Golf Players

Disc Golf Courses You Must Visit In 2024

Simon Lizotte Isn’t influencing this list as much as the last Top 11 Disc Golf Courses with Casey White seemingly playing at all these courses. Paul McBeth’s new course had to make the list. You will definitely get fomo after watching these elite level courses and you should plan on seeing at least one of these disc golf courses in 2024

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#discgolf #best #courses

00:00 Intro
00:48 Brook Trails
01:25 Ale Disc Golf Center
02:50 Silver Creek Park
04:03 Caliber Disc Golf Course
05:22 Sugaree
06:36 Diamond X
08:02 Flip City
09:11 Whistler’s Bend
10:06 Gran Canyon (Olympus)
11:25 Hobb’s Farm
13:03 Highbridge Hills

Credit: @caseywhite4,@GoThrowDiscGolf@thediscgolfguy, @alediscgolfcenter2023 , @Crew42DG, @elinarydberg, @northernlightsdiscgolf4191, @discgolfthreads , @commitdiscgolf, @viscusdiscus998, @discgolfhere9650, @timbriggshere, @kampwilddiscgolf7310 , @discgolfcoursetours7085, @BenderCustoms

Since there was so many comments about the top 11 courses you should visit in 2024 I had to make a part two so with that let’s get into It but once again I have to say this is one of my most high effort videos so if you did like it be sure to subscribe and be sure to leave a like I really appreciate it and comment down your favorite course I would love to know

About it and also if you don’t want to watch the entire thing there are chapters Linked In the description so you can skip to just the courses that you want to see all right let’s get into it so I had to filter through a ton of courses because people have some very

Hot takes so basically the same criteria as before has to have a high udisk rating has to have a lot of ratings and it has to have that wild factor a lot of people mentioned Pro Tour courses and I really just didn’t want to do that because that’s already known people

Don’t really care about that they want to see new courses that they have not seen before so with that let’s get into it number one Brook trails in Wills California just 3 hours south of the Redwood Forest this is definitely not a course you want to miss definitely has

That Vibe of malam mver while still offering something totally unique and different and with every teapad looking just as spectacular as the last one this is definitely a course you do not want to miss and even though it looks amazing it actually only has 850 radians so this

Is still relatively unknown and while this is a pay to-play course with $13 per round or $20 per day that is certainly well worth it for the amazing experience that you will get and honestly this feels like one of those courses that just walking through would

Be epic so not only that but adding disc golf into the mix it certainly would be an amazing experience that you will not forget and it really does make me wish that we had more courses like this on the disc golf pro tour next up number

Two ale Disc Golf Center in NL Sweden with one of the most beloved courses closing in 2022 it was looking really Bleak for this course but with new ownership it is finally getting revitalized and getting reworked it is a 4.8 on udis with tons of love and actually contains three courses on the

Property with really the only complaint being that distance is just kind of required for a course like this which I would say is part for the course when you’re looking at Great Courses such as this and it became public that the cost of the property was actually worth about

1.2 million so there’s a lot of money going into this property and they’re already getting some great use out of it by hosting the Swedish national disc golf championship in 2023 and I would say this course really does offer something very unique in the fact that

It feels like you’re playing in like the Alaskan Wilderness it is just so unique so special every shot feels very unique but still getable if you have the distance and I really love courses that blend wood it and open all at the same time really forcing you to hit your

Lines while still getting good distance and also offering a lot of elevation change at the same time and this course was so beloved that they actually placed a bid for worlds a couple years back it was rejected but this does show a potential for a new worlds to actually

Be hosted here because at least for the 2025 season is going to be hosted in Finland so the potential of a worlds hosted in Sweden is certainly not off the table and with resounding love for this course I certainly expect great things in the future and also just one

More thing to note is that since there are three different courses there is a pro level course an advanced intermediate course and a beginner level course so just cuz you don’t have 500 ft of distance does not mean you cannot play at this course and then switching it up to something totally different

Number three Silver Creek Park and man toak Wisconsin with a much more raw and open feel this is certainly not a course that has the most pristine lines most pristine Fairways is probably much closer to your day-to-day course you play generally but with a lot more interesting chot shapes and interesting

Design built into the course with 36 permanent holes and multiple layouts allowing you to play a pro level line or a beginner Line This is a course for everyone and probably the most standout feature is that you’re playing along the lake so there are a couple of holes

Especially hole 26 where you are playing right into the water where you can potentially throw a disc right into the lake if you are not careful but along with that you’re actually putting into a Lighthouse basket probably one of the most unique disc golf baskets out there

This course certainly has a lot of character built in and although it does feel a little bit more rough than other courses there are still plenty of tournaments here where top name Pros are actually playing this course so it is certainly not anything to scoff at but probably the biggest thing you’ll be

Facing is wind rain and of course lots and lots of trees and with the resounding love for this course in the udis reviews this is certainly not one you want to miss and just a funny side note there are actually a lot of courses named silver there are two silver Creeks

One Silver Fox but if you’re trying to look up this course this is Silver Creek Park don’t forget the park and next up at number four I had so many comments mentioning this particular course so clearly it has a lot of love that I’ve actually never even heard about this is

Calibur discol course in Sandpoint Idaho with nearly a five on uis currently sitting at 4.9 760 ratings this is probably one of the most loved courses in all of youis it is a seasonal course that will cost you $15 per round going alongside the ski resort in Switzer

Mountain and while the views are epic the disc off your going to be playing is going to be on par with that level of epicness as well with nearly every commenter saying this is perfect this is our favorite course this is by far the number one course you got to visit and

Looking at the views it certainly holds true to that nature with holes that feel close to Massachusetts Vermont Portland dis golf it has a little bit of everything but one thing it certainly does not lack is extremely good views and while this will certainly challenge your narrow wooded shot shapes this is

By far one of the most interesting courses I’ve ever seen and I know I will be saying this so many times this video but I really wish we got to see this course on tour because it is truly astounding with hand painted t- signs they show so much love and care for this

Course and whole 2 is certainly a great example of that it feels almost like a blend of a golf course mixed with like a national park it is certainly making me wish I could play there right now and with Turf tads and with an owner that is extremely cognizant of the players needs

This is certainly a course that will evolve over time to meet the needs of the players so this will only get better over time and then at number five we have sugar close to Asheville North Carolina this is actually quoted as being much better than North Cove

Because my last video I had North Cove and people were like no if you’re going to go to that area in North Carolina you have to go to this one and why I don’t link the disc golf you’re going to get is actually better than North Cove the

Views and uniqueness about this course is simply all inspiring with nearly every pen being up on a rock face it is certainly one of those courses that every single putt is danger and it’s also incredibly exciting cuz you just don’t know what’s going to happen and according to udas the amount of people

That said this was their favorite course was insanely high so I think this is definitely one of those courses that you have to play at to truly embrace how epic it truly is and like many have said it is a lot of ups and downs it is truly

A hiking experience with disc golf sprinkled into the experience but it really does look like if you’re there during like that Peak moment where the trees are starting to turn a little bit this is probably one of the most insane courses to play and while the drive may

Be a little bit out of the way it is certainly an experience that you have to do if you’re in the Asheville area and of course I would be remissed if I did not mention that it has a 4.9 on udisk with 588 ratings so there’s clearly a

Lot of love for this course and oh yeah I forgot to mention in in addition to all the amazing Landscapes you get to see throughout the course there’s also an entire Christmas tree farm on the course next up number six probably the most unknown course Diamond X in

Billings Montana with only 400 ratings and a 4.3 this is certainly not a course that probably meets too many people’s top 10 got to go courses but I included it because it is so truly unique in a similar vein as Thunderbird in Utah this is truly a desert experience that you

Will not get anywhere else with insane Landscapes a a total desert feel and every basket feeling like it is worthy of being your background on your phone this is truly a course that offers unique shot shapes with every single hole but like a lot of courses on this

List this is much more of a hike than you might be accustomed to and this reviewer at while critical probably did summarize it pretty well by saying this is not a disc golf course this is a hike don’t come with the understanding that you’ll be playing disc golf the first

Few holes are fine but as you progress you will see that the holes are either designed such that you make a small mistake and you end up scrambling down a ravine don’t play unless you can throw 300 plus and while this guy does seem a little salty I think this is truly the

Essence of what unique disc golf is all about it is not easy it is not particularly fun if you get caught in a really obscure position you may lose disc but you go in knowing that and with that knowledge I think this is truly a course that I desperately want to go to

If nothing else than just a fun Disc Golf experience that I definitely cannot get back home and because of that I can Overlook poor signage getting my disc lost going on a full-on hike climbing up insane stuff just to get to the basket I’m willing to to do all that in order

To get a truly unique disc golf experience and then at number seven we have Flip City in Shelby Michigan once again one of those courses that was recommended to me a ton people definitely view this course as one of their top courses of all time and with

Good reason with a 4.8 with 3,000 ratings this is getting a lot of love and it feels a little bit similar to Blue Riven Pines with that heavily wooded feel and even its udas description is a little arrogant because it literally says one of the most beautiful courses that you’ll ever play

But I think it truly does back that up with some of the most well manicured holes I’ve ever seen and with only a $5 entry this is certainly worth your while and if you are going with your partner girls do play for free as well and the

Reviews certainly back up how amazing it is by countless people saying this is their favorite course and quote it as saying this is a disc golf Mecca and if you are in the Grand Rapids area it is only an hour drive north so certainly something you do not want to miss out on

And with clearly so much character built into this course it truly offers a premium disc golf experience that while it might not rival Eagles Crossing it certainly has such a high level of effort put into it that it certainly feels close to it and once again if you

Are playing in the fall you definitely need to see it during the leaves changing because those views look straight up like they’re from a movie so even though I’ve not been there 10 out of 10 I highly recommend you play it and then moving on to number eight we have

Whistler’s Bend and Roseberg Oregan with a 4.7 and 1300 ratings this is again one of the most epic looking wooded courses but the true epic Factor about this course is that it is built into nature in the most picturesque parts of Oregon and unlike a lot of these courses it is

Open year round it has 27 holes and unlike a lot of the other courses the water features are really built into this course that go along the water or you can at least see it at parts during the hole and it really does feel like the IRL version of playing disc golf

Valley so assuming you are up for the challenge and are willing to do 27 grueling holes that will force you to do a lot of hiking a lot of ups and downs this is definitely worth your while with a nice mix of wooded open and Technical hole and really the only downside about

This course is that that people have said the baskets are not that good and if that is the only knock about your course and I would say you’re doing pretty darn well and then next up a course that I almost didn’t include because it goes against what I said in

The intro but I think I have to number nine Olympus AKA throw down the mountain aka the course that Paul just bought with a 4.8 in 1300 ratings this is definitely a course that gets slept on a little bit because it has been closed down it has been mostly not open to the

Public and while that Trend may continue for a while if you are able to eventually play this course then I highly recommend it and even though we probably know what this course will end up looking like it is going to be improved upon by Paul and Dylan C and

His team so this certainly will look a little bit different as time goes on but with that said the sheer epicness about this course cannot be understated with nearly every hole offering some unique challenge whether that be elevation a hard left to right a super narrow line

You have to hit or of course the island is hole on hole 18 I believe or maybe it’s 16 the hole that signed through his insane drive to Circle 1 this is seriously one of the most unique and fun courses I’ve ever seen and while I have

Yet to play it the day that becomes available to the public I will definitely be there to play it because it truly does feel like a piece of disc golf history and even though there are a lot of blind shots and a lot of Fairway Crossings I’m sure that will be reworked

As time goes on so the downsides to this course will hopefully be a thing of the past so I will not really mention it too much right now but definitely recommend if you in the Brooksville area and nearly wrapping up the list at number 10 we have hob farms in Carolton Georgia

And even though I’m certainly aware of Georgia having great disc golf I’ve not personally been there to experience it all but definitely people were saying a lot about hops Farm in particular and just looking at this course it seems to do pretty much everything right it has a

Lot of tea positions so if you are not feeling a lot of distance you can play a more chill round but they also offer intermediate and even Pro level distances they have great signage clearly a lot of effort has been put into this course there is a lot said

About the fairways looking really clean grass is really clean and even though a lot of these holes don’t look amazing like 10 out of 10 I think while not every hole looks epic the entire course as a whole brings you a great overall disc golf experience that will not leave

You disappointed with a lot of wooded holes a lot of very interesting teap pads that force you to throw right over water this will definitely be a course that requires good distance good accuracy and probably a lot of good shoes because this is also much like a

Lot of these courses going to be a very long hike with nearly the only knock you could give it probably being that the udisk has not been updated properly and that could just be because there are so many pen positions and so many baskets that it is probably very hard to manage

All that if you are a course designer but with that said that is certainly not enough to make you not go to this course so I highly recommend you check it out and a nice feature about this course is that it does offer kind of that home

Course feel where you get a lot of holes that feel pretty easy to get like they’re not insane birdies like you can get them but it’s a little bit difficult and definitely if you are somebody on my last video that said I want a course that offers not just Pro level distance

This will definitely be a good one for you because you won’t have to worry about just ripping at 400 every single drive and then last up we are ending it with Highbridge Hills and this is certainly reminiscent of failer Park and while it may be a little bit less epic

It is still insanely cool with very very long drives forcing you to throw a lot of distance on these open holes while still offering very nice wooded sections and in a very unique fashion they actually have five freaking courses so if you want to play a little bit of

Every you can come here play every day for a week and experience a new course every single day if you were to play different pin positions and with it offering camping and only being 20 bucks a day this is certainly a course that if you do make it out to you will certainly

Not regret it and with a total rework of the back nine for the gold layout they’re definitely continuing to do a lot of work on this course so if you are coming out here be sure to be on the lookout for what these new courses are

Because it does seem to be like it’s a little bit in flux whether these courses are uh able to be played or if they’re being reworked or if they’re still being released there’s a lot of new developments on it so there’s clearly a lot of effort being given to it and it

Will certainly evolve as a Year’s pass with new ownership starting in 2019 and actually something I had no clue about worlds was hosted here in 2007 so it definitely has the pedigree of an elite level course while still offering fun for everyone else and they literally call themselves The hybridge Hill dis

Golf Megaplex and if you call yourself a Megaplex you probably are offering a much higher degree of disc golf than really anyone else so if you are in the North Wisconsin area I highly recommend you check it out me personally I would love to play here and see what each of

These courses have to offer because having so many courses on one property really does submit yourself as a dis golf must SE and it seriously feels like a ski resort with how many different routes you can play so with that we conclude 11 more courses that you must

Visit in 2024 we got a nice mix of wooded Open West Coast Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Florida and even Sweden so if you are a big fan of these courses be sure to comment down below I’d love to know and if I got stuff horribly wrong and you’re local and

You’re like uh you missed this major part about this course I’d also really like to know that but once again I have to say this is one of my most high effort videos so if you did like it be sure to subscribe and be sure to leave a

Like I really appreciate it thank you so much for watching wild runs signing out Peace


  1. Whistlers Bend is amazing! I almost drove from Cody, WY to play Diamond X a few years ago but chickened out. Flip City is epic, from what I've heard from a good friend who has played there quite a bit. I'm in NW Indiana and plan to finally hit Flip up this year.

  2. Diamond X is super fun and a bit dangerous. Whistler's Bend is one of the best in Oregon, and Caliber is supreme with a second course opening there this summer. Northern Wisconsin wasn't on my bucket list, but might be now. Thanks for the video.

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