Doing LESS for MORE LAG in the Golf Swing | Stay Wide Drill

Golfers trying to create lag by setting your wrists early in the swing need to watch this video now.
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We’re talking about lag yes we are Lag is one of these areas of the golf swing that so many of you at home want to see in your golf swing you want to see it and what you try to do in order to get it is you start going down this pathway

Where you give your smallest muscles in the golf swing a very big job and unfortunately that’s what creates the chaos in the first place now listen when it comes to golf instruction it’s all over the map and none of us agree on anything but I will tell you this right

Now that drills that teach you in order to get lag into your golf swing that you should be setting an abundance of angle very early on in the swing shape And then trying to preserve that angle and turn your body through the hitting area are not what I would consider

Responsible drills for the whole grand scheme of things that’s not what’s really happening in the golf swing what’s happening in the golf swing when you watch the best men and women in the world is that under no circumstance are they actually trying to produce and preserve lag lag is simply a byproduct

Of the body moving in a very specific sequence that’s right you’re playing a game that requires you to move your body in space in a very specific sequence for you to be able to produce real Club head speed and real control a lot of you are wired

To think that a good back swing is actually complete when your hands and arms get to a certain spot or the club gets to a certain spot and I can assure you of this I’ll make you this promise if you were to come here to Orlando and

Do private instruction with me or if you were to come over to the website and do a virtual lesson with me I can assure you if you said Chris I want you to look at my back swing under no Circ irance am I going to look at your hands and your

Arms in your golf club first in fact I’m going to look at it from your setup position to the load process into your Trail leg to what your hips are doing to what your torso is doing to what your head is doing and then out through the

Hands and the arms and then the golf club I do not watch it in any other order and the reason why I watch it in that order is because that’s the sequence of movements that needs to take place now a little analogy I like to give people before we start going down

This pathway is I like to show people a takeaway position and a 9:00 position position that 9:00 position is then going to turn into our downswing position into the hitting area and I want you to watch this very closely when you watch the best men and women in the

World and you watch them start their golf swing they’re going to shift their weight and turn their body okay turning about 45° would be a signal for when the takeaway is complete now if you look at the golf club the club shaft is about parallel to the ground all I’ve done at

This point with my hands and my arms is I’ve just kept my hands and arms straight and I’ve supported the golf club what I mean by support the golf club is if I were to take my lead arm only and I was to turn my body and shift

My weight 45° well if I don’t support the club the club head is pulling down on my wrist it’s very very heavy so subconsciously what my brain does is it helps support the club and get it so it doesn’t feel so heavy that’s what actually is happening in the takeaway in

The back swing and the same thing applies as we start to move from the takeaway up to the top of the back swing now going from that takeaway position to the 9:00 spot if I just turn my body and elevate my arms now you can see that the

Club shaft instead of being parallel to the ground is actually almost perpendicular to the ground so what I did there was I continued to turn my body and support the club I wasn’t giving the club these major wrist inputs I wasn’t trying to create this big activation through my

Smallest muscles think about if you were to be a a basketball player going to get a rebound you couldn’t just jump up out the ground and be able to jump really high you would have to stretch down and then go up right and the same thing would apply if you start getting your

Wrist these big inputs then what’s going to happen well you’re going to start the stretch shortening cycle and your wrists are going to start to fire the club out away from you that’s why these drills that over setting the wrist or saving it all for the top of the back swing are a

Bad idea you want things in moderation now looking at this position in 9:00 so Club shaft is almost parallel to the ground here right or perpendicular to the ground this doesn’t look like a lot of angle it doesn’t look like that Sergio Garcia angle it doesn’t look like

I’m Allosaurus Rex but I want you to look at this angle and I’m going to try to keep my arm structure kind of right where it is and the wrist right where it is and I’m just going to go ahead and shift my weight turn my hips left or

Open my hips up I should say now if you look down in front of my body what do you see you see the angle that you would see of all the best players of the world from an angle that didn’t look all that sharp at the 9:00 position

So how did we get there well we got there by staying wide and supporting the club and then working on the proper sequence of movements and the same thing applies when you start to go to the top of the back swing I want you to feel

Wide and I want you to feel like all you’re doing is supporting the club a lot of you at home are going to feel like your arms are extended way out away from your body you’re going to feel like the club shaft is pointed like this but

When you look at it on camera you’re going to be very surprised to see that the club is actually set in a really good spot if I had a dollar for every single one of you that I’ve worked with either privately or online that swears up and down you’re just making these

Chest tight to chest tight swings and we look at it on camera it’s wrapped around your neck then you and I would have enough money to buy our own private island and put our own private golf course on it that’s how many times I see

This and I know a lot of you at home are probably chuckling because that’s you right now remember the signal for the golf swing or the back swing being complete is not when your hands and your arms fold up and the club gets to a certain spot the signal is through your

Weight shift and your body turn now how do we start this process of getting this right though well we’re going to start out by getting ourselves into a setup position okay and all we’re going to do is take the club and just let it fall out of our

Hands and cross our arms over our shoulders and we’re going to do five six seven reps where we just pressure shift and turn our body and I want you to feel through your body what you’re feeling here how much pressure do you feel in your Trail side well I feel

90% how much body turn do I feel like I have well I feel like I’ve turned my body 90 degrees I can feel my midsection turned here I can feel some coiling up take note of what you’re feeling there okay keep doing this until you become very aware of the body

Movements once you become aware of the body movements pick the club back up and all I want you to do is make that same movement happen to the top of the back swing and I want you to feel like your hands and your arms are as wide as you

Can get them and the club shaft is as wide as you can get them I promise you your Trail arm is going to flex and your wrists are going to set the club is going to be in a great spot for you so now ahead and we’re going to do two reps

Where we’re just drilling to the top we’re going to focus on weight shift and body turn we’re going to feel like our hands are extended and the club shaft is extended it’s going to feel like it’s like this at the top of the Swing okay so weight shift and body turn

Okay feel like you’re extended so every two reps you’re going to make a full swing there now if we were to go look at that full swing in slow motion we would see that my hands and my arms are in a full back swing position the club is set

Very much like you would see of the best players in the world on the way down I can sequence my downswing better because I sequenced I loaded up in the proper sequence and now it’s easier for me to fire in the right sequence your brain responds to muscle tension so if you’re

Giving your smallest muscles a whole lot of tension early on in the swing shape it’s going to be nearly impossible for you to be able to preserve the angle that you’re looking for so you want to think about your back swing as load and rotation wide and support that’s it so

Think about your arms being wide think about supporting the club head upright that’s it you get those three things done and you’re going to have a golf swing now that’s much easier for us to manage on the way down and you’re going to find that your preservation of

Lag is just like you would see of the best players in the world let’s do it one more time arms across the shoulders pressure shift body turn okay this is the movement I’m going to be really focused on right here coupled back with my arms feeling wide

And the club shaft feeling really wide I’m going to do two reps same thing third rep I’m going to swing through okay if I felt connected to it then you can go into the golf shop okay guys so there you have it stop trying to get lagged by over setting

Your wrist stop trying to get lagged by letting your arms collapse at the top of the Swing get your body mov in the right sequence get your arms to stay wide and support the club a little bit and you’re going to have a much easier time being

Able to sequence the downswing and being able to preserve that precious angle that you’re going to turn into a whole bunch of speed good luck let’s make it a great day


  1. Hi from SW Michigan! I have been concentrating on dropping my hands a little bit and getting a wrist set for the backswing. All I have is a net but this was an eye opener! I don’t think I’ve ever had my chest facing away from the target. Thank you for another great lesson!!

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