• This is the best drill for a perfect takeaway created by Peter Cowen. This golf swing takeaway drill will transform your swing by preventing you from rolling the club inside due to an overactive lead hand.

In this lesson, PGA pro Kerrod Gray and Andy Carter demonstrate how to achieve a stable clubface and equalize your hands for a smooth takeaway. The secret is learning how to use your trail hand as an opposing force using Pete Cowen’s towel drill.

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Chapters ⛳
0:00 Introduction
0:25 What is the most common mistake in the takeaway?
2:00 Best takeaway drill for a perfect takeaway
3:30 How an overactive lead hand can ruin your swing.
4:55 Wrist cupping is a sign of a poor takeaway.
5:15 How should your trail hand be positioned?
6:15 Grip adjustment to prevent over gripping.
7:05 How to do the towel drill for golf swing.
8:05 Drill takeaway

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Hi! I’m Kerrod, an award-winning PGA golf coach and Pro Golfer.

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All right so let’s talk about the takeaway mate so specifically based around we see a lot of players that first move as they take the golf club away that head swings in violently handle can sometimes lift out we see that the face also opens and you spend a

Lot of time with p and he’s got a great drill to rectify this a common issue right it’s yeah I say it’s probably the most common issue in in takeaway the there’s always one hand becomes a little bit more dominant than others or at least you don’t you’re not aware of it

Until you be you kind of start to feel it and predominantly it’s the lead hand that kind of wants to take over during that takeaway so as you said the hand then can start to work out away from the body and the club starts to work starts

To work in so straight away your your lead hand is the dominant hand and the trail hand is kind of a lot more passive yeah so what we trying do to square this up is feel like the trail hand is equally as dominant as the lead hand so

I don’t want we don’t want to feel like any hand is more dominant than the other because if you come back to setup here and you pop that back in front of your chest those everything is working on an equal measure correct so when we bring the club back into the takeaway position

Here we want to still feel like the hands are staying in front of the chest you’re almost as you look down at your hands and arms there that almost looks the same as if you had it when you’re in that kind of setup position so if you go

Back into setup again obviously you look down there you can see the tops of both if you were to come away and get it on the inside as you look as you look at your takeaway now you can’t really see much of the trail hand you see a lot

More of the lead hand so what we want to try and do and Pete talks about this a lot is making the hands work opposite each other equally yeah so effectively for us right-handed golfers the left hand will for me I feel like the left hand turns to the right okay and the

Right hand turns to the left and if we both get them working exactly the same then that club face is stable yeah and one of the really really good drills that we do a lot of the old towel drill okay and what you’re going to try and

Feel you’re just going to you can hold it like baseball grip mhm and you just feel if you to go if you to do the takeaway and bring the club inside and just and it would be kind of just the lead hand that’s dominant that right the

The trail hand wouldn’t do anything to the towel so you get them working equally opposite each other you’re effectively squeezing out the towel we’ll get back to that video in just a second in but I just want to tell you quickly about my online training platform perform golf being a player

Myself and going through the struggles of working on my game all the way up to playing on tour I understand that nagging feeling that you’re putting work in that’s not actually making a difference to your swing and your golf game so that’s why I’ve created an all-encompassing membership covering

Every aspect of the game to help you FasTrack your progress and get you shooting lower scores it’s available on all the app stores and on the web the link is down below so sign up now experience the difference yourself let’s get back to the video imagine this towel

Is soaking wet okay how do you ring the water out and you would do it by working the hands equally opposing that’s great I’ve never I’ve never seen that and that feel even when I’m standing here and and just building awareness of this backand this Trail hand right hand for the right

Hander of that having some control of that golf club because we see so very often this thing is just sitting here as a passenger and you’ll see that players thumbs will start to come off their grip will start the part of the hand comes off exactly and I’m a big proponent of

Seeing that the chest is the engine for the back swing and you articulated that in such a way which works very well for the majorities of golfers because it’s almost the feeling that as this right hand for myself B right hander starts to twist towards the target it keeps the

Hands above the chest right so it’s that feeling of as soon as this became dominant or becomes dominant we can see the mass of the head’s going to move behind this lead wrist starts to move into a position where it started to face the sky and then look we can see

Straight away it’s well behind us and a lot of players then come to you for a lesson when they’re coming to you for a lesson they go oh I need to I need to improve my wrist hinge at the top and you’re like well yeah okay but there’s a

Reason why you’ve progressed into that position and we could we could probably continue this all the way through the back swing and and eventually we come back to the takeaway and go as soon as that right hand has thought Trail hand is effectively rotated forearms have rotated where are you hinging from there

Anyway so you’re just kind of manipulating something at the top of the back swing yeah and you you could end up kind of coping it to help you get to the top because once you get there to help you get to the top of the back swing you

Can kind of really get that trail that that’s the easier way to get to the top then isn’t it you get the club in there how do I get up well you just cup it up and I would say super open players trying to support the weight of the club

And they will do that by either folding their arms really quickly like you said as soon as you start to do that it’s feels more in control if I begin to cut my wrist yeah yeah but from there good Lu the fa yeah the face is not happy the

Face is not happy with that and the golf ball especially will be really unhappy cuz it’s lost okay so I think the the the really good the really good feeling for this is like you said what effectively feeling like your Trail hand is turning and I always say say feel

Like you’re closing the face because especially if you’re a golfer that kind of fans it on the inside you’re going to need feel like you’re closing the face you’re going to have to feel that kind of opposing completely opposing feel to counteract the fault so you go a bit of

An exaggerated feel okay how can I get the face to literally be pointing at the ground yeah how can when you look down at the take takeaway here and you look at the trail hand can you see the back of it can you see one or two Knuckles

And that gives you the hinge as well exactly just about to say that you get this hinge in the back of the right hand as well you get and if you if I was to actually then go from there and just turn my body 90° and put that club CL

Put that club back down look at that yeah that’s a that’s a very happy place to be okay cuz I’ve got a bit of compression I can start hitting down on the golf ball yeah so we’re able to control the club really early on in the

Swing and also as well if you take your grip as well for me this is a really good way of kind of feeling it because a lot the feedback I do get from this a lot is I feel like I’m strangling the club cuz you’re obviously starting to

Feel that oppos opposing feel M but what to do if you pull it up waist waist height and just push the club away from you but squeeze the hands against each other what’s that face doing yeah well absolutely zero and the thing is is it actually encourages due to the fact that

The right hand for the right hander is lower in the grip than the left is As I push that you can see now the handle moves forward which oh yeah there we go it’s exactly what we see on TV right it’s a it’s a really good couple of

Drills and like I said the feel of it and the visual of it being able to understand what what you want to be looking for as you get into that takeaway position understanding what the face should look like is is key all right so let’s pass me that towel I’m

Going to get a quick feel of that and then I’m going to put that into my golf swing so normal grip is there any space between I would say go go really close together really close together just like a baseball grip Y and then just just imagine it’s full of water you’re going

To dry it out for yeah yeah and as soon as I do that I actually feel that activate more of my core and encourage that to move in such a way where I’m able to maintain that relationship between my upper body and my arm staying

In syn and I get back to there if I stand up and face the camera you can see ex perfectly front that’s that’s always a really good way to do it you take yourself into the takeaway and then just turn your whole body back that 90

Degrees to the side and you’re like oh well okay this is back into that same just don’t do this as a pre-shot routine on the every te box and go yep that’s good get back and play Partners I love you okay so let’s turn this into a shot

Mate let’s see how it comes out so I’m feeling specifically now a lot of focus mind muscle connection on that trail hand feeling like I’m twisting it as opposed to what the left is doing beautiful I love that gets my body pivoting a lot better got a good feeling

About this one Cuts so do I oh oh so good I’ll tell you what that compression there so good takeaway felt very in sync hands in front of the chest Club face certainly wasn’t rolling behind got control love it Oh


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