First HOLE IN ONE! – From The Tips St Andrews

Tim played the front 9 at The Dukes St Andrews course to see what he could score on this course. It’s a tough test but also one of the best moments from 2023 for the Takomo Golf team!

Hello welcome to from the tips I’ll be your voiceover host for the first few holes uh because that guy you see trying to rip a driving iron off the first te uh forgot to turn the audio on with his microphone um so you can see him here

Talking to the camera like you know he doesn’t look like an idiot cuz he forgot his microphone but anyway today we are out at the Duke’s St Andrews course beautiful course I’m playing the front nine trying to uh shoot the best score that I can from the back te’s out here

All right so my t- shot ended up in the rough over here didn’t go very far kind of a toey shot so just a lay up here aiming for the middle of Fairway I think that tracer’s a little off cuz it it ended up a little bit left here um it

Just kind of in the in the left rough just by that bunker still safe totally fine anyway third shot in still have a decent ways in um I believe it was a six iron hit this one pretty well a little draw up there uh that was the the first

First kind of good golf swing of the day for me which is really all I was looking for here on the first hole obviously want to try to get a par or a birdie but having not warmed up in first swings of the day just trying to find a golf swing

For the day so this putt a little left but good for Speed so left me with this little tap in and even par through one second hole 451 yd par 4 just a three-wood off the te uh there was some trouble up there that I really didn’t

Want to take a chance of getting to with the driver especially since I hadn’t hit driver yet today so just a three-wood middle of the Fairway I have a long shot in here I remember pulling a five iron thinking let me just punch this one up

There I want to say it was around 200 yds in maybe a little bit less just trying to do a little punch shot um and I ended up coming up a bit short um should not be a you know particularly difficult up and down though pretty straightaway Chip Shot I left that

Little warm-up shot in um just because otherwise one of you would have commented what about the pitch mark did he hit this twice no I just took a divot on a practice swing so sorry about that anyway pretty straightforward Chip Shot here um you would definitely not expect

Me to Blade this over the green which is exactly what we did love that for us uh anyway left here with another Chip Shot I’m playing with Seb and Tony we had a little friendly match going on here um so I was playing against them I had beat

Them in a match the day before but today was not starting off particularly well for me anyway this put right here was for a bogey missed that thankfully uh I tapped this little double bogey Putt in here so uh two over through two not the start we’re looking

For third hole 171 yd par three I remember pulling a seven iron and thinking hit a little punch shot here but it was cold that day and uh I was still not totally warmed up so my little punch shot ended up coming up short so landed just short of the Green in the

Rough not a terrible shot I just kind of judged it wrong but what I also decided to do is get a little b-roll of s and Tony hitting because of the match we were playing I was just going to include that in the video um and what ended up

Happening is pretty cool um because got to see Seb make his first hole in one ever it went straight into the hole um if you’ve ever wondered what a silent hole-in-one celebration looks like well here you go tragically the audio still wasn’t working but we were all very very hyped

Uh for that so pretty cool to see and I just left the camera rolling here so that we could get the whole drive up and we’d have evidence of the whole thing since I didn’t actually film it go in again didn’t really expect a hole in one

But uh yeah it was definitely definitely pretty sweet to see and uh really cool for Seb the the course ended up giving him the flag from that hole as a little commemorative thing for him so it was fun to fun to be a part of fun to watch

It happen and uh he really like it flew straight in this is not one of those where it hit landed up rolled in this is a slam dunk hole in one I think it’s probably your dream scenario where you can watch it go in and uh yeah this

Exactly what happened so as you can see when I walk up here to the cup it it just took a chunk out of the side of it just absolutely torched torched the the hole but Seb was so hyped um really hyped for his Tacomo eight iron 101t 8

Iron that he used uh here at the Duke so really really cool to be a part of really cool to see even though we were playing a match against each other they were already beating me and oh 9 I apologize thought it was an eight it was

A nine um yeah they were already beating me so at this point I thought well they’re probably going to take the dub today um but if you got to lose this is definitely the way to lose anyway back to me I still have to play after this uh

This Chip Shot is another example of something that has changed since this video I was just getting so into out with an open face on my chip shots everything was going out to the right so it was really really unfortunate like it led to a lot of really poorly played

Chip shots which left longer putts like this for par which I am ended up missing and so then I’m looking at three over through three after the guys I’m playing with just dunked a hole in one so yeah uh not the best start to this from the

Tips but I am still excited for Seb and I figured out the microphone what do you do now right you just watch your dude hit a hole in one on a par three on the third hole and you still have what 15 holes of golf left all right well only seven

No six holes of golf left here par for I’m going to hit driver out here mostly just so I can swing the driver not trying to crush it just trying to get down and through the ball um it’s kind of the the key with the driver for me stay down and through

Don’t really stress too much if I do that it doesn’t tend to move a ton right or left so that’s what we’re going to try to do oh no we’re going to hit another one that is that cold stiff swing that I was afraid of reason I hadn’t pull driver

Yet love that okay hit in three now I got that out of the way I don’t have to worry about it you know and I can do that which is hit really well on the left side might have made it into a bunker though all right this is the part

Where I realized that the microphone was not connected properly um for that hole-in one and for a bunch of other footage and you probably you’ve just been hearing a voice over so very sorry about that uh technical problems going to try to be checking that it’s just a setting with

The camera with the microphone I just did not check it and bad okay anyway um trying to find this drive which I really hope didn’t creep into this bunker all right I’ve got 146 or so something like that 148 um out of this sand it’s it’s more like

Like mud not mud but like it’s it’s really really wet sand so I think what I’m going to try to do is actually catch it pretty clean um and going hit a nine iron up there hopefully if I get on the green it’d be awesome from here so thanks shot thank

You super long putt for bogey this is a lag putt at best I thought that had to go right to left a touch it was straight as an a did not move an inch all right nice little double all right I got to start playing just just better smarter more

Confident golf uh this is the type of round where at this point I’d start feeling uh feeling pretty I don’t know not confident pretty bad so just trying to avoid that hit a good t-shot out there it’s not a long par 4 I mean it’s

370 from back here but you know just put something out there give myself a chance try to turn turn the rest of this nine holes around a little bit it’s a touch heavy so it’s really not getting close to that bunker but totally fine all right I’m starting to

Warm up a little bit it’s starting to warm up a little bit more out here so just trying to get a little more amped up than I have been so far so uh I have to cuz I got to get aggressive with some of the golf swings 187 yards into the

Flag from where I am in the Fairway left side of the Fairway uh looks like bunker short primarily so I definitely want to be air on the side of a little bit long of this screen and left so 187 probably going to hit a six iron just really kind

Of go after a six iron and I think that should be up there it’s right just right to the flag I don’t know oo that saw the green just right of the flag great roll what a putt yeah easy game right easy game jeez glad I beat these guys yesterday yes I’m

Going to leave that in the video um cuz that’s not happening today all right for birdie it’s a good roll we’ll take aart though kind of stops the uh bleeding a little bit hopefully Seb the whole celebration was uh was silent they couldn’t hear you talking didn’t know what you were saying

So first hoing one ever yeah yeah first hoing one at the Dukes and they’re going to give you the flag right yeah that’s perfect that’s incredible beautiful amazing it was so cool amazing I’m just so glad it happened against me yeah me too yeah is it does it mean

More seev cuz does it mean more cuz it was against me this is the special cart path to the black tea because again it’s way back here in the middle of nowhere and nobody uses it except for me today all right you can’t really see from this tea but

It’s 570 something yard par five pretty straight down there um yeah I’m just honestly aiming right down the Fairway and trying to put a good swing on it that last drive that I hit felt really good so that’s what I’m going to try to do and

Actually the uh from back here the sign says 596 yard par five so that’s a bit of a bit of a monster that has hit quite well we’ll take it this trip I feel like my game has actually been in a really good place or it’s gotten to a

Really good place overall um and so it’s like it’s feeling good today obviously scores aren really reflecting that yet but um overall I feel like she in a good spot finally have a putter now that I feel pretty confident with which is something I haven’t felt in a

While flipping the camera over so we can give a closeup to this guy look at that that’s a big slug anyways oh man I’m uh I’m torn 270 280 into this flag uh tempted to rip three but I don’t think it gets there in fact I’m pretty much positive it doesn’t get

There um but also brings in a lot of bunkers but if I just lay up I can lay up to a good number I can’t hit driver off the deck never done it successfully got to work on that so I can get Instagram famous um I guess I’m

Going to rip a 3-wood cuz why not oh no it didn’t I slipped is that okay yeah that’s fine my foot just went woo boom after a very lucky 3-wood that definitely should have ended up like out in this junk that you can’t even see

That’s just to my right um we’re okay 70 70 yards or so just going to hit punch 56 up there just trying to be flying a little lower couple of skip stop that type of thing greens are soft so oh no what was that that was so bad what was I doing I

Just shot right I don’t even think it was a shank I think I just I think I just literally kept the face open wow that was terrible just off the green here I know the play is to putt it and so that’s what I’m going to do I’m not

Going to overthink this she going to putt this nothing has broke like broken that much today it just seems like it’s all pretty straight oh you got to hit it harder than that it’s better than I would have chipped it all right here we go for

Par let’s go all right if yall have watched many of these videos you know that I don’t make too many of those putts I tend to miss those got a new Putter and uh obviously it’s probably mostly mental but there’s a lot more confidence when I stand over those putts

That the you know the ball’s going to go kind of where I want it to so that has been a huge change this trip I literally got the putter yesterday and I putt significantly better yesterday and so far today I am feeling pretty confident with it so got another par we got a

Couple holes left this course is is genuinely stunning um tough but stunning so very very excited to be out here uh at the Duke’s St uh St Andrew so just a special place all right try to get the camera a little higher so you can get a

An idea of just how beautiful this next hole is do like right there’s a bunker down here on the right side that I believe is basically the target line um you want to go over that bunker so that’s kind of what I’m going to do is try to aim

It that right side of the Fairway maybe try to take it over that bunker I got Flippy and saved that shot I absolutely got like Flippy with my hands and saved to that shot middle of the Fairway uh I feeling largely warmed up it’s downwind um and I think

145 is to the center so yeah I like it just a good solid pitching wedge oh no it’s just like a weak faty shot it’s going to be short oh no that’s on the green yeah I’ll take that as a as a miss that was fantastic

Woo too much good Pace just read that last but entirely wrong smashed it through any break potentially so see if we can clean up a par here that’d be good look at that thanks okay we have a very very long part three uh the thing here the

Tag says 250 yards from these back he’s in it’s uphill so monster golf hole um I’m going to try to rip a two iron and I don’t even know where it’s going to go I just feel like I’m going to need this to get up that way and then we’ll see from

There yeah that’s that’s like way short I hit that quite hard and it is very short jeez this is a brutal hole all little layup On a par three there this is a uh this is a tough golf hole think if it was like dry and warm

You know that lands a little further up maybe kicks forward but it’s wet so that uh that landed here and ended up here so it’s it’s a tough golf hole for sure stop rolling that’s not bad all right have this putt for par it’s got to go

Right to left I just have no idea how much it feels like it’s going to go more than any of the putts so far today I don’t know why though ooo it does break more wow that rolled out a bunch it’s a good par on a short par 4

Overall I feel like I’ve played some decent golf today um you know one of the one of the double bogas was just a just the first driver swing of the day and I just chicken winged it just terrible swing so um you know I feel pretty good

About it overall so hopefully you guys are enjoying this video obviously you got to see a the silent reaction to a hole in one that was just funny crazy golf hole all right the last here the ninth is no I’m not going to order food

Uh the ninth is a 300 and it’s going to be 400 and something from that te yard par for I think it’s honestly just driver smack it out there hopefully have a short Club in all right I’ve got a little bit of a sinking feeling that I’ve got the wrong target line in

Mind but I’m not really sure I’m just going to aim this down the Fairway hit it and as long as I hit a good drive whereever it ends up is going to be okay I just never played this course before so I think I know where I’m aiming

But I could also be aiming at like a you know 220 carrying to the rough see that was hit phenomenally well oh no and that’s perfect okay coolo all right last iron shot in here it’s 165 says it’s plain 17 73 up the hill um can’t really tell if there’s much

Wind I think the pin is more in the back cuz it’s 150 to the middle so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to hit a uh hit a good 8 iron and it should get me on the green at least if I really get

A hold of it it should get back to the pin so that’s kind of the idea it’s on the green we’ll see how close or not close it is okay well super long birdie birdie putt here well done Tony uh this is just to smack it that

Way and hopefully you guess the pace right uphill not really going to think too much about it cuz feel it’s going to go right to left a bit it’s going to go right to left the lwn good for Speed though all right this put here to finish with a

Par pretty much straight it looks like so that’s how we’re going to play it there we go got a par here on the last that’s it for from the tips shout out Sebastian for a hole in- one wild peanut Galler is over here clapping along to that really really exciting

Par yep there’s Matt Alex Jonas osie everybody’s over there anyway thanks for watching see you guys on the next one


  1. From the Lips at the beginning….awesome Hole in One!! Good round for sure.

  2. Got my first hole in one on Sunday using a Takomo CB 301 7 iron 149 yards into a 1-2 club wind. Felt as good as I always imagined it would. 🏌️‍♂️

  3. Damn that Jungle Tim can't trust him to keep the ball in play and can't trust him to on the mics😂. Have a great holiday and New Years Tim and the tacoma family

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