Has Celtic gone backwards under Brendan Rodgers? I The Journos

Has Celtic gone backwards under Brendan Rodgers? We expose the biggest successes and failures at Celtic Football Club and examine Brendan Rogers’ record since returning to the club.

Also on The Journos: Derek Adam’s condemnation of Scottish football; will the SFA expand the Scottish Premiership?; Is there a risk of footballer burnout?; the top 10 rarest football shirts and much more!


The Journos Highlights:

00:00 Intro – The Journos
01:32 Derek Adams angry rant Scottish football
13:10 Making the Scottish Premiership better
18:20 Rangers strategy in football
21:25 Celtic FC strategy in football
25:33 Brendan Rogers Celtic FC record
29:00 Fresh approach to Scottish football
34:00 Popularity of Scottish football
42:01 Footballer burnout
47:29 Obsessed by football
51:02 Top 10 rarest football shirts

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Welcome to the journals I’m Peter Martin hum Alice and McConnell are here with me to discuss football domestically and a little further a field as well and hopefully you can join in and some of the chat in our comments section below and if you really enjoy the variety of

Program that we’re offering you on PL Ed socer don’t forget you can subscribe to the YouTube channel and if you download the app you’ll get all the breaking news at your fingertips as well so what are we going to be talking about well don’t tell the truth it apparently hurts uh we

Will talk about Derek Adams and his condemnation of Scottish football and the standard uh we’ll also look and ask the question should we be expanding the uh Scottish Premiership to take in more clubs uh and is there too much football on the go at the moment uh there could

Be a really strong case for Burnout in football global because of the demands on professional footballers and well also as Allison loves lists I don’t really want to do lists but Allison every week says come on let’s have a top five or a top 10 so so we’ll look at the

Top 10 rare shirts that are Collectibles for fans really um because I’m sure everybody’s well aware of some of the most expensive match worn shirts but we thought what are the popular ones among supporters if you can think of a few fire them in the comments section below

As well it’s always good to get we bit of a chat going um don’t tell the truth it hurts he’s really open to can of worms since his return Derek Adams and his condemnation of the standard of football I think he said at morham it’s 100 times better than what he was

Witnessing now there’s an argument you to be had on whether he should have said that and chosen his words a little bit more carefully on the basis of his own side and on the basis of the professionalism of fellow managers and players who work in this industry in

Scotland yeah there’s there’s that but um it’s it’s very Derek Adams um anybody knows him there a kind of thing just comes out of left field you know and you say what where did that come from I’ve been amazed about the reaction to because people H haven’t really being

See people that criticize him they not been criticizing them for what he’s really said but been criticizing him for who he is or what he’s done know I saw a lot of things oh he wasn’t a great player in his day and you go well that’s

Not the problem he was making yeah I think without a doubt I think the standard has got poorer and I think you can it’s all do with money Peter you know if if if you go back 20 years even uh players in the Top Flight could go down to the the English Premier

League yeah or at least the championship players now that are getting recruited from leagues one and two I mean is is the standard is P I think he was stating the obvious to me well I mean there are so many layers to this um you know comment from Derek Adams and again I

Agree with you on the point of there is no point in deviating away to what he was like as a player who he is who he’s managing where he’s been all of that is very much like social media you can start an argument by time you get to

Thread number four they’re all punching the hell out of each other and have forgotten the original argument um the the the comment I think he was making was you know on the over standards of football and maybe you can take that further and say okay standard of player

Open to debate whether he meant that the way we’re actually playing the football Allison um because although Hugh has mentioned this is where at times I disagree um with some people the standard of football and sometimes the managers and the way they want the players to play football uh I

Watched the The League Cup Final in the first half of it we get football stopped abin Rangers was Dreadful um you know I’ve watched numerous games uh in the last month or so where basically managers have just gone let’s play this into the channel let’s not let’s miss

Out the Midfield let’s just not get the ball down Defenders scared to actually put let get beat get beat exactly so there’s there’s so many layers to what Derek is saying but overall I think the standard is poor but I also think managers and players have to take a bit

Of responsib ility for the way they’ve been they’re told to play in this league which opens up another thing that we’ll talk about later yeah I think everyone’s terrified of been relegated because if you go down the consequences can be huge I mean look at Hamilton AIS and and

Where they are within a couple of Seasons so everyone’s terrified when they start to slip and I think a reflection of the quality within the league would be last season if you look out with Celtic and Rangers last season and every team beneath them had gone on desperately tough runs within the season

And yet they were still interchangeable right up until the closing weeks of the campaign essentially uh in this season two you look at where St Johnson are now where they were three four weeks ago if you put together a sequence of results maybe three or four one in games it can

Elevate you hugely within the league and I think that comes down to the fact that teams are so inconsistent the other thing about it and this is where I disagree with some people talking about the overall quality of player which is he’s basically questioning the professionalism and the standard of the

Player that’s playing now okay technically they may not be as good as H but I would like to see managers um you know emphasize to their players this is the way I want you to play I was out in a cold paisely night with a wind swirling watching s mirin against hibs

Just over a month ago was a great game end they wanted to play it on the deck it was some really good football every now and then they mixed it up and they would go long but the majority of it was played on the deck and there was chances

At either end it was a great game to watch full of excitement I can go back to a situation where Tommy Burns didn’t have multi-million pound signings in 1994 they only lost one game the standard of football that were being asked to play was absolutely first class

The Celtic fans were reeving in it they were playing some lovely football managers can make a difference to players by telling them what way they want them to play sometimes technically you can have a player who just can’t pull it off but if you consistently

Stick to it you know the there is that element of it as well you you can’t have all the most gifted players in the world we can’t all be the English Premier League so what we’ve got here is a situation where I think managers have a responsibility to say well what way are

You telling them to play yeah I think so as well I mean and of course great technical ability on both sides doesn’t equal a great game at times I mean I watched the Liverpool and Manchester United and that wasn’t a great game and the technical ability on the park was

Elite you mean You’ got Champions League winners and uh and you know internationalist on both sides and it just was a poor game because one manager in my opinion quite rightly said that we have to stop the hemorrhaging here yeah we have to get out of here we have to get out of

Dodge point or at least you know unscathed I think he was perfectly correct to do that but it produced a a sort of of poor game I think the the problem Scottish Football I think is not is is that and I can say this you know like

Approaching 70 years of age is is there is a general decline in the quality that we’re watching and this is not pointing bullets or guns at anybody it’s inevitable by if once budgets go down in relative to other leagues you’re going to get poorer players playing in the

League but it’s not all poor Scottish players here it’s poor players po St it’s poor players that they’re bring in as well abely I mean that comes down to the finances you’ve got what you can go and what you can recruit it’s all down everything’s down to Money Money decides

Everything I mean if you look at you know there was just to be this argument you know would would would Martin and ‘s team beat uh Andre’s team you just shake your head at that and you just go what are you talking about mtin and ne’s team

Had a team of English Premier League starters in it I don’t think there was a player near us from the goalkeeper they wouldn’t have played English Premier League how many did Dan have well there’s an argument to say that Henrik lson is possibly the last World Class

Player to play in their leagues MH you know what I mean but my my my point here is on on the basis of Derek saying about the standard and the argument is technically the players there’s another argument that is the managers and what they’re asking the teams to do and the

Way they want them to play um some are critical of the way Nick Montgomery wants hibs to play play it out from the back because you’re trying to copy the way everybody else is playing it but you can’t play it out from the back if you haven’t got the technical players or the

Players who are not going to become scared when they’re boxed in in a high press um so there’s all sorts of different arguments to it the biggest one for me which um again I spoke to PFA chief executive Fraser Wisher at the weekend and he said you know starting

Scottish players in the top League now is hard goinging not starting Scottish players there’s very few under 21s getting the chance to H get 50 10050 games they’re not being given the opportunity so not only are we stifling uh you know the developing Talent or giving them a chance to develop because

Remember some players who have got potential if they get 50 games they get experience if they play with older players again they get to 100 they’ve got more experience suddenly they can become better players we’re not getting that so our Grassroots there seems to be this block then you’ve got teams now who

And it brings me nicely on to is it time to take away the Fear Factor of the league but you’ve got teams who are saying well we’re just going to bring in this type of player to try stop us from going down the league and as Allison

Said going out of the league there’s a it’s multi-layered this problem but I understand where Derek was coming from I agree with them because as we mention it every time Allison never let your eyes deceive you you go to the games you watch them you see the standard and you

Can understand why people are looking and shaking their I can understand why Derek Adams um is shaking his head I wouldn’t have said it the way Derek said it though that’s the thing that it was really blunt it was really blunt assessment and you do think if you’re

Sitting in CR County dressing room thinking why what did you come back up for however that’s a whole different argument in terms of the message that you said I think it’s in arguable I think anyone that’s watched Scottish football for any L of time would be able

To see a a decline in standard I think it’s fairly apparent but I know what what you’re saying about it being multi-layered but there is one commonality to it and it’s money well as money make you a better player I think it gives you an ability

To go and bring in better players I think it gives you a bit of freedom I think if you’ve got money there and you’ve got more experience in better players it gives you a bit of freedom to bring in younger players say that you can make a chance the argument to that

Is clearly everybody’s using not using the money wisely he’s he’s looking at the standard and he’s saying whatever you’re spending your money on what we’re getting is draw but she likes the the the pool that these you know L Ross counties dund mother and all that are dabbling now

Isn’t the pool that we’re one stumbling in uh it’s now going down to League two if you think it would have been that long ago M League yeah but M could have signed a championship player maybe a decade ago you could go that league would be way the moved even Celtic

Rangers can struggle to match championship teams for salaries yeah I I was reading uh Matt Riley’s book uh which isn’t that long ago I mean it’s a ton of the the century can you know commanded by players for half a million pounds and things like comeand having

Mcco and Durant and and and players that go my goodness Tommy Burns Tommy Burns I he just what was the name of the commandant boy I loved him in the middle of part no movement whatsoever but he could play a ball on six spins oh the guy that it begins with an E

Uh I saw him at I broos once and you just said to yourself my God he’s a Champions League player if he got his act into gear he was wonderful but uh but now I think now if you the pool that you know you’ll see now in in Scottish

Football Premier League teams were buying players from the national league in England you know division five yeah uh it’s gone completely the other way I think as well about it is we should be addressing it and saying you know and what this is what we’re going on to how

How can we improve it we can’t give you any more money because a tevision deal is a television deal that you know what what can we do to improve what we’ve got can we improve the league can we put in can we put in stuff about know uh you

Know fast tracking Scottish players can we do x y and Zed and we should be looking at that because we can’t say to to to teams you should be buying better players because I’m got the money but can I offer you a counter to this I’m trying to offer as much balance as

Possible on this argument and which I’m sure lots of people will offer their their toing worth on at a time over a 20e period after maybe 2000 in fact maybe over 15 years but after about 2005 2006 when you know Celtic decided they can’t pay people 30 40 50 Grand a week

Um and they changed their their uh their blueprint um you had that kind of a demise in uh the standard of player that was coming in uh to to to Scottish Football I just wonder I mean I wonder if what what’s people will look and say okay 15 years

We’ bu to votes we had a terrible Scotland side we had a poor coefficient we start to really struggle to get somebody past the qualifiers in Champions League the counter argument now is Allison well wait a minute the coefficients better now the Scotland team’s qualifying for uh tournaments you

Guys are talking rubbish you know there’s more players playing in the Premier League yeah I think Scotland I think what you could say is that Scotland have produced good players in in recent years when you look at but when you look at the national team as you’ll find it with all

Successful Scottish teams have qualified for major tournaments a lot of those players are playing their football in more Elite Leakes you know if you you look at Billy Gilmore and Scott mctom and John mcin you’ve got and Robertson was KAC and maybe who else Ryan Jack Ryan Jack doesn’t really start doesn’t

Start I mean you talking about what you’re talking about the goalkeeper our goalkeeper is usually you know if Ang his gun is injur take SC but take Scotland out of it the coefficient has gone up because Rangers have been flying the flag Celtic every now and then have

The odd points here and there but the coefficient to actually qualify straight into the group stages has got better I’m just trying to offer I’m playing The Devil’s Advocate and saying well some people I I listen to Neil Don I think this whole league going great financially everything’s great you know

And then all of a sudden in the background people saying you guys are just negative you guys in the Press are just constantly being negative about it I’m trying to offer the counter on this and saying well wait a minute if Derek Adams are saying it’s so bad a league

Well the Scotland team’s qualified I take your argument with a lot of them playing down south but the coefficient of points that’s the one I can’t get my header in here and I’m glad you brought it up because I was thinking that last week I’m I’m really strong in my belief

I’m always willing to be changed by people’s arguments but I’m really strong in my belief this is a poor standard of football we’re watching uh up here uh and then I have a we l last week where you go Rangers won in Bettis where Barcelona and Real Madrid hav’t they won

In better this season Celtic beat a good feor side and abine beat a Frankfurt side has just come off beaten Bayern Munich 5-1 now there’s stories around that two of them are dead robbers but the Rangers one wasn’t there was not forgot you say yourself I mean I can’t explain that

Have i anal and I think Rangers have punched above their weight on a fairly consistent basis in European football across the last four or five seasons that run that took them to to the final was extraordinary if you look at the scalps that they took along the every

Round you get to Dortmund and you think this is the end of the road you know every round you almost thought this is a bridge too far I think um you know they really compounded expectations I think it’s a difficult I think you have a reputation and a belief that comes

From harnessing the energy your Stadium of saying you know we we a real team to beat on our own ground you sense of belief about Rangers when they playing European football the only thing I would say about Rangers who the team that played against Real batis wasn’t one

Single Scot what I was just about to say is if you go through that though how many Scots are playing regularly none of them come on either I think there were two Scots in the final on Sunday no but I’m talking about against but that’s

What I’m saying like so so we are making the case for the standard of the league and and the emergence of Scottish players but there’s not really a lot playing at that level even at Celtic when was the last time you had a Celtic player come through the academy and go

Into the first team and make an impact you with call McGregor forest and James Forest before I mean rson got Scotland cap so he he did he’s and again the the argument again and this is where I think managers have a responsibility and maybe Derek the judgment on Derek will come in the

Second half of the Season interesting to see the caliber of player he buys for Ross County in January but my point here and this is take us nicely onto our next topic my point here is that I think managers have a responsibility um and boardrooms have a responsibility

To tell the managers okay we’re hiring you we want to play this way we want to play football this way and and and again the difficulty is the manager because wait a minute it’s my job I want I I want us to stay in the league so there’s

That ju the position but you look at Rangers under Michael Beal wul rudderless going nowhere fans want him out out he goes same group of players same group of players totally different better organized under clont trop in the cabinet yeah I mean the manager’s got the manager in many ways is the most

Important person at the club because he he defines you know what the uh uh even what the the noise outside is what the narrative is because it’s all down in results the difficulty if you I think football clubs are going down this line of having strategies and

Having Brands you I think the first one I ever saw was was with brenford when brenford sacked wton and Dav we who were doing really well for them on results because wton and D we basically wouldn’t adhere to their strategy yes the strategy was databased this is what we’re going to

Buy and this is what we’re going to do Money Ball yeah and a lot of clubs are now following that and and and the manager then has to buy in with that or go and we even we’re seeing it we’re seeing it in Scotland at the moment with

With Brandon Rogers the most interesting thing I thought clont has said and anything he said was when he came in and he was asked about transfer strategy and he said uh we’re going to be like Bru and it went unreported really and I me what cuz usually Rangers we’re like

We’re going to be but and this guy was saying No this I’m buying into this this is what we’ve got to do we’re going to build like Bru so what is Bru well Bru Brugge is a system where you’re going to buy at a certain level and a certain

Strategy of buying very much like the Celtics strategy buying young players that you can shift on you’re not going to be buying the free transfers that you’re paying 30 40 Grand a week for and it might not work out and even if they do work out you’re not going to get any

Money for so it’s a seismic shift that he’s sort of bought into uh and and that’s what clubs are going to do now because they’re going to say to the managers this is the strategy and I’m not just talking about smaller clubs I’m talking about big clubs in England they

Not going to be saying this is a strategy you must cover out and if you don’t sign on for it we’ll get somebody does okay here’s the problem with that and and and again I apologize to everyone because it’s he’s opened the can of worms to 15 or different

Offshoots in this argument right if that’s the strategy at Rangers um that’s the been the strategy at Celtic for the last 20 years and that strategy is now at breaking point in my mind because the fans are scunnered with it because they think Celtics a big Club but their

European record is absolutely wful and they’re saying you know domestically they’re dominant they’re doing trebles they’ve done quadruple trebles they won trophies but they just can’t cut it in Europe so somewhere along the line that strategy hasn’t gone according to plan I think you can floating two slightly

Different issues um I think the strategy H I think if you to stand back and analyze the strategy across the depth of the last two decades I think you would struggle to say it wasn’t successful I really do I think I’m not saying I’m not saying it’s not successful I’m saying

There there are two there’s two positions with Celtic which is a a conundrum in itself financially they’re the best run Club the the the board are the best run Club in Britain certainly up there in the top five the way they conduct their business The Profit that

They’ve got there the blueprint of buy someone and hopefully sell them on it’s 100% a success but the the the up the the the negative part of it is now Celtic fans are going and paying top dollar to see their team getting spanked in Europe year and year out but if you

Look at Rangers for an example obviously not in Champions League level but the a tier below and you can see that it’s been successful you would have to ask questions I think almost about management and coaching and say where are the failures that you’re not able to

Compete cuz Celtics should be able to compete maybe not Champions League level but they should be able to compete at Europa League level you should be getting more out of the squad there has been a systematic failure across recent Seasons not to get that I hear the argument we have discussed this een

Times about oh if you want to be successful in the Champions League you need go and recruit two or three bits of quality I just don’t know that it’s financially viable or sensible if you to push the boat out for example to say I’m going to bring in two or three players I

Think will take us out of the group stages the Champions League you’re talking probably more money than what you would actually earn from qualifying out the champions league and it’s a gamble to start with it’s a gamble there’s no guarantee that it would it would work and you you run the risk of

Annihilating the internal structure of the dressing room of the ceiling that you’ve set in terms of salaries you run the risk of a germ going through your entire Squad to see you get two or three guys ear and double what what they’re they’re sitting next to you that never end

Well so I think you I I don’t know that Celtic really have another option than what they’re doing I think recruitment for me has to be better I think the recruitment system at the club could be modernized I think it could be widened I think the net could be widened there’s

Been some success obviously with an when he brought in players from from the Asian markets again so you there are the obvious success stories there equally you’ve got a clutch of players now that you would say well it’s not worked or it’s not working um but I think I think

The modernization of a recruitment office within the club would be a different argument I don’t think Celtic are ever going to get back to a point where you can say we can afford to go and buy a guy at 24 or 25 who’s just about to hit his Prime and he’ll have

Offers on the table from other more lucrative offers on the table from other clubs and we’ll match it and we’ll spend 40 Grand a week 50 Grand a week to bring them in I just don’t think it’s an unrealistic argument well what you’re advocating then is status quo keep it

Going the way it’s going and you’re getting spanked in Europe yeah yes and no I don’t think I I just don’t think H it’s financially viable to go a different route I think you want to be getting more out your recruitment Celtics still have money they still

Spend a lot of money you look at what they spend in the have to spend it more wisely the recruitment’s waful the I would agree with you I think the recruitment side of it has to change but the the target audience your target market I don’t think will change and it

Also goes back to managers and what they’ve got there and what they’ve got to deal with and you’ve got to get on with I’m listening to a former Celtic manager who’s saying Brendan Rogers just has to deal with what he’s got there and try and get more out of them he’s

Inherited a treble Winning Side Philip clol has got a ranger side and suddenly got a trick out of them that Michael Beal couldn’t get I think the crucial thing with a manager and how you judge a manager is when he’s landed to a squad and after six mons what you get to say

Uh who’s he improved yeah who’s improved absolutely and you see yourself after six months you watching Brandon Rogers Celtic say who’s better than the were last season M really nobody else nobody go back a few seasons Taylor H even C McGregor you could go through even Brendan’s first time round you could

Look at the team and say you know what Brown’s a much better player I thought Brown was out with the washing when when and he improved but he had a dreadful manager in there before but but he did improve him yeah I mean there was other

Players the team I’m looking at this I’m looking at this team now and I I I look at this team now and I say to myself and there we could have we could have a symposium in this never mind a program of the layers of what’s going wrong and

Who’s going wrong and what’s going wrong but at one point you’ve got to say to yourself do you know what the only one person that really can do anything about it until the transfer window opens as the manager yeah on that point then let’s just we’ve obviously argued the

Rangers and the the difference in in what’s happened with a manager in place and I think great credit to Philip clont at the moment big questions being asked of Brendan Rogers from the the treble winning side that he inherited as you go down and again it’s difficult to to get

That definitive answer to what Derek Adams has opened up as a can of worms but at the bottom end of out with Celtic and Rangers you’ve got that whole clutch of 10 teams trying to come up with a winning formula that might get them Europe that might get them the odd cup

Of Celtic and Rangers fall foul of you know the odd defeat um and of course the other thing is which I mentioned and I mentioned to a premier league manager who answered me this morning on this um I sent him a text just basically on the basis that we’re now in a situation

Where you’ve got you know start start of the campaign start of a league campaign you’ve got eight teams trying to avoid relegation I don’t think that’s I don’t think it’s healthy I do think there is a need for us to expand the league I am loathed to

Even listen to all these excuses coming in about they want their four games you can still work work the permutations out but I think 16 or 18 teams in that league and of course gives people the chance to stop playing fear football uh one of the managers said to me you don’t

Get the opportunity to bring in young players cuz the pressure of staying in the league is unbelievable he says you get the odd exception and he said this to me today you get the odd exception because there is a a player that’s so good that you have to play him so you

Always get the odd exception that will force his way in um but obviously you’ve get in his mind he had six teams that were fighting relegation right away and then it is eventually dropped down to what it is now at the moment four with one looking maroon which is O obviously

David marale side um but we need to look at ways of yes generating more income for the other clubs but I still think I think expanding the league um would help no end and then of course I think there needs to be a radical change at the spfl

Boardroom level where they change their outlook on selling the product packaging it up and stop this constant where we don’t have big companies um that can all barter against each other we don’t have a TNT Sky H Amazon all that tling away what we got is and I’m talking from

Experience what we’ve got is a chief executive who says well you might have to pay this well what is the figure no no you need you’ll need to pay it because they’re paying this so you give us an offer so what you’ve got is a situation where you have to put in a

Blind offer uh uh hoping that maybe the board will agree it and you might be paying 10 grand more than somebody else and what we also have is a monopoly where one company the BBC has dominated for the last 20 years to the detriment of everybody else in my book so there’s

No competition as far as packages are concerned commercial television’s dead and buried commercial radio’s dead and buried and now you only have the BBC who’ve got a monopoly on broadcasting yep not healthy absolutely not you know so so what we’ve got to do is change that for me change the league change the

Boardroom change their attitude to marketing and and that will stimulate more money coming into it we need a Fresh Approach a radical Fresh Approach I agree totally and I think uh you’re right on uh what they’ve got to be more proactive about what they do with their

Product they might have to loss lead and what they do their product offer a lot more to um uh to to to outside agencies say listen uh you know you’re going to promote the sport people places like this and other places we say listen we know you’re promoting the sport we know

You know you’re not going to pay a billion pounds etc etc we’ll give you this we’ll give you a highlights package for 48 hours after the games of that will’ll give you for buttons to to promote it to do a show on it we and

You’ll be to be more you know okay the BBC will still get first bite when it’s nice and hot but yeah you can use our Clips on a Tuesday show and you know be more be more Embrace um uh the the the way the cult of growing the game through

Uh working with businesses rather than just working off what they’re giving them I think there’s been a lot of s of thinking Peter U there needs to be huge discussions open discussions CU a lot of intelligent people in the Scottish game really smart people and in Scot saying listen this is

Where we are how do we get to where we are we’re not going to be the EPL we’re not going to be La Liga and all that but how do we get a really vibrant product that we can say to people in in other countries as well as our own hey have a

Look at this this is what we do full stadiums uh Friday Night Football I don’t know Sumer football I don’t know when it’s easier for the the the the the the satellite people to take you on board cuz their products diminished just have thinks and thoughts about instead

We’re just plowing the same road and the biggest problem as we all know is a voting system yes because you can’t he vote you can’t he change the voting system because of the vote and I hate to 1984 abely I don’t want to go down a road where I’m obviously going

To you know um suffer the wrath of people but the big two have strangled Scottish Football um uh with that and it’s it’s what it’s it’s not allowing us as you say to get to a point where even if people have a broader idea that’s for the benefit of

Everyone the big two think no if it’s not going to benefit us we’re not letting it happen and that has happened with l i remember speaking to Lan Cameron from Air United and he said you know you got to embrace the American thing here You’ got to go and say if

We’re going to sell it let’s sell it for the betterment of all but that hasn’t happened because they’ve still they’re strangling everybody because they want all the money and and at the end of the day um self-interest we only have to look at the last 5 years self-interest

Has killed it I think too like we have lived through a fantastic digital re evolution of what you can do and what you can project I don’t think anyone has properly analyzed what’s the best way then to promote the product that you’ve got as quickly and monetize it as

Efficiently as possible for me I think you can’t buy a game still like you could do it during Co obviously you can go and you want to watch St Johnson against M Saturday go in pay your tener watch the game and I know there’s an argument to say it prevents people maybe

Going along to the game I still think you should be looking to maximize all of these things to put it out to T to put things out see the incredible thing about Scottish Football is a popularity of Scottish Football in Scotland yeah AB head of population I was a v leaving on Saturday

You know Scottish Junior Cup game rain bucketing down games on the T in the clubhouse you could look at I don’t know English games on pre full premier league must have been five or 600 people at that yeah but can you can you imagine if the football was better you I remember

This here’s another part of it and it goes back to what we’re talking about with the manager I spoke to um this morning if if the football was better if the quality of football was better we’d have even more people if the marketing of it was better if the ability to make

It an experience coming to a ground was better and I know clubs are trying hard to do that but if all of that was better we’d have even more people and we’d have even more money coming through the gates the problem is we have a situation where Jo

1975 you know you have the change to the premier league right now jock Stein was a meticulous manager who said listen when we’re playing this side watch this guy he likes to cut his left watch this guy he likes to bomb down the right he

Was ahead of his time right like many of those great managers they they they looked ahead at the opposition as well I can remember in the ‘ 80s when they rejig the Premier League again and of course it’s this 10 team Premier League or 12 Pik St said to me it’s

Repetitive and he said to me they can tell which way i’ I’m going to every move is now so they they knowed You Know It Off by heart this league now is in a situation where not only do you have the predictability of it you also

Have the Fear Factor where we’re in a situation where you’re constantly going to get a center half who’s going to bump the ball 50 ft in the air away from anywhere or you’re going to get a ridiculous situation which you know we’re finding ourselves in now the

League starts six of them they’re not going to blood youngsters they’re going to take what they’ve got and try and and just avoid getting relegated and if that means rank rot in football it’s rank rot in football oh you would say there there’s a few that have bucked against

That K LaVine gave a 16year old kid his de didck coming through motherwell Ro wher at hibs I think you have to be encouraged by those signs and by managers being brave enough to play them L Miller’s obviously out now because he’s injured but you look at the run

That that mother will have been on and he was he was happy to stick by him and and keep him in I do I do agree with what you’re saying I think for me for I think we’ all be in agreement agreement that the quality of the league has

Suffered dreadfully because of the lack of finances it’s how you fix it that’s a bigger question yeah absolutely you need to change the structure of the people who are going through the same thing all the time all the time every year same thing you need to change it that board

Needs change that thinking needs change that power base needs to be changed to change the way we approach our game and to to get fresh people in to actually broaden out our ideas and to say okay I’m now going to tell you how we’re going to Market it this is how we’re

Going to sell it this is how we’re going to sell it to a broader audience this is how we’re going to embrace the digital audience and and accommodate accommodate them and of course the broadcasters as well you only have to look I I’ll simplify it for you we have a situation

Where you watch a game now and on the middle of the park the two guys are talking to the camera while everybody’s warming up and then occasionally a manager will stroll on and chat to them know up here not a chance they wouldn’t let you in anywhere there’s there’s

Nothing I think that’s a big problem I think access and the lack of access is a huge problem you know why because the same dinosaurs who are running it right now will not allow the change they won’t allow the change and that’s why there needs to be a complete change in

Structure attitude mindset broaden Horizons start to promote the game and start to get more people who want to actually promote Scottish I agree totally you and but tending this subject in the kind of real positive note what I’ve found more and more you know we’re not going to talk games in Scotland

Because I I don’t do that now is how much Scottish football and Scottish people love Scottish Football there’s a real passion out there to be tapped there’s a real culture that see a marketing man come come in and say this is ripe for the you’ve got you’ve got a you’ve got a a

Group of fans here you’ve got a support here where it means everything to them it’s tradition cure it’s what we do you pass it down we’re all sitting here now we pass it down to our sons our daughters we got it from our dad dads or grandfathers this is a real proper

Football culture and you would think that somebody comeing in here and say that how do we Embrace that and not only embrace it shove it to the world to say that this this is the home of football this is where football was invented this is the passing game of football that you

The messies are doing this is where it happened this is where it came from and this is what we can do to promote it not only in Scotland but said in simple things P just like find a slot where we can put it to the world find okay you’ve got your your primary

Broadcasting deals we’ll have to the big monies and the bbcs and the sky that have secondary deals have deals where you can see you can pick this something a Tuesday afternoon or a Wednesday morning we could do we’d be quite happy to see right Saturdays I’m not I’m

Talking for you I would presume you be to do a whole show where with Saturday’s highlights and we could analyze it or you could get leny or jig in to say well that was because the big problem is though H when and I can’t believe it as

We hit our 11th year on this program easily maybe eight or nine years ago when I did buy the rights they strangled me strangled me and and and and a couple of really big clubs really went out of their way to put the the the blocks on it’s so my opic it’s

Incredibly my opic in terms of what the bigger picture is it really is but I I think access is another one access is a huge problem I can’t remember the last time anyone SP to AER or a manager out with the confin of a press conference manager over the last decade it has

Diminished to the point where you might get the odd one H in a in a in a Sunday broad or something you might get the odd bit of access that has to CH that culture has to change what you have there is Club saying we want to protect

Our assets we want to monetize this unique content that we we have access to rather than widening the net and saying what’s what’s a bigger picture here that can benefit financially benefit the entirety of the game and the structure of the game and the marketing of the

Game and access for me is fundamental to and the point that you make when you watch football coming from down south and you have access to the dressing room or you have access to managers coming over straight after the game you know coming over and standing with pundits

And some of the C is fun as well you know you hear and and poo digging up Gary nille for for what he said there’s an entertainment value that goes along with that too and that’s essentially what you’re in the business of It’s Entertainment absolutely and our our um

The other difference um we have up here is um and I I think I’m not saying every one of them but the majority of them PR people are there to say no MH they’re not there to promote the game they’re just saying no no no they’re just there

As blockers obstructive a lot of the times they it’s OB conve rather than than constructive orful or positive um anyway I don’t mean it to be a negative it’s something that I think needs to be changed I think I’m I’m getting ever closer to my Jerry Maguire document um

If you do watch the video that’s exactly what Scottish football’s all about I’m sure there’ll be times when a player will walk out I can’t send your football card because that’s not the official sponsor um but um the best thing um okay let’s talk about something

That I think is certainly from a players perspective Ive in the global stage is becoming ever more difficult not necessarily well possibly in Scotland um as well when I think of the amount of games Kum McGregor has played um you know Bernardo Silva highlighted that there’s a real a real fear now of

Players been absolutely burnt out because you’re playing Premier League you’re going into either a European championships qualifiers or World Cup qualifiers now there’s a club World Cup Tournament as well it’s Relentless some managers actually operate on the basis that you’re a professional footballer you’re not getting any days off yeah

Well the big thing about it is is we’ve got to kill the first argument you know which is that the first you hear people shouting tell oh F young men they should be able to play every day of course they’re able to play every day they

Could play Four game they could play for 9:00 in the morning they midnight that’s how fit they are but what we’re talking there the effects of that burn there’s effects on performance obviously because you can’t maintain the levels of P but effects on uh burn out of the body and

Propensity to injury I mean it’s a f and the mental aspect the mental aspects very interesting as well because of the the pressure I think I think it’s h it’s it’s gone over the I think you know people say we’re getting to the the stage where it might

Be I think it’s over now there the players are playing too many games well Bernardo Silva’s quotes um that that I witnessed in the last 24 hours was interesting he says I’m not going to lie sometimes I feel tired all of us we feel tired for some games as well because we

Play games every 3 days we don’t rest we’ve got no Christmas we have no summer but that’s the price you pay for being at a top club and fighting for all competitions and and of course he accepts our dream was to play at this level but he’s obviously right to

Highlight the fact that if you are a top level player not complaining see a lot of people jump say oh he’s moing about it’s basically just presenting an argument to say this is probably detrimental to the overall quality of performance that you’re seeing and what it is essentially is the squeeze on

Football you’re try to squeeze every ounce every penny out of it that you possibly can to the point where what you’re going to have is an an an an annual year a year of constant football that there’ll be a week off for people 10 days off and you’ll be back because

If you think of all the competitions that are taking place internationally and domestically there is no not much downtime at all it almost become like a circuit you’re just on the circuit but the reason why there’s a squeeze is because you also have a power struggle

Between UFA and FIFA trying to grab the players to play in their tournaments and then of course you’ve got this constant search for greed it’s like the dinosaur eating everything in front of them you’ve got this constant search for well we’ve got this massive deal we need to

Get another deal now last year’s figures are not great you know last year’s figures when we landed the new premier league deals great but this year we want to sell it to ABC America and we’ve got to chase those figures yep and I think the interesting thing about it and the

Interesting Dynamic about it is if I was and the Saudis will have have people much more intelligent than me doing the strategy at the moment I’d be that that’d be one of the things I would say come to ear league and play less and there more yeah and I think

They’ll say and I think that is what the the the the the fissure between UEFA and FIFA uh will be increased by Independent League saying listen come to an independent League live golf for example come to independently because that’s what the done of golf said we’ll treat

You better okay initially um uh FIFA and UFA will say to you this will be well you can’t play international football game just go out fine because they’ll come back for you more than you’ll go for them yeah and by the being not playing International Football uh you

Mean you’ll uh you’ll be much more relaxed mentally physically you’ll be fitter and you’ll earn a lot of money it could be a selling point because what’s going to happen is push is going to go to shove on so many things one players their Fitness uh uh mentally and

Physically two clubs who are seeing the players taken away and injured during tournaments that they have no time for whatsoever you talk to Jurgen klopp about the World Cup of the Euros he’d be going what a pain in what whatever that is there’s no there’s no

Upside for Liverpool in it so I think there’s a lot of commercial me you know psychological emotional physical pressures coming on the status quo yeah whether that changes or not I’m not too sure I think it’s uh it’s going to become even more intense uh for the players and as you said not

Only exhaustion um injuries mental health uh diminish performance uh as well as of course your career longevity you know not everybody’s Ronald by the way about just saturation point in terms of an audience as well you get to a point where there’s just football all the time sometimes you look forward to

Watching a game because you’ve not seen a game for a couple of weeks if you think of what the summer used to be like the summer Des get back you know now I think there is a point where you feel I know I feel like come the end of the

Season I always feel a bit like I’m sick of watching football you maybe watched 50 60 games you get to a point where you think I you feel your appetite for it winning but I’ve got that cut off point in my head get to me no but I’ve I’ve already

Got to that point in my head about a standard of game that I will not watch I mean I I I I’m not I’m not as obsessive as I was before you know I hate to to do this to tell you this is joke Al but it’s not a joke it’s

Actually a real life thing that happened but my nephew and I lived in a FL together and we would watch anything that had a ball in it right and we’re watching this game and the girl and I girl the girl that I was going out with

Come in and she said what are you watching and I said we’re watching this game she went used to watch football all the time from now on she said you’re not you can’t watch what she said you can’t watch pdly games you’re only allowed to watch Major

Games right so tell because of my nephew and I could speak to each other telepathically he’s say she’s she’s for the off right so so she come in the next time she come in the next time and she says to there’s football on again what’s this you’re watching us this is late all

Against it’s the big one in the second division so there’s a there is a level there is a level that I just have to tell you that relationship Never Last you know she was for the all the thing she is a big big high she still looks out for

That it is funny like again going back to the old D stuff or the grand D stuff I mean that the football in the television was a clear the de moment for if were young you know stop the clock you know take the phone out shut the

Curtains there’s a game on tonight A G you know FA Cup Final replay is on you know at school we’re going to get a game now of course you’re just like that fcking h i missed I haven’t because of moves I haven’t got to tell you the one

But normally um I’m I’m horrible for football I’m obsessive I I I can watch it and I don’t know if it’s something to be proud of or something to be ashamed of what your relationship who you’re like you’re like my sister she has if there’s no football and she’s raging she watches football

All the time and it does as long as there’s a game on she’ll watch it for I mean I laugh because of when my my old flat there was you know I’d be doing in my day job doing Champions League finals things like that and m flat there was a

Park at the back where an amateur team play and I used to go for a walk and I would find myself on the day off you know hammered down rain watching the amateur game going what am I doing I would even know what teams were playing know the SC I’m

Just have a we look yeah anyway before we finish pass absolutely um I’m going to finish on a on a positive note if that’s humanly possible on this program um because some of our staff we always like a you know I collect strips um from

Time to time um but uh some of our staff are right into it as well Allison and we’re trying to come up with the top 10 rare and collectible shirts but not shirts necessarily that have been match warn by Maradona you know the match ones no the

These ones can go for Millions I’m just talking about the ones that fans look at and they say I’d love to have that top because a vintage top and and I had five that I think are they’re worth about 500 quid if you can get a hold of one um and

These are replica shirts uh H so the Barcelona orange 1992 shirt which Ronald kumman scores in the game against Sor to win the cup um the manager that day was c c so um cumman scores they win one nothing it’s that orange shirt if you’ve got one of

Those or you’re looking for one you could pay up to about 500 quid now these these five that are given you are all around that Mark the ultimate one Napoli H shirt maradon 1990 91 500 quid easily it’s a classic isn’t it because that’s the time we’re talking about saturation

Point that’s the time when you would watch channel 4 I’m going to watch that made all those tops really trendy at Point like H all the the C tops the old Juventus one Holland 1988 van Baston van Baston sh um which has got a design on

It as well jaggy thing a we jaggy thing that’s that was the marketing the H got a we jaggy thing on it um the next one is the USA 1994 shirt which yeah well I think uh the the as soon as I heard 1994

And I hope I’m in the right Zone but as I heard 1994 I automatically thought of uh La l laas a beard yeah with a beard the red ha boy yeah well of course that in that that tournament but the USA shirt is quite an iconic design as is

The Soviet Union from 1988 1989 so those shirts are around 500 Dortmund one that Dortmund 95 one the Paul Ambert 97 97 that’s definitely one of that’s up there about 4 500 quid I’m I’m I’m not the wrong person ask about strips cuz strips kind of Pass Me By when we kids you

Never bother stri the one that always I love aak strips I that’s a proper strip I would take I would love to eat one of them when when they were the when they were the Kings the real kings in the early’ 70s always loved that strip the Simplicity of it and just

The Classic of it at them for and as people say here and as as Blair one one of our uh broadcast journalists mentioned there’s a lilac Rangers top which they only wore about three times which is worth a pretty penny and of course the brown Celtic people’s top oh

Yeah remember that someone vomited over the top of it’s just terrible it’s one of the worst tops ever and then there’s another one which I don’t know if you remember um I think Tommy Hutcherson was playing for Coventry at the time but they had a brown Oh Yes W strip now

That’s worth a pretty penny it was a dreadful color brown as a football top is just not happening but uh that’s that’s another one that’s itself and then there’s another one which is the the Arsenal one with Lee Dixon it’s an a way top which had a a kind of a really

Out there you know uh design on it um which H caught the imagination of course the other the reason why I look into these things is because one marketing executive said to me that as it became more popular um you know in the ’90s they then started to say okay let’s tap

Into the kids and see what they like and they responded to you know colors that would catch your eye and that’s that’s where Celtic eventually come out with the Bumblebee I remember the bum you know what I mean so people the marketing teams were saying how can we get the

Kids together the kids to get mental strips that they’ll buy you know um for me the most iconic one that I think of when I was growing up as well was the Abino way top that they wore to win the Super cup MH you know with a white with

A pinstrip oh yeah remember with that lime green the love Street to the 1986 top that would be and another one that I think if anybody’s got one would be worth an absolute pretty penny was HEBs George’s best bucka on the front you remember that they were the

That was the first sponsorship on a shirt as well in Scotland absolutely I think so yeah yeah yeah hibs I think were the first ever sponsor on the shirts but the one I GL this is is um uh this a funny story was when uh Ally

Would be about the age of year Joseph and that was was lying watching the the Celtic Angels game in in the T and my my mate came says can I come around and what these are the days when no de Sky I says can can I come around and watch the

Game really and I said I come around said my brother wants to playing him around come around so his brother came around and sat on the couch and I said to his brother I said who was the best player you ever played with Ali you know

This was Al the guy said he says definitely van Baston and my son got up as if he was had in the light shock and came through the kitchen me I was getting a botle of beer he’s played he sat it and it was Ali dick of course who

Played with uh played with Van basson Ajax and Ali M just wouldn’t believe him until the next day Ali Dick came R to the house with a picture of a front three of Van Baston dick and Bear Camp and an iax STP for Al and what match W

Which he still got that was a that’s that’s my football strip story and that’s worth a few quid Ali hold on to it it’s as simple as that um yeah some strips I’m sure you can come up with a few yourself that you can put in the

Comment section below um at times the journal show sometimes we can get down a negative line um and of course there was uh moments in that program where we offered uh the light the way and the truth and possibly the yellow brick road out of the darkness that we’re in at the

Moment um but you can offer your own opinion as well we’d love to hear it don’t forget to subscribe to plz soccer’s YouTube channel if you get a chance we’d love you to join the football family we’re right across social media thank you to so many of you

Who are enjoying a lot of the variety of programming we’ve got oneto ones we’ve also got the women’s football show the journals as well as the football show itself uh and not forgetting Straight Talk um so lots to watch uh lots to enjoy including our journalists going

Out and bringing you the best of Scottish Football it’s on the website it’s on the app and it’s on our YouTube channel from Hugh from Alice and for myself Peter Martin I want to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year and we’ll be back in the new year

With more joural shows from everyone here thank you for listening thank you for watching


  1. The big 2 are strangling the game? Why should rangers help any other team in Scotland with anything? Fuck them all you reap what you sow

  2. That guy was talking nonsense and nobody challenged him. Big 2 voting for what's best for themselves? Rangers were the only club in Scotland to vote against signing up with sky for the next bloody decade, they said we were under selling the game and should hold out and explore other options. Was no need to sign an extension with sky at that time but Celtic and all the rest couldn't sign it quick enough…

  3. With a 12 team league there is so much jeopardy with relegation extremely costly. Id do the same as England tbh but no more than 20 teams per league. Doing that promotes Highland and Lowland league clubs also. More margin for error means youth can gain experience over English clubs loanees and National league players. Id happily have 2 old firms than 4 (even if Sky wont), more of a novelty and makes them twice as important.

  4. Something drastic needs changing . No wonder so many players are getting injured when there’s teams not interested in playing the ball rather trying to take out the players & not giving one iota about the damage they caused . It’s actually worse than Sunday league now .

  5. The media has a culpability when it comes to lack of accss. 'Click Bait' stories that are at best exaggerated and a worst total fabrication have alienated the mainstream media from clubs and fans. Hence the growth of fan media.

  6. Eh…and youse didn’t even discuss what it says in your title?? Wtf is this?

    Just be honest and call your show a general blether about Scottish football.

  7. I've said for years we only need 2 divisions. Its time to be ruthless 2 leagues of 20 & that means we lose 2 teams into the lowland leagues again. Oh well. But fair promotions & playoffs.

  8. You need to talk to your buddy's in the Scottish government that they should be doing something to help grass roots football in this country , every other counrty that's doing well has the government pumping money into grass roots football and sports in general. But saying that the old firm should be producing far more young stars than they do

  9. Lay aside the parochial politics in football (not easy, I know) but there is a solution. Create 4 European regional leagues (North, South, East , West) and one proper Champions league. Regions are already defined by the UN website. Look at the populations in each region and the countries in each region. That would be attractive for tv money and sponsors, which is where the money is. Domestic leagues can qualify for the regional league, and regional leagues can qualify for the Champions league with play-offs in each case, 2 up, 2 down. The financial playing field is levelled and ambitious clubs can invest and progress. Not an easy thing to do, but we are not the only country facing these problems….🤔

  10. I’ve said this for years but it’s far more noticeable since Covid and it needed to be said. Folk have to wake up and stop this “happy clapping” rubbish as if no one is dared to make a complaint or a negative comment. This is on the heads of the SFA and the clubs and I hate to say it but it’s also political. It needs a 3 part series to discuss the whole problem there are a huge amounts of reasons. I’ve studied this in depth for my own personal reasons and it’s not a 5 minute discussion. Firstly they need to make a rule for foreign players, only allow so many per club.

  11. Neil Doncaster is a failure. I'd love to know what his targets are. His CV is shocking. The game is worse since he came in. Dated thinking in a modern world. Cinch issue was embarrassing. No sponsorship when a competition begins? Gross misconduct.

  12. It’s a bit rich of these three to call anyone dinosaurs, they’re all like bacteria feeding off of the negativity that they create in Scottish football

  13. The bottom line is Celtic brought a man with a gigantic ego back with an horrendous European record when we wanted to improve in Europe but the thing is, we'll comfortably win the league, Rangers have won 3 trophies out of 21. That's horrendous. The BBC radio is spot on and they show regular highlights, Sky have ruined football for non rich fans, as for Derek Adams, an absolute bar of rock, Morecambe wouldn't beat Arbroath.

  14. The money people in Scottish football have destroyed our game. We only have 2 clubs in Scotland the rest have to fight tooth and nail to survive. We need to change our outlook ie, stop playing football during the winter, update our stadiums so families can come and watch games, more money should be spent on our youth. At this moment money is wasted in our game. If we have good stadiums we can bring more people to our stadiums. Young kids will come through and play professionally. I am a Rangers supporter but I still say we should take care of our clubs and young players. I know it’s easy to say, but we have to try or our game will be destroyed.

  15. If you look at the bigger picture at celtic at look at there performances they've just not got the results but been exciting to watch this season and last

  16. The saddest part of all of this is that the 2 biggest promoters of Scottish Football is NOT the SPL or any official group. It’s PLZ and FootyAdventures on YouTube.

    The league and governing/marketing bodies should be ashamed of themselves.

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