MERRY CHRISTMAS guess the score GLADES GOLF CLUB david maxfield

Australian PGA Professional Alan Staines & Avid Golfer Steve “RICHO” Richardson wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and we will be giving away MERCH packs for GUESS THE SCORE in our next vlog starting tomorrow.


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AUSSIE GOLF REVIEWER brings you Golf Course Vlogs, Equipment reviews and more. EVERYTHING TO HELP YOUR GAME

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See what I don’t like is it doesn’t show the recording doesn’t it doesn’t show that it’s recording when when how’s that apple juice Spring Valley is that where we played yep de in melbert Spring Valley same thing oh I know it it have to be wouldn’t it think

So isn’t isn’t there a suburb is that good for you 100% apples yep that’s why you can have that and then a saus roll oh all right well it’s been recording so that’s good right Richard what’s happening what’s happening with you here we are yeah how you going

Eating having a drink a little bit of apple juice correct a little bit of water yep they call me Ronaldo Ronaldo you know cuz I didn’t have bottles of Coke or something like that he pushed him out of the way they call him Mr Spring Valley I’ve heard no

Preserved as no added sugar all right apples uh Angelic Angelic you are Angelic very much like myself isn’t that what Steve means what else does it say uh packed in a stray of oh from imported gradients how many how what what’s the percentage that’s okay come on use Aussie apples got to

Use can say they’re using imported water yep but guys this is uh Christmas Eve yes Christmas Eve Merry Christmas everybody hope you have a great day um enjoy yourselves behave yourselves exactly stay safe yeah don’t don’t drink too much and then do stupid stuff no no basically yep because it I’m sure it

Happens every year yeah yeah it does you well you get a skin full and your brother’s pissing you off and you have a crack don’t do that no don’t do that no but um as you can maybe see I think in the background here we’re actually at

The Glades yes we’re at The Glades we’ve come down here had a h fun we did so he’ll be out tomorrow tomorrow Christmas day it’s your Christmas gift from us jeez we spared no expense wa that is true I mean it look it was very very good so I mean the the

Glades as a golf course is is one of the best Greg Norman design uh brilliant like it’s it’s it’s a great Golf Course to just play cuz it’s relatively wide off the tea and there’s sort of nothing yeah you know butt bunkers aren’t sort of the easiest around but um relatively

Wi fatigue great greens yep and we’re down with us two plus Dave Maxfield and who else neev Austin n Austin n Austin from the uh T block the T block at Hope Island yep so no good fun it was very good and so as as part of our Christmas

Gift to you guys what have we done we’ve done a guess to score yeah we did a guest to score so um I mean I mean you now if you wanted to yes yes so you can four B Ambrose yep um off the white teas off the white te

So the one forwards just gets the score so you got you got the first what two parts two parts first two parts so you’ve got the first two videos just whacking what you think exactly nothing nothing too difficult all you need to do is say did we shoot you know one over

Did we shoot five under did we shoot yep 15 under what do we shoot so you just need to Guess that and then we’ll draw it you know later on but anyway the the point is we’re kind of giving you a heads up now and then of course tomorrow and then

Tuesday that’ll be a pack a shirt well certainly shirts are one of them you want to stand up and show over on your back like show us oh look he’s all over it what a model are you going to be all right to get yourself back yeah y I’m all right so so

We got t-shirts so these are our first little drops we got 100 of these and we got 100 more oversized ones coming because we got up to 3 XL which really are maybe only XL because you this is XL yeah and generally you’re medium or large cuz I’m

Not a big unit no and and the 3XL I put on kind of feels like an XL that’s the only reason I’m saying that so so then we got I think mediums up maybe mediums or large UPS to to 3 xl’s um which really are bigger

Again so medium really is XL and yeah so but but there are different cut they for the bigger dude as well so we’re trying to be as inclusive as possible you know on this on this channel we’re right on The Cutting Edge of like a lot of things

Are we because you know I mean I know Al’s put his finger in in you know what have I got my fingers in a few things and you know you rub some shoulders with some you know people in the golf industry stuff but not like myself you

Rub shoulders with because I have you’re a man of the people an exclusive run me through it oh hang on here we go you’re not going to believe this but there’s been a lot of talk about the ball roll back yeah right I’ve been talking to a

Few people that you know in some pretty special places and you wouldn’t believe it I’ve got an exclusive he’s got friends in high places I’ve got an exclusive he’s he said he’d throw this on me I’ve got the ball roll back and here it is unbelievable look Richard has been to

The Future 2028 2030 whenever it is bringing the roll back apparently this is the roll back Ball even wrapped it’s a brand spanking new Slazenger b51 top Pro that feels as heavy as buggery apparently what’s happened is they didn’t realize that there’s sheds full of these balls so

That’s why they rolled the ball back so it’s just money that’s all you’re talking about someone went what are we going to do with all these balls and they said let’s roll them back right that I know you you weren’t necessarily always a big fan of of the b51 so I’ve

Got you a special one oh the hot dot you of course you would have them where did we get did did is this I think it’s a bada one is this the one that Barney gave us no there was one of them I remember Barney gave me and maybe I

Threw it out in a previous bag or something like that but it was brand new wrapped and these balls feel so heavy I’d be so interested to to figure out what these are but again somebody commented so yes apparently they the new ones mate what man thank you I

Appreciate you going to the Future because that’s because there is a shed somewhere with thousands of them there would be gone what are we going to do somebody said I don’t know if was jazzar dash cam I don’t know who it was who commented said maybe we need to play with bad

Balls without equipment yeah old balls and our equipment so that would definitely be an interesting thing we’ve Rich’s been to the Future we’ve got the roll back ball I think pting might be much different once you get used to the rooll of the ball but uh and the feel the ball coming

Off but um yeah certainly some other shots would be interesting look like I said they they feel small and they feel heavy I mean I could be have a look at this what are you doing and reactive that’s it they might help hunch through the wind potential anyway that’s that’s

Interesting I appreciate that Richard so yeah apparently who was these people in high places I can’t say they could be from the rules people the rules people are contacted richel and said I don’t like Alan talking about you that let’s just give him some let’s show him exactly what we

Get and this is what we’re getting apparently there you go in this gold box as well yeah yeah there’ll be and then a bigger box I love the gold box yeah it almost feels like I’m opening a present Christmas present yeah well technically you’re right it’s Christmas Eve present I appreciate

It fantastic oh this one this one’s got new spoing New Zealand New Zealand they’re both spings yeah spoing hot dot oh no Slinger this one’s got Australia I know I did see that Slinger is Australia yeah yeah how cool is that see I never got I never got to play in saying that

At time there would have been one like one of the new roll back balls just let us know remember there’s a shed for them shipping container yeah shipping container yeah they been s to the bottom of the ocean for a while hence the reason why they’re a little bit marked

Up so the new balls won’t be completely white have a little bit they’ll look dated got a bit stained yeah exactly um they like to call it because we going backwards they’re going to call it the Retro roll back they’re going to call it the Marty McFly another retro roll back

Because yeah no it’s good stuff I don’t I don’t you say like War Kappa I don’t think it’s going to stop here it’s where where are we going here we go I think right wooden clubs are coming back look I did say why don’t we make less forgiving drivers because you

Know that in this day and age we have to be more violent environmentally friendly right I got a feeling bamboo drivers going to be bamboo drivers yep they’ll just they’ll compact them all together I mean that’s what we have what’ll be a paper driver like paper

Straws a wax a wax paper driver I can see it now bamboo head with a with a paper shaft there you go yeah the most environmentally friendly golfer here he is that’s what I can see I say oh no we’re mining metal and it’s really bad yeah that’s

True what about when when you get the electric trucks you all laugh at me now but I mean look what happened when they tried to ring you out you me cricket bats he was ahead of the head of the curve yep have yourself that went pretty

Quick didn’t it guys like we said so so it is Christmas Eve here um it’ll be Christmas day tomorrow and this is when the Glades vlog’s coming out guess the score so like I said it has to be either now in this video part one or part two

Yep that is that but we’re giving you the heads up here guess the score merch pack t-shirts caps uh towels sausage roll sausage rolls apple juice bad balls and potentially even a couple of head covers so yes guess the score like I said this is your heads up 42 the

Greatest run company it is out with Dave Maxfield so check out his channel um mainly on Instagram and all of that definitely got a YouTube channel uh he does promote a lot of stuff on Instagram and then has the YouTube channel uh predominantly more equipment based stuff yeah than course Vlogs which is

Fantastic uh Tacomo Rich actually hit the Tacomo irons that David has it’s it’s funny I I didn’t think I’d necessarily hit him that well but should have taken a photo or or a little video um very good so Dave has what 301s yeah 301 so they they’re like a

The CB and MB combo like a players combo they are so they’re like a players cavity pack correct right so they do do a blade bits and pieces with them um I thought that pretty good I made sure I hit a long on hit a 4 on and I

Hit and I think you hit a six right um I I thought they were very good I was very surprised because you know they are you know $1,000 basically shipped to Australia that’s certainly like I wanted to have a look from pretty a visual standpoint more than anything like again

The price is what it is if you want to spend 5,000 bucks on a set of clubs go for it if you want to spend 200 bucks on a set of clubs Do It um but for the price of 1,000 bucks I want to see what

They look like cuz I didn’t hit them uh but visually they are pretty much what you would expect out of a CB and an MB okay maybe the lines aren’t maybe as visually appealing to me from a Muno to a Tacomo no but if you were talking

About a forge golf club for 1,000 bucks that looks bloody good and pretty friendly and feels good I don’t think you can lose you know what they they looked and felt a little bit like was when I hit the um um the Cobra ones remember had the Cobra CB

Ones they felt a little bit like that so and looked a little bit like that yes not the softest buttery stuff out there like a but Forge still still enough to go oh that feels good a hard beat yeah I thought they were pretty good you know and they got

There’s not a huge variety of shafts and everything else in them obviously but you know that’s what also keeps the price down by not going offering 50 different shafts so if you know roughly what sort of sha you need and and stuff in there well you’re in a good spot yeah

Yeah yeah I I thought they certainly very good and it’s always nice to come across some different stuff because at least to hit the look at them so you can at least comment as someone ever asks yes true you know um there’s a lot of

Stuff and people go oh you hit this or that and you go no did that and that’s exactly right that’s why I wanted to have a look at them it was to me it was more visual because even if they’re forged from a cheaper material I don’t

Know what they are they they they could be 1020 steel they could be anything I I I I don’t know but being forged generally they’re going to feel okay it was more the visual for me so so it was good if I come across someone I’ve only

Got 1,000 bucks I’m thinking of these what do you think I would say why not I would say absolutely provide you you can play reasonbly okay well again they make what the 101 101t they make the 2011 yes they do have a couple so they

Do have a um yeah the hollow body the 101 T is like a hollow body so it’s a like a little bit condensed version of the T yeah so you’re basically looking at like a all those hollow body ones are a bit the same 2 I don’t know if you

Quite get the same sort of feel out of them no they’re definitely different they’re definitely different I don’t reckon I you know I get playability and everything else but I don’t necessarily know quite right I I I think the the sort of cavity sort of or the the the

What it is p cavity whatever you call it so it’s not really quite a full cavity back what’s that one the three of yeah although I think the two one’s a little bit bigger again but the forge slightly bigger yep oh I don’t mind so there’s only that slight cavity in the back

Which doesn’t have those sticking points for dirt you can just wipe it it’s probably as close like I said to a blade that I’m going to get M so when I look at IR I probably can’t get a blade but I could probably use a CB yes so I look I

I I thought that put it this way yes if if somebody asked like I said uh what do you think of the tacos at least for the 301s 01s that we’ve seen yeah very very good yeah very very good but um just want to say uh thanks for a couple of

Fellas who have said get day to us today you know your Michaels and then your Allan when we’re out there as well who comment mate thanks for stopping and saying H for saying good day sorry sorry we didn’t really have anything to give you mate I would have given you some

Head covers and stuff like that I got nothing in my car so or else I would have yeah oh could have get a could have get the roll back ball yes could have even signed it for you but but if we see you again and generally if we see people out we’ll

Give you some stuff so yeah some normally we got some stuff yeah I got have anything we only had our head covers and I mean they’ve been used a little bit it would have been nice to have give some fresh stuff but yep we’ll restock the cars but but guys like I

Said it’s guess the score starting tomorrow y you got uh this video you got tomorrow’s video and you’ve got the the video after so you got Monday today Monday Tuesday so you basically got today Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day y just remember you know what don’t

Don’t be too disappointed if you get some golf GI Christmas don’t really like you can always send it to me absolutely we’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it too right looks like it might rain we’re going to get going but thanks guys for watching just giving you the heads up

Blades is brilliant starts tomorrow us two Dave Maxfield and uh Nev Austin from the T block yeah no good spot and look there’s heaps of golf courses down this part of the world great spot spoiled um yep and they’re all in great Nick spoil yeah get down so beautiful Merry Christmas manate Merry

Christmas to you Merry Christmas to all your family exactly have a have a good day Merry Christmas Mrs richo and all the other Mrs richos yep and the kids do you want me to go through yeah go on Dane Sarah Faith Kate Lily Steve Ben Lily’s boyfriend Tom it starts to extend

Out yeah grandkids Samy April God mom dad sister he’s got it all I’ve just got my family you know what I mean Alissa Harrison Jamie beautiful Mom and Dad brother and your mom you got it one of the only ones that always watches it that’s it Mr she she’s still watching it

No you’re right she is and and I’ll see you tomorrow at sometime around 1:00 so anyway for lunch cool everyone enjoy themselves stay safe as always stay safe and um and hopefully you got a bit of a break over Christmas and get out and correct we’ll see in we’ll see you in

The new year hopefully we can get something done for New Year’s Day or whatever but that’s going to be hard just again it’s we can get out but we got the kids uh and also people have got time off as well people got time off

There on holiday so it’s not easy to get so um but we we’ll sort something out some time around correct um yeah so New Year’s Day well New Year’s Day my birthday so there you go yep but you know what to say all is quiet on New

Year’s Day who’s sing that you too yeah is on new but that had something to do with something else didn’t it like a bom or something what wasn’t it like somebody being bom you two speak a lot about bom and stuff don’t they yeah no no Sunday yeah of course yeah that was

About bomb Oh that was about ir and stuff like that easy guys thanks for watching guess the score uh merch pack etc etc and then and then this this year next year 2024 we will 100% open up a merch shop yep to get the hats and

Whatever else yep I will even sign them if if you want us to I mean it just brings it just devalues us the the stuff anyway so anyway that’s it cheers thanks for watching Merry Christmas have a fantastic Christmas great New Year stay safe have fun rip in rock on to the

Presents or lunch yeah nice cheers guys beautiful and don’t forget smash that like button you’re we say don’t you oh that’s what they say to say I don’t know if you don’t like it don’t like it hit hit this like who cares yep I don’t care but

Anyhow see you then beautiful see you wa


  1. Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year to you both (currently travelling in southern Australia and it is 15deg.s☃️). My guess for the upcoming score is -10😎

  2. Merry Christmas Al and Richo.
    The best present would be that common sense and honesty prevails in the World for 2024.
    Stay safe and thanks

  3. Merry Christmas Guys 9 under is what u guys will shoot.Looking forward to the Christmas VLogs from the Glades played there recently always a great course.🇦🇺⛳️🏌️‍♂️

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