applause] Lifetime


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