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Updated 2024 NFL Draft Order and Top 10 Mock Draft Options + What do Bears do with Justin Fields?

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Let’s start with the updated draft order and uh wild times on Monday night Debo’s Eagle succumb to Drew lock in the Seattle Seahawks in a wild finish uh that doesn’t change where they’re still inside the playoff bubble deos Eagles are but the top 10 did some little rearranging here and there’s a chance

Actually that the Eagles excuse me the uh the Eagles will be something the Patriots they’re about a 30% chance to get the first overall pick which is crazy they could lose Out Chic the Carolina Panthers who won a game finally the first game with inter coach Chris

Taber they can win out and the old Patriots could be in position to to get that quarterback there so if you look at the draft order here Carolina still uh has that first pick that’s going to Chicago then the Patriots the Cardinals Washington who has benched uh Sam how

Down the stretch here they’re out of the conversation for the playoffs Chicago Bears with their original pick at number five the Giants Jets Chargers Tennessee and Atlanta and let me start at the bottom and work our way up because that oh my gosh I just can’t we’ll talk about this

Later in the show as well that Desmond rer interception was one of the most backbreaking interceptions of the entire season just from a one playay perspective it was deep in the um Red Zone for the Falcons there was about seven minutes to go in the game they

Were winning seven to six and that would assaulted the game away Terrible Weather instead he throws a terrible horrible unexplainable interception Bryce young marches down the field and sets up the game-winning field goal great win for the Falcons excuse me the Panthers and that loss de Ritter to the bench and I

Just want to give you this stat I saw this in the athletic after after the uh the game ended on Sunday for this season Ritter has six turnovers in the red zone three fumbles and three interceptions he is tied for third most turnovers in the NFL with

16 it’s unsustainable and and he’s a great guy he was a lot of fun to talk to uh at the combine you got a sense of how serious he was about his job but it just hasn’t translated yet to the field if you’re the Falcons at 10 and there’s a

Jaden Daniel sitting there how do you explain passing on on him yeah I don’t know if you can if Jaden Daniels is their third quarterback uh or penck potentially Junior Michael penck Jr but right now it and Desmond Ritter was a great kid uh all a pluses across the

Board on the pre-draft process uh intelligent biggest issue I had with him coming out was I thought he was a very good athlete for his size but I really question his accuracy what you’re seeing here now is decision making issues especially in the red zone taking points

Off the board so okay first year starter full-time starter I can ex maybe accept not accept but understand one or two times where you screw it up and you do something and not take care of the football in the Red Zone but it seems to continually show its ugly head and this

Was another prime example it’s horrible conditions rain wet cold and you’re right there to finish the game just don’t make a bonehead play so why or what the reason was that he made that bonehead play I don’t know but you can’t do that and you should have learned from your mistakes I understand

Rookies and we’ve talked about it we talked about it with Bryce young they’re going to make their mistakes uh all these rookie quarterbacks but are they able to learn from their mistakes and it seems for as intelligent as Desmond Ritter is understanding the game situation understanding that that’s the

Fourth quarter and you know that you’re going to win the game probably if you kick a field goal there because it’s highly unlikely although Bryce young took him down for the game-winning F field goal at the end there but more than like likely they’re not going to be

Able to move the ball down the field and you can walk off with a with a game-winning score score whether it’s a field goal or a touchdown but number one rule that would just drive me insane Drive coaches insane as why he’s probably gonna get benched again don’t

Turn the ball over in a critical situation the game in the red zone taking points off the board that eventually cost them the game and I believe Arthur Smith has decided to turn to Taylor hinek the backup once again so the second time Desmond rid has been

Benched and perhaps maybe the last we’ll see you hope it works out for him but it just hasn’t yet on that interception that was Xavier Woods made the play it looked like Xavier Woods was behind the Falcons receiver to his left to des’s left to his right about about five yards

Cordello Patterson the guy you drafted was coming on an over but there were three Panthers standing there it looked like he didn’t see Xavier Woods he was sort of hidden by the the receiver in front of him and then he threw it right in the stomach I mean it was worst case

Scenario all the way around all right let’s go back up to the top here and we’ll start with that pick that the the Bears have at number one uh by virtue of the Carolina Panthers trading up uh last spring there’s about a 74% chance the Panthers end up with this pick uh even

If they uh lose their next two games and that checks out Chicago ends up with Chicago sorry right uh Godly David terer would love to have that pick Chicago ends up with that pick and then we’re gonna have a conversation from here to the end of time about what Chicago

Should do with it I went back and watched last week’s win Clos years here the Bears win over the the Lions and de uh Justin fields did some good things but there’s still a handful of moments where the ball’s not coming out on time he’s not seeing the open receiver and

These are long hard conversations you’re gonna have to have throughout the process before you make that ultimate decision right oh yeah no and I’ve watched a lot of his games I watched that game you mentioned the Detroit I watched the game last week and the question is there’s there well there’s

Actually no question about his athleticism and his ability to make plays with his legs because Detroit he he seems to run for 5,000 th yards every time he plays against the Detroit Lions which baffles me on trying to do something to stop him from hurting you

Keep him in the pocket he’s not a true pocket passer he still struggles to get through his progressions he has tendency to hold the ball but he is a very talented thrower down the field he has more than enough arm count to make throws and off scheduled plays and

Everything you want I mean the launch into the end zone at the end of that game was a great throw you know he gave team A Chance by just putting it up there and unfortunately Mooney dropped the ball uh and that would have won a game when he targets DJ

Moore he has 144 quarterback rating all the other Targets on that roster his quarterback ratings around 7273 so the question is if you have DJ Moore and let’s say you ended up with a Marvin Harrison Jr who also comes from Ohio State does that Propel him to the next level

Having two of those type receivers um as they continue to get better on defense and build around them but adding a Marvin Harrison Jr to the mix to go along with DJ Moore does that elevate his quarterback play I don’t know if it’s going to increase which he needs

Improve on and I have the biggest question is his processing and when he’s in the pocket can he get through his progressions or not that don’t know you know what’s funny Rick I was talking with um our our buddy BAC about this on HQ after the the Monday night game in

Which Debo’s eagles found a way to lose to the Seahawks and the struggles that the the Eagles offense is having with Jaylen Herz and new offensive coordinator Brian Johnson how important Shane styken was to what they were able to do and not to take anything away from

Jaylen but I think that marriage is one that we maybe don’t talk enough about the OC and the quarterback and I mentioned that as we were talking Justin fields and Luke gatsy that that relationship in terms of working on the field doesn’t appear to be a home run

Like they need to go to some more marriage counseling to put it in marriage terms um their professional relationship I don’t they might love they may be best friends uh but I mentioned that because if you look at the teams that are currently in the NFC that are inside the playoff bubble uh

And number one of course is Brock p and Kyle Shanahan that makes sense Mike McCarthy’s had a Renaissance of sorts with Dak Prescott in terms of his play calling your guy Ben Johnson and Jared gof match made in heaven even Canalis down in Tampa Bay with Baker Baker had a

Fantastic game over the weekend perfect passer rating in Lambo field the first visiting quarterback to do that in the history of Lambo and then you have KOC Kevin oconnell and the magic he’s been able to do with guys not named Kirt cousins and even when Kirk was healthy Kirk was

Playing at a high level and then finally I’ll mention Shawn McVey and and Matthew Stafford those teams are in the playoffs and they all have OC’s and QBs that’re on the same page yeah no that’s the critical piece of this is how those that marriage as you put it in your terms I

Would put it in the football relationship business okay um but uh that’s critical and you know right now I don’t know if gsy and Justin fields are the right match or not so um but Justin Fields has played better this year than he has as a passer so who knows but it’s

Year two so maybe you’re three they go to your marriage counseling suggestion and and end up becoming a matchmade in heaven that could be our racket we start a marriage counseling QB OC business maybe I’ll make enough money to to live in your guest house out there in

The island that would be nice oh yeah yeah the guest house just very humble uh little uh Shack here in on the island I love you’re struggling to find words to describe uh the palacial estate with which you find yourself can I ask a quick hypothetical I know Rick hat

Hypotheticals but Debo don’t ask anything until you get a better attitude because you’ve been kind of you know you got a bad attitude it’s like you’re pissy today for some reason and I don’t know why it’s you know we need to go to marriage counseling I think all three of us Ryan

Who was more pissy at 11:07 before we started recording this I was gonna it’s a sad day when I’m the the the happiest person on the podcast so we got some work to do boys what’s your question hypothetically let’s just say the Panthers they owned the number one pick

Last year and didn’t have to make that trade they drafted Bryce young if if they had the number one pick this year what would they do oh Rick what are we doing boy Rick doesn’t want to talk about this Deo I’m going to either trade out and

Accumulate more picks that I gave up for Bryce young or I’m going to and take Marvin Harrison Jr because I think that would be a home run to put him with Bryce young you know what I actually might even think about doing Rick if I were in Debo scario I might trade

Down and get a couple first rounders may maybe stay inside the top 10 and I might take Malik neighbors and romad dun like you just have to fix the guys who can’t run in the open field now there’ll be guys in rounds two and three and day

Three that we’ll talk about as we get through the process but just sort of Galaxy brain fixing the offense as quickly as possible that could be one solution Maybe Marvin Harrison Jr and then an offensive lineman uh if you’re able to trade down one or two spots

Something like that but yeah I think no thought no thought to trade Bryce and draft Caleb no no where are you tradeing Bryce number one I actually the Steelers I would give a first round pick for Bryce young like I’m not even kidding in a heartbeat oh my gosh I don’t want to

Talk that’s how that’s how precarious my situation is that I would love the idea of Bryce young I would drive him to Pittsburgh but I don’t think so like do you think there’s anyone in the league just making you speculate I know you do love doing hypotheticals Rick

They would be willing to move on from Bryce after year one for whatever they thought the franchise do that you just gave up all that draft capital and is it his fault some of it yeah the growing pains but boy we’re throwing uh how do you say those terms the baby out with

The bath water yeah you’re splitting the baby in half and throwing them both out in the bath water I don’t you know whatever terminology is my mind we’ll talk more about pry later that’s a little tease but I just wanted to ask your your favorite hypothetical

There we got a new we got a new analogy out of it though you split the baby in half then you throw it out with the bath or I like that both halves let’s talk about the Patriots at number two again as I mentioned they could lose out and

Have something like a quarter to 33 a third percent 25 to 33% chance to get that first overall pick we don’t know who the coach is going to be we don’t know what the front office is going to look like in New England all the reports

Are such that Bill belich maybe will be coaching his last game in in three or four weeks from now if you’re the Patriots well we said this thousands of times already they have to get a quarterback if you’re at number one Rick and you’re the New England Patriots not

Knowing anything about the staff or anything who are you taking right Caleb Williams my God okay talked about it 100 times I didn’t know Williams or Drake May Caleb Williams first and then Drake May I’m gonna tell you something was thinking about yesterday because we I don’t mean me and you just

Everyone in the in the draft meeting even the in the NFL are regularly wrong about you know a lot of the draft because it’s it’s hard to predict I might be of the opinion by the time it’s all said and done that Jaden dams will be my quarterback too I eagerly await

Your response to that count to 10 28 days that is a great thought you know and I’m sure a lot of that may be brought up in draft meetings uh he had an incredible year what are the percentage chances do you think five years from now janen

Daniels is better than Drake Mayer even Caleb I mean it’s not outrageous right no no I think he’s gonna be a really good quarterback in this league okay because what happens is you fall into the pattern we being and me of like oh everyone just rubber stamps his

Quarterback as qb1 or qb2 it happened with me was Zach Wilson and I I’m like you know what maybe maybe Jaden is going to be better I just think that’s something to I don’t want to be a follower Rick I want to be a leader that’s what I’m saying here that’s why

You’re the GM of this podcast and I’m just a scout in the corner sitting next to the owner yep talking to talking to the owner that’s right giving them giving him some ideas that I may not agree with all right so if you’re Patriots you’re taking uh

Caleb according to Rick I think that’s right I think you don’t overthink it you take Caleb and you move on and by the way if you’re going to be in that division with Josh Allen you need someone that’s Josh Allen like and I think Drake May has a chance to be a

Good quarterback it felt like to me tell me what you think of this Caleb did a better do job of dragging that USC offense up and down the field even though they lost five games than Drake did at UNCC I I think that Drake did a pretty

Incredible job this year with the talent around him yeah I’m not saying yeah I’m a drake May fan so I’m sorry don’t apologize I like Drake May too don’t get me wrong you’re right I’m wrong you’re I it’s soon as I turn around you’re talking to the owner I know how you

Are all right uh the Cardinals are at three they’re not I don’t know what would have to happen for them to get the first overall pick it’s not happening basically so there I think you’re either thinking about trading down and it may even be you may be out of the Marvin

Harrison Jr business if you stay there but it feels like the top two picks are going to go to quarterback so Marvin Harrison Jr what has to happen for you to trade out of that pick if you if Marvin Harrison’s sitting there staring you in the face well they

Did get a lot of draft Capital last year when Houston came up and got Will Anderson so first year of the program will they continue to try to accumulate draft Capital but it’s hard to pass up a a blue chip player um especially at the receiver position and how important the receiver

Position is now to quarterbacks so I think if it if Marvin Harrison wasn’t there I would seriously consider trading down although uh fashion uh is going to be sitting there maybe you can get an ALT if you move down a little bit you have to understand who’s behind you how far you

Can go back before losing one player or two players that you covet because if you mov down too far and you lost both tackles and Marvin Harrison J then I’m not feeling very good although to me a consolation prize would be a Dallas Turner because they do need an edge rush

Or two on a def defensive side of the ball by the way they had the 17th pick as well that’s the Will Anderson trade down pick that they got last April so they have two first round picks they can do a lot KY Kyler Murray he had an

Interception in their loss to San Francisco and there’s no shame in that I think he’s actually exceeding expectations in terms of the way he’s played we’ll see how the front office coaching staff feel about him but I think that’s their quarterback going forward so that’s one less piece of the

Puzzle to solve and now you just sort of build around them all right the commanders have benched we’ll go through this quickly get on to getting on commanders of bench Sam how commanders fans were quite angry with me a few weeks ago when my last mock draft I had them taking Jadon

Daniels at number four well they’ve been Sam how you could certainly they need offensive line help no doubt about it Sam how’s been sacked 45 million times it feels like there’s gonna be a new coaching staff there it feels like as well if you have a chance to get a

Quarterback at four and you don’t know what your your theory you may be looking like the smartest man in the room finally you never never know I mean Sam how if you look at the first three quarters of the Season let’s say uh or 8 to 10 games you were saying yeah this

Guy has a chance to be our guy he’s smart he’s tougher than than all get out he made some NFL type throws he was accurate at all levels of the three field and then for whatever reason I don’t know what the culture is in that locker room right now or does everybody

Know that it’s maybe coming to an end but also he’s has a habit of throwing pick sixes uh didn’t look good in the last game so is what is the disconnect or while of a sudden did he looked like he was on the rise and then took a big

Dip first year starting quarterback going through Growing Pains but if Ron Rivera and and even if the front office is there are not there they’re going to have to make some tough decisions uh and truly analyze where Sam how is and is he the quarterback and that’s one thing

That owners are going to ask to get us to the Super Bowl or not and he’s showing flashes of it but young quarterbacks still too inconsistent to really put a stamp on that so that that’s something else we have to sort out and figure out how it

Works uh something I want to mention and then we’ll get to getting on here officially I want to find the mock draft that I did for HQ on Monday that’s not on the website I want to talk about the Chargers in particular they’re currently at number eight they’re not taking a

Quarterback hopefully they’re not taking a quar they have that sorted out by the way before we talk about the Chargers what they should do draft wise Rick are you willing to confirm deny or you just want to stay silent on the report I saw in the athletic that you will be one of

The candidates potentially interviewed for the Chargers now open very very very happy being in this podcast and sitting in the corner of the room watching you conduct this podcast as the general manager and as long as I can sit next to the owner in a corner I will continue

And dball to me although you and him have a little thing going on the side when you do all your coup meetings without being involved in them I I consider Debo the owner of this podcast yeah so he’s the one you there it is there it is that’s from the

Athletic over the weekend one of the many I think there was a list of maybe 10 or 12 candidates and Spielman was on there yeah yeah move on people I tell you what how impressive is it rick you went 87 and 72 in those uh 10 years made the playoff four times including

The NFC Championship Game and that was the that was the Saints loss is that what that was yeah okay sorry about that yeah that NFC Championship game that was the Philadelphia loss I remember that one and then the other one was the uh bountygate in New Orleans we’ve been uh

We were to the NFC Championship twice we lost to New Orleans when we had Brett Favre we had 12 took us out of field goal range wait you were the GM when Brett Favre was there I was the vice president player Personnel okay and that’s when

Greg Williams got in trouble oh I God how do we not know about that yeah twice in my tenure at Minnesota we got to the NFC Championship Game well 87 and 72 is a fantastic record I think our record here is 107 and zero 107 episodes to

Zero so your W your your winning percentage has gone up all right folks you heard it here first so when Rick takes that charger job we can bring this back up to him and ask him what happens hopefully Deo he’ll bring us along to be the podcast team uh that documents his dayto

Day nothing Rick now this can we move on in life going to be a yeah it’s Rick La Hallmark we talked about it oh you want to know a quick story I got an email from my pickle ball group since I’m retired and Hallmark is actually

Shooting a movie on the island yeah tell us you fell asleep when they came to to the bar well I found out at the pickleball Resort that I belong to that they’re looking for extras for a beach party oh so you’re going to be there in

Your bathing suit I doubt I’m going to sit there between 10 and five waiting to get chosen you know so you’re not willing to put in the hard work is what I’m here you want it should be a first- round pick and just show up no I I’ve

Put in my due time if they find my talents as an extra they will come out and get me and I you know with my representative Debo being my representative empy to get me into the Hallmark uh movie as an extra I’m going

To rely on Debo as my agent to do that I don’t know it sounds like you’re the Dewan Jones of extras you like that one Deo all right well we’ll keep tabs on that that storyline as well since you are are not I did make a $100 bet to

Some people in Minnesota that I would eventually be on a Hallmark movie even as an extra and well this is your opportunity just go stand in line for four hours and then you can make your 100 bucks it’s actually a six hour commitment which okay yeah I’m sure Debo

And would be very exciting we will skip a show if it falls on a show day absolutely do you want me to do the podcast from the Hallmark movie Set where your with the first pick podcast collared shirt and that could be a start oh man this is all coming together all

Right so we look forward to that keep us up to date on that Rick because that’s certainly exciting news for the podcast in terms of the Chargers uh at 8 in the latest mock draft here I had him take taking a cornerback Nate Wiggins uh three offensive tackles were already off

The board uh Fu alt and JC leam so they could have gone in that direction they could have even gone Edge rusher but they have so many holes on defense and that’s one of the first areas they have to fixed you okay with that yeah no they

Need help everywhere um you know since the tackles are gone they need to definitely need a right tackle JC leam was still there I would have taken him um but they need Corner help JC jacks was a bust in a free agent signing the other Corner Davis I believe Mike Davis

Had a tough afternoon they ended up benching him so they definitely can use Corner help there now is Wiggins the best corner left on the board I don’t know about that but I’m G to respect your opinion and go with what you’re saying is that would be a great choice

Uh GM Ryan Wilson are you taking a GM job assistant GM okay assistant to the GM as d sh I well we’ve talked about Nate Wiggins and Kool-Aid M kry before in the fall and the issue with Kool-Aid we just see how fast he is and that’s

That’ll go a long way determining and Nate Wiggins I think we both agreed was better in terms of being more physical than what we saw in 2022 so those are two the guys at the top of the list and and there’ll be some others that we’ll certainly talk about and the other thing

I’ll mention quickly the Titans are next up at number nine again the offensive tackles are gone here I don’t think you want to take a interior offensive lineman this High that’s that’s what they did last draft and that’s actually work worked out for him pretty well with

Scaroni I had him taking Malik neighbors he was a a wide receiver too and we know the guys can’t get open so I figured that’s a good starting spot yeah no I love he’s my number two Receiver right now on the board on whatever Big Board

You have I don’t have a board or a mock draft I just you have a Rolodex I have a Rolodex he’s my number two guy right now and they would definitely if Will leis is going to be their quarterback of the future going forward tease Debo because

We’re going to talk about that then he definitely needs another offensive weapon that is an explosive playmaker and neighbors fits that category yeah


  1. Baltimore went out and got a new OC to run an Offense that is better suited to their QB's talents, and brought in two better WRs with one of them being their 1st round draft pick.
    Now the Ravens are 11-3, have the 3rd highest scoring offense in the league, and Lamar Jackson is being talked about as the possible MVP.
    Are you listening Bears?
    Their is your roadmap.
    If you can't read it then unfold the one the Eagles used with Jalen Hurts.
    What did the 49ers do to help our Purdy? You think having Christian McCaffrey makes his life better?
    How about Miami getting weapons for Tua Tagovailoa?
    Playmakers and difference makers win games…. not going cheap and making excuses for another three years.

  2. You can't ignore how Drake Maye was 4 and 8 in the last 6 games of the last 2 seasons… you can't ignore that. In critical moments when CFP on the line and Rankings … where was the "capture the moment" plays? What is his identity in these moments? EVERYTHING on the line and 4 wins to 8 losses…. and we aren't talking about losing to Bama. They got swept two years in a row vs NC State and Ga Tech!!!!! I understand situations are dynamically different and not to buy into a narrative. But watching every snap of his career i see tools and talent. But where is the identity in the "GOT TO HAVE IT" moments… this matters.

    Jayden Daniels is my number 1 QB. I am looking at who is dominating the NFL right now. I see a Lamar comp by many people because of the quick twitch ability. But i see Randle Cunningham with more touch on the deep ball and fades and back shoulders throws. … one of the most underrated stats is sack avoidance in how it translates to winning. It is one of the major ways to save drives.. it is the reason why lamar jacks has been in the lead going into the 4th quarter in EVERY game he has played the last 2 years most since 1950. Sack Avoidance is absolutely brutally critical.. you get about 16 drives a game and saving 3 of them because of sack avoidance… that is INSANELY critical!!!! Nobody in this draft including Caleb Williams can turn a potential game changing defensive play into a game changing offensive play.

    Micheal Penix Jr is my 2nd QB… he isn't just underrated in this draft, he is the most underrated QB prospect this decade. NOT HYPEBOLE. .. This is the ONLY QB in 140 years of college football to lead two different schools from not even ranked in the top 50 at season start to wins over teams in the top 10. That has happened 5 times in 65 years and Penix jr lead 2 of those wins…. for two completely different schools. … big time unique NFL type throws in pressure cooker situations. I see a comp of what Steve Young was later in his career. Which is when Steve Young took it to another level mainly passing instead of running around. I literally turned into more of a pocket passer.. Penix jr is already in that mind set (mostly because the medical)…. if his medical is cleared he is my 2nd QB… clutch moments… NFL throws… CCCD.. Cool calm and collected with good decision making in the pocket.. best down field thrower…. i hear a lot of comments and angles talking about him having great pass catches as a negative. But these same people didn't say that about Joe Burrow when he had the NFL all Pro team first time Wide outs in Jamar Chase and Justin Jefferson .. toss in and 2nd rounder in Terrence Marshell.. toss in the guy who at the time we talked about being a possible hershall walker level talent in Lenard Fornette..and Clyde Edwards Elair… and Patrick McQueen leading the D…. nobody used the talent around him to dispel the notion that Joe Burrow was good…. or Mac Jones with 3 first round WR and a first round RB he was playing with…. Penix has One guy who projects high and he is more Braylon Edward level talent who on film is never "OPEN".. he is getting thrown open so he can box out.

    Caleb Williams and Drake Maye will be really really dependent on the Coaching. all of these guys are. But these 2 i don't think can over come bad coaching .. kinda like what is happening with Justin Fields… Put Caleb Williams or Drake Maye in that game vs Cleveland this past weekend and it could be so much worse… these two with time are stetchy vs bodies around them.. much less what they will see in the NFL…. Penix jr has a measure of "control" even with bodies around him that Drake Maye and Caleb Williams doesn't have.

  3. Advanced analytics has Howell Minshew and Carr all ranked above Fields. Get fields out of here 😂

  4. If you gave justin fields MHJ he would be much better. thats a given. however, historically speaking, when you give a QB 2 #1 type WR's they have MVP type of years.

    – Matt Ryan with Roddy White and Julio Jones.

    – Manning with Harrison & Wayne

    – Warner with Bruce & Holt

    – Brady with Moss & Welker.

    There is no way JF is ready to throw for 45 TD, 5K yards and be an MVP any time soon.

  5. Of course the Bears will take Caleb if they can. This year's draft was their safety net for not taking a qb last year, and now they prbly have what they hardly allowed themselves to dream they'd have. NOTHING HAS CHANGED

  6. This Caleb Williams hype train is really getting ridiculous. He can’t even dominate in the PAC-12 but goofballs are really believing you can drop him on an nfl roster and he’s going to dominate. The team he’s on will be picking in the top five for the next 3 years.

  7. Would you say Pat Mahomes has a tendency to hold the ball? Josh Allen? Why would you want the ball out of these guys hands in 2 seconds as if only good things will happen? That's for the Brock Purdys and "system processors". These are playmaking qbs but for some reason you see it as a fault in JF. How about talking about his lack of oline protection.

  8. Caleb is not gonna be better than JF but for his own happiness and sanity I think he is better getting traded and going somewhere that he won’t be criticised weekly! Let Chicago have Caleb they can have number 1 pick again next year

  9. Do the Cards take a QB at 3 and trade Kyler?
    Who do the Bears trade Fields to and what do they get!?
    Do the Pats take QB at 2? Or do they give a third rounder for Fields and draft Marvin Harrison jr at 2?

  10. Of past 30 Superbowls, only 3 winners had QB's that were not Hall of Fame caliber. Trent Dilfer/Ravens, Brad Johnson/Tamp Bay, Nick Foles/ Eagles. Ravens and Bucs had two of the greatest Defenses of all time featuring Ray Lewis, Rod Woodson, Warren Sapp, Derrick Brooks, John Lynch. QB is all that matters. 3 years in, we KNOW JF is NOT HOF. Take another shot while you have it.

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