Night Range Practice Session 6 – Grinding Back To Scratch

I got my first lesson in about 4 years while I was down in Florida so tonight we are working through some of the changes. Hopefully this gives you a good idea on how to work through changes in your swing!

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I got my first lesson in probably about 5 years when I was down in Florida and tonight we’re going to be working through some of the changes so let’s uh warm up with our lag shot and then I will go through some of the changes that we have made in the swing

Wow surprised I’m hitting it this well after uh getting off a flight yesterday maybe I should just put the L shot in the back as one of my clubs but let’s talk about kind of what I’m working on and what has changed so I’ll

Try to put a video on the screen as well of my swing previously um but essentially what was happening was it’s not a common problem for many people but it is possible to kind of overturn everything a lot of people struggle getting a full shoulder turn a

Full um lower body turn what’s happened was I was getting so deep in my back swing here and I would crank the lower body like this and my arms would get stuck underneath and then I would flip it across and that’s where my big Miss came into play kind of a overdraw and

Also it hit it very very high so into the wind I would hit it very high it would Spin and balloon and not go very far at all um also my swing um my old swing and it should be on the screen is

I would get to the top and I my left arm would be parallel and my club would be fairly uh straight um not really hinged at all part of the reason was cuz the way I was gripping the club um I would kind of grip it with the

Palm of my hand kind of more on the side of the club like this which makes it kind of hard to hinge this club upwards we have change that to where I have now grip it more in the in my fingers on my left hand where I kind of let my arm

Dangle like this and then grip the club naturally like that let the fingers curl underneath and then now my palm kind of sits more on top now felt very weird to start but what this does is now I can really hinge it up I couldn’t do that

Before my other grip so we are working on that and additionally when we get to about here in our swing I’m thinking with my right hand get it up to about right about here and now my first move on the way down is getting it back down

To the ball so instead of feeling this I’m feeling up and down quieting everything else I’m not turning quite as much my hips aren’t firing quite as hard they are firing but what we’re working on is just keeping them nice and quiet right not doing anything crazy and

Just getting that hands back to the ball and not stuck behind so essentially what this is going to look like is we’re going to get that grip settled and right when we get to about here we’re going to bring it back up right to here this is a

Great position at the top now we’re just getting this back down to the ball turning through what I was working on was just doing some half rehearsals where I’d get to the top pause and then come on through we’re going to work on that right now so come here top and

Through that’s actually amazing how well that works it’s just a seven iron let’s get in here back and through I’m excited able to practice this because it’s important to reinforce here up through all all right got a little choppy at it a little slidy right we still want to keep

Everything condensed we’re still rotating we don’t want to slide here hinge through it’s hard to get that feeling exactly here and here and down okay try some Fuller swings hopefully we should see the club hinge a little bit more like that get to that position at

The top and then come on through before I was super long and about here and then deep and what would happen is this club would cross parallel like that now hopefully I’m more on plane that’s the goal let’s do some full swings went straight but almost missed

It it’s hard to get through a swing change haven’t really changed much in my swing in a long time little tweaks but this is kind of a major thing that I’ve been doing for probably four or five years that I’m going to have to work through I wasn’t hitting it bad before

You know I’m a good golfer but I feel like this is going to help eliminate a lot of big big misses and really kind of take me to that next level better I find myself gripping the club just let my hand dangle and then

Grip it that seems to put me in a better spot nope the hard part about this is when I fire my hips when I when I’m doing this I feel like I’m not using enough lower body so I still need to make sure I’m firing those hips

Correctly just so I don’t want to do it too much keep that club out in front there we go yeah my my club path would be so far to the inside that you know before it would flip but now I think I’m really starting to straighten it out no good that was

Money that was the money shot was trying to figure out how to keep it smooth with this too it’s the main thing oh so quick keep it there it’s better it’s close but quick gosh need to slow it down so close that’s a pull though it’s not an overdraw which is good we’re

Eliminating the overdraw that completely misses the green that may catch the left side plus just feel like we’re getting that club out in front still feel like it’s getting stuck yeah there it is oh my gosh it’s a world of a difference set a couple forearms here so to make sure that it’s

Transitioning oh boy there we go just want a more Ry rhythmically sound swing something that I can use everywhere with everything it’s so hard that’s what I need to feel kind of paused it there just to feel it it’s okay even there it’s not terrible nope

Yeah a second just got to get it here here keep it out in front turn the body no I’m yanking I think I’m just going so fast it’s crazy you tell yourself keep it slow keep it smooth bang quick so you got to swing way slower and smoother than you think [Applause]

This is only the first time I’m practicing what this new change does not going to be perfect keep it smooth there it is oh boy well I’m going to pound some more balls try to figure this out but kind of gives you an idea of what I’m

Working on if you enjoy these videos make sure to subscribe see you guys out here real soon


  1. Currently going through a swing overhaul. Trying to stay more on plane on the backswing. Found your videos and love your swing and decided to model my swing after yours. Incredibly helpful listening to you critique on your own swing. I also have an issue with my upper body being too quick. What feel do you use when you “fire your hips”? For me I feel like I push off my trail foot and that’s the only way I can generate power. Not sure if that’s right or not haha.

  2. I’m trying to fix my takeaway. I’ve noticed I’ve taken the club too far inside and that leads to a slight out to in motion. Even though I can hit a draw when I need to, the slight out to in motion leads to a fade or slice

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