Golf Players

PGA Golfer Profiles Tutorial (2024) | Fantasy Golf Tools

Tutorial for the Golfer Profile Tool on – Deep dive into fantasy performances, salary history and key stats for each golfer on TOUR.

The golfer profiles page allows you to Deep dive any golfer in the database and this main page here will allow you to narrow that down if you would like to Golfers who are active those that are not retired they’ve put up a certain number of rounds in the last few years

Those that are in a field any field this week or those that you have favored while you’ve been traversing around rickun so if we go through and click on Scotty sheffler’s name for example will be taken to his own golfer profile page which does have its own URL

So you could link to this you could bookmark this you could save it for later and you’re immediately met with a lot of information so across the top is his recent tournaments for both uh fantasy points and his fantasy salary in a way that you can kind of see the

Trends of both of those below is his results table which is currently set to just the most recent Seasons but you could go and add in more seasons all the way until the start of Scotty sheffer’s career and much earlier than that for other golfers and you can apply those

Filters you could also look for specific golf courses like Albany golf club and see how he has played in specific years at specific courses at specific tournaments or if you just want to see Scotty sheffler major championship performance that is available for you as well additionally when you click on the

Name of a tournament it will drop down and show you individual round stats so The Strokes gain metrics are being broken down by individual rounds and then on the top line they are being summed up for the entirety of the tournament along with obviously pertinent information like finishing position salary fantasy points ownership

In DFS uh slates and then also his odd ODS to have won that week on the left- hand side you’re going to get a visual representation of Scotty Sheffer and his skill set based on the last 100 rounds and you can see that he has been excellent off the T excellent on

Approach excellent around the green and very very poor with the putter this dotted circle around the middle that is the tour average so if Scotty’s stat is outside of that he is better than the tour average or if he is uh worse than that his stat is INS inside the dotted

Tour average Circle uh a couple of more visuals here for last 24 last 50 and last 100 rounds to show you the general Trend direction in which your golfer is in now for Scotty sheffler it’s pretty much up and to the right at this point the rankings is a nice little way to

Just kind of see different skill sets now I’ll show you a different golfer because Scotty is just you know in the 97th 998th 999th or 100th percentile for basically every single stat except for putting where he is obviously much worse so you can quickly see the way that he

Ranks up against not only active players but if he was in a current field you’d be able to see that too and I’ll show you an example of that let’s go to Denny McCarthy for example so I’m going to search for Denny McCarthy and you can

See there’s a ton of Denny’s in the history uh the one that I want is Denny McCarthy and when his stat profile loads here you’ll see all of his information come through you get a different look uh obviously very good putter not as good in some of

The other areas as Scotty sheffler is but he is in a field this week so this is against all active players basically everybody in the world of golf but if you want to look at just how Danny McCarthy does against the current field you’ll kind of see he gets a little bit

Worse in Strokes gained approach he gets a little bit better in fantasy points gained so you can compare him to not only everybody in the world but also those who he is competing against this week a little bit farther down on the left hand hand side uh this is just

Where all the Rick run good content feeds into so you can quickly uh come here and read the newsletter or you can go to the YouTube DFS preview or this the live chat whatever else you want to look at that’s going to be linked here

On the left hand side and then if we go down below the results Tab and you see there’s a there’s a lot of results in here uh including corn fairy tour data right there are six tours that are represent presented here I’ll show you a great example of that in just one second

I mean all of this corn fairy tour data for Denny McCarthy if we go below that you’re going to get the season by season stats based on off the tea approach play putting scoring and a variety of other things if you want to click around and

Go to different years you can do that and see how he has transitioned over time just an easy way again to be able to see skill sets and compare over time and to his peers let me show you a really good example of a couple of things here so what I’m actually going

To do is I’m gonna go to Phil Mickelson and again I can just start typing names here in the upper right hand corner and it’ll show me all the options that I have available so I’m going to click on Phil and Phil has a ton of data so he’s

Obviously been playing golf for a very very long time so I’ve got all this data and you can see for different tours so here is his his Liv information uh his major championship information if he plays an Asian Tour event that tour is covered as well PGA Senior Tour I think

The only thing Phil doesn’t have that I cover is corn Fairy stuff I think he predated that quite honestly never played on the corn fairy tour but this goes all the way back I’m going to keep scrolling keep scrolling keep scrolling as far back as Phil mikkelson’s very first start in

1988 at the Farmers Insurance open those results are in here okay so we are talking about very very extensive stuff some that might be a little bit Overkill quite honestly and I’ll always strive to be adding more to this section if and when it becomes available the final

Thing that I’ll leave you with here is that now the golfer profile talks to the custom model so for example and I’ll go to somebody who’s actually playing this week so that we can see this in in action if I go to Denny McCarthy’s profile page and I think wow this is

Really interesting I I’m going to favorite him so I put a star next to his name and then I go over to the custom model when this custom model loads you’re going to see that if I go to the Sony Open I am going to have a check

Mark next to Denny McCarthy’s name now let’s go in reverse so if I like Brian Harmon and I favorite Brian Harmon here when I go back to the golfer profiles page Brian harman’s name and Brian Harmon is going to be starred and you see he is right there um I I said the

Final thing already but this is actually probably the final thing where now again these two tools are talking to one another so if you are in the custom model and you want to see a golfer you can click on Terell hatton’s name or really any golfer’s name and be taken to

His golfer profile page so uh these tools are getting more cohesive they’re speaking with one another and hopefully uh you’re enjoying the process here


  1. Rick site is BONKERS! I used to use FNGC and it's not even close, well done took it to another LEVEL! Hey as I went through the golfer profile I don't see Waialae Country Club, am I missing something? – NM found it.

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