My 1st Round As a Sponsored Player DID NOT GO AS PLANNED

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Today we’re playing first tags my first official round with all infinite disc don’t have to be all infinite but might as well play the first tags of the year with just infinite stuff if you guys have watched the last two videos you see me unbox and announce my sponsorship

Everything’s kind of crazy we got 140 people here over 21 holes seven people per card which is going to be a little Ridiculous hey so I wanted to pop in here real fast to say a massive thank you I know not everybody had the chance to get their hands on some of the drop discs which you guys will now get a great idea of like kind of how they fly

In an actual round today and I kind of found out one of these this is kind of my favorite right now which is kind of a sleeper there’s a lot of them available because you guys have made them restock like three times already so thank you so

Much for the support if you haven’t picked up any of these and you want to snag them they are on the site now we’ve already talked and we’re going to need to run a couple more stamp so that we can have a full rotation and there are a

Couple of like slightly lighter weight discs right now manufacturing hasn’t got up and running for 2024 so as that happens plenty more infinite molds and other molds including maybe some thought space soon will be coming to my shop over on infinite should almost always be the first link down in the description

If you want to snag anything but massive massive thank you for the support also I got some questions about codes for infinite there are no codes this year anymore for anybody on infinite so I don’t have a code but if you just buy anything through infinite it will be

Supporting me because it’ll be increasing how much value I bring to them helping them see the value so that hopefully we can do bigger and better things as the years roll on and the more of my specific tis that you guys pick up the more I’ll be able to do with them

Including multiple special specific runs ultimately it just makes me want to do more if I’m selling more so thank you guys so much for your support if you don’t buy anything thank you so much for watching I really hope that you enjoy this content throughout the rest of the

Year one last update is I’m finally getting over all this sickness and so I should be out to more regularly filmed content trying to get about 25 videos up per month cuz I hit 299 last year I counted them all out I didn’t hit that

Round 300 so we got to do that this year so hopefully 300 videos coming your way thank you so much for your support sorry for this intersection let’s get back into exactly what first tags is and then teen off on this awesome 21 whole course well awesome course to awesome time yes

This is the first tags of the Year meaning that the one tag is on the line and I’ve never had the one tag before always wanted it but honestly most times that you just go to a random tags round the one tag just isn’t there cuz only

One person has it and they don’t go to everything as you can hear I’m still getting over that little bit of sickness so it’s going to be like Jordan’s Flu Game except not even close to like that but I think I’d be happy with 13 or

Better I don’t think that wins but just getting my first round in with these discs throwing them in the field at one time I felt pretty good about it it’s all going to come down to the putt because putts at Denver versus putting at sea level the Glide is just so

Different and these are on the best baskets ever made 225 ruin please be stable oh gosh okay we had the opposite first throws holy cow wake up okay shout out the ruin for making up for my mistakes but now I got to make the first 30f

Footer of the day yeah that disc was it did get as stable as I needed it to so that is a win I thought I was going to be like 40 ft that way yikes Square it up a little better no worries all right we got a iel tomb 280

Straight Ahead throw a little heer stand up oh it’s acting more stable when you’re tired oh big skip we’re going to have to throw some warm-up shots next time nice pot dude oh gosh all right I think we can officially say this is not going to be Jordan’s Flu

Game we’re going to get at least 10 under still warming up for sure oh we got Temple sweet thought I’d be getting up early having time to practice and I got here like 2 minutes before we started so we got to start getting some birdies with this

Stuff there you go on the board so I’ve not committed to it which is why I haven’t talked about it yet but I’m trying to throw a different disc for basically every hole cuz I have a full lineup and most of these holes I can reach with whatever so I did add like

And subscribe as my throwing out pack is now with the D blun plastic but yeah we’ll try to throw almost everything that’s in the bag for this round all right 340 straight ahead I think we’re going to go Zar and uh just take the big Hiser make sure we actually get it up

This time oh God that’ll be fine got tighten that guy up oh my gosh I hate that when you when you don’t know what your body is going to do is the worst feeling aim at a link careful I think I all those puts I miss I didn’t aim that’s so embarrassing

The dynasty here I was thinking Roman but just pop aiser flip whoa that’s flippy holy cow skip that’s like nice but not what I wanted that’s perfect flight all right tusi not the end of the world honestly if we can’t get this next one might as well go home all righty 560

We eating some snacks trying to feel better try to bite off a lot oh it’s not going to flip over that’s fine though it’s man I just pitch a ruin up up thanks it’s under 150 ft I guess I can throw it in all right should be pretty stable nice easy simple

Shot oh gosh get it oh yeah never mind what am I talking about that’s perfect that ink it kind of scared me on that flight CU it like pushed super straight it did eventually like fade at the end but it kind of like took it like took a

Minute where I was like oh my gosh is it going to flip over and then it just didn’t and then it faded and now I have a 20-footer it’s very interesting I asked Rob one of the guys who’s like played forever and has thrown a ton of

Old Inaba and disc craft and he said it like kind of felt like a comet I think the bevel is very different but I could definitely see that feel cuz he was asking if it was like understable that was interesting though was that all right we’re going Centurion typically I’ll throw forehand

Or backhand over the top but sound like more fun and we’re probably not going to execute any of them so might as well try to execute the cool shot up the middle get through find that Gap right there inches all righty 465 up the hill par 4

Just going to try to throw a bomb turnover with this eyeb Emperor my this pack feels so inflamed so I’m hoping it’ll still break well not sure off far will be able to throw but we’ll rip them oh God that was shanked still up there

Though all right ow holy cow I try to forehand in this ruin you’re not going to be able to see it though so if I do it just going have to believe me I might try to get a better angle sweet all right a little forehand ruin here first forand of the

Day she’s on right don’t tell anybody that was a run is this afforded 240 a little headwind so a decent bit of Hiser let it float in just spin it get glidey oh yeah should be fun well we threw it perfect roll down so no worries let’s straight in circle too

Guy we’re going to try the beefy boy I don’t think I’m going to get really good other chance to throw the Conqueror so oh this is going to be so overstable especially going up the hill Oh didn’t put enough on it dude that conqueror is so beef kind

Of love it just got to get over it especially when you’re throwing up oh my gosh going catch it missing putts is a lifestyle at this point let’s be real I think we got about 10 holes left and I’m like one or two under so I’d

Love to get the 10 frankly right now I’m just trying to get through the round hopefully do something cool through the rest of these discs and we’ll have like our first good round with this bag over the course of next week or so I really wanted this to be like a triumphant

Series but it’s turned out to be like a more real raw relatable series for when you play that all right 480 down the hill we’re going this Halo Emperor Dan a stamp I think this is finally when I can throw a good shot oh it’s stable wow it’s so stable holy

Crap that’s terrible throw one good shot today just one good shot I think I need to throw it against the Conqueror a little bit more I knew it was beefy when I threw it in the field yesterday and I knew that I I wanted to throw it on like

15 20 deges of anheiser and it came out oner or like flat toer so out of my hand I was like crap no chance it’s ever getting there I was hoping it be glider but I really like where it is now cuz that’s going to basically replace my

2021 Calvin Destroyer cuz it’s even a little more stable than that one is since it got beat in a bit so kind of perfect feels very similar flies very similar really nice disc get it get it get it it it I almost wonder if I should have tried this Maya

Super flippy that would have been maybe more fun I don’t know why I’ve never tried this play before but we’re going to go scepter kind of overstable nine-speed on this Flex forehand cuz we can really force it over remove it left and if we throw it slow enough it’ll just work its

Way back to the right and we’ll be able to miss short and long since it’s only about 280 or so so I think we’re going to try the sep around this hole oh my gosh turn anything over got to make one of these right get in get in not this

One this good to know though that that is a good viable play on that hole for some reason I don’t know what it is but like my body doesn’t like want to stop being vertical and so that means I’m pretty heery or flat on my backhand and

Forehand I think it’s easier for me to tilt over than tilt back yeah I mean even just doing that now I can feel like my body does not want to go backwards right now for some reason anything that’s like on the anheiser side doing those made me feel like the start of

Dizziness which is not good so we won’t do that I don’t think we have anything else overstable to throw which is going to be good I think we might be able to get through all these discs seven holes off we can get some birdies all right we’re going spiny here little flippy guy

Just H do dang it I thought I got him but I skipped right past I’ll tap you out I’ll tap you out oh no oh man that was crazy dude what a par I know right all right got some interesting wind here 480 down the hill head right to

Left can’t turn this over too much I got to leave it right cuz I got that right to left wi and as flat as possible it’s a long shot for the ran that should work great shot should work what’s that that should work I think there are three or four

Discs left that we have yet to throw throw we have like six holes left so I think we’ll throw those off these next three try to just throw a straight shot with the Anubis here little power down and then the Exodus try to throw that seven speed on 390 footer which I think

We can maybe reach and then the Maya Maria better not let us down I want to take theer but I also just love the straight shot oh God okay yeah dude I can’t throw an aner right now to save my life it’s time to make one of these come on not that one

All right we throwing the first disc that got approved by infinite I just realized this is the 5-year commemorative Exodus 390 it’s going to be a bit of a pump I got to make sure let’s give it a touch a turn cuz we do have a right to

Left buddy there’s a little blue in this guy I didn’t see that before we got a left to right cross this Maya is gonna be done for holy cow going flippi disc I got I Maya Left Right cross 425 we’re going to have to punch it we’re going to walk up the

Teapad this way and throw it straight out here on some Hiser let it get up get up and flip and then turn to the basket not counting on any stability here ride oh gosh holy cow thing got kind of kept down on the on the cross one too much

Eer beating it didn’t let it flip up and over I was kind of surprising I think the Halo one was more understable when I threw him in the field though interesting I’ll have to keep messing with that ah it’s going to be short oh gosh Big Time mistakes were made there I

Rush that one a little bit I had to change my mic only got three more holes after this one really got to convert on this part this guy did not flip as much as I thought this eye blend I got to remember eye blend starts out so stable but it beats in beautifully

Goodt thank you that’s like the first putt that felt really good today all right we’re going to be playing these last three into a headwind here 300 ft we going go back to the Inca I just love this stamp honestly still trying to figure this one out I don’t know if I

Quite trusted into a headwind right now I feel like the Chari is a little more reliable from what I’ve thrown so far but we’ll see I keep thinking I got to come here I think I’m going to run up to this side of the teapad and just kind of

Open up the angle a little bit more that’s nice I think I was making an Mountain out of Mill with how short I thought I was two more birdies and we like kind of salvaged a good round 275 to the left kind of head right to left I think we’re

Going to go ruin just kind of throw the ruin hard I don’t think it’ll flip hey now yeah I’m going to suicide in now that was pretty overstable wow I thought that’d be straighter I think I maybe could have gone Chariot there I thought the room would definitely have

The push I think I was making an Mountain out of mohill with how short I thought I was make that all right we’re running the headwind but I think we’re going to stick with the eye blend tomb does it pad does the extend back here can I like tea off from here

Yep dang that stayed a little more stable I thought there 140 people if I make this pot I think I’m going to get 24 if I miss I’m going to get 32 that’s my guess we’ll get the one tag eventually we might make it a series to

See how many tags I can win in a row starting at zero 24th that’s my guess and wait for the last group to walk in I’m fixing a couple things then we’ll do award dude I get some more practice in with these alpacas they’re going to be deadly the

End blend feels so good in the cold it feels so much better to me than T blend did dude shout out Marshall just hooks it up look at this ornament thank you man I really appreciate it absolutely 14 Anthony B 18 dude these look awesome this year holy crap 14 better than 24 we’re we’re going to get a single dig here soon sorry it wasn’t a great first round with infinite going be plenty of good rounds to come you got to start from the bottom

You know what I mean probably see you guys tomorrow might take a couple days off cuz I am feeling a little bit sick but I got plenty more to film appreciate you guys see you soon


  1. I find it interesting that you want to shoot for tag 1 but handicap yourself by forcing yourself to throw a different disc every tee shot. I know you’re still getting to know the discs, but you also can’t be to tough on yourself when you set rules like that. Anyway, enjoyed the vid. Keep it up.

  2. def came back near the end! I was looking at the leaderboards that day to see where you were with the new bag haha, pumped to see more!

  3. Hey man, new bag, there's definately gonna be a learning curve, but I have 100% confidence that your gonna nail all the discs you keep in the bag.

    Side topic – have you ever played disc golf valley on mobile?

  4. Its been a minute, congrats on the sponsorship and 14 is a good tag for your 1st round using a different and new disc on every hole. Keep doing what you do. 👏👏👏

  5. i was hyped for first round here in Colorado springs shot one of my best rounds ever and got the #13 tag!

  6. Way to finish strong!

    I just recently started throwing a few infinite discs. The Chariot, Exodus, and Aztec are my new workhorses. They feel way more comfortable than the Atlas, Teebird, & Wraith.

  7. Can’t wait for you to try these at sea level 🖤 love me some infinite. The centurion is my favorite fairway ever 🖤

  8. The trick to flu game performance is a combination of bad pizza and a night of smoking cigars in Vegas.

  9. Hey I have a tip for the bag falling forward issue. Cut a piece of foam pipe insulation (like a skinny pool noodle) from lowes,etc and lay it inside front corner to keep discs pressed back. Thanks for putting equal effort into content as concentrated play. You probably lose 5% game focus but we appreciate it 100.

  10. I don’t care the flight numbers let me know which ones to buy boss! Been watching you for just about a year now! Such a cheerful willing to learn DG’r

  11. How the hex are you wearing shorts!??? 🥶 Flight numbers on the screen would be great for the next several videos as we learn your new bag. That out of focus background putt with the sunny golden grass in focus is money!!

  12. Not funny Anthony. I thought I glitched at about 15:16 but then I rewound it back there around 14:45 and I saw that I didn’t glitch you’re just messing with me! 😂😂😂nice one

  13. No custom codes is bullshit! If I’m buying to support Bodanza, I want them to know! That’s just a clever way for infinite to hide creators true value and numbers from them and pay less…

  14. I ordered some Alpacas to try putting with, I enjoyed using Latt 64 Pures before switching to inner cores. Since you enjoyed the Pures I figured I’d try the Alpacas.

  15. Remember that the Alpaca has some fade at the end. So try to aim at the right side of the basket.

  16. infinite disc sucks but ❤ anthony .. tough decision but ima have to not buy these hopefully a better sponsor is in the near future

  17. Something I think would make your videos even better is less cuts while you're talking to the camera. Every two seconds you're cutting to the next sentence and it's very distracting. Are you doing it to save on time, or what is the purpose? Could also be my opinion is wrong too! Congrats on the sponsorship!

  18. Hey Anthony, you did fine given that you just got over an illness, took a break for a few days, and you're playing in cold weather, without warming up and practice throwing/putting. You were still coughing in this video, and only have 1 day experience throwing those discs. Main thing is to ease back into things, give your mind a chance to dial in. You're in for an exciting year!

    Side note: Infinite has quite the fleshed-out lineup, but they need a proper understable mid, since the Kon Tiki really is an understable putter. Also they are lacking a very overstable approach disc and midrange. But I suspect they'll fill in those gaps eventually.

  19. Mr Bodanza ive been watching since around 7k followers, so proud of you and your success, please make a video on your warm ups and stretches before a round or turney, anyways continued success.

  20. 7 players per card is horrific. Especially during a tournament.
    But, a party card is a different story and can be fun as all heck.

  21. If someone "tapped me out" and threw my disc in to rocks id be fucking pissed and annoyed…not cool

  22. Imagine showing up to play a casual round at that course and seeing 7 people on every single hole… 💀💀

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