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Today lanky box is playing the brand new Garden of band band chapter 6 oh oh why giant curs na now we have to escape from all new characters like sir dadoo oh no bab sir dadoo and even evil mini slugs oh it’s the little baby slugs are coming

After us this game is so insane and we beat the entire game in this one video we even unlock a secret Cur standing in this game where everyone gets turned into javia monster Oh chapter 6 secret ending you do not want to miss a second of this video so get ready grab some

Snacks and let’s go today we are playing the brand new Garden of band band chapter 6 this is going to be an awesome video this is a brand new game and it is going to be super cool guys we have never played this before it’s our first time let’s go

New game right now guys let’s go wo oh guys this is so exciting wao it’s the jester for a parent looking for their missing child time is is a delicate matter click the clock to advance time guys this is so exciting this is the brand new chapter 6 we’ve been waiting

For this okay it says protect the queen protect the scepter piece and hide those are like the three tasks what does that mean queen bounia oh it says they did some of them but not the scepter oh question mark guys this is cool as Clues already oh now the scepter is Queen

Bounc silia’s wand we’ll put a picture of her on screen no it’s Sheriff toadster what’s up man bro yo thought of what could be happening on the floor above terrifies me picture hundred hundreds of angry animals finally escaping with only one thing capable of giving them peace and that’s

To get you and your friends they’re captors I’m not going to sugarcoat it we’re in big trouble partner we can’t stay here long unless you want to be swallowed whole with sharp teeth making you easier to doest H okay Sheriff toaster is looking great by the way guys this oh what happened to

Stinger Flynn is he OED is he okay oh my goodness guys so we just came down the elevator we just went down even further in the garden of band band we have our drone we got Sher of toadster this is going to be crazy guys we we have never

Played Four this our first time ever playing but this is Garden of B in chapter 6 we played chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 and here we are on chapter 6 guys it is about to get nuts let’s fly the drone over here hello the

Drone’s like kind of broken there you go remember guys you cannot miss this video This Is So Exciting we’re going to beat the entire game and learn all brand new secrets about the jester and queen boun cilia going to be awesome dude the the the drone’s kind of like messing up

Already that’s okay I’ll go over there come on come on buddy there you go nice nice we did it okay oh I don’t have that key card though where do I get that key card though where do I get that key card though oh it’s right there nice what is

That a little teacup guys we got to learn the secrets where is Queen M and the naughty ones we got to find now what happened to Stinger Flynn all right let’s go and where’s the jester oh it’s kind of creepy guys okay be careful the jester could be there

Dude I hear giggling that’s our TI get out of here partner okay let’s go I hear something sus follow me I know face what is this prettiest but it should be unoccupied at least okay what is this really creepy dude yeah it’s like a city what is this like street light

I feel a little bit safer with Sheriff toaster here cuz he did protect us from the jester in the last chapter yeah dude Sheriff toaster has that toadster Riz come on we can’t stay in the dark let’s head to that lot over there head to that light I’m running I’m running Sheriff

Toadster he’s got that toer R go wait wait wait wait wait am I going the right way I’m getting closer to oh there he is how’s he so fast share RZ toaster should be safe for now whoa it’s all right now guys shout out this

Game this is nuts okay wait what is this I’m going to look around dude what is this okay we got there’s Queen monilia yep man do I not miss this place this is where I took Refuge after being dumped down here by your kind many cold and

Lonely nights have been spent here once that I wish to forget huh there’s the scepter I was found by the queen and bitter Giggle and a couple of others and was foolish enough to let myself believe that things could get better but here I am back to square

One like I told you earlier we need to get the queen scepter as soon as possible it’s the one thing that can allow us to recontain the naughty ones and seal the door behind themi we had it stored in this room away from anyone that could get to it hoping we would

Never have to use it again but here we are the door opens by activating four switches scattered across the different sectors on this floor the naughty ones despised the lot you should be safe from them as long as you stay in lit spaces the first thing we

Should do is find a way to safely get to the other sectors let’s have a look around okay so Sheriff toaster told us a bunch of up he said if we open all four of these doors we’re going to get through here and that’s where the the scepter is and the

Scepter is what’s going to save us from the naughty ones he also said the the naughty ones are scared of the light so you got to stay in lit places and you know what a lit place is likey box or Walmart Target cuz it’s lit

Bro that’s true guys make sure to go to lankybox to get that lankybox merch it’s linked down below it is an awesome site but we got to actually find these scepter guys and so are the naughty ones evil I don’t yeah I think they are I’m trying to trying to make

This jump I don’t know how I get over there I I don’t understand where I’m I don’t think this Obby goes anywhere I think it’s just for looks oh no it goes up there how do I get over there bro H what is this I got to get Queen b c’s

Jump Powers how do I get over there it’s not possible bro I’ll go this way how do I get over there I got we got to get up there somehow how’s that possible bro can you jump on those stairs to the left all right guys forget this I will beat

This Obby later that’s probably a secret hidden up there guys we might be doing a crazy lanky box garden of bamb band chapter 6 secrets you missed video so make sure to subscribe and check that out when it releases okay I’m looking around oh maybe I should go over here so

He just had to look around right now he didn’t really tell us what to do so I’m going to go over here yeah we got to turn on all of those red lights and turn them green guys wao what is this okay I can’t do anything there there’s an arrow

Pointing this way but I can’t maybe I can go all the way to that light over there I don’t know man seems Su I’ll go in this house guys this game is crazy look at look at how big this first map is okay maybe we go

In here I got to figure out this Quest where do I go Sheriff toaster maybe I go through this big door can we I feel like we have to light it up first man maybe we have to beat that Obby I I don’t know man let’s try the Obby one more time is

There a way to jump on those stairs to the left on the wall how so jump up here yeah then jump on the big pipe yeah then jump on those mini ones to the left is there any way to get that right here uhhuh oh maybe maybe then we’ll

Definitely be able to get up there maybe dude this is a really hard jump I don’t know about that though there like a wall here too there’s no way dude there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way you have to do this right to like beat the game

There’s no way garab band man’s pretty tricky guys they do not want it to be easy to find the jester oh maybe I can make this jump yeah oh yes that is a crazy jump dude if you have to do this to beat the game this game is insane

Already okay let’s go guys it’s only the first level never give up never give up Adam was right never give up I was about to give up on careful up there huh oh so you do have to go up here wow this might be the hardest chapter so far guys wait

That is a crazy jump may have to go over here nice Justin is a guard a bamb band Guy this is crazy this is crazy you have to go over here what’s in here it’s dark I’m I’m scared wait the naughty ones might be in here oh no they love the

Dark he said stay in lit places what is this wa I got run what is that e don’t don’t I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move what is that I can’t move hey Y what was that wait you couldn’t move

At all I couldn’t move at all so you have to Oop There guys but did I get a keepy the part I got what was that bro no way they make you redo that Obby no I I don’t think I have to cuz I think I

Still have the part that was a new character right oh I spawned up here Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh wait okay the item’s gone wa is a book now you feel strange okay so this is part of the game maybe it’s cuz we got bit I do feel

Strange bro what is that that’s a dictionary okay go over here okay okay what is it oh it’s like a house wait so you do have to beat that Obby to play this game that’s crazy easy oh what’s in here another part don’t jump scare me again please please don’t jump scare me

Again your toy is now equipped with a light source we have a flashlight for the Drone got it so maybe now we can light up that dark area now guys I cannot open this I cannot open this so yeah guys wait you literally have to go

Up here and get jump scared to keep going in the game that’s crazy and we have not seen that character before right that was new no that was brand new Bro Bruh Bruh br br br br br it’s B Adam has a huge crush on Bambina no way it’s

Bambina what’s up Bambina you happen to know anything about someone who tricks others and imprisons them no this Dame claims someone kidnapped and imprisoned her for some time but she managed to escape I don’t know I didn’t get a good look at them I have a feeling the

Culprit is incredibly clever and good at what he does and that he’s very handsome oh I didn’t say that my gut feelings never wrong and something tells me he is very handsome I told you he is RZ but you came to the right place miss it

Should be safe here for now my students are my responsibility I can’t teach them without a full attendance list the principal would be very mad if I did we ought to find the culprit but let’s make sure we’re allive to do so first how about you head over to the introduction

Sector and look for the first switch I’ll have Stinger Flynn transported here Mrs Mason you seem to have been through a lot and we need everyone to stay focused I think you should rest for now maybe we get through this alive Mrs Mason her name is bambolina huh oh we get to follow

Bambolina Adam as his C Adam you can you can use your skiy Riz on her what are you talking about you can use your ski r on I don’t got H CR on Bambina I don’t got H crina I don’t got a h Bambina okay okay bye-bye bambolina

Okay so wait if I go to the workbench I can upgrade my drone and then get a flashlight oh so that’s going to be really helpful guys it’ll be lit wherever we fly the drone wait this is so cool wait um wait how do I do this

Wait what wait what it doesn’t work or is the flashlight already on uh it might already just be on okay hopefully it’s on yeah yeah I think the drone’s lit up all right let’s test all right yes yes yes now we can use it I think

Yeah it has flashlights on it nice and then check the ground huh the ground oh yeah it is it is definitely lit I’m going to follow the arrow the arrow says to go that way I’m going to go that way please work guys this is definitely the

Hardest chapter so far of Garden of bamb band Garden of bamb ban is not it’s not an easy game guys that’s the thing the Drone is literally lit get it it’s literally lit oh I get I’m just happy bambolina is in this chapter man honestly you have a huge crush on her I

Don’t I really don’t Adam has been counting down the days to this release because he said it’s been such a long time since I saw bambolina and he sings that bro he sings that by himself he goes bambolina he just sings at it at night

By himself all right let’s go dude I I have the right key card it’s the right color it should work all right we got it now don’t worry come on dude there’s no way the game makes you walk this far there’s no way well in the last chapter

Remember with the elevator thing like you have to go really far oh what was that it bumped into a light post oh got it oh now it can’t move because of light post come on bro come on go nice I need oh no I don’t I don’t have light come on

Yeah these is the right color if it doesn’t work the game’s glitched I don’t know this does make sense though there’s three doors and he said we had to beat three doors mhm oh no like a rail here okay they do not make this easy yeah

Guys this part of the game is really hard okay let’s go nice nice please please it doesn’t work dude is this a scam um what about those key cards I don’t know okay let me try if it doesn’t work guys I don’t know maybe I have oh wait over here over there

Right this is so confusing how would we have known that though that’s crazy I don’t know just really far away that’s okay guys we’re going to figure it out this game is lit let’s go power power power that worked yes that that’s going to turn on more lights to make it safe

Or something it might turn on those let me let me look at this what is this okay what is that dear Mommy we will not talk to the face like Miss Mason said okay now we know Miss Mason is bambolina so she told people not oh the face is zhus

It’s zus guys check that out on the bottom left and it says party me and it says me and Claire me I think is the character that we’re playing as there’s Stinger Flynn and it says scared Miss Mason do you think that Miss Mason is bambolina before she turned to

Bambolina oh because bambolina is a teacher yeah wait okay so that just lit this up so now I can go over here now I can go in each of these doors okay let’s hope this works guys guys that was very confusing all right let’s go over here

Yeah yes yes yes we solved it open up nice yo what is this like a laboratory it looks that’s a huge whiteboard it must be like a school or something maybe it’s bambolina School yo it’s a puzzle it’s a puzzle okay what is this start here oh

My goodness is this like a secret code bro so we have to do on what the dark blue I have no idea bro and oh there’s chairs do you have to like sit on each chair in order let me just explore okay

I got I got this I got a key card oh oh no it’s a DVD I can watch that later nice do I need to be in the light here too cuz I don’t have my drone I can’t see anything it’s okay I doubt it I feel like the naughty

Ones aren’t here anymore what is that there buttons oh you got to turn the lights somehow oh oh like the green light cuz there was a green light bulb yeah you have to move the lights and shine them on the couches in the order oh my goodness guys first puzzle of the game

And we are stumped oh now it’s a red light okay yeah there’s a red light up here but we have to turn the lights on somehow okay so we’re here we have to go through all four areas to beat the game we are in the first sector guys and this puzzle is

Looking very difficult okay what is what are these codes man this is this is a crazy game okay I got a key card okay I got a BL key card that’s important probably for the blue light probably for the blue light what’s that okay it says

Your daily dose of motivation life is a series of events played in the correct order that makes so much sense and that was a picture of stinger Flynn I think crying oh that makes so much sense it almost makes a dollar run it’s the jester are you going

To help us are they gone who oh don’t worry I I’m not going to hurt you can I trust you I’ve done enough damage as it is I know it doesn’t make up for what I’ve done and trying to take you down but I’m sorry I truly

Am I don’t know what came over me I just couldn’t hold myself back yeah you tried to O Us in chapter 4 I knew the consequences well and I still went ahead and said that stupid joke and now the Queen’s probably dead because of me I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t

Forgive me but I will be very thankful if you do just know that I’ll do my best to make up for what I did you’re here for the switch for the room where the scepter is right yes it’s in here but it’s inside of that

Locker I can’t figure out what to do I know what to do I know what to do buddy okay guys yeah in the end of chapter 4 bitter giggle or the gesture told a joke and made Queen M laugh and that’s what caused all the problems what

Is that headphones how do I pick that up nice oh I got headphones okay oh nice game is crazy dude we might turn into like a skibby speaker man Riz guy all right we’re activating it what does that do okay that turn something on definitely okay that that’s where the

Okay what is that okay that turn something on now I know we have to do oh there it is there a light press that let me just press all these lights do we have to do it in like an order no no we just have to press them all okay I know

What to do leave it to me you understand the puzzle yes leave it to me let’s go oh what wait I did everything right until then really so I just have to change the last one this one is this one yes please what do you mean bro what are you

Talking about so maybe it doesn’t tell you that is wrong until the very last one oh my goodness wait how would how would this be possible then H how would this be possible hold on let me look at this diagram what does that mean there’s four

Chairs start here oh okay it starts with light blue dark blue light blue dark blue so I got to look for that it’s here that’s this one say start here and then okay yeah and then it says I get it and then it says light blue really blue dark blue light blue which

Is th this one yeah guys there’s a code and if we do this right it’ll give us the green light that makes sense so guys look at the chairs and look at the colors of the chairs we need to find two mediums one light one dark okay two

Mediums one light one dark that is over here in the back nice there’s two mediums one light and one dark perfect let’s go guys we’re figuring this out I love when you figure stuff out it makes you feel smart now we’re looking for medium dark light light medium dark light light that’s

Here in the back there yes please now we’re looking for um medium um wait dark light dark medium I’m getting stressed out bro wait where where is that dark light dark medium so there should be two darks here no uh this one yeah yes and then we’re

Looking for um dark light dark light which is right here no right here yep yes awesome and it turned on that light and so we just have to turn on all the lights so now we reset and we go here so we’re looking for medium medium light

Dark okay medium medium light dark right here okay then we’re looking for dark light dark medium dark light dark Med guys this puzzle is crazy dark light dark medium here okay then we’re looking for dark light dark light which is over here okay uh right here they I’m looking for medium dark

Light light medium dark light light is here boom this is nuts okay then looking for medium dark medium light oh my goodness my head is hurting this one yeah it’s this one had a Grimace Shake right before we started filming guys guys I had a Grimace Shake in a Wendy’s spicy

Chicken sandwich so I’m powered up guys I’m really powered up right now that was excited for Garner B man the six let’s go what oh no y that’s the right sequence though did we hit the first one right bro you’re supposed to be helping me dude uh medium medium light dark oh

So they have to be in order yeah they have to be like the two mediums have to be next to each other I think Med this here right yeah light dark yeah okay so yeah I did that first one wrong okay my bad dark light dark medium

Dark dark light dark medium that’s here right dark light dark ah is it this one wasn’t it just the one that you were at is this one one dark light oh no yeah that that one yeah that one yeah okay I thought that’s what I did and we have

Dark light dark light which is here yep and we have medium dark light light medium dark light light is here then we have medium dark medium light which is what here medium dark medium light yes yeah and then last one is light dark light dark

Here yes all right blue lights on oh oh wait it reveals a secret word kindergarten it reveals a secret word what does the green one reveal it didn’t say anything I don’t know maybe we just turn them all on oh is there a word back here where’s the where’s the green light

Pointing to yeah we just got to turn them all on this is crazy guys finally we have the red light which is um okay dark light dark light okay guys I’m really really locked in right now you got him man I’m really locked in guys I’m trying to become an academic

Weapon okay okay I’m trying to become a smart guy oh I almost got stuck okay dark light dark light it’s here nice nice then we got um uh medium dark light light uh medium dark light light here yep then we got medium medium light dark medium medium light dark medium medium light dark

What where is it here oh there it is nice and then we have medium guys we’re on this one right now we have medium dark medium light medium dark medium light oh my goodness right here medium dark no wait that’s dark yeah okay is okay no no no

That’s not it yeah don’t mess with me this one medium dark what I can’t even think anymore it’s that one right medium dark medium light are you sure I I literally can’t even think anymore there’s too many colors okay then we have dark light dark medium

Oh my goodness dark light no dark light dark medium here right yep last one light medium light medium oh my goodness guys this is a crazy puzzle to put first in the game yes got it what are all of these colorful lights for let’s go I don’t know you tell me all right

Let’s look around let’s explore that must have done something wait okay that wait that that made more code this crazy this is crazy puzzle oh well there was some arrows right like near the lights can we move the light you’re right is that it bro this game is nuts dude all right

Let’s go over here we got to turn them turn them turn them into the screen oh there we go I’m a genius keep going please work please work please work go one Yes sounds good okay I think it’s going to say ban band’s kindergarten let’s go so maybe if you put all three

Colors together like red green and blue it makes like some rainbow code exactly it it’s going to open the locker that’s what we need this is the first puzzle out of four dude this is crazy wow this is a crazy puzzle dude this is nuts nice Bingo Bongo that looks right right or

One more no no no right here okay and the red one all right we got it hopefully I’m doing this right oh I’m doing parkour and stuff oh what a flex no there’s a wall there okay nice okay nice okay what is that by the way

Looking a little bit sussy what is that is that a window I don’t know I don’t know what’s that doing here all right this is crazy hopefully this works guys come on dude that that was a crazy first puzzle let’s go dude we solved it guys

We solved it with you guys yeah we solved it with your guys’ help let’s go please W take your seats wait what we got to hide what there 5 Seconds go go go go go go go go go woo that was so close I just made it

We got to wait till Whatever video was playing outside ins why why who’s out there the naughty ones no don’t say a word okay why can the game hear us hello anybody in there it’s your friend ban I need your help he’s out already don’t even think

About opening this door what if we do should I open it it just lit up uh there’s nothing else I can do man I have to I have to you trust the jester open up yo chill up open up YOLO no what are you doing YOLO any of your hopefully he

Attacks Jester not me what would I do do we go out there dude not cool not cool what was that even wow that was crazy dude it kind of looked like a slow saline napnap baby ew a slug baby a slug Spider Baby yuck all right we’re going to run

This time guys we were a little bit too thick last time dude I don’t understand I how I didn’t make it let’s go come on come on nice nice I made it okay nice wait so what I’m not supposed to open the door but look that’s the only thing

That changed in here Whatever video is playing outside inss okay don’t say a word don’t tell me what to do hello anybody in there it’s your friend ban I need your help he’s out already don’t even think about opening this door okay and then right after he says

That that lights up what am I supposed to do okay I’m just going to not open it let’s just wait let’s just wait open up I opened it last time he OS open up open up no open up I won’t open up no I won’t the lights are turning

Back on I think the video is ending so you just had to wait it’s worse than I thought and it’s all because of me yeah man it’s your fault we should go back to wherever you came from on the way back I’ll think of some jokes that might distract the sheriff from obliterating

Me on site what he just wants us to go back we didn’t even get the thing we came for oh nice yes this is going to open up the door to the scepter let’s go we did one out of four nice W huge W and that had

Queen boun’s wand over it exactly the scepter that was a huge W all right first area complete that was a lot of fun yeah let’s go guys that puzzle was lit let’s go all right let’s go back now I’m going to go all the way

Back here and I got a I got a secret DVD by the way I can watch that DVD ooh what do you think it’s going to be up maybe bambolina oh Adam hopes so because Adam has a huge crush on her and he wants to use that that skibby

RZ that ban ban Riz that’s I’m calls himself the bambolina rizzler or maybe it’ll show us secrets about who that monster was that attacked us at the start dude I think that monster and and whatever just attacked us in there it was like a little baby

Slug I have no idea what it was all brand new characters guys we are going to show you what they are in this video so keep watching guys it’s ging a bat man sixth time let’s go dude let’s go this is so exciting guys thank you all

For watching you guys are all awesome if you watch this video you’re awesome thank you for just um hanging out and just playing these video games with us and chilling we’re chilling dude we love being your guys’ friends and so do the plushies Adam I Adam I I don’t want I

Don’t want to I don’t want to worry you right now but Sheriff a toaster and bambolina kind of sitting in a tree oh sh to or yo that was not cool Jester that was not cool I thought you said you don’t get scared you always say you’re not a

Baby I don’t I don’t that was not cool I didn’t know that Jester was following us that scared me so badly stop bro his eyes looked like red too oh my goodness Adam I don’t know what to tell you but Sheriff toter and bambolina sitting in a

Tree oh no a guts showing up here bitter giggle I should take you out where you stand no don’t fight did you really think that I’d allow you in here and look who it is my partner in fighting crime turns out to be working with our most wanted criminal behind my back no

It’s not my fault I had a bad feeling about you the moment I saw you I wanted to use you as bait for the other criminals but the queen insisted we give you a chance should have gone with my instincts as usual I was right what what

You two should go your fate in here won’t be much better than your fate out there with the naughty ones I don’t need no Partners I’ll find little beak and together we’ll rid the world of monsters like you what are you talking about oh what hey yo hey yo e oh no Bina

No no I’ll save you who was that let’s get out of here what was that yo little slug took bambolina hey yo what up wait what she got snatched oh my goodness this is the worst day of Adam’s life look look at the jester he just ran away he’s a

Coward we’re safe for now so there’s that oh Stinger Flynn oh it’s you what’s up dude The Duel of Destruction didn’t you cause all of this to happen he didn’t I did and I plan to make up for it how everyone would that you care to to see

You redeem yourself is probably already gone so what’s the point how do you even talk jelly fish have no brain what we should go turn on the other switches of the door let’s head to the potentiality sector next I don’t know if I can trust the

Jester man it is his fault that all this happened he told a joke and queen Mia laughed oh there’s a map wait wait let me watch the DVD guys let me watch the movie this might be a secret bamb bam movie Let’s Go yo it’s shataki and tataki they’re in

Jail are they okay well no what was that bro looks like they almost fell over okay guys that was crazy that little slug monster took bambolina that was nuts now I’m going to use this map oh oh we got um like a I think it’s like a skin for the Drone

Nice okay look we’re at the storage Bay they said go to the potentiality which makes sense cuz we went here last time so I got to go left they’re telling me where to go got it makes sense this game is nuts now I got to go go left I got to

Follow these arrows the jester better not be following me that scared me really badly nice let’s go I know Adam wants to save bambolina so we’re on a rescue mission we’re on a bambolina rescue mission do you think those were like slow seline’s babies I think it was

Slow Seline and nabnab babies ew that would make a lot of sense what they almost reminded me of tadpoles I think they might be zus babies wait are you serious yeah cuz zus is a giant slug tadpole thing all right we’re going to find out whose babies are those that

Took bambolina okay we’re going to find out dude it’s going to be crazy it’s very important I’m just going into the darkness right now there there is a I see a light all the way over there but I it seems like the wrong color it seems

Like a yellow key card which I do not have oh oh I got to go up here though oh is that Mr Kebab man hello Mr Kebab man’s up there oh cool he’s awesome it’s time to get ban baned okay let’s go over here I need a

Yellow key card it should be up here okay now we know how the game works Mr Kabab man what are you doing here buddy we’ll be your friend go going up here nice what up dude what’s up dude oh there’s the yellow key card we need nice

What’s up dude huh hello he won’t talk to me he’s just te posing bro like me at Walmart and Target guys always T pose with lanky box merch at Walmart or Target make sure to grab it okay he won’t talk to us right now so I’m just

Going to go in here all right guys next puzzle let’s go this is awesome this is very exciting what is oh what oh what is that hey yo what is that ew Jester it’s like the jester but he’s like split in half why would someone do that what is

That what are they doing come on man we have to get back together not a chance your jokes are trash you’ll have one leg everybody will think you’re the joke when you’re hopping around like a bunny we must get back together to prevent that oh you

Make a good points let me think about it for a second never hey y he came with the flying takedown what was that so each half of the jester has its own brain so I think that’s that’s the whole reason the jester is so crazy is he doesn’t like himself bro there’s

The happy side and the sad side that’s so deep man that is so deep oh my goodness tell me that’s not what I think it is bro huh what is it that’s not tell me that’s not what I think it is I got a hat like that in real life bro let’s go

Bro Justin wears this all the time when we go to Wendy’s he put that on immediate Wendy RZ list this increases my RZ by 10 points this increases immediately Riz boost now I’m going over here I can’t open this okay I can’t open that wait am

I supposed to like jump down there wait I have the yellow key card I don’t think it works here I’ll try it guys that is a yellow door but it’s not working nice I’ll try this and then if it doesn’t work I’m going to jump down cuz I think

That was the whole puzzle you got to jump down here which is crazy you got to follow them in there I think I think you got no no I think you got to jump hold on there’s like a platform down there oh let’s try it let’s jump down there

That’s a really hard jump to make though I don’t are you sure we might o here guys oh there’s a key card down there or something I got to go yes yes that was tricky man wait that’s crazy that you have to do that wait what is it oh another it’s another

Movie it’s another uh tape DVD sweet we’ll watch that later in the video guys let’s call in our drone I think I have to hit all these buttons I think I got to hit all these buttons where’s our drone though wait where’s our drone though wait where’s our drone though you

Can respawn it though right by clicking it’s not working there it is okay so I got to bring it down here first this is really tricky guys this is not an easy game let’s go the Drone is always really finicky yeah guys we’re going to figure

This out though no problem okay dude so now we’re learning about the gesture there’s multiple gestures and they don’t like themselves that’s really sad man I wish the jester was just happy that’s really deep man Adam wants him to be happier going to be lit oh wait how am I going

To get it all the way over there I’m like too far uh will it work no wait what how am I going to do that wait what wait what huh did I have to do that from up there it’s not going to go over there too far

Uh let’s just try using it by the door first maybe this will open yeah hopefully please work please work please please work nice yes all right we’re in there nice let’s go oh I’m scared I think oh it’s another it’s another um Jester what is he

Doing is it like a different version of him yeah it is he’s like peanut butter and jelly hello don’t jump scare do not jump scare me bro I will find it the perfect joke I might have lost a leg but it will all be worth it in the end I

Just have to make sure I don’t lose the other one but I must remember absolutely no more jokes about being trapped in a kangaroo’s pouch What so he’s joking about being like a queen bounia baby yeah he’s joking about being a naughty one hey Y no B look at that tongue bro he’s get that bam bam Riz no he’s going to Riz bambolina at him you better watch out have to know you survived the madness

Happening outside I don’t trust you I’ve seen cases as cake containment before but nothing this crazy you’re not much of a talker so I’m going to assume you’re here for an important reason you wouldn’t risk your life to be here otherwise whatever it is I’ll come with

You do we trust band band dude there’s no way we trust band band never ever ever trust a band band guys never trust a band band bro so I think I got to go here and do the Drone to that thing under it which is how how I don’t

Understand look over here I got to like get the drone over there somehow I I definitely have to hit this button why would they put put it there if I didn’t can you activate it just from here no way I’m calling you my drone I don’t know where my drone

Is wait where’s where yo where’s my drone hello oh there wait what my drone is like glitched out of the game H and you can’t click to respawn it I just did it doesn’t work uh-oh look it should be right there it should be where it shows

Up it’s glitched now guys normally they like kind of show you with like an X where to aim on the wall they decided to take that oh I was just saying that right here oh and now it activate I don’t hear it that is crazy there’s the X I was looking

For please work oh no I almost fell okay is there another X down here I’m not seeing is it on the wall so maybe maybe I’ll respawn my drone I’ll respawn my drone and I’ll just put it like down here I’ll just put it like over here

Then I’ll click that X okay that’s got to be it guys this is a crazy puzzle did Justin just solve this guys please please please please please it’s down there I’m going put it a little bit lower nice and now I’m going to click that X hopefully this

Works no way let’s listen close here if this works you’ll hear the activation sound yeah you got to listen for the here we go come on please yes I think we did it no way I heard something did it work come on B ban help me out bro is it near the

Button it looks like it hit it but it’s not green I’ll try it again okay you got it guys this is the craziest puzzle why why why why I don’t understand it’s just really tricky all right please please please right here come on Please yes that was it that was it it yes it’s lit up yo wow that is an insane puzzle B ban of course you would make that let’s go here nice let’s go we’re in there that is nuts all right let’s go in here whoa

It’s dark I don’t trust B ban oh he’s waddling oh no do I need to call my drone I can’t see anything oh I’ll follow him up here there’s like a light up here yeah I don’t think you get attacked as long as you’re near bamb ban I don’t trust me I

Me he attacked us last time in the dark didn’t he with the jester that’s true that’s true how far is this away from me what I’ve been walking for like a minute the big stairway let’s go is this puzzle number two this could be it yeah

Definitely wa are we outside oh no what is that is that double bambolina Adam dream opening as well okay don’t tell me what to do B man I’ll open it nice yo what is it Mr Kebab man and bambolina in here there’s like clones of

Them why it’s uh it’s sus Bam Bam what’s going on here tell me right now look at this place I am it seems really familiar but I’m not sure where I could have ever seen something like this okay oh damn it okay what does it say better start pushing but exercising

The only way to become jumbo better start pushing he is jumbo what is this we’re going to push there’s another light here that we need bamb ban to light what does that mean okay oh we got to move the band band statues to the light oh oh there’s something here

There’s something here let me press that okay what did that do did absolutely nothing oh maybe oh lit that up you have to light up all the different Towers yo it’s a puzzle you got to move the Kebab Ms out of the way you got to get him to the light oh okay

That makes sense you it’s like one of those sliding puzzles guys yeah except I can’t move anything right now which is not good so I probably have to press that again bam man hey how about you give me a clue buddy like what’s going on bro what’s in here anyways nothing okay

Another door okay there water and cans for amolina let me press it again oh no I only press it once okay so I have to be able to move something maybe this oh yes okay I can start on this puzzle nice okay I can’t move band ban though oh

Yeah I can oh I just have to be behind them okay it’s a little bit finicky then I just have to be in the right spot it okay it makes sense guys I got to go this way this is an insane puzzle can I push him this way

Yes dude this is nuts it’s literally like a sliding app game puzzle let’s go nice let’s go this way yes wait that’s impossible wait that’s impossible what we start with the other one that’s lit yeah let me start with this one this one makes more sense okay this is crazy yeah

This one has more space too nice oh whoops go push that twice Guys these puzzles are not easy at all this is some of the toughest puzzles we’ve ever done in a video game guys but we’re never going to give up we are going to solve them we’re never

Going to give this up you know what I mean we’re never going to let our viewers down you know what I mean it’s going to be lit that’s true guys that’s true I’m making progress I’m making progress I’m moving bamb slowly towards the which is right

There nice this one’s easy there’s a lot of space okay yeah wait we’re almost there I feel like don’t jinx it though I got to go this way and I got to move everything out the way this is a crazy puzzle man oh you’re crushing it man thanks buddy

Nice uh okay now I got to shift everything one more okay nice excuse me Mr Kebab man get out of the way nice yes enough oh yes yes yes yes there’s just enough room nice this is crazy come on I like how bandman just standing

There help us dude I wonder if he made the puzzles like probably he doesn’t want us to actually win or something we did it we did it what’s this going to do go go yes okay did I light anything else up we have to do both puzzles no but those

Aren’t lit oh I got to get them back are you kidding me wait a minute is that really it yeah yeah it is dude we have to get him to all of them are you kidding me this is awesome guys this this is truly awesome this is a truly awesome

Moment right here dude let’s go B let’s go buddy let’s go if there’s one thing I know Justin loves it’s a good puzzle I do I do be doing puzzles guys I do be doing puzzles mhm I do be doing puzzles all the time in my spare time nothing I love

More I actually I actually completed a four-piece jigsaw puzzle last week in record time right guys we’ll put a picture on screen of what that puzzle looked like it had four different shapes all four different colors it was nuts guys I I stared at it for a good couple

Hours before I started just to get my my my lay of the land exactly guys he had his left and right brain working on it at the same time yes I can act actually I can actually activate my my my KF C part of the brain the the cre frontal

Portex and I can also activate my lizard brain at the same time most people cannot that’s true guys okay let’s go over here nice yes oh oh oh no there’s one in the way I didn’t see that one uhoh no no I’m good I didn’t see that one that’s an L for me

Okay push that come on nice I got to move everything one looking good man looking good yeah we got this light and then I got to get him back over there probably perfect nice go on B ban nice W green yes and then it’s oh it’s that one

Over there now we got to go over here maybe we’ll get to do this one twice this one is much harder um oh no it’s not cuz I didn’t know I could do this okay I figured this one out already nice figured out already easy bro see he

Speeduns this stuff guys easy bro guys this our first time ever playing this game we’re trying our best nice nice go like this Bo move this yeah this way yep but I probably have to go back but that’s okay makes it more fun yeah true more game play nice nice go

Nice kind of feels like we’re in the squid game man there’s all these different challenges and stuff bro nice yeah we got to go back one more here we go um I’m trying to think how to do this uh I got to get bamb ban here go back

Buddy go back buddy nice I got to start moving all these and just rotate everything mhm this is nuts come on come on bamb ban let’s go let’s go bamb ban you got it dude let’s go man nice you literally just got to go in circles and rotate everything

On we love puzzles like this though guys it’s really really cool yeah it’s really satisfying when you get it I’ll move this yeah now we got it got to move everything in a giant Circle nice including this one come on come on move there you go

Come on Mr Kabab man we’re almost there we’re almost there guys Mr Kebab man make room for the real band bam nice nice we got it man let’s go going in circles right now basically two more two more literally just going in circles nice and I probably have to

Go that one too we got it oh one more cool we did it w and then last one yep oh wait there’s no lights wait what is the door L up it opened we did it we got the key card nice there was no more nice

Nice let’s go awesome guys well thanks a lot for your help b b psych you didn’t help at all all right let’s go in here nice nice hey yo hey yo watch out that’s the baby slug I was talking about what is that doing in

Here hey yo what was that did it have an arrow in it it had like a stick it had this like giant stick oh there’s an arrow now to the stick pick it up hey is that guy over there a friend of yours oh you can tell him to get down now it’s

Not like we’re going to eat his pancreas what is that hey you can get down now we’re friendly W I should have seen that coming wait there’s no way I’m doing that puzzle again do you think um that was maybe like the slug daddy M oh maybe slow seline’s husband

Yeah okay so this is very interesting guys this has never happened in garden B before it looks like certain parts you have to get jump scare to move on cuz everything’s still lit and bamman oh he’s back and the door’s open so we’re still moving forward why did you why did

You not help us B ban I don’t trust you let’s get out of here he likes seeing us sof though cuz he can almost grab our pancreas it’s almost open oh we got to get that metal rod and use it to pry the door open oh that makes sense guys hey

That guy let’s just hurry let’s hurry let’s hurry let’s hurry you can tell him to get down now it’s not like we’re going to eat his pancreas oh it closed nice it closed oh no bman hey yo so you are my Liberator did you get my warning you had

Your chance to escape my man what is That nice thanks Jester they’re gone man open that up let’s go oh Jester just got OED I just heard the jester scream everyone’s getting OED man bambolina got taken band ban Jester I just heard the jester go nice we got a purple key card nice let me out of here

Wow hey oh Jester’s yeed what’s up dude okay he’s oofed Jester is just laid out bro he’s just got yeed bro that’s Adam after a big glass of okay I’m out of here I’m going back going back all right I got to go back man that was crazy let’s go back and

Then I know where to use this key card that was crazy dude what was that slug monster I don’t know but that is puzzle number two defeated so we probably have what one more puzzle left well no we we we didn’t get the scepter button yet so

This this this puzzle’s not over yet oh okay got it post though I think it’s down here yep it’s right here let’s go into the purple door game is very interesting guys let’s go okay let’s open this maybe Queen boun cilia will be here cuz she is purple oh another dark stairway this

Might be a little bit sus okay it better not make me do another one of those puzzles down here let’s go watch out for naughty ones dude I don’t even think it’s the naughty ones we’re scared of I think we’re scared of that slug monster whatever that was he had a nice tie

Though he did look very nice he looked very dressed up very sharp okay nice we got this just like his teeth nice let’s go in here what’s in here oh another puzzle hold up Let’s Stay Together who what my head hurts did you see where sir dadoo went

After our Skirmish sir D do wait I know this place the switch should be on the office above but getting in there won’t be easy we would have to activate the four locks of the door from down here but they need fixing first and they need

Power I can fix them if there’s power but I remember the sheriff rigging the power switch so that it would alert the entire facility to our location if activated it would trigger an alarm which is sure to attract some unwanted guests okay if you could cover me from

Above while I fix these switches down here we might just be able to get into that office okay I’m ready when you are we got to cover him somehow how do I do that oh these lights wait what okay what is this this is another tricky game guys

What is this recharge ceiling light what I got to press that okay so I got to cover them what does that mean what does this mean mean I’m so confused oh so you can move the spotlight around do I have to like show them where

To go oh I got to keep the light on them otherwise the naughty ones will get him ah okay that makes sense I just got to run back and forth really wait what is this oh another note oh case update about the spider okay guys we’re not

Going to read all this but that is you can pause it and read it if you want it’s pretty crazy bro let’s go Su bro dude that monster is the that’s what Adam called himself dude he says mommy one day I’m going be a daddy dude

What I don’t think so yeah bro yeah he says that what is this start reboot it’s time to reboot bro let’s do it wait should I press this what is this Eyes On The Ceiling Ayo what does that mean let’s press it okay that’s the reboot go

Don’t panic that was expected okay go keep your eyes on the 12 lights around me if they turn red point one of the light poles at them you can control them if too many turn red without your inter interference we’re done for this is insane Eyes On The Ceiling too the

Light up there needs to be recharged after each use okay here they come go so any light that’s red we have to point the light at it I don’t see anything red you not right now no hover bitter oh I’m going I’m going I’m going wait that’s insane please work I

Got it wait how do I cover the other one that’s not even possible are you trolling me I can’t oh there’s NAB nabs that’s impossible uhoh huh oh no this is bad this is what I do what I do this thing this thing ye go away no

It doesn’t I’m going to get jump scared this is this makes no sense go away and be charged recharge oh that thing’s oh nice okay went away one down how many you have left oh oh so you got to reboot each time you get a checkpoint at least

Okay nice what no we figured out what to do basically you just want to run in a circle and just keep pressing all the buttons because the ceiling’s already gone out and I’m going to have to recharge it right now so I’m going to go Circle and just make sure all the lights

Are good they’re all good for right now I got to recharge I got to recharge look the ceiling went out again the ceiling just keeps going out over and over any red nope we’re good nothing here press the ceiling light and keep going yeah there’s a red

Light right there let’s go the ceiling went out again it’s just like automatically failing this is ridic ridiculous guys you got to run in circles and just keep fixing wait we might o right here how’s the ceiling so fast you got it man you got it I got it that was really

Close okay oh there’s one right there I got to recharge the ceiling though uh-oh this is insane the ceiling is out again this is stressful guys the music is pounding guys this is the most stressful mini game I think we’ve played in G B Man actually it’s out again and it’s already here

What do you mean all right you got it you got it I don’t got it bro okay I got it got to go here maybe maybe the key is to stay on just one side like just cuz you can’t just can’t let too many turn red right that’s true

It’s mostly just the ceiling I feel like oh nice wow hacks the ceiling is terrible it literally just keeps going out and up oh okay we’re all good on this side it’s the ceiling again okay nice it’s the ceiling again it’s literally I think if you stay

On this side you’re actually good the ceiling’s out again is it literally just run back and forth and fix the ceiling is that the whole game basically if this works hurry up dude hurry up nice go this way yes the ceiling’s out again so the ceiling guys this game

Is crazy you just run back and forth and just keep turning out the ceiling basically yep it’s mostly the ceiling guys I missed it’s okay yes come on the ceiling is out again so this is ridiculous you run back and forth and just turn out the ceiling

Basically ni he’s hitting buttons on the Run that’s crazy I’m going nuts the ceiling’s out again this is the greatest boss fight ever guys this is awesome come one nice nice please we the switch and let’s head back I don’t want to spend another minute in this place we did it

Awesome we got number two of the wands let’s go let’s get get me out of here bro wow yeah let’s never do that again guys that was a crazy crazy puzzle that was a crazy puzzle guys the hack in that one is just run back and forth and just

Keep hitting that light okay let’s go wow thanks buddy let’s go what’s up Jester we’re almost there dude that slug was so evil dude that was the slug monster right or was that a different monster I couldn’t even tell um I I think it was the slug

Monster there’s a lot of slugs in this game yeah I’m like I’m just walking towards this door guys we’re getting out of here so that’s that’s two out of three I think there’s only one more puzzle yeah I think it’s three total I don’t know if it’s three or four guys

But we’re we’re zooming through this game wow guys when the puzzles are tricky I feel really proud of us when we beat them it’s awesome yeah that’s true guys we’re really good so far now we need to go to the conditioning sector should I go back or should I go to the conditioning

Sector straight away uh I would probably follow wherever Jester go goes he’s just following us oh he’s like he’s like an adom basically just following what I I’ll just go over here man oh wait is there a drone oh wait it’s like lit wait hack these are turning on oh

Uhoh wait where’s our drone where’s our drone yo yo watch out dude oh it like it like lights up as soon as I go the Dr it’s motion active AC at so it’s showing us where to go we have to go hang on we need to talk no we

Don’t no we don’t we’ve been making great progress so far and it’s really getting my spirit okay wait I can’t even hear him anymore he’s so far behind don’t tell a joke what do you call a toad that’s upset Sheriff toadster what unhoppy good one dude good one the jester is

Gone I left him behind that’s a good joke wait wait I hear like giggling is that yeah I heard that is that the naughty Ones they laughed yeah the naughty ones do last time I I told the joke all I heard was yelling dude does he wait for me I have to go back and get him man he is like a aen yo yo yo yo yo chill yo y

Yo chill why is he running like that why did he stand there and now he’s running is there someone behind you don’t what’s he running from the naughty ones oh no oh no yo look at that running though look at that running though it looks like a

Him nice okay nice we did it they captured that and kittysaurus is here wow the whole Squad is here guys when did you guys get here bro Justin does the best kittysaurus impression ever yeah yeah that’s the sound they make wait and band Ban’s here yo the whole Squad is here except

Bambolina bambolina still got snatched that’s crazy what is this all we need is one more switch and we’re good to grab the scepter yeah I guess you could say our day won’t be SE terrible for much longer what anything happen while we were away nothing it’s

Strange I agree sir dadoo is up to no good who’s her daddy do nabnab showed up although I’m not sure if anyone would be happy to hear this he tried some of his usual Shenanigans so I put him in a cage also your big cat friend just walked in

Here like he knew the place I didn’t dare get close to it kittysaurus really I need to go see her she’s one of the few that appreciate my jokes yeah finger Flynn wanted a word feels weird being on the same side again after all that’s happened

Look at that running man he looks like aom on the playground bro let me go talk to Stinger Flynn yeah guys there’s one more puzzle we got this that’s true guys that is how I look look at kitty sorus yeah that’s the sound they make in

Garden of B and chapter 4 guys for those of you guys who don’t get what I’m saying he goes yeah we’ll put a clip on screen it was lit all right Stinger flame what you got to say huh want to let you know that this is all happening because of you never

Convince yourself otherwise you’re saying it’s our fault if you hadn’t intervened with my plan or the Queens you’d be home on your warm bed I would be free of my shackles and everyone you hurt would not have been hurt and ask yourself this if I wasn’t

Hooked up the pipes that drained me of my Jenum and Shunk my size could my original size have aided us in our predicament what are you saying man because of your foolish decisions we are even less likely now to ever get back to the children regardless there’s another thing I want

To show you we’re going to see another one of his dreams it sure looks like you need it guys Stinger flame can do this thing where he puts you to sleep and shows you his dreams this is going to be crazy wow yo yo it’s the appeal bird and NAB NAB

They like a bus station morning sleepy fell huh you should have kept sleeping we’re still waiting for the bus what bus there zhus man I’m so tired quit whin you’re not the only one what bus may be sleep for a bit like op yeah it’s sleeping she’s been sleeping for days oh

There’s the bus the bus is here finally Guys these dream cut scenes are always crazy who’s driving it I don’t know let’s find out that it’s not the correct one Oh wrong oh man what are we even doing all of this I don’t want to

Go to the beach anymore I just want to go back we cannot we must get to the beach I will be frank I did not know it would be this difficult to reach our destination if it weren’t for your infuriating actions we would not be in this current predicament

What really Stinger my actions are your non-existent driving skills I think opila can drive better than you and she doesn’t even have hands you sure you want to do this again do what again no need to get aggressive actually I think now would be the time that we just go home do you

Have any idea how to get back from here well no but the captain and I could definitely figure it out right captain captain Oh another bus another bus is here no one wants to conversate with a being who’s less useful than the seats they are sitting on there’s the captain he’s leaving yo

He built like built like Adam he’s built like Adam if he drinks a Grimace Shake kid what what what are we going to do I’m what na na just got ran over this wasn’t supposed to happen we need to follow wait is that the correct bu Captain fiddle said nothing the

Entire game just walked over and got kidnapped what is going on guys what a dream that was why did we need to see that Stinger Flynn wow why did we need to see that bro okay wait I feel like I’m piecing it together you know what I think so guys

We’ll put it says speak to the jester guys I will put a clip on screen or we’ll put a clip on screen of like the cut scene in Garden Man 4 where we’re like in the car and like crashes with stinger Flynn so what I think it is is I

Bet these guys were all friends on like a field trip to go to the beach in a car but then the car crashed and so they were waiting at the bus stop to get a bus to go to the beach like we just saw but then they all got kidnapped and they

Ended up here in the garden of B man that that’s my that’s my guess I like that guess a whole lot man that’s my guess let me pick up a key card we should have the last switch activated okay I found two of these key cards

Laying around Van Ben I mean uthman took one and left one for you okay he saw you taking a nap and decided to head there alone you should be bble to catch up with him okay he gets really just erratic when I call him ban ban do you

Know why that is no I don’t know why that is okay let me pick this up what’s up kittysaurus yeah Kitty s is awake they were asleep earlier okay let’s get going and now uh I got to go to the last sector which should be right in front of us okay last

One guys once we activate this then we are on to the final part of the game we’re going to learn brand new secrets and we might get to see Queen boun cilia we might also get to see babina who Adam has a huge crush on who Adam has a huge

Crush on fingers crossed guys fingers crossed Adam has a huge cross on bambolina that’s true I mean no we caught him we got we got him now we got him now we got him we got him now whatever man Adam has a h cross on bambolina guys please go to lankybox get the lankybox merch it’s awesome I think it’s over here yeah yeah yeah this is this is the door we saw earlier let’s go let’s go let’s go all the way over here oh wait no that door’s already open oh get to safety okay so it does have to be this

Way there’s something here well what is that it’s like a wall so maybe I have to go this way H I think I have to go this way the final sector this one’s the trickiest to get to we’ve been that way and we’ve been that way so where is it it should be

Right in front of us right right ahead yeah it should be right in front of us there’s a wall in front of us though okay I’m just going to follow the wall what is this come on what is this I am confusion what is this is this the right way I don’t know

Bro it’s supposed to be right in front of us right H that’s what the map said there must be like stairs or a door somewhere here please please please please please we’ll find it guys don’t worry we’ll find it guys this this walking around the dark part is lit oh

Yeah there it is I knew it awesome and lanky box is lit yeah guys let’s go lanky box merch is lit go to Walmart and Target or lankybox it’s super cool guys if you guys have merch on you’re very very cool get the merch it’s

Awesome nice let’s go nice it must be over here that’s really far away okay let’s go let’s go wait Nice go nice you think this last puzzle is going to be the hardest of all of them dude why would you say that I hope not the other puzzles have been very hard actually I feel like yep we’ve had some tough puzzles guys we had the chair

Puzzle we had the sliding band band puzzle and then we even had the jester lit puzzle I think this one’s going to be the toughest of all of them but we can handle it dude cuz we’re if it when life gets tough we get tougher bro yes sir yes

Sir yes sir let me go up here okay oh it’s a blue key card oh I got another DVD oh okay so I must have a blue or purple key card I didn’t know that now I got to do this one too we’ve never had

To do two of these before I’ll do it too you got it man nice please open please open yeah definitely nice W final area guys let’s go yo it’s like a garden wo oh a garden of Van ban okay there there’s something right there that I need to press but I can’t

Get over there uh I need to get over there somehow and it looks like I’ll have to hit these with my drone oh I can go up the stairs nice yeah there we go what why does this feel way too easy jump kind of sus isn’t it and then we

Just walk up here and then hit them I can’t I can’t hit that though I don’t think I can jump that far try yes yes I did it oh that’s a cool puzzle oh and then then you hit the Drone here I get it dude this is like a

Obby jumping Obby puzzle puzzle but so far compared to the other puzzles this is not that bad yeah this is great come on please come on go just like jump to do it are you kidding me like jump and then okay I just have to like okay so we got to do

All these this is an interesting puzzle guys this is like a Sports puzzle you got to run and jump and press the button yeah that’s true and Justin’s really good at jumping I do play sports got it nice where’s the next button it’s over there so I probably have to go all the

Way back oh another uh key card nice the green one the green key card okay we probably need that we definitely need that hold back my drone go over here guys I think this is only part one of this puzzle I think it’s going to get really tricky guys do not

Miss the secret ending of this game I cannot wait to see what happens happens yep we’ll show you guys all the cut scenes we know it’s going to be crazy at the end so keep watching don’t go anywhere okay where’s the next next one it’s probably over here yes sir yes sir

Right there yep I knew it let’s go got it and it’s over here nice got him we’re almost done nice dude this game’s cool let’s go Boop oh it missed right here Boop come on yes okay it’s right there last one’s right there and then it’s that button

You got it man you got it this is crazy guys this is crazy this is crazy this is really a crazy video this is a crazy day for all of us right right now it’s awesome it’s the best guys it’s awesome thank you all for

Hanging out and uh playing Garden of B 6 with us this is lit yeah when we heard we got to play Garden bamb band 6 today it’s just so much fun guys we love these games we love making videos L box is awesome this is awesome guys Adam was saying

This is the best day of his life mhm which it probably is an entire gallon of milk probably the best day of his life cuz he gets to see bambolina again that’s true she’s very pretty whatever man whatever dude I got H got bambolina let’s open this up

Whatever man now guys there is a secret door right here that we did not get to open that we might open in a Secrets video so make sure you subscribe to lanky Box secret door right there that we did not get to open open yet yep if

You want to see what’s behind that door subscribe to lanky box subscribe is going to be lit all right let’s open this this giant door this door is massive okay got it dude I feel like it’s going to be a boss battle or something why is it so like why is it so

Large this area feel like the Jester’s going to spawn in here oh something over there that’s a drone workstation what this we don’t need it serion on the way serenon mission serenon is looking for Lollipops for his patients find him eight lollipops to get surprise oh that’s

Easy like hide and seek there’s one nice okay they are pretty small oh there’s one they’re kind of hard to see there’s there’s another two guys help us look for these we need eight total we already found two hello giant stop father told us not to talk to strangers what is that

But we need help did you see our father around who zus he didn’t come by today zus d z he has more arms than you more arms hm more than us as well obviously oh serion if you see him please tell him we need him to come

Back okay they just said have you seen our dad and they have a bunch of arms they’re talking about singon okay get another lollipop what d man wait this is what we saw at the start protect the queen protect the scepter piece hide wait so seran is trying to protect the

Scepter piece but that’s what we’re trying to get so singan might be the boss fight guys oh these are really well hdden hey what is that four or five I can’t count I can’t count that high I think that’s five I think it’s more than five dude I

Think it’s six oh we’re crushing it then what’s this oh oh you put them here 2 3 4 5 6 nice okay two more guys do you guys know where they are come on guys help me out all right everyone if you see them on the

Screen let us know in the comments where they are I I don’t see anymore literally shout them out at your iPad or TV or phone and Justin will hear you yeah really okay I don’t see him anywhere uh sussy sussy you have to like jump maybe to get them there’s no way I

Just don’t even see where they are huh the I mean some of them were really well hidden so there’s only two left where would they be this is crazy it’s a crazy game on top of that maybe no no about that no feel like you’d be like on the ground or

Something here I didn’t look there no check behind the machine I don’t see anything I have no lights maybe I need my drone to come here so I can see could be yeah if we can spawn in here that’d be cool I don’t think I can I’ll just look at the ground very

Carefully see if I get no nothing here my drone also won’t come in here by the way that’s all right okay where are these last two lollipops dude I thought this would be an easy Mission it is not oh maybe these guys have it maybe they each have

One like you can move them no no I can’t what is this oh they’re putting jaanum in them oh ew yuck all right two more we got it dude I truly don’t see them do you uh-uh I’m looking I really don’t know where they are they wouldn’t be in like the other

Room though right like the uh that’s what I was worried about that there maybe like they put them back here that’d be a crazy crazy crazy thing to do though I don’t think so that seems kind of too crazy although my drone is all the way

Over there I can call my drone all the way over here oh that was fast okay let’s call the Drone here use the light to help us look okay let’s see if it’s here in the dark I will be shook oh it can’t go that way it’s got to go this

Way it’s like a drone puzzle too oh it’s over wait oh I see one right there oh how did we miss that that was not there before there’s no way there’s no way that was there yeah we would have seen that okay so maybe it spawns in as we uh yeah

Exactly okay there’s definitely nothing here definitely nothing here I use my flashlight there’s nothing here okay so we have to like recheck all our areas oh oh oh on top of the thing right where oh nice nice guys yeah guys I’m pretty sure they’ll spawned in as you find them nice boom boom

Nice it opened nice sweet speed limit 15 what there’s no cars in here okay let me pick this up what is this okay the queen okay this is another this a note about Queen boun cilia it must be what is this we get a drive

Mario Kart you got call My Oh My drone went all the way back there let me call it over here let me send my drone in first look how fast the Drone is nice send it over here oh hit a wall come on man the Drone is so tough to use yeah go

Over here come on come on go nice we definitely need it right I’m going to send it over here yeah I’m going send it out send out to the void come on perfect ni go over here now just go straight ahead light the way what’s out

There oh nothing hey yo what do I do we just drop down there’s no way oh there is something down there let me set my drone all the way down should I go for it or should I talk to these guys they’re just watching me I

Think you just go for it yolo ah well I got to land in that oh oh yo what is this clean Mountain oh no it’s the ailo bird quick stay in the Middle where it can’t reach you what it’s set up a trap for that thing but now we got to get you

Out B Man actually we can do both you’re surrounded by an electricity trap but they need a lot of power big batteries scattered in the tents in the corners have something do as much noise as possible and then make a run for it while it is distracted okay that’s Mr

Kat man he makes noise what is this guys I got to pick this up oh oh no oh so you get yeated immediately if you’re not safe we’re trying to make an electricity trap to turn the opilo bird into some KFC yeah so we have to turn on Kebab man

And then while the bird’s distracted we run towards those tank guys oh wait that’s crazy as soon as you hear that you got to run back it’s like swooping back and forth yo okay we built Mr kab Man now I got to use him it’s incomplete how how’s

It incomplete there’s more speakers one more one more oh my goodness that’s crazy nice go do your thing do your thing I got to do one more Time bird up he said bird up hey yo now head to the lit tents I’m going to the lit tents stay safe I’m trying there’s a battery picking up batteries all that area between those two tents should be out of its reach between these two tents oh nice

That’s great oh I’m out of bounds oh so you can pick up two wait can you yeah I hope I hope so please but how do I get back oh there’s nothing here okay wait maybe I roll this in and make another distraction and I run back to the middle

H oh yeah it will roll cool okay I’m I’m going to roll it and I’m just going to run when it swoops in okay all right when do I when do I go I’m going to go right when it swoops got it come on go go go please work please work

Please work please work it’s eating the Jenum ew we’re safe oh picked up boxing gloves don’t think it’ll fall for the same trick twice but you still need the other battery okay so I got box distract it differently even if slightly how what do I do okay I got to pick these up

Again I better not o right now dude so we put the boxing gloves on Mr Kebab man yeah kabx man yeah man all right let me let me get it to change sides cuz it’s too close right here I needed to swoop in one time Okay okay I made it that was close now what do I do go on Mr Kabab man what are you doing now so I got to run to one of these tents I probably that one yeah come on yep that one has a battery one more yeah Bird up go okay nice come on come on come on wait it said it wouldn’t fall for it twice but it did what well now it has boxing gloves so it’s a little bit different oh that makes a whole lot of sense that makes so many sense it’s almost a dollar okay now

We do the Javan one more time but where do I run to the middle again probably right like there’s nowhere else to go yeah I would say the middle and once again bamb ban is just watching us doing nothing bamb ban is literally not helping all right let’s go yep

Nice a lot of noise yeah the middle cuz the electricity should light up come on go okay that’s it it’s rolling I’m going to go to the middle here we go I got to time it perfectly go nice come on no come on oh nice okay batteries I got both

Batteries I’m safe right what do I do how do I put him in where do I go huh b b i I probably got to run to the other side of these oh there we go oh nice what is that hey yo what is that like a

Tree nice it’s lit activated and a large radius should be covered get the bird to dive one more time oh it’s going to get zapped okay better not right here it dived it didn’t o me though or didn’t mo one more hello okay it’s not working

Huh uh I don’t know where it covers okay so we got giant electricity maybe run like directly in front of It nice oh turn him some KFC oh take that that’s crazy you evil bird got him got him we get through this we should hire you as a safety trainer stop talking B I don’t know how long we be safe for so let’s get out of here okay where do I go where

You are and I’ll see what I can do about that big door hurry up that big door that’s a huge door that was insane oh nice it’s opening cool excuse me opala bird ew it rank so much javani it lost its eyeballs I’m out of here

Dude I’m out of here that was crazy that was a really tricky mini game let’s go ooh final button yeah these must be what is this secure and exit what is this recharge okay secure and exit Okay close the door wait the bird’s gone hey yo hey

Yo oh no I knew it oh no no oh oh the door closed the door closed the last second guys we almost got o there can we open this oh hey yo Aila what all the Jenum got squished out it’s just a little baby birdie you okay

Aw it’s cuz all the Jenum got squished out looks on the ground all right don’t step in that man bam bam what you got something to say to me dude that is not something I want to experience again you didn’t do anything I’ll look for the

Switch where I am and you look where you are tell let me see if I can open that exit for for you open it open it maybe I should follow the little baby bird H there’s nothing to do over there I think the baby Bird’s trying to help

Us trying to show us where to go oh it open oh I’m out of here forget the baby bird I’m out of here that’s crazy guys so it literally like smacked into the wall and all the javani just fell out of it EO no the wall smooshed it oh oh hey yo go

Ahead press the thing that’s what I’m going to do yeah nothing bad will happen I I promise that’s kind of ominous why would it say that YOLO I’m out of here see I told you nothing bad would happen that’s a lie see you see you okay another huge staircase guys

This game is nuts I I think we’ve done everything so there’s either a giant boss battle or the SE gring coming up you got it dude go let’s go let’s go I’ll you nice or syring on oh you need a secret key card to open this which we do not

Have we’ll show that in the secrets video what is this make sure you subscribed guys what is this reorder reorder what some KFC oh no what is that oh Obby an Obby this looks tough but I’m tougher is it like glass Bridge what is this I’m just

Going to jump on it see what happens what what it just knocked me off I’m on the ground no what I do I have to take the stairs up oh no okay so this is a so every time we press the button it like changes it

Like moves some doors got it all right so I have to press this to move to move that cuz that’s in the way now yes okay I got it so we just got to like jump really fast YOLO go really fast nice I don’t care

No oh I had it so close guys I think if you just go fast it can’t even hit you or maybe you’ll have to jump on some of the buttons twice oh I didn’t even think about that does that work probably go you can also Dodge them like that

What if I go a different route uh yeah I think I can do this again no you cannot oh yeah you can kind of come on no you’re not supposed to be able to do them twice uhoh but I think if I go this way it’ll turn them yep oh uhoh YOLO YOLO

Jump you can kind of Dodge him yeah you kind of Dodge him don’t celebrate too early Adam wait this is a YOLO jump I go like this yep genius I’m really focused guys where do I need to go over here mhm don’t oh that thing’s going to push me

Don’t oh don’t we’re close don’t don’t why would you say we’re close I’m so sick of you Adam you always jinx it man all right we were really close though guys don’t cry don’t cry I’m not I’m a big I’m a I’m a big guy well I think we are going to probably

Meet either queen bounia or hopefully singon I think so maybe if I just zoom zoom and stop overthinking it my life will improve well your life is already like 10 out of 10 my life is already lit true cuz we get to play video games and

Just chill and um play Garden a band band and just hang out with foxy and boxy and everybody right guys we love playing on the computer yeah that’s awesome okay they’re not doing that nice almost moved maybe I have to go this way AK getting oh No that was actually really tricky you had to like go backwards kind Of all right I did it nice I was so focused there nice big jump if I missed that jump I would cry nice got the orange key card all right wait we have to go back don’t we well I could just walk back but I’m not going to risk

It there was nothing else over here no I know there’s an orange door that we had to go back to all right cool I’m now speedrunning let’s go way easier going back no I think I just don’t care as much anymore like see if I fall I don’t

Really care nice if I OED or something there I would cry okay nice we got the orange key card and the orange key card was used back here I’m pretty sure oh okay got it yeah I said there’s a secret door it’s here what what oh I it keep

Going up please be up here yeah it has to why would they put this stair if there’s nothing here oh yep orange door let’s go nice guys we’re going to see the final cut scene right here let’s go or the secret boss fight ending let’s go

So we got to go back to the start I oh this is the secret door I was talking about oh now we’re back here okay we we have to go back to the starting area where Kitty Sor and all of our friends are because that’s where the that’s that big door opened

That’s where the big Showdown is going to happen guys we’re almost at the end of this game which means we just got to run all the way back now oh nice these are turning on for us though thank goodness so I think after you beat a place they’ll turn on for you like

This the final cut scene in this game is going to be crazy guys every single guard of bman chapter has had a truly nuts ending cut scene so hopefully this one is awesome hopefully we get to see singon or queen bouncy you yeah it’s going to be nuts and hopefully we get to

Um rescue bambolina cuz she got snatched cuz Adam has a huge crush on her no I don’t yeah he does you admitted it in this video I I no we caugh we caught you in 4k no I’m going to have foxy edit that out well no foxy say I’m going to

Leave it in no foxy edit out the part where I said bamboline is pretty okay foxy says I will not foxy please no we’re going to leave in your bambolina RZ no foxy that’s embarrassing you have to cut it out fo yeah leave it in come on man guys foxy ghosty boxy

Everyone they’re the ones who edit the videos it’s awesome ghosty says we’re going to leave it in yeah nice all right we got every yep it’s open everyone’s waiting for us let’s go dude let’s go the final showdown woo let’s go man let’s go what’s up guys open up that door let’s

Go I got the orange key card I couldn’t find the switch on my floor I had it back figured I’d get lost trying to find you yeah right don’t trust but you did it we can now put an end to this chaos yep hold on first I need to do something

Do what I don’t think you’ll have naughty ones to worry about soon well why what’s he doing what you going to free nabnab uh-oh uh-oh don’t jump scare me now yo nice moves wow he’s like Spider-Man let’s get this over with cuz he’s a

Spider let’s go oh I get it oh yo it’s cream out this Castle yes cool there’s your wand it’s glowing I can see it guys is it oh it’s a maze oh my goodness oh wait what is this recharge and exit I’m going to grab it oh it’s in

There it’s in there it’s in the chest we got to open it somehow how do we open it guys they going to say something yep yeah didn’t think I’d be seeing this room again this soon the surgeon is supposed to be in here protecting the scepter where’ he go uhoh

I doubt he was caught by the naughty ones everything would be in shambles if he was well we can only look for him if we have the scepter okay so I probably have to go in this maze there’s a giant maze over there what is this I’m just going to press this

Recharge it seems eily simple to just click the eject button are we sure we want to press it yeah why not no hey yo hey yo why’ you press it huh why did he press it like that he’s like dabbing wait what what’s going on door just

Closed oh it opened oh is she in there no the wand is there we got we got Queen bia’s wand wow the scepter it’s missing a piece oh it’s missing it has a hole that’s not good uh-oh nice why is it so like spooky all of a

Sudden we got cre want we have to find the heart so this is where the key to BU prison was stor away impressive work all switches activated the big door opened and the treasure ready to be plundered I fear this is the part where

I’ come in and did all of your hard work for myself no way go away I can sense I’m not the only one in this room that’s good at this what consider it a small part of the payback for what was done to me plus I need to make sure history

Doesn’t repeat itself what are you saying we had no choice they were going to destroy us all you didn’t have a choice and you chose wrong who are you where are the sheriff and the sergeon surely me coming in here and taking the Sor wasn’t part

Of your grand plan you’re not taking it I I don’t know where they are I’ll tell you they’re hiding like the cowards you all are but I’ll find them and all will pay what seems that septer is incomplete to are you going to tell me where the

Missing piece is or am I going to have to eat your pit Kitty not kittysaurus you won’t be doing any of that tell them forget what happened between us before Oh you know you’ve always been my friend hey yo but what are friends for if not for Times Like These it’s like me and Adam oh he injected him with tanium and then yeated him oh oh what giant curse nabnab crazy fight scene hey yo oh hold up what hold up hey yo Oh e e e e e run dude run is B man going to get

OED it’s the little baby slugs are coming after us oh we got to go oh it’s a maze follow the jester it’s just there’s just one path okay Jester running like Adam is crazy bamb running like me this is crazy let’s get out of here dude that fight scene was insane

Baman injected nabnab with Jenum and he got huge this is nuts dude this is actually nuts bro this is actually insane come on yes yes we made it we’re close nice what’s up dude where do we go I I don’t think I can go why what what do you

Mean you wouldn’t understand they appreciate my joke what are you saying who’s they this is my one chance to have an audience and I am going to take it who are you talking about goodbye what yo why he just back flipped off the edge follow bam B he running like me

Where we’re still we’re still running guys oh back to the elevator is this the end oh no chapter 6 ending chapter chapter 6 secret ending we realized that everything we have work so hard for was all for nothing both of you will be a fine addition to my Army bamb is curs and

Under my command we will finish while the queen couldn’t no I’ll hold him off look for the surgeon I will goodbye that’s the secret ending no wow that guy cursed everyone including bambolina and NAB nabina everyone yo and look for the surgeon that has to be singon is is that the end

Is that the end there’s the elevator we did it we beat G CH six


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