Golf Players

[옥스윙4,옥골프,멤버십]3교시,풀커버링 배우기-장타와 방향을 동시에 잡는다!(한/E/中/日)[OKSWING4, OKGOLF, Membership]3rd, Full Covering

옥스윙몰 링크

옥스윙 아카데미 멤버십 가입링크

이병옥 프로 010-5241-4653 PGA Class A 정회원
이병옥 골프학교/옥스윙몰 1644-4653

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학기제 커리큘럼을 통해
옥스윙1, 옥스윙2, 옥스윙3, 옥스윙숏게임, 나아가 옥스윙4, 옥스윙5, 6 7까지
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하는 것을 목표로 운영중에 있습니다.

많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


Hello? I’m OK teacher in ‘Scott Lee’s Golf Academy’ and ‘OKSWING GOLF ACADEMY”. Today is the third lesson of OKSWING 4, OKGOLF. As OKSWING 4 was released, a lot of people said, “Oh, what have I been playing golf so far?” said like this. So far, you’ve been only thinking about swings.

You have to make the swing cool and how to drag and drop the club… However, you weren’t interested in the target, so you hit the ball while looking at the floor. “Oh, I was really hitting the ball in the dark!” you’re saying like this. It is OKSWING 4, OKGOLF that realizes you!

This is the third lesson today. Last time I taught you the action of covering. So I made an action on the half swing that I can carry around efficiently so that the ball doesn’t run out. Then another question comes in.

After all, I was able to feel that members of the OKSWING members have a very high understanding of OKSWING and a very high level of questions. But I must have gone a step further and prepared a lesson for that question.

Last time, I told you to learn the movement of carrying a ball with half swing covering. The swing should be bigger now. So this time, I will tell you the full covering. OKSWING 4, OKGOLF, Lesson 4. Let’s start right now!

If you’re doing a circle exercise with the ball, the club face should be facing you to keep the ball in the circle. So table tennis and tennis are done also with a ball, so it is related to the circle movement.

When I hit the ball with the square in the shape of the club face, the ball flying to the right is a very pure movement. But if the ball is pushed to the right, then it is very dangerous in golf. So don’t open the club face when back swinging.

When you get up to the half swing, the club head should match my spine angle. Nevertheless, if the ball continues to fly to the right, the club face may be more inclined. When you play ping pong, you cover the table tennis racket and apply the covering action of hitting the ball.

Then I can develop my ability to drive the ball to the place I want. So with the half swing, “Target, I’ll send the ball over there.” Try to cover the club face and try to send the ball there by no means. Do not choose means and methods. Body rotation is not important now.

Now I’m trying to save my hand somehow. ‘Covering’, the club face is looking slightly down. You are practicing sending the ball to the target with this feeling. At this time, I’m going to point out what you’re really curious about while ‘covering’. The first question is, “Is there any change in covering?”

The second question is, “Is covering related to spin feeding the ball?” Yes, it is related. “Can I change it in the way of ‘cover-turn over-cover”?” It’s okay to make a change, but I don’t think it’s good to make such a big change in a target-oriented swing.

You see where you’re going to send the ball, you swing the club face and keep the angle covered. When we try to send the ball forward like this, we can create predictable distances and directions. But you may aske to me.

“OK teacher asked me to do a half swing, but your the back swing goes up more!” I can’t help it. Because of inertia. Even if I think I’m going to lift it up half, it’s still up to this much. But what is the title today? It’s full covering.

Then the swing is divided into two forms. Some people do half swing and raise their backswing higher by cocking their wrists because of their old habits. And some people keep the club face after the half swing without cocking. So which of the two is the right way? Both are correct.

Besides these two, other types of swings are also correct. However, those who lift up while doing a half swing and then cocking must hit the ball again, covering the club face. This is it. Cover Turn over It’s a covering action. Cover-turn over-cover Do you remember? You can do it gently. Cover Turn over

Cover However, covering-turn over-covering may not make the covering constant. Of course, because you use your wrist, the ball can fly further. Cover Turn over You can send the ball further like this. But Actually, it can be somewhat disadvantageous for stable and target-oriented play.

But if you’re good at covering, but you can’t send the ball away, this is the way to go. Cover-turn over-cover So, you can lift the back swing while cocking while covered, and then deform it by hitting the ball while covering again.

“I have good power, but it’s difficult to send the ball to the target because of poor directionality.” These golfers should swing with a fixed type that hits the ball by turning the body as it is, with the club face completely covered. Now, look.

When I did a fixed swing, I did the half swing. I’m going to do a full swing with a fixed type. The fixed type is going to the end of the back swing with the covering.

So some people look at the shape of the club face on the back swing top and analyze it. It shouldn’t matter if it should be square, it should be 45 degrees, the club face should be closed or flipped over. Don’t worry about that. What important to you is.

All you need is the ability to hit the ball forward while maintaining the covering when you hit the ball while backswinging and coming down! So you may say something like this. “OK teacher’s swing is very concise, but the ball is flying away!” I will hit the ball efficiently.

And I do it easily, but it’s difficult when you do it. My swing is easy, but the swings by Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods are really difficult. Their swing is a very difficult swing. So with the first fixed type, lift the back swing as high as possible.

We learned small, middle, big/low, middle, high swing. Apply what suits you. Cover the club face and swing in a fixed way. Try hitting the ball with the fixed type, please. Even if your body shakes a bit, you’re trying to send the ball over there.

“Even if I did with fixed type, the ball is pushed to the right because the swing is faster. again You have to have a feeling that keeps the club face covered and prevents the ball from running out. I keep trying to see the target and hit the ball over there.

This is the fixed type. So when I lift the back swing, it feels like the club face is closed. So you can hit the ball with a fixed type. Today, I’m talking about the movement with the hand and arm.

You’re not hitting the ball hard, but you are raising the backswing and sending the ball to the target. You must practice to cover the ball so that it does not fly to the right and to adjust the amount of covering so that the ball does not go to the left. It is ‘must’.

Covering The feeling of lifting the backswing with covering the club face Struggling to hit the ball towards the target Now the ball is pushed slightly to the left. Why is that? The covering is excessive. Now, let’s go again. It is to raise the back swing up. It’s fixed type. I’ll show you slowly.

The club face is covered. It becomes like this. again The club face is leaning when backswing. It is the state of being leaned, being leaned, leaned. Fixed type It’s hitting the ball like this. Increasing the backswing is to send the ball away, but in my consciousness I have to have target orientation.

There must be an effort to keep sending the ball to the target. That’s the most important word in OKGOLF. Target orientation The will to send the ball to the target is the most important thing in golf! Most important! And I did a lot of lessons on scratching.

When we hit the ball, we have to realize the height of the floor first. The golf club we have gives us a lot of information. I can’t see it. It’s just dark. By the way, this stick gives you tremendous information to measure its depth.

When you hit with the club, If it can touch something in front of you, you can measure the height. It also gives information so that you can know the depth when you touch the bottom. Let me show you something really amazing. I know the height of the ball by addressing it. then

Even if I don’t watch the ball, I can hit the ball with the club. The direction can be bad. uh! The direction was also right! You can do this. Because I have information about height! But everyone, try this one.

You shouldn’t lift the backswing too high, but you can hit the ball if you notice the floor without looking at it. I hit the back ground a little this time. You can either hit the back ground or hit right.

I can’t hit the ball exactly because my head is up while looking at the sky, but I can hit the ball. Rather than relying on the floor, you need to recognize the floor so you can swipe the ball off the floor.

“I don’t have a divot.”, “Should I chop the ball?”, “Should I sweep it?” Just hit the ball forward. You don’t have to touch the ground. However, if the swing track is steep, of course, the ground will dig and a divot will occur.

You are too interested in something that is not important at all! It’s a little high because the ball is on the tee. It is a little higher than the ground. Then I lowered my waist and then stretched a little bit. Then keep your waist high and hit the floor like this.

This is very important! If you do a full covering, your body may move and topping may occur. Don’t worry about that, figure out what the floor height is. “This is the height.” In general, it is the angle at which the waist leans down to recognize and remember the height of the floor. Posture

If you feel the height in this state, you are hitting the ball. It’s a body turn. As I explained the fixed type, I also explained the scratching. I’ll explain the variable type this time. I’ll show you slowly.

The variable type makes a half swing and then the club face flips. This is a typical convention swing. And it comes down to hit the ball. Then the club face should be turned downside up. Because after the half swing, the club face is flipped over, so it comes down to the half swing.

The club face is upside down and you have to cover it again and send it forward by hitting the ball instead of rotating. I told you that the swing is turn over-cover. By the way, It was a way to increase your ability to drive a club.

When you are trained like this, you don’t have to do complicated moves. If you complicate the covering by flipping and covering it, the power can be increased, but the consistency is less. look. again ‘Covering’ ‘Cover-turn over-cover’ Cover Turn over Cover

But tour pros with a lot of practice can do this. And it looks great. But you can’t match the timing of the cover, so the ball flies left and right. Covering Turn over covering again If you are a golfer who can do ‘covering-turning over-covering’, master the fixed type first.

So I lean in a fixed state. “Fix it!”(“Calm down!’-Gojung is pronounced same in ‘fix’ and ‘calm’ but has two meaning in Korean.) In order to keep sending the ball to the target like this, there must be a movement of the body. Let me explain the variable type.

I covered the club face, but at the end I have to try to hit the ball to the target. When I swing with a variable type, it is a form of conventional swing because it narrows as I make a back swing and then come down to hit the ball.

Fixed type is your swing, regardless of the shape of the swing. This is the safest swing. Safe swing I check the floor with the club. This ensures that you can safely send the ball. You don’t need to analyze if the club face is covered or put square shape on the top.

Depending on your swinging habits and the shape of the grip, the club face can be covered or flipped. There are too many variables. Don’t be too conscious about what others are pointing out. If I write a book, I’m going to do the title like this. “Never learn golf swing!”

It’s a very contradictory story. So at first you have to learn. When you learn English, you are told to never study English. But at least you need to know the grammar. And then you should tell me not to study. So does golf. Why do we swing?

Swing to send the ball to the target! So when you’re trying to hit the ball, it doesn’t matter how you swing. When I swing with OKSWING1, I try to take the backswing back and send the ball forward. OKSWING 2 is also trying to send the ball to the target.

If you ask me a question about the swing, it’s a pity. “Oh, I’ll get a 10-year estimate, I think. I’ll try it with the driver. I’ll do the half covering you learned last time.

And if I tried to send the ball to the target, and the ball goes to the left, it has too much covering. And the driver moves very sensitively depending on the amount of covering. So I hit the ball with a little covering and it definitely runs less. The ball flew 185 meters. again

Half covering Half covering It’s easy to send the ball to the target! I hit the ball with half covering, fixed type. I didn’t tell you how to swing with your body, but you have to swing big, so you have to struggle. Covering and hitting the ball like this. Covering

I tried to send the ball forward. If you swing normally, the slice should come out, but when I tried to hit it forward, there is no problem. again Covering I’m trying to send the ball forward like this. On the field, this is not a problem. It is flying well in the future.

The ball flew 242m. Not bad. It’s a very purposeful swing. Covering I’m trying to hit the ball forward. But everyone, don’t use your body yet. It is inevitable that the body moves on its own.

By the way, I try to do it by hand so that the ball doesn’t go out to the left or right. Covering It’s okay! Yes This is fixed type. Because you’re not cocking with your hands! You have to hit the ball while spinning your body.

I’m going to do the variable type this time. When making the variable type, cover it, turn it over and cover it again. Covering I do like this. I seemed to hit well, but at the end, the ball flew to the left with excessive covering.

So it’s a little unfavorable when making a big swing with the variable type, but the power is good. again Covering turn over – covering Then this time it flies to the right.

“Oh, I’m trying to cover too much, so the ball goes to the left, and it’s too late, so the ball goes to the right!” Then I’m going to do a little less flipping with care. Turn it over, cover it -turn it over “You can control like this!”

The players do a lot of this timing training. Because players can’t give up distance! However, the ball goes farther when I make it fixed type. So I cover up to half swing. Then, if you go over the half swing, you can flip over and come back. But I want to force OKGOLF members.

In order to reduce the score, it is better not to use the variable type. The shape of the swing varies from person to person. Park, In-bee, Lee, Bo-mi’s swing shape is different. The famous player Bryson DeChambeau nowadays swings like the angle between the arm and the club is almost straight.

But he sends the ball 350 yards. You don’t have to follow anyone. The swing form is also fun for Matthew Wolff. But that doesn’t matter! The important thing is the swing that scratches while communicating with the floor the moment you hit the ball.

Last time you learned half covering and this time you learned full covering. You can lift the backswing as much as you can and hit the ball forward. You know It is good to hit the ball away with the driver, but it is more important to save the ball.

It’s better if the ball flies away and lives. But as far as it flies, there is less chance of living. So first you have to keep in mind that my distance is the distance that I can save the ball.

If you practice a lot, the distance increases gradually, but if you don’t practice, it decreases gradually. So, if the distance of the driver decreases, there may be a problem with the way the ball is hit. And as the ability to save the ball decreases, it becomes atrophy, reducing the distance.

So today I gave you the full covering lesson. All you have to do is try to send the ball to the target while struggling by this week. Work really hard for a week please! Lift the back swing as high as possible. “I’m going to be the fixed type”

“Because I have good power, I’m going to make it the variable type for wrist cocking.” Then do it. However, I recommend you a fixed type where the ball flies to a safe and predictable place. This was a dangerous swing that the ball was barely alive.

Spend a week practicing only the size of the swing that you can use to save the ball please. Very interesting content is ready for the next week. The word ‘targeting’ appears in the fourth lesson. I’m going to explain what ‘targeting’ is.

Increasingly, the speed at which you know what OKGOLF is will be faster. You know Everyone, please practiced hard for a week and I will see you again with interesting content next time. So far, I have been a teacher OK in ‘Scott Lee’s Golf Academy’ and ‘OKSWING GOLF ACADEMY.’

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