How to Hit The Ball Then The Turf | Complete Guide

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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If you struggle with chunk shots and you are in the right place I’m going to go over all the things that I see golfers do to prevent them from making ball then Turf contact I’m going to go through a drill for each one of them so this can

Be one of the last videos you’ll ever need to start helping you hit solid golf shots so first let’s talk about what you need to do in order to make ball first Contact what we have to understand is a concept of low point and what that means

Is the club Works down on an arc it reaches a bottom of the arc and then Works back up the bottom of that Arc is what’s referred to as the low point that low Point needs to be in front of the ball toward the target a few inches 3 to

Four inches somewhere in that range when they measured the pros that’s what they found was 3 to four inches of low Point uh and then it needs to be slightly below the ball right and what that’s going to allow us to do is that’s going

To allow us to come down hit ball and turf at the same time or ball then Turf right and then we’re going to start our divot there the middle of that divot is going to be the low point of the swing and then it’s going to come up out of

That ground right so what happens when I see golfer golfer struggle with this well first and I know this may seem trivial is ball position what I see golfers do is I see them put the ball position too far forward right and this is especially true when they’re hitting Fairway Woods long iron

Hybrids that sort of thing and you can imagine if this is the middle of my stance this alignment stick if I’m putting my ball here how difficult it would be to get the bottom of my swing over here I’d really have to kind of slide my hips way far forward that makes

It very very difficult to make ball first Contact you’re going to tend to hit the ground before the ball because your Club is going to bottom out here right and if you’re hitting up on the ball when it’s on the ground you’re going to chunk it you’re going to thin

It you’re going to top it because the ground is in the way so what we need to do is we need to have that ball position either in the middle or just forward of the middle of the stance so if this alignment stick represents the middle of

My stance I want to have this go through the back of the ball right if this is extending out so this is a very easy thing you can train at the driving range put the alignment stick down through the middle of your stance and you want to

Have that ball right just forward of of that stick or kind of where the stick’s going through it if you’re still struggling with chunk shots then it might be beneficial for you to have it more in the middle of your stance so that’s really going to help that in of

Itself is really going to help with the solid contact the next piece I want you to look at is your hips right and you can look at this on video what I want you to look at is if your hips are swaying too much generally when you look

At the best golfers in the world if you were to draw a line on the outside of their hip what you would see is as they get up to the top of the Swing you would see a little bit of a space being created between their hip and that line

What I see golfers do that struggle with chunk shots often times what I’ll see is the hip will be on the other side of that line at the top of the Swing now at the beginning of the swing I actually like to see golfers go into that line

That’s to shift pressure into that trail foot but as soon as we get pressure in that trail foot I want you to push that hip back and around to allow you to much more easily be able to get to your lead side if you’re over here it’s going to

Make it very difficult for two reasons one it’s just a long way to go if I’m way over here it’s a long way for me to go to get over here the other reason is because of Leverage if my leg is like this angled this way it’s hard for me to

Get leverage to go in that direction if my leg is angled in more it’s much more easy for me to create leverage to be able to get to my lead side so I have a great drill for you this is the chair drill one of my favorite drills for

Chunk shots this is just a folding chair that I have handy you probably have some sort of chair at home that that you can use for this this probably isn’t the best chair I’d like like to have a chair that makes contact around in this area so those high back dining room chairs

That kind of lean back a little bit those are probably the best chairs for this but didn’t bring one with me today this is just what we had around the office so what you do is you set up with this chair and what you want to do what

You want to make sure of is that this chair is making contact with your hip at a dress right you don’t want it to be when I see a lot of people do this drill they’ll set up with it like this and that just enables you to kind of slide

Your hips a little bit so you want to make sure that you’re setting up with contact with it and make sure that you’re setting up and then you’re kind of pulling the chair up to you all right and what we’re going to do is we’re going to start out with some swings

Where we just pause at the top so nice and slow to the top then we’re going to pause at the top to make sure that we’re in a good spot so again I want to make sure okay is the chair touching me I also if you when you set this up from

The down the line you don’t want to have it like this right if I have it like this it may get in the way of my downswing and I may tend to come over the top to try try to compensate for that so or try to avoid hitting the

Chair so make sure it’s kind of behind you a little bit so you can see how I have it kind of behind me but it’s still able to make contact with with my backside here so what we’re going to do is we’re going to start out and we’re

Actually going to nudge the chair a little bit like I mentioned before I want to go into that line a little bit so nudging the chair just a little bit right in the beginning of the back swing puts pressure into your Trail foot now you’re going to be loading up nice and

Powerfully all right so I’m going to nudge that chair I’m going to start my S going back as I get up to the top I want to create a little bit of a space between my hip and my chair in fact I want to have about a hand thickness

Between my hip and that chair so I’m going to go nice and slow I’m going to make sure I’m in a good spot and then I’m going to start my down swing from there and come around do a full finish once I get comfortable with that I’m

Going to start doing some really slow fluid ones right so nice and slow and fluid I’m getting my body forward I’m making a nice smooth motion I’m able to much more easily make contact with the ground where the ball is right then you work up to with the ball so

That’s a quick drill that you can do if you happen to have some hip sway in your swing all right the next drill let’s say that your ball position is great let’s say that your hips aren’t swaying but when you get up to the top of the Swing you’re at this position and

Then you just start your down swing from your back foot and you kind of end up like this right see it all the time if you are in that kind of situation then I recommend doing the step drill so what we do for the step drill is we start out

With our feet together right and I’m going to point this club in front this is no golf ball I’m going to point this club in front I’m going to throw it back as I throw it back I’m going to start stepping forward and I want to step to

Where my normal stance would be right so this is my normal stance I want to step to right here I don’t want you stepping way over here or stepping short step do your best to step where your normal stance would be all right so point the

Club in front I’m going to push into the ground with my tra foot I’m going to throw this club back as I throw it back I’m going to step forward and then when I land I’m going to start the down swing and I’m going to have my momentum moving

Forward now I want to do my best to kind of brush the turf very lightly here right so just show you it’s going to go like this right didn’t do a good job of brushing the turf there there we go got a nice brush of

The turf there and you can see how I’m coming all the way around to a full finish almost all of my weight is on My Lead Foot when I finish I’m up on my tippy toes here and I I almost want to feel like I can tap my toes when I’m in

My finish on my on my trail foot that’s telling you that you’re getting your momentum everything moving to the lead side a good side note to this is that this is probably going to help you be more powerful as well a lot of times when I have people do this drill they

Gain Club head speed and they hit the ball farther because they’re getting their body more forward they’re getting their hands more forward they’re compressing the ball a lot more so this is a great allaround drill for a lot of things in the golf swing once we get comfortable with that now I

Want you to go to your normal stance but I want you to replicate that same thing now if you’re having trouble replicate replicating it go back to the step drill do more of the step drill make that more second nature but if you feel like you

Got it now let’s go to normal stance and I want you to replicate that same feeling right so I’m going to shift into my trail side as I’m getting up to the top imagining I’m stepping forward my momentum’s going forward and now I’m getting I’m feeling like I’m landing

Into my lead side to start the down swing and I’m coming all the way around to a full finish so that looks something like this right and when I come through again I want to feel like all my weight is right here and I can tap my toe right

There that’s what I want to feel like all the way up on my toes we don’t want to finish with on like this this isn’t on your toes I want you like this this is on your toes coming all the way around once you get to where you can do

That in a practice swing now let’s add the golf ball and do it with the golf ball right so those are three major things those three things are going to help the overwhelming majority of you but some of you may still be chunking the ball for other reasons so one might

Be over shallowing out the club Yes you heard that correctly you might be shallowing out the club too much we want you to shallow out the club shalling out the club is a great thing but you can always overdo a great thing so what happens is Imagine imagine I’m standing

At a baseball field I’m at home plate I’m looking out here I got first base over here Third Base pictures right in front of me right imagine if I swung in the direction of first base where is my club going to bottom out it’s going to

Bottom out more in front of my right foot behind the ball right so if I over shallow the club right that’s going to get me bottoming out way too far before the ball so I want to neutralize that a little bit so what we can do to

Neutralize it a little bit is we can set up a little obstacle so I just found this in the office here not sure what this is from but I’m sure you have a box you got an impact bag just something that you can put as a barrier that will

Not damage your Club such as this and what I’m going to do is I’m going to put this ahead of my ball a little bit and to the right of my ball right and what that’s going to do imagine if I swing Too Much from the inside too shallow I’m swinging way out

To the right here you can imagine how I’m going to hit I’m going to hit this right so this kind of forces me to kind of come over the top a little bit now we don’t want to end up coming over the top but this is a great way to get you to

Stop shallowing it too much we need to feel too much of a bad thing right so I would actually try to pull the ball a little bit to the left if you’re a right-handed golfer try to pull it with this drill and that will help you to start making ground contact more in

Front because again if you imagine if I’m standing at home plate here I’m looking out in front of me if I swing toward Third Base my club’s going to bottom out more up here right so we’re just kind of getting back to the other side now once you start hitting some

Pulls now we can remove this out of the way right and we just try to ease off that a little bit to get the ball flight to be straighter because typically if you’re shallowing out the club too much you’re more than likely blocking it out to the right if you’re not chunking it

Right you’re more than likely blocking it out to the right or hitting a hook if the face is too closed all right so this is going to help kind of neutralize your ball flight as well is help you to make ball first Contact right now there is

One more piece that can cause you to chunk the ball now I would look at this piece after you’ve looked at all the other pieces but the last piece is the release right so if you imagine if I’m coming here and I just release the club

The club’s going to hit the ground right if I’m here and I release way later you can imagine how I can miss the golf ball and get the club to to to grab found out way up here by having a much much later release so what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to put a video here for you of one of our best release videos so that way you can learn how to release the club properly to not only get some shaftline and compress the ball but also help you to make ball first Contact


  1. Great video. I've struggled with this for years.
    Question: Which is better to make ball-then-turf contact: Rotation of body only with no hand action at impact? Both hand action and body rotation at impact? Or hand action only with no body rotation at impact?

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