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Playing General Manager with the Miami Marlins

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Let’s end with the Miami Marlins uh kind of flipping back into a a pepy note um the Marlins their 20123 payroll was just over 100 Mil at $105.4 million right now their estimated 2024 payroll is 108 million and you could say hey like they had some guys come off the books yes but

Josh Bell has owed a lot of money that he wasn’t owed by Miami last year he was owed that by Cleveland last year um they’re still paying ABI Garcia notable transactions before we get into it they HED Peter Bendix as the president of baseball operations after the Marlins

And Kim a parted ways they did decline 10 and a half mil on Johnny quo so they got out from under that they exercised three and a half mil on John birdie Jorge Solair declined 9 mil the ex or Josh Bell exercised 16 and a half for himself they

Non-tendered their starting catcher SLB backup catcher Jacob Stallings and Garrett hamson and then they turned into the Rays they acquired Vidal bruhan and Calvin fosche for Eric Lara Jake bangam Andrew Lindsay they purchased Christian Beth and Court from Cleveland former Ray and they purchased rodary Muno from the

Pirates Muno is starting pitching depth pretty much like double a triaa arm um that’s where we stand right now and we’re going to walk through position by position what do you want to warn Marlin’s fans about before we get into this last year wasn’t a step in the right direction

Um that’s that’s the thing I I want to warn last year was a fun opportunity to I think enjoy some winning baseball but unfortunately the lack of of steady Direction the turnover in the front office and the fact that it’s a small Market team is GNA Force Peter Bendix and the

Marlins new front office which I actually really like I like the group that they have there I actually thought adding adding cap to the fold there was great I I like the group that they have there and I think that this is the first time where I actually somewhat believe

In the Marlins Direction in terms of like we’re still waiting to see what that direction will be concretely but I have an idea I have an inkling of what it’s going to be and it’s going to suck for maybe a year year and a half maybe

Two but I do think that there is finally something that is going to be built from the ground up instead of this shaky Foundation oh we we caught lightning in a bottle let’s try to you know repaint the walls and and and get you know hurricane proof windows and all this

Good stuff but the base is about to fall apart and and when you look at it through this lens like Kim a did a lot of good things we focus on the big moves right it was great to go get Josh Bell and great to go get uh you know a burger

In in terms of burger that really helped them I think to for for the next several years Bell was a win now move right yeah if you look at this team if they want to operate like the Rays tell me when you will ever see the Rays have this many

Arbitration guys you can’t te teams like the Rays can’t operate that way so the reason why being this deep into arbitration with a bunch of players is tough is it adds up real quick and if you’re the Rays or a team adjacent to you can find I’d say replacement level

Players or slight above or or even a little bit more than that for cheaper than what they’re going to cost in ARB 3 and that’s why we we hear the Rays potentially moving a Randy rosand potentially moving other guys like you look at the Marlins these are all of the

Guys that they have that will will be in either ARB one or two going into to this coming season you’ve got Christian Bon Court who they acquired in ARB two you’ve got Tanner Scott in ARB three you got Lis arise in AR two you’ve got JT Shaga in arm two you’ve got wizardo

Entering arbitration you’ve got AJ Puck entering arbitration you got Stephen o CT entering arbitration you’ve got Trevor Rogers entering arbitration you have JZ Chisum entering arbitration and then you also have uh Anthony Bender entering arbitration Jesus Sanchez as well entering arbitration this is important because even in ARB one you

Are now making double what you were making before and if you were really good sometimes more than that right Lardo is gonna make estimated six mil in ARB this year Tanner Scott in ARB 3 could make upwards of six mil so that adds up yes it’s a great deal for for a

Young controllable player you focus on the three or four guys that you love and you’re like okay those are our guys but you don’t want to be paying you know a couple million dollars to AJ pucking AR you don’t want to be paying six million as good as Tanner Scott’s been you

Cannot as a team allocate the resources that way that’s why the Rays became Geniuses at identifying players who throw from different arm angles and optimizing this unique Bullpen that they were never paying ARB guys it was never it was always cheap cheap guys so they probably look at a Tanner Scott they’re

Like man that could be you know money that goes towards another position and we’ll just go find someone like Tanner Scott hopefully we might miss on a few but we’ll eventually find one so that’s where I’ll lead first but I wanted to start with I think Kim a you know not

With the lack of experience was so focused on preserving her job that she didn’t kind of think ahead here and think okay my hands are tied with the ABI Garcia contract um I I also didn’t mention the fact that John birdie pretty much you know that they kind of forwent

Arbitration but he’s another technical ARB guy at 3.6 million and I think she didn’t really think ahead and say when all of these guys enter arbitration the amount of money that their contracts are cumulatively going to rise is going to be basically all of the money that I had

To spend on another free agent so now with the same exact team I just lost basically any Financial flexibility that I had and again I also am not mentioning the fact that they have a bunch of other guys that are going to be entering ARB

Next year too um so like get ready for that so that’s the interesting spot that the Marlins are in in a long-winded nature yeah no I your spot on like the the way that that adds up I think people don’t really account for where it’s like oh you have all these guys

Under team control yeah but team control is expensive for small Market teams yep in the back half at Team control um you know we want to we want to act like you know getting to free agency is the Holy Grail and it is the Holy Grail getting

To arbitration is the First Holy Grail yeah and guys that’s where guy’s Lifestyle Changes yes that’s where a guy can actually go buy buy his mom that car and and you know if they’re not a big signing bonus guy like taner Scott going into this year his lifestyle is gonna

Change the guy was making the minimum you know and and and that’s where it’s really cool to see but also if if 12 guys lifestyles are changing and the Marlins are scraping for pennies uh yeah it’s going to be a little tough yeah um all right the catching situation Nick fores Christian

Beth cour Paul McIntosh is the third option are we going to get better no no you want to keep it that way oh well like oh well again I’m trying to operate how I think they’re going to operate I think they got better I think they did what they’re gonna do

Christi yeah I I mean dude I thought that catching tandem was arguably the worst in in the sport I like Nick fortez as a backup he’s a good defensive catcher he’s one of the best blockers you know you got and Benton court now can swing it a little bit better and

Obviously Bendix likes him that’s why they went out and got him and don’t think he’s going to be worse than what they got from Jacob Stallings last year so they got better in that position that’s fine and cheaper the the best case scenario I think for the Marlins

Would be hey you can move some of these pieces for maybe a catching Prospect right because there’s minimal coming through um obviously Ivon Herrera is talk about Holy Grail like that is that’s the pot at the end of the rainbow like you would love to go acquire Ivon

Herrera doesn’t seem like he’ll be available other names that jump to my mind were Brian laesa and Dylan dingler like would you have interest in either of those guys yeah I think that I would I think the tigers are probably going to hold on to him and he’s a 40-man guy so

You know it would be they’d have to get creative there but they could swap 40 guy for 40 guy yeah um I would love that I just I think they’re gonna focus elsewhere because again it’s it’s you think about what Peter Bendix has done with the Rays they never go get that

Impactful catcher it’s another asset I think that they feel as though when you go out and get it a catcher you’re often going to pick more than the market value um whether it be financially or or in a trade so and and in turn most of those guys don’t translate as prospects you

Know the way that you know some other positions do got you uh first base Josh Bell arise Troy Johnson his backup plan you’re good with it fantastic second base arise Vidal bruhan and Xavier Edwards fine with it I think fantastic if that the latter two are playing second not shortstop all right

So short stop your options are John birdie Fidel bruhan Xavier Edwards Tristan gray and Jacob Amaya Tristan gray was an awesome minor league free agent signing you don’t want any of those guys being an everyday short stop so what shortstop are you gonna go get

Okay answer this for me it is there a worse shortstop situation in the sport uh now that the bra or now that the Red Sox have a healthy story no like the yuchang Pablo Rees Bobby dobeck thing was way worse yeah that was that was worse that was real bad I don’t know

If there’s another one this bad what are the Angels oh Netto no that’s bad no yeah there is not a worst shortstop situation in the entire sport there isn’t there just you could look at the the Giants but again i’ I’d rather take a flyer on Marco Luciano and throw Casey

Schmidt out there even than than Xavier Edwards and just because I don’t don’t think that he can do it defensively I think the bat could be fun contact wise but you know it’s obviously just a work in progress like I don’t and I don’t know how much progress there’s gonna be

Defensively I’m gonna be like this is be my longest GM episode I’m gonna try to keep it short so just reain me in here Jack yeah you’re good I am gonna say I am gonna say uh Oakland like they’re supposed to start Daryl or nias right

Now dude I would I would stas over any of these guys really over I swear to you I swear to you because Xavier Edwards apparently had been dealing with some arm issues like getting that healthy trying to throw at we’ll see how it looks if he can throw better now then

It’s a different story but his arm is far too inaccurate and far too short to play a shortstop then Vidal bruhan I don’t think is a great defender he’s had a great winter league but Ern is like he’s young he’s swapped in that Cole Irving deal from from the Orioles he can

Put badat on ball he’s fast he I like the defense and like more than the other two here and he hasn’t really failed like BR bruhan has and and I think again you can actually play the position a little bit better than Xavier Edwards I’d probably give her an eyes is a not

But like regardless the thing that frustrates me the most and and I think another reason why the Marlins had to kind of clean house here is you know Kim a wanted to retain uh reportedly wanted to retain their head of drafting and DJ cilic and I mean just look at what

They’ve done if they didn’t just whiff over the last few four years they’re probably in a much better situation right now and Brooks Le could be that short stop so you I don’t want to digress too far but I you got to make a trade I don’t think they do but like who

Out there is going to give you a shortstop Prospect for one of your pitchers or or a reliever like that’s that’s my thing or or a young shortstop like who’s gonna give you a short stop really in exchange for Edward Cabrera or Tanner Scott because those are when we

Get to the rotation of the bullpen those are the two names that I would prefer to move and I’ll and I’ll make my my case why yeah do you think there’s a world where the Pirates think about giving you Lee over pagero no I don’t know may like maybe I

Guess but why would they you know they might as well see it through he’s young yeah he’s talented um you know I’m done talking about the Orioles they’re never gonna do anything they’re just gonna keep winning norol you know Triple A championships and that’s all they care about um the

Giants makees sense like but if you go get a Casey Schmidt I I love as a person and I do think he’s a good player how much of a guaranteed upgrade is that over what you’ve got I I do think he’s better but that’s not worth

You know parting with an asset the the obvious obvious obvious answer to me is Ezekiel Durant but I feel like the Rangers may be hesitant to to part with Duran uh and and that’s where it’s tough that might be the trade I try to force forward here because I think it makes

The most sense and and that’s a win now team that would put a lot of stock in a in a Tanner Scott you know I don’t know if they’ve been tied to Josh ha and I’m not comparing Tanner Scott to Josh herter but if you if you have to deal

With Josh hater who you know won’t pitch back-to-back days who won’t go you know more than three outs and also wants an Edwin Diaz deal or you can get tanner Scott you know at 5.86 million yeah you’re gonna take that every day of the week and the Marlins look tanner Scott’s

By far their best Lefty but they also have Andrew nardy they also have AJ Puck they also have Stephen o Kurt all those guys were really useful for them last year you know up and down but still very useful I think you can part with a

Tanner Scott here and and you got to look at what teams can you know would have interest in a reliever that’s kind of far along in the control it’s got to be Ezekiel Duran um and I’m not sure if there’s any on any other team that really matches up that well unless you

Go look at the Yankees with a pza um or or something like that yeah I mean pza is like kind of the big ticket one the the two teams that I kind of went to were Arizona and Cleveland does Arizona want to clear the runway for Lawler and

Move Perdomo like Pomo clearly provided a ton of value for Arizona I just don’t know maybe they’re looking at Heraldo Pomo internally and saying we we got as much out of Pomo as we possibly could or maybe Baltimore is looking at Jorge Mato as that kind of guy like we got as much

Out of Mato as we possibly could and I know Mato has offensive struggles hell I know Pomo as offensive struggles Mato is a platinum glove level Short Stop Pomo like clearly be an everyday Short Stop he was an All-Star last year a good one but an everyday short stop yeah I think

So the other one is Cleveland like Gabrielle Arius is getting phased out are they ever gonna give rokio a fair shot Tyler Freeman like that guy’s a big leager it seems um anel Martinez do you do you buy low on that guy how about Juan Breo do you think I loveo 100

Prospect yeah yeah they’re in an interesting spot too um and do they have an interest in an Edward Cabrera or one of those types guys maybe they wouldn’t have interest in Scott as much um I think those are all great options and I just think Arizona could have interest

In Tanner Scott and they could see Heraldo Pomo as the price they could they they could also see you know I think Pomo as the insurance policy if Lawler isn’t ready Lawler did kind of look a little overmatched at times last year I love him I think you know you

Love him more than anybody and I think he’s going to be great but he he might have some growing paints next year very young and if that’s the case then you know they need a short stop so I think they end up hey we we got to stick with

At least the safe option in Pomo I think you pushed you push it Forward I think those are all great options but most likely to to work I’m looking at the Rangers financial situation and you know yes they’re they’re not you know crying poor but you know at some point they’re

Going to have to look at the financial situation and say okay maybe we can’t be in on on a top relever and if you’re not I do think they need a high leverage Lefty Brock Burke like kind of hit a wall right I mean you don’t really have

Any other Lefty in that Bullpen um I think what is it Jake and I don’t know anything about him uh they need another high leverage arm it’s it’s l clerk it’s spores it’s Kirby Yates and then who and all those are righties Tanner Scott going the other

Way Duran’s kind of blocked SL like super utility for them right now do what do do the Marin have to add anything on top to to to get an Ezekiel Duran I think they B they add like a high guy I I see that as you know fly

Not flyer because I I do think you need to add like a high a regular I’m just going to go I’m going to go to the roster resource and pluck somebody for you and this is you know like totally off the cuff but like could you part

With a a Cody Morris set type like Tanner Scott and Cody Morrisette for yeah you would do it right yeah yeah for Durant I think that gets it done yeah that’s fine with me okay cool there it is Ezekiel Duran you are a Miami Marlin um Third Base Jake Burger

Good with it Outfield Jazz Brian De La Cruz Jesus Sanchez you still gota pay AI Garcia pton berdick danne Meers Victor Mesa Jr Griffin con like there are options there I think they just run out what they have yes I always throw Griffin conine in there I love it

No I would say I hope I hope that the team loses 100 games I hope they they fire sale everybody and they’re going to have the prom in September like Mr Marlon Jr makes his debut um that that’s what I’m that’s what I’m gearing up for this year that’s that’s my only agenda

In this GM episode is get Griffin conine and right in September of 2024 this should be the first year run for Victor Mesa Jr though I’m excited to see what what where they where they go with him because I still think he’s probably one of the most talented young outfielders

But yeah when you look at the Outfield situation I think Sanchez could be moved because he’s a guy that’s going to be entering ARB he’s coming off a really good year uh relatively speaking could be a platoon bat but let’s keep him just for the sake of like

Sure hey the Marlin should go out there and try to be fairly competitive and I also think ran de L Cruz is not an everyday outfielder I think he’s a platoon bat so I this is where I’d like to go sign somebody I would and I think

They will sign somebody like a human I don’t think pton berck can hit at the big league level um who’s out there for less than 10 million aav that we can go get in the Outfield um less than 10 might I throw you because the interesting thing is when you trade a

Tanner Scott here and that’s why I love the move is I love Tanner Scotty’s one of my favorite like players that the Mars have had in a little bit but you clear up about five million to go allocate towards an outfielder in addition to answering your shortstop

Problem so I would add more prospects even if even if it’s an overpaying a vacuum i’ do it in two seconds because clear up some more cash do it yeah is Aaron Hicks less than 10 oh God yes I mean you say oh God but like I

Mean is Will my’s less than 10 mil he can’t play The Outfield anymore unfortunately I don’t think but yes is I mean like a Janowski janowski’s like I think that’s not a bad fit because Janowski is probably gonna want to play ball right like he’s not going to want to be a

Fourth outfielder somewhere else like he just did that at on on a World Series team like he got it right I I I don’t hate the Janowski move um it just that’s so Marlin’s honestly um which is why it probably works Bader yeah do you want do you want another righty hitter

Like Janowski is a left-handed bat that’s my thing like if if Brian De La Cruz is a right-handed bat that is a platoon hitter don’t you want a lefty yeah he’s he’s spelling the the left-handed at bats from from uh Sanchez who legitimately can’t face a lefty um

Yeah yeah I guess You’ go with Travis Janowski okay Michael a Taylor South Florida kid but you know his value comes from the glove and if you’re putting jazz in Center then that’s that so yeah Travis Janowski welcome to the squad wow how about it man one Homer last year in

287 plate appearances good stuff yeah really exting rotation lazardo Yuri Braxton Garrett Cabrera Trevor Rogers you got Max Meyer coming off the shelf it’ll be interesting weathers Brian hoing did a decent job as a fill in too sy’s out the entire year you you probably subtract one of these in a

Trade right Cabrera that would be criminal if they moved Lizardo criminal The more I’ve thought about it the more I’ve sat on it I’m like that would be so dumb for them to move I get it I get it from a business standpoint because you know he’s further along in ARB he’s

Coming off of a phenomenal year and and you know in a market where people don’t want to spend what they’re going to have to spend to go get somebody like imaga is gonna cost you 100 Mil go get a Lardo and you don’t have to owe him much at

All it’s criminal because look I know that you the Rays have never operated with feelings and that’s how that’s how you know ultimately Bruce Sherman wants to operate Lardo is a HomeTown kid Lardo is one of the best him and Sandy are two of the best faces of this franchise in

Terms of engaging with the community going out and doing things wizardo is a dieh hard South Florida sports fan he is at every other sporting event um always like taking the opportunity to be like the Marlins representative he does local camps he does all these different things

He grew up a Marlins fan 954 which is the area cod of my phone number that’s on his glove like this guy is begging to stay in New York in Florida as far as I as I see it you know in terms of obviously he’s going to go get his money

Wherever he can get his money as anybody should but I wouldn’t be shocked if wardo and this is based on nothing but wouldn’t be shocked if he was willing to take a little less with no with no state tax and being able to stay home close to

His family the dude still lives in Parkland where he went to high school where he grew up where his family is where his friends are that’s important to him and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that since he came to South Florida he’s turned into the pitcher

That we always thought he could be so you know again I know that’s that’s the Nuance that sometimes gets thrown to the Wayside when you have to operate like a small Market team but man extend losardo it’s not going to cost you anything crazy backload it who cares you

Can trade him if you really want when he’s established and and 30 but that like I understand he brings you in the biggest Hall but if you can go get your starting shortstop with a with a Tanner Scott and add a little bit more and then

Go trade an Edward Cabrera to to refill the the farm system up a little bit don’t move losardo that’s your deao Ace this coming year I know people love Yuri but big game I’m I’m giving the ball to Lardo and Lardo Yu braaton I still think Trevor Rogers like that’s a name that

People probably want to float I don’t trade him because one one million doll two he’s good man he just has not been healthy I do think he can bounce back and at the very least be a low fours guy and G Meyer is a five dude I think

Meyer’s better than Edward Cabrera in terms of if you go over the course of an entire season like I think Edward’s gonna better blips Meer over the course of an entire season I think is I know he’s coming off TJ but more likely to stay healthy I think more likely to

Throw strikes and not have blowup outings yeah just more Innings lower ra sign me up I think Meer is going to be ready to go he’s already adjusting his pitch mix he’s working on some things to to be able to make the fastball better ship Edward out of town man I know what

He can be we’ve known what he can be for a while and I don’t know if he can be that for two reasons when you have the command compounding the injury concern I’m good like cash in there’s a lot of teams that it’s worth a shot for

Them but I think for the Marlins this is a spot to go get some prospects name a team dude I’ll take any prospects in return I I know that the Marlins had have had deals on on the table you know going back to last year you know

Potentially with the Red Sox for Trevor Rogers I know that they’ve discussed Edward Cabrera with the Red Sox in the past um that seems to make some sense now as the Red Sox maybe seek another arm um is that is like Edward Cabrera swap for a couple prospects but I I just

Don’t I don’t know what I don’t know what his value is I have no freaking clue is is rafhaela the price because that takes care of the shortstop position I think rafhaela would be an overpay I think rafhaela would be an overpay for Cera rafhaela would be a

Good move for for Rogers which you I think is it was vaguely something along the lines of what could have been on the table um you know in the past and I wouldn’t want to I wouldn’t want to move Rogers just yet because you could get a

Haul for him even if he’s a low fours guy with the years of control that he has at 26 years old last year was a lost year for him it was his non-throwing arm that he ended up you know wiping him out for the rest of the season so I think

George Sano can be stretched out too by the way that guy threw phenomenally down the stretch Sinker baller heavy stuff good throw strikes I’d i’ rather see him thrown into the rotation and and move Edward cab for some prospects if Meer isn’t ready so I would I would dump

Edward for prospects we even have to say what the exact trade is or we just say we dumped him for prospects like dumped him for prospects I’ll just trust I would pick two prospects that I like you know just just trust me on that I guess

And I trust Peter Bendix on that I will say yeah and if you do subtract Tanner Scott I think you have a closer in Waiting in Anthony Maldonado and if Maldonado is not on the opening day roster I think I might Riot like this guy is so ridiculously ready he’s so

Ready his slider is disgusting I mean he’s ready to go and nardy too like N I trust nardy and high leverage that guy they threw him in miserable he’d be in Bases Loaded nobody out every time every single time oh we’re in we’re in a jam

Nardy come on hey I I think he’s fine I think I think the difference between kiring and Maldonado is not big I I I don’t disagree like I do think malado can be there and then don’t forget Anthony Bender like he was really good in 21 and 22 he was out with uh

Tommy John surgery he’ll be back next year like he has really good stuff so that’s another high leverage arm I’d move Scott in a second so you go at your shortstop you dump Cabrera for some prospects to replenish the farm you use that a little bit of the savings to go

Whatever go get Jen kowsky I think you could aim maybe a little bit higher but yeah um maybe a Kyle Lewis um I think Lewis fits in really well with them and and yeah I would like to see them go get a Lewis too but that’s probably that’s probably

About it like would you rather have Randall gruk or Janowski Janowski okay so we’ll go Janowski Kyle Lewis okay nice um and then we dump Edward for prospects yeah and we trade Scott for do we want to do Pomo no I like I like the Duran because I think the Rangers really

Need him Duran okay uh all right so the team that we have constructed now uh Nick fortez Christian Beth andc Court are the catchers Josh Bell you know arise Troy Johnson are the first baseman arise Vidal bruhan Xavier Edwards are at second you’ve got Ezekiel Durant at

Short Stop with birdie as backup you got bruhan and Edwards to play with as well Jake Berger at third Duran can be his backup The Outfield Jazz Jesus Sanchez Brian De La Cruz Travis Janowski um or or Kyle Lewis one of the two um then the rotation would be Lardo

Yuri Perez Braxton Garrett Trevor Rogers Max Meyer and the bullpen would be Andrew nardy AJ Puck shagwa Bender Sorano if sorano’s not starting some games um Anthony Maldonado brazoban like you got options yeah that’s a team that’s cheaper and it’s better yep and I’ll would say the the thing I try to do

In the Rangers deal is ship them pton bdick you know I think he could be a a emergency outfielder there great power bat that we love that we’re willing to throw in you’ll love them in the PCL um they don’t really have any any outfielders at the triaa level you know

Of course they’re going to have Wyatt lenford but I think he makes the ball club and you know they’ve got it’s four three non-roster invitees projected in the Triple A Outfield so go take berdick maybe you can fix him help him hit some more you know make some more contact UM

And then the Marlins fill that spot with Kyle Lewis Don bigan big fan all right we’ve already kept you for a little over an hour so uh thank you guys very much we’ll be back with Walker beer tomorrow um and some New Year’s resolutions from arm and Peter which will be uh exciting

I do think every link you need is in the episode description and happy New Year folks we’ll talk to you tomorrow


  1. Would love to hear your feedback, for the tanner scott trade (btw I’m a rangers fan) and I love Scott for Duran straight up, but as a fan who liked seeing the marlins success, and the rangers lack of depth in the starting rotation to start the season, I would love to see Edward Cabrera in the trade and the rangers then throw in foscue, and possibly a kumar rocker?? Not sure if I’m being bias and fleecing the marlins or over valuing Edward here, but would love to hear feedback, another awesome show though!!!

  2. I’m sorry but if you can’t afford 6 mil for a serviceable pitcher like Scott, then how the hell are you suppose to compete with the Phillies? There’s a reason why they got absolutely crushed in the wild card. IF they’re lucky enough to make it that far again You’ll NEVER win with a small market strategy. The rays are a unicorn

  3. im sorry im gonna have to disagree with you about Bryan De La Cruz. 19HR 78 RBI is not a platoon batter, his defense is not the greatest. But that kind of a production in your 2nd full year at age 27 is not a bat you sit on the bench righty or lefty. He has earned his spot in the lineup.

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