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ReliaQuest Bowl: Wisconsin Badgers vs. LSU Tigers | Full Game Highlights

ReliaQuest Bowl: Wisconsin Badgers vs. LSU Tigers | Full Game Highlights
Check out these highlights from the ReliaQuest Bowl, where the LSU Tigers pull off the comeback to claim a 35-31 victory over the Wisconsin Badgers.

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And he threw that with authority 12 y pickup back to the air again is morai and he’s got a man open and then ping again big play for the Badgers and they are in business players were just trying to do too much got themselves out of position here’s morai again Under

Pressure throwing to the end zone touchdown Bryon [Applause] green wow and he’s on that right side he gets locked up with a safety and gets to the corner they’re playing him very very far off there’s an easy quick throw out there if they want it nus me looking over the middle he’s

Got the tight end Taylor he’s across m Midfield and he’s in Badger territory you know he is getting such great protection watch 27 Josh Williams this that’s pass protection you get a linebacker coming and he Stones him right at the line of scrimmage they give it to Williams

Williams tripped up behind the line of scrimmage CT Neil playing for rhol Johnson great history of running the ball at Wisconsin El Break It Loose it’s Pauling pauling’s going to take it to the crib touchdown wi scotson Junior out of shown you see the fake run there and you saw that morai

Pulled it out and just hit the slant and Miss tackles I mean that that is not designed to be a touchdown but the the Miss tackles opened it up hey how about how about morai nus throwing back shoulder to Kiren Lacy from the Badgers 24 to the outside Taylor Taylor breaks a

Tackle and he’s brought down they’re going to mark it at the six Jack in the back field and that is Harold Perkins Jr second Effort 60 yards they do it in three minutes you know what need a TD go to your linebacker linebacker has won 21 straight games when they’ve led by 14 points at any point in the game the only time they blown that kind of lead about four years ago in the Big 10

Championship game this is Vinnie Anthony he takes it out to the 30 as we take a look at the Bold challenge Cup standings second and one Yakami Yakami cross Midfield and forced out of bounds by Burns you have to pay attention to if you’re Wisconsin nus me looking for btj he’s got

Him Austin Brown makes the stop Brian Thomas Jr 18yd pickup let’s go back to this last play throwing on the move and what a d he’s got some arm strength Daniels and Garrett nesm I mean when he breaks the pocket he is looking to throw that ball down the field up the middle

Is Williams [Applause] nzme slings it out to Jackson Jackson inside the 15 that’s a load the tackle nus Meer hands it off Jackson wow he’s for real that’s a [Applause] touchdown watch it and he’s got at more speed than you think because he’s such a power back but

Man they put up their 14 points in the first quarter LSU’s responded flips it to akre shuffle pass akre up the middle and the Badgers are in business minute into the half pressure off the edge he escapes throws got a man caught inside the 10 it’s the fresh trench

Kahuna it’s a play after the play and they’re going fast here wow morai making the play looking throwing to the end zone got a man Back In The End Zone yes touchdown Pauling his second of the [Applause] afternoon and the throw to the back of the end zone he had to throw over

Defenders and Let It Drop in to Pauling man morai is putting on a show Pauling another one of those guys who transferred to Wisconsin from Cincinnati following their coach and he gets his first 100yd game 123 yards receiving five catches morai nus Meer steps up throwing over the middle picked off Ricardo

Hman this guy has more picks than anybody in college football make that number seven all the season the entire way hman is sitting back there he’s just watching it and he sees this and look at the break on the ball so Wisconsin can put more points on the

Board they got 30 seconds and two timeouts morai throwing to the sideline that’s what a catch the Freshman again What A Catch here’s Mory flushed out throwing cross the middle incomplete that’s Bryson Green again and he’s in Tiger territory yeah talking to coach fickle he said he really likes the

Way the offensive line is playing up front as you alluded to there rod and they’ve got some balance they just want to create more balance and more pressure defensively and how about AER you talking about that offensive line he takes it right to the crib and the Badgers have scored [Applause] again

To see it and cut it back little stretch play wash everything off to the left he sees the whole backside as a good running back would do using his vision and there you go late start bad angle on the back end by Andre Sam there’s a free

Safety no chance to get there but look at how they just washed everyone down to the left side and then AER saw it clearly and cut it back short passes primarily 11 yd catch that’s the biggest for Neighbors so far wo coming off that edge come flying in there is Hunter wers my

Goodness waiting on him haven’t seen neighbors yet here in the second half NM throwing looking for btj he’s got him touchdown [Applause] LSU L he got great protection oneon-one and we talked about these receivers from their own 34 number six Pauling the one guy LSU has to focus on pressure sacked and a flag FL FL nus me rolling throwing hits Williams Williams has got a first down driven out of

Bounds he had limped off a couple plays ago nus me throwing to the outside and was Chris Hilton Jr in yes touchdown Tigers come back come [Applause] back he’s trying to drop this in the bucket toward the end of The End Zone there hands on the ball right foot in

Yeah what close what a call by The Ref down there let me say something whoa pass yard game since midt nus now at 293 here’s the Freshman kekahuna he’s got track speed and he’s across the 40 two impediment or other challenges that they too can achieve greatness morai looking he’s got Bryson

Green he makes the catch at the W [Applause] first and goal for the Badgers they give it morcott keeping it and he is dropped by major [Applause] Burns kick is good and [Applause] Wisconsin inside hand off to Noah Kan that’s a first down and more you mentioned 2024 with nesm quarterback

He’s in the back field now he’s in the slot now in the slot bottom of your screen they give it to AER AER gets a block and he’s got a first down press man coverage looks like pressure coming as well they’ll send him morot throwing looking for the Freshman he’s got it TR

Kahuna against Wisconsin in his career morai steps up and sacked maai Wingo bertrams take his time try to pin him inside the five and he does just that wow as Pauling catches it at the two what what else can Pauling do you missed a heck of a game the best bowl

Game of the season so far nus Meer throwing got to God k Lacy Lacy breaks the tackle Lacy brought down at Midfield what a throw this all too high coverage drops it behind the corner and then the great move by Lacy this is your quarterback of

The future well it’s set up for right now NM going up top again looking for Hilton and he makes the catch wow and because when you draw up that defense that is not supposed to happen the receiver runs by him 43 yd two seconds on the play clock nus

Meer looking for Thomas he’s got him touchdown LSU let’s go back to that touchdown play outside waiting for the Inside Man to clear a little Zone coverage by Wisconsin but that that big body great Target just kind of shields off like positioning for a rebound Shields off the Defenders throw is on

Time hey he said get on the bus pay your fair and tell that driver that you’re headed to a Ellis you a fair shffle your feet morai to the outside back show of fade yes Bryson Green LSU 32 under a minute morai looking flush set on the field is AAR SC maai

Wingo they’ve got five guys there fourth and 25 morai Under Pressure he’s got to get rid of it fumbles the football I think this is an for what folks are going to see the rest of the day and night starting off Victory a victory starting off 2024 with an amazing reli Quest Bow so I Brea


  1. Let’s be real….LSU didn’t want to be there; but when the competitive juice start flowing, Wisconsin wasn’t even on our level….and to add more difficulty, our Heisman winning QB was not playing. GEAUX Tigers.

  2. The LSU fans acting like Wisconsin is weak is hilarious to me.

    This is a 7-5 Wisconsin team, having a bad past 2 years, yet absolutely punishing LSU in the trenches. Wisconsin has more bowl games and wins than LSU does the past 24 years… moral of the story, Leonard fornette was getting one arm tackled by TJ watt at Lambeau field… Wisconsin has literally one arm dragged your RBs… so no, they are not push overs.

  3. I’m very happy LSU won but we still need to get rid of Matt House cause this LSU defense has to get better and they never will under him

  4. Wisconsin is cooking, hopefully they’ll make a run to make their conference more interesting next year. My Tigers just need a good defense because I didn’t see much drop off on offense just a different style. Hellva game too!

  5. why is major burns always out of position? he's never where he needs to be and if he is he doesn't make the play

  6. Lots of respect to Wisconsin, a very proud program. They came to play, and play they did, but I can’t help but be proud of LSU for playing hard, especially on offense after losing their Heisman winning QB. Defense HAS to be fixed though.

  7. All of these Awakenbeerus comments? I find it hard to believe that most of those comments aren't from bots.

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