Improve Your Wedge Play Inside 100y

Want to know how the pros get all that spin when playing shots inside 100y? This video will teach you exactly how to do it!


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So you want to have more control with your wedges inside 100 yards you want to hit that low launching High spinning wedge shot that you see on TV all the time where that tour pro hits that nice wedge lands on the green one hop and stop well I’ve got my trackman ready to

Go the iPad’s ready and we’re going to hit that shot for you today I’m going to teach you exactly how to hit that shot show you the numbers that are associated with that shot so let’s get stuck into it low launching High spinning wed shots now in my hands I have two different

Types of clubs I’ve got my sand wedge and I’ve got my six IR now the one thing we need to understand is how we hit a wedge inside of 100 Y is different to how we hit a full shot with a 6 iron now

When you are inside a 100 y it is all about control now hitting a full shot with your wedge is not controlled it’s a little bit Breezy here today and I can tell you right now if I was to hit a full wedge shot into this Breeze

It’s not going to end well for me what I want to do is control the trajectory of my golf ball and have it spin like crazy that is the best way to play wed shots so the two metrics we’re going to be focusing on today is how to lower your

Trajectory and how to increase your spin so let’s get stuck into exactly how we do that so if we’re looking to hit that low launching High spinning wed shot we need to launch the ball through a specific window and that window is between 25 and 30° so think of it like

This if I launched my golf ball up in the air like that you can see that that ball is going to launch way too high if I launch it too low it’s going to hit the ground too early so we are looking to launch the golf ball somewhere in the

Vicinity of 25 to 30° now the question is how do we launch it so low so in order to launch the ball low what we need is a ton of shling we need between 12 and 14° of shling at impact so essentially we want to reduce

Our our Loft at impact as well so this is what we call our Dynamic Loft so big difference between static Loft and dynamic loft is static loft is what is on your golf club when it sits at a dress basically as per normal so in this case I’ve got my

56° and that is my static Loft now adding impact if I have 12 to 14° of shling at impact what is that going to do to my loft this is now my Dynamic Loft so between 12 and 14° of sharling will reduce 12 or 14° of Loft

So now all of a sudden I’m looking at presenting about 40 42 44° to that golf ball at impact so the key to getting that much shling and delofting the golf club so much is in our setup so what do we want to look for in our setup there’s two things ball

Position and how you actually set up to the golf ball so what I mean by this is when we take our setup we want our ball position to be ever so slightly back of center now this will give me a fairly simple way of Leaning the shaft fairly

Naturally obviously if I had my ball position forward I would have that shaft kind of leaning straight up and down or even leaning backwards a little bit what would that be doing to my loft it would be adding Loft and that’s not what we want we want to reduce Loft so when I

Take my setup I want my ball position to be ever so slightly back and what that’s going to allow us to do upon impact is have a lot of sha Lan now the next step to this is actually how you set up in general so if we start with our feet we

Want them quite narrow and the reason being is we don’t want a lot of weight shift or pressure pressure shift during the golf swing we want to stay fairly Central again we’re trying to do everything we can to stay ahead of this golf ball and lean that shaft the last

Thing we want is a really wide setup loading off the golf ball and ultimately impacting the golf ball with no shling so once we’ve got our ball position in in the in the right spot have your feet fairly close together so you can see here maybe one

And a half Club heads inside my front foot to that uh stick and then maybe one maybe even half a club head on the back foot there so back ball position narrow feet and then all I want you to do is feel like your pressure is let’s say 60%

In your lead side at setup so when I take my setup here I’m going to place 60% of my pressure into my lead side and you’re going to notice that I am now ahead of the golf ball ready to go so from this setup position how do we now

Move into the back swing well all I want you to think about here is that you stay on that lead side do not shift your weight or your pressure over towards the right hand side I want you to stay fairly Central so that we can generate that sharling at impact so what we’re

Going to do back ball position narrow stance pressure forward and I want you to feel like as you turn to the top we are going to stay fairly Central or if anything we’re going to leave the pressure on our left leg here and what

This is going to allow me to do is upon coming down in the down swing when we push through we’re going to see that I have a ton of sharling at impact now I know what you’re thinking that much sharling is going to dig into the ground you’re kind of right but you’re

Also kind of wrong and I’m going to show you exactly how to keep the club from digging into the ground with a great drill that I learned from James sikman so what this drill essentially is is it’s going to teach you how to extend so what do I mean by extension well think

About this with that much sharling we are driving the golf club into the ground okay that’s that’s a given if we don’t extend then yes I will just continue this golf club down into the ground until it hammers the ground digs in with the Leading Edge and then just

Crash crashes and the ball ends up 2ot in front of us however what we want to now do is try and keep the club out of the ground with that much sharling and all we need to do now is extend our body upwards so essentially what we want to

Do here is feel like we are standing up through impact so you’ll see there that I am not staying down like everyone thinks you should you should actually be standing up it’s what we call extension or extending in the downswing so we get to the top we start to push down and

Then we want to extend upwards and that’s going to be a way to keep the club out of the ground now the drill that I want you to do and this is super tricky and if you can do it comment below because I’ll be seriously

Impressed what you have to do is try and hit a shot 30 40 50 yards I’ve seen it be done uh up to 50 yards where you do not take the golf club any further than parallel to the ground what you’re going to need to do is try and

Figure out a way to achieve a lot of speed with the golf club from just this position here and what you’re going to end up having to do is use your body effectively I can’t generate any speed if I just use my arms so what I have to

Try and do is I have to try and feel feel like I can use my body to really push into the ground quickly and push back out of the ground so I’m going to demonstrate this drill for you again very difficult but if you do manage to do it and get this

Ball up to 50 yards I will be seriously impressed so let’s give it a go I’ve got the ball on a slight te okay it’s just a small tea to make it a little bit easier for me ball back in my stance and I only

Want to get my golf club to parallel to the ground and from here generate enough power to hit this golf ball about 50 yard nice low launching spinning shot and what I’ll actually do for you is I’ll bring up the numbers that track man’s just spat out to me and it’s only

Actually sped out two it didn’t pick them all up but I do have the launch angle and the spin rate which are actually the most two important numbers but as you can see here 24.9 de launch angle and 6 almost 6 and 1/2 6,290 spin

Rate that is a lot of spin uh for what I reckon was about 50 yard so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to demonstrate how to hit that low launching High spinning wed shot I’m going to put the trackman numbers up on the screen so you

Can take a look at all the metrics we’ve got carry we’ve got launch uh launch angle spin angle of attack Etc so I’m going to try and hit a 80 yard shot and have it as much as I can but I need the launch to launch lower than 30 and

Between basically 25 and 30 so let’s let’s give it a go so ball position back body forward and I really want to feel like I get that extension through the golf shot to keep this golf club out of the ground so let’s give this a go 80 yards low launching High spinning wed

Shot so there you have it there was a low launching High spinning wedge shot and let’s take a look at the numbers that I’ve been able to produce on the iPad so the first thing we can see is 83 M carry so it’s about 90 y okay 56° 90 y

But the biggest thing here is you can see the launch angle 27° so it’s not launching too low it’s not launching too high it’s right in that literally the most perfect spot you can get which is 27° my Dynamic Loft was 39° so think

About that I had a 56° in my hand and I was able to get it to get Del lofted into 39° so I don’t know the math on that what’s that 56 46 is 10 so we’re looking at about 17° less Loft at impact that’s a lot of

Sharling okay but you can see that just below that the angle of attack was only down 4.8 that’s not that’s not like I’m diving that club into the ground so I was able to keep the club fairly shallow while retaining the sharling okay so that was crucial and the reason I was

Able to do that was I extended that body up up in the back uh in the down swing okay that kept the club out of the ground a lot of spin 8,843 that is stopping on a dime on the on the green okay so there’s no chance that that ball

Is going to run out so we’re going to get the one two stop with that amount of Spin and you can see there the club path and the face to path actually weren’t that bad right they’re very close together so it’s not like I’m cutting

Across at a whole a whole heap it’s like I’m coming into out a whole heap everything’s fairly neutral but there you can see low launching High spinning wedge shot now there can be no argument about the numbers that I was just able to produce it is what the best players

In the world do with their wedges they they do not try and hit it high up over trees unless they absolutely have to but if they have a stock standard 70 80 90 yard shot to the green they are hitting a low launching High spinning wed shot

99% of the time now what else do tour players do 99% of the time well if you watch the video that’s on the screen right now you’re going to see what the best players in the world do 99% of the time with their back so make sure to

Watch that video thanks for watching


  1. Great video! I like having simple (not necessarily easy) drills with a measurable goal..

    Going to try the 50 yard shot from the sim tomorrow. I do have a fairly short backswing and am pretty long hitter so I’m hopeful!

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