Jerry After Dark: Hole In One Part 4 (36+ hours) | Presented by Body Armor

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I want Jerry to hit it man been here with him you know I haven’t left this damn office yet so I want him to finish it just as much as anyone else does but like this is [ __ ] difficult man difficult challenge no two ways about I would consider changing changing the hor

Yeah I mean like that’s the thing though like like we changed the course honestly about even like even even like with our first initial 12-hour stream that we started with we we probably changed the course like 10 15 times like it was just we couldn’t figure it out we couldn’t

Know we didn’t know what the hell we were doing back here now it’s like all right we got more people watching we got more eyes we have a little bit more of of of just knowled on whole just feels like I mean it you would think

It this could be the one you know what I mean it it has the highest possibility but and like the thing that yet like he was saying the other day when we first started was he didn’t want to go down below 150 and I was just thinking to

Myself he’s not going to be able to swing for a thousand times or 2,000 times at50 Ys like that’s just so much the stream I what color are your shoes yeah oh yeah I don’t know for let’s go it’s fired up it is for my he that way

Jerry how you feel I feel sore moving a little bit better uh yeah yeah I mean a little bit my um my hands really hurt they’re sore and um my back my lower back is pretty bad and um right leg Yeah my leg and then um my arm stretch

Set I didn’t uh tell you yesterday um Justin Fields is one of my guys that whole thing with the uh picture last year hilarious that was was years ago so funny awesome okay he’s great here plug this in feel good J here I’m going to clean up

This area too I started to a little bit the garbage is in the back yeah oh okay [Applause] great got you collagen protein and adaptogens for your brain awesome little Focus what are you mixing with your water yep water probably in there too okay we do that give you water protein

For some recovery and then all the brain stuff people want a red Polo what red Polo your hand it’s all right here here B grip every I grip all this hurts that’s it okay yeah and then this one we’re going to go up on forearms a little bit

Okay okay after like an hour my back felt amazing that’s awesome lay on your back you’re going to feel much better after all this okay you can put your head down here okay actually bought this when Justin injured his thumb okay this is great for

Hands St no it’s going to feel he I feel like he’s and then you might feel some cont blood kind of flush out some inflammation nice going to get you right jar yeah I’m right I’m right want to be like a three out of 10 sensation

Okay it’s got tons of levels so you can crank it up to just a 10 out of 10 but I want to keep keep it nice and comfortable all right when you start to feel it a little bit let me know about that three out of

10 sorry for calling you a missus dude that’s all good good there a little bit this probably won’t be super comfortable your back’s going to feel great after got a good golf War up for you too oh yes suck a gol but I know how to warn people

For it yeah suck a golf too no you don’t Jerry no you don’t you do not suck at golf not today you don’t nope today is your day keep breathing how we doing he’s good he’s actually a lot better feeling better yeah the sleep was was so

Necessary he was the last like 3 hours last night was ugly he was he was not hitting the green at all but he so he finally got to sleep he he SLE like what like seven eight hours Jerry yeah something like that maybe so mentally he’s back physically

We’re going to get him right and then he’s going to hit a hole in one by by noon yeah and he’s going to go home he’s going have dinner and and go to sleep I feel it yeah the day the day Whole World’s watching that was great I got

People coming out the woodwork asking me about this it’s crazy Haven talk to it months or texting me like what’s going on with this whole one thing thank you so much for coming in yeah absolutely he like I’m just genuinely concerned about body yeah that was once you hit 2,000 he like

That that’s too much of anything I’m not sure there’s anything I can do 2000 times in a row clicking computer we’re sticking with the same hole yeah I think so yeah we’ve locked in on that that’s smart yeah same hole middle pin yep keep it consistent y [ __ ]

You no but I don’t want to do cing thanck Rel you right yeah good ni how you pretty good had you’re sleeping on my TV all night make a call night h on the me the GL hands feeling yeah yeah my hands feel good Jerry you got that Polo I gave

You uh it’s somewhere around here yeah let’s get you in it I got this one no we got to get you in the PO no this is my this is my this is my golf this is what I we got this is what I wear okay Jerry

I like this Jerry what it’s my lucky golf [ __ ] we have a lot of sponsors that have different gear this is this is this is their [ __ ] who is it roll back oh it is okay then you’re fine yeah yeah great I wear this on the course I wear this in uh against

Dave we got a hat coming for you too $10,000 bet oh [ __ ] my ass cheek what a [ __ ] lie he doesn’t miss oh I you could stretch your body this way it was a chat up to date what did we start a new yeah they started a new started

Now I don’t know when they started but uh fi yes sir use my phone yeah open up Twitter okay and uh tweet to the new yeah got let’s go face down real quick uh Which Way FP that way face completely down you head in the thing or no uh

Yeah it’s overriding your nervous system making the muscles work a little bit how we doing down here tight open where’s your phone idea it maybe it’s on that couch over here it’s a gr case one back there you know what I could use too well

In the future you probably know so I I broke my um finger back in 2012 yeah uh it’s my ring finger on my left hand yep and uh every like couple weeks I either like jam it or do something to where it goes crooked and I got to pull it back

In they have surgery for that stff right you just got to probably have a li that’s in there as well yeah I got fix that how have you not gotten that fixed since 20 I know dude I just haven’t had the time that’s crazy how does it go uh just a

Little bit a little bit yeah uh 125 125 014 Shar yeah yeah all it ho [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how many years You’ been doing this uh just h four so January 1st opened up my company in 2020 oh that was good timing it’s horrible timing fortunately the uh the Bears

Players that year needed help and couldn’t go to the facility so yeah just home visits just went to their houses and [ __ ] yeah we do mostly now terrible year but insane CC just commented Jerry saying he doesn’t have time for surgery he’s just he he could be here for like a

Month like I don’t have time there yeah y y yep y once you’re done my office is right down the street oh yeah take insurance do not cash only huh it’s a good business easier oh yeah what’s up TJ up good morning Jerry did you eat I’m not a

Breakfast guy you got to eat something oh yeah a little bit it’s my favorite one to have done it’s good how we doing you do any of this on yourself well you can’t do this on yourself right no my wife’s a chiropractor though so

She can oh [ __ ] wow yeah we got a PT in our Clinic too so if I ever sdes to hit 2,000 golf balls I can get some this all right put back for me adjust your mid back one more time and then take your a little warm up feel

Good back on my back oh yeah your back good real good oh yeah let’s go here again deep breath in and out oh deep and out and wow Jesus Christ hang tight for one sec I feel good it’s going feel way better after that yeah game day prep my uh my favorite

Thing do these guys NL players get adjustments the day of day before uh some of them will get day of they have a CYO that goes in a team CYO gotta um but a lot of them will be like Friday is the big day that most of them treat

It Friday and Tuesdays got you awesome let’s go stay up tell me how we’re feeling right yeah not going to be perfect I feel uh better than when I lay down there swing how’s that feel feel it feels all right I’m sure as the hours minutes go by it’ll feel better it

Start to you know oh [ __ ] switch hats with Fai we have a Kane’s hat coming too but yeah got a big [ __ ] head damn damn damn OJ’s got big [ __ ] my my hands feel better that’s let’s go that’s huge yeah yeah this thing’s money for that yesterday my hands were

Bad really bad oh you need me to put this in some water I’ll do it a little bit all right before I get start gra your Club real quick I take a little back up this’s fine we’re going to go here I want you to take the club right

Like that arms stay in place and you’re just going to rotate the hips and feel the low back but upper body doesn’t move upper body doesn’t move correct shoulders stay right in place right here and then rotate hips like you’re going to swing so back swing with the

Hips I’m trying to think forgot gol of go go back and forth like this and like that I don’t I feel like that I don’t know if that’s right yep that’s right and yep good just like that yep to the other side good Y at that glutes hips little back warming up

There but said forgot to golf I probably did awesome now we go CL across the chest right like this keep the knees and hips in place rotate with the upper body so get a little Bend in the knees yep hips stay right in place I see how you want to

Turn the hips keep hips right there now rotate with the upper body oh well that like that with no hips there yeah and then follow through good that stretch y keep going couple more one more let’s do the lower body one one more time we should be pretty good the upper body in

Place it’s actually pretty impressive how quick you pick that up two more each way see how we’re doing I feel better some shots up I started yeah you ready to go going to uh put my gloves on you get your gloves on what else do you need anything else yeah it should be

Good it should be good is there um where’s this at oh we got to change that did first try Pebble Beach s right Ryan know doing I’m going to say one thing too no we’re not taking any we’re not taking any uh recommendations from the chat on golf

Tips for the for the morning session which going to be Jered night time we take night time when it fall starts to fall apart we might have to much appreciate it thanks so much dude really appreciate it so we cuz it was too much too much in your head

Too many tips like just be Jerry be Jerry Jerry is also not a good golfer Jerry’s not a good golfer but Jerry’s a good a great wedge player great wedge player great wedge player I’ve said that to you millions of times have I not Cherry wedges is the nickname remember

With 20K that was Jerry wedges just hunting pins hunting that’s what you do the use the item you want to use what if it’s just the first shot it’s not going to be the first shot I know that why why not well because I need to get loose okay but after that

Should be good how the hands feel I didn’t want to say it it’s bad hurts do you do you have two gloves on right now yeah dude it’s my blisters I don’t want to feel them why don’t you put Band-Aids and go one glove I did bandaids I did bandaids on both

Hands you take some Advil today M what else you need that’s it ready to go let’s [ __ ] go start up now yeah you’re the people are watching let’s [ __ ] do it let’s go Jerry do this I know you’re going to do this all right let’s get this close let’s start with a

Nine start with a nine here’s your pitch this might be the nine here’s a nine okay nine yes okay okay all right oh that voice oh that looks good Jerry that was a great shot that was a great shot you’re back come On bunker bunker somebody com ganger Jerry did it today yeah I need a little bit more power little bit more power a little bit more po go with an eight and let the club work uh I might a little bit it’s a nice line though it’s a nice

Line I’m just I’m not getting there yet sh yesterday is probably going to take me maybe 20 30 to get loose 45,000 watching take your time Jerry we got all day literally awesome it’s crazy dude Yeah okay okay okay good but I don’t know if this is a good idea what are you doing what you talk me through it oh I can’t really I I’m having a hard time holding the club yeah I think you go I think if you need a

Band-Aid you go Band-Aid with one glove cuz two gloves is too much a little bit better little bit a little bit better a little bit better I don’t I I don’t know if I could I’m having a hard time holding the club great shot yeah a little long too long

Again this is the hole though this is the hole M you know I I know it’s the hole dun it power just came Powers through the roof right now settle down way too much Power guy just goty put some [ __ ] steroids in here bro I can already tell it’s happening like I got that feeling that like it’s it’s happening it’s just a matter of what time today want to be time is it 8:53 853 stroke counter someone’s saying the

Stroke counter is not going up all right they’re fixing it say stop the count stop the count stop the steal why not us looks good why not us why not us why not this one where he roll why did it go right right that was that one felt good yeah

That was a really good call yesterday sleep call yeah dude you were I mean you were Delirious yeah you were just you were just hitting it into the water over and over being like why am I hitting it right yeah I couldn’t hold the club hey when you put in your headphones

Uh to listen to the music Hank and I were just whispering in the mic we’re like he’s never going to hit it if he doesn’t go to sleep yeah Oh that’s a great shot yeah listen we’re we’re we’re going to get it we’re going to get it it’s just a matter of getting it in the hole up 4K quick yeah dude I’m telling you everyone is in on this awesome that was in my head that was in

My head at what point Dan is it at what point is it like never mind no bad no bad thoughts Positive Vibes Positive Vibes negative at what point what no no I think getting negative thoughts out is good cuz then it’s just sticking in your brain right now you’re thinking about it

You’re not going to say it so just say it at what point is is it like no say it I have an answer for you at what point you’re you’re not going to be able to hit a good shot if you don’t get the negative thought

Out at what point is it he’s never going to get it I’ve done the calculations in my head I think if we get to day like six I’ll start to doubt if it could be possible so Sunday Sunday will be the day your son’s 6th birthday same thing’s going on as

Yesterday don’t know what happened having a very hard time Bunker [ __ ] just go a little bit right just go a little bit right bunker can we lower the forgot that last night oh my God he woke up just complaining about how cold he was put it on like 75 you’re okay well you’re just getting

Warmed up you said it was going to take a while you were saying you’re standing too close I know said we said no tips but that’s the when you go right that’s what they’re saying standing Too Close where to the ball the hosel is what they say what is the hosel like word

Hle what’s the hosel on a on a golf people are people making this up what are they talking about I’m standing too close to theall Great Jersey yeah yeah thought that’d fire you up Jerry it is yeah let’s go I love that get some energy this place I

Love D I dug this out of the I have no idea where have this to I take this out of the closet I’m going wear my roess burger for Jer a is a in the head of a golf CL so yes there the club hey how you doing thanks for yesterday

That’s good you getting in back in the air everything’s going everything is starting to go right that’s what people are saying the hosle but watch the replay Nice too my God that was oh you’re on it you’re on it that was it Jerry it’s coming it’s going to happen D it’s going to happen think the setting might be wrong hit a good shot hit a bad shot hit a good shot and hit five bad shots same

Thing that’s a good J Be oh it looks good jar be good there’s that lip the front yeah starting to look good jar yeah don’t I can’t have that said I’m not looking good what’ you say I can’t I’m not looking good okay you’re not looking good listen you want me to go negative

I’ll go negative if you need me to go negative I’ll go so [ __ ] negative I’ll break you down okay all right no bu why couldn’t have one just skip it right skip in like what’s the big deal just go in I got a special motivation for you

This morning you tell me when you need it yeah I’m not close Okay I need I need this here Apron dinking dinking what the [ __ ] bunker oh that looked good way too oh that was good Jerry you’re right there dude you’re right there well every time that guy says that there’s got to be a way to just shut everything off uh somebody call the golf someone got to shut everything shut the

Whole entire sound off this [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] Hold that was a good shot too bunker is Paige talking to the golf people Paige can you ask him if a home one’s even possible you say can you ask him if a home one’s even possible especially on Mulligan setting okay I guarantee you none of that I’ve done

It I saw uh no I’m not going to get negative I saw a tweet yesterday that scared me what I don’t want to get negative so we’re not being negative it’s just saying my head space is fine right now a guy tweeted us and was like we

Have this simulator we’ve had for four years and 100,000 shots and no one’s hit a hor one oh no but that’s a lot of shots that aren’t part three there also a lot of shots that are part three too no but there’s it like think about how many holes there are yeah scary

To right again that’s a great shot though that looks really good oh that lip [ __ ] all right so that’s and Hank just sent me the the from the golf Zone guy the odds of getting a home one on the Sim is identical to the odds of getting

One in real life that’s what they said yesterday yeah just interesting how yesterday it just stopped just didn’t just stopped the ball yeah how does a ball just stop like that how you feeling Jerry not the best hit a couple close ones not super close but one of them was close sleep

Changed your life though it helped out a lot for sure migan These are looking good straighter straight enough you just let me know when you want me to get Negative I’ll [ __ ] Crush you want some of it no okay be the one oh that’s a great shot J you the number you you got the numbers back on

Your side last night the second half of last day last day you were hitting like one out of 10 on the green you’re now doing the same thing you did yesterday at the beginning of the day where it’s like consistently on the green it’s just a numbers game now it’s going to Happen these are [ __ ] great shots Jerry it’s a numbers game oh that Use m bunker Frankie says you should just change the the the um Arrow the aim point just a little bit left and right minimal movements it can offset the wind he said oh you like it you like it there or you like it cuz the wind’s going right to left a tiny bit Oh Bunker mother [ __ ] guy dude like as soon as I go to swing he [ __ ] says are you ready you ready you ready yesterday the wind was 8 something today it’s two but then it will die down right no we have we have to start the game over again

Oh Sky dude they got to shut this off man they got is there a volume setting they have to shut the is there a volume setting no that’s for the there the projector down [ __ ] 165 thank you all right you want your m motivation this morning I want this volume off like there’s got to be a way for them to just shut it off I don’t want to I don’t I don’t want to touch anything don’t touch don’t touch it don’t touch it right turn

Off what if you just said you’re not ready will you stop oh man my legs are sore from sorry squatted the other day go I squatted the other day I’m so you know how to do it going to fix the a go go hold on all right thank you try

It you don’t hear any birds or anything also chat the green speed is on its fastest and the wind you can’t turn it Off so much better yes you ready just don’t have to hear just try to you just start doing every time you ready come on D That looks good jar I I just don’t want to play anymore just really don’t want to play this anymore oh Jerry switch hats shout out Raising Canes number one this one’s probably the most fire thanks sper got it how we feeling this morning jar uh a little bit better

Today’s the day dog today’s the day today’s the day For either one I look good though jar you want to have a chuckle need you laugh I don’t think I’ll laugh right now all right watch watch this video Nikki the good what he did it’s funny he did a great it’s one minute you can get a laugh in one

Minute like good yeah he’s the man he he nailed both of us why is this not hey Dan how long you think it’s going to take me to get one seriously I think you get it 100 100 Max just eating my hip is starting to hurt but

Jerry you got to Pi just like legendary status there’s got to be something wrong with the machine you want me to go trve V I think Legend average had I think I threw my back out J think about how awesome it’s going to be when it actually does happen and I don’t

Know you want a blizzard for The Vibes blizzard for The Vibes Dan I can’t feel my arms anymore 10:00 you sleep you go to bed you come right back in it you’ll get it in three tries I don’t know I know but think about think about all the people Everyone everyone’s watching

Yeah you’re right everyone’s going to see you reach legendary fact I think I said it a vertebrae I’m not going to be able to move tomorrow I got I got Brooks is going to call in a minute we’ve been text Nikki the good shout out Nikki the good

Oh it’s very funny people like I’m just like relaxing and snacking like Jerry’s going through so much pain I’m like dude you can’t quit you can’t quit too slow I’m like a fat ass coach it’s like get back out there and run some more Sprints dude uh we are on a lot let’s

See 20 25 2569 2572 the Stream I mean there’s got to be a point where like enough’s enough Just I would love to know how many ways you can get a hole in one on this hole I think it’s just um it might be just one it’s just hitting it and then getting no no like there’s different angles to get there’s probably just one way and

There’s no other holes we searched all of them Lucas I mean that’s a perfect shot if it’s if the ball just never goes straight that’s the thing did you did you did you mess with the I don’t know which way to go I think you go against the wind yeah you go

Opposite the wind is should I is Frankie right should I go go that way yeah I think here let’s call Frankie guessing if the wind’s blowing left go right your call has been forwarded to voicemail he’ll call me back Jerry I just want to I want to just

Let you know that at 10:30 I have to do some work I have an interview and then I have another show but I’ll be back at noon for the yak I don’t want you to think I’m leaving you I mean I’m good I’m good good Yeah yeah I think he’s right about the the because like if you if you don’t do that then you have to hit it directly straight every like to get it in you know this gives you a little bit of wiggle room yeah man I don’t know how much longer I can

Take how much sleep did you get a good sleep it’s just dude I’m just so tired about hours yeah seven hours so tired of swinging just I don’t want just think this is the last place I want to be right now are you s my arm is a little

Bit but it’s getting better as I swing might be the one no way he is in the red the red and yellow so he is in the tea box yeah that was bad last night when we were not in the tea box for 20 minutes that’s good no it’s not come on

Bounce have you considered that it could be phys physically impossible yeah I I I I after the 12th hour I did to like like considering the wind and all the variables that it might just we talked to golf Zone they said it is so it’s possible oh that’s a nice shot Jerry

I would love to see proof of people’s golf Zone one ones I wonder how many videos are out there all in ones on you guys I’m going to guess less than one 60,000 people watching Jerry I mean I 107,000 subscribers it’s insane it’s a big day you GED 50,000 subscribers yesterday the the

Afternoon stream has had a million views when it went like posted it’s like the whole world’s watching yeah either is The Truman Show it was like the first thing I check yeah oh dude I opened my eyes and I was like I checked at 3:00 when I woke up to

Piss to see if he was back at I thought you were going to wake up and go back at it I told Ryan and Lucas to not let not turn it on until at least 6:00 a.m. that little if he didn’t sleep he would

Have I mean you saw it last night it was bad he could have been that fin guy that I was worried he was going to have to go to the hospital I mean you stay up past 30 hours cuz what time did you get to work on yeah he

Was he was at like 40 hours hours 37 38 big to that’s water it’s that one right there this one yep thank you I’ve only been standing here for five minutes but to me the most annoying part would be the weight when you’re trying to do the

Very annoy okay well I was going to hand him the phone so he’ll he’ll just walk closer you can’t just hit Mull and be back no Jerry I think you’re out something here you’re not you’re not good at that you want to try you want to try to go

You want to try to go pitching wedge get a little more Loft That’s good hit that hit that thing again cuz you are going the majority of your good shots are are landing a little left right uh yeah I think so so give yourself yeah two clicks Doesn’t matter what I do B goes to the same spot it’s like it’s designed like hey Jerry shooting just make sure it goes left make sure you think they Rigg this against you somewhere in Korea yeah somewhere in Korea they done sure they got the technology get J just might be just for

More promotion I don’t know See left again left again oh J on okay all right all right all right all right okay okay okay shout out to people who made this golf simulator good stuff look went right twice Watch What Happens went right twice uh oh all right Frankie’s calling me Frankie explain the explain what you

Want him to do with the left and right listen am I a speaker with is he hear me we can all hear you Jerry we need to get into a mindset where every single swing has a chance right if you take one swing the next one has to be a

Compounding like in your brain you have to be thinking what did I just do on That Swing and how can I affect the next one to make it get closer to that hole I don’t want to see these wasted swings anymore so what I’m thinking is if we

Can move that Arrow around if that wind is moving 2.4 miles hour right to left let’s move that AR a little bit more to the right a little bit more to the left you’re you’re you’re pushing balls your fading balls we need to move that Arrow

So that when you fade it or if you pull it it’s on the pin when you’re on the pin it’s just going to move left and right that looks on the pin you know what I mean yeah that was on the right yeah so you got every swing

Has to matter have a process look down at the ball look up at your Target and and and be be the guy Jerry you have this in you man you do I love this he’s all over the green right now he’s all over it this is just these are just

Compounding swings one after another build off of it don’t get discouraged when you hit a good one and it doesn’t go in be like oh what did that feel like and and how do we make it better yeah that’s facts that’s facts oh my God all right well thank you Frankie thank you

All right call me if you need anything okay all right bye that’s good he’s right a good swing is not just because it doesn’t go in doesn’t mean it’s a bad swing like that’s a great swing yeah let’s do that again he’s right he’s absolutely right of course 10 ft from the

Hole that’s the that’s the the that’s so that’s the mean part of this is like he’s had so many shots that are incredible shots like 3et from the hole and you’re like [ __ ] we never be able to play regular golf again cuz he just always three course up part three

Course Jerry watch out yeah [ __ ] Jerry like three days by the part three4 see where you’re at I will not be golfing for a long time When it changes might just have to dunk it when it changes the angle that it’s not close that’s wrong no I know yeah like a little look Jerry look look SAS just sent me this this is the same hole you made it yep 469 where’d he hit it where did he

Hit it where’ h hit it where’d he hit it where did he hit it can you see he hit it right in front that was sass no some random guy yeah it was right in the front of the hole but it’s good to see it’s good to see one go

In it can be done what can’t he do so I did like one hop in yep right in front of the hole damn sass is good at go that guy made it on 469 shots must be nice why why I changed the angle yeah sand shot what’s joke are you at Jerry I

Don’t even know Jerry I’m on I’m on any any of the haters you want that smoke I’m I’m coming for you right right now on the internet streets just a little call out you come you want to say some [ __ ] I’m coming for your ass I got your back that looks good way too

Hard 3T away way too hard crazy oh man do you want to move the PIN to the left morning see what it does with my glove off 70,000 it’s insane it’s Jerry yeah um somebody very important reached out to me yeah just to give you some words of encouragement can hear yeah R

Ready hi Jerry president I’ve been following your stream and I’m working hard for you kid it’s great to see a fellow Democrat represent thank you for being liberal Hunter and I are big fans pretty cool huh it’s like the worst thing that could have happened the big man the big man

That’s like the worst thing that could happen big guys’s rooting for you [Laughter] oh God all righty come on let’s just get in the hole nice and easy go home to Call of Duty you’re going to play Call of Duty when you get home you psycho think I need to unwind from

Playing this video game all day some more video games you wanted you I mean we could set up a Call of Duty stream you could take a break with some Call of Duty if you think it would help no I’m not going to want to get off of it on the meat

Yeah I don’t know if you order Donuts but there’s a bunch of donuts out there oh nice I I got p and cheeses so uh that wasn’t me Jerry you want a donut I’m okay thank you they’re really good donuts oh where are they from um you want one I’m good d right

Yeah D right’s awesome I’m good thank you Max just walk by the looked at him said I’m just going to look at these Don but I’m not going to have how long were how long was Jerry hitting from the rough last night it was about 20 minutes no

Not that long I want to say like 10 minutes 5 to 10 minutes it wasn’t too long but I noticed it and I was like somebody in the chat has to say yeah people started saying [ __ ] and I just didn’t even cuz it’s we’re in that weird

Zone where you don’t know if the chat’s [ __ ] with us 2600 swings Jerry all Miss online like the right head speed has to be like 72 71 which I don’t know the difference That look good that looks good oh oh my god oh my god dude come on dude take a couple warmup swings J like it doesn’t like that I can’t I there I can’t hit it better than that but Jerry what did Frankie say what did Frankie say a good

Shot is a good shot and you got to build off the good shots that’s not a discouragement when you hit a good shot the next shot same thing you build off of it don’t get discouraged the more good shots the the quicker we’re going to get this done same

Shots teamer if boys a on the check this out $50 uh from Sten today’s the day Jerry all the love from Rage thank Oh oh my God that’s like that’s a perfect shot too that’s because D you kind of dial in right now yeah you are yep use this time keep building off of these good shots use this time because this is when it’s going to go in this is the momentum you need you’re within 10 f almost every time it’s all

Right I don’t know how we’re going to get any worked on I was just I just told Jerry I was like just heads up at 10:30 we have an interview and I’m not leaving you yeah we’ll put it on the TVs mhm oh oh my God great shot Tom Brady just tweeted

You Tom Brady just Tweed go Jerry the whole world Thomas Brady Thomas Brady yeah he said it’s the darkest before the dawn and he had a picture of the of 20 to zero in the super bowl look at it that’s awesome Andy Andy link to the YouTube he said it’s the darkest before

Dawn Andy Shar the link and he shared the link I like that big that’s big [ __ ] insane he tweeted the picture of him with a head down right he has almost as many followers as Dave that’s awesome Tommy be this dude just texted me rigged that [ __ ] simulator already if I could I

Would unbelievable Jerry went 108,000 subscribers it’s crazy man you’re going to get a million this is this is a cultural moment yeah it is I I I said that there’s a not there’s a nonzero chance that this becomes a movie like it’s it’s it’s gone from zero

To we call it 1% but it’s definitely non zero we should do a 30 for 30 yeah who would play a Jerry Jerry it’ have to be Jerry I was thinking turtle turtle would be great if it was just but it’ be great if it was just Jerry and then Hollywood [Laughter]

Actors Jerry Hollywood actors around him and then the movie lasts for 36 hours yeah and he’s just doing it again yeah so all the videos get deleted so he’s got to run it back yeah darkest before Dawn I like that Brady’s the truth think Big Ben N I don’t know I don’t

Know how many people are watching this 76,000 lot of Steelers watching yeah I’m sure there’s a couple Steelers right absolutely dude BL some steam you know TJ’s watching I know TJ yeah TJ’s TJ’s definitely watching Kenny’s watching yeah Kenny’s for sure watching what’s today Thursday yeah Thursday there th there’s no football is

It no football you got focus on Saturday you just went over 2600 Strokes JZ that’s what we needed there you go good laugh good laugh no you earned that one my bad I was earn I knew I had to get it out because I knew if I was going to go on

The back swing it was com out yeah in between shot don’t let mess up a swing no no I think that helped it got some G it cleared me out right you’re lighter you’re lighter now you’ve been streaming for your entire life right now so you got to fart

Sometime I mean an hour 40 only one fart is pretty good yeah yeah 880,000 people are watching it’s Crazy oh man what’s up B what up B up much you know hting some golf [Laughter] balls says a million SATs if you make it that’s a good shot it’s a great shot J these are good shots mess with the mess with the right left thing like Frankie

Said that wind is going right to left yeah this compared to where you were at in the last hour or so oh yeah last night night and day oh 100% yeah no that was definitely the right call oh we got our raisin canes it’s coming in a minute shout out Raising

Canes the best chicken fingers in the world that’s a fact and just a little tip for everyone Raising Canes get the Bob butter on both sides Bob yeah you say get you say you want your bread Bob butter on both sides little hat that’s like a vet yeah it’s

The best the bread is so good Todd’s a great dude the best Todd Todd Graves who owns Raising Canes the man dog’s awesome that’s got a chance yeah no I got to get it in the front of the pin swing’s good J yeah no it’s definitely it’s better than yesterday you’re you’re right

There I don’t know if it’s too I don’t know if I should never mind I’m just going to stick with this club the whole day I’m not going to go back and forth I like that not going to go back and forth you you you’ve had some unbelievable

Shots every shot that’s missing let no I think you go right I’m going to try left just to see something okay okay yeah I think you got to move the aim right Frankie keep Frankie just texts me that every shot misses a little left it’s rolling it’s

Rolling could you imagine if that’s the one where just rolls down that’d be really funny I just don’t know how much right to do it that looks good what the [ __ ] that’s the right aim though Jerry you got to go three to the right to the right come on Jerry come on

Jerry build off this go baby build off this that’s a great swing so three we did right the touch was perfect all right all right all was a lot of emotion yeah I can’t it just it just doesn’t want to do its job no Jerry no you were there yeah you

Have that shot in you one more you only went two you only went two stop stop just stop again I only went to that one yeah three is the one that was almost there That’s good Jerry that’s Duncan that’s good Jerry these are great shot I wonder in their system if they could just program something so I could just have a ball every time and I have to worry about Mulligan and this and that the one Jerry come on Jerry roll down a little two how long we been streaming today long oh we’ve been streaming the

One Max Homer just texted he said this is just man against machine you’re you’re fighting for for humankind right now I know for all the humans out there you can’t let the machine win does he ask him if he thinks like like if I should like not like Jer Jerry

85,000 like the try to hit like a stinger or something you know what I mean I don’t like I don’t I don’t know how to hit one but like hit the ball lower oh oh you know what I mean if it’s just hit it too high I think that’s what you did

Right there that’s the shot yeah roll up yeah roll it up because if you skip it at all it’s not going to skip into the hole you Know okay so max responded to the asked about the Stinger he said oh boy getting loopy so I think you got to stick with what you’re doing you say what getting loopy okay so that’s that was a nice way of saying no okay keep doing what you’re

Doing the it’s working you’re going to get it you know you’re going to get it you’re putting great shots on the green one’s going to fall in chance I mean that’s a perfect shot maybe maybe just remember three clicks to the right yeah what the [ __ ] this camera yeah I was [ __ ]

Up imagine if it just it doesn’t say it that’s a thing look six 15.6 ft yeah oh it says up there yeah Jerry Ferraro is in that’ be great just hit me up dude the amount of people watching this is insane come on come on go go go [ __ ]

Damn you’re going through it emotionally too I Am whole world is watch everybody’s behind you yeah I know I need to be behind the Ball so close and over yeah Max just said you’re inspiring the world right now only way they win is if he quits true $200 today is the day Jerry keep going get this ho in one today and we will give you a share of a horse the second horse

Of you hear that you got a share of a horse who said that some guy just said that it was a it was a bacing club love that I love that yeah $100 Jerry this began with Jerry Hall rideing the vi then all of dly nation slowly but surely this is turned

Into the little guys versus the man every day going against the machine you are inspiring a Nation finish this for all the kids out there and then $200 keep it up Jerry Jack also try four clicks four clicks four clicks to the right four [ __ ] come on [Applause] [Applause] let’s go let’s go yeah go it Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry speech everyone speech give a speech everyone give him a space speech amazing oh yeah that was get out of thef yeah everyone move everyone move no um oh they just found out

Good 90k watching wow no uh that was really tough that was not easy uh I didn’t even bring a change of clothes because I thought it was going to be like 3 hours and uh I’m happy I stuck it out thank you Dan thank you bar stool everybody who watched everybody

Gifted um all the little guys out there were better than machines we did it um I want to say one thing TJ watt listen I love you so much bro we didn’t we couldn’t make dinner happen last year my dream is to have dinner with TJ you know it could be oneon-one could

Be multiple people I don’t care I just want to have a nice steak bashed potatoes aspar mac and cheese with TJ watt so I know JJ was watching I hope TJ was watching let’s do dinner this offseason uh I love the chat chat runs the stream all my co-workers Dave I love

You guys so much um Jerry after dark to the Moon did it I’m so proud of you that was [Applause] incredible that was incredible [Applause] incredible s sleep sleep sleep you did say you were going to do it again at 100,000 if I uh Pebble Beach you hit 100,000 at Pebble

Beach you’ll do it again someday I’ll do it again someday someday it’s going to be a while but I’ll do it again someday it’ll be a while though the annual what I what I want to happen though is we should do like a barol thing where it’s

Like one person a year has to do it yeah that’d be really cool yeah that’d be really [ __ ] cool oh man dude I can’t believe well I it it bounced once or twice I got to watch it again it was incredible aou two or three it was a beautiful shot it

Finally happened amazing and tell Jerry after dark next Tuesday he’s gonna do something he does it every Tuesday night every Tuesday night we do something we had uh for 50,000 subscribers we said we’re going to do a ho in-one stream I don’t know how I’ll top this

But I would love the support next week from the people who came in this week um yeah every Tuesday we meet 10 p.m. eastern time live stream so who knows Lucas will probably cook something crazy up and we’ll be back yeah our King Legend Jerry thanks everyone for watching


  1. Everytime I’ve come on here there hasn’t been anything going on wtf is this shit? Longest live stream cus noones doing anything. But i love you Jerry knock em dead! 😂😂

  2. I watched almost every hour of this stream and I can honestly say this was the best couple of days I’ve had in a long time. I’ve never been so invested into a stream in my life. Lengenjerry for life. Love you bro

  3. Everyone involved all seem like great dudes, what a place to work for! Congrats Jerry and crew🙌

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