Golf Players

Tommy Fleetwood Swing Analysis Slow Motion

Tommy Fleetwood Swing Analysis Slow Motion Iron

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Tommy Fleetwood is one of the best ball Strikers in the game of golf at the minute he has a quite unique swing to himself but it definitely works we’re going to go through an in-depth analysis of Tommy swing what works and what’s quite unique to him so if we look from

Down the line the first thing we’ll notice about Tommy is he’s very kyotic or hunched over at setup he’s not that traditional Adam Scott ball upright sort of position now it could be that Tommy’s a little bit tight through that t-spine and that causes him to be in more of

That rounded posture now I’d suggest it’s something physical because he does walk in that way whereas he is more rounded through his spine rather than it being a technical issue where he just sets up in a more kyotic posture if you watch Tommy he is naturally in that

Posture when he’s upright so it suggests it’s something physical and that will definitely affect the way that he swings the golf club which we’ll see as we move him through back swing and what we’re going to do is place a line on the right butt cheek and then a line on his

Head and the peak of his cap and then we’ll do the same for the face on view just there so as we move Tommy back in to takeaway you’ll see a very traditional position here it’s very one piece that club face is parallel to his backline

And that shaft is outside his hands it’s a very traditional move that a lot of guys would love to copy and love to emulate but if you can see that peak of his cap just moves subtly very subtly towards the ball on that takeaway if we

Look from face on let’s just draw that line more on his head you’ll see he’ll start to rotate his head and bump those hips a little bit to the right see that move that subtle move that movement of the head helps rotate around the spine and that

Movement into that right side before we start to see the hips move back facilitate some hip rotation and some loading of the tissues into back swing so it’s a very textbook position love it a lot like I said a lot of guys would love to emulate that and this is the

Next part of the swing is where we see some uniqueness with Tommy That You Don’t See with most guys on tour so let’s bring him back to sort of halfway back and you’ll see as he moving back that head’s moving closer to the ball and that pelvis is moving also closer to

The ball something commonly known as early extension can you see that look at that right butt cheek how it moves about an inch closer to the ball as his head moves closer to the ball here you’ll see a lot of G guys where that right hip actually moves behind that line Tommy’s

Not one of those guys usually that occurs when somebody’s tight through the hips or in Tommy’s case it looks like he’s tight through his t-spine so if we bring him on the face on view you’ll see there he starts to get a little bit of wrist set and really loads into that

Trail side so still a lovely lovely position but he just moves a little bit closer as we said so if we bring him up to the top of the Swing you’ll see continues as he rotates again you see continues to get closer to the ball as he’s rotating which again suggests he

Limited through probably that t-spine or right hip which doesn’t allow him to rotate in the more conventional PGA Tor manner but take that aside just if we took the lines off you can see it’s a very sort of textbook position nice structuring that right harm little bit of extension through the

Lead wrist that club face is pretty much square to his lead arm I’ll just get rid of those lines cuz it’s looking a little bit messy just a very textbook position if we bring him face on you’ll see he’s really nice and loaded through that hip he’s got

That spine over the right side very powerful position now what we’ll see in transition I love Tommy’s transition and how he creates speed and power it’s very very powerful I do think there’s potential that could have some back injuries with the way he moves but let’s just look at

The positives for now so what we’ll see is Tommy’s going to really load through that left side get that knee working out he’s going to move down through the pelvis down through the rib cage and really increase the angle in the wrist so watch this there and you see that move with

The left knee down that hip moves down center of the rib cage mov down and then look at the angle the angle starts to increase as he moves down that’s a tremendous way of creating speed and lag you can see there look at that powerful position there the angle of the wrist

Creates stretch shortening cycle around the wrist around that lead shoulder which we’ll talk more about on the down line view cuz what’s happening is that center of the rib cage is rotating almost as that lead arm stays in place that creates a tremendous stretch along

That scap that lead scap you can you see how the arm doesn’t almost move but that center of the rib cage moves down and starts to rotate so what he’s doing is he’s creating a tremendous am amount of stretch in that lead scapula that then has to be released at some point and

What it also does is it helps shallow the club so look boom starts to shallow the club that trail arm starts to work internally and gets some nice shallow moves that lead wrist more into flexion you can see that little subtle little movement and then he really compresses

Through the abdomen and really gets that angle closer TPI call it like plugging in the power you’ll see a lot of guys that have a very powerful move how that abdomen or rib cage and knees almost increasing angle in the downswing it’s very very powerful movement that squat

Position but what you’ll also see get rid of those lines is look how much height Tommy loses from the top of his back swing it’s a sort of lead arm parallel look at that loses a tremendous amount of height if I bring it on the face on view watch lead on

Parallel look how much height he loses he really driving through the legs and really rotating nicely he’s lost a lot of height now in order to get that back he’ll start to really sort of side Bend as you can see in the face off view you

Can see that side Bend and you’ll really see it as he starts to move further down in down swing so let’s bring him a couple more frames you can see how he’s getting that right side quite compressed let’s have a look on through a couple more frames down you

Can see how it’s very sort of compressed through that trail side could be potential that he gets some issues around his back in the future hopefully not cuz you you never want to see a guy injured but let’s bring him down a couple more frames and you can really

See again that compression through that right side and how much that head watch that head as well watch how it sort of backs up and he starts to tilt that head now I actually think that’s quite a healthy move for Tommy because as he’s he’s rotating his neck with the rotation

Of his body so I really like that keeping you head down to one of the worst things in golf look at the angle though look how much power he’s creating through maintaining that angle let’s get rid of those lines and you’ll see bring him down boom bring him down with the face

On similar sort of position but you can see here how that right arm is very much behind the right shoulder again that can create some issues around that right shoulder with some of the forces dissipating probably not the healthiest move but I think Tommy does that because

Of some limitations around the spine you can see how curved he is and how much that head is down I I really hope that he doesn’t have any injuries but this swing doesn’t look like it’ll stand the test of time hopefully I’m completely wrong though let’s have a look it then

Really stretch through impact you’ll see that head stays down starts to move down you can see how he keeps that head really flexed through impact let’s bring it through keeping it down down down down and that’s what creates that funky sort of look with Tommy that there is quite a

Lot of head movement in the swing just because the amount of down and flexion in that head through and how long he keeps that head down for but I mean what a what a great swing though I mean you can look at look at impact look how pure that is nice I mean

We can’t quite get the right frame but nice bit of shaan just love that that’s why he’s such a consistent driver and iron player so if we bring him right through he’ll really stretch out and this is again quite unique to Tommy about how short that follow through is

With the irons it’s something that originated that he did with his coach where he did some what they called windmill swings where he’s just keeping his he used to swing sort of from here keeping his arms straight and then swing through and keeping those arms straight

All the way through and he’s just kept that drill for his irons and he is one of the straightest and purest iron players on tour so it’s something that works for him you’ll notice he doesn’t do it with driver but again Tommy’s using what he knows best for his game

He’s not a swing that you’d copy at all because he is a unicorn you know it works for him and that’s what you find with most guys on tour they may be not the most technically perfect but they use something that works for them and that’s something that you can learn from

Your own experience we’ve all got different bodies and Tommy does that perfectly he like I say that address position some issues probably around that spine and he swings in a unique way for his body and that’s what’s all we’ve got to do that’s why everybody swings very differently I love Tommy swing

Hopefully he doesn’t get injured and hopefully I am completely wrong


  1. Fantastic video Ross – curious, do you do any swing coaching via Skillest/video? Couldn't see it on your website. Cheers mate.

  2. This video made me realize the reason I struggle with early extension is my inflexible hips. I never put those 2 things together before

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