Free Introduction Golf Session-Beginners

Discussing the basic fundamentals of the grip.

Are placed on the on the club with the grip the second one is where do we place The Bard position between the feet okay and then we have the posture position okay so I’m going to show you this so basically when we start the first thing we’re going to do

Now is we’re going to we’re going to talk about how we plac the hands on the club because remember the hands are the only part of the body that’s touching the club so look okay if my hand if if I’m turning my hands the club head is

Also turning so the hands dictate how this club face looks like by the time we need to golf okay now obviously you know through watching your husband and watching golf that there’s two things that we want to do in golf we want to hit the ball straight and long and Far

So the first thing we need to focus on is how we strike the golf ball to hit us straight and then later we can add some distance okay so T I want you to come and stand here put your left foot here right foot there and I’m going to show

You the first step is what we call the grip position okay so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to make sure now obviously you know the club face is square like this so when you hit the ball like this the ball should go to the

Straight right okay if you hit the ball like this where’s the ball going to go to the right and obviously vice versa that’s going to go to the left so our goal is to make sure that this club face is now basically pointing straight to your intendent target make sense now if

You look at this little green line at the bottom here that should be in a right angle to your target line so this line here that goes to your target is what we call Target line so obviously that is now perpendicular to your target line there and that is where the ball should

Be now as well so that is a square Club face now you’re going to keep it square like this you’re going to hold the club on top of your right hand like this a little bit to keep the club head stable and now we’re going to take your left

Hand and I want the handle to be placed in the base of the fingers so you’re going to place it in the base of your fingers you’re going to close your fingers in your hand and now you’re going to feel that your thumb is just on

The side of the handle like that you feel that y good now when you look down to your hand you should see about one two Knuckles of your left hand make sense okay now because this position of your left hand will help the club face

To be straight when we hit the golf ball so if you too much this way that’s going to close the face and it’s going to go left if your hand is too much this way is going to go this way okay so the neutral grip is when we hold the club in

The fingers close your fingers fingers in your hand and you can basically now see the logo of the glove and two Knuckles this is how the left hand position is placed correctly okay now we’re going to take the right hand you’re going to take your small finger

And you’re going to go here and you’re going to close your fingers here as well and now you got your Lifeline here you see this hollow Gap here that should sit on top of your left thumb there that’s it and this t is a nice grip for golf okay okay make

Sense all right so what I want you to

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