Golf Players

LIVESTREAM: Stepladder Finals, 2024 Chippewa Valley Match Games

This is the livestream link for the stepladder finals of the 2024 Chippewa Valley Match Games at Wagner’s Lanes in Eau Claire, WI.
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Good afternoon everybody Welcome to Wagner’s Lanes in oakair Wisconsin site of the 2024 chipa Valley match games thanks so much for joining us I know there’s a lot of other stuff going on on busy weekends like this but certainly glad to have you with us live today the tournament staff

Is just assigning lanes for each of the competitors they have bowled nine games of match play so far and they’re about to start a 10th which will be a position round so right now you can see in your frame Lanes three through six and that’s where the top

Eight will be uh they’ve got eight on each pair and as soon as we get started here you will see each of those eight top finishers and uh we will find out where things will shake out for the step ladder which is coming up uh soon after this final game of match

Play so I can tell you while we’re waiting here right now Dave Langer who has won this tournament four times before is the number one seat going into this final game of match play he’s been steady threw out started fast with a 245 kept things going it looks like the

Lowest game he shot today is 206 which is quite an accomplishment on what is a pretty tough pattern um you know not even counting the breakdown that these players have faced and worked their way around during the course of the day Brandon prer the number two seed uh about 85

Pins below l hanger Chris Hill the number three seed Nick Hilman the four seed and Nathan melowski the fifth seat so the top five go to the stepladder final which you’ll see in its entirety and here we go so Jay Santos says happy New Year Happy New Year to

You too Jay and uh Conor Brown checking us out hey Connor glad to see you here as we get underway for this position round match at the chipo Valley match games so on the left side of your screen is Chris Hill he’s kind of hard to miss in that

Outfit but he is starting things off with Brandon CER Dave Langer and Nick kilman from the left to the right those three that you see on your screen on Lanes three and four from there you’ve got Andy Mills who was about to start off his match on Lane five Eric goldbranson Bill

Fabian and Nate melowski rounding out that forsome so again this is the final game of match play to determine which five of these competitors will advance to our stepladder final today for those who aren’t aware of the pattern they’ve been bowling on is this 2018 US Open pattern number four it has

Not been very forgiving as the scores have shown throughout the day and of course with the strong equipment the High Rev rate that a lot of these players have it has evolved and changed over the course of the past several hours and it will be interesting for

Sure to see who advances from here so the fifth seed Nathan melowski at 2049 total including bonus PS the six seed Bill Fabian who is on the same pair with michaeli on five and six see both of them frame on the right side right only 15 pins

Back and Mills who you see in the red there on the right grabbing a ball off the ball return is only four pins behind baby so we’ve certainly got some varying possibilities for the five who will see in our stepladder final today Conor Brown says his parents surprised him

He’s going to the PBA Delaware Classic this year got general admission tickets that’s great I bet you’ll have a fantastic time dialed in today I’ll get into some more of the details of how we got here right after Bowlers finish this uh 10th game of match play but I can tell

You that if you followed the bowling with the FF Facebook um you’ve been able to kind of keep track through the course of the day and I’m GNA try and get our latest results uh nine game totals up there as well and jar were both College way way and he switched

To yep I with them oned so if you go to our Facebook group bowling with the FF you should see those latest results pop up really any second Here same thing with the uh Twitter or uh page you can find that on whatever you call it Twitter or X at bwtf that’s the handle that I use so you can see on the right side of the screen that’s Nathan melowski in the blue now the interesting part about this

If you followed our Facebook page is that Mike lowski is one of two competitors out there right now and the other is John Holmes who you can’t see he’s on 11 and 12 who were actually alternates coming into today um there were two competitors who made the

Cut Chad Nelson and Dan Chambers who both qualified to bowl today but both ended up withdrawing before match play um Chambers dealing with an injury Nelson had a previous commitment that he had to attend to that did not allow him to bowl uh in the match play portion of

This for M to be here nine more nine more took a little a little Wrinkle in the you know how things went but never mind that he is here and he is making the most of his opportunity coming into this final game of match play in fifth

Place and again it’s a five person step ladder so if he can hold on to that position he will advance to those step ladder finals so they’re not reallying I hope everybody can hear me I don’t really have a a handle on that if uh if

You can or can’t maybe you can uh let me know the stepladder finals as is uh tradition in this event are on four different pairs so the fifth seed versus the four seed you’ll C on Lanes three and four and the winner of that will

Take on the three seed on Lanes five and six the winner of that match takes on two seed on Lane seven and eight and then the championship will be held on L N9 and 10 oh come on make the Adjust Chris Hill see there on lane four through the face 36 710 he had started out with a strike in his first frame Chris is one of one of a few here that has been in the step ladder finals of this event in a previous year I can’t

Remember if it was last year or the year before um but uh he has uh certainly Advanced this far and Beyond Langer as I mentioned a four-time champion here at chipa Valley match games Nick High who you can see sitting down on on that same pair uh is a previous champion

You’re going to be own there’s other tournament there’s not other wives there on lane four paid the maximum penalty with a stone eight we’re 23 this I would trade a so as I said certainly will be interesting to see how this all shapes up for the step ladder final the way this works

Is let’s say for example Chris Hill who is the one who just tripped the four on Lane three there his starting Lane was Lane four so he is actually Bowling against the two the the two people who were who are crossing with him on Lane three um so there are bonus

Pins at play here it’s just a little tough to to get the hang of it if you’re not familiar with the format in the first game of match play each of these competitors hold against the three they were on the same pair with but every game since then they are only bowling

Against the two across from them on their pair so in the case of Hill he’s bowling against A and B on that pair Nick hman missed who was a on there but uh I think it was C we’ll find out in a second but uh yeah somebody over

On seven and eight has the first five and it looks like someone has the first six over on nine and 10 we’ll flip over there really quick bring it back to the top seats in a moment here Yan got the okay so that’s Kurt hanky who is one

Of a few local players who’s still in it he’s C up there in the top right corner on Lane six I didn’t hear just for a five bger can you believe this guys only been bowling for a year since he came back he took 30 years off 30 years off

Wow Jared Bushman there on Lane eight he won the lacrosse open this past November I wish I B like him She throw such a pretty ball I wish you were that good so you can see here Ryan seavoy on the left side of your screen here in the gray he’s the one with the first five no way he goes up high and leaves the 36 910 but a nice run

For seavoy who has also had some success here at the match games he was in the stepladder final a year or two ago as well oh Cho that spare too so he’ll have 142 through six and okay so Kurt hanky up now on Lane nine he’s got the front six

Hanky is one of a few local players who’s still in the running here along with Jeremy Stenson who’s over on 11 and 12 and hits number seven so we’ll keep an eye on that but over back on first two pairs here this is where you’ll see the eight that are closest

To making the finals here Langer again with a pretty good lead coming into this game 2230 and his closest competitor branded prior at 2144 and might a little hard to see on the scoreboard but Langer has 89 through four with a spare up in the fifth and this is his sixth frame right

Here up a little high trips out the four but the nine will not go again if you’re just joining us this is the position round of match play here at the 2024 chipa Valley match games at Wagner’s Lanes in oakair Wisconsin this is a tournament with a lot of

History dates back to the late 50s and brings in competitors really from all over the Midwest Hill turning a three bagger into four in a row with that nice tap on the Seven Hill is the three seed coming in to this final game of match play 2091 is his total through nine but

He’s got some work to do because granted prior is at 2144 coming into this game so about a 50 pin difference a little more than a 5050 pin R’s the one putting it all the way out to The Twig there on lane four he comes up high leaves to

24 second time faan shot at that baby split Kurt still running the only two lefties in the the top eight are Eric B Branson who you can see on the right side of your screen there and cow and I think there’s only one other in our no there are two others two

Other two others in the top 20 here uh Jared Bushman and Jeff shav yeah nice run Kurt so we’re a little off camera here but Kurt just uh left a 3610 in the ninth frame ending his run there bowling with Dio hello sir good afternoon good afternoon to you

Too thanks for joining us here I was able to check out some of your content after uh after the Rochester live stream good stuff keep on pumping out that bowling content we love it melowski trips out of four for a double again he is coming into this in the fifth seed but he

Has Bill Fabian on his heels just 15 pins back coming into this game you bet man thank you again once we get into the stepladder finals it’ll be held on four different pairs which is probably a good thing considering all the games that have been bowled on these Lanes they’re not reiling so

There certainly GNA be a little Crispy flag 210 that’s going to be pretty tough for him to recover now again he’s in seventh place coming into this game he needed to make up some pins in a hurry yeah I saw a few two-handers in the in the qualifying but none made the cut none made the

Cut good game buddy good game good game Kurt and off to the right there Kurt hanky finishing with 265 five great shot from Fabian but nine stands nobody wow she finished strong that was a hard fought 23er finishing with a 23y in the 30s 231 yeah up a little high but that eight

Pin trip eight you know you get down to these last couple games couple good shots here couple good breaks there that’s all you needit uh ler had a two8 up eight kicked back two kicked Forward four for hell is s 235 good game Terry switch cameras here for just a moment as Jared Bushman it’s a double in the tenth away from 279 you can see him on the left side of the screen he throws the ball just like I do

Up a little high and leav move a lot a 610 so he’ll end up in the 260s we got some high scores yeah a lot of big games another split for michaelski I was talking to skip and he was saying how they these guys during practice were just opening up the lane

So they can play their line that’s a 267 for Jared Bushman so a couple 260 plus games over on the higher end here grind out something to keep their position Banger puts 10 back for a double he can punch out and be in the high 220s yet PRI with a shot at 216 if he can throw two more Doesn’t take down the seven so he’ll be we’ll have 205 if he pick that up yeah again he’ll be in the high 220s with some count here you would think with the bonus pins he’s going to get from winning against the two across from him that he’s going

To be a safe bet to be our number one seed in the step ladder and only have to win one match to win his fifth chip Valley match games R’s gonna give him a run for it up high in a great place to put that so 225 for Dave

Langer who again you got to figure is GNA be that top seed once again Hill goes up high 36 so with a spare en count he’ll be in the 230s but it is more than likely going to be Dave Langer coming out as our top seed this afternoon once we get this

Step ladder final did he go 205 which was he okay Mills hit three in a row there yeah he still got a shot of 214 but probably going to be a little short I would think but it’s always hard to figure the math because you’ve got bonus pins at

Play and got to figure out who’s maintaining from the higher seeds and who’s jumping up from the lower seeds so so all you can really do is guess at this point Fabian with that strike on lane four he can go off the sheet for

206 he did hit a strike on on that lane in the eight yeah he must michaelski working on a strike oh Rings 10 he’ll be in the 180s with a spare and good count oh yeah you’re right again the bonus pins are determined by who you beat

That’s on the opposite lane of so michowski is bowling against Fabian and I think B Branson or the other two on his pair but certainly a lot of big scores in uh some of these players in the lower seats you had Jared Bushman with a 267 Kurt hanky 265 Bill Fabian finishing out with 203 he was the six seed coming in and he will have the win over melowski it kind of remains to be seen though if Mills can get a double here and win those bonus pins he’s going to finish up on Lane six

Oh Mills throws a great shot and just cannot take down that nine pin and he knew that was an important one too because that’s going to keep fan above him in the Standings wow so Mills will end up in the 190s with some count go Branson in the 180s as he Taps that seven out there to finish things up Mills at that lane reset finish with his fill ball and collapses the bucket in the fill ball that’s just how things go sometimes

You throw a great get robed collapse a bucket immediately after [Applause] that just a few minutes we’ll have everything brought up to and then we’ll start the step letters as soon with all right so tournament director Denny burkart saying that uh they’re going to tabulate those

Scores and once we uh get that all set we’ll be off and running in the stepladder finals here at the chipo Valley match games in O Clair Wisconsin good afternoon everyone we’ll get Jim into the picture here love that this is such a fun event it’s it’s

A ton of fun I mean you know this is the kind of competition that you just don’t really see no at this house uh all but once a year yeah and it is amazing yeah yeah these players are Fant fantastic let’s kind of talk a little bit about

How we got where we are um so you had 94 entries coming in uh eight games of qualifying yesterday in two different squads they cut to the top 20 sometimes it’s been to the top 24 but because the entries didn’t go above a 100 they cut

It to the top 20 the advancers bow 10 games of match play here which you just saw the end of that 10th game and then the top five from there advaned to our stepladder final now now the interesting part again if uh you may have heard me

Allude to this before is that the top qualifiers included Dan Chambers and Chad Nelson however both of them withdrew prior to the match play started so John Holmes and Nate melowski were bowling today because they finished in the 21st and 22nd spot during qualifying

And uh that was how we got to where we are now here’s some of the uh the footage from Saturday again 94 players competing uh Bob wolf there one of the locals from the oakair area he’s had plenty of success in this tournament Ryan seavoy do you have footage of Jeff’s

789 I I didn’t put that in he did leave a 78 n that a boy Seeker but uh yeah um you know lots of competitors here the scores were not all that high there were I I want to say it was minus 27 I got interrupt here looks like we

Have Langer prior Hill Hilman are we going four or five in the step ladder five into the step ladder so Fabian Bill Fabian made it with number five spot okay and oh there we go we go so these are the the uh results here it’ll be Dave Langer

As our number one seed as as expected Brandon CER the number two seed Chris Hill the number three Nick Hilman holding strong at number four and Bill Fabian again making that fifth seed Mills was just 14 pins away buddy nice bowling 14 pins wow I guess so it’s a game of inches that’s

For sure I was just talking to Kurt hanky you know to to go up and shoot 265 that last game I mean yeah that that’s really something he doesn’t have the he doesn’t have the rate that these these other players have but yet he was still

In iteld him into 13th Place so not bad yep you give us just a a moment here we will uh be back with match one of the stepladder finals as soon as I can move a couple cameras and get things set we’ll have it here for you in just a moment stay with Us A A A [Applause] A A W N A all right everyone we’re gonna get started here with match one between Bill Fabian and Nick highman again they are the four and five seeds respectively going into stepladder finals here oh don’t worry you won’t KCK so they’ll take a couple of practice balls to get things

Started here’s how the uh the bracket will work out here Fabian again the fifth after grinding out that 2 in his 10th game of match play Nick hman the four the winner will take on Chris Hill from the Milwaukee area the winner of that in our semifinal

Match uh will face Brandon CER from the Twin Cities of Minnesota and the winner of that semifinal match will face Dave Langer the man they call Lumpy and that’ll be the a one game match they don’t have to beat him twice I believe it’s a one game

Match um I want to confirm that with Barb there does the champion have to be beaten twice or just once so it’ll be a one game match for the championship and I do have to say Fe for your graphic there I mean that’s nice you think so

Yes I like that it was pretty uh you know it was pretty slapped together let’s uh let’s get that off the screen so uh we can see what’s going on here it looks like uh we still uh getting in here with some practice at least I would

Hope so with somebody on the approach yeah right um but uh once we get things going it’ll be Bill Fabian against Nick hman I wish everybody can see the post we have right in our way now that we we can’t see in person but we can see on

Camera that’s it’s kind of a you know it’s like Murphy’s Law because you got to have the power right the outlets on the post but the post is directly look up here there we go between us and the lanes so you know we get that oh there

We go Warren says please no chicken buckets from today Jim I love it thank you Warren I appreciate that if I see one I am going to call it out just for you buddy I’m sure you will yeah all right Shake of the hands and we are about to get underway

Here Bill Fabian gonna start things out on Lane three so J as you had mentioned Fabian has taken a lot of years off he did but came back with a vengeance story has it you know around the center today he has taken the last 30 years off of bowling

Came back in his only back for one year wow top five chipo Valley match games right there and starting with a strike how good was he before he stopped bowling you got wonder I believe he was a doctor retired and said I want a bowl that guy is living my dream right now

Yeah for sure all right Nick Hilman starting things off on lane two he is a past champion of this event having won a few years back that’s a light hit though for 2710 so he’ll have some work to do to start things off the spare here hman

Owns the Nicholas J’s Pro Shop at Playmore Lanes in the lacrosse area and uh holds the highly competitive lacrosse open every year your knowledge of local bowling never ceases to amaze me the you if it is bowling you know it wow well I’ll tell you if uh if anybody is

Cheering for hman in this match it’s Andy mils because what they do is they’ll go in Bowl tournaments and they’ll split whatever they both get out of they do so if they finish one two right they both end up with the same amount so so Mills is gonna want hman to

Win this one so he can get a few more dollars in his pocket so if you and I were better we could do that same thing you wouldn’t split with me I don’t know I don’t know if we’re at that level yet bowling with the says good luck guys

And uh yeah just uh a fantastic pair of Bowlers to get things started here and hem and connects uh to come back in that open with a Strp yeah lacrosse open is a a fantastic tournament that he runs every year and this year there was kind of a a new wrinkle with that because it got lumped in with three other tournaments for what they call the quadruple crown and kind of the brainchild of a guy from

Rochester named Al Houston okay who uh put on a tournament called the Champions Pro Shop classic or or open rather in October in oana Minnesota ay so you’ve got that event the lacrosse open and then the holiday match games which was in Rochester last month right and they

Will have the fourth Jewel from that triple or quadruple Crown in St Cloud later this month St CL Minnesota at South L will bowling with the be B at that no okay I didn’t not get the call to live stream that one but I did have the have the pleasure of live streaming

Two of them so and just great competition from in both of those Brady Sterns the winner in oana and Trey Henrik Meer taking both the adult and youth holiday match games speaking of tre Hendrick Fabian with this little bit of a high shot on that

One uh Trey out in team USA trials in Las Vegas right now as of yesterday was sitting in seventh overall and fourth in the youth wow talk about amazing every time he’s in a tournament you you start to wonder I mean has any youth player had the level of success over a yearlong

Period And this is a little more than a year for him yeah if you look at his last his last two tournaments of last year first second and then coming into this year I and he is he’s like probably 100 points ahead of what won player of the year last year sure

For the jbsc on the yeah but I no I have not seen somebody that five pin light hit for hman and uh as you would expect a couple a couple people in the crowd raising their yeah I was just showed some statistics it looks like Hendrick Meer

Is sitting right now in about 14th overall oh okay Darren Tang is still up in the number one spot though I tell you that’s tough competition that is that all right 29 through two for hman with spare up in the third he’ll try to cut into fabian’s lead a little bit here that’s

The has got plenty of experience in this event comes out just about every year as he puts 10 back he is as I said a previous champ a past champion in this event you can see him right there in 2019 was when he took the top prize here at the chipa valley match

Games and if you want to see the names and corresponding years of all of our past champions you can head over to the bowling with the FF group on Facebook I’ve got them all posted up there defending Champion Paul bber did compete yesterday I believe he

Finished in 3 second he did not make the match play this time around but if you look back in previous videos on the channel you can see the step ladder from the last two years here at the chipo Valley match I actually watched yesterday like two nights ago oh

Okay last year’s two nights ago it was like it was it was fun to watch uh Brandon CER was in that One MH yes yep and here he is again this year here he is again that you know his name is getting in there in the top five for the

Last couple years you know his dad John is a a very very good bowler as well just about to go into the Minnesota state Hall of Fame later this year exactly and show that list is is John on there on your list exactly he is let’s

Get this shot from Fabian and then I’ll I’ll pop it back up but yeah he’s got a first and a second in this event um our top seed Dave Langer defeated John CER Jr and a really good championship match a couple years ago okay and now you got

Brandon who is practicing over on the practice Lanes right now following in his dad’s footsteps two years making it to the step ladder what is he 20 18 19 somewhere somewhere in that uh in that neighborhood we’re going to see that kid’s name a lot on this

List a lefty runs up the one board all right 72 through four with a spare up in the fifth for Fabian and now highman working on a strike steps up in his fifth frame this is his chance to to walk away with it right now bu he’s come up like the last couple

Times on this Lane and just go through the of nice Ball you might be able to hear some of the pinfall off to the right there is some open Play going on in the in the high end of the house but we got Chris Hill and Brandon prior staying loose on Lanes 11 and 12 getting ready for their Chris Hill

Throws such a smooth ball doesn’t he oh yeah all of them I mean when when you get to this level the talent here today was not something that Wagner is used to see up high Le to 610 so good thing for for him that he didn’t leave anything with

That but it’s been a difficult pattern that they’ve been bowling on this is what we started out with of course of course a lot different now with all the all the games that have been rolled on these Lanes they again they did not reil uh before the step ladder so you’ve had

10 games of competition on each of these pairs and uh things have changed from the start as you might expect I think this could play to Brandon being the only Lefty on this pattern as well that’s true yeah what were did we have four or five through

The first 10 in the match play um yeah I think was it five lefties I don’t know if it was even five I want to say maybe three no there was more than that were there more than three because you kept if you can youing

To how I should bowl like all of them and I think you said it at least five times okay so uh Fabian up through the nose leaves a six yeah you’ve got CER um G Branson yep Bushman yep Jeff shavy yep and I think that’s it

All right so we did have four lefties four lefties in the match and one of them one of them is in the step ladder here all right fabiyan lining up for his looks like it’s a nine pin I think it’s a six oh I can’t see well yep makes quick work of that

The other thing I’ve noticed about a tournament like this is these guys do not miss single pin spares no that’s why they’re here exactly that’s why they’re here there are a lot of guys who can strike especially in this field but on a shot this tough it really comes down to

Who’s making spares and who’s not closing those frames oh yeah great shot from Fabian here he’s got 111 through six with that strike up in the seven so High’s gonna have to get something started here he’s got a strikes here for six spin lead little he was not happy with that shot

But boy did it look good yeah yeah the result was great it was so maintains that six pin lead I said deficit I had it count backwards he’s up six as he heads up in the eighth frame to see if he can extend things a little bit

Right shakes them up for a double and that is a big one so 117 through six for hman with a double in seventh and eighth now it’s Fabian who’s going to need to keep Pace to stay in this match getting into the eighth frame here this tight on a 4 five

Match can you even think about the one and two what it’s going to be this is going to be fun yeah we’re a long ways from there I know we are it’s going to be energetic oh pulled it a little bit crosses over 69 so again that’s going to make the ninth

And 10th really important he’s going to have to throw some strikes get some help from hman if he wants to advance to our second match with Chris Hill I don’t think kyan’s going to give him the help he needs though right covers that one up so 131 through seven with that spare

Up in the eighth he can still shoot 21 if he hits the next four but hman can get up there and shut him out yeah he can get to a 37 if he goes she great shot rings the 10 so now he needs to spare an all three for 200 Even and can basically go spare strike spare brues exactly is getting ready here he’s thought might thought we might have seen him in the right side of our screen he’s ready to go he’s got he’s got a look in his eye he really does not his first rodeo no plus he’s wearing

That h5g apparel I think h5g should uh support you FF I really think they should well you want to reach out bowling with the FF at is the email I think that pretty pretty much seal it right there for hemman yeah yeah as long as he gets good count

I think he’s moving on I think so so they’re going to take their next games to five and six correct they’ll move a pair right with every game it’s going to be nice that we can actually see it without the pole in our way cross is over oh 10 310

Sorry and Brandon CER is still throwing to our right he hasn’t stopped not sure what ball that is that he’s throwing right now but I have not seen him throw that today okay it’s a red something or pink oh maybe a pink Widow urethane oh makes

Sense all right so open frame for hman but makes no difference 203 is going to be enough he’s going to be moving on to match number two against Chris Hill to give you idea Chris is three of Chris’s last four games have been 225 237 245 wow I’m sorry I take that back 216 oh no yeah I was right 20276 B all right so the spare up he’ll count for 188 but he will finish fifth really a fantastic performance when when

You consider I would all the all the the backstory there there that is that is really amazing 188 living my dream right now and a fifth place finish so it’ll be Nick hman against Chris Hill it was 245 2 200 276 three of the last four games that Hill has thrown

Okay well we’re going to step for just a moment here get the cameras uh framed up and we’ll be back with match number two here at the chipa valley match games at Wagner home Wisconsin A A A All right I’m not sure if this is still a practice shot or if he’s starting so that was the first frame of the match so hman starts out with a strike he gets up on Lane five a 203 188 win for hman over Fabian in the

First match starts it off with a double there you can see the bracket it’s hman versus Hill the winner against Brandon CER and the winner of that against Dave Langer in our championship match this afternoon so Chris Hill uh from the Milwaukee area again you’ve uh seen him

In the step ladder before if you’ve watched our live streams from here at the chipo Valley match games has not won this event before but certainly familiar with how things go as he ring a 10 pin to start things off there is no missing him with that

Outfit there is not that that outfit is provided by h5g which is a Wisconsin company by the way uh you may have seen ff’s chip magnet shirt that he had on his uh on your was it two weeks ago yeah you had it on two weeks ago it’s a be oh

Yeah on the show too on the show that was provided by h5g MH and uh from what I learned today talking to Chris earlier is that h5g even supplied the pants so you can get that full outfit if you go to h5g lindsy BR H Lindsay Bloomers

Shine that’s your your uh call out right there all right got the 10 out there yeah so again we’re skipping a pair every match here so we’re on five and six here the first match was on three and four the next will be on seven and eight the championship match on nine and

10 up a little high and trips the four trips the four so a nice start three in a row for Nick Hilman James State St James is not happy with two-handed bowling he wants that Bann and he wants to ban using more than two balls per game okay you know

It’s I don’t know where I sit on that because it would be interesting to see if you didn’t have that variable who has the equipment and who doesn’t here’s Here’s my thought I you know the two balls per match I think I would be able to take okay I think

Two-handed bowling is bringing bowling back I am a very firm although I throw one-handed I think two-handed is the future of bowling it’s really interesting to see how guys with all that power can open up different parts of the lane right use urethane inside be able to flatten that hand out when they

Have the revs that they have to still be a ble to control it and run it up 10 oh that was a tough pocket hit for a 710 and uh and in some cases be able to turn around and back it up exactly twoed I’ve watched these guys bow the backa

Balls entire games you’ve seen Anthony Simonson win a PBA title that way uh Braden malish won two a junior tour title two of them in a weekend okay with the backup yep boy BR malish that that’s another he’s really really good y we’re going to see a lot of him later

On looks like Hill’s going with a ball change maybe not he brought it over but I wonder if that’s his ball for six I was going to say maybe he saw something on six yeah that was hacked that one so he has not missed on Lane five it’s

Six that’s given him the problem so far and running off for first four he has no emotion watching hman he is so even ke And shook out the 5 seven yep fall in seven that was nice front five for Nick hman little shout out to the series if he gets a uh six one here do we sing or what I don’t sing I don’t sing but the seris club was the serbski club they would sing it

Out okay another one he’s got the front six well we are halfway there all right so Chris Hill it is time to he is making that ball change on going because this could be over pretty quick if he doesn’t start striking that was a Good again we can see the pinfall off to the right that’s Brandon CER who is warming up on 11 and 12 Dave Langer also so throwing some practice shots we’ll see them in the matches to come only question is which one of these two will be joining still not missed on Lane five

With that yeah now it’s three in a row all right the front six for hman who won our Opening match here found something that caught his attention on the Approach got that a little in but it held seven in a row you can even hear the people in the crowd saying push yep not a bad crowd for w on a Sunday afternoon no no they there’s usually a nice turnout for these stepladder matches it’s it’s tough to tell from our

Viewpoint here because I don’t have a a camera that’s really surveying the crowd but youve got some people people watching we got that one tied too but he was not happy with the 79 and it’s the front eight for Nick hman on this 2018 US Open pattern number four which has

Certainly been destroyed by now but he’s making it look easy CH is switching out his insert his thumb insert may not have been comfortable on that last one oh he’s he’s he’s staying in it he is he’s right there and the thing I love about his game is the balance he is

Always posting every shot extremely solid yes he doesn’t yeah I have not seen him fall out of a shot yet and you won’t and you won’t you will not but he’s got if you watch his first two steps he’s really slow it’s his footwork is really good

Another one for five in a row he is trying to stay in this one and he’s doing a great job at all right so Nick up in the ninth with the front eight again both those last couple shots a little high let see what he

Does mix it up a little bit light left to pin that’s a hit that he’s gotten a couple times in this match before but not that one like you said though he hit high was he going to make an adjustment well he did might have just been a little too

Much pretty textbook cover of the seven pin he doesn’t miss many no um so situation is this I mean he can double and be in the 270s and wrap this thing up uh Hill still has 248 on the board if he can strike out and as long as Nick gets good count here

It’s pretty much over it’s pretty much over and there that’s the best count and there it is that’s the best [Applause] count so he is going to move on to face who we still have bowling over here you’ll see it hit on 11 right about

Now it’s not the one you want to see yeah but that’s a good place to get rid of that Langer and CER have not stopped bowling over there there it is at this point I probably do the same yeah stay warm you know what I like they’re shooting all their spars too yeah

Yeah that was a really good ball change for Hill yep he hasn’t missed since he switched on Lane six I’m sure he’s kicking himself a little bit for not making that a little sooner the guy Hilman just keeps nail in the pocket 279 highest game we’ve seen on the stream so far

Today and if not for a half pocket seven pin right a half pocket seven pin that was it you’d be looking at a Perfecto Chris Hill really dialed it in when he got to that fifth frame you know to to he’s got a chance right now to go sheet sure and to be

Beat in a step ladder when you shoot 248 to be beat by a 279 I mean that’s earning it yeah that is earning it for sure all right so we’re gonna move some camera cameras around get you ready for the semifinal match which is coming up

In just a moment here on the bowling with the FF Channel at the chipo Valley match games be back in a Second [Applause] A A Oh All right so here we go semifinal match Nick hman against Brandon CER he chose to lead off uh prior would have decided who goes and on which lane oh because he’s the higher he’s the higher seat got so half pocket 10 pin there I’m going to try and bring up the updated bracket

Here with as good as helman’s bowling I guess I didn’t realize he was the lower seat in this match yep all right no problem with the 10 here’s what the bracket looks like right now it’s in against Brandon cryer in the semifinal and the winner goes up against

Top seed Dave Langer in our championship match oh snaps out that seven late tap did you see that yeah that urethane bowling ball but he’s got plenty of chance oh he does he’ll he’ll play that that far outside line I’ve seen him do it before um he’ll play it with resin

He’ll play it with plastic if he needs to I’ve seen him play with plastic and if you look at see where his approaches he’s standing over the gutter here his right foot is is at a negative four and just that run up four oh little bit High Got High 4 six

810 already a CBA Champion he is a consistent Casher in just about every event he enters and I think he’s holding about an 876 up in chat right now on the boards do something fun right between them right between them at 23 and a half miles an hour

So 22 through the first two for prior again our number two seed coming in now hman gave this crowd a thrill with a 279 the last game just picks up right where he left offes him up so brings a 10 pin and makes an adjustment there he is oh yeah 20

Through one with that strike up in the second hman he’s not a high speeed High Rev player he’s just consistent y it’s fun to watch didn’t love that one but it it it worked out came back up pretty fast pilman the 2019 chipa Valley match games Champion

Um and you’ll notice John CER 2021 that’s Brandon Cryer’s Father Dad has also had a runnerup finish at this event a couple years ago to Dave Langer who you’ll see in the championship match comes a little light on that one’s going to leave the 310 if you remember what seed Brandon

CER was last year I don’t I don’t but uh nice cover on the spare if you want to fact check me on it that video lives on the bowling with the F channel from now until the end of YouTube I don’t think that’s going away anytime YouTube is never going

Away Langer still over there getting his reps in staying warm see how he adjusts after that shot went high in the second coming a little light again with a shicken bucket that’s for you Warren I hope he’s still watching I’m sure he is yeah big thanks to all of you who are

Watching live and if you are use that live chat let us know where you’re tuning in from who you’re cheering for Mike Phillips just asked me if I made sure I got that chicken bucket in for a warrant oh he didn’t hear you he didn’t he apparently he didn’t good cover on the

Bucket 38 through three with that spare up in the fourth matter of fact I think there’s a short on your page yelling out chicken bucket it’s a very popular one chicken bucket flat 10 forna Wonder on a flat T like that is it time for him to change or does he stick

With it make an adjustment we’ll see you know he’s got the little tweaks in his repertoire yeah he does doesn’t necessarily have to change balls unless he feels that’s the right move hand position speed even with with a with his consisten his shot is without Max shev’s

Max Speed he’s got a lot of ways he can adjust that yeah I think he’s thrown the same ball all 10 gam all well now he’s at 12 games today I think uh I think he showed the same ball all 12 games also a proud supporter I’m not sure if he’s technically the

Commissioner or not but certainly a proud supporter of the only bowler based super Cross Fantasy line I remember you telling me about that have you heard of Supercross fantasy another week 10 I think they’re they’re actually getting started up in their season this weekend okay I have never heard of

Supercross fantasy before well it’s there it’s uh it’s certainly a popular thing among the High Caliber players in the lacrosse area you’ve got some some competitors in Rochester and Twin Cities makes easy work that he’s got kind of leaders in each region of the Midwest there is a Facebook page for it

Too I don’t have Facebook Beth oh that’s right all right so high with 88 the fourth spare up in the fifth see if Brandon can get back in this yeah whoever wins this one is really going to earn it you’re seeing this in the beginning parts of this match it doesn’t seem

Like oh that’s hold on that yeah nobody is really going to run away with this but he did change balls so I think he was using the pink one he was before now this is the Widow I think I think he was throwing this one through the uh match

Play not sure why he switched away from it if he wasn’t liking what he was seeing from it or if if the urethane was given a little more this may be urethane as well with his early early early did you see that early hook crossed over well got good break on

That 58 through four with a double up so he’s certainly right back in this hman had the weak 10 on both sides his last two shots yeah let’s see what adjustment yeah see what he does here the six great shot just looked really crisp off his hand it did

So he’s got 100 made through five now with that strike up in the sixth and can maintain 20 pin lead with a strike here in the seven snaps out that 10 so made whatever correction he needed to to get that out absolutely and uh 41 live viewers right

Now just want to remind everybody it would be a great time to subscribe to the channel if you’re not subscribed to Bing with the theft you are missing out I’ll tell you what just hover over that logo in the bottom right click it it’ll let you subscribe and then uh hit the

Notification Bell you can be the first to know when we go live or post recorded video we go live every week typically the bread and butter is uh form interviews with all types of Bowlers that’s it great shot from Brandon prer he has been a guest on bowling with the FF in the

Past he’s dialed in a little bit too his last three have been not off spot I think he found his Mark I’ll leave them to Brooklyn on yeah Lane seven he’s thrown two great shots on Lane eight he knows said he needs to do something on seven to see how he uh

Corrects it there but yeah subscribing is free to do and uh certainly helps me create the content that I do for you all this is premium content you are premium content it’s that one a little outside mixes him up n got three but yeah that Nine’s going to

Stand sir pork chops one of our previous guests and competitor in this event Tyler Chamberlain says both looks like both these two are going to give each other a run for their money here yeah it’s a sir pork chops a Tyler Chamberlain it is that is it’s a

Teammate of mine and now uh former touring Pro Charlie tap says scaring people to join you know how I do that’s what we’re trying to do here Charlie any way any means possible if you want to be any part of bowling you have to follow the fth I

Think that’s just what it is definitely is I need the good onliners like Charlie has though he can rattle off some zingers all right hman working with a double up in the eighth oh got that messenger going but it went behind the 10 looks like it went to the wrong house there

FF that shot was a little bit different than the shot he’s been playing too it looks like he moved a little bit right and was trying to run it up a little bit more so I I wonder what adjustment he’s trying to make on that

Lane I didn’t want to say it before that shot but I don’t think I’ve seen him Miss a 10 and they’ve all been right on oh yeah no question it is automatic so 137 through I’m sorry 157 through 7 with a spare up in the eighth piling up now in the ninth can

Really got a 237 on the board yet start turning the screws with a strike here got a 20 pin lead it but left the half pocket seven that late fall on that 10 that was that might have saved the game for him that put us at 26 left on the board

Then with a s with still available for Brandon CER he really needs to uh strike here to stay in it doesn’t he yeah Tyler mentioning uh happy to say the boys meaning Memorial Altuna High School officially 7 and0 after the match today I love that because I sponsor that team be I love

That we talked with Talon shman on that was a great interview actually I watched that the other day I like that one so congrats to him and the rest of the team I did not realize he’d only been B for a year and a half not crazy it’s just

Crazy oh ball just set right in the he has dialed in number eight man put 10 back so 157 through eight with strike up in the nine and now he’s got to finish things off on Lane 10 see or Lane seven rather which has been not really a great Lane for him

See what he does here you know you take that information that you’ve learned from the previous frames try and work it to your advantage make the adjustments Brandon’s really patient too he doesn’t Rush his Shots that a little more room down the lane and whacked it yeah he’s great measured yeah composed and intense just really intense he’s and for as young as he is I mean for as young as he is to be as good as he is and as focused as he is

Really we’re going to see this kid a lot apple does not fall far from the true story you’ve seen dad bow you know yeah both lefties too I think dad’s got a little more rev though than all of us than all of us can he get three in a row kick

It the light left a two pin so he gets the spare for 206 and that’s going to mean that Highland is going to need a mark to move on to the championship nice finish from Brandon CER couple of splits early but got himself together put him self in the

Match and now forcing Nick hman to fill a frame here yeah the only thing I think that can hurt hman here would be a split ring ringing 10 so he’s got to have this he does but we did see this in the fourth and fifth frame too so now we have another adjustment

That you know does he pick it up and make it adjustment or did he just go for because he knows he’s got keep it on the lane yeah keep it on the lane well we just talked about his 10 pins not too long ago right on the M every one of

Them so stay behind the foul line stay out of the gutter and get one pin be moving on to face Dave Langer in a battle of previous Champions each of them have five hman has one and Langer has four I was thinking about Chad [Applause] Nel and butter 25

206 we got a number four that is just running the gamut right now these are fun to watch these are fun to watch stick with us because we’ve got our championship match coming up next right here on the B St Channel W N [Applause] La All right so here we are the championship match at the chipa valley match games oair Wisconsin Wagner’s Lanes is the home of our tournament with history dating back to the late 50s again remember both Dave Langer our number one seed and Nick hman who came in as the number four seed

Our past champions of this event you can see Langer has won this four different times the record is six by Mike W who’s actually standing right behind the competitors in The Concourse here I was talking to Mike a little earlier and I was asking you know he does hold the

Record at six and I said you got a couple guys that are getting close to your record and I mean if if somebody comes in and and takes that on we got highman throwing his first ball here little bit light but can’t shake out that

Seven I was talking to we about you know if if Banger comes in and takes a six tier are you going to make a comeback to the chipa valley match games and uh he said no it is it is his time has passed it’s these guys time now okay so he has

Has officially passed the torch all right spare for hman again he’s got some got some fans with the bre he’s got some fans what the bracket looks like so far again hman looking to run the ladder here uh coming off a a nice 215 206 win over Brandon CER Now Dave Langer top

Seed right hit shakes out the seven and he’s off and running I think the crowd that they’re they’re talking to over there is there for both of them honestly because they were giving Langer the business right there too both both of these guys are easy to cheer for just

Because games are so solid they both got such a track record of an Excellence throughout Wisconsin Minnesota the whole Midwest really and I mean you see the results that’s why they’re here exactly snaps out the 10 for an early double Langer is very Norm Duke I mean look at him isn’t he

I see that yeah I could see that all right I trying to get back on the strike train here after a spare in the first and he does when Langer won his most recent chipa Valley match games was in 2022 he won the championship match over John

Prer Jr okay close match again you can uh see that in recorded form here on the channel and just a couple of great players I mean it’s why they win this is not an easy tournament to succeed in hman gets back in it with a double BL from the Twin Cities of

Minnesota lots of success not only in this event but he’s got a nice track record at cba’s gu that light hit to drop again he’s been light both times on 10 but he’s he’s making it work yeah we know yeah you must think we’re Over another strike he’s got the front four he’s dialed in so Wagner is a 26 Lane house um through this tournament we have not used either of the end pairs um and in match play here today we really only used the first 14 like 3 through

14 got that one a little deeper than he’s normally gone but did he get that one to come back up not sure if he push that out or if that was an adjustment that he made so Tyler said great shot making from Brandon the tough three pin doesn’t

Help it’s still a very good game and uh he says being honest looking at Langer shot making right now he’s got his money on him to take the title it’s uh it’s a great match so far’s hman in the fifth 10 back I don’t know I don’t know

When I’m looking at 300 290 on the board I don’t think anybody’s really got the shot right now Tyler yeah these guys are Balling I cannot believe how calm both of them are they’ve both been here before they know what they need to do and Langer knew he needed to do a little more than that he’s got that that mixer didn’t quite work that time on that lane think he knew it when he let it Go A $1500 first place prize goes to the winner of this game a one game match for the championship quick work of the four so I don’t think people understand the skill that goes into throwing your first ball that’s straight to Flat hand it like that and throw that first ball that stra

Had a spare I thought for sure he was going to hook at that 109 through four spare up in the fifth now up in the sixth this is a really tight one this is this is Close I don’t know if Jim meant to Black Cloud him but a that one I just hope there’s a chicken bucket Warren so 129 through five with a strike up in the sixth for Langer pilman working on the last four he’s got a slight lead but it’s anybody’s

Match Light mixer he found the Spot is that to the Trey Hendricks Myers’s moved back into Seventh Place overall so we’re keeping up on that one while we’re watching this amazing match beautiful beautiful just this is what you want in a championship match sure this is yep super tough condition that these guys

Are lumpy still throws it great oh yeah yeah he does no doubt well Charlie’s Got history in the cities he knows Yeah shook out the four five and seven to get a quick double there the way that 5 seven fell I was like whoa Langer’s a a glove bowler Pete Weber glove bowler you don’t see a lot of those guys anymore whatever he’s doing it’s working it’s working

Mi mixer but can’t shake out that seven know he wanted it so 158 through six spare up he’ll have 1178 through 7 I’m better and easy spare there What’s it gonna take to win the chipa valley match games it’s gonna take a big score oh yes it

Is these guys have gone through the grind of qualifying match play got to this championship match and now are just absolutely putting on a show Ian is putting on a clinic right now seven in a row you know when you start nine spare and you go up against a four bager

To start it’s it’s kind of deflating but to just keep playing your game and to play it through like this I mean with with a 290 still on the board going into the setup frame right now look at that just dead solid perfect eight in a row for

Hman Lumpy’s gonna finish first he can get to 258 but he cannot shut out nickman he needs this is definitely hman right now white mixer and can’t shake that seven out and spare so 247 at Max now for Dave Langer no way Another strike for Langer there looks like he’s going to finish in the 40s no matter how we go here y That’s a solid Championship effort right there it really is and you know Highland is just going to need count to win this match but what a game I

Mean couple sevens yeah until the seventh frame we really there it is 247 on the man what a performance Dave Lang and he says that’s all I got I bet he’s got a little more pan with a of a flat 10 minut we’ve seen him have that before

Though that’s it that’s it Nick kman is your 2024 chipa Valley match games champion and he did it in style he did two-time Champion what a way to go huh rul and look at that just not that 10 pin is so automatic for ran the ladder free Super Cross for Everybody formality now Y 2 267 247 Nick hman your 2024 chipa Valley match games Champion tournament director Denny burkard will uh lead the uh the crowd in uh congratulations the big check all the honors and uh Warren says thanks FF and Jim for live streaming the finals you’re welcome

Thank you for watching live and there’s more to come I love it that I got thank in that I haven’t really done anything but sit here and there’s more to come we’re hoping to have a word from the champion right when we get Back Yeah Yeah [Applause] La A Look all right back here at the chipa valley match games oir Wisconsin with the champ I’m sorry I got the light in the shot but you know one man banding you got to do that stuff congratulations first of all appreciate what does this mean to you um it’s exciting it’s um it just

Feels good to bowl well at the end of tournaments and it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve put that together where been bowling pretty good for tournaments but it always kind of falls off at the end and then and it’s a long drive home thinking about what went

Wrong or what you could do different so it just feels good whether um whether winning or losing just the way I threw the ball and the way I bowled and all of the stepl matches made me happy and I’m just happy with how that went yeah to

Run the ladder in an event like this is a special thing but it seemed like you had all kinds of matches in there close type high scoring I mean what is the mindset as you go through that stuff um sorry to interrupt inter just P I got to get my money too

Did you get no I haven’t got anything Denny Denny to Lane six Denny to Lane six please oh that’s not the PA I thought that was PA that’s may as well be but yeah you had all different kinds of matches in there to win that thing

It’s for me like I said like I just wanted to throw the ball well so whether it was a close match or high scoring or low scoring I don’t so much care right now where I’m at I’m like I just want to throw the ball well if it carries great

If it doesn’t but I threw the ball well I’m not upset if the match goes my way but I threw the ball um if the match goes my way but I didn’t throw the ball well I’ll feel worse than if I lose but I know I threw the ball well so I’m just

Much more concentrated on what I’m doing out there you can only you can only control yourself anyways at this point so worrying too much about what the other player is doing isn’t going to do any good sure take me through some of the moves that you made through the

Course of the step ladder we saw you have really a pretty good look on every pair but you know you leave some Corners in there and things like that what do you do honestly I never moved at all I have I had every left pair hooking a

Board more or every left lane hooked a board more so that’s the only difference I had on every pair and otherwise I never moved um the seven pins and at times it they kind of just Splat I just every time I get fast in the downswing

My hand gets more up the back of the ball and then it doesn’t go through the pins so every time it was just slow down um stay up at the line so the ball and come off my hand cleaner at the bottom so like I said it wasn’t pair to pair

They stayed pretty much the same once I got off the gutter um and it was just concentrating on what I’m doing how I’m throwing the ball and there was enough room out there they got pretty I mean by the scores they got much easier as the

Day went on so it was just making sure I was doing my part throwing the ball well and doing what I wanted to do with it sure in that championship match you know your opponent starts out with a four bagger Lumpy’s always going to put up a

Score y you know tell tell us about that what uh what was it like for you to uh take that lead back um it was I mean I bowled with him all day and he got out to a hot start and then he continued hot in the middle and then he finished hot

So it was just watching it all day um I knew he wasn’t going to miss the pocket unless something went terribly wrong for him against all day so um I figured he was going to shoot 230 240 regardless and if things went well itot 260 270 so I never thought haven’t been

Thrown the ball well enough to have a 260 or 270 or 290 look so it really wasn’t it wasn’t a concern um and like I said it sound like a broken record but it all just falls back like I just want to throw the ball well whether you know

And especially being lumpy if it’s if it’s somebody we don’t know as well we haven’t traveled with as much we bow with a lot you know maybe there’d be different feelings but um if he want I mean he deserve this tournament I mean that’s the hard part of all these step

Lighter ones he led the thing by hundreds of pins and it’s always I’m always of the thought that the person who Bowls the best for the weekend is the one who should win so understand step letters have a point for excitement and everything but da pull better than

Me day pulled better than everybody did today so um the part of me that’s happy for winning there’s a equal part of me that you know is sad for you know Dave deserved it just as much if not more than anybody else here this isn’t your first time winning

You’ve uh you know you’ve you’ve had one before does having that experience of winning this particular tournament you know factor into what you did today or how you did it no not so much um I’ve like I said it kind of falls back to I’ve made a lot of Step letters

And I’ve made a lot of first game exits so I feel like I’ve learned really well on what hasn’t been working and so I’m just trying to you know said not concentrate on what they’re doing just put more emphasis on how I’m throwing the ball what I’m looking at making sure

I’m doing everything I want to do in in pre-shot and post shot um to give myself the best chance but it’s not so much that the the title here two or three years ago played anything in but just being in you know consistent step ladder matches over the last couple years um

It’s kind of the nerves aren’t gone but they’re much they’re much much less and it’s much more just um it’s much more just trying to throw the ball well as easy and as simple as it sounds and where it ends it ends but I just want to throw the ball

Well and give myself a chance sure let’s get on to the fun stuff I mean it’s it’s well known that you and Andy you know travel these tournaments together you split the proceeds yep I understand he’s happy because he’s getting money but to have that support from someone you know

As well as him yeah it’s um support’s a funny word I might not choose that it seems more of a um heckling or a bird per he’s out of things I mean in the step ladder he was pulling for you right yeah I mean I’d say his intentions are good but he

Doesn’t always get there the most eloquent way say but yeah it’s um just a lot of support from Andy and the other guys that stck around and um my wife that just is happy to stay home and take care of all the animals as I’m gone every weekend for this stuff so um

Everybody that helps me at the pro shop and everything it’s just there’s a lot of support that makes my life for coming in bowling really easy so it doesn’t feel like I have to uh give up or I’m splitting time between everything everybody’s very supportive and um the

Splitting with Andy and we always I mean man when Andy got out of Junior leagues um Chad and Chad Nelson and Dan Bach were winning everything and that’s what we were told we didn’t talk to him that much but Chad and Dan they split everything and so I talked to Andy

Because I’m older than him I’m like why don’t we just split everything he’s just getting into college I’m mid2 so neither of us are really set on money so I’m like let’s just guarantee we’re not going to have too many losing weekends nobody needs to make a million dollars

We’re not going to make a million dollars anyway but let’s just make sure everybody has enough to kind of pay their bills and just kind of um lower the risk of taking a bath somewhere let’s just say that and it’s it’s worked out there’s no reason to change it it’s

Um it just it’s an ease and we uh kid each other and and teas about who has to give who how much money and we’ve had a spreadsheet for the end of the year so I know exactly how much money I gave him last year um but it changes every year

And if we would go back for 15 years it’s it’s got to be pretty close to being dead even and then there’s the fact that Super Cross Fantasy is starting up and I feel like you know in my world here a lot of people know about

It but there are many who don’t so can you Enlighten us on Super Cross Fantasy yeah so I’ve got a pro shop I’m bowling I would rather not if people came up to me I don’t care to talk about bowling it’s just kind of something my whole

Life has been and it’s just whatever but I love dirt bikes and dirt bike racing never did any of it um helped my uncle on his farm when I was in high school and I had a little dirt bike that I rode around down there and that was it and

Then like 10 years ago I don’t know how it got into got another dirt bike just a little one and played around and then started watching professional racing and then started listening to podcasts about it because I’ve got a lawn Mo company so

I sit on a mower for eight or 10 hours a day and need something to to listen to well that was exciting getting to know more about him and then I learned they’ve got a fantasy game for it and then so for a year or two I listened to

The fantasy podcast but never played then I started playing one year just for free and for fun and we were at a city tournament or something and Andy asked what I was doing on my phone I said well I got pick my Supercross line up and so

Well let me in so then Andy wanted to play and we had like two other people that played for like the last half of one year and have fun they just want to gamble they just want to play for a dollar or two a week or whatever and then pretty soon Annie starts

Watching all the races and then a couple more people watch the races but generally people just like to gamble Bowlers like to gamble on things um the ones that do it’s exciting especially super is exciting to watch so it’s fun um we just kind of spread the word about

It and like I said I don’t want to talk about bowling but I’ll talk about Supercross and R cross all day so um they changed the game a little bit this year where um it got so big that now there’s state regulations so it’s not available in every state anymore and

It’s a whole hornets nest of things that was a lot easier when they were a smaller game thank you um but it’s still going we still have 40 people or 42 people that are playing this year we had 80 last year but um it’s going to cost

The people that play um another $20 to pay through the website this year which is never had so for the people that don’t really care about Super Cross I never expected them to pay the extra money to actually play but for our league we’ve got random prizes that are

Gave out each week There’s year-long payouts there’s uh each week playouts and there’s so much luck in it that if you put in a lineup each week you’re going to get money back I think out of the 80 players we had last year I think

I gave money back to 62 or 65 so not everybody’s GNA make money but it’s it spreads out and it’s fun so that’s a good percentage though yeah yeah so and these are all bullets most of them there’s a couple friends of Bowlers that you know would race or or they’re all um

Two of separation from a bowler so yep all right cool well that was a lot better explanation than Al Houston gave me does a great job although he’s very good at promoting this yes so thank you Al for all that but I’m glad to hear the whole story on Supercross fantasy but uh

I want to get you out of here because it’s been a long day the Packers are on all that good stuff so uh thank you so much for the time Nick halman now two-time chipa Valley match games Champion it was a great see you running the ladder and all that good stuff and

And thanks to all of you for watching really appreciate it as always again uh from wag Lanes in oair I didn’t update my thing here so I’ll take care of that but uh we’ll just put up the generic uh step ladder thing as we say goodbye be

Justin fear out everyone we’ll see you next time thank you

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