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Hello golfers free golf lesson under 1 minute are you a slicer well I’ve got the perfect answer for you so when you’re playing golf if you’re slicing you’re usually number one your Club face is open to the shaft okay and number two your path is slightly to the left so

We’re going to eliminate those two by taking the club back creating a hands in Arc and when I get to the top of the Swing I’m going to feel like I do a little motorcycle move here with my left hand so I go ahead and bow that left

Wrist you can see how that closes the face I’m going to come a little bit more from the inside when I get down to P6 that face is closed to the shaft faces closes the shaft face closes your shaft face closes the shaft so we’re going to

Go ahead and hit a shot like that getting rehearsed take it to top feel a little motorcycle on the way down nice high draw I’ll take it every day do that I know you’re not going to slice anymore I’ll see you on the course

1 Comment

  1. Tiger uses the clock method… not for nothing if youre a new golfer use the vlock method for learning how to swing and attributing power with different clubs… for example is sandwedge he would bring to 10 oclock

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