Golf Babe

EVERY WiiWare Game Ranked

wii are struggling

Instagram – @Connerthewaffle

The Wii Shop Channel was mine and many many other kids’ first exposure to the world of Indie Games specifically we focused indie games that were appropriately dubbed as we wear we wear were games that were created and designed specifically for the Wii that’s right Nintendo finally had one over the

Xbox 360 and PS3 we wear really allowed for creativity in independent and smaller Studios I think everyone has that one Wei wear game from their childhood that probably wasn’t the best game ever but but you played it non-stop there were some great ones some bad ones

And definitely a lot of weird ones so today I wanted to go down memory lane and check out some we wear games or to be exact I want to check out every single wi wear game that was ever released which according to my studies there are about

435 games will I regret doing this probably but hey there’s a good chance that that every game is going to be someone’s favorite so please get comfy and purchase a million Wei points as we check out the complete we wear library now I don’t really know how to

Structure this video so I decided to just go in alphabetical order to fast four gnomes already starting off great so this game is kind of weird so the story is that King gnome tells you that the princess was kidnapped and you got to save her you do this by collecting

Her socks we have to gatekeep more we cannot let foot people make games the game is an auto Runner all you do as a player is press the jump button and use a parachute made out of the princess’s undergarments oh that’s real nice your only real objective is to grab the

Hundreds of socks thrown throughout the stage I’ll be honest man this is just a stupid auto Runner you have unlimited lives so you can play this all day with no real consequences for losing did I save the princess no and I never will 3 2 1 rattle battle

Now this game is actually super fun I already found a Hidden Gem I had no clue about it’s essentially a collection of mini games that you have to beat in a very short time limit allaha Wario Weare it’s even stylized like Wario Weare all the characters are these cute little

Creatures and every stage is super colorful and vibrant the game is best played multiplayer though there’s not really a single player mode you only play one miname at a time before being thrown back to the main menu some of them are good single player like there’s

A red light Greenlight Min game you play with the NPC then there’s some that are just shaking the remote as fast as you can although to be fair this is the most fun I’ve had shaking my Wii remote all alone you know what I’m saying okay good game 3D Pixel racing you pick an ugly pixel

Car and an ugly pixel human and then 3 2 1 go Do that I have no idea how to drive this thing I was genuinely spending minutes at least three trying to figure out how to not swerve off the road until I got hit by a police car and game over lucky us we have five in one five

Arcade gems first game is jungle pizza delivery you’re a pizza boy and you need to shake the weat remote nunchuck to escape the indigenous people is This Racist probably RC buggy Madness you drive this little toy car to grab batteries and then you drive to your

Corner to drop them off Whoever has the most batteries at the end wins to the surprise of no one it’s completely terrible Templar bashing this mace is spinning in the middle and you need to either jump when it comes your way or smack it in another Direction go nuts

Whirling Rangers this is like the only decent game in this collection it’s essentially just Tempest is 2,000 you move around in a circular motion and shoot the enemies while avoiding the asteroids it’s fine and lastly we have Lumberjack trials you throw axes at the Target and wow how Innovative is that

The Wii has never seen anything like this before and that was five arcade gems which now that I think about it only one of them was an actual arcade gem what a scam five spots party it’s just an ice buy game this one having you find five

Differences on a map then there’s one where you need to find five hidden monkeys now let’s just pause right here do you see five monkeys we got this one and the one on his arm and then I just kind of gave up and it’s like oh what

You didn’t see that kind of outline of a monkey what are you stupid I did do the monkey game again and it took me to like the most cursed image I’ve ever seen this is legit just someone’s backyard in Madrid probably I don’t know it’s probably this woman’s and then they just

Threw in some monkey pngs like this poor woman’s backyard is forever immortalized in this where’s Waldo gamer whatever 5 in one solitire it’s five different ways to play solitire and I know how to play Zero of them oh hell no we are not playing a 101 different games as you might expect it’s

101 different terrible mini games I clicked on random to let fate decide what I’d play the first game it brought me to was this it’s a a rock throwing game you throw rocks and that’s it then there’s a basketball game with the worst controls ever I don’t even think I ever

Got close to the net oh but hey there’s darts is your blood pumping you’re actually only able to play like 10 mini games and you need to get high scores en able to unlock the others which as you can imagine I’m I’m not Doing oh man wait hold on here Adventure Island the beginning for those who don’t know Adventure Island is a really fun platformer around the NES but pretty much stopped existing after the ’90s but in 2009 hustoft brought the game back with a full-on 3D graphical remake this

Is what I really like about Wei wear Taking Chances and giving older games a chance at new life I don’t think a $50 Adventure Island game on Wii would do great at all but for a $10 game or so it gets the job done or in this case it kind of

Gets the job done I don’t know visually it’s just kind of mobile gamey the animation the sound effects it all just feels really cheap and bro this snail is an enemy a bad guy you’re supposed to harm this but how do you expect me to do that when he’s just struggling to move

As you’ll see later in the video this won’t be the last time an older franchise gets a revitalization but with this in particular I think it would have been better to just keep the 8bit NES aesthetic but I don’t want to be too mean it is super cool that Adventure

Island got a new game in 2009 and it’s still a solid Game oh but wait is this a sequel Adventure on Lost Island hidden object game spoilers it’s not it’s another stupid I Spy game there’s a bunch of items on screen and you got to find the ones with a specific pattern and color and whatever I I guess it’s fine if

You’re three oh but wait our searching Adventure isn’t over yet with aha I found it hidden object game here we’re friends with a bunch of aliens and they want us to find objects for them to steal also this is just straight up to me Turner so yeah there’s a list of

Objects you have to find on each level what’s funny is that some of these objects aren’t well-known items like I don’t think a 5-year-old who’s playing is going to know what a kunai is heck I don’t even know what a kusara gima is it’s just a bunch of garbage on screen

And you got to look for It please just let my suffering end to round out the trilogy of aha I Got It Games we now have an escape room bro did Butch Hartman actually work on these games there’s no way you’re trying to pass this off as an originall looking character design whatever it’s just an

Escape room but not a good one I tried to click on everything to give me a hint on what to do and everything I clicked on just wasn’t important but hey there’s Power Rangers so this game’s pretty awesome airport mania this game sucks too it’s like a low-level City Sim you

Click on airplanes and then click on the runway and then move them out of the way and then click for them to move somewhere else it’s just so boring iPod Touches were at least out at this time why not make this a garbage mobile game don’t take up space on the Wii Shop

Channel with this alien Crush returns several decades have passed since mankind all right I’m not reading this you want to know what this game is it’s pinball a pinball game where I guess you’re playing in some kind of alien intestine it’s pretty gross looking full of parasites and disgusting squishy

Noises heck I don’t even know if I’m supposed to censor this stuff or not if you want a pinball game on the Wii then no I’m sure there’s got to be better ones than this okay is a really interesting game and yet it moves you play as this paper

Cutout man and need to Traverse this cave however some platforms and areas are impossible to reach so you need to use the Wii remote to spin the world around to help the guy out it’s actually a really fun concept and a clever use of the wi gimmicks the game also has a very

Eerie atmosphere with droning sounds in the Background I’m scared a really fun game that I remember actually playing the demo Mo of back in the Day oh heck yeah bro Ana Arc of Sinners dude yes she is so 2008 Deviant Art hot so the story is something I’m sure the game itself is a sidescrolling action adventure beat him up I love this it perfectly sums up quote unquote serious games on the Wii they’re working with

What they got and clearly they want to tell a pretty serious ious story but the game looks like this and controls not the greatest all that being said though it is a fun game you can Dark Souls roll and lay on some pretty sick combos it kind of feels like Bayonetta

Aesthetically and since Nintendo wouldn’t purchase that franchise for a few more years this is the best we got I don’t know man I guess I just have a soft spot in my heart for garbage that’s actually trying to be mature all right dude this is ant Nation

You’re playing with ants trying to flood them out of their hole and squish them no I’m not playing a game about ants what could be less interesting welcome to Aqua space it’s a fishbowl simulator you pick your family of fish and watch them do their thing

You can pet them I guess follow them around while they s yeah goldfish POV and even learn about them I mean hey there’s got to be at least a few goldfish Fanatics out there that are just losing their minds that such an amazing game can exist okay arcade Essentials they’re

Bootleg versions of Space Invaders Tron cubert and this bubble popping game what’s it called uh just just bubble pop great arcade Sports you start off by picking a human Avatar and they are just the worst things you’ll ever see in life everyone is so hideous and I feel

Terrible if they were modeled after real life people so if this is you please let me know the game’s just bootleg wi Sports there’s a pool game I couldn’t figure out how to play and bowling although the bowling physics are completely broken I’d throw the ball down the middle and it just immediately

Curves into the gutter like if you can’t get your bowling game right I’m inclined to dismiss everything else arcanoid plus now this stuff kind of angers me but but in a funny way you got this really epic art style a story about gods and man or something and when you actually get to

The game it’s arcanoid just a stupid arcade game from the 80s sure there’s some color and powerups but it’s still just arcanoid around the world is a geography game pretty basic honestly they’ll name a country and you have to find it on the map when you select your country it’ll

Let you know if you got it or how far away you were from it this this game Feels Like A Primitive start to geoguesser which would take on this concept fully and run with it honestly though unless you’re studying there’s no need for this game but at least the

Game’s like kind of difficult they’re not just like where’s Canada they wanted me to find estana like what is that near silveron and tealo what are you talking About art of balance a game I’ve actually heard mentioned on the greatest Wei wear games list but never checked out for myself after playing it yep definitely deserves to be there so here you’re given a bunch of random shapes that need to find the best way to stack

Them up on each other without falling into the water it’s a pretty big brain game which I obviously don’t have it has such a chill vibe to it the Zen Garden in the background the relaxing music to help you focus you could easily just spend hours and hours just sitting here

Studying the geometry and physics of the shapes to stack them properly although I kind of mess up way too often I think I must have been that stupid kid trying to put the triangle Block in the Square Hall you know what I mean forget I said

That all right the next few games are from the art style series first one being Cubo this giant shape is slowly spinning around the void and you have to click on the correct colors as they appear at least I think that’s what you’re supposed to do again these games

Are in the art style Series so I guess they’re going for a more abstract and artsy approach same with the next game light tracks you play as this ray of light and need to avoid the obstacles I was really behind the other ones and I didn’t know how to

Catch up there’s no accelerate button or anything but this one does have a nice chill vibe to it I can just imagine playing this game at night being engulfed in colors and and it does feel satisfying just moving the wavelength up down and all around super simple but gets the job

Done then there’s orbian which straight up just steal feels the mother logo I don’t know what that’s about this one’s a little Bland there’s an orb floating around space and you get to control the planet’s atmosphere either pulling the orb towards the planet or pushing it

Away I guess the goal is to make it to the end without the orb being destroyed it’s okay but loses its luster pretty quickly and the last game in the series is Roto heex probably the only thing that resembles a game these triangle pieces are falling down and you need to

Rotate them to create a hexagon it’s a pretty chill puzzle game that doesn’t offer much though in terms of visual and those were the art style games honestly probably would have been better to release them as a package deal like a 4 in one like at least maybe I

Could justify getting this back in the Day now we’ve gone from visually exciting to literal Middle School PowerPoint presentation Astro bugs and is it me or is the men you like not centered like there’s way more space on the left than on the right this game better be the best thing ever it’s balloon pop it’s balloon pop

With ugly CGI creatures I can’t believe I went through all this trouble in ey pain for balloon pop Ava and the cubes of light okay I’m sure you’ve played this little game called Mario Galaxy before right you know those levels where you can wrap around the stage and run up

The walls okay I think that but more limiting and with bad controls and bad physics and zero charm seriously this is so boring there’s not even any enemies to throw in some variety you’re walking around this empty Bland Cube like look at this ramp here in Sonic or any other

Game you’d think you need some kind of momentum to fully run up it but here Ava can just do everything at a snail’s pace it’s very unsatisfying and dare I say bad Babble rising in this game you play as G God literally the game even refers

To you the player as God on multiple occasions now I ain’t read the Bible in quite some time but I can’t remember the time when God struck down hundreds of people building a pyramid I actually had to Google when did God strike down people making a pyramid and it’s in

Genesis 11 Sega Genesis okay yeah kind of a weird Bible game usually these religious games are very peaceful and wanting to teach you a nice moral lesson but here you’re just clicking on people to vaporize them you even have Mother Nature at your fingertips as powerups where you can literally have lightning

Strike these people or have a tsunami show up how Charming okay Back To Nature it’s another children’s game you’ll spend most of your time once again looking for objects although here you sometimes get to hammer A boat like 15 times does it really need this many

Nails I don’t know oh no dude come on balloon pop Festival now despite being called balloon pop this is not balloon pop it’s one of these puzzle games where you need to match three or more objects in a row I don’t know what this is Beed

Yeah great it’s Beed on Wii just what the world needed Bang Attack you just have to touch objects of three or more that are already touching each other there’s no strategy or anything else you can do you just got to be like oh dude those three bananas are touching each

Other click and you win it’s a lesser version of beedon Wii battle poker now I’m not much of a Gambling Man myself but this does not look like any poker I’ve ever played in my life they literally just made Beed poker I’m so sick of Beed like games on the Wii B jeweled too well if you’re going to have all these ripoffs at least have the original here too you know this was a great way to convince your mom to buy a Wii look what’s on it Mom you can play the Wii while I’m at school genius plan

All right we got our first licensed game Ben 10 Alien Force the rise of hex now I actually have a couple of Ben 10 games on the PS2 and from what I can remember they were pretty solid this game is definitely well the Wii version of those games it’s a sidescrolling action game

Beating up the bad guys transforming into aliens using their powers for certain situations and having cut scenes that look like a dating Sim and considering this is Ben 10 this isn’t the first time I’ve seen something like that honestly it’s a pretty basic game

But as a kid this is exactly the kind of stuff I was a sucker for they don’t make licensed games like this anymore simple action games you can play with a friend I was transported back to my childhood playing This big bass arcade it’s a godam fishing game you toss out your line and enjoy your fishing man this game is boring as hell it’s like fishing in real life you spend a lot of time waiting and doing nothing Big Kahuna party surprise it’s Beed what

Blows my mind is that I’m going in alphabetical order so the fact we’ve just had this many Beed games blows my mind all right dude Big Town shootout is it a fun on Rails Western shooter no of course not you’re just shooting stagnant objects in mini games for points it gets

Old after 5 minutes yeah man all right it’s time for Bingo party Deluxe you play against CPU or your friends if you want to make them suffer alongside you this disembodied voice yells out numbers and letters and you got to be the quickest person to leave your stamp on it until you get

Bingo it’s surprisingly kind of fun bit boy you play as the square and need to collect other squares while avoiding these enemies it’s pretty basic and Visually fairly uninteresting but still a fun simple arcade experience although the game was super short only lasting like five stages and I beat the

Game but wait after beating bit boy you’ll unlock 8bit boy it’s the same exact game but with updated everything the graphics are nicer there’s some actual animation the music is updated and our little square guy now has a face okay that’s pretty cool once again though also very short only being five

Or six stages so once I beat the game again wait because now we have super bit boy the same game but with 16bit Super Nintendo enhancements more color more animation better music better Pizza you can’t go wrong so that’s the gimmick of bit boy you get to play through what’s

Essentially the basic history of gaming up until 2008 you don’t have all the additions unlocked right from the get-go meaning on your first playthrough you’ll need to play in order heck by the time I got to bit boy 64 I was kind of hooked I was curious as to what new things they’d

Add to make the game feel like it came came out during that Period and the hits just keep coming because now we’re checking out the bit trip series a series of multiple games that follow a similar theme great Rhythm games with fantastic music all of which are fairly simple to play and will 99% of the time capture you in a hypnotic

Gaze for hours first game is bit trip beat the best way I could describe this game is that it’s oneperson Rhythm pong you play has this paddle and need to move it up and down to hit the objects every hit will create part of a beat keep the streak going and the screen

Will get more and more intense full of crazy patterns you got to keep track of to create a visual and audio Nirvana then we have bit trip core same concept except now you’re playing with the d-pad the higher the streak the crazier the audio and video gets

Although I’ll be honest maybe it’s just because I I’m no longer a young lad with great reflexes but this game was insanely difficult for me to keep up with and my reaction time was garbage I never got anywhere close to a streak and died pretty much quickly every time bit

Trip fate I guess this is also a good time to mention that each game also has auh story you’ll usually get an opening cut scene with this character who I guess is pretty much the mascot of the series his name is Commander video and I only know that because I had to Google

It each of these opening cut scenes are incredibly vague and threatening where we don’t really learn anything but back to bit trip fate it’s kind of an on rail Sid scroller Commander video can only move on the set path but there’s all kinds of enemies you need to avoid and

Whatnot it’s okay I kept trying to touch these projectiles because they look strikingly similar to the ones you’re supposed to hit in other bit trip games you know to create the beat but I guess not here I never really got anything musically going so maybe I’m playing

Playing it wrong I feel like I got pretty far and nothing really happened still an okay time I guess all right now we’re in business baby bit trip Runner this was easily my favorite we wear game back in the day it’s an auto Runner hence bit trip Runner all you really

Need to do is jump over the obstacles to make it to the end of the stage there’s these red powerups though that are definitely worth collecting because every time you grab one that’s where the music and visuals will get an upgrade and it’s so seamless and satisfying

Every time you’ll start off the stage like [Applause] this okay pretty boring and as you go on a streak and collect everything it turns into this it’s so addicting especially for something as simple and usually not fun like like an auto Runner bit trip Runner is insanely addicting then there’s bit

Trip flux is pretty much the same thing as bit trip beat but now the paddles are on the right hand side and lastly we have bit trip void you control this black blob in the void and need to collect the Black Blocks and avoid the white ones the more you collect the

Bigger your blob becomes and harder to avoid the white ones but the bigger you get the better the visuals and music get I think you get the picture by now a really fun and solid challenge whenever I think of Wei wear the bit trip series is immediately what I think of as the

Flagship mascot titles now here’s a game trying to sneak into the bit trip family reunion bitos the game is like Tetris but different and worse you have all these Tetris shapes you’ve grown to know and love but you can just place them anywhere removing any challenge or fun you still

Need to complete Lines Just without the quick thinking of what shapes need to go where you’re given as much time as you really need to just place the shapes anywhere it’s not fun Blaster Master overdrive continuing with the NES reboots and sequels train we got Blaster Master for the uninformed

Blaster Master is a sid scroller where you play as a car the first ever car Sid scroller that can platform and jump around I really like this art style it’s 3D I think but not so obvious like an adventure island so if they’re not going to stick with a pixel art style then

This creative 3D asset approach is the best way to do it the game’s kind of a Metroid Vania which I definitely wasn’t expecting thumbs up something that’s not fun though is Block Breaker Deluxe you got this cool Miami party Vibe going on you’re like wa what exciting experience

Am I in for Block Breaker an Atari game with a Florida party Aesthetic blood Beach you know what concept would be great for a Wii game meant for kids a game based off of dday in World War I you’re on the beach of Norman D and they’re shooting down planes something about this being on the Wii just doesn’t feel right this is the

Entire game by the way balloons you throw darts and hit balloons think there’s more to it you’d be wrong Bobby carrot forever the long awaited entry in the Bobby carrot series on PC it’s a basic puzzle game for kids you need to collect all the carrots and

Make your way to the exit it’s honestly a really fun game the puzzles are genuinely creative and satisfying to solve you ride lily pads and lawnmowers need to avoid traps and think of the best dungeons you’ve ever played in an RPG and Bobby carrot trounces all of

Them boings here’s a game that I think actually had the potential to be a classic on the Wii you play as these little boings you use the nunchuck to move them left and right but they can’t jump so if you want to reach a platform

You need to use the Wii remote to aim and fling them kind of like it’s Angry Birds there’s puzzles platforming and some of the flinging is time-sensitive meaning you’ll need to act quick on your feet the game just lacks some finesse and is fairly Barren in terms of music

And memorable level design but still a really solid game that utilizes motion controls in a fun and creative way bomber man blast it’s an eight-player bomber Man game every round is so chaotic I swear every game must last like less than a minute long apparently back in the day when Nintendo

Still cared about the Wii it had online multiplayer so the novelty of playing eight player bomber man with friends and strangers all around the world was tons of fun but hey if you got three other friends hanging around you can still have local multiplayer what else can I

Say apart from it’s bomber man it’s fun yay here’s Bonsai Barber you play as a hairstylist who just moved into this town inhabited by sentient trees and vegetables they all come in asking for haircuts and you got to deliver the goods the reference pictures though are

Kind of weak like this potato is like yeah give me that for my haircut I’ll be honest this game is super fun but not because the hair cutting aspect is really solid more so I just like messing up the hair and giving them the worst looking cuts ever and what’s great is

That the vegetables will react to what’s going on they have this look on their face like wo you’re messing up my fade bro and you can also just take snapshots of their bad haircut to have on file I don’t know maybe I’m just broken from all these we wear games I find this

Hilarious brain challenge it’s a homework game do math do writing solve problems brain drain you got to match your board to correct the the pattern who I don’t know who cares Bruiser and scratch you push boxes to solve puzzles here’s what happened my first try and then I turned the game off true

Story Bubble Bobble plus it’s Bubble Bobble on the Wii I don’t know what else to say thanks for coming Burger Time World Tour a 3D remake of the arcade game it’s visually kind of a nightmare but you can tell it’s cool and futuristic because it takes place in space like wow man isn’t

This so epic Mr Burger Time himself is also just the worst the Wii ever has to offer Burn the Rope so you need to burn the rope in a specific pattern but it’s weird because every time I light it the flame immediately dies out they say something like fire always Burns upwards

Which hey I don’t know geography I don’t know if that’s true but why am I forced to learn science about this fire burning game all right up next is kmen San Diego now there’s actually like five of these games on Wei wear but for the sake of

Time I’m not going to go over every single one mainly because they all follow the same exact formula you play as a cop and go around talking to NPCs and civilians to gather evidence about a case they say things like it just isn’t Cricket when you’re not mindlessly

Talking to NPCs you’ll be doing basic motion control puzzles they’re okay but honestly I wasn’t getting too hooked the entire game is just a little too lackluster and feels very robotic no love or passion anywhere Carnival King once again a bunch of mediocre mini games that have

You pointing the Wii remote at the screen lots of creativity like shooting targets shooting targets and shooting Targets all right hold up now Castlevania the adventure rebirth Castlevania the adventure was actually originally a Game Boy game naturally being on a handheld the game was a little mid and M2 the game’s developers went incredibly hard they developed two more games on Wei wear under the rebirth

Series and each game is filled to the brim with quality Castlevania for me is usually a very frustrating experience more often than not due to the stiff controls but here Simon feels very fluid and free sure there’s a bit of stiffness since that comes with the territory but

This is honestly one of the best feeling 2D castlevanias the visuals are incredibly beautiful and don’t even get me started on that music it’s such a nice breath of fresh air considering Castlevania at the time was focusing more on the RPG Metroid Vania style and then a few years later

We’d get the Castlevania Lords of Shadow series which were 3D action games so being able to play a really solid 2D Castlevania in the mid 2000s is a nice feeling I love Cave Story I could easily make an entire hourlong video talking about it it was one of my favorite games of all

Time and I have we wear to thank for introducing me to it all the way back in 2010 the game was initially released all the way back on the PC in 2004 you take control of a robot named quote who wakes up in a cave with amnesia the entire

Game takes place in this cave but as you’ll quickly see this cave has a lot to offer in terms of area variety there’s dungeons towns and cute NPCs you’ll meet along the way the dialogue is very quirky and fun too if you like games like undertale with its absurd and

Sometimes awkward metah humor then Cave Story will be right up your alley the game itself is a metroidvania exploring the world shooting enemies and learning about who you are it is indeed a Cave Story all right here’s the magnumopus of Wei where chick chick boom now my Wii

Remote really started to act up here so the game play is incredibly pitiful what you’re doing is basically clicking on different items and attacks you’ll use to fight the enemy when you select an attack you’ll need to draw an outline in the correct order as fast as you can to

Quickly execute the attack the faster you can do it the faster you’ll be able to deal out more damage but again I was having weote issues and couldn’t make that happen Christmas clicks it’s Christmas bejweled no Kronos twins DX you take control of a blue guy with a cannon on his arm I’ve

Seen this somewhere initially yeah the game comes off as a Mega Man clone but not a very good one the game just feels very slow and cumbersome the characters are done with Sprites which I really like but the backgrounds and platforms are all cheap looking Wii 3D models so

It kind of clashes I was fighting a boss that I guess I was supposed to lose to in order to progress but he really wasn’t challenging usually if the game wants you to lose to a boss they make them incredibly difficult after some story that I definitely care about we

Get the main gimmick of the game controlling two versions of our main character simultaneously and in different timelines it’s a concept that sounds cool on paper but in execution it just makes the game very slow constantly needing to shift your eyes between the screens to see if there’s an obstacle in

Your way or something this idea could could have worked in a multiplayer setting but by yourself it takes what’s already a meh cumbersome game and makes it a lot more unappealing kokuto fishing it’s another boring fishing game but instead of being on the beautiful lakes in Montana we’re

In the Underworld fishing with this demon baby it controls like garbage and needless to say I’m not feeling Relaxed believe it or not our adventures with this ugly demon cocao isn’t over yet with Koko platform jumper what a terrible name you didn’t even try the game is literally a platformer you was send up and up this never ending spiral cave jumping on platforms you can create

Lava Bridges as platforms to reach higher areas and that’s it that’s the only form of gameplay to break up the monotony of just jumping up and up for hours if you wanted to be literal with this game you shouldn’t have called it KOCO platform jumper you should have

Called it Koko’s boring piece of colors with a z you point the Wii mode at the screen and guide your alien to grab colors that’ll be $10 finally some more good food alongside Castlevania rebirth M2 would graciously give us a new Contra game Contra rebirth unlike Castlevania the

Adventure though this game isn’t a remake of any previous game but a full-on new original experience everything I praised about Castlevania applies here gorgeous visuals amazing music and tight gameplay again in 2009 being able to play a classic Contra game was such a treat Contra is also a game I

Usually do terrible at and barely make it out of level one but here it seems they kind of Turn Down The difficulties so you’re not turned off immediately and can actually make some progress another great entry by M2 okay this is copter crisis you fly a helicopter but I kept taking damage by

Something and I wasn’t in the mood to figure out what uh this is cozy fire it’s a simulated fireplace on your Nintendo Wii you can select what kind of wood you want to burn poke and stir the fire to keep it going heck you can even change the background scenery to match your

Vibe I also don’t totally hate it you see not all homes have a fireplace so it’s honestly not a terrible alternative to turn on this game during Christmas for some background and fire burning ASMR Critter Roundup is a game where you need to fence in these animals that are

Already enclosed in a fence it’s honestly not that fun and I feel bad for putting this pig in a small pen Cruise party a gambling game that takes place on a boat now again I’m not much of a Gambling Man but I do partake in some

Black back in my real life and here’s my strategy bet every penny you have and just keep saying hit me until you’re at 21 never hold that’s for cowards sure sometimes you lose your money but 95% of gamblers quit before they hit the jackpot always remember that Kids Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders are1 this game is super addicting it’s a tower defense game you have a limited amount of money to spend on Warriors and mages you strategically need to place them down on the map when you’re happy with their positions hordes of enemies

Will follow a set path and your party needs to be able to wipe them out after every successful wave you’ll earn money that you can use to either level up and strengthen your team or add more characters to the board and as you can imagine each wave of enemies gets

Stronger and stronger this is the first tower defense game I’ve actually sat down and played I never thought I’d be interested in them I guess I thought they would be too boring but clearly I’m in the wrong Crystal Defenders R1 is super addicting and maybe it’s my ADHD

But seeing these hordes of enemies getting obliterated in seconds tickles a part of my brain I can’t explain the game was so good it got a sequel Crystal Defenders are too it’s the same exact game but with more enemies classes locations Etc I really wish these games

Found their way onto the switch or something this is a perfect game to play on the go which I guess checks out considering it was initially a mobile game Dart Rage it’s throwing Dart the only thing that makes me rage about this is that it’s the 15th game to have stupid darts in It so this game was made by Arc system works the company that made beloved fighting games like blaze blue Guilty Gear and undernight in birth just to name a few they also made deer captor a Wii game where you shoot sweet innocent deer minding their own business this is

Extra bad like I know deer aren’t violent in real life but for the sake of this game couldn’t you make them rabbit or zombies or something and you know what’s worse than a deer shooting game on Wii two deer shooting games on Wii this one is much of the same but at least

This time the deer actually attack you fantastic this is the actual music they chose for this title screen Defend Your Castle is a game I played a ton of in Middle School on the school computers it’s another Tower defense game but here your main form of attack is to point

Your weote at the screen and fling the bad guys in the air so they come crashing down and goost splat that’s the funniest noise ever I don’t care what anyone says after every round you’ll be able to buy upgrades to your Castle be it more Shields archers

On the roof or just refill the Castle’s Health from whatever damage it took previously it’s a very simple but still a very fun game Derby dogs it’s just a lesser version of the Chow Garden but with dogs dogs you’ll pick your breed feed them train them and give them love all of

This so they can be the best racing dog out there and win the championship that’s right it’s a race and my dog’s going to be the fastest racist of them all wow I know we joke about Ms paint drawings a lot but this genuinely looks like it was made in paint now despite

That not great first impressions you get from the title Diner Dash is actually a really fun game you take control of a a woman who’s sick of her busy and boring office job so she decides to open up a restaurant and besides the cook she’s the only employee there and you’ll need

To take care of everything how the game works is that you have a very small amount of time to First sit down the customers then take their order then hand it to the chef when he’s done cooking you need to bring the customers their food after they eat it you’ll take

Their check and need to bust the table each customer needs to be done in that exact order at first it’s an easy enough operation to follow follow but as the game goes on customers will be flooding into the restaurant and you’ll need to keep track of what’s already been done

To who you’ll take someone’s order but there’s people waiting to be seated and if you take too long they’ll leave you might be busting a table while another customer is impatient because you haven’t taken their order yet I’ve never worked at a restaurant but I feel like this game surprisingly manages to

Capture that hectic fast-paced environment of working at a restaurant the NPC’s timers are very short you’ll be thinking what customer is this imp patient when in reality almost a lot of people who eat out are like this not me though I’m very patient I know I could never do this job without breaking

Someone’s neck who gave me attitude Diner Dash is honestly a Hidden Gem that’s tons of fun dive you’re a diver looking for treasure the whole game is an underwater level which isn’t a compliment you swim slowly and sometimes shoot innocent jellyfish because you’re bored doc clock

The toast the sandwich of time hey why not you play as Rick and do platforming stuff there’s a gimmick with the Wii remote but I couldn’t figure it out and honestly just kind of gave up sorry I was playing this at 3:00 a.m. and was very

Tired doc Lewis’s punch out I don’t know what the heck this is it’s literally just punch out on Wii but you’re only able to fight doc Lewis in a practice fight apparently it was free to Club Nintendo Platinum members in 2009 and was only available to them until 2015

Yeah 2015 2 years before the switch came out why did you wait so long also if you’re a platinum Club Nintendo member odds are you already bought punch out on Wii the full game shouldn’t this game be a free download for everyone so more people would check it out and be like oh

I think I want to buy the full game now but hey that’s just my 10 cents my two cents is free all right our first Japanese exclusive we wear game downtown netu dodgeball these dodgeball games have actually existed in the pass and arcades and on the NES and SNES you

Create a team and play dodgeball throw the ball catch the ball to bring in a teammate who’s out and so forth and so on these are really fun games and I’m always a fan of obscure sports Games Dr Mario online RX it’s Dr Mario on Wii I’m surprised this game is only limited to wiiware though I like the Wii upgrades the 3D models of the characters and updated music what makes the game special though is that once again you could play it online test your Dr Mario

Skills with people from all around the world although since I’m not playing this in 2008 multiplayer was out of the picture for me Dracula it’s a top- down shooter where you need to survive hordes of enemies it’s okay Dragon Master spellcaster it’s a dragon fighting game that does everything wrong I guess I

Accidentally selected multiplayer so the second player was just doing nothing but even this still sums up all of the game’s problems the flying controls are broken the attacks are not satisfying and it’s hard to tell what’s going on here’s what it looks and sounds like when you land a successful

Attack see how there’s no response to anything going on L drift Mania the game peaks with its really catchy title music if you’re a fan of slot car derby that Mario Party 2 miname then congrats here’s an entire game based off that I personally hate that mini game so therefore this is not

For Me Jesus this is drill sergeant mindstrong you play as kids in boot camp and need to follow whatever orders your drill sergeant tells you sounds garbage on paper but this game is Just silly enough to be entertaining for example your characters don’t have actual names but random nicknames like hosebag dork

Or doormat after every sentence each player needs to hit the a button as a sir yes sir button the first mini game for example everyone needs to shake the Wii remote to match the beat you need to constantly do this to get points however that’s not the only part of this game

Because there’s also trivia you need to answer correctly and in a short time limit all while still shaking the Wii Moe to keep your marching Pace again it’s just stupid enough to work Drop Zone Under Fire you’re in a futuristic world and jump out of a futuristic plane

And need to freef fall and hit all the futuristic targets if this is the future keep me in the past eat eat fight is another amazing game I never knew existed you take on the role of a sumo wrestler the game asks you arbitrary questions that might

Play into your stats or story but for for the most part you’re going to be training as a sumo wrestler to be the best it’s essentially another version of the Chow Garden but for big fat men you’ll need to play a bunch of mini games for your training for example

There’s a match 3 game that if you’re able to chain more and more items together and get bigger combos the wrestler’s food will get bigger and bigger making him fatter the actual fighting aspect of the game is also surprisingly deep and solid as well you can slap your opponents in the face and

If you both lock up with each other you’ll need to figure out what slam works best you actually have to take into account your strength leverage of your opponent as well as worrying about you not getting taken down either the visuals are also super Charming everyone looks

Kawaii all right I’ll never say that again e hot damn all right EOS shooter plant 530 right there what happened to ecos Shooter plant 1 through 529 so here you take control of a guy who really cares about the environment the game is an on rail shooter where you’re shooting at

Barrels and picking up trash I understand you wanted to make an eco-friendly game but wouldn’t it have been more fun if we were shooting mutated trash monsters or something like make it a fun pollution game not a boring one now here’s the first ever we wear

Game I bought with my own money Eduardo the samurai toaster it’s a running gun where you play as I think you know and it’s a really solid running gun it has the fun fast gameplay like Contra the Alien Wars but lacks a lot of the difficulty sure you could say

That it’s a bad thing since the game never really gets too difficult but I think just exploring these unique worlds that have very strong traditional Japanese feel to them is very chill especially with the game being four-player couch Co-op give it a shot if you get the Chance Woo is it getting hot in here for anyone else this is enjoy your massage you play as an amateur masseuse working at a massage parlor that only the hottest of chicks come to like damn don’t you want to see her in the nude so the game is

Simon Says parts of the girls back light up in a certain order and you got to hit it in the exact order for them to achieve maximum pleasure the only question I have is who is this game for because the the assignment says nature of it feels like

It’s for dumb little kids but dumb little kids don’t care about hot anime babes like this this is a game for nobody equilibrio is a pretty okay game that utilizes motion controls you need to tilt the stage around to guide this ball into a hole fantastic Escape Vector

Is Pac-Man with extra steps evasive space you got this spaceship through tight corridors and caverns Hallelujah hey man why does this sound like a bootleg Super Nintendo game anyway excite bike another NES classic given new life on the Wii if you’ve played excite bike you know what to expect

Drive on this course get some sick airs Etc the game does look a little Bland not a lot of colors or things that pop but I’m just nickp picking at this point at least it’s a game that’s more than I can say about a lot of what we’ve checked out so far Family pirate party this is actually a series of games featuring this anime family you start off by picking your character and I obviously went with Mommy because she makes me feel something did did anyone else see that they gave the mom jiggle physics in this party game for kids the game itself is

Just Mario party without the mini games so I guess it’s more like Fortune Street roll the dice land on some spots and get some money I guess it’s not that fun continuing our adventure with this family we got family tennis and good Lord this team must really like the mom

Character she gets the most development the main game as you might guess is Just Tennis but it’s surprisingly pretty fun it controls well and there’s some nice speed to the hits it was actually kind of hard I lost to the CPU on the first game but I didn’t mind Up next is a game for your grandma I guess fantasy slots it’s a slot machine on Wii I still don’t really know how slot machines work so just hit the max bed and hope for the best this game really is for like your gambling addicted family member because there’s

No music playing in the background or anything I can already smell the cigarettes fast Racing League it’s an f-zero clone it’s nice seeing a company try their hands at something other than Mario Kart it’s actually not half bad but maybe I’m just saying that because I’m a star fzero fan you got powerups

Can drive on the ceiling and most importantly the speed feels good I’ll take It yeeha partner it’s fast draw Showdown when it comes to fast all there’s only two types of people the fast and the death and we’re fixing to find out where you stand oh boy it’s one of these so the game utilizes liveaction footage for everything the cutscenes and gameplay

Are all fully acted and playable this stinks so you’ll be tasked with hunting down multiple different Outlaws where you’ll have a standoff with them the weote needs to be pointed away from the TV and when it’s time to draw your weapon you’ll have to quickly point at

The bad guy and shoot at them before they get you hey amigo I love to my little Friend it’s all very silly and fun this game apparently came out in 1994 so it’s got a lot of ’90s charm mainly bad acting don’t stop now it was just getting fun I kind of had fun with [Applause] it all right fenmore Filmore the Westerner we start off with this really long animated intro that I guess the team was really proud of because you can’t skip it it’s a generic western movie that’s not good when you finally get to the game play it’s a pointand click

Adventure I’m sorry I’ve never been into this kind of stuff it’s boring my life is a dark lord Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles so here we get to do a little roll reversal you take on the role of a dark lord and it’s your job to fight and destroy the good

Guys it’s another tower defense game basically you get to add floors to this tower that you can fill with enemies you have a limited budget and resources so you got to play it smart the more good guys you defeat the more money you get after you lay out your team the heroes

Will start to ascend the tower to do battle it’s a Charming concept playing as the villain the visuals and music are all very Whimsy which is funny considering well we’re slaughtering good guys it’s another fun tower defense game fight a nickel for every every time I had a good Final Fantasy tower defense

Game on we wear I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice all right so this is Final Fantasy 4 the after years a prologue of sorts to Final Fantasy 4 the game takes place 17 years after the events of 4 which is

Coincidentally how long it was between this game and its predecessor I never played Final Fantasy 4 so there’s not really much here for me personally but if you like that game then obviously coming back to its world and character all with the same nostalgic visuals and

Soundtrack is going to tickle you in all the right ways are you kidding me dude we have yet another fireplace simulator okay look one was enough it was cute funny haha fireplace on Wii now it’s getting ridiculous this one though is a little more ominous it feels like I’m playing a

Horror game this one’s not as good surprisingly I didn’t think I was going to be ranking fireplace games games okay it’s time for the fish round first up is fish tank it’s a stupid puzzle game where you got to line up the same colored fish yep fish Beed bro why does this title music go so hard the game itself is just a fishing mini game like here’s one where you need to swing the net back and forth to catch the fish when they jump out of the pond it’s kind of mid but the theme song goes

Hard so I got to give it a 10 here’s fishy fishy you play as a fish and eat more fish to win the game oh dear indeed flight control it’s the same stupid game as the other plane game you’re guiding planes to land safely and not crash into each other the best part

Of the game though was creating that one part from Breaking Bad flower works I’m not too sure what’s going on here you’re playing as an alien trying to sprout your alien flowers on Earth to take it over I assume the main form of gameplay has you pointing the Wii remote at the

Screen to grab hearts and go [Applause] nuts all right now we’re talking fluidity in this game you play as water you’ll tilt the screen to guide the water throughout the stage and all the obstacles that come your way along your journey you’ll come across more water to recruit to your CA basically the world

Has been taken over by evil ink pollution and the water’s got to save the day it’s a very simple game you’re just guiding water throughout the area but bits of water can be left behind and when it happens you actually like feel bad like this drop of water is a

Sentient being and has feelings you can hurt no water left behind is what I say it’s a very relaxing time the music is very ambient and chill there’s no time limit no real threat that’s you’re just moving water around I can’t wait for the next Smash Bros game I hope they put

Water in It so this is frobot the best way to describe this game is that if the Legend of Zelda and tanks from we play had a baby yeah mechanically the game plays like tanks your frobot can shoot missiles laid down landmines and moves like a tank alongside fighting enemies

There’s puzzles you’ll need to solve items you’ll need to find and dungeons to explore it’s a very fun game that I’m surprised I’ve never heard anyone else talk about more maybe a lot of people just see the word frobot and wrote the game off which is a

Shame look at that little guy Frogger although this ain’t your grandpappy’s Frogger you’ll have to hop on a square to light it up jump on every square and you beat the stage you still got to avoid the cars though there’s a very strong bit trip Vibe I’m getting from

This the music the visual it’s a very chill time oh no no this guy is not cute Frogger returns it’s the traditional Frogger you know and love cross the street and try not to get run over what else can I say fun fun mini golf it’s actually bad bad mini

Golf it’s mini golf sorry I don’t have a 7-hour essay on It I don’t really know what the hell is going on with this one furry Legend it’s a sid scroller where you play as a fuzzy ball and make it to the end of the stage it’s just a bad Sid scroller there’s nothing else not worthy about it the enemies are random creatures the

World is a bunch of random geometry to give off the illusion of fantasy and I was very much not interested in continuing man how far along are we now only at the G jez Louise okay here’s Gabrielle’s ghostly Groove it’s a rhythm game I actually think this is just dance with a new

Skin I have no idea what genan labs even is you’re just connecting strands of DNA from one disgusting organism to another I’m not sure if you’re supposed to be destroying or multiplying the virus I don’t know and if the game doesn’t want to be clear I don’t mind moving on ghost

Mania featuring the ugliest kids I’ve ever seen shout outs to these OS it’s a puzzle game where you need to drop and match colored blocks very similar to puzzle fighter just without all the charm ghost mansion party it is literally Mario Party N9 all the players

Hop in a vehicle and hit the dice block that’ll take you around the board with the spaces causing an event after everyone has their turn you play a lackluster and boring miname out of all the Mario parties to rip off why this One yeah this is Ghost Slayer it’s an on rail sword slashing game I’m surprised we haven’t come across more of these everyone’s Natural Instincts when they hold the Wii remote is to swing it around like a sword it’s not a Wii Motion Plus game though so the sword doesn’t exactly follow your precise

Motions but hey as a Mindless sword game I guess it does the Job am I going to get in trouble for playing this girlfriends forever magic skate you’re given some commands you need to follow with the Wii remote in order to have this kid skate and not fall and get embarrassed I guess it’s literally for three-year-olds gnomes oh great we’re

Back to this series it’s a four-player battle mini game jump on the other gnome’s heads and you win just play Super Mario War instead hey you know shout out to we home Bru as well Gods versus Humans I don’t know what to do they immediately gave me a novel’s worth

Of instructions that that I naturally skipped and then I couldn’t figure out what to do next partially my fault partially yours for assuming I’d read all that the final game in the M2 rebirth series was gradius rebirth same gradius gameplay but with new music Graphics the same old Spiel I already gave good

Times Gravitron XS you start out by picking your character and good gravy you got some real winners to choose from I obviously went with the hot anime babe the game is Just air hockey or pong or whatever the hell you call this game pretty simple but apparently it’s

Supports up to eight players with two people sharing a Wii Remote and nunchuck combo sounds terribly awkward but I give it kudos for being eight Players all right baby here’s a banger Grill off with ultra hand now before Nintendo made game games back in the’ 60s they made toys with one of their biggest hits being the ultra hand it’s an extendo hand that grabs things it was the 60s this was literally their Super

Mario Bros so to show some love and appreciation for their history Nintendo released a game based off that exact toy food will drop on these grills and you need to pull them off whenever they’re done cooking pulling it off too early or too late will dock you points definitely

A simple game but hey it’s fitting with the toy simple fun chalk full of charm cat music and a respectful bit of history groov and blocks I think I like this one it’s a puzzle game where you need to match colors but with the main gimmick being that it also acts as a

Rhythm game I think if you make movements on the Beat It grants you extra points I’m not exactly sure but it feels super satisfying to use your big brain to both create Combos and do it on a Beat I didn’t do great at it I don’t have a big brain I’m a stupid idiot but maybe you would have a better go at it happy hammering it’s whacka get your Chuck-E-Cheese ass out of my Face oh yeah now we’re talking let’s get something wholesome going on Happy Holidays Christmas it’s a Christmas card creator you’re given a bunch of less than Stellar assets and you can create your own Christmas card if Grandma’s got a Wii you can send it to her via we mail

Yeah remember that but hey if you’re someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas no Problem that’s right you didn’t think we’d do it happy holidays Halloween it’s the same thing but with Halloween decorations Harvest Moon my little shop you play as a kid who moved into town and you got to set up your new life you’ll do farmwork meet villagers and

NPCs to be friend and open small businesses it’s the Harvest Moon you know and love but in bite-size form I think the game is actually a great introduction to the series if you’re someone who’s wanting to check out the games but wasn’t sure if it was for you

The visuals are also super Charming it’s done in a paper style but stylistically feels very different from Paper Mario which hey if you can stand out from the one paper game that exists you’re doing good disc golf it’s stupid frisbee I am not in college nor from Angeles so this

Game does not appeal to me although you do play as a scarily attractive skunk so I don’t know how to feel heavy fire black arms it’s an on Rails military shooter simple but gets the job done the game was so nice they did it twice with Special Operations same exact game but

This time you’re shooting your way through a different country you I’ll take it man it’s simple fun all right here’s Helix it’s a rhythm game where you need to shake the Wii Moe when it tells you to not the best game in the genre but at least it’s kind of

Trippy Heracles Chariot racing hot damn we got our first Mario Kart ripoff if you want Mario Kart but worse here you go what is this Heron steam machine no you’re kidding me you need to connect one end of the pipe to the other this is literally like a mini puzzle you

Do in a full game and it usually lasts like maybe 2 minutes who’s the genius that thought this needed to be a full game hot rod something who cares there another Mario Kart ripoff with generic race cars hockey Allstar shootout you shoot a hockey puck and try and get it

Past the goalie it’s a game I think home sweet home now this game’s actually kind of fun you play as an interior designer for a real estate agency the customers of the new home will tell you you what kind of Decor they like and it’s up to you to furnish

That home to their liking you’re given free range to place things where you want so there’s definitely some freedom to the game like this first house was for an older couple who like things simple So I placed the TV right in front of the couch facing the wrong way sorry

Guys it’s my first day hoop world it’s a three versus three basketball game that’s kind of good yeah I I don’t know what they did to this game but it plays surprisingly well kind of like Mario Hoops if I’m being honest their special abilities and powerups to add some flare

A weird Hidden Gem for sure this is Horizon Riders you pick your characters such as Bal for oh my God then you’re like Auto surfing while also shooting enemies it feels like a fake video game you’d see in a sitcom or something like this is the game Josh is

Rocking on the game sphere you know what I’m saying this is Hubert teddy bear Winter Games it it is a bunch of garbage mini games meant for babies incoming it’s just so bad it’s a versus game where you need to master Angry Birds flinging but it’s like impossible

To hit anything even the CPU was struggling to do it I don’t think they hit me once the incredible maze once again you tilt the Wii remote to guide this ball to the end incub it’s a God awful tower defense game you’re placing weapons in a

Tube to protect this alien egg so this right here is your gameplay screen all of this is just for background scenery it’s so linear as the problem the virus can only come in from One Direction and when the action finally happens it’s so visually Bland you are

Bad okay so I think this game was supposed to be grouped in the a category but I just forgot to do it its official name is a Mona Corral the game is honestly I have no idea what’s happening there’s little creatures that you can guide I thought it would be like

Pikmin where I needed a group of them to take down an enemy but that doesn’t work they’re just running around hell is this game even done loading it looks Half Baked what is this I genuinely spent a good while trying to figure out what to

Do with without looking at a guide or a YouTube video but I got nothing this is a fever dream finding its way onto the Wii Jam City Roller Girls you pick your favorite punk rock babe like Texas and Dairyland it’s a bad racing game just with roller skates you’re able to

Shoulder check the other Racers which is pretty cool it’s just Mario Kart jelly Car 2 the game was made by Disney and I’m not going to do any research because that’s just how I roll but I’m going to assume this has something to do with Kingdom Hearts because in those games

You get to create and control a jelly ship in this game though you simply have to make it to the end of the stage and through these obstacles you’re able to shrink and grow your car at will with the cherry on top being that you have

These jiggly jelly physics I had lots of fun with this one nothing else to really say good game all righty jet rocket this game is literally just Super Mario Galaxy everything from the opening title music to everything else 3D platformer check selecting a stage like this with the mission objective check special

Abilities that make you fly specifically like this for a few seconds check spin dash check so yeah the game is definitely inspired by Mario Galaxy but I don’t want that to be viewed in a negative light because as a whole this game is really fun the controls are

Really tight the gameplay is satisfying it surprisingly does everything right if you want to budget Mario Galaxy then Jet rocket will hit the spot knock knock who’s there Beed Beed who be jewel Keepers Easter Island it don’t make much sense but give me a break okay this game really got on my

Nerves jungle speed it’s a card game that I refuse to learn how to play it’s not based off of any other existing game to my knowledge it is a 100% unique card game with its own set of rules we’ll all flip over our cards that have random shapes on them sometimes you’re supposed

To grab this totem in the middle and other times you’re not other times we’re apparently dueling but uh-oh hippo was too slow you’re given no indication on what you’re supposed to do and I am not going to the Jungle speed Reddit with its three members just Jam live music

Maker once again I wasn’t too sure what was going on I think you just act as a DJ having all these knobs that add different tracks to a song where you can change its Tempo and order or something here’s what I created by simply pressing random buttons not the worst thing I’ve

Heard so this game is PR pretty interesting karaoke joy sound as you can imagine is a karaoke game for your Wii however apparently it was an online service game where you would need to pay actual money to be put into a virtual karaoke room naturally with Nintendo not supporting the wi’s online services

Anymore which is a tragedy I can’t access it maybe you’d be able to sing along to actual songs as opposed to what I had to do when you play in offline mode and sing to twinkle Twinkle Little Star I ain’t doing that Big Man Kung Fu Funk is Simon says oh dude yes I played the demo for this game all the time because I had no money and couldn’t afford it kyot K I think Stars your favorite deviant art drawing from 15 years ago it’s a sides

Scrolling shooter bullet hell you blast everything in your way but you can also change the color of your Shield to either red or blue whatever color shield you have you’ll be able to absorb the enemy’s bullets that match that color to stay safe despite the deviant art drawings in the beginning the in-game

Assets are really pretty I definitely consider this game a Hidden Gem I never see it up there amongst the best bullet hell games or pack even the best we wear games this needs to be ported to switch ASAP the game is also multiplayer which is always a plus in my books La mulana

Is a bootleg ass wannabe ass Castlevania going around this Dark Forest whipping snakes and birds yeah man they’re so scary God forbid we fight a Skeleton Man or something lead the Mir cats you need to lead a single mircat to find other Mir cats to lead them to I I guess to

Take over the World this is learning with the Poo as you might be able to expect this is a learning game for babies because of that I’m not going to rip into it like what do you want me to say there’s multiple episodes but episode one is enough to

Sum up the whole franchise you got these cute animals that talk to you and you got to use that big one-year-old brain to solve these puzzles like which animals fit in this space I know I know take your time and if you get it wrong

They kill the animal in front of you so your child knows true fear this is one of the most insane games I’ve ever played let’s catch it’s kind of like let’s play but you’re outside so in this game you talk to strangers and play catch with them where

The game gets really Saucy is when you realize that everyone you play catch with wants to trauma dump their entire life’s lore on to you like this kid right here seems innocent enough but then he starts talking about how his dad is never home to spend time with him and

And how he gets beat when he messes up like wo wao wao he’ll also play with a woman who is considering leaving her boyfriend because you’re such a good listener like bro mind your own business and stop getting into people’s lives can you imagine being a kid and getting this

Game because you just wanted to play catch with your wiimotes and all of a sudden you’re a certified therapist let’s create Pottery jeez I wonder what we’re going to do here if you guessed make pottery then congratulations it’s pretty fun actually and kind of made me

Want to get into this in real life even if my pot was questionable light with two eyes I couldn’t get this game to work so shout out to this YouTuber for showing it off honestly I’m glad I didn’t play it Lil line baby you use motion controls to

Guide this light through a maze don’t touch the surfaces and you win lit we got our first real horror game you play as this kid need to navigate through the stages without touching the darkness otherwise the creatures from the Shadows take you I honestly couldn’t get past

The first classroom I know what to do I use my flashlight turn on the lamps but even if the tiniest bit of dark touches you it’s over probably an all right game but I wasn’t interested in sticking around all right so this game is called little tournament Over Yonder it looks

Like a garbage ass we wear game for some stupid random kids right but it kind of goes hard you pick an army and go against another one on this chest board you then strategically move your soldiers to reach their King when you cross paths with an enemy though you’re

Taken to a battle screen where the game turns into a realtime fighting game it’s not that deep mechanically but it’s still really fun and depending on what combinations you make with your soldiers they’ll be stronger like having Buffs and support behind you it is shockingly

Deep and I wish it didn’t look like a stupid baby game like if you call this Final Fantasy tournament or something I wouldn’t look like a complete idiot gushing over this Lanos you’re just putting balls into this case they all have weird shapes and you got to figure out what fits where it

Is literally like those stupid mobile ads you know the ones only 25% of people are smart enough to solve This lost wins this is a game I didn’t spend a lot of time on but I could tell it’s something that’s meant to be experienced over a long period of time it’s a sid scroller that utilizes all kinds of Wii gimmicks but they clearly built up a world and lore to take in

From what little I played I did have fun with it and I’d consider this a Hidden Gem for sure and hey the game was apparently popular enough to Warrant a sequel lost wins winter of the motus mosi’s arcade I don’t know if this was a popular thing in Japan back in the

Day but I have no real way of describing this game you’re throwing this ball around to hit objects and that’s it I don’t know if there’s rules or even a real objective this is like an ADHD trap that just exists purely to hear noise and see objects hit each other there’s

Even like an autoplay on the side like it’s a Subway Surfer Tik Tok next to your funny Family Guy Clips I have no clue what’s happening but I like it madstone it’s a puzzle game where you need to blow up blocks whoever blows up rocks the best wins hallelujah it’s mid

All right here’s a game for all the annoying people out there magic Destiny astrological games it’s a game to teach you all about palmm readings and tarot card readings probably talk about your astrology signs like that [Laughter] matters it took a while but here’s a game that’s actually trying to be a game

The magic Obelisk you control a light Spirit named popo and need to help guide this kid named Lucas to the goal of each stage usually a giant tree the gimmick however is that you can only move in the shadows you’re trying to rid the world of all evil or something like that along

The way you’ll meet all kinds of wacky characters that may or may not die it’s a really Charming game with a really cool gimmick and I give it two and a half thumbs up magnetic a Twist it’s this damn bubbles shooting game magnetus it’s Tetris with magnets I have no idea how

To get combos or honestly how to even play it I just kind of drop magnets and hope there’s an attraction you get it may Major League eating the game you pick your lovely looking human and just eat that’s it you flick the Wii remote

In the air and you watch him go to town the more you eat the more you’ll be able to unlock special moves like burping in your opponent’s face causing them to be disgusted and stop eating for a few seconds this is one of the stupidest games I think I’ve ever seen Nintendo

Looked at this and said yeah that’s cool seal of approval manic Monkey Mayhem you’re battling other monkeys on a platform and throwing bananas at them while needing to dodge their projectiles it’s so Bare Bones and boring after 10 seconds you’ve already experienced everything the game

Has to offer sure you have to learn how hard or soft to swing the Wii remotes but once you find that sweet spot there’s no more challenge you can also play local multiplayer but I don’t think any of your friends would ever want to play this they would rightfully beat you

Up if you said hey guys want to play monkey manic Mayhem Mart racer to put it simply this game is like Mario Kart Double Dash but good you pick two random silly characters and need to run around this grocery store collecting specific ingredients it’s pure chaos you can throw food at your

Opponents crash into them the graphics are cartooning the physics are all over the place all in a fun way and the controls are surprisingly tight I’ll be honest this is a great game we need a Revival as soon as possible gu G would also shamelessly steal this concept A

Few years later for his TV show Justice for Mart racer Max and magic marker he’s the platformer he play his max but also get to control his magic marker which you can use to draw Bridges platforms whatever you want really now I’m not certain but I’m pretty sure I’ve played

This game before like I can’t put my finger on it please let me know in the comments what this game is like that’s all I have to say a fun platformer with cute visuals and a fun gimmick that would be better on the DS mdk2 now this game was a little too good

To be true as a we wear original so I looked it up and yeah mdk2 was released on the PS2 and Dreamcast just now being ported to Wei Weare with no real changes or differences that’s not a knock on the game though it’s a very fun mid 2000s

Mascot game I guess it’s a third person shooter running around each stage and shooting anything that moves a with all the funny 2000’s cutscenes it’s silly over the top and most important Fun all right now we’re in business Mega Man 9 during the wi lifespan we get two new entries in the Mega Man series Mega Man 9 and 10 respectively the games were developed by Capcom and inti creates the latter known for making some really fun Sid scrollers akin to Mega Man with

Titles like gunvolt and gal gun just to name a few Mega Mega Man 9 and 10 went back to basics in almost every way possible with the 8bit NES look sound and control as a kid I was so confused when I saw these games because I played

Mega Man 7 all the time back in the day and I remembered it looked really good on the Super Nintendo then logging on to the Wii Shop Channel and seeing its sequel looking like an NES game the games were tons of fun and that’s all I really have to say without diving too

Deep into them they are fun additions to the Mega Man series mid night bowling it’s a garbage bowling game with a Florida nightclub aesthetic there’s also midnight pool and I’m not even going to give that one the time of day without playing it we already know what it’s going to be it’s

Going to be a garbage pool game with a Florida nightclub aesthetic please stop shoving Florida in my face Florida is the worst place I’ve ever been in my life military Madness nectaris what the hell kind of name is that it’s a top- down strategy Sim that I have zero

Patience to play I’m sorry mix Superstar are okay this one’s kind of fun but for stupid reasons you take on the role of a DJ and need to create some sick Tunes you do this by throwing miscellaneous beads and sound effects on top of each other to make the number one club [Applause] song the game is very generous because you can pretty much mix anything with anything and the end result will be halfway decent moi moi it’s another tilting the screen puzzle game next monochrome racing it’s a shitty top down racing game but everything is in monochrome AKA a reason to be lazy and

Not have color in your world hey why stop there why not name the game empty racing and just have the players stare at an empty racetrack for hours Moto Heroes you ever play trials that dirt bite game where you need to lean forward or backward so you don’t tip over well

Here’s the Wii version of it Mouse house it’s a puzzle game move move those balls avoid the enemies and collect the cheese that’s it Mr driller Mr driller W you ever played Mr driller well I haven’t but I do know it’s an already established series I’m

Not sure if there’s a correct way to play this game you’re supposed to drill lower and lower while collecting oxygen supplies and avoiding the crates it’s tons of fun stringing together Combos and seeing these things Pop I love how colorful and adorable the atmos spere is and again just seeing all those colorful

Patches of dirt pop constantly scratches that ADHD part in my brain they sure were on the money when naming this game common Mr driller W oh my God we have muscle March this was definitely someone’s first exposure to the weirdness Japan has to offer so in this game you and many many other

Muscular individuals are running through the streets of Japan causing Mayhem and nothing stands in your way the person leading the charge will do a very sexy pose and you’ll have just a few seconds to match that exact pose so you can fit through the hole the gameplay Loop is

Pretty simple but satisfying the and the reaction times get shorter and shorter as other muscle folks get eliminated this game is textbook Japanese weird the silly music silly characters silly Situations if my mom walked in on me playing this game I’d probably never be allowed another TV again hm I wonder what my aquarium is going to be about ooh surprise it’s a virtual aquarium you pick your favorite fish and you change the background scenery and the

Music give me $10 that’s basically what they said I mean damn if you are really so irresponsible you can’t have a fish tank in your real life house and you need the Wii version of it then here you go at least they only did it once right

Of course not don’t be stupid this game needed a sequel My Dolphin you’re just pressing buttons and watching a dolphin do tricks is this even fun it’s a virtual dolphin in a video game make it do something cool like drive a car or something who is impressed by a wee dolphin doing

Tricks this is such a ripoff same with this next one my little baby this game is nuts it starts off with a baby in the womb like imagine imagine this game is how you find out where babies come from then you get to customize your baby like

You can have it European Brown and straight now I was in shock when I first saw this until I realized the color was referring to the hair and the straightness is referring to the hairstyle apart from that though it’s just a stupid baby simulator feed it change the diaper watch this ugly thing

Have the worst smile known to man who is honestly playing this stupid baby game and is it to say I want to punch this baby in the face because I’ll do it my planetarium more like my God I’m so sick of these games it’s a virtual planetarium where you can look at the

Stars and constellations or you know maybe you can just go outside at night that’s just an idea at least if you’re going to do a virtual pet game Pokemon is the right route to take my Pokemon Ranch the main function of this game though is for you

To store your poke from your copy of diamond and pearl so that’s cool you got this big Ranch full of your own Pokemon you get to play mini gamess with them take care of them and watch them do miscellaneous activities it’s a pretty barebones game but hey it’s Pokemon it

Just works watching them be cute and hang Out this is the mystery of White Rock Castle it is a stupid ey Spy game you look for items and click on them at least this one has has a story so if you’re seven it at least makes it kind of engaging I apologize if it seems like

I’m kind of speeding through some of these but I am running out of steam fellas I started this journey with so much more energy and enthusiasm towards we wear even the garbage games I gave a bit of a chance but at this point I am so tired of seeing the same trash over

And over again but hey I’ll push forward for you guys neice Plus it’s another one of those mobile game ad games are you part of the 5% of people who can solve this puzzle no we’re not doing this again Newton versus The Horde is a bit of a home alone kind of game

You use the Wii mode to set up rub Goldberg traps to stop the zombies honestly kind of boring and lame Nikki Rockin ball you tilt the Wii remote back and forth to collect objects this is some rock and ball torture Nick’s Quest Kindred Spirits the game starts off with

A cut scene and if you try to skip it you get like bered do you already know the story of Nick and Icarus yeah I played braw I know all about kicis the game is just really slow ugly and overwhelming Onslaught is the first real

FPS on this list yeah it’s not on Rails you actually get to move around this kind of feels like Halo on Wii you blasting at aliens and that’s about it you can’t jump or melee or any of the first person and shooter tropes that have become standard at this point it’s

A very Bare Bones game but I do give it points for trying to feel like an actual FPS overflow is kind of dumb you got this leaky faucet and I guess you’re supposed to direct the water into this tube the instructions are very clear it

Says Dragon drop a plank here so I try to do that and I’m told I can’t if I can’t trust overflow on Wii then who can I trust overturn though is a bit better of an experience it’s a robot fighting game you pick your Robo and then fly

Around this map shooting at each other honestly it’s got some nice speed to it so the combat’s fun it’s a very strong 6 out of 10 paint splash is Microsoft Paint on the Wii it’s very limited and bad what do you think of my drawing it’s a chicken

Pikio you fling this ball around the stage and collect items it’s got the Angry Birds gameplay meaning this would be much more enjoyable on your phone paper War cannon fodder now I’m already a bit tilted with the late 2000’s epic gamer text missions with a z and calling anything badass you’re just shooting

Bombs at soldiers having the paper aesthetic though means that the explosions and impact don’t feel satisfying they just kind of disappear party fun pirate so you got this pirate stuck in a barrel and you have to stab knives through it in hopes that you’re not the one that punctures through his

Heart this is insan insane why is this on Wii honestly I wanted to see him get stabbed but it took way too long and I honestly got bored before I could see it hey I got a lot of games to go through I ain’t got all day to spend doing this oh

But if you thought that game was inappropriate for the Wii here’s Pearl Harbor Trilogy a game about the attacks on Pearl Harbor during World War II you got these comic panel cutcenes and the level starts off with a guy saying oh my God it’s the Japanese they’re everywhere

This game is on the Nintendo Wii it’s so toned deaf penguins and Friends hey that’s my fish so you got this beautiful selection of penguins to choose from do I want the brain dead penguin or the cocaine penguin so many choices when the game starts you’re just jumping on

Panels in a turn-based manner why what’s the objective I don’t know Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney wo an actual game there were actually three Phoenix Wright games released on Wei wear all of which were on the DS ported to Wii hence why sometimes you get the two screens I’ve

Heard these games are really fun and I didn’t really have time to really deep dive into this series in the middle of this massive video but I’ve heard from everyone that they’re all great and having it on the big screen is definitely a plus popup Pursuit it’s

Mario party but with paper call that paper Mario party which actually seems like a genius idea seriously could you imagine a Mario Party game in the Paper Mario universe and all those insane mini games that could happen quick Nintendo steal this idea before anybody finds out Pinocchio’s puzzle it’s a goddamn puzzle

Game literally a puzzle game did I do it did I win all right this is some Pirate game and if they’re not willing to put the name of it on the title screen then I don’t care enough to remember you sail the seven C’s collect treasure and shoot enemy ships down I

Think maybe maybe I guess not oh there it goes all right pick Crew Panic is one of the strangest games I’ve ever played you control a crew of super hot wee girls to act as your pit crew on a racetrack the first C that showed up was

A giant toilet and it’s up to you to spin the toilet around to find the rusty spots and assign a girl to each area in a timely manner to clean it and make it spotless these girls just be staring at you go clean this toilet plat platan

Twist and paint so here’s literally what happened I loaded my little guy with a jetpack onto these colorful panels and 3 seconds later it got swarmed with rocks and black holes and that got a game over good game really no great job Planet fish you control a submarine and

Shoot bubbles to collect small fish to power your sub well that’s not cool we’re the bad guy I don’t support this planet Pachinko oh it’s just a Pachinko machine on Wii yeah that’s what I thought but the game is actually a platform shooter this is so anxiety inducing what

Is going on my guy is jumping like he’s on the moon and shooting objects while other objects are flying around this feels broken and then all of a sudden I’m playing as this guy in a wheelchair like this is what happens in my dreams when I eat ice cream before bed play

With birds I don’t want to see their kind of playing oh and there we go pregnant bird so we play as a baby bird exploring the city there’s a poop button so that’s kind of cool apart from that uh yeah this sucks Pokémon Rumble now we’re talking me and my friends used to

Play this game for hours in this world all the Pokemon are windup toys you travel around each stage fighting hordes of other Pokemon to become the best and win the Pokemon Royal Rumble the game is mainly a Dungeon Crawler every Pokémon can learn up to two different attacks at

A time you can go around and smack the B Jesus out of other Pokémon and sometimes they join your party you can switch between all of them on the go which is cool yeah it’s super simple but it’s still loads of fun the best way to play

It is obviously with three other friends I love Pokemon Rumble this series needs a Revival pong toss Pro it’s beer pong on Wii this is so stupid you could just throw plastic balls and cups in real life what alcoholic child needs their fill in video game form pool Revolution

Q Sports do I really have to play this this is pool but without the other balls brother you had one task when making this game and you royally screwed it up pop yep yes just what you do you literally just pop bubbles pop them drop them same game

That’s kind of a weird name oh Jesus Christ it’s the same game how did they know dude I’m so tired and mentally spent I I just don’t care anymore pot pory stupid name like what do you want me to say about this you’re shooting balls in this pond with ducks it’s like

Who’s playing this trash this is not fun oh here’s Proto Theo it’s a space shooter kind of here look at this game play for 3 seconds all right there you go you got the whole experience Pub darts what do you think next puk’s kissing game so there’s this girl who I guess loves

Kissing people this guy does want it however puka is Relentless and won’t stop until she gets some sweet kisses we basically play as God interacting with the environments through QuickTime events and doing whatever we can to help puka reach her victim whatever at least this one’s kind

Of fun cute atmosphere art style and simple fun gameplay here’s Rabbids nowadays the Rabbids are so famous they’re able to have their own crossover RPG with Mario but here they are at humble beginnings stuck inside a Wii remote for your enjoyment you can shake the remote and

Watch them fly around press buttons and see them go down in real time it’s pretty basic and loses its charm within 5 minutes but whatever it is still cute and I know a lot of people really have nostalgic memories for this game Racers crazy Arena Islands it’s just the battle

Mode in Mario Kart drive around shoot the enemies find items and sometimes try to find the enemies yeah I think we’re done here oh baby don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my morning Rage of the Gladiator the simplest and best way to describe this game is that it’s medieval punch out

With swords you’re in the first- person perspective doing combat where you can hit the opponent with a left or right strike and need to time your Dodges so you don’t take damage it’s honestly really solid and a great alternative if you’re someone who just needs more punch outs and the fantasy aesthetic really

Lets you get into more wild and creative scenarios a really good game rainbow Islands towering Adventure you need to platform upwards and can create rainbows to act as Bridges wait didn’t we already play a game exactly like this yeah koca platformer literally the same concept of going up and creating platforms why of

All the games you choose to rip off it’s this one you deserve to have rocks thrown at your head real fishing challenge is a real boring fishing game but hey what do I know they made two of them retro Rampage is a game that my friend had and I

Thought it was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen it’s essentially an 8bit GTA you play as a thug and go around causing Mayhem you can steal cars beat up citizens take out cops all done in a top- down NES style to show you how stupid I was as a kid I genuinely

Thought that this was an old game from the’80s definitely scratches that GTA itch full of absurd moments and references that I can’t help but smile at Robin Hood and The Return of Richard or or the return of dick if we want to be silly it’s an on rail shooter it’s

Not Jesus yeah it’s it’s not on rail shooter who cares robocalypse Beaver defense it’s like a real time strategy game where you need to place these robots around the forest and take out hordes of enemies it’s kind of like that Final Fantasy game from earlier but

Worse robox no no no not the other one you play as this robot and I don’t know do things who gives a this this game sucks rock and roll climber this game is quop yeah remember that you control a ragd dooll character and need to figure out the physics to climb this

Wall my only problem is that it starts you too close to the floor and when you touch it you automatically lose like there should be some leeway for me to figure out this game before just letting me get an instant game over Rubik’s puzzle Galaxy Rush I I

Don’t know how to play this game you place this Arrow pad on the platform and I guess you got to get this green green square into this other one like just why not make a virtual Rubik’s Cube if don’t get me wrong it would also suck but at least I’d know what’s going

On now if you’ve been watching this so far some of you might be asking yourselves hey wait there haven’t been any Japanese exclusive Wei wear games and if you’re thinking that you’re right I noticed it way quicker than I did because it wasn’t until I was completely

Finished with this video to realize that I left them out completely so we’re now at the Japan round where we’re just going to go through every Japanese we Weare exclusive I was able to get my hands on first game is 3° cius we’re already not off to a fantastic start

With this stupid touch of the colors game no matter what language we speak this is universal garbage oh Jesus here we go Boku moai wutai battle tournament I think this is some kind of jrpg we got Anime characters a level and lots of yapping is it good

How do you expect me to know Boku wa plel utensi shinkansen and Joi Kika hen I I can’t apologize any harder I’m sorry I’m so bad at this you’re a Japanese train conductor Japan loves trains so much I could imagine this was a big hit you can control the speed the speaker

And even the windshield wiper every Train Simulator game I’ve played from Japan always plays it straight like kids really are dead set on becoming a conductor when they’re young I love that shindou Paulo daoan it’s an 8 bit Sid scroller made by Sega he play as a cowboy and shoot these guys wearing

Moose heads moosen Heads me you’re also collecting apples some are good some are rotten what does this mean again I’m in the dark this is definitely a Mario castle and these are Mario bricks and the Mario question mark discipline I got a long text crawl of some guy talking I

Think this is the entire game testing your discipline seeing how long you hold out before turning it off fantastic tambourine I love cute Chibi art and I hope we get to see more in these Japanese exclusives it’s a pretty basic rhythm game shake the wio when these

Little smiley faces pop out of the pipe pretty basic stuff oh my good Lord Hai one diver is she buff I have no idea it’s a visual novel great that works perfectly for me haite block rush you play as this blue icon and bounce this ball to shatter the

Cubes again so many of these games would just work better as a mobile game hiri card battle mechuka oh there’s that abnormally amazing art again I don’t know what’s going on though it’s a tabletop battle game but I just move my characters to random blocks and

Sometimes I win and other times I lose Ivy the Kiwi now if this one was was actually a game released on the DS even in North America so why we never got the Wii version is beyond me this little bird is dumb and just walks aimlessly so

It’s up to you to create Bridges and platforms with this magical Vine it’s simple and fun definitely better on the DS though John Ken party Paradise it’s rock paper scissors but with hammers also this completely throws off my strategy and dynamic of the game gentor action Tao keni kaduri Shiro Nano I

Hopped around as this little dumpling head girl while this bamboo stared at me and I got stuck Kaku ugoku sukam Maru Sensei it’s Ms pain we didn’t need all those words for that Ken Mina Dew why kanji no I believe this is another trivia game or

Kanji test since kanji is in the title yep you’re right I didn’t do too good kakun to ASO kakun no otan shimaki this is humiliating me in so many ways I promise I’m not that dumb I’m trying my best it’s a basic educational game you got this cute story with cute characters

And cute dialogue probably then you play mini games that grow your little brain matching the animals Etc kente TV we Mina de GOI Quiz Battle they weren’t lying it’s a quiz battle Koshi Fury Fury boxing you know those Rock sock robot toys that you just mash the buttons

Until you knock out the opponent off their stand well congrats you’ve already played Koshi Fury Fury boxing you can dip and Dodge but swinging the remote wildly tends to work best kodo kyoki terab we AI oan just like the title I’m at a complete loss for words this little

Guy is yelling at me from the TV and I can’t move because I’m probably suffering through sleep paralysis he then jumps out of the TV and rearranges my room it is is this a game Mina de asabo coinu de Kirin so already you’ve won me over with these adorable dogs but

It also helps that this game is really good it’s a puzzle game where you need to try and connect as many matching colors as possible a dogghouse will eventually drop of the same color having it drop on the color allows the combo to add up and it’s honestly super

Satisfying to see a great puzzle game that I feel like would have done great over here why do we get so much garbage but ignore a Hidden Gem in plain sight Mina de taisen puzzle Shanghai Wei now this is a puzzle game I have zero idea how to play I genuinely don’t know

What’s going on Mina no theater Wii I guess this is an online only game because after booting it up I was immediately brought to an error screen oaki logic it’s another art game I think OSU exercise doou you have a karate Sensei giving you exercise tips it’s

Kind of like a digital class he’ll tell you to do a pose and hold it for a few seconds things like balancing on your toes it’s stuff like this that’ll probably turn you into a hardened karate master also we get to see the dogs for free okay here is something that

Genuinely shocked me to my core that we did not get this Pokemon Fushigi no dungeon ikuzo arashi no boken then name might sound confusing but these are essentially Wii versions of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon there’s three games in total one for blue red and green Pokemon respectively you pick two starters and

Explore some mysterious dungeons the models are ripped straight from Pokemon Rumble which I think is great if you got those assets already why not make more games with them seriously this is blowing my mind how were there Wii versions of these underrated titles and Nintendo just didn’t bring them over

Absolutely top tier games it’s still not too late to release these Poco sua racing it’s another word for Mario Kart clone next pole and the magic cran I uh immediately got stuck this crayon was not working does it need to be recharged I don’t know how the silly magical world

Works princess AI monat W this is some pretty impressive art wow yeah so is that this is uh this is a virtual manga isn’t it okay pretty cool in theory I don’t know really I’m both incredibly angry and Incredibly intrigued at the same time with this oh Jesus here’s the

Longest one yet Raku Raku kinin Appley we kenka no Isa go oiro nanak yaru hoo just like me this game is a bunch of rambling this lady is talking to you but she might as well be talking to a brick wall since I don’t speak Japanese I

Eventually did find out though that this is a game learning about how to stop smoking so that’s fun for the kids I’m going just call this one sugar bunnies there’s more words after that but no sugar bunnies it’s a super cutesy and Kawaii Animal Crossing clone talk to

These cute villagers and go to the cute cupcake shop it’s just so sweet and precious Tokyo City Nights the concept is pretty interesting you play as this guy who had a wild night in Tokyo and wakes up not remembering anything so you have to retrace your steps and figure

Out just what the heck happened I’m pretty sure the hangover came out around this time so this game is essentially a video game version of that movie I’m sure the dialogue is half the fun of this game but since I can’t read it I couldn’t get the full experience Uno

Kids okaru Uno training I don’t know bro there’s shapes and stuff who cares yomi kassi asobe Wii it’s another virtual fairy tale just page after page of story that does have some cute art so if you’re a lazy parent who doesn’t want to read your child at bedtime story then

This game has got you covered and that covers all the Japanese exclusive games I could get my hands on I’m sure there are a few I missed here and there but they either just wouldn’t load or I couldn’t find them entirely yeah lost we wear media all in all I’m surprised

There were this many exclusives like some of them sucked for sure but not any worse than the garbage they did translate and release but now back to our English-speaking nonsense all right guys sandy beach now strap yourselves in because this one is super exciting in this game you build

Sand castles I know I know how did they manage to get this kind of insane premise on the Wii next game I’m already skeptical about it’s called save the furries luckily it’s not what you think think you see we got these little aliens that auto walk around the stage or it’s

Up to you to build Bridges and interact with the stage however you can in order to help these little fellas reach the end goal it’s honestly not half bad the aliens walk at a pretty fast pace so you got to use that big brain quickly to

Make sure they don’t go kaput wooo now we’re talking sexy poker you start off by picking your favorite anime girl after that you play cards where naturally the more you win the more clothes the girl takes off oh my gosh she took off her hat I think I might

Pass out now the only question on anyone’s mind is how new do these girls actually get well I don’t know I kept going over 21 like an idiot and she put on her hat Shadow play you play with shadows seriously I don’t even have to write half the script okay I’ll admit shanto

Evolutionary Mayhem sure caught my attention I’m not sure if it was the half naked man the textureless lizard or the monkey the game is I guess Space Invaders but instead of a spaceship you play as a monkey and you’re throwing mud pies at trees giant bugs and hey there’s

That lizard again I’m thoroughly enjoying myself believe it or not Silver Star chess we’re playing chess with an anime girl but if she’s not taking off her clothes then who cares from the same company as the last game we got Silver Star reversi huh is the anime girl going to get naked

Here nope I didn’t think so snail mail I love that already we start off with a Star Wars text crawl that I think is a lawsuit waiting to happen the game itself is like a mobile game you move forward and need to either Dodge left or right and blast these obstacles in your

Way then I got stuck and naturally turned it off sneezies that’s another one of the dumbest names ever basically I think we’re sneezing on these little creatures in bubbles now our sneeze spray has a bit of a spread so it’s our goal to patiently wait for these bubbles

To Bunch up together and then sneeze on them to get a big combo I kind of love it mainly because it’s a game that forces you to be patient like don’t get me wrong it’s a game easy enough for a four-year-old with apple slices up his

Nose to play but I do like it snowboard Riot it’s a Downhill Racing game featuring edgy anime characters yeah you won’t like it when the cartoon OC crosses his arms it’s not half bad you got powerups like rockets to blast at your opponents there’s also flips and

Shcks you can can do for extra points not super deep but still gets the job done snow pack Park the best way to describe this game is that it’s Animal Crossing but in Antarctica and all of the villagers are penguins this one in particular is currently recovering from

A crack addiction I guess yeah you get to befriend Penguins all with unique personalities and help them out although they don’t talk only the one in recovery does that so it kind of makes your character feel like a psychopath living amongst the Penguins he can’t even socialize with soccer bash is a game

That you might think is a lame soccer game but it’s goddamn breakout like why would you do this waste of time next now the next game soccer up is that garbage soccer game I was expecting with the last one but I’ll give this one props for being allinclusive because you can

Be on team North Korea it’s Mario Strikers but worse in every way oh all right Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 1 yeah this is an official Sequel and addition to the 2D Sonic the Hedgehog series just like the rebirth series Sonic 4 was meant to act as a

Throwback to the good old days no more of that 3D nonsense Back to Basics like everyone remembered and just like a lot of those titles Sonic 4 absolutely hits it out of the park the big difference is that we’re playing as modern Sonic as opposed to Classic meaning this Sonic is

Able to use the homing attack to latch onto objects and combo enemies to move forward it’s a smart addition since most kids who might have come across this game may have only grown up on the new 3D Sonic games it does everything right I can’t recommend it enough sadly though

Episode 2 wasn’t released on Wei wear for whatever reason and episode three well that just never happened but we’ll always have episode one cute animations fun music fun gameplay it’s another throwback done well and most importantly hasn’t been oversaturated yet dude I’m not kidding when I say

Space Invaders get even is probably now in my top five favorite we wear game games of all time and what sucks is that I didn’t even know about this game until working on this video so in this Space Invaders game you actually get to play as the aliens you control the mother

Ship and send down your cute little pixel Army to destroy the city you have an attack menu down here that does different types of attacks be it a scatter attack coming together for a drill attack every single one has unique properties that all affect things differently for example the drill attack

Doesn’t work on the forces on the ground you’re given certain targets to destroy but there’s no harm in destroying literally everything else in your way the game fundamentally acts like Pikmin if I’m being kind of honest you have limited resources and can throw your aliens wherever you want but when

They’re not by your side you can’t attack and are susceptible to damage this is honestly such an amazing game I could have played this for hours more space Trek no your internet connection isn’t broken the cut scene just looks that bad the game itself is a boring Star Fox

Clone you fly around and shoot things I’m not sure what exactly but I didn’t care enough to find out this one is uh I don’t know it doesn’t say on the title screen either so screw it you’re shown a pattern at the top of the screen and you

Need to make the same exact image here is this a game for actual babies like I’m not going to judge it if it is but I need to know spogs racing another Mario Kart clone and it’s boring spot the differences is an under rated jrpg got you it’s another dumb game for babies

Spotting the differences between two images I feel like I didn’t need to say that star Soldier R can I just say I love random letters being thrown at the end of titles call me Connor The Waffle oh anyway the game’s a top down shooter that I have literally nothing to comment

On it exists in the we wear Library step up the only game so far in this list to require the Wii Balance Board the game is we fit guitar star hero you need to time your steps with the beat and honestly it’s kind of cool I can only

Imagine what Through the Fire and Flames would look like on this grandma’s going to be like you sayin bolt on this thing Stone keep bones of the ancestors is a first- person fantasy action game but a really bad one I think Skyrim was almost out around this time it’s just bad

Skyrim like look at this combat look at this and tell me it looks like fun all right maybe a tiny bit stop stress a day of Fury so this is a pretty therapeutic game you play as a guy who has the worst anger issues ever and needs to cause destruction to his own

Property to feel better your first mission has you being angry at your alarm clocks for waking you up which hey it’s pretty relatable we’ve all been there so you have to go around and smack them all with your slippers and hey while you’re at it the Shell’s a bit of

An eyesore Get out of here you got bugs that are constantly attacking you and who could forget the classic cracking in the toilet yeah no wonder this guy is stressed out I honestly love it this guy is so pity and angry at everything he’s a character fueled by pure Petty rage ah

Now I know all of you internet enjoyers love this strong bad’s cool game for Attractive people Strong Bad is a character from the series hom Star Runner one of the first online comedy animation series I’ve unfortunately never seen homestarrunner I know absolutely nothing about this series apart from the fact people really like

It I just didn’t have internet back in those days but even though I’ve never watched it I still had a lot of fun playing the game there are five games in this Homestar Runner series all of which simply let you explore the world and talk to all of the characters you love

The gameplay has you playing a bunch of micro games similar to Wario Weare each of them having tons of charm and go different routes stylistically honestly it’s insane how deep these games are like this isn’t SpongeBob or something it’s an online Cartoon Series that has five really good games on wiiware like

If you told me there was an AVGN game on the Wii when I was 13 I would have lost my mind stunt cars is a racing game yep cool next Sudoku challenge man get this smart person game out of here who the hell knows how to play sodoku probably

People who actually did their homework and know how to divide fractions not people like me swords and soldiers I couldn’t get this game to work so here’s the game’s trailer it looks like a pretty all right strategy game tales of bears worth Manor my name is Kina I

Don’t have a dad and my mom is really really scary all right depression right out of the gate I like it I’ll be honest I have no idea how to explain this game it’s really fun don’t get me wrong but I’m at a loss for words so I’m going to

Use my lazy idiot card and just read the Wikipedia page players use the remote to throw paper Bears into the landscape of a picture book on the screen to manipulate the onscreen environment in order to gather all the red candies I couldn’t have said it better myself

Steven Wikipedia there was also a sequel Tales of elastic boy is another s scroller where you play as a ball and roll around he can also oh yeah I can do that Tales of Monkey Islands chapter 1 through 5 Monkey Island is a classic point-and-click adventure game people

Been playing that since the days of when your computer look like this and your mouse icon look like this personally these games are not my cup of tea but if you want to immerse yourself back into the world of Monkey Island with its delicious plot and pointing gameplay you won’t be disappointed

Target toss Pro bags it’s cornhole now every redneck has played this extensively you toss your bags into the hole you can’t make it any simpler we just need your shirtless Uncle out here yelling obnoxiously loud with a beer in his hand and it would be perfect they

Also made a lawn darts game which is literally the same exact game same controls same animations everything and you didn’t think we’d notice all right Tetris party now I loaded this up thing thinking how could they possibly mess up Tetris they do mess it up with pointer

Controls yeah you have to aim your Wii mode at screen to guide the blocks it’s Tetris but worse Texas Holden poker a poker game that lacks any potentially revealing anime girls so what’s the point really The Three Musketeers One for All now do my eyes deceive me or am

I playing a dollar store 99 Great Value version of VI full Joe it’s Aid scroller with some really stylistic background scenery and art style the gameplay itself is very underwhelming you’re collecting coins and Swinging your sword at enemies that I don’t think are hostile but hey at least it looks kind

Of nice through space you’re controlling these Tetris pieces in hyperspace you have to rotate them around so they can fit in these holes simple but fun I think Tiki Towers is so stupid controversial take I know you need to create these poles so these stupid stupid monkeys can reach their

Destination it sucks I’m sorry monkeys TNT Racers is a stupid racing game toky Tori is Captain Toad if you absolutely can’t stand that little mushroom headed freak you platform around a stage collecting eggs but you can’t fly or jump so it’s a smart person game oh

Jesus Christ Toma SAR just by the name I know we’re in for some weird Japanese nonsense so we play as a faceless businessman who’s late for work you got to press buttons at the right time to avoid obstacles there’s Noh reason as to what’s going on sometimes he chooses

Violence other times parkour it is once again a quintessential Japanese game this man is so dedicated to his job I’ve been late to a few before and I was not willing to fight dinosaurs to make it on time I’m sorry Tory bash definitely a game I like

Conceptually but its execution is a bit boring it’s essentially a turn based ragd doll fighting game you can move these little fellas limbs all around to do an attack that’ll boom yeah it’s satisfying but it takes a long time to get here and being turnbas takes a lot

Of the possible ragd doll chaos out of it trenches General is another realtime strategy game where you play as the oh oh God next next here’s a sports game it’s a Trilogy and they’re all bad so bad in fact I use this time to protest and not take part in the event

Take that tumble bugs too I’m not sure where the first game went but I won’t question a good thing it’s godamn this game you’re shooting colorful balls to match other colorful balls and you win TV show King oh o they’re doing the meme the PO the pointing thing this is just a

Trivia game Honestly though I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff I love pointless trivia I have filled my head with more useless information than things that’ll actually benefit my life some of these questions though there’s something else what is a common way for people to add

Color to their houses turn off the lights what do you mean that’s wrong my favorite of all though is which of these office supplies is a writing instrument like are we really asking this is this a game for literal babies there was also a TV show King to same weird host same

Basic questions but in the sequel you can at least choose a category and not just have a mishmash of random questions like what month does Cinco Deo happen unreal ubongo another make the shapes fit in this bigger shape game next Uno everyone has Uno dip it came free with your

Wii orbanic you play as this cute plow I thought the game acted like snake because when you move you drop these little balls and if you run into them you blow up so I thought I had to trap this evil truck in my trap but no

He escaped and I still blew up VIP casino Blackjack keep gambling kids you statistically will win I mean someone has to right vampire crystals this absolutely looks like the most we game ever it’s a survival shooter zombies come in hards and you need to blast them

Away it’s not the deepest game in the world but works fine enough for a cheap arcade game The Very Hungry caterpillars ABCs like the book how on Earth do you make a game out of this s salami okay that’s how viol in Paradise it’s very reminiscent of a bootleg Tao

Drum game you need to move the Wii mode up and down this pattern all while holding either the a button when the line is blue or B when it’s red it’s no Guitar Hero or nothing but I had a good time I can be entertained by dumb baby

Gam sum me viral survival you take control of this weird little guy and need to collect other weird little guys to create a really long little guy there’s other evil little guys though that cause damage and take away points from your high score but if you collect

Powerups you’re able to fight back and keep the game going it’s really fun every round will last maybe a minute or two depending on how well you can Juke the enemies good stuff Voodoo dice so this one is kind of interesting you play as a dice and need to roll around to

Land on a number that matches whatever dice is blocking your path meaning you need to figure out what route to take to land your dice on the number or if you’re like me AKA stupid you just kind of roll around like crazy until it eventually works itself out Wario Weare

DIY hallelujah it’s Wario Weare quirky fun charming and cute the first game I played had Wario Man helping out people who needed to pee that’s just so beautiful and artistic the big thing about this game though was that players were able to create their own micro games and share them with the world

Unfortunately we live in a post Nintendo online service world and instead I got to wallow in my own sadness Warman tactics this game is doooo we get another cut scene in 144p and then we need to select every single action for this Soldier to do click move forward move forward again move forward

And then I got shot because I couldn’t see the enemy and got a game over water Warfare It’s A Team shooter before Splatoon we had water Warfare probably playing with people was the best way to go but since I couldn’t do that here’s footage of someone else playing it it

Looks like a good time Wild West Gun oh who could have guessed we’d be shooting things next word Searcher now this this is completely unnecessary my Grandpa would play this in the morning newspaper you offer nothing World of Goo oh yeah now this is a quintessential Wei wear game I feel

Like if you never played World of Goo did you even own a Wii it’s a simple game you use these gooey balls gross and need to create Bridges and ladders to reach a pipe you want to use as little of the goys as possible for a higher

Score this is we wear at its best simple and fun xmus puzzle no no we are not doing this again yard sale Hidden Treasures oh thank God it’s another I Spy game we went far too long without one you me and the cubes I don’t really understand this game you throw two

People on a cube and just hope they don’t fall off is it physics based is it random I have no clue and I honestly did not care yummy yummy cooking Jam you’re creating food and delivering orders as fast as you can it’s not as fun as that

Diner Dash game from earlier nor it’s hectic but I don’t know it’s here when was the last time Dracula ate hot dogs does he even know what this is zombie panic in Wonderland no jokes no cap no nothing this game is just good you play

As a little ninja boy and need to defend no I’m sorry Destroy This Town that’s been overrun with zombies it’s kind of like Space Invaders you can only move left and right being equipped naturally with a machine gun grenades and other military grade weapons you can blow up

Buildings do this flip which is completely unnecessary but it looks cool and it’s your job nay your life’s purpose to destroy every single thing in sight until this city is just an empty void of nothing A+ fantastic game highly recommend zombie bro what are we doing shooting

Zombies with a slingshot this sucks but now we have finally reached our final game the last game in this long and tiring we wear Journey will it be worth it will the final game be everything we hoped for perfectly summing up the we wear Library this is Zoo dis Golf it’s awful and wow just like that we have essentially covered all 400 35 we wear games give or take I don’t know I already made the thumbnail and made the intro I ain’t going back to count all of them or changed nothing so what are my thoughts on wiiware now that I

Can confidently say I’ve pretty much played every game well there was definitely more garbage than genuinely good games but even with the bad games I honestly had so much fun my entire way through sure my tone and recollection of some of them may have sounded harsh but

There’s a certain charm with these games games that needed to pass the Nintendo inspection games that felt like they needed the motion control gimmicks games that saw successive titles like Wii Sports and we play some games were able to break through the mold and make an impact being fondly reminisced upon all

These years later for their joy and charm While others also have the same infamy but for opposite reasons being such an odd title on the console that you can’t help but bring it up whatever reasons I’ll always look back on we wear with nothing but positive memories and

Nothing has been able to really top it since the switch ehhop is constantly being filled with garbage that somehow gets past Nintendo’s quality control or is just some ported mobile game whether the games were good or bad the Wii was such a happy time in everyone’s life a time before unfinished games and

Microtransactions just pure and simple wagging and flinging a remote at the TV I’m the nostalgic critic I remember it so you don’t have to N


  1. i decided to look back on youtubers i used to watch 5 years ago at the perfect time because this popped up in the recommended like 10 mins after you released it! glad to see youre still as awesome as i remember :]

  2. 8:59 Fun fact: Alien Crush Returns is a remake of the Turbo-grafx 16 classic, Alien Crush.
    I don't know why Conner didn't mentioned about the original Alien Crush. I guess he wasn't familar with most Turbo-grafx games.
    But seriously, the original Alien Crush game is much better than the remake from the wiiware.

  3. The Tetris Party part kinda pissed me off. The game’s meant to be played with the Form Baton sideways! It’s your mistake picking the gimmicky pointer mode! And also DIY on the DS is the one where you make the microgames. DIY Showcase is just a way to show them in the TV!

  4. I still remember Xmas 2008 and downloading strong bads cool game 4 attractive people (sbcg4ap)

  5. It wasn't until about 50 minutes in that I realized that Conner the Waffle O was going through all the titles in alphabetical order.

  6. All the WiiWare games? Well waffle keep say he is very not smart, the opposite of smart, and this is proof.
    Or he really loves to hurt himself i guess

  7. Hearing Conner the Waffle O actually praise Sonic 4 was just surreal, considering just how much hate that game usually gets.

  8. So wish Nintendo would bring back the wii shop channel for a week or month, so many games I forgot to download when they closed in January 2019 !

  9. 1:13:50 Oh you did not get far in Lamulana did you?… That game was surprisingly really good, I enjoyed it on PC
    Also I really hope you where joking when you called Rainbow Islands a "ripoff game"

  10. Chronos twins is a amazing game….but its best on the ds. Where it belongs. Same with a ton of these wiiware games. They truly felt great on the ds/3ds

  11. Connor…u goofball there were 2 games from one tower defense series u liked…so one were u were bad guys makes 3….not 2. 😂

  12. Gotta love that the majority of Wiiware games have very little content to them, so you can easily review each one over the course of two hours and actually get a pretty detailed review at that.

  13. [Bit.Trip Fate] Bro you're not even playing the game right! You have to shoot the enemies by using the pointer.
    But you do you, I guess. Great effort.

  14. I used to watch this guy's content so much from ages 6-9 that he basically narrates my thoughts

  15. People do still play Dr. Mario Online RX via Wiimmfi. You have to patch your wad manually to do it though. They used to have a discord bot that notified people whenever someone new logged in. The Dr. Mario Goons will come for you, just as they once came for me….

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