The MOST Important Club in YOUR bag at an ABSOLUTE STEAL?!?!

The MOST Important Club in YOUR bag at an ABSOLUTE STEAL?!?!

Looking for a new putter to help you in 2024 then look know further than this fantastic option from Odyssey!! This is the CLUB you SHOULD be using the most so MAKE sure its RIGHT for you and goinf to help you LOWER your SCORES!!

Today guys we are towards the end of 2023 and we are talking about another club that you might get at a bargain price come January and we are talking today about an Odyssey potter an OG white hot Potter that has been around maybe a couple of years now but

Obviously this time of the year you starting to think are you getting something new going into next season is it a golf club that’s going to change your look next year maybe not but there’s going to be some good deals come January we’ve talked about drivers we’ve talked about irons we’ve talked about

Wedges but today Potter is a big talking point for me because Putters aren’t getting cheaper there’s a lot of new Putters coming out and they’re getting very quickly close to what a driver is so there’s certainly some that are near £500 you’ll seen recently on the channel

We had some swag Putters that were around about $550 so certainly getting up close to what a driver would cost but this one here you’ll see online is coming around about £189 so much more affordable and comment below guys what is the price you would pay for a putter are you somebody who

Would spend a lot of money on a putter would you spend as much much as your driver or are you more than likely just going to go you know what I can get something secondhand or I can get something cheaper that’s going to do the

Same job and also are you going to get fitted for that putter because for me good hit there James G in for United Squad right but for me a putter you’ve got to think it’s probably the club well it should be the club that you use the

Most in your bag if you’re using any more clubs more than your putter in your golf bag then a certainly suggest lessons might be a better option than buying a new club we’ve got to make sure there’s a couple of things right for you so first of all is it the right length

Do you have the right clo you wouldn’t have the an iron or a driver that’s too short for you because it wouldn’t get you into the correct posture you wouldn’t be able to find the center of the face and you wouldn’t be able to be consistent so first thing for me to look

At is it long enough for you A lot of people get Putters that are too short that encourages you to get too far over the golf ball and if I’m too far over the golf ball what we see from there is that poter often works out and then

Around and we see the dreaded figure of eight shr which we know cannot be con consistent we then start to struggle we then get what some would say is The Yips and we start to hate putting so getting something the right length is going to be able to get you into the correct

Posture can I add something to that you certainly can being a short person don’t get your putter length off your height yes cuz I people would send me 34 in Putters because I’m only 5 foot 11 put 3 Ines on there but but 35 is the one for

Me exactly so just because obviously you might not be as tall doesn’t mean that you have to go for a 33 in pter a 32 in putter we see a lot of I said we’ve seen people with 32s but it’s all about how you can be consistent once we’ve got

Something that’s the right length we then need to think what’s going to help you aim the putter good so on the back of the putter there’s going to be all sorts of different lines you might have a bigger putter you might have a mallet putter that’s got a longer line CU that

Helps you aim better you might have a blade putter you might have a DOT on the top something that helps you get your Alignment good to get the balls starting online to help you try and hold a few more puts and think about it when putting obviously your averages of hole

In puts is not great but if we can start to Tool put this is what is more important for me so obviously getting the right length getting you something that aims it online is going to help us have that confidence over the ball to get a little bit more speed on your

Putter swing it more naturally and if we get a more natural stroke we get a better centered strike and we get consistency on distance control here I’m around about 40 ft away which on tour average you would be more expected to three put than you would to

Two put if you can get a poter that you’re confident with and something that’s better with your pace and your aim I think he going to lower your scores next year and if you can pick that up at a bargain price even better you don’t need to necessarily spend 500 600 on a

Putter something that’s a little bit cheaper that can get you close to the hole can certainly help you next year lower your scores it doesn’t have to be a driver it has to be maybe the club that you use the most in your bag these

OG white hot poters are going to be ones that are really discounted in January you could get a good deal but make sure you go and get fitted for them make sure you get something that suits your eye helps you hold a few more ports from

There guys to help you lower your scores if you’re enjoying this content guys make sure that you do hit that subscribe button below and I will see you again tomorrow


  1. Custom fitted for Evenroll 2 years ago, and it works ! Used to buy 3 putters a year, all faced balanced. Fitting showed I should be using toe hang…..get fitted !

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