Golf Players

Lobsters Live Forever | The Steve Dangle Podcast

On this episode of The Steve Dangle Podcast, it’s an all NON-Hockey questions episode! Steve, Adam, and Jesse answer your listener submitted questions about everything not related to hockey.

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S s d p p the Steve dangle podcast with your host Steve dangle Adam wild and Jesse Blake hey I should mention we have a Kingston show we have a Kingston show coming up go to Kingston uh uh just I just want to throw that out

There you know we we’re having a big old Extravaganza on the 21st of January versus Sagen heck yeah they call themselves The Spirit but we’re Crush their spirit it’s too late to get it as a Christmas present but no one said you couldn’t get it as a January 3rd present

Get a hungover on New Year’s Day present there you go that’s something I like that yeah or just like celebrate January 10th you know what I like not feeling obligated to get smashed on New Year’s Eve anymore it’s nice cuz you’re not in your 20s it’s actually uh you know you

Look back it seems a bit ridiculous actually the best New Year of my life has been have been in my 30s I never enjoyed new years until my 30s it’s way more fun I mean the best New Year’s days of my life have definitely been in my 30

Yeah I remember that I remember there was a uh a New Year’s where we went to somebody’s Chalet in in um Blue Mountain and uh I was there with my girlfriend at the time and and Steve was there and I don’t even you were just married and uh

We you know we had a party night and Steve actually had to do the prep sheet for uh the Rogers stations across the country that night and I work any I should not have done that and then he he uh we partied like late into the

Night and then the next day I was like well I’m hung over I’m going home the rest of them just started drinking again kep going we yeah we did New Year’s 2 New Year’s 2 that’s right we were at the bar going New Year’s too New Years to

And no one else shared our enthusias best way to cure a hangover is just keep drinking yeah in your 20s in your 30s it’s just more hell one of my favorite New Years is I was with all my buddies uh from like high school and the New

Year’s day was the alumni game when the Leafs had the outdoor game at beo field and it was it was an awful experience uh down there if anybody’s been to beo field you know in the dead of winter the amount of wind that comes off that Lake

Wear snow pants if you go to an outdoor game wear snow pants we were up in the like end of the top bleachers too cuz we we just bought like the cheapest tickets but the the game like doing all of that during the day on New Year’s Day was so

Much fun or New Year’s Eve sorry and then the other game was New Year’s day but doing that during that day was it was just such a blast you know to watch Alan bester throw at his back in five minutes you remember that yes there was

A fight oh man Mike paler fell on his butt and it was it Mike paler not Al my bad Mike I’ve been telling you guys I’ve been watching um I’ve been watching full 70s and ‘ 80s hockey games playoff games on on YouTube and then that’s normal uh

Well no I’m weird for watching awesome Matthews in the summer and and and Mike paler does not get enough credit as a Leafs goalie because they first off every Leafs team that I’m watching in the ‘ 80s and this is every hockey team they all concede the neutral zone They

Just give it to them it’s like oh you got the puck here here it is and then they uh uh like the the the hockey back then is just terrible uh but uh but Mike PA Meer is hung out to dry probably six or seven

Times a period on a good day uh and and man he’s not considered one of the greatest Leaf goalies of all time nobody talk about him but we should what did the forwards do let me guess Slap Shot slap shot and a pass across and a slap shot one thing I’ll never understand

About 8s goenda along the ice and they still allow it to go in they’ll they’ll be standing up because they’re standing totally upright knees not even knees hyperextended like they’re trying to do a jumping jack to save the puck and the puck just roll just sliding slowly across the ice and they’re standing

There just just watching the puck go by and it goes right through their leg how many times you see a goalie just fall backwards all the time these guys like what’s happening here dude it like I want to know if the inventor of the butterfly like was even a hockey fan it

Might have been someone watching hockey for the first time why don’t they just get down just you you have pads on your knees you have pads on your knees go down to the ice It’s like because because of our age like I can’t remember a world that didn’t have the butterfly

So like when we played Road hockey like that’s what we did we just automatically went down to your knees and at some point I I don’t know I guess they figured that out on the ice we would play like exclusively on our knees if you’re playing goalie you have the

You’re on your knees and then you have the coat um on top over top of you as your like pads in your blocker right playing on your knees that’s how we play I would have hated playing against you as the goalie yeah harp across the net I

Didn’t usually play goolia but uh yeah it would have been and the shortest guys by the way in the70s and 80s were in net yeah the tallest guys were playing out never thought hey big person let’s put them in the net why would we no that’s ridiculous

That’s a stupid idea that’s a stupid idea also bre is going to be terrible at hockey and lemuse sucks on defense Here Comes biggy lumkin up the wing he’s the tallest player in NHL history he is 6’1 yeah oh yeah it’s crazy uh Jesse what are we doing today for this holiday

Special episode today’s all questions non hockey oh all right I solicited for them on Twitter okay or what are they call X these days they call it and I’ve printed them out we got four pages of questions I’m going to allow you guys to pick your sheet of questions and we will

Rotate and each person will be allowed to ask a question from their sheet that is how we are doing it today all right Adam Steve let’s do amongst ourselves so there they are face down I’m going to take this one is that okay oh you son of

A gun it’s like picking a lottery ticket at the store that’s not at the top because you’re smarter right yes I’m going to get this one all right and pass those two down to me and you’re going to take those two right yeah I’ll take those two all right so we will rotate

Everybody gets to ask a question from their sheet from the fans who wants to go first uh go ahead Jess all right I will go first I’m going to Pi questions um this one’s funny this from at invalid user 1761 uh yo I should be error 404 but

Okay did Adam get his wedding ring replaced yet no you know why I’ll tell you why why uh the reason I haven’t is because I still believe that it’s in my truck somewhere I can’t commit to and I I have to tell you like even telling you guys on the

Show like I was so embarrassed and I’m so sad cuz it meant yeah that ring actually really did mean a lot to me and it was a really special day um and you know Finding Natalie and and and the whole I I won’t get too goofy here but

You know I don’t talk about it a lot but it was a really really hard time what I went through and and so you know Finding Natalie and and having the chance to to even consider marriage again cuz I really didn’t want to and then all of a

Sudden one day it was like yeah I actually do want to losing that ring really broke my heart like I it really sucked so I am I am sh stupidly holding on to the hope that one day it turns up uh I I doubt that it will um in in reality but I’m

I’m just hoping and praying that it does cuz I that every time I put that ring on I really I really loved it and and it’s a shame that I won’t get it back likely I so I haven’t replaced it yet dude loves his wife know what what a dork

E I don’t get sentimental about anything stupid you got to you got to analyze the video cuz you think you lost it when we went to listeners did and they said it and remember I took it off at the lifeguard station yeah hold let me explain the video that you think you

Lost it at the video when we ran our 10K down at the lake on CU I was wearing it and then we were pushing Steve out into the water and I took it off and I think that’s where I lost it so I thought I

Had put it back in the truck I don’t know if I did probably didn’t um and may have left it on the lifeguard station for somebody to sell to a pawn shop so they honestly sus have you been to the beach uh it’s not still there it’s not

That was I can guarante months ago listen if they find it A Relic one year uh I can get one of those there are people at the beach like that yeah maybe they found it maybe they did oh cool it’s Adam Wild’s ring yeah I’m going to buy a Sega Genesis with

This I don’t know if it was worth that much Steve I believe you’re up next well here wait I do have a good story so my uncle was in a boat with my cousin his son um when he was a toddler and he couldn’t find his wallet one

Day and uh he he asked his son I think he was like two you know do did you take Daddy’s wallet and he kept going loo loo because um all of those kids are bilingual so he’s saying L water they speak French so he thinks his kid through his wallet into the

Lake a year later finds his wallet in the truck wow so maybe could be you yeah for a year oh my God yeah Julian threw my wallet in the and he got it back that you know what sucks about that he had to replace all his credit cards his ID all

That [ __ ] not to not to pour water on that story but that W that wallet is useless after a year so not not true because it had I think there was some cash and something like $200 worth of Starbucks cards he okay okay all right good story

That’s a good ending yes there you go I like that so might happen for you question question this is from you don’t have to go on the order of the page you can pick and choose if you’d like dang maranan dang marican to Jesse oh yes as an avid golfer how do

You feel about the golf ball roll backback news what’s this what on Earth is dang maranon too do talking about so um the PGA Tour and all of the governing bodies that control golf they are upset because golfers can hit the ball too far these days and a lot of the old courses

That they have around the world are becoming um obsolete because guys can just clear every Hazard that they’ve built so the idea going into this past season was to roll back the golf balls meaning that they’re going to use a golf ball that doesn’t go as far it coming in

The next uh couple I don’t I forget when the year is actually going to be implemented the details don’t really matter it’s I think it’s around 2027 or 2028 they’re going to start using these older golf balls with less technology and the advancement of golf balls must

Now slow down and be rolled back to the pre golf balls that don’t go as far and the whole year there’s a big debate about if they’re going to do this at the PGA Tour level if they’re going to do this at the majors if they’re going to

Do it the pros and the amateurs at the end of the year like a month ago or like a couple weeks ago uh right now when we’re recording they decided that they’re going to go through with the roll back coming in the next couple years the next five years and it’s going

To affect not just Pros but also amateurs so now all golf balls coming in 2026 202 27 are going to be this older technology that does not go as far and their their argument is that they’re saving the game I think no wait they gave it away like everyone can just clear all

The hazards mhm yeah no so now they can’t clear the hazards which means you’re going to lose more golf balls so you have to buy more golf balls no you’re thinking about this as a good golfer which is the wrong way to think about it you need to think about it like

Most people Jesse can use the the good golf Jesse can use whatever he wants and he’ll still probably crank at 400 yards no and I he says no but he you know that he means yes no I mean like your premise is you’re thinking about this from the

Consumer level you know you don’t need to their argument is for the Pro game that they don’t want these guys getting so good that golf looks like something else they want golf to still be golf so they they want to live cuz these guys are they can hit the ball too far these

Days the technology is is is advancing further than the courses can keep up with the golfers right and you have to remember change a golf course right it’s it’s there you remember that like they used to play golf with like a rock wrapped in [ __ ] Leather So I mean

Let’s go back to that then well I I don’t think we need or or you know the club heads used to be wooden and the shafts were metal that’s what I learned on I learned on my grandfather’s set and if you hit a golf ball the wrong way it

Vibrated up the thing and made your hands no just make it like a squirrel A Bug’s Buddy cartoon think and then they get up and they go it’s a living I think I think I actually don’t hate this cuz you kind of have to um like the golf

Technique that the player has right that should be the part that’s accentuated right the golf ball technology I mean that’s just science right making things better and that’s awesome that’s great and for a guy like me who’s a hack I’ll maybe I’ll look into buying a better

Ball maybe it will make me less of a hack although it probably won’t cuz I stink um I think it’s there’s it’s not the end of the world we see this in like racing where they put limiters on the cars like you can’t you can’t they it got to a

Point in the 70s where the cars were going so fast that they were losing drivers every season like dying oh Jesus so it’s like oh now we have to put in some safety things and that’s progressively gotten better and better less deaths uh less maming um and so

Generally good golf I think you know yeah okay fine you got to roll the golf ball back and put the onus on the players to be even better players my problem my I love I think they should be doing this for the pro players I don’t

Think you should do it for the amateur players cuz the the best comparison I read about was wooden bats and metal bats when we all go play baseball we don’t bring out the wooden bat cuz we can’t hit the ball that far but the pro players if they have metal bats they’re

Crushing at 500 feet you know they’re going out of the stadium so you have them use the wooden bats but the the guy who’s just going to play softball with his friends take a metal bat you’ll hit it further so the the the consumer ball should be a ball that goes far because

We can’t hit it far so I don’t understand why they had to make the roll back for everybody I think it’s easier on like tailor made and the brands and everything if they make one golf ball for everybody but also the pros aren’t using our golf balls they they have

Special you think you’re using the same Club as Roy Roy Mao that he bought that you bought at uh golf town no they’re using different stuff anyway so make them create different balls for pros and the amateurs we just get to use this the newer technology aren’t golf balls like

Outrageous like top end ones like outrageously expensive per ball yeah yeah no you can buy a pack of pro ons for like $100 what how much do a pack uh you get like u a sleeve will be like three in there three times for $100 know

There are balls it be like 20 bucks a ball oh yeah you pull out the pack there’s like 20 20 balls $100 you know like that that you’re those that’s the technology in the balls though like if you get to the pro level and you want to

Go buy them a consumer but nobody needs that like nobody hacking around inil needs that nobody needs that no and you’re there to watch like when you’re watching golf you’re there to watch people get into bad situations and then get themselves out that’s the joy of golf right when when somebody does

Something miraculous uh that that so I’m I’m with it I get it I get I get that you got to do that we’re so good at sports now that sometimes it’s like well like now we have to be artificially bad yeah the formula one thing is a great

Comparison because you can’t just they can manufacture a faster car but there are rules to the ways you can manufacture the car yeah there’s a reason they can’t put a jet engine on the back of it like it’s the [ __ ] jet you know we can go faster but we

Shouldn’t yeah yeah maybe we maybe human beings can’t do that and maybe people keep dying and like you know you make a ball go 800 yards but we shouldn’t yes 100% although those longest drive competions are pretty cool what I think there should be a motor in it in a ball

Yeah like a snitch like a snitch wings Adam you’re up next oh I’m up next ah first question is for me but I know Steve will be able to weigh in on this and it’s unfortunate that Jesse can’t it’s okay we got to get a military

I I would be fine I took a lot of time with the golf thing Jason Smith Jason NB3 so I’m assuming Jason’s from New Brunswick question for Adam wild what were his favorite restaurants from his time in Halifax uh I am in Halifax for University currently now

I’ll be honest with you Jason um the a lot of the rest first off I I didn’t live there I live there like 14 years ago now so a lot has changed uh but there was a bar that we used to go to that is now closed called Peddlers and

The reason we went to it was because it was a dollar and a half shot or $2 shots cuz they’ outlawed the dollar shots but it wasn’t the type of bar where somebody would get thrown through their window like the Dome the Dome the dirty Dome

You go to the Dome I think it’s still open it’s a dangerous place but you want to you want to go and have a good time the liquor Dome um but I I obviously I I I loved Peddlers for for what it was which was the DJ running the same mix

Every Friday and Saturday night because it was a video DJ thing and we thought he was mixing the videos in together along with the music remember this is a long time ago don’t disparage him I love and it was and then but we found out

That it was just a pre-made mix and he was just doing the you know the Paris Hilton at the music festival thing um uh the other one is obviously um down by the uh down by the water oh you know the what’s why can’t I think of it you know

The three LEL oh lower deck lower deck yeah it’s the place to go I mean you gotta you got to enjoy it beyond that I had no money so if we did go out it was like Quiznos and that was like a that was literally like a that was a treat

For me if I could get a meatball sub from Quiznos I ate freeze-dried uh um chicken from a farm I used to get 20 chicken breasts for 20 bucks wow from a farm and then I get frozen vegetables great deal isn’t that a great deal so I had a George Foreman

Grill in my apartment and all I could afford was this chicken and then I would get a bunch of frozen vegetables cuz my buddy’s mom had a Costco card so it was like a it was literally you know those bags of like soil or seed you get from

Home Depot like that’s what this thing looked like I would haul it and put it into my fridge in Clayton Park tiny little fridge and then I would um I would microwave the the vegetables and then I would put the chicken the George Foreman grill and that was my uh lunch

And dinner every day dude yeah so I don’t I don’t have a lot of great bad yeah there’s some Jim bro who’s like you know you’re that’s have kept eating like that maybe would be such a fatty damn that is not where I was going

To go with no I wasn’t saying that well no it’s true though I was I you know it uh there was that and um yeah you know I’m just saying uh yeah so it was I I don’t have a lot of great recommendations uh because of the fact

That I was objectively probably riding the poverty line at that point I that’s a long time ago it was a long time ago and you could live a pretty good life back then in Halifax and not make much money uh I don’t think that’s the case anymore I think pretty expensive Ontario

Apologizes yeah sorry the entire country needs more housing yes um uh man I’m not great with the names of the places but you can basically go down by the water and walk along and go any restaurant and get the best seafood in the world if Hamachi if the Hamachi Steakhouse which

Is like Benny hana’s copy where they cook it in front of you and they throw [ __ ] in the air Hamachi uh steakhouse was amazing I I I don’t know why I’m such a stickler for this but I like eating the cuisine of the place where

I’m at yeah so I don’t know if I touched red meat like Landing in Halifax like right fish fish shellfish fish fish fish it’s that’s the way to go like you got a right attitude about dude it’s better it’s it’s better like the the the fish

In uh Halifax and other parts of the of the East Coast it’s better than the fish we get here it just is um it’s from there it’s from there um the the one thing I’ll say it that you should do once and then you don’t need to ever do

Again necessarily is oysters um I love oysters those are yeah I love oysters I like them but like they’re definitely a bit of a tourist trap because they’re like oo this is caught from the Bay of fluu and it you’ll notice the tones of I’m like okay so that’s it’s a it’s a

Shell so here’s the thing it’s a shell with stuff in it so he’s wrong uh the oysters are way better there and way better than we could possibly get here the lob is way better there better so here’s what happens so my my buddies um

My buddy with his his mom had the Costco card that’s how I got the frozen vegetables named Zach I love him to this day he’s a great great friend you know him Steve Jesse you’ve met him too yep and Zach’s uh stepfather a guy named Rob

Who was an absolute Beauty like just one of the best people I’ve ever met uh just a full-blown Nova scotian through and through uh was a VP at one of the major lobster Fisheries there and so Rob had you know we got to eat like lobster mac

And cheese when we could never have afforded it or whatever and he’d bring home these lobsters and guys the Clause would be like your hand or bigger 20 lb like big big boys and um uh and he’d say you can’t buy these in a grocery store

Here you definitely can’t buy them in a grocery store store anywhere else in Canada except for maybe Vancouver you can get it at some specialty stores because what happens is they take all that they grade it all right all the grade a lobster that they catch goes to

China all of it none of it stays in Canada yeah because they can make so much money shipping it there um that they and the restaurants the high-end restaurants be the expectation the the the it’s a it’s a delicacy there like it’s a delicacy here he’s like we sell

It all to China so any Lobster that you buy from like local grocery store in Toronto he’s like if you ever go home or whatever you will never get a lobster like this here it it is flatly just not available and so we got to eat the lobster the high-end Lobster that they

Would have sold to Asia and honestly there is a big difference and you know they live like forever eh yeah there’s no lobsters don’t die ever unless it’s from an outside source so a lobster so this is crazy this is a I learned this from Tik Tok lobsters are I learned

This from the Barnacle guy lobsters are self uh regenerating so that’s why scientists are fascinated with them because they don’t die but if something kills them they’ll die it’s seven years if you find a lobster that’s fraking huge they estimate that it’s about I I I

Know this from the guy who runs the CLA Spa um it’s 7 years to a pound so if you find like a 10 20 lb Lobster you’re finding something that as the guy in the videos puts uh his father could have caught his grandfather could have caught and his great-grandfather could have

Caught like four generations of men could have caught the same Lobster before unb ever met a natural predator they think that it once I mean the reason that they’re doing so much research on it who knows you know but they think that if they’re ever able to discover it they they’ll probably be

Able to figure out like plastic surgery would be a thing in the past you could regenerate your skin let meob yeah like things like that you could yeah let me read from the Natural History Museum ah uh the idea that lobsters live forever is a myth these animals can face death

From pred predation disease or even exhaustion when they Mt for example lobsters certainly do not live forever it’s not entirely clear where this myth originated but it is a claim that persists online often in the form of memes they’re selling it Nova Scotia man while some animals given the right

Circumstances could be considered Immortal lobsters are not among them like many other decapod 10-f footed crustations lobsters continue to grow throughout their lives scientists call this interd determinate growth inter determinate growth right this contrast with people for example we stop growing when we reach adulthood but lobsters and

Other decapods do eventually reach the end of their lives um blah blah blah they face health issues such as shell disease another potential cause of death is inherently linked to their continuous growth when they are young lobsters grow rapidly shedding their EXO skeleton multiple times a year over time growth

Slows and molting becomes less frequent but for each successive mol increasing amounts of energy are needed and eventually the cost is too high and lobsters can die from exhaustion listen this is all I care about 10 to 15% of lobsters go out this way so all I care about right now that

Lobster has eggs does it have a notch it does incredible that Notch means it can breed and you have to throw it back if you catch it Jesse throw scroll up a little bit so here’s the thing no sorry the oh sorry it says predation which is Predators

Yeah health issues shell disease or the so I think I think the the thing that they’re talking about is that like so Rob used to tell this story about two lobsters and one of them malted in in in the crater in the you know they caught

Them and one of them malted the next day there was only one Lobster in the thing and it’s or over the weekend there was only one Lobster in think because the other Lobster noticed that the lobster was molting getting rid of his shell and

Ate them um and and so uh that what what I I think what I think the distinction probably is that they don’t have like typical diseases that we have or or whatever maybe that’s what they were trying to say yeah well one of the it sounds I think they’re Immortal 10 to

15% uh of lobsters die from grow molting you know the that’s when they’re that’s when too exhausting according to it’s they can die from the exhaustion of keeping regenerating so that they die no they’re imortal they’re saying they’re Immortal is uh I think it’s that’s closer to Immortal than we are it is

It’s like the idea that they just keep living and creating themselves over and over again is kind of correct but they die from that process 10 to 15% of the time well I’m sure we’re going to have a bunch a bunch of marine biologists who are like actually well actually reading

From the History Museum I no pretty pretty intense case of the giggles there at our at our little yeah you guys being like Oh I saw a Tik Tok I hate that I just thought it was so funny that you guys went on this whole tangent and then

Jesse was like so that’s what they tell you Happ I don’t know I no reason to actually I hate when people are like I read this thing and they actually just saw Tik Tok yeah yeah that’s that’s one of my biggest pet peev of new technology I’ll ask another question no they

They’re Immortal uh this is from Kyle Kyle 1 39727 43 very important Kyle says I’m a plumber what’s your take on plumbers I need to know the outside view I think they should all be arrested and sent to prison no I don’t know what did you think we were going to

Say great question plumbers are uh I mean smart they’re smart um on account of um remember we were all told we should get a trade yeah and the vast majority of us were like yeah no they did it and now they make what like 40 bucks an hour oh yeah like like they

They if you run your own business too like you make a lot more than that like if you’ve got good client pace and some couple trucks out there those guys are millionaires well and like we well we should talk to producer Drew he had to call a plumber recently cuz a pipe burst

And if you’re in the if you’re a plumber in the greater Toronto area oh you you’re getting lots of business these days because there’s lots of burst pipes you know what this is me dragging it out yeah I I think I could have had no one

Asks you to stretch so much we can do it we can talk man it’s all good it’s okay you don’t have to carry it I mean that’s a strange question and I did my best I’ve never had a bad experience with a plumber me neither never number one uh

And I’m always really respectful of of that I used to uh I used to do concrete work and stuff like that so when we were doing driveways you’d have to you know uh like if it was a heated driveway that was when that technology was just first

Starting the guys coming on doing that I remember also digging out a few basement and and uh with the work crew we were on and the plumbers are coming in and they’re watching the grades and they’re it’s not an easy gig and and there are a

Lot of times where plumbers are I always have a ton of respect for this they have to go the place in your house with all the spiders uh and it also smells like [ __ ] uh so so personally I have a ton of respect for the trade and I’ve never had

A bad never had a bad plumber never won you know um growing up some stereotypes are over done yeah the plumber butt crack oh no that’s real that’s but they’re always on their knees and stuff and and then they never well nobody wears a belt anymore I don’t know when

Like have you ever been in the same room as the plumber doing their work sure no on workes I let them do their thing oh well on work sites you yeah no that’s the other thing you don’t do with trades people is you don’t over their hover get

Out of town do not do that don’t hover people that’s not nice well and I here’s the thing is that like I how’s it going yeah like you like you know what the [ __ ] you’re doing you know you’re pretending oh yeah you’re doing that right so the people that do that will

Tell you well I have to make sure they’re doing they’re doing it right and to which I would say uh where do you get the balls done it yourself yeah why didn’t you do it I I I always think like okay if I don’t trust the person I’ve hired

Why did I hire them where do you get the balls Adam let we don’t ask that enough it’s a great question and we lost it and we found it I just feel like it’s like okay listen if you if you feel like you could do this yourself then you should

Yep if you don’t trust the person you hired and you need to hover over them then don’t hire them this holiday season make sure you ask a friend or family member where do you get the balls love that Adam I’m just saying all right is it me next uh no we’re going

Down the line down the line yeah we’re sneaking it’s me how dare you uh from stink face MC poop Lightning it’s a great name that’s a question from Discord that’s the best username so far mhm Steve if the Marley’s or Leafs asked you to sing the

National anthem at a game oh yeah would you do it no you wouldn’t do it no I’ve never sung for an audience before and I’m not going to start in front of thousands and thousands of people absolutely not Jess’s drinking water he’s going spit his water all everything it is sort of a

Funny it’s funny I think it’d be hilarious I think it would be bad to the point of disrespect if you were bad at it it would be awesome I think a lot of people would find it funny and a lot of people would also go harumph like you’re

Disrespecting The Anthem oh yeah like oh yeah you think so is it that bad I would do it to I don’t know Jesse you ever heard me sing No actually well there’s a reason for that you know I I think like if there was something in it like Steve

It’s for Easter Seals yeah like Steve we’ll pay you if someone was like Steve we’ll give you like $1,000 I wouldn’t do it but if someone was like Steve we’ll give $50,000 the Easter Seals I’d be like and oh kid we’re not doing the Lea like that’s out of the question

Disrespect the leuk K would tell you to go [ __ ] yourself there’s too many people watching that that’s a little the Marley’s though I think we got a shot oh I think so $50,000 two Easter Seals no one’s giving me $50,000 to sing it A Marley and and then you have to agree

The Marley’s have to agree to this too right it’s not just and I would only agree to a Canadian matchup so I do one answer yeah yeah we’ll get oh you I’m not you don’t to do the high the high note in the Star St

Then you got to give me a 100 yeah yeah it’s got to be 100 no we get you one Anthem Marley’s game and it’s on like a a Wednesday so like there’s not a lot of people there and it’s on AHL TV which no one wants to pay $400 mon they’ve

Lowered the price have they they have lowered the price do I have to advertise that I’m doing it yes we will on this podcast I want to throw something at at you too and I’ve noticed this and this happened a lot before Christmas so it’s

A little fresh on my mind but it’s in the states and I I noticed this from going to games in Tampa specifically um uh they always roll out the Steve for the Canadian national anthem oh I know and then the American one it’s like fireworks and planes going overhead or

Whatever the American treatment of the Canadian national anthem in hockey is so disrespectful and now the real yeah it’s so bad and they like like Oh Canada okay we’re done anyway oh sake and then they get into the you know and there’s been a weird large amount of singers this

Season that don’t know the words yes like as like it happened a couple nights ago dud you need to know two songs yeah and did you not practice you two songs I don’t blame them for not knowing the Canadian national anthem like I know the American one I do I know the American

One because I grew up my mom’s an American no but Adam if I if I ask you to do a job and you show up and you don’t know the words to the song yeah yeah like that’s just I just don’t think a lot of these teams with the cheap ass

Owners are paying these people like I think it’s like a pro promo people view it as a promo opportunity I think the Leafs pay in fact I know they pay it’s a job but uh but I don’t think a lot of these places necessarily pay or pay that

Much right A lot of times it’s like welcome the singers from soand so District High School or whatever and you’re like even then I know well I agree you got to learn the words to a what is it two-minute song If that it the way the Americans sing it it’s 45

Seconds yeah uh dude no I don’t know if you saw the anthems in Sweden uh on TV yes the Canadian one was a little iffy I I tweeted about it like yeah there was one singer I can’t remember her name now but she was an extremely good singer and

That was the moment I realized oh the American Anthem is just more fun to sing yeah it is like you could tell she was like oh I’m going to [ __ ] smoke this and everyone’s going to love it and we did I didn’t understand why we went and

Did played games in Sweden and didn’t sing the Swedish national anthem extremely weird uh also it felt weird there I also think it’s weird that we sing the national anthem before every game I think that’s weird I think it’s not necessary is it on a date I think

They started doing it during World War II to honor the troops and that was it and and so like I I feel like I’m looking at it now I’m like listen I we we there’s many ways to honor the troops nobody stands there at the beginning of

The hockey game and goes God I can’t wait to sing the national anthem because I’m thinking about the troops they honor the troops in different ways now the other thing is is like everybody like why hockey in Canada and sports that specifically insist on televising it

Like there’s a lot of sports where the teams aren’t even on the field when they do the national anthems and and I I I feel like just do away with this crap or at least please don’t air it because I don’t want to sit in my living room and

Watch somebody sing the national anthem I don’t care I heard it a billion times grow growing up special occasions yeah maybe it’s the All-Star Game maybe Stanley Cup Final I get that I think we can do away with it though there’s really no it’s not we know what

Countries we’re in yes we celebrate our countries let’s move on ah it’s I can understand airing it every time if it’s a different singer every time but if it’s the same one every it’s bad television it’s bad television why are you airing it yeah I don’t know well

It’s a difficult thing to stop once you’ve started though well yeah because you have lot of people go raah rah raah for no reason a lot of people are going to get upset but like to that I would say you know what you’re right it’s dis respectful to not Sing the anthem so

Sing it every morning when you get up pledge allegiance every time you park your car sing it every time you walk in the grocery store what do you mean okay what do you hate the troops Jesse the troops man every concert should start with O Canada uhhuh

And if you don’t want that then you hate the troops yeah and I think uh every uh funeral should start with O Canada and end with it okay um I think you know what when a new Canadian is born into Canada that’s what the f Don’t even cut

The umbilical cord yeah none of this you know tending to the eyes and all that [ __ ] a new Canadian is born and if you don’t is that is that what the Marley’s game’s going to sound like that wasn’t that wasn’t great oh man Adam you’re up next with if

You don’t want that then you hate the troops and I think you should check yourself because of the war that went just a stray I’m sorry uh undrafted hockey fan are you guys snowboarders or skiers uh I go uh I fall down either way Jesse I used to ski in like high school

Because did you guys have skiing in elementary school through seven and eight where they take you to to Blue Mountain or whatever and you learn Ski Club yeah yeah so we did that in seven and 8 so then I kept up like my skiing for a couple years after that but then

Like if I got on skis today I couldn’t ski like I’d be on my ass skiing here too has to be like a something that your family does it it does take up the whole weekend right like you can go to lak Ridge you can go to Dagmar you can go to

Blue you you know all these places first off they are overload overloaded with people um like it’s so crazy unless you belong to like Osler which has like a membership and it’s expensive oh you know all the names well because my I have friends that were skiers and

Snowboarders I I grew up skiing at lak Ridge and like my mom was like listen she’s like you’re going to have to learn being a Canadian you have to learn to do one of these things so I learned to skate ski and I can still ski um but

Having now lived in the western provinces I’ll tell you it’s a whole different thing because you can just pick up on the weekend and decide to go with your friends and it takes you 20 minutes to get down the hill like their Hills are they’re Mountains they’re huge

So two to three runs right that’s it um and I remember I had a a girl I was seeing uh she was like an unbelievable skier and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I wasn’t and it had been been 10 years since I skied and she took

Me down a double black diamond through Mogul and I had to oh my go ha I had to like shift like I’d never shifted before I had just got to Mogul when I quit skiing and so I had to like I was shaking my ass trying to get down those

Things um the I my only skiing experience uh was actually very predictive for the rest of my life um so it was Dagmar uh grade eight field trip MH and I had this huge uh I had this Leaf’s winter jacket uh blue white and black with a huge leaf logo on the

Back and I was skiing and I did the Bunny Hill it wasn’t the starter jacket was it yeah oh yeah oh I love the St with the front pouch it was no I don’t know if it had a front pouch remember cuz remember the Charlotte Hornets one

That or the or the Bulls one everybody had yeah you’re thinking along the right lines okay okay yeah yeah yeah and um I you know so I gained confidence throughout the day and you know I’m like 13 14 you know full of test uster and want to prove myself I’m pretty sure I

Went on a black diamond that day or like whatever the one under it is um and this is my first time freaking skiing and uh I didn’t know how to stop I would just sort of you were glide first time skiing you were on a black diamond it wasn’t

Smart okay it wasn’t clever so not knowing how to stop I get to the bottom of the hill and it was basically these girls in my class were very ill advisedly just standing at the bottom oh and I was like you don’t do that oh

My God everyone I’ve ever had a crush on is about to die if I don’t essentially sacrifice myself right now so I swerved to avoid them and just kept going kept going then they had this rickety wooden fence with like the orange plastic stuff and I just slam dammed right the frig

Into it and I laid face down on the snow just going like and everyone has now seen me do this and the stranger just goes hey Maple Leafs you all right no I love that they called attention to you in your most awkward moment I love

That I love that and I think I responded and that was the last time ever ski um my dad got a concussion skiing still has no idea how he did it I believe he just he just woke up being carted off the hill no idea what

Happened he we ask him about it now he’s like I I I have no idea I don’t know I’ve never had that happened that sounds like the scariest freaking pretty nuts this is from D scholar 14 have you seen the GTA 6 trailer yet

Yes if so how excited are you for it uh so I’ve seen the GTA 6 trailer and I gotta be honest it made me 0% excited and I’ll tell you why um I know Grand Theft Auto is going to have a good story um because it always has a good story I

Know the gameplay is going to be good uh because the game playay is always good that trailer doesn’t show you anything it’s oh man it’s there’s going to be beaches and people doing wild stuff and you can drive cars real fast and there’s also guns like I didn’t learn anything

From that trailer other than it’s Vice City and vice city by the way in the trailer looks incredible it does look incredible um unless you’re like racist I saw racist well there was there was also um I I yeah I thought you were going to take the hardcore rightwing

Thing which is I hate woke this woke agenda that Grand Theft Auto apparently has with a female protagonist people are just mad that it’s a female lead and I’m like bro you’re calling Grand Theft Auto woke are you kidding me it’s wild I think it’s funny this

Best the best thing to come out of that trailer and by the way I completely disagree with Steve I think he’s wrong I’m so Jack this is Steve’s opinion of the GTA trailer yeah de Downer Man Bo are there cars Steve yes yeah so what they’re doing they’re just showing off the e

System right and and so here’s so what I loved about it was um all the Florida references they embraced that was cool the Florida man Twitter account and it is going to be and the guy with all the tattoos on his face that was arrested

And that they they did a mockery of sort of on the on the he’s apparently like suing them and wanting to get paid and it’s like this is such great publicity for them that’s exactly what this should have done did you see what Roger Clark said Roger Clark the actor who played

Arthur Morgan oh yeah he he said said you’re not going to you’re not going to he’s like first of all you’re going to go up against Rockstar’s legal team and win nice try yeah uh just dude ride the notoriety that they’ve given you and if you look at the two characters side by

Side like if you if you like sort of blink and you miss it you’re like yeah that’s the guy if you actually look at them side by side they’re nothing alike yeah you’re going to lose it’s just a person with a bunch of tattoos which isn’t illegal to create like that is not

Your license you do not own face tattoos no it is a yeah the the thing about that game coming out I think it’s 25 it’s coming out yeah I think end of 202 there there were so many tantalizing things about Grand Theft Auto the the last one

Grand Theft Auto 5 that were sort of just beginning to be explored so like for instance there’s like a before you blow up the social media headquarters if you buy a bunch of stock and whatever you can make a ton of money like things like play in the stock market imagine

Social media was like a very little part of that Grand Theft Auto imagine what it’s going to be um you know you being on your phone and and grabbing stuff and it’s it like what they’re going to be able to do is is going to be crazy I

Think it’ll be way funnier like if in in GTA 6 you’re just not you’re not able to get away with any crime because everyone has a camera like that’s one of the things that’s that’s always ignored about this is like you can just commit murder and

30 seconds later the cops are like he’s gone I I don’t know where he is not a real life simulator no I know that I know that yeah no so I do I know it’s a game you’re not excited about and I know you’re going be high excited about it

But everyone’s like oh and I’m like yeah man Jesse do you not feel the hype I feel the hype yeah I think it was pretty aw and you’re not even a first person shooter guy or a third person shooter no I’ve never finished GTA 5 like I I don’t

Play those games I play sports games if I’m being perfectly honest about my video game playing but it looked cool like I’m going to play I’m going to try it the the thing I’m most excited about for GR Theft Auto is the YouTube content that’s going to come out from it because

Because just watching other YouTubers do crazy [ __ ] is fun and like I uh it’s nice background noise while you’re working there’s a YouTuber uh twitcher um named Dark Viper Au who just speedruns GTA 5 and he like I’m fascinated to see what he does cuz he

Just knows GTA 5 like the back of his hand because he’s dedicated a decade to he he can speed the entire game on 100% in like 8 hours or something stupid like wow it’s it’s it’s insane um he has these challenges where he tries to go through the entire story mode without

Taking damage not dying right he can’t take damage he puts on a mod and if he gets hit by one bullet if he gets like bumped off his feet by a car he’s over it’s over and he has to start again so so but I mean when the game comes out

We’re all going to be on the same playing field yeah so that is for like a week yeah and then the kids who just go they go to school and then they go home and they play for eight hours they’re going to be like way past you here’s

Here’s what I want to know when is GTA 7 coming out my bet is 2040 yeah s oh never never coming out they made this game guaranteed GTA 6 is so enormous that they you you need an up have you seen the map comparisons like it’s it’s this this

Game’s going to last for 20 years that got me hype yeah that got me hype more than the trailer where’re that’s a part of it and the DLC yeah but like they’re just showing people acting crazy and like like people are already like sing for the characters I’m like you don’t

Know anything about them what’s wrong with you but then they show the size of the map I’m like hell yeah that that uh the thing about that too is they can always add to the map right with the DLCs and that’s the thing Rockstar is very good ATC they’re very good at

Upates they’re very good at hey it’s the same thing but different this time and it’s islands like it’s always islands like if they wanted like five years after the release they could just be like here’s a new island mhm oh 100% and one thing they’re really good about with

Uh GTA 5 was jumping the console Generations like the the upgraded version for the PS5 like that that’s a great game today you know so even when the ps6 comes out and the ps7 they’re just going to keep hopping and creating it for the next game and updating the

Graphics and all that this game’s going to last forever yeah I think they’ll do the same thing with the next red dead too I don’t think they did a good enough job of keeping it going um I’m still not convinced there will be one there’s going to be another one yes that’s so

There is yeah people get confused Red Dead is the franchise yeah not Red Dead Redemption right there’s Red Dead Revolver Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 the next Red Dead does not need to follow the story of the vanderland so I’ve only played the Redemption one and two I never played

Red Dead Revolver well Red Dead Revolver is ancient yeah that’s like I don’t even know what console that it’s like the first Batman you know the Christopher Nolan ones were the the original ones like nobody ever watched that one we all started with the second one quite old

Yeah I remember yeah with that was where like Katie Holmes was yeah I remember watching it being like this is good but like so long was a long time man I watched the Michael Keaton ones that’s how old Jack Nicholson Steve’s up next oh Steve’s up next I am oh hey and this

Episode is brought to you buy better help we’ve talked about our mental health often on this show and you know frankly over the last few years there’s been a lot of reasons to why what happened uh exactly uh we’re wondering about that about the last half decade

Honestly um better help is a great place for you to take a second have an outside party look at you look at your life you can explain things you can talk things out and what’s great is that they’re interested but disinterested as in they’re are they’re a neutral party they

Can help you with things right I’m still just getting back on track I thought you talked about throwing an actual party outside no and I was like but it’s cold no exactly no I’m talking about somebody coming into your life and going hey how can we make things a little bit better

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Your first month find your bright Sprout this season with better help that’s better help sdp as Steve is a huge wrestling fan love to hear his take on CM Punk returning to WWE and how he feels about upcoming Punk Rollins Feud um so I don’t know how dialed in

You are on all the CM Punk not dialed at all 0% dialed so a little over a decade ago CM Punk was the hottest thing in wrestling um he had had a huge falling out with WWE a lot of that was health issues a lot of that was injuries a lot

Of that was complaints um and they sent him his um they sent him his basically pink slip that he was fired uh on his wedding day nice then he goes on a podcast uh with his friend Colt Cabana and airs out all his grievances he gets sued col Cabana gets

Sued he said he would cover Colt cabana’s legal fees I don’t know if he ever did that they had a huge falling out years and years and years later being away from wrestling he had a stupid UFC career that he should have never done where he he’s like I train

MMA sometimes and then he fought professional MMA fighters and they mauled him they like literally fed him to The Worst Guys in the division and he got killed who is this CM Punk CM Punk he fought UFC he fought two UFC fights which is two more than he should have

Got like in the UFC or just MMA in the UFC oh wow I don’t remember that he fought uh Mickey Gul maybe it was only one he fought Mickey G and someone else I can’t remember he got killed um then a couple years ago three years ago or

Whatever it was he joins aew which for lapsed wrestling fans that’s like the new age WCW that for a while looked like it was genuinely challenging WWE because Vince McMahon was ruining WWE and aew every week they were just getting new Talent CM Punk comes back and and this is like

Like all five six whatever it is Infinity Stones at once and the pop that he got for his return is like legendary people are crying in the in the crowd and he had a few good parts to the run but it seemed like all the he was

Basically like damn the man when it came to WWE so he was an aw yeah and he was an aw and then it seemed like WWE uh like WWE was just like oh this guy has an ego he’s a this he’s a that he’s a primadonna whatever then all

Those things started to happen in aew where he’s fighting with people in the company there’s rumors of fights backstage there’s actual fights backstage he gets suspended other people get suspended he’s beefing with this guy he’s beefing with that guy he’s beefing live on camera and everyone just sort of

Went you know what where there’s smoke there’s fire and this isn’t smoke this is billowing plumes um I think this guy might be a bit of a jerk finally leaves aew gets his Walkin papers because he got into a fight with jungle boy Jack Perry who you might know as um math no

Not Matthew Perry who’s the guy from 90210 Luke Perry Luke Perry he’s Luke Perry’s son no way yeah jungle boy Jack Perry is Luke Perry’s son and uh so he finally leaves and then he rejoins WWE and like they’re selling shirts now that say hell froze over because he was

Never going to return to WWE I think it’s fine that he’s there I hope it works out there um but like there’s something so icky about it to me there’s something so icky about him just going you know what forget it like everything I’ve ever believed in

Yeah and like maybe maybe that’s growth like maybe he’s not holding on to these grudges forever and he’s just like you know he looked into the camera and he goes I’m not here to make friends I’m here to make money and like I don’t know like I know that’s part of his character

And everything I get it secure the bag dude and like seeing him shake hands with Triple H that’s cool I guess cuz they hated each other um but it’s it’s weird right now as a wrestling fan because WWE is so good and it’s so hot

And a lot of that has to do with Triple H but Vince McMahon is still there and that man is very much a criminal and should be in prison and it’s just hard to support or care about any of that right okay Jesse next question you’re up

Oh I’m up I’m up again no Steve just asked a question I know but then I had asked the previous question no I went I asked GTA CM Punk and then is down the line favorite holiday no that’s not it uh from Emily 1717 I’ve always wondered has

Adam seen Hamilton if so how did he like it Hamilton the play I have not seen it ah I have not SE I’ve seen Hamilton you would love it I’m sure I would Hamilton’s amazing you know what it’s funny and I I hate to be a hipster about this but I’m

Going to be I took American history I think Steve was in that class in grade 10 and world history I don’t know about American of the founding fathers Alexander Hamilton was always my favorite so it was really cool when they L menw I know I was like I’m like oh I’m

Paps Blue Ribbon of History here but I loved Alexander Hamilton and I wrote papers on him because I thought he was so intelligent but why you wrote a play well cuz he’s such a dramatic figure right and that’s why I’m so glad that they made the play I haven’t had the

Chance to see it because every time it rolls through town it’s like oh well then uh you’re having a baby or it’s co or you know whatever else was going on and I don’t think it’s been back since Co so it was just here like I saw it

This year I missed it so yeah I’d love to see it I maybe you guys can take me on a nice date sometime yeah yeah think it’s out of town it’s on Disney plus now I haven’t seen the Disney plus version like I don’t know I want to see it on

Stage yeah I I don’t know how it Compares but I assume like the live experience would be is better yeah and I like I remember I watched um what was the Frankie Valley one Frankie Valley musical Jersey Boys Jersey Boys Jersey Boys is spectacular on the stage

The Jersey Boys movie is a fart um but the uh Jersey because it’s such a great musical history piece of like the connections with the mafia and music in the 50s 60s and 7s and a whole bunch of other things and um uh but man you got

To see some of this some of these things are literally meant for the stage so that’s probably why I’ll wait go ahead uh we’ll we’ll each do one more we we’ll wrap up up this is from where’s the one I wanted to ask where’s the quizine oh

Here we go I think it’s on paper hockey poo pants you have to make one meal to impress me what are you making oo eggs benedict actually you know how I I can make eggs benedict and I can make a mean hollay sauce hollay sauce should be light and almost like

Like Airy it shouldn’t be this thick heavy [ __ ] that you get on at most restaurants I make a mean hollidays I make a mean eggs Benny I love I know how to Source good PE bacon here in Toronto I know where to go like and and get a

Freshly baked English muffin St Lawrence Market is too I can poach an egg any do you want it do you want it firm do you want it uh runny any way you want are you making this for us I can Monday I can Monday before the show I can you

Always got to focus on breakfast everybody focuses on dinner breakfast good breakfast Monday before the show I want it and then my wife makes killer potatoes um like like you know the uh the breakfast potatoes unbelievable none of those the cheap shitty ones you get from the frozen food section no no you

Can’t just say breakfast potatoes are they home fries are they uh um hash browns hash browns they’re not hash browns I guess you would qualify them as home home fries you got to the key is they got to be cooked today before um there’s a full there’s a whole process

And then the next day they got to they they have to be refried in a pan with paprika and some stuff on them because they if if if you don’t do that uh I don’t feel like you’ve gotten the best thing out of it I I really don’t so my

Goodness my answer is mac and cheese are you a good Mac and Che a good mac and cheese and whatever meat you want in it so a nonbox mac and cheese by the way oh no I’m getting the the noodles myself I’m getting the cheese I’ll do a couple

Different cheeses I’m thinking about something real simple that I can hit out of the park okay so I have an answer but this has been this has been a conflict in my brain okay and a conflict in my life and I need your input on it Sarah Louise my

Wife says that I make uh she says that I make pasta better than her um typically like we’re talking uh pasta with meat sauce MH or like something like a sausage pan she’s also a kindergarten teacher and I can’t help but feel like she’s just telling me I’m good at

Something so that I do it so that she doesn’t have to that I think I’m being trained but also it gives me this confidence boost and I don’t care listen there’s nothing wrong with with jumping in and and and listen it life is about perception so if your perception is that

You’re great at it that’s really all that matters whether whether you’re doing the the meat sauce or the the sausage penet um the key to basically making anything better butter yeah crazy isn’t it butter um yeah there you could use olive oil you could use coconut oil um but I I do

Butter you brown it off you drain it but you don’t drain it too much oh yeah you got to get rid of all of it no you don’t look look at me well fed keep a little bit in there uh then you put the sauce

You season it right a little bit of salt pepper some Italiano seasoning is really good in there too um I like a little bit of crushed garlic um in there uh and oh a key to a really good marinara sauce yeah cream mhm oh that makes sense put

In a little bit of cream um stir that up real good make yourself a good dinner I like that question all right I want you to make that for us sometime you guys I will I absolutely I don’t believe you’re either of you are going to make your

Delicious foods so I’ll make you delicious food I would make it delici I’m not making it here though Steve ask the why not we have a kitchen oh we do have a kitchen yeah here I will absolutely make smell delicious all right all right last question on that page you should ask that

One wow uh if you could there’s no name here I wrote it oh you wrote it okay well from Jesse Blake if you could go back in time and give your 22-year-old self $100,000 or the chance uh of a coin flip and if the coin lands on heads you get

$20 million but if it’s taals you get nothing would you give your 18-year-old self sorry 22 22-year-old self the 100K or the coin flip so I have an answer mhm immediately uh I would give myself the I would give my 22-year-old self the coin flip because it would give my 22-year-old

Self the greatest odds of failure um I would not give my 22-year-old self 100,000 I would not give my 22-year-old self 5,000 much less 20 million I listen this is this let let me be Grandpa for a sec here sit on my knee everyone let let me tell you a story um

There have been so many things in my life that I have been eager for and uh so many things that I’ve tried to get tried to accomplish that I failed at um professionally and personally there have been so many things that I’ve wanted sooner than I got them or achieved them

And every single time uh I’ve gotten them it hasn’t taken me very long to be like thank God I didn’t get this earlier thank God I wanted to become a father a lot earlier than I did thank God I didn’t you know I uh wanted to uh have a

YouTube channel that actually made it possible for it to not be a hobby and rather be an income and it took like a decade to get it even sort of there and thank God I didn’t get it sooner dude 22-year-old me was [ __ ] stupid I wouldn’t give him money I would have

Drank it all you’re also at 22 you’re also giving him $20 million 20 million okay 20 million’s a little different because like I don’t know I don’t know I’m I’m too simple to have found a way to spend 20 million Adam what’s your answer I think I might have found a way

Though so it’s a tough question because I I tend to be a bit of a gambler on on that stuff like I would i’ usually you know the I don’t think I’d be we’re going to do the flip by the way if you guys I don’t think I’d be able to live with

Myself um I would have been able to do something with 100 100 Grand at at 22 I I’m different than Steve I already had I already lived in two different prop three different provinces I still lived at home I uh yeah I had I was a couple

Years away from buying my first condo like I was not uh I was actually pretty fiscally responsible and have been most of my life so I think I would have been good with the 100K um and the 20 million is where things would have got out of control uh

So I would still give myself the coin flip you driven a spaceship because I would never forgive myself for not attempting it I feel like 100 so you’re not taking 100K is makeable 20 million for most people is just not in the budget for their life so 100 Grand it

Will take a lot a long time to make it I would say give him the coin flip at of 20 million and uh that 20 million for me needs to come with a money manager who literally takes the money out of my hands you cannot have it only a little

Bit of interest is released each year you must keep at 22 you’re saying that now at 22 are you responsible enough to say that yes because my answer is I’ve taken the 100k because I do not trust myself with 20 million I can’t take the

Risk that I’d get $20 million cuz I feel like I’d die I would I would i’ do something so stupid with that money that I probably wouldn’t be alive Adam would have Adam is an old enough soul that he would have thought that way at 22 yeah I

Would I believe him I would have done it and I and I say that because um I was saving for my first place when I was 20 and that’s that’s just where I was so I would have said I knew I knew enough about money back then that I would would

Been like turn this over to somebody who knows what to do with it cuz I I’m not keeping that in my bank account that would be bad news so that that’s what I would say now you would give yourself 100 100K Jesse what would you do with

That 100K at 22 probably blow it like I probably spend it all on stupid stuff i’ buy like a a $100,000 car and I and then I owed money on it you know it would be ridiculous I would have told like everyone I know hey I I got $100,000

From some Wizard and I’d give them all 10K yeah like yeah no that’s why I can’t take $20 million dude that’s what I did with uh my uh freaking um my Nike uh not money my um part of my agreement with them is I got uh $3,000 worth of Nike stuff um a

Like a year and uh I just gave it all to my friends but your logic is that you taking the 20 million coin flip because you can’t even get a 100 no I would have given myself the 20 million coin flip in hopes that I would lose the coin flip

And get nothing because I was such a [ __ ] idiot at that age all right so uh which one do you want to be heads which one do you want to be Tails I think heads is the NHL logo heads is NHL logo tails is uh Leafs happy holidays

2009 Steve will do your flip first if it lands on heads of the NHL logo you get 20 million if it’s Leaf’s logo you get nothing maybe do it on the table so that I don’t want to damage the table that’s fair yeah you ready yeah whoa oh it

Landed on the NHL logo that’s 20 million oh no my life is ruined do you want to do Adam’s flip no you don’t get to do your own flip the wizard does the flip all right I got to call heads I got I

Got to throw some is can I say J on this I’m going to I got to give this a little Z oh oh leaf logo oh0 damn all right get [ __ ] Adam here it’s okay I’m a [ __ ] you can have 10 that’s the end all right hey thank you

So much for listening we love you more holiday episodes coming up the Steve dangle podcast follow the guys on Twitter Steve dangle Adam w y lde and at Jesse Blake connection complete


  1. Dude the complaining of the Americans singing the Canadien national anthem more quickly is legit but your singers do the same. When they sing our anthem it's ALWAYS rushed and it's never given the same respect as the Canadien anthem. Its never really bothered me because it makes logical sense. Idk maybe listen to the Canadien singers when they sing the us anthem then come back to me.

  2. Why can we sing the anthem to honor troops if we can’t wear jerseys to honor troops? Are they not both right before the game? I would be perfectly fine without anthems except maybe playoffs.

  3. Curling did something similar by lowering the technology in the broom. It has made the sport much better to watch.

  4. Does Adam know, why newyears and the entire calender isn't lined up with the soltices and equinoxes ? Why don't we start the new year on Dec 21? And also adjust the calender by 10 days to make the winter solstice be the 31?

  5. Thank you Jesse for bringing some sense with a real source about the lobster thing. Lol this is why you can't absorb things from tiktok

  6. My Grandparents were out at a local dance hall and upon leaving my Grandmother realised she had left her purse at the venue. When they went back to get it, it was missing and all hell broke loose. She's accusing the security and owner of theft, cursing everyone in the nearby vicinity. My Grandfather, who was a talented amateur boxer, gets into a donnybrook with the bouncer and some others. They eventually calm down and go home…only to find my Grandmother's purse where she left it on her dresser.

  7. Steve makes a valid point regarding GTA trailer, mostly cinematic. Point can also be made across majority of mainstream games. Its not a movie gents it a video game.

  8. I'm Born and raised in Newfoundland and the fish on the East Coast is the best because it's always the freshest you can have it. That's probably the best way to look at it.

  9. Keep the faith Adam, lost my wedding band for almost a year. Thought it was gone for good, but it popped up.

  10. Re: plumbers – occasionally your contractor sub-contracts out some work – one sub-contracted plumber took breaks every 30m and tried to bill us for 8 hours instead of the 6 he actually worked…NOT ALL PLUMBERS, but this guy…OOF Madone…

  11. On the topic of American teams singing the Canadian national anthem. As a bias pens fan I'll say we do it the best, especially when the great Mr Jeff Jimmerson is singing it.

  12. Australia is the same with seafood – all the best rocklobster, crayfish, marrons etc are exported to Asia. But there have been a couple of times where exports have been limited (Covid, avian flu) and the domestic market has been flooded with inexpensive premium seafood.

  13. I agree with the anthem thing, it's honestly just annoying and unessessary to do every game, I just mute it at this point or put the game on once I figure the game is about to start.

  14. 58:22 As someone who works in the theatre industry I have to say the Disney+ version of Hamilton is a must watch. It’s not a shitty film adaptation like the Jersey boys movie, they essentially just filmed a performance of the original broadway cast. It still gives you that live theatre feel, if anything the experience is an augmented version of a live theatre experience because you get to see all the little details in the costumes and choreography that could be lost in a giant broadway house. I highly recommend watching it!!!

  15. If you're ever worried about looking like a fool trying to sing in public, do yourself a favour and search for the video of the time Kanye West made an unironic, sincere attempt at singing Bohemian Rhapsody at a concert his fans paid to be at. You'll never have imposter syndrome ever again.

  16. Listener, "Here's a question about places to eat in Halifax"
    * 20 minutes later*
    "That lobster has a notched tail."

  17. The Kings singer just did her best to jazz up the Canadian national anthem. They had a Canadian service member there as well. I love music, and love being super critical during the anthems. They are fun for me.

  18. Steve is right, it is terrifying to have gone through something and have no idea what happened. Over 30 years since something happened that I had a concussion incident which I have no idea about, and it still disturbs me when I remember it.

  19. I’m not sure about Canada, but the anthem at baseball started regularly in WWI.

    People outside of North America find it odd, because in most of the world, they only sing anthems at international matches.

    But I think we are stuck with it.

  20. The thing with CM Punk is… Yes, he was right in a couple of things, WWE medical not treating his infection… bad move. Them firing him on his wedding day… that had to have been intentional. And while Punk was right in these things, he is also a knob. He tries to justify it by saying this and that and history in WWE, but he's also over the line.
    So yeah, him being back in WWE… is gonna make money, but he is also 45, past his prime, he was never technically brilliant, he is toxic, so he might be there for the bag and for the fame. So while I am excited, I'm not expecting a lot. Time heals a lot of wounds though. Even if it means completely switching up who you are and what you believe in.

    I've done it though, I never would have imagined I would love a girl that does drugs, is pretty… easy, and is a massive hypocrite, and I didn't imagine a girl might love someone that narced her out. But i did, and she did, even if she's still not completely over it. But she was willing to try, and I was too. So maybe CM Punk is willing to do so, if he sees he's getting a fair deal, or his slice of the pie.

  21. Equipment needed to evolve for the true butterfly to happen. Old pads literally just rectangular hunks of leather stuffed with padding. They didn't have what modern goalies call landing gear. They didn't have pads to protect you from the impact of going down to the ice hard and fast. And they didn't have pads along your legs to help you slide across the ice. Ever watch an early butterfly guy and see him put his pad face down on the ice to slide on it? There's a reason why.

  22. GTA is woke, they even admitted they will not make any jokes that might offend. So how are you guys gonna talk about something you know nothing about..same with yous and your politics, just talk hockey

  23. 1. I thought it was weird as well that we didn't sing the swedish national anthem at the global series in Sweden.
    2. I think we only sing the swedish national anthem in the playoffs here in Sweden. (someone correct me if I am wrong, thx)

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