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Hey y’all welcome back to the channel thank you guys for joining for another video today I’ve been wanting to make this video for quite a while but I didn’t really know how to execute it and how to make it and how to actually make it informational for you guys while

Still keeping it short and sweet so it’s actually helpful so couple things about putting I want to be a better putter if you clicked on this video you want to be a better putter it’s a lot about how you’re holding it and the actual putter you choose believe it or not not from

This close to this basket which is three steps away it doesn’t matter I could putt with my actual disc golf bag and probably make it but once you start getting further and further out and the disc has to show its characteristic you need to match that with your putting

Style and then you have a good match so you don’t want to if you’re a a push Putter and you want to putt it super high you don’t want to putt with a super overstable disc like maybe a judge isn’t the best disc for you now if you’re Eric

McCabe and you spit in the Putt and you want to almost have a flex line on your putt maybe the judge is great for you but first and foremost when you’re gripping the disc one of the main things that I think people get wrong and brri

Was kind of the same way is that people think that holding it like this or this is like what the pros do or what the great Putters do because that’s maybe how you see the picture of it in our hand or in people’s hand is fingers look

Like they’re super spre out on the bottom and that’s what someone like Ricky would teach is like you know put your fingers out and pop them but at the end of the day I’ve puted with Ricky for I’m not going to say hundreds of hours but tens of hours I’ve talked to

Ricky a lot about putting and I’ve watched him putt thousands of putts and he has he gets to the bottom and then his fingers end up like this on the bottom of the plate here to where this is what he would think he’s doing this is what’s actually happening so what

That does is curling your fingers like that allows you to use these pads of your fingers to actually Spin and Propel the disc because if you hold it like this for one your wrist isn’t as mobile as it could or should be and then if you hold it like

This then your wrist is loose light and you’re using these pads of these fingers in your wrist to actually pop the disc so what else that creates if you are a pushy putter spin putter is a lot different and I’m not even going to try to talk about that cuz I don’t fool

Understand why or what happens so my take on this PT wobble if you go watch my pixel Simon line video I think that my putt was super wobbly in that video because the putter was so much deeper so I have the glitch out here today to show

You that obviously these discs are not the same depth and this disc is much much deeper on the bottom um cuz obviously the flight plate of this pen r from ev7 is thicker so going here and holding this disc so my fingers either want to be way out there where I was

Saying is not good or like too tight for putting with it so it because the it’s deeper so my finger the depth of my hand changes because of how deep or I mean if the putter was super super shallow right you’d hold it like this your your hand

Wouldn’t have room to kind of get and curl those fingers so when you’re picking a putter or you have Putters at home and you have maybe 10 or 15 options that you don’t know which one you like or you hate them all go out go grab them off the shelf

And just kind of put it in your hand and kind of feel like this would be your grip wherever you put this front finger I don’t MC Beth does this I mean the front finger is very personal but I think to H be a great Putter and all the

Great Putters I’ve ever seen and been around and played against they’ve all held it in this way where even if they start like this or they tell you whatever the only person person I’ve really seen that I have personally seen with my own eyes that doesn’t do that is

Simon and he tucks his pinky um but he has a much more spin putt than you know what I’m really talking about so I’m not saying this is the golden rule or this is the only way to do it correctly because that’s simply not true but number one finding a putter that fits

Your stroke or or a putter profile putter flight uh maybe it could be the ev7 Penrose maybe it could be the pure maybe it could be you know whatever putter kind of is going to do the flight or the trajectory and have the Glide you

Want and then once you narrow it down to those Putters and what those might do then it would be a good time in order to try to find one that has the depth you like because there’s 20 straight Putters that all have I mean you have a dagger

That’s this deep and then you have you know a putt and approach AVR that’s you know this deep so and they’re both straight so once you find out the profile of putter you need and like and fits your Str stroke the best then you need to find the depth that fits best

And when we’re talking about depth or picking that like I said I’d like to see you guys be here and this is how I line up my putt there my putting grip doesn’t change and when I grab it till when I let go and it looks like that that’s

What’s comfortable that’s what allows me to pop it and I think that that’s why typically when I’m putting well my putt isn’t very wobbly and again there’s nothing wrong with wobble if you’re a inherent wobbler I mean own Scoggin J reading two of the best Putters probably ever um wobble it but

Then you have people like Ricky who can just stand there and launch it from 70 ft but it’s because without even knowing it he’s using these tips of his fingers here in order to propel the disc and use his wrist and those fingers in order to

Do this motion to sling it cuz if your hand is like this flat it’s very hard to get those same fingers engaged so one other thing just a drill that I’ve always done um and when I’m playing my best disc golf or I’m really grinding and get ready for a tournament or an

Event or a season is to just set up a little what I call a gate drill here so go to a spot where you think you maybe couldn’t miss maybe that’s 10 ft for you 15 20 maybe you’re a great Putter and it’s 30t but I want you to make like 10

In a row really nice putts not hit the rim and go in not hit left side chains and drop in like where go to a distance where you feel like you make a nice solid smooth stroke and hit right dead center on the pole you know within

Reason I don’t know 10 or 15 times and make that again the range that you’re most comfortable and you can do that and then go to the range that you’re pretty comfortable but still like would scare you if you’re playing League or a tournament so for me these distances are

Probably like 25 ft where I feel like 10 out of 10 I will should and could make it and then 30 ft where it’s like okay I should make this I probably will make it but it’s a little more nerve-wracking then you get out to 35 37 ft where I’ve

Made a lot of them I’ve missed a lot of them and that’s what I want to work on so but you’re able I kind of got this drill actually from elego McMahon he said if you make it from there then you can make it from here and it really made

Me a better putter just thinking about it like that like you can make it from 25t every time dead center on the pole then moving back five feet it’s not even a different putt so what it’s going to do is it’s going to train you how to

Actually do these things and how to actually be confident and controlled in your putting even though you might be at a range that you don’t typically like to see when you have one putt but going from 25 to 30 or you know 15 to 20 really that same putt that hits dead

Center from the first one is going to probably go in on the second one so I like to come out here or at the course wherever and kind of just maybe I don’t put the disc down like I did here but this is just for demonstration and put

Like I said 25 footer 30f footer 35 even sometimes I’ll go out to 40 feet a little bit because for me I do that jump putt so 35 37 it’s really the same thing and it doesn’t have to be precise you could come out here and just throw three

Putters you know in varying distances and Putt from there the one thing I like to do is get your confidence up watch it go in trust it going in back up to a spot where you’re nervous and and again you don’t have to make all 10 that you

Know I’m not expecting anybody to make 10 30 Footers in a row and just until you’re confident get your stroke down until you feel at least like you’re putting good move on the Putter and then maybe even go back to the first one get some more confidence and then go to that

Your back furthest spot and then just feel how it feels and Putt and again what this is going to do also is it’s going to help you kind of mess with your grip it’s going to help you maybe pick a putter cuz maybe a putter that you are

Thinking I want to make all my 25 Footers so you’re picking your putter for this spot but from here it’s too stable so you have to putt it way out to the right or you have to you know put it too hard so overall what this is going

To do is going to teach you what your putting stroke really feels like when it’s grooving well it’s going to make you a better putter because you’re practicing and getting the feeling of the making these and then three it’s going to show you where your putter or

Your putting stroke might lack so from 40 ft I’m not a very good standstill putter I know that thankfully we’re allowed to jump putt or push putt or whatever you want to call it step putt but I know from 40 ft if I couldn’t jump or step or whatever that the chances of

Me making it go down now thankfully my range is outside the circle where I don’t have to do that but if you’re if you’re feeling like you can’t get the putter to the basket or you’re having a tough time from 30 ft where you can’t jump putt or you can’t utilize the other

Rules of the game then maybe it’s time to get a more glidey putter or you know change your putting stroke a little bit so overall grip pick the correct putter for your stroke and what you’re doing not the one your friends are using not the one I’m using not the one Simon’s

Using unless you think those fit you the best then do this drill and again what it’s going to do more confidence obviously more practice you’re going to be a better Putter and it’s going to kind of show you where your putter or where your grip or where your stroke

Really starts to kind of lose you and where you actually need to work on the most and hopefully you can start moving this drill back back and back and end up being a really great putter with a drill that really shouldn’t take you all that

Long I want to thank you guys for tuning in sorry this was more of a talking video didn’t really demonstrate much but hopefully you can listen this in your car driving to work or whatever be safe hope you guys have a great new year thank you guys for tuning in I’ll see

You in the next one


  1. Has anyone brought up rheumatoid arthritis being an issue? My index and middle fingers are slightly bent laterally away from my thumb and I have some hyper mobility and I think these two things make it tough to consistently grip. Any advice for someone like myself?

  2. Need to explore someone who is a spin putter…I would love some good advice and tips😂😂😂

  3. Good point on stability. Recently I switched from the P2 to the P1 and the glide has saved me many strokes.

  4. Putter selection is very important. Some good tips. Luna is my goto. Glitch comes out depending on the shot. Testing the Watt currently, partly in thanks to your videos.

  5. Icon Penrose all day for me. Switched from the soft plastic penrose to the icon medium penrose and man. I love how predictable my putts are now. Thanks for the video Drew!! 🤙🏽💯

  6. Drew do you have any tips on how to putt less nose down as a push putter? What can I do to help get the disc flatter? I also have smaller hands, any recommendations for a shallower putter that still has a little glide to it?

  7. Great video. Imo it also depends if your a hyzer putter or flat putter. Personally I putt with the watt. But I have a natural hyzer release. So for my mental stance I have to hold it in a anny angle so when I release I release flat. But that's me.

  8. Dude, the amount of free and great info you give out for free is insane. Looking back, I don't think anyone's made a bigger impact on my game than you. Thanks Drew

  9. Great advice! I have a noticeable threshold around 28 ft that when I putt, my mechanics change. At 25 im about 70 to 80 percent with 90 percent metal hits. Moving back that 3 feet, I drop to 40 to 50 percent with 70 percent metal. (This is in calm conditions)Im usually missing left or short. At 28 and beyond, I have to think about the putt more, widen my stance just a tad, and drive off my back leg. I'm working on it but don't have it down quite yet.

  10. I'm hoping all the tips you've put out will help my game too. Haven't played in like a month & got 5 new discs that I can't wait to throw. Living in Kentucky been to wet lately.

  11. thanks for the video. hopefully you can put these principals into practice and become known as a decent putter for once.

  12. Thats one of the dangerous parts about some people who are coaching.

    What they are saying to do, what they are doing, and what you should actually be doing. It just gets … bad.

    Been messing around with high speed camera and finding out some really interesting stuff. Just… bit cold to make the video's yet.

  13. The thing that made it click for me was Kevin Jones during a practice round saying, "I cant get my pinch point" when trying to putt during a wet round. That pinch point is super pivotal for me getting spin on my putts. That quote and then finding my most common error, not finishing palm up, has helped my putting an absolute ton.

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