Golf Players

【外岩】餓鬼道 5段(V14)FL & 阿修羅道 5段+(V15)FA🔥🔥🔥


・餓鬼道 5段 FL
・阿修羅道 5段+FA


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Nick Hitoki Hodge


・楢崎智亜Narasaki Tomoa
・野口啓代Noguchi Akiyo
・池田雄大Yudai Ikeda
・楢崎明智Meichi Narasaki

Tomoa: I might try it now. Yuta: Don’t climb it in like 3 goes. Tomoa: Okay Gakido V14 FL Yuta: That was too quick Mr Tomoa Tomoa: I did it…. Yuta: that was quick. Yuta: You flashed it. Yuta: That was amazing, way too quick.

Yuta: I guess you have to do the SD project. Tomoa: I just climbed it. Tomoa: I will climb down. Yuta: I can’t believe it. Tomoa: Wait a second. Tomoa: It must match my style Yuta: Anyway, congratulations. Tomoa: You completely missed it Yuta: Ouch.

Yuta: So close Tomoa: I can do this! Tomoa: Is your foot okay? Yuta: Yep, I feel like I can do it. Tomoa: Damn, I can do this. Yuta: Close! Yuta: That’s amazing. Tomoa: I can still have another go. Yuta: You were a bit lower that time. Slightly.

Tomoa: The left hand? Yuta: Yeah. Ashurado V15 FA Yuta: Wow Tomoa: Lets go Yuta: That crazy. Yuta: Come on. Yuta: Amazing. Yuta: He just climbed it. Tomoa: FA Yuta: Nice FA! Tomoa: I did it. Yuta: This is going to be huge news in the climbing community.

Yuta: Congrats. Yuta: Thats amazing. Tomoa: I’m glad. Yuta: unbelievable. Yuta: Really, congratulations. Tomoa: Thank you. Yuta: What do you think the grade is? Tomoa: Lets talk about that later… Yuta: I can think I can hold that. Gakido V14 Tomoa: Come on, focus to the end.

Tomoa: The mantle is kind of scary, right? Yuta: I did it. Tomoa: Nice. Yuta: I am not sure about the grade. Yuta: I am not sure about the grade, thank you very much. Yuta: I feel like that guy who always talks about grades.

Tomoa: Are you going to do it from the bottom now? Yuta: The mantle was a little scary. Tomoa: Just a little. Tomoa: I am home now. Akiyo: Welcome back. Akiyo: Congratulations on flashing Gakido. Tomoa: Thank you very much. Akiyo: I was surprised.

Tomoa: I was extremely surprised too. Tomoa: The moment I arrived at the location of Gakido Tomoa: and put chalk on and touched the start holds. Tomoa: My first thought was, oh, I probably can’t get off the ground.

Akiyo: Was the left hand a crimp and the right hand a pinch? Tomoa: The left hand is a very think crimp and the right hand is an undercling. Akiyo: Oh an undercling. Tomoa: Yeah, a not very good side pull/ undercling.

Tomoa: The right foot is like a ledge so, once your on it you can pull with the right hand. Tomoa: But once I warmed up and focused I was about to do it. Akiyo: Is the crux move, when you get the thin left pinch and go into the compression move?

Akiyo: the problem is three moves right? Tomoa: The crux is sticking the second hold, after getting the right hand. Akiyo: and the third move is getting the lip right? Tomoa: The second move it the only hard move. Tomoa: The first move is pretty easy.

Akiyo: So it is a one move crux problem. Tomoa: Exactly. Tomoa: That is why it was hard to tell what the grade was. Akiyo: How did it feel to you? Tomoa: I felt that it definitely wasn’t V16. Tomoa: 2 years ago I flashed a V14 called decided.

Tomoa: In terms of bouldering i feel it was harder than that. Akiyo: I guess Decided’s crux is linking the moves and the heel crux. Tomoa: Decided was technical. Akiyo: I guess this time is was a single hard crux move. Tomoa: But Gakido was more my style than Decided.

Akiyo: I guess in Decide the heel is technical but this time it’s just one move. Akiyo: and then once you flashed Gakido you tried the low start. Tomoa: Yeah, I had heard that it was very hard and Murai (Ryuichi) has also tried it.

Tomoa: So I thought I probably won’t be able to do it today. Tomoa: But I did the stand quickly so I thought I would try it. Tomoa: So I messaged Ryuichi and asked him about the moves. He also went out of his way to send a video of he’s beta.

Tomoa: But I ended up doing my own moves from the first try, not what we was trying. Akiyo: So you just asked where the start holds were and then climbed it with your own beta. Tomoa: Yeah.

Tomoa: Murai-kun’s beta was to go from the start like this, and then do one small move and then into the Gakido crimp with the left hand. Tomoa: and then into the undercling and swing the foot over.

Akiyo: So it was 2 extra moves? Tomoa: About 3 extra moves. Murai was trying three moves, but I did it in 2 moves. Tomoa: I started with my hands crossed. Akiyo: So it’s SD but it is not super low down? Tomoa: Yeah. Tomoa: Yeah, but it is super clean.

Akiyo: So what you are saying is that each move is quite far? Tomoa: Not super far, each move is a nice distance. Akiyo: Was the SD also your style? Tomoa: Yes, it was. Tomoa: I am good a crimps that you have to pull towards yourself.

Tomoa: In this area, that you pull inwards towards yourself. Tomoa: So with the SD, I started and then crossed into the crimp like this. Tomoa: So I could pull the crimp towards me.

Tomoa: and then I went into the Gakido start undercling, because I could also pull this towards myself. Tomoa: Getting the foot up from this position was really hard. Akiyo: Wasn’t it hard getting the crystal/ crimp again (Gakido Crux) Tomoa: Yeah that is still the crux.

Tomoa: The first two times the feet broke so I fell. Akiyo: really? Akiyo: Was that the start of Gakido? Tomoa: No. Not the start of Gakido. Tomoa: The foot that I was trying to use when I was linking into Gakido chipped twice.

Tomoa: I feel like if it didnt break I could have done that section in one go. Akiyo: and then once you linked into Gakido, sticking the high crux was difficult? Tomoa: Yeah I fell on the second move of Gakido, when going from the bottom of the SD.

Tomoa: My body came away from the wall and I couldn’t hold it. Tomoa: But I climbed it on like the fifth attempt. Akiyo: First Ascent. Tomoa: It is my second FA of my life. Tomoa: My first FA was a V10 called Sacrifice.

Tomoa: This time I was able to FA an even cooler problem. Akiyo: The boulder is very aesthetic. Tomoa: The SD version is the complete line so. Tomoa: and it is a obvious clean start. Akiyo: Plus there is basically only one line on that boulder. Tomoa: Yeah

Akiyo: What are you going to call it? Tomoa: I am still undecided on the name. Tomoa: I am thinking something-do or a buddhist word . Tomoa: Because I believe Gakido is a Buddhist word. Tomoa: So I want to keep the name in that category. Tomoa: Like Ashurado….. or….. Mujo……

Tomoa: So I am thinking of cool names like that. Tomoa: As for the grade I am thinking that it is 1 grade harder than Gakido (V14). Akiyo: So Gakido is V14 Akiyo: and so the Sd will be V15? Tomoa: V15, but I am still unsure.

Akiyo: Maybe above V15, after discussing with whoever repeats it. Tomoa: I have only every touched one other V15. Tomoa: So I am still a little unsure. Tomoa: But today was a great day. Tomoa: Thank you for watching and thank you for your continued support. Tomoa: Bye~


  1. 餓鬼道のフラッシュおよび阿修羅道の完登おめでとうございます。機会が合ったらBurden of Dreams等の海外のV17の課題も挑戦してほしいですね!

  2. Wow, congratulations!
    I know it's harder to get to from Japan, but would be great to see you try Burden of Dreams.
    Seems similar in style. Big moves to small crimps.

  3. Tomoa climbs the two moves to the stand start so casually you would think that's the og start for the bouder, but they must be hard for him to give it V15. Congratz for the flash and the FA! Really geat to see some outdoors action during the off-season from the comps 💪

  4. Tomoa flashing the v14 makes it look so easy! congrats to you both for sending it. and congrats to Tomoa for the FA.
    I like the different camera angles. I think it's hard to understand outdoor boulder problems I've never seen before, so having the camera in different places helps.
    JP w/ deepL??: V14とFAおめでとう!さまざまなカメラアングルが好きだ。理解する助けになる

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