What 5 Handicap Golf Looks Like

5 bogeys and 13 pars right?
Not quite.

Purple Planet

Good morning and welcome to Rolling Hills I’ve never been here before fortunately my caddy has so allow me to talk you through a round of golf on a course I’ve never played before I’ve been told to go straight at the big tree it’s nice to have a hole that actually

Shapes the way that you normally hit the ball it is very soggy underfoot and it’s going to get even soggier at the end of the round okay s I’ll walk good morning welcome to sayam Country Club Rolling Hills never been before because back in 2018 they hadn’t even pushed the first

Bulldozer over this land walking along it’s very soggy as is Thailand this time of year when you get the thunderstorms hit the first green in two can’t ask for more than that except for I have a rather cute 23y old caddy but you can always tell when you

Got a good caddy or a bad caddy in the first hole and they have such a good caddy program at the Siam country club courses I got a bloody good caddy course the first part of any round of golf out here is to start the rep party with the

Caddy see how much English she speaks and how much Tai you’re going to have to speak quite simply draw them into your game and include them in your game that way you get the most out of them so I’ve got a downhill left to right two cups

I’m not sure how fast it’s going to be let’s see how it goes yeah good speed good speed well during editing I found that some of these te’s are forward and some of them are back big bunker left big bunker right and a steep drop off right and I’m aiming

Right all right so this one’s going to end in tears isn’t it bu here no no okay that’s good a relatively straightforward chip up I should have a decent chance at Par oh Come Come J the third is a gentle dog leg all the way around to the left so I’m going to try the draw oh Simon the drawer not being my long suit as you can see but no harm done 170 five iron and that one well that wasn’t fat that was

Obese if you haven’t got it you haven’t got it not enough short yeah the main reason I work so hard with lessons and practice before I come out here is cuz you are turfed aren’t the many bus onto the first team more or less Gulf asan are a little better but

We weren’t quite in time there was a problem with our booking found no driving range and this heat and your clothes all wet and stuck to you if you haven’t got it you’re not going to find it here with the best will in the world we’re staring at four over after three

Holes this is hardly the thing of five or six handicap golf is it but it’s caused by not getting to the course on time the first par five just got to stay left of those bunkers oh good that’s Mr six handicap for my second shot I could take

A three wood here and have a bash at the green but I feel a fivewood straight at the green side bunker that I can’t reach is more favorite just a bit bottom Groove not swinging very well this leaves me a kind of English type shot so I’ve got to hit it firm

Enough to get it towards the green green the type of grass will slow it down and then it will trickle onto the green and hopefully give me a birdie putt go go go get in Bud bu lovely this is a confusing hole I can’t see everything that I want to see but

I’ve been told to aim at that bunker down the left and I’ve chosen Three Wood oh left as it happened there was plenty of space for my ball I got 108 straightforward pitch in wedge now it is a race green like the second so I am a fra worried about

This but if you can concentrate you can produce the decent shot and of course I was aiming correctly this time not my best then I walked up the steps at the back of the green to get onto the green and recorded my feet rather than me putting the next part

Five just got to hit it straight now we’ve caught up a two ball who are exceptionally slow and as the round progresses they’re going to cause us more and more problems so we’re waiting on every shot now and it’s going to take a long time to get around this course which in this

Heat isn’t a good thing bottom Groove the fivewood I can’t see it in this light CAD tells me it’s gone over I can’t see and she was right this green has a low front a high middle and a very low back the flags at the back little bit short yeah right

Edge one of the key things to playing golf out here is being short of flags one thing I don’t do unless the green is fairly flat is take on flags I’ll always play short of them that way I’m guaranteed an uphill putt now this one’s a bit more uphill

Than I wanted cuz my balls span back down the hill caddy gives me a line down up and I’m uphill and into the Grain and I don’t really have a lot of touch today oh too much yeah not much touch whatsoever a little bit right little bit right not so

Fast oh good okay we got a PA an interesting hole with one of those long waist bunkers down the left yeah right perhaps that’s what caused me to hit it fraction right okay we get down there and I have got a shot this is very simple this is a five iron

Fade oh left the ever fade the ever type of fade bunker Maybe by pure luck I’ve missed both bunkers it’s running and just for a change I’ve got the kind of lie that I like just a little bit fluffy oh that was delightful I really wish I had a li like that just

Outside now even though I know this put what I like to do is involve my caddy get her opinion get her involved oh nice P ignoring your caddy and just doing it yourself is basically a huge loss of face now we had a long wait here and I

Took the driver my caddy gave me I should have been hitting through wood there’s too much trouble up there and I found some that big crack was me going through this tree and you can see the size of the stakes cuz they plant fully grown

Trees out here they have to prop him up with some serious stakes and that saved me going across the path and into the hazard good shot okay go cap yeah better say thank you to the tree so we close out the front nine and off we go to the drink

Stop so my caddy wanted me to hit driver over the tree right over the tree and after the previous hole I thought I’m just going to hit a three-wood cuz you can’t see much from the tea box you can’t really see where you’re going right off the toe real low hook

Straight into the tree hit right off the toe and what was even more surprising is it spatted out 40 45 yards right into the Fairway so I got a hybrid up here I need to hit a high fade towards the left edge of the green and avoid all of the Sand Nice weight I can lock it From Fairly straightforward PA five you’ve just got to avoid The waste bunker and the water all the way down the right so we’re not one left and it surprised me cuz I hit a little draw and a gecko had been calling to us on the tea so we went and found it Yep they’re called geckos cuz they go

Gecko anyway rough hybrid it’s sat reasonable I’ve got a chance for a change look how wet it is from where the green keepers have driven through there’s no roll out here today I can assure you that this course is playing a long way I’m not aiming far enough left and I

Probably haven’t got enough Club so you can guess the result a little bit right oh sometimes the answer to a problem is just to clunk the ball with a lump of iron and that’s simply what I’m going to do to get it up this slope in oh you pig boogy

Good now this two ball is really causing us problems they are very slow so we’re having to wait for every tea shop banana and every second shop as a result it all gets a little bit sloppy okay let’s just get it on there’s my pitch mark just to show how much run

I’m getting on the ball today so five wood up towards the left edge of the green and we’ll chip and pup from there or maybe not jeez that was me looking back at the T box at the people waiting flag is on the back step I think I’ve got enough Club

But I haven’t quite hit it well enough so it’s going to come back to me not good enough now for those of you who think I’m joking about the slowness of the two ball in front if you got a big enough screen you can count the five golf carts that have appeared behind

Us that’s right the two ball in front is traveling slower than a five ball behind us and in Thailand that’s dang dous cuz some nationalities will just hit the ball at you if they think you’re being they’re being held up they will just hit the ball at the green get off

This green we’re getting caught up which is quite dangerous especially on par 3es but for some nationalities right they will not wait they will not be polite okay cop 146 a time for me again I don’t want to go past the flags so if you ask your caddy about the Grain on the

Green she’ll tell you whether it’s up or down or sometimes up at the front down at the back more often than not being short is a good place to be oh Simon what today no power my putting’s a little off split Fairway path four wide on the left

Narrow on the right my cadis told me to go right so I’m going right not Fairway though a decent enough lie for a change which means I can actually reach this screen I’m expecting a flyer and that’s why I’m going six iron didn’t quite get the flyer but we’re not far

Away this is where I talk to my caddy I wouldn’t normally need to chipping at home isn’t such a big task for me as you can see I’ve got two different colors of grass I’ve got two different grains here from my side I’m down the Grain and then into the grain

Caddy’s giving me a line to aim at so now it’s just down to the speed and what is the purpose of a greenside chip well it’s to make par with yeah occasionally they do drop in but 18 in up the hill that’s really what you’re after isn’t

It now the signature hole this very long Double Dead double dog leg part five first I’ve been told to hit it straight at that bunker my goodness he even looks like a golfer got a three-wood now we’re going left so I want to be towards that tree that’s in the middle of the

Fairway quite likely it’s been planted there to give you something to aim at and this is a thing that we’re trying to avoid on the right of the GRE green looks horrific 79 and I’m most definitely aiming left now as you can see the thunderstorm is coming

In and I can’t remember if it was after this hole or the next hole but we had a lightning strike not very far away and a huge bang of thunder so part of what’s left is just a mad rush to get off the golf course it can get quite dangerous out here at

Times and it’s getting quite dark a very simple par three again I think the te is some considerable Way Forward looks good with the flag on the front that exaggerates it nicely done all I’m wanting to do right now is get off the course and still be alive to tell the tale

Oh c has just told me to go over the second bunker while I’m ignoring her I’m going over the Third drive off the FL Bud give you that back over the habit of them No Just just get it up There Oh Wow c Yeah Am


  1. 32*f (0*c) here right now, Simon (yes, we have real winters in S. Arizona), so I enjoyed watching you sweat in that round. I would've chirped if that guy tromped through my line once; a second time, and we would've had words.

  2. Well, that's a lesson for us all! Never give up, however badly you start. Some really good golf there around an interesting golf course, which just goes to show that you don't need a 7000+ yard golf course to challenge good golfers! Not only that, but I think that you used every club in the bag during that round, which, to me, speaks volumes about that course! Excellent!!!

    And all this despite having your line trampled all over a couple of times! I don't know as I'd be as tolerant as you, clearly, were!!!

  3. Thank you for reminding us what blue skies look like
    Nice looking course , the greens seemed a bit more lenient , soggy fairways must
    of made the round difficult
    Your partner must of been to young to have watched
    Whats my line

  4. Liked the views on this course. It was very soggy indeed, one could hear that in the walking. Well played Simon with people on your heels and god of thunder lurking. 😂🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

  5. Great comeback from a bad start Simon. The course condition reminds me of playing in Florida during the Summer. Hot, humid, soggy underfoot and a likely thunderstorm in the afternoon. I usually book for about 7.30 tee time to avoid the heat and lightning!

  6. Your game is looking good in this video.

    I can't fathom why people would hit balls into the area where there is people. It could seriously injure or kill someone. I get slow play is frustrating, but I don't understand the "wanting to hurt some one" mentality .

    I do have ethical /moral issues when golf courses start cutting through forests. In Gloucestershire (and the rest of the UK) it feels like the golf courses adds more habitats (trees and long grass) to what was farmland.

    I do get the hypocrisy in what I wrote because the UK has destroyed the vast majority of it's natural woodland for the economical growth of the country that I now benefit from. However we now know of the importance of a rich ecology and the environmental stability the ecology brings.

  7. Good video. But I don't understand the attraction of Thailand. Squelchy courses, storms and high humidity? I've seen many golf videos there, and they put me off completely. What am I missing? (For reference, I play UK in summer and Algarve in winter.)

  8. Was that the prat you got lumbered with playing out there?
    On the second hole I think it was he putted out before you and then trod all over your lie oicking his ball out.

  9. I feel your pain! I also am a terrible starter, and need 2-3 holes to find my mental game/ swing tempo. I only ever start well when there is a proper warmup grass driving range. Makes all the difference!

  10. Hi Simon, Happy New year!!. An enjoyable round to watch you got better as it went on. I could see it getting darker just before you mentioned it, you did well to get off the course. Do enjoy listening to the end track music. Some nice caddies there too.

    Hope all is ok round your way after all the recent rain

    All the best

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