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I went on a US Road Trip with DANIEL RICCIARDO

Matt had the awesome pleasure of sharing a car with Daniel Ricciardo whilst out in the US to not only talk about F1 but also weird and wonderful things like Danny Ric’s bedtime routine!
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And here we go here we go baby American road trip I wish I lived in Rancho cook and Monga weird side question to that what is your bedtime routine the Street’s called rainbow is it yep rainbow Rancho that’s living that really is oh okay I forgot how good free Red Bull tastes

Have fun guys see you in the M don’t go too quick we will thank you bye here we go woohoo what’s going on buddy what is going on how are you I’m good mate how are you yeah very well mate very well I was very surprised to hear that you were

Joining us on this little triply surprised you didn’t even know we were coming shock on your face when I walked in that room I’m a road dog a question I wanted to ask you nothing to do with Vegas but me off all right why the were you a lap down the

Whole time in Brazil no I would like to know myself I’m glad that there’s a confusion on your side as well right so there was something about we should have changed the wing in the pit Lane when we went to the garage that put us a la down or something I was just

But like forget that I was like how are you there hasn’t been a race yet like there’s been two corners and safety car and then they flew the red flag and the red flag so how can we start a lap down before the race has really even

Begun so that that was and and then like Oh no you’re not only going to start a lap down you’re going to start from pit Lane so like you take our dignity away from us you take our pride I was you know what I was I was nearly so

Angry that I wasn’t I was like I was so angry that I was just just get this done disappointed like it was it was so I wasn’t like throwing around or like losing my mind I was it just kind of flattened us transcended into yeah past

Anger yeah anyway I think we could have got as many points if not more as I did a week before in Mexico so that’s that’s that was very frustrating must be refreshing though in the same in the same breath the fact that the cars actually there you know what I mean like

It’s it’s cool like getting the call up midseason I was I wasn’t really sure cuz I was like yes I do want to get back on the grid but I don’t really know this car at all is it too soon this and that and then once I

Jumped in I was like oh no like this feels good it feels at home yeah that’s cool and even like you obviously new team like new engineer yeah so even that you know I didn’t know Pierre really at all um who my engineer iser Hamlin so

It’s like man I hope he gets me I hope we’re not just trying to play catchup and we’re spending 23 hours was a day at the track so there was a lot of things that maybe could have not worked but it’s actually been pretty good Ah that’s

Nice to hear that’s nice to hear you know xan for uh we came out to Zan for and obviously everything happened cuz we had our magnificent chat what 3 days before that well I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of this car there’s noty whe on the

Steering wheel the other on my heart we had our magnificent chat and everyone blamed us for the chat because it felt like everybody that we’ve interviewed or done something with they’ve then had a bad weekend the next weekend um but thankfully Carlos signs broke that um broke that Trend yeah it definitely I

Would say it did its best to like take the wind out of my sales or our sales as a as a team but yeah I felt like we did well to not let it kind of break what we what we’ kind of got going how did you

Bounce back like you know cuz everyone says how much you smile and how happy you are and stuff like that but everyone’s human and how how did you was it kind of family and support and friends and that kind of stuff that sort of grounded you and kept you sort of

Same yeah definitely like that that stuff helps and like yeah you you don’t do anything alone whether it was you know my girlfriend whether it’s Blake whether it’s you know my family on the phone with me FaceTiming every day you know whether it’s the doctors the physios like everyone’s kind of doing

Their bit to like get me through it and I was really the biggest hurdle for me was the surgery cuz I I just don’t like hospitals I don’t like needles even though I’ve got tattoos needles are just different all right they’re different that’s a choice yeah so like you know

Fortunately the the the surgery was 2 days after so like I didn’t have to wait too long to kind of overcome that hurdle and once I’d had the surgery I was like okay I’m through like the thick of it in my head and I’d realized like the place

I’d got to I didn’t want to just fall back into something else and I was like no no I’ve worked too hard to get back to this place this year I don’t want this you know like relatively small injury to have a bigger effect than it

Needs to um so then I just kind of filled myself with more glass half full stuff so then yeah I just started picking apart all the like the positives and I was other than dealing with like the pain which I’m a bit of a war up uh everything else was was pretty good

That’s probably the first serious conversation we’ve ever had I know that got that got deep that got real serious it’s all right um all right let’s switch it up you’re like I’m not good at this stuff Danny no no I love it make cry everyone’s so used to us just being

Weird um do you watch the races back usually like do you do you tune in and DEP the race or depends cuz I was wondering whether if you didn’t you’d watch back bers just cuz it’s like that’s me a spectacle yeah I did it it wasn’t a

Movie um I so what I tend to do is so when we when we finish the race we you know do our media then we normally just jump straight into engineering yeah to do like our postrace debrief um so normally I’ll watch the race whilst

That’s going on so I’m kind of like I’ll do my bit but then once my bit’s done I’ll like watch the race I’ll listen to like you know say for example obvious say Yuki what his comments are but I’ll like have one eye on the race and so

When you say you watch the race is that like just a POV of your race or is it like we’ll have like the full race available for us so I can watch like the TV feed I can watch my onboard um whatever so yeah there’s

Moments that I I’m so I’ll do most of my watching after the race with comment trick or or without without comment trick well only because that like what we get doesn’t have the commentary but um but yeah obviously if it’s a race that I’ve like won then yeah hell yeah

I’m watching sit back with a glass of the Dr come on there’s a trend going around at the moment which I wanted to alert you about good bad or ugly I would say it’s urging on the uh the bad side but anyway so AI is very impressive right and there’s this trend

Going around not a fan yeah there’s this trend going around where AI is essentially mimicking voices right and they’re able to do it for the padic and for Formula 1 drivers and there’s this trend going around where the whoever makes this pretends that they’re you’re leaving a

Voicemail so it’s like hey babe uh I just won the Monaco gr PR hope you’re well blah blah blah and it’s in your voice or in Lando’s Voice or whatever yeah M it is absolutely mental and I wondered what your voicemail would actually be like do you leave voicemails Are you a

No you haven’t picked up that that that’s where you know it’s AI like it’s not the real thing cuz do surely no one’s had voicemail the last 15 years come on yeah like I didn’t know it’s still a thing so anyone that’s still got voicemail I’m like come on stop living

Under a rock but um I’m a voice notor just cuz I’m too lazy to type sometimes and I also just kind of just hate looking at my phone I just I don’t really like being on my phone much um so yeah I will like a voice note and then

It’s their problem to deal with it they can listen to it when they want and just feel like it buys me time is it a long voice note is it like I haven’t spoken to you in a month here’s 8 minutes chat yeah that’s I’m normally overcompensating because I’m terrible at

Responding you’re just like scrolling through okay yeah so no yeah no I’m very well yeah what’s the next question yeah exactly um but the AI thing yeah that’s it’s mental yeah absolutely great crazy what was your plan for the offseason then oh once we like let’s say finish off some work

Stuff so probably after the season I’ve got I’d say like two more weeks of work yeah um simulator and we go to Japan for like a Honda thanks day um so like there’s a few things like that but then yeah I’ll get home probably around mid December

And normally like till the new year just I mean I say have some time off I won’t want to have as much off because again I’ve had most of the year off but um yeah just a little bit of home time and spend some time on the farm ride

Some dirt bikes and then just get into preseason train I’m building like a gym um on the ranch which I’m really excited about so yeah I think I’m just going to enjoy home and just really get eyes set on 2024 and yeah can get after it that’s going

To be Mega what are you doing uh where do you normally spend Christmas is it the UK or yeah UK yeah us see you ever chase the Sun or not I’ve never chased the sun uh it feels like Christmas always feels like it should be cold and kind of at home I’m a

Bit of a home bug I guess in that sense yeah have a bit of time off and and kind of celebrate the the first year of P1 which yeah it’s been a been a dream come true so not as much obviously as sitting in the car you but but that’s what now

Having allows you to do yeah so what more I possibly want really that’s it’s uh no it’s Mega when’s the the the Danny Rick podcast coming out you know where can we can we expect something like that because like surely you know when you’re on your road trips you have a little 20

Minute debrief people would love to hear your your unfiltered thoughts surely I so I I definitely went through a let’s say pretty serious phase of we spoke to some people about doing one and starting and so we had some we did have some conversations but I think the more that we started

Getting a little bit deeper into it the more I was then maybe pulling back in terms of I’m trying to like take things off my plate right now especially in like the second phase of my career and I just feel like it’s I just feel better

Um and like yeah you go through moments of wanting to do more and now I’m kind of in that one where I want to do more by doing less you know you say about the second phase of your career and stuff like is the is the fire burning as

Brightly if not more brightly now that yeah you’re kind of back and you you know you snuck in and you’re ready to go again yeah it it is it really is and you know even like a weekend like Mexico everything about that weekend felt like everything you just described

You know the buildup after Austin all I wanted to do was jump back in the car I was just so yeah hungry again and wanted it again and I also believed again like I was like man i’ you know I know I can do this and it had been a while since I

Truly like felt that and um and even you know after qualifying you know like yeah I was I had like kind of those butterflies and that kind of like the good nerves that’s awesome so yeah like it I was very aware that it like really meant something to me again and that was

That was a good feeling that’s so nice yeah that’s that’s awesome weird side question to that what is your bedtime routine how do we get to sleep are you kind of like a lightsoft cheers or I love um so I love noise I I I I hate light but I love

Noise so the room has to be really dark but I’ll put on um yeah I’ll put on a podcast or like I love UFC so I might like put on like a a press conference or like a UFC podcast or like MMA podcast so I’ll like I’ll fall asleep to noise

And normally like talking as opposed to music really uh yep and will you then wake up to turn it off or it’ll it it might H it’ll probably be finished by the time iwake or I’ll put like the sleep timer on it yeah but um oh you just want we

Whispered Sweet Nothing by a UFC podcast yeah smashed him in the face I’m so relaxed I’m also a bit of a sicko like I like the True Crime stuff as well so good I might fall asleep to some dark stuff as well but I don’t know what it

Is I think I I think I enjoy CU even like say on a race weekend you know like you you can’t help but yeah like say whatever after qualifying you know where you’re going to start Sunday so it’s easy to start thinking about the start in your head all right

Well I’ve got this guy in front of me this guy so all right at the start I’m probably going to go to the inside so it’s easy to like start maybe keeping yourself up so like you know listening to someone else talk from another Walk of Life is Like a kind of positive

Distraction for me so I totally get that yeah I totally get that it’s refreshing isn’t it hours do you sleep usually uh well I’d say like my average is maybe seven seven okay but I’m I’m yeah I’m okay I’m it’s just being on the road is hard to get

That consistency like so I’m I’m naturally not someone that can just be like yeah I can get 8 hours like it’s I think I need a little bit of like consistency okay and probably like stability in terms of a location and an environment also traveling and the jet

Lag and yeah that’s what gets me you hear about other drivers as well and how they have their room set up a particular way you know blackout blinds this that and the other to ensure that they sleep well do you do you have your own little

List of like right so I need tree crime to be playing as I walk in I need to you know have no lights but some kind of audio I like I’ll bring an eye mask around in case like the blinds aren’t very good so I’ll sleep with an eye mask

But I’m pretty chill I also I’m I I sleep like especially some hotels we go obviously quite nice and you know be like a huge bed but I sleep on like the very end of the bed so I don’t have like a side preference but what you’re

Literally just hanging off 56 of the bed is unmade I’m like just in a little Slither on the end I don’t know and I haven’t always done it but the last few years that’s just how I sleep and it’s wonderful I don’t know if I like like

Maybe hanging my arm off the bed or something but I I just sleep right on the edge and I don’t really move just I’m right there if I’ve listened to tree cry before I go to bed the last thing I’m doing is having any of my body parts

Hanging off the bed you want to be in the middle just tucked in locked in the one thing I think if I was to travel around and you know had a team to sort out a room for me the one thing I’d say is a consistent pillow yes the thing

That really does me in is the pillow variations around the world like and are you are you a do you want a soft pillow do you want a high pill a good firm memory foam that’s that’s me all over this isang off the B with no pillow yeah

Pretty much it’s changed over time but yeah I’m I’m the same I want like something pretty soft so I don’t I don’t and I’m like I’m sleeping with half my head just on it and then half on the off it so I’m like sleeping on the end of

The pillow and it’s quite soft so I’m not really using much I’m not using much pillow you’ve got a pillow right here with your neck so you don’t really need one exactly yeah that’s a living that really is oh the Street’s called rainbow is it yep and that one’s called Rancho I

Actually thought you knew the street rainbow Rancho there’s a there’s an actual sign for it oh Bingo we went to a on the way here yesterday um cuz we drove from LA and we stopped to get some breakfast in a in a town called I think it was called Rancho

Kookamonga or something and I was just like I wish I lived in Rancho cookie Monga just sounds so cool it down yeah like where you from you little place called Rancho cooka there’s going to be someone watching this go I live there yeah yeah well was funny a guy came up

To me in the breakfast spot he’s like man I wouldn’t I wouldn’t expect you to see you in my hometown of Rancho C he said and I was like I love you oh that’s amazing so funny you should get a place just so that you can say that just when

You’re in the area I might I might name my farm in Australia Rancho Cucamonga do it you you got to name your farm something or your Ranch yeah this is it your seat cold I just realized your seat’s on that’s nice um yeah myself actually but Rancho kookamonga there you go then

What a time you have to name that now you have to get a plaque or something it’s good yeah I think that’s what it was called This is what it’s completely wrong someone’s like are you sure oh where are we going I don’t know to a fuel station

No he’s baited you tried to send you down there trying to just get me involved in some road rage do you have road range I’m better now I’m better you’re better now since when no I I I went through like probably my younger phase of not having much

Patience on the road I’ve never really been one to like speed like I’m not someone that’s just hooning around everywhere but I think I’m just I get more frustrated it’s more if someone’s like sitting in the overtaking lane getting overtaken the wor so just like the

Simple Road Rules that a lot of people actually don’t seem to get what it that like it’s just it just bugs me oh then look I’m better now but I I would definitely get up close to them and tailgate road rage rehab that’s so good but no I’m okay I’m

I’m okay um go it’s uh it’s fine I’m Good


  1. What a cute, natural connection you two have. I'd listen to you two having some back and forth for just about .. ever. Love it.

  2. Is obviously yes or not who Ricardo right now he is not the most popular guy in F1 and why to many videos from him you guys think is better driver the checo hell not not even close but checo is not going not where in to 2026 guy faken bouncy of racist that's what F1 are faken. Trash

  3. This was amazing♡I have the same sleep habit about noises, I put on headphones and gameplays or relaxing videos like this. I hope this will be a series!

  4. Honestly this was too short 😢 WE NEED ONE WITH TOMMY honestly it'd be amazing to see something like this with Tommy/Fernando, Max Or Yuki

  5. The P1 Podcast is like listening to a couple of friends chat about F1.

    Having a friend who takes mini road trips with Daniel Riccardo is super cool and super surreal.

  6. Cowboy culture comes from Spain and the cowboy of America comes from México with roots from the Spanish vaquero, nothing to do with the U.S. nor the angloamericans, even the word Rancho comes from spanish

  7. Carlos was even punished harder in Las vegas, for all to the Australians crying in the comments

  8. I go to sleep using a wireless sleep mask headphones. I listen to Small Town Murder podcast all night. I wake up if it stops playing and have to start it again 🤣

  9. That was the best post all year… Happy holidays from Las Vegas…
    P.S. Rancho Cucamonga Ranch is golden!

  10. Great interview! The funny thing is that there is a famous brother duo from Rancho Cucamonga! AEW wrestlers The Young Bucks..

  11. so if DR's getting a plaque for his ranch, it's called 'Rancho Cucamonga' & yeah that's what it's called, you're good

  12. The real question is, does Matt feel like he's constantly cheating on Charles when he's spending time with other drivers?

    For real though, Matt is out here living his best life and my happiness and envy of him are neck and neck 😝😝

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