Truth About Offset Irons: Does It Really Affect Your Golf Game? – Golf Tips

In this video Mark Crossfield discusses offset in irons, highlighting that while bladed clubs have less offset and game improvement irons have more offset, the actual performance difference is negligible. Golfers often base their preferences on the club’s appearance, perceiving offset to affect ball direction, although its real impact is minor. Don’t forget to subscribe for more golf tips and equipment reviews!

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Welcome to The Golf Shop Online YouTube channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you improve your golf game and to help you gain more enjoyment from this challenging game.

We have enlisted Mark Crossfield, our online golf professional, who is recognised as one of the most honest reviewers on YouTube. For many years, he has concentrated on golf club reviews, unboxing, news, tips, and ideas to improve your game.

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Let’s talk about offset so basically offset is the difference between the line of the Sha front eyon here the shaft and the front line of the face so the face on my iron is slightly set back so away from Target here than the front line of the shaft where on this bladed

Iron here it’s almost the same there’s a slight amount of offset but it’s tiny it leads into the Leading Edge a little bit more what does this mean for you and your performance those kind of ideas so the general rule of farm is better player clubs so bladed irons those kind

Of thinner clubs tend to have less offset game improvement and the more you game improvement into isons the more you go into game improvement is the more they set the club back setting that club back allows them to get more weight back as well which is good fori trying to

Keep bll speeds up across the face it allows them to do a little bit more with the club but the difference actually in performance is really really small and for most people what the biggest difference is is they look at an offset iron and go I don’t like to look at that

And they look at a non-offset iron and they go oh yeah that looks what I’m you look like what I’m used to I like the look of that I could play that so you’re really dialing into what people perceive that that offset will do and what it

Does to their thinking that the club will do in performance so what it’ll impart onto the ball cuz the belief the idea the more Offset you have is the more the ball will go to the left the less Offset you have the more it will go

Kind of and maybe even leak a little bit more to the right do you find that with everyday golfers not really so much their mess is way bigger than what that offset does so if you’re someone who picks up a club and you’re thinking is it important that I understand what the

Offset does and you look at two clubs and you have no feelings between an offset one and a non-offset one then don’t worry about it just literally it’s not going to be of concern for golfers who are concerned about it you know they look at one they don’t like the look of

It I would definitely say personally to test like does it actually make a difference or is it just literally what you’re looking at I use more offset irons now than I ever have done purely because I like the fact that it’s a game improvement iron stronger lofted iron

That allows me to feel like I have a little bit of help when I’m trying to max out distance the fact it doesn’t actually do that when I test it is irrelevant that’s just what plays into my mind and my feels don’t get bogged down in offset or non-offset unless you

Really want to and if you do go with whatever feels better because the performance difference is it’s not huge

1 Comment

  1. Good to see this. Surprised Mark hasn’t done a more long form video on this (testing etc) on his channel.

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