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Enough is enough! The Mets don’t need Yamamoto!

Brandon Tierney and Sal Licata go off on Yamamoto saga! 😡🤯

In this fiery episode, they discuss the ongoing Yamamoto situation and express their frustration with the prolonged decision-making process. 🕰️ Are the Mets and Yankees too obsessed with this unproven player? 💰💔

Sal has a change of heart! 😱 He declares, “Enough is enough! The Mets don’t need Yamamoto!”
Brandon Tierney suggests a bold move: Give Yamamoto a take-it-or-leave-it offer with a tight deadline. ⏳🤝
BT & Sal analyze the potential impact on the Mets’ offseason and question the value of investing in one untested player. ⚾🤔

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Enough of Yamamoto make a decision so we could all move on I am over it BT I don’t want to hear anything more about Yamamoto this idea that the Mets need him is nonsense King Cohen doesn’t need him guys been thrown a pitch we talking 300 million 350 million now we got to

Wait potentially to next week for this guy to make a decision give me a break I’m over it with Yamamoto jeez this is this is beneath you what Bene come on with this guy see when I found out we were going to work together right I said to myself there might be a

Few frustrating days because we’re very similar and there haven’t been quite frankly but I thought this when we first paired up I never thought I’d be ashamed to work with you y get out of here dude I I I I mean this is just look this is absolutely pathetic yeah you’re right

What you’re pulling right now no no what’s pathetic what you’re pulling right now this is Beneath You sou what’s pathetic is the chase for Yamamoto fawning over this guy like you have to have him you know what I found who I was last night thinking I ain’t getting C

Like I never believe in one player is going to make that big of a difference here’s the offer take it or leave it you don’t like it go to the Yankees go to the Dodgers go to San Francisco by the way if I were I’m talking from a Mets

Perspective if I were talking from a Yankees perspective Giants Dodgers whoever Red Sox here’s the offer bro take it or leave it because we got work to do I’m moving on like I’m not going all in with the hopes of Landing One Singular player not to mention a guy

Who’s never played the big leagues to throw off Pitch here’s the problem the other teams that are pursuing him they are doing other stuff you’re the only team who’s not so you’re the only team that’s sitting around waiting for the Yamamoto cruise ship to hit the harbor

Which spoiler it won’t and they’ve done nothing except signed 17 obscure unknown figures who probably won’t even be on the team this year the Yankees got stto the Dodgers got Otani other teams are moving they’re gaining offseason traction you’re the only team sitting around waiting and praying that this guy

Gives you an answer soon I don’t think they’re waiting and praying I think they’re going to give an and the latest is that they’re going to make him and offer they should be praying because if they don’t get if they don’t get him this is the most pitiful pathetic off

Season in the history of the Mets and not saying something You’ had a lot of them do the Yankees want Yamamoto they want him bad I think they really want him why because I think that they think he’s amazing okay but do we know that he is

Well what’s the over him what’s how who have the Yankees signed have they spent a dollar on free agency they will when the arbitration comes in for soda with $32 million yes they haven’t done anything either but if we stick to Yamoto for a second the Yankees fawning

Over him too why have some self-respect you’re the Yankees you have gar Co you need Yamamoto this B yeah I think they got to close the gap they do why what because the rotation is not good enough to win a World Series and that’s the objective somebody needs to be the adult

In the room and say look I like we want you we could have you for dinner we could go visit you we can save the number 18 like give me a break oh we’ll save the number but why are you saying this today everything that you said for weeks

Because it’s weeks of the same crap waiting on this guy make a decision you’ve met with teams you’re going to get offers here make a decision now it could be drawn out till next week yeah I don’t believe that report I I that that seems nuts if you missed it well that’s

What Bob Clapper said yesterday yeah and I’m not doubting his reporting jobs I I don’t know that but I’m not waiting on him for Christmas going now so I don’t have control of it but I have control of what I feel my deadlines today make a decision Big Boy

Moving but wait wait okay so you say this is dude what are we doing come on S he hasn’t thrown a pitch I understand that the guy’s thought to be one of the most amazing Japanese uh or foreign prospects of all time and the Japanese Market is much more you know it’s it’s

Easier to determine Talent than it was back in the day it’s less guessing I mean come on you knew Otani was going to be the man there were when he came over they were reporting on on Tanaka it matched what he did you know I meani one

You want to throw him into this he has a one squat 700 million for a guy who’s not even going be able to pitch next year be a year older after that he doesn’t want anything anyway so it let me I I need to I’ll take everybody down

I’m tired of it tired Yoto oh God think about think about how pathetic we are this is New York this is for the Mets and Yankees both okay think of how pathetic this has become where everybody’s waiting on precious yoshinobu Yamamoto to make a decision

Where he’s going to go and grace us with his presence that we got to give him 10 years 300 million for a guy who’s never thrown a pitch you’re the Yankees you’re going to disrespect gar Cole and give him over $324 million yep for for what because I want to win there’s no

Guarantee I understand that but this listen I can tell you one thing that’s a guarantee if rhon is the number two ain’t winning so he may as well roll the dice on the Japanese Yamoto and there’s so much nonsense you don’t know what to Yoto

Does he want to be a star does he want to play in a big Market does he want to play with other players from Japan does he want to be a Yankee right does he want to be a Dodger who knows I don’t think so I think he wants to be a Yankee

Now let me ask you this so the the by the way I still think he’s coming to the Mets I’m just over it I I got you like move on bro make a decision in the process of doing that well how long’s it take I mean listen imagine if there was

A Japanese sports station that coveted you uh let me actually re reposition that let’s say that there were five Japanese radio stations that wanted we this guy I this this American he is I would shocked I mean I’m talking about me not you I mean this American Lata he

Is he is the real deal he is he’s in his broadcasting Prime you know we be smart yeah they’re not dumpies over there we can we can monetize him in a way that just completely validates the crazy contract we’re about to offer him and you’ve got all these decisions to make

You are living in the states you’re south from Rona but the five different stations that are spread out by the way all over the country of Japan they want you so you need to do your due diligence you got to go there you got to see where

They are on the map you got to look at the history you got to look at the finances you got to incorporate me the money you got to incorporate the ta implications you got to see what the rosters are like you got to do your home todayis you sound crazy

Make a decision this week and here’s what I’m going to say I’m going to further it and I’ve said this that that the Mets needed him offseason hinges on it I was wrong full crack the Mets King Cohen does not eat need himing Cohen the Mets don’t need Yamamoto they’re bigger

Than Yamamoto oh yeah this is the New York Met massive he hasn’t done squat he hasn’t thrown a pitch in Big League Baseball you’re going to give him 300 million for what 350 million give me a break here’s the offer take it or leave

It so we can move on King Cohen and the New York Mets will be just fine without Yamamoto you will be fine you’ll be fine in fourth place when you win 76 games and you probably trade Pete Alonzo and it’s an awful season again you’ll be

Fine you still exist one player is not going to make that I understand that but now this is the fundamental split of what Sal’s told us for months you’ve told us this symbolically forget about all the wins 212 whip sa young whip allstar MVP whatever forget about that

You told us and you weren’t wrong I co-signed it but it meant more coming from you as a Mets guy you told us symbolically we need this we not only do we need this he cannot become a Yankee listen listen to what I’m going to say

Right now the new generation of Met fans all that they were you lying I did say that well then what happened I was wrong I was wrong and and last night I found myself last night I found who I am and I’m thinking you know what I was pathetic need this guy Yamamoto

Offseason hinges on it wrong because if I believe in Steve and I do they will be just fine without him now here’s how I would play now instead of going there to dinner which he already did and that’s fine here’s how I would play it here’s

My offer I mean like as in today and Martino reported I guess that Steve Cohen is is planning on making a serious off whatever it may be today who knows I mean everybody knows he’s coming with a massive check right so here’s what I say none of this like here’s the offer and

Go see this team that come back here’s what I say here’s the offer we want you take it or leave it the deadline is tonight if I don’t get an answer tonight our offer is off the table so weend we resend the offer if no no hey give him

To take it or leave s if he doesn’t give you the answer by midnight tonight end the business whatever whatever deadline you establish offer or sended s the ace montgom what we do oh you figure it out pivot it’s pivot time pivot it’s pivot

Time I mean that is as big a pivot as anybody could have I mean you were so dug in I the two nights ago you were dreaming about what were you dreaming about I told you I thought the Mets got him I was Martino and Steve Cohen

Breaking the news I mean I can see Sal Martino’s on a hammock and Steve Cohen’s faing over him with you know grapes and you know Fanning him with some sort of uh I don’t know exotic pine tree or whatever and because Andy broke this and S’s and now the next night s’s dream

Tells him everything that you’ve thought and said and espoused up until this point do the exact opposite we don’t need him that sounds logical no last night wasn’t a dream last night was reality it hit me when I read the story from clappers saying he might take till

January 4th and I’m like enough enough of this guy who does he think he is and I needed to check myself fawning over one player a singular player who hasn’t thrown a singular page a pitch at the big league level one more no you’re not back I feel like I’m

Not even working with the same guy how could you be who is this guy all right one more thing I I have no idea what these calls are going to be like but boy I can’t wait to hear them you know what you’ve just done but you’ve done and and

I get it because I’ve done this with the Jets and and other things in my life with with sports and I guess even outside of sports sometimes you are beginning the inner healing process you’re not you’re not you even though you know you’re a smart guy when you take when

You when you strip away the yelling you are a pragmatic smart person with a pretty good Street sense and your street sense told you in your Epiphany dream that you’re getting played that’s what’s happening Yamoto is playing the Mets he and he he should the most desperate

Figure in the sweep Stakes with the most affluent owner I’m playing you that’s what he’s saying I’m with a Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jacka jackaroo taparoo jackaroo let me jack up that price let me use him as a pawn and you know that that’s the case and you don’t like being

Played so you checking out that’s what just happened today folks no here’s what happens you can’t get played if you say this is the offer take it or leave it think about it like when it comes to dating or whatever it may be you’re going to keep texting you’re going to

Keep calling or reaching out fing over someone you say move on you know how we did it we just moved on you’re going to say you’re coming to dinner or not I not you I’m moving on well I’m ready to move sometimes they get caught up I’m not

Going to lie they got caught up before like oh I really do like her I kind of want to go dinner but why don’t you text me back you are absolutely nuts dude if he doesn’t text it’s over BT and Sal and the fan or friends of Town Fair Tire reminds you

That a Town Fair Tire you always get the guaranteed lowest price on name brand tires from Connecticut to main nobody get nobody Ryan is calling from Monroe Connecticut what’s up Ryan hey Ry hey BT I this this might be a tough one but uh I just want to ask you a quick question

Who do you think this is if they don’t get him King Cohen is not gonna have the King next to his name anymore that’s it I’m done sounds familiar yeah can’t quite put my finger on it the proclamations are getting old sound it’s just it’s really I don’t even know what

It’s like you sound between like a 13-year-old girl and like a scorn girlfriend let not get personal today I don’t think he’s in the mood well I I I’m but I’m not sure your point what what is your point exactly the the the the point is you change your you change

Your mind like the web I didn’t change my mind when did I change my mind you said you you want them you want them you want them yeah I’m not falling over anymore I said I said make him an offer and if he doesn’t take it move on the

Mets will be just fine without him that’s what I said there’s no I still want the player but I mean enough is enough here we’re talking 300 $350 million well you’re faing over a guy who’s never thrown a pitch in the big leagues so it’s Burns and Bieber and

Whoever else right I mean we’ll cross that bridge when we get there but I’m not saying I don’t want them and thank you for the call what I’m saying is it’s not yamam motor or boss and I’m done falling over this guy waiting on every

De on his decision I’d be done with it make him an offer like apparently they’re going to do and that’s that okay let me ask you this so I know what you would do let’s just say Cohen drops the offer today all right and let I’m throwing out

Numbers I’m even going nut 350 higher than anybody I’m just throwing numbers out there assuming that Cohen is coming correct like I always thought that he would and tanak is um and um yamamoto’s Camp says love the offer very very impressed with you I think he wants to

Be a Met m but I need another five six seven days to sort you you leave I say bro this is it this is the offer you you know he’s not doing that then I don’t care that I’m moving on that’s the power move but then he’s not the king if he

Don’t Kings know when to move on I told you if they don’t get Yamamoto I stand by I don’t mean that no no not just getting him or not I mean knowing went to flex and KN one went to bounce no I think a king I think a king does exactly

What I just said no no I know but if Co I don’t but you don’t think Cohen will do I know you would do that think there’s no way Cohen’s bowing out there’s no way not bowing out making him a 50 million offer but he’s not going to

Give him the ultimatum he doesn’t have the guts to do that you have to because he’s not going to no because then you risk getting played he does have the guts to do he’s getting played now like I said if he does not get him I remove

The king Cohen moniker but I think that’s a king Type move saying here’s the offer it’s going to be a richer offer than everybody else and if it’s not whatever so be it but 350 million or whatever they estimate to be the highest offer here it is take it or leave it

None of this well I need to go see the Yankees again or let me go talk to the Giants or Red Sox or Dodgers no this is our offer if you want it and you want to be a met take it if not leave it and we’re going to beat your ass wherever

You go that’s how I do that’s I believe Steve is going to do I believe that you would do that there’s no chance Steve Cohen’s doing that he’s too deep into this pool flying out to there he’s he’s basically begging come yeah but what

More do you want him to do no no I’m not saying that it’s even his fault I’m not even saying that I would resend the offer you would I guess that’s I wouldn’t resend it no not not resend or or I wouldn’t give him 10 hours to

Decide that’s crazy give day give him a day whatever your timeline would be a day not drag it who the hell are the Mets to establish a timeline you know what the Mets what yeah that’s who it is you if you don’t treat yourself like that you’re never going to get the

Proper respect that’s what the Epiphany was enough of this chasing after fawning over there’s only so much you could take like enough of the he wants to be a Dodger and he wants to play for the Yankees good then go do that for less money here’s my offer for more money I

Told you what we’re going to be what I believe we are and what we will be take it or leave it that’s on you we’ll be fine without you the New York Mets will not be defined by yoshinobu Yamamoto Mike is in Breezy Point what’s up

Mike hey good morning guys I just want to make a quick point about the uh Mets Wan Yamamoto yeah and uh you know to be honest I I haven’t been uh more in tune with s than today I think the Mets are actually doing the same exact thing the

Jets did with Aaron Rodgers wasting all their effort going after him and they got nothing around him now even if the Mets get Yamamoto what are they going to have around this guy Sanger that’s it I mean that’s just not enough I’ve said that for a while I don’t think the timeline

Really fits Yamamoto going to the Mets now because he’s 25 you’ve got built-in wiggle room to you know change things up and a lot of it you do you do but I and you know I I don’t want to even reset everything now but just based where the

Mets are talent wise young talent wise pitching prospects versus verus the Braves you know the Phillies are you know Harpers in his prime they’ve got studs they’re the four I think they’re the fourth best team of the division now if you get somebody like Yamamoto and S

Continues to be the real deal and P bangs 40 bombs and Lindor has another Big Time season and one or two of the kids pops most notably Alvarez maybe you go out and get another outfielder maybe Marte is healthy I’m not saying you can’t piece together a meaningful season

But I would not I understand why the Mets are trying to do it I would not move mountains to get him if met if I’m the Yankees I would based on Cole’s age but based on jud’s age B think the Mets need them more I I think the Yankees

Need a more because even with Yamamoto the Mets are not a World Series team if yamamoto’s Yamamoto then the Yankees are but forget about one year what about next year and by the way the Yankees have issues Yankees have issues too we’re just going over this yesterday the

Payroll we can get to that in a little bit but there’s no way they’re going to be able to extend stto if they sign Yamamoto and I don’t think they should I don’t think anybody should be falling over this guy hasn’t thrown a I’ll

For away I will let him wait as long as it takes we want them and we need them for away and you could embarrass yourself in the process or we could have back toback Sai Young winners and the other guy who won it last year this past year can finish second behind Yamamoto

And the Yankees can win 100 in the World Series BT I’ll take my chances BT and S and the fan just getting started on this what the hell day is it Wednesday here we’ll take more of your calls on the other side


  1. I don't agree with Sal on everything, not by a long shot but it is getting a bit aggravating. Even Ohtani didn't take this long. Yamamoto is a diva, he's going to drag it out for who knows how long. He has a couple of more weeks. I truly believe that he's playing the Mets like Ohtani played the Jays. I hope I'm right, Yankees do need Yamamoto after trading starters,

  2. I agree with Sal….Either he wants to be a Met or he wants to be a Yankee….simple…..It will be decided on Friday…you heard it here 🙂

  3. Idc if u have 3 aces. If u can get a 4th u DO IT…this was a great look into the pysche of a met fan vs a yankee fan 😂

  4. Sal is an obnoxious baby. And he is wrong. You have to coddle and mingle and play the game if you want to engage a potential superstar to sign with you.

  5. I honestly think this guy doesn't know where he wants to go. Hence, that's why he's so indecisive. He's probably been like, "Yup, i'm going to the Dodgers." "Yup, i love the Giants. I'm going there." "King Cohen's kingdom is beautiful. I'm going to Flushing." "The Pinstripes are everything. I'm going to the Yanks."…………The man's being bowled over! He doesn't know what he wants to do. Probably keeps changing his mind every day. lol

  6. And this is why top prospects often think twice about going to the Mets and the Yankees. You have bipolar NY sports media that turn on you and criticize you for the smallest of reasons. Sneeze wrong and it's "screw you, we don't need you!" Stop this toxic cycle.

  7. Sal is bipolar he changes his takes from King Cohen will get Yamamoto to now I dont want him anymore. Im telling you this guy is terrible with his takes. Either Sal tries to stirs things up or he just acting.

  8. Clown show. What is the rush? He has 2 more weeks to make a huge, life changing decision. He doesn't care what dopes like these guys think.

  9. I’m feeling Sal’s rant. At this point, this Yamamoto kid is just annoying. Just go wherever and let’s move on already. And whichever team gets Yamamoto will be the biggest loser this offseason by over paying him.

  10. He's upset because the rumors of the Dodgers and Yankees being the favorites are getting to his head. Sounds nervous if you ask me. Everyone around baseball has made moves and his pathetic Mets haven't done anything significant

  11. This guy is coming from the other side of the world making one of the biggest decision for him & his family!! And you want him to hurry up in making his decision!!!

  12. I agree 100%! I’m sick and tired of hearing Yamamoto will sign with Yankees, with Mets,Dodgers,Giants,
    Boston. It’s gotten ridiculous!!!! We don’t have a local boy that’s as good as him. We have to get players from Japan and pay these guys so much money?! This is so ridiculous!!! It takes a team to win a game not one player….

  13. Signing Yamamoto doesn't make the Yanks the top team in the Majors, because they've still got between two and four dead spots in the starting lineup. In contrast, adding Yamamoto makes the Dodgers so strong it's hard to imagine anyone beating them. Almost the same could be said of the Phillies. Those are the teams Yamamoto should sign with if he wants to win the World Series in 2024. When I look at the Yankees I see two starters who hurt you the more they play and ought to retire, another who hasn't shown he can hit over .210, and a bunch of catchers who are automatic outs.

  14. Its pretty clear that the Mets need him. He would fulfill along with Senga, the 2 potential aced hole in the rotation left by Max and Justin. The 1-2 punch would be filled.

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