Golf Babe

American Women Are Hitting The Wall? | American Women Are Posting Their Regrets Online | #regret

American Women Are Hitting The Wall? | American Women Are Posting Their Regrets Online | #regret

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00:00…Karen “Trapezoid” Cockbender is mad!
07:00…AW’s misery hasn’t peaked
13:00…Some buffering
20:00…AW’s are none of what they say they are
30:00…Alpha Adam holds frame!
38:00…AW’s use reverse psychology
47:00…AW’s can’t go overseas and get the same results as AM’s
53:00…AW’s imagination
1:00:00…AW’s say there is no wall?
1:07:00…AW’s ruin their bodies?
1:13:00…Personal purpose
1:20:00…AW’s personal lives
1:27:00…TFW’s behavior
1:33:00…AWs past their prime
1:38:00…This content is not for AWs
1:43:00…TFWs are in shape

American Women Are Hitting The Wall, American Women Are Posting Their Regrets Online, Dating Coaches Don’t Want You Going Overseas, American Women Shame Men, American Women Out Of Control, The Sugar Baby Phenomenon, American Women Selling Themselves Doesn’t Work, Conservatives Can’t Fix The Relationship Problem, American Women Ruined Approaching, American Women Dating Is A Joke, Monk Mode Over American Women, The Winner’s Legion Mission, Dating Is Dead For American Women, American Women Attention Seeking, Stop Chasing American Women, The Winner’s Legion

I’m a little trapezoid trap trap trap trap trap  trap trap trap trap trapezoid trapezoid trapezoid   trapezoid trapezoid trapezoid I’m not a little  trapezoid I don’t know what you’re talking about   I’m not a trapezoid you know what you need to  do I’m caring [ __ ] lier all right yeah yeah

Trap trap trap trap trap trap trap trap  trap trap trap trapezoid I have a trapezoid smile I don’t like your attitude why do your  shoes keep changing what is your problem you keep talking about AWS trap trap trap trapezoid trap trap trap

Trapezoid see my smile is perfect  I’m so happy I haven’t hit the wall   what is the wall I think this is just  another thing that you little had made   up because I’m always angry I’m  never happy this is me at night

Trapezoid oh now I’m waking up and I’m  angry again I’m really sa why are you   so mean to AWS where why is my stupid soul and  my shoe keep riding up on my left foot I don’t understand why am I scaring

Normies I’m hunched over like a turkey at a 45  degree angle pecking even though turkeys don’t Peck I’m gonna post my regret online  for divorcing my husband 15 years ago I’m really upset let’s go  down a trail and find some

Deer I had the same they always have  the same I have the same wrinkled   forehead a see everything’s a v here  and then a trapz here oh you men going overseas you’re not they just  want your money I’m hunting [Music] over posting my regret onl trapezoid triangle of the very

Upset which of V is actually an L which stands for loser that’s my life nobody likes me the  wall is undefeated why don’t you go out   in this forest and die buddy you here  comes the police they’re going to arrest you the wall what is this  wall I’m acting completely

Ignorant G [ __ ] Bender is not happy guys I’m going to do a hold on a sec Jesus  why am I so flamy I’m normally not this oh cuz I   brush my teeth legionaires you night oh you  didn’t see it hold on a second I’m going to  

Do a little crescent kick Legion you night  there’s a little Cresent K that was very sloppy oh my oh God the dogs agree there’s nothing funny I’m trying not to laugh okay  let’s keep your composure buddy   keep your composure I’m gonna poke you with little

Needles I’m trying not to laugh donkey puts a  like button as you come in finger the Subscribe   button comment in the comment section become  a legionaire member where you get members only   benefits members only come members only happiness  gentlemen it’s sad to my Legionnaire it’s really  

Sad hit the notification Bell as you come in man  it’s hard not to laugh it’s really hard not to   laugh see the dogs agree I noticed that the dogs  bark a lot here because there’s so many animals  

And my brother was telling me about this I was  like oh well duh that makes sense but but it’s   funny because the poor little ladies man wow it’s  it’s wow I didn’t think it would get this bad this  

Quickly but essentially what’s happening is AWS  are posting their regrets online and for those of   you not in the know essentially they’re posting  how they wish they hadn’t divorced their husband   they wish they hadn’t effed up their 20s they  wish they hadn’t done XYZ but see what’s funny  

Is they’re not learning anything guys so all  the weirdos out there who think that AWS are   learning their lessons they’re not and by the  way look gentlemen to my legenders if they were   really lose learning their lesson then I would  be all in if there was a change in the laws if  

There was a change in their behavior I’d be all in  I’d say yeah of course I mean if things actually   we going in the right direction but they won’t  be for a little while longer you guys have to  

Understand we haven’t peaked yet the misery the  misery has not has not peaked yet and it will   give it time but by then guys we’ll be long gone  a lot of you guys are already leaving a lot of  

You guys are already overseas but unfortunately  the little AWS are in massive amounts of trouble   and this is why they’re posting their regret on  line why they’re hitting the wall now I know I   know everybody’s going to say well there’s a lot  of guys that say oh there’s only one wall it’s  

The biological wall well technically that’s  true I got you I’m with you but what you guys   have to understand is there are certain points  of recovery of the lady psyche that can never   recover now you can go back to Scientific studies  or anecdotal experiences or whatever but at the  

End of the day there’s multiple walls for ladies  and the reason for this is they’re very limited   with certain behaviors like for example one of  the things I bring up a lot and I know it’s more  

Uh conceptual but there are studies that back  this up that the ladies have a much more active   imagination okay so just go with me on this for  a second when a woman with an act of imagination   gets absolutely railroaded she doesn’t come  back guys her psyche doesn’t all of a sudden  

Repair itself no amount of therapy is going to  fix this issue because gentlemen they are not   like us they are not as strong as us they don’t  have the same capabilities to recover like we do   and that’s why I believe that there’s a mental  wall there’s a wall that they hit mentally where  

They just can’t recover a lot of you guys say  aw’s that they’ve hit a lot of them the where   they can never recover where they become the  crazy lady I should have just worn shorts in  

The T-shirt but it’s cool or a fitness shirt but  there’s this where they hit that mental wall guys   and they don’t recover now there is a biological  wall the biological wall being not being able to  

Produce children past 30 what is it 80 to 90% of  their eggs are dried up right but as far as the   mental wall this can hit at pretty much any age  gentlemen where they’re just they get that look  

You guys know it as the Thousand SE stare where  they’re just mentally checked out it’s too late   no amount of therapy or because guys once the  damage is done they don’t just bounce back girls   are not like that can I like sit down and fix  this stupid freaking Soul it keeps like riding  

Up these shoes suck the hell I’m gonna have  to glue this thing down these Souls suck man   but it’s cool I should have just taken the soul  out but it’s funny because a lot of guys aren’t

Ready sorry you guys man what is up with me  today I’m not flemy it’s just I brush my teeth   beforehand and I hate freaking mint hate mint I  hate that I’ve always hated the taste it just I  

Don’t know just the freshness is fine I just don’t  like the minty flavor mint has never just anyway   certain we all don’t like certain things you  know my dad doesn’t like beans just is how it is   but it’s really warped because once they hit this  mental wall now there’s this state of nonrecovery  

In fact it doesn’t matter how many good guys come  by it’s doesn’t matter how many good guys come   and try to make them feel better uh you know kiss  their butts make them feel special guys it’s too  

Late the little ladies when they hit that point  of no return they’re not coming back they’re not   coming back to dance around and do little Jigs and  be silly it’s not happening because they’ve been  

Hurt too many times gentlemen I know a lot of guys  say women recover quicker than men when it comes   to heartbreak oh no no no no no I vehemently  disagree because once they have that pain the  

Pain doesn’t go away it doesn’t all of a sudden  just dissipate with guys we can handle a little   bit better because we actually have things that we  can do we can take action we can do things but the  

Little ladies cannot they’re not action oriented  guys haven’t you ever what is up with me must be   the T change in temperature but at least my  sinuses are good but haven’t you guys ever   noticed when there is a show about guys versus  girls and the Wild and all this guys they can  

Never get their stuff together they can’t actually  formulate a plan they’re all about democracy and   let’s let’s discuss it and all this nonsense guys  this is beautiful out even though it’s not sunny   I will and it’s funny because the average dude  doesn’t get this he doesn’t get that they’re  

Different than us man all my sinuses no I’m just  kidding was sinuses hold on let me fix this stupid   ass this thing thing is pissing me off wait will  this stay here will this stay here maybe let’s

See is on the shoe see it’s clean don’t worry  guys oh there’s a little spider right there   it’s a good Soul it just keeps riding up for  some reason the hell is wrong with this stupid   thing they can’t recover as quickly as we do  they want to they want to recover they want  

To fall in love with they want to do all these  things but in all reality just don’t mechanisms cap [Music] hold this park hold on hold on  hold on get this thing going this park stinks it’s all right gentlemen so the saddest part about this  about them not recovering from that mental  

Wall is that they never really wanted to be  there in the first place at the end of the   day gentlemen the vast majority of AWS  want to have a relationship with a good   guy but but they’ve been indoctrinated with  all the fism and all that other nonsense so

Realistically this is just is not an option  for them they’re not going to be recovering   anytime soon now what are the other walls that  I’ve gone over before well there’s the physical   wall I think coach Greg Adams said it best he  said that there’s several different types of  

Ages there’s a physical age there’s a there’s a  mental age there’s a um what was it mental age   physical age biological age something like that  but well I believe there’s several walls when it   comes to this type of stuff so the walls being  physical biological because guys physical is a  

Little bit different than bi well it is kind of  similar but let’s just go with physical meaning   their actual body right their age of their body  and how much they’ve deteriorated over time bio   biological which is actually past a certain  age where they don’t produce they literally  

Have their eggs dry up mental and then of course  uh emotional we’ll keep it pretty as simple as   possible but let’s just say they emotional and  mental are the same for now once they hit that  

Gentlemen it’s it’s over there’s no coming back  and by the way it’s not that I think it’s a good   thing I think it’s messed up it’s it’s sad and  pathetic man it is be guys check this out look  

At somebody’s got their boat out there know  what the hell’s going on over there they’re   having a good time how they getting in the water  there okay well it’s they must be having some

Fun but I think it’s sad to say the least and  if you guys notice I use that word a lot when it   comes to AWS because there really is no recovery  point for them at this point so what happens is  

They’re posting all their regret online because in  all reality when they post this to their friends   when they tell their friends about this they just  get static oh you you’ll be fine everything’s fine   you’re wonderful you’re stupendous and then of  course simps chime in chime in and say oh you’re  

Loved by every by everybody I love you you can do  whatever you want ruin your life it’s fine well   this isn’t flying anymore for the little AWS the  AWS are not feeling this anymore they’re looking   for answers I’m not saying you should feel sorry  for them what I getting at is gentlemen they’re  

Literally lied to every day they’re told they  can do it all they’re told they’re stupendous   they’re told they’re amazing and by the way  guys this is coming from somebody who lives   in a small conservative red right-wing town I  live in a town that is less than 9,000 people  

Okay that’s like nothing and even then and I  live in close to a city with what a not even   a million people somewhere around there million  plus now you have to understand that it doesn’t   matter where you go in in America you’re going  to face these challenges regardless you can you  

Can go to Middle America you can go to the east  coast you can go to the West Coast where I used   to live 11 million plus people just in the Los  Angeles major metropolitan area then you go south  

Down to Orange County what is that another 3  4 5 million then you go south of that to San   Diego and you got another 3 4 million people  gentlemen I’ve seen it all I get it but the  

Wall is undefeated for a reason because once the  little ladies people here are so friendly they   wave I love it once the little ladies go through  this type of sorry guys construction guys these   are real men out here by the way no awkwardness  no strength range Behavior no fru you guys are  

Tough as Nails I could tell and they act like  real man too it’s it’s really it’s right quite   refreshing wave at everybody see always waving oh  man this guy’s bringing a big bulldozer up here   they’re doing real road work so I’m going to be  sorry for the noise but it’s funny because guys  

Are seeing this this regret this posting  of regret whereas before guys women would   tell me this stuff all the time now of course  they tried to be tough on the phone with me at   first and tell me about how amazing they are  waving at this dude they would tell me about  

How stupendous their life is and I got a career  and all but guys when I broke him down you guys   know I like to break him down they would tell  me things that would curl my hair yeah I went  

Through an eight guy train and you would look at  this girl and go what dude you’re like innocent   as hell no they’re not gentlemen and that’s what a  lot of guys are learning now that the AWS are not  

Tough they’re not strong they’re not independent  they are none of the things that they’ve said they   are for the past 60 years and they’re posting  more of this regret you are seeing more I don’t   know if you guys watch but you’re seeing more  girls post about how they broke apart 15 20 25y  

Year marriages to get out on these streets and  live their best life and all this stuff and to   only realize that they were wrong now the cool  thing is I came in at the tail end of the whole  

Wos spere movement RP all this other stuff and  when the you know the weirdos started coming in   the kind of [ __ ] and creeps and the game guys  co-opted a lot of that stuff but in all reality  

Guys RP was never about women anyway ever it was  about knowing the truth it was about living truth   it was about understanding reality that’s what  a lot of these RPD I was watching an interview   with sneo the other day he’s a young kid dude  guys he’s 25 he barely knows anything look if  

You’re a young guy out there you’ve got a lot  to learn and there’s nothing wrong with being   25 we were all 25 once but this guy is you know  talking about how RP was women and all and I was  

Like no no no it was never about women it was  about understanding reality now of course there   are certain elements of understanding women that  are reality but again he’s coming from a place of   anger a little bit of frustration and bitterness  and he’s kind of getting to the acceptance phase  

Well this is one of those things is understanding  that the little ladies have walls that they’ll   never come back from the good thing about us is  we can come back from any of these walls walls  

Guys in fact guys can come back from every wall  that the fism side is saying we have old wrinkly   bald whatever out of shape fat none of those  things matter 0% because the average traditional   foreign woman wants a piece the average  traditional foreign woman wants to be with you

Regardless man what is up with me today guys  you know what it might be because I’m back on caffeine and by the way I took a day off again  for those of you guys longtime subscribers I’m  

Going to get a parttime job I don’t care  what I got to do going to make ends meet   do these streams until I can make it 100% with  these streams I’ll make it work I’m going to  

Show them how it’s done gentlemen I’m not not  opposed to hard work I just thought I could   get my streams up to where I was making money  and not having to get a part-time it’s fine I  

Can do it I’ll do it I’ve done guys what when I  was going to college I’m not making this up when   I was really young guys I’m not making this  up when I was going to college I was going to  

College first I started fulltime then I said  wait a minute I need to go and get money this   is before the whole understanding college  is a scam but in many ways what I did was   I went to school before it was just it now it’s  definitely more it and went there full-time but  

Then I realized I needed to make money so I went  parttime and I had three jobs not making this up   guys three jobs at one time that was insane I had  a morning I’ll never forget this I had a morning  

Job mid morning classes uh middle of the day job  and then a late night job anyway it was like a   part-time on the weekend but anyway energy you  can do a lot of things when you’re not focused on I don’t like it sorry guys buffering this is an insanely Steep

Hill this is insanely Steep Hill Jesus man this hill Oh man don’t worry guys I’m in shape Jesus  it’s just this hill for some reason the   hell I have to zigzag this mofo oh God  I got to pass out I’m I’m just kidding  

See how quiet it is here guys I live in Texas  Lone Star State there’s a little dead zone back there wheezing oh another Dead Zone sorry guys  I don’t know what the hell is going on in this  

Area this is kind of a new area let’s go ahead  and see if we can Sprint up this hill okay okay okay okay that was a bad idea oh I love this type of stuff so my  poor little AWS they’ve been fighting this  

Whole war against dudes who didn’t even care  that’s one of the most amusing parts of all   this is they’ve been fighting this silly  War this Civil War if you will I get guys   are like so who cares and so what they’ve  been doing is damaging themselves isn’t  

That ironic everything that they’ve been  saying up to this point has been damaging themselves wow it is beautiful out I love  the smell smells like fresh sweet air oh   my god dude going up this hill is killing  me this is a steep ass Hill guys check it  

Out yeah I know it doesn’t look steep but I  promise it is oh get out of the way of the car wave it everybody all don’t we back what’s   up Men’s daily advice good to  have you buddy I took yesterday off I’ll probably get a part-time  job by January and we’ll keep going  

On these streams and I’m also building up  another business we’re going to make it happen there’s some things I had to put on hold  you know because I’ve got a lot of things on my   plate so the little ladies have been having this  Civil War literally against themselves here’s  

What’s ironic they literally what they did was  they said that they could do everything on their   own and guys accepted it guys did you hear about  Destiny here’s an example destiny is learning the   hard way the dude who uh got married and had an  emot open relationship he’s learning the hard way  

Gentlemen he is learning the freaking hard way  that AWS are going to bite you they’re going to   they’re going to prick you they’re going to get  you whether you like it or not and by the way  

She knew he was a s so now she’s really taking  advantage of him but anyway long story short   Destiny was one of these far-left YouTuber guys  and who kept saying to the RP dudes you know you   don’t know anything essentially I’m so smart I’m  going to go ahead and have an open relationship  

With an aw and everything is going to be fine we  are going to be happy now this obviously was a   lie oh there’s a dog down there what a surprise  calm down doggies calm down they get so upset  

It’s okay doggies calm down they’re agreeing  with me about the destiny but uh what he did   was he doubled down on stupid let’s go this way  which way am I going should we go to the forest  

You guys want to go to the forest I don’t think  so let’s go down to the uh am I going the right   way okay I am is this way yeah this this way  let’s go down to the golf course so it’s kind  

Of sad because this guy thought he was smart  this guy thought he was a a a genius hooking   up with an a who wanted an open relationship and  now he’s paying the price guys he’s paying the  

Initial price now he’s going to learn his lesson  and he’s going to get back to somewhat normaly   after he gets dragged through the ringer and all  you know put the through the ringer But the irony  

Is she’s going to be the one who suffers guys  the wall is going to defeat her because what’s   going to happen is after after she leaves him  and buils him for his money this is just an  

Example after she leaves him and bus him for  his money she’s going to try to level up she’s   not going to get better than him and the reason  for this guys is because the wall is coming baby  

The biological wall and the physical wall are  going to claim her and not only that the psych   well psychological mental emotional wall whatever  that’s going to get her too as well I know it’s   kind of Quasi there gentlemen but it really is  for them she’s going to feel the pain ouch so  

Even though he’s suffering right now and going  through it it’s because he lost frame gentlemen   he didn’t hold Mas frame like this see the Mas  frame what you need to do guys this is dating  

Coach this is Alpha Adam what I’m doing is uh I’m  holding Mas on frame see this is how you do it guys you got to scrunch up your face like this  and then what you got to do is Puff your chest out  

Like this you got to look 45 degrees up towards  the Sun and that’s why you’re squinting because   you’re looking directly at the sun you’re just  mascul frame that’s how you do it I’m holding   masculine frame broke oh Al Adam I got balls on  my car oh this car thinks I’m a mental patient  

How’s it going pleasure I’m waving at you wave  back you fre oh this is a nice house check it   out isn’t that beautiful God anyway poor little  Destiny he’s going to learn guys he’s going to  

Learn these guys are going to learn and then it’s  funny but the ladies that were with him they’re   going to learn even wor see even though Destiny  might be hurting right now guys he’s going to win  

In the long one even though he’s kind of a s he’s  gonna he’s gonna win in the long one because let’s   just be honest guys you want to be you want me  to give you 100% you want me to be 100 right now  

Guys at the end we always win at the end of the  day we always win we really do there’s no if fans   or no matter how bad your guys life may ever get  man this this hill isn’t killing me as much down  

Just had to get used to it but no matter how bad  your lives get guys you’re going to win no matter   what W what is this little Trail over here what  is going on it’s like a little Forest Trail maybe  

There’s little Pixies and elves and stuff what  the hell is going on down here oh this guy’s got   a pen okay he might be wrangling Hogs over here  if he’s wrangling Hogs guys I got to go talk to  

This guy I got to go get me some sausage I got to  get me some wild boar sausage guys you know I love   wild boore and I’m in Texas baby it’s wild boore  Central them little piggies oh my God I love them  

Little biggies they are delicious gentlemen if  you haven’t had wild boar I’m not messing around   with you they have infested infested Texas for  a long time now in California Etc gentlemen if   you can get your hands on a little wild piggy I  promise you it is unbelievably good good for the  

Environment and and it tastes kind of like steak  and pork mixed together I don’t even like pork   and it gives you a ton of energy I had some wild  board this morning I we sausage oo there’s corn  

Over here well no no wait is this wheat I think  this is a wheat wheat stock U don’t worry guys   I’m going to tie it all back together think it’s  corn no no no maybe it’s wheat maybe it’s corn I  

Think it’s corn man it’s just growing on the side  of the road wild corn so Destiny will learn but   his girl his ex she’s going be crying for money  later on now the good news is he didn’t have kids  

With her so there’s only so much she can claim  up to this point but I got bad news for you guys   trying to live with these little ladies there  is an there is an ex-wife who just sued I’m not  

Making this up she just sued her husband and one  claiming that he owes her $200,000 for being a   housewife for being an exh housewife I’m not 100%  sure on all the details but I was reading this  

And I go man no no no she was an ex-girlfriend  that is incorrect she was in ex-girlfriend Su   for wait wait ex-girlfriend let me just check let  me double check I don’t want to mislead you guess exgirlfriend Sue I’m almost 100% positive  sue for 200 and this is nothing big

All right oh yeah yeah yeah let’s see exwife there’s a bunch of   them where guys are fighting  back but it’s mainly the win ex-wife okay oh this is guys you’re not  going to believe this judge orders man to  

Pay ex-wife oh over $200,000 for 25 years  of housework and by the way this guy’s not rich unbelievable but even him he’s going to  recover he’s gonna win where am I think I’m   in a different different city uh good quality  streaming today I see thank you man advice I’m  

Learning the areas around here with really high  quality question why are AWS trying to follow   in to Thailand or different parts of Southeast  Asia but yet they kept saying they kept saying   what they kept saying W oh they kept saying  they don’t want to need us because gentlemen  

Men uh to men’s daily advice this is another  part of the wall that’s why I’m gonna answer   this question it’s kind of on the topic um  the man this is guys this is hold on check  

This out I know it’s not sunny out but look at  this it’s just so quiet I’m used to screaming   and bmbs and honking and Beach and all this not  complaining but man guys La was so effing noisy  

All the time okay so the whole dudes or uh aw’s  following us to other country gentlemen because   they have no alter first of all they have no  Alternatives because you have to understand   something gentlemen women could say one  thing until they’re blw in the face that  

We’re a-holes for leaving and they you know it’s  a child trying to get your attention it’s a child   with a chest it’s a child saying I don’t need  you but in all reality they do they constantly   use what’s called reverse psychology this is  one of I can’t even say well let’s just say

Manipulation manipulation it’s one of the main  go-tos that AWS use to try to get you to think   that they have leverage they try to get you man  I got another effing Rock in my shoe hold on  

Guys this is pissing me off these goddamn rocks  so what they’ll do is they’ll say things like   oh well I don’t need you but it’s the exact  opposite of what they actually feel and it’s   also projection right they they technically do  need you but they’re never going to admit it  

And this is because I’m just checking my course  here because if they they have no other there’s   no other choice men’s daily advice every day  when a aw wakes up she checks her Instagram   feed I’m checking directions here gentlemen why  does this keep turning off my directions keep  

Turning oh okay rerouting rerouting rerouting  just go just go jeez hold on I gotta get this   rock out of my freaking shoe it’s pissing me  off it’s making me angry get this stupid rock   it’s actually a burr but what they do is they  use reverse psychology to make you think hi  

Tan tan Lon check this out check this beautiful  isn’t this great isn’t this great just love it   here freaking fantastic while I’m talking to you  guys I’m going to take this rock bur out of my

Shoe and I’m G to absorb all the quiet happiness  here it’s going to be glorious so what they do   is they use reverse psychology which is a very  very aw thing to do right oh I don’t need you  

Yeah you really do yeah yeah yeah projecting what  the hell was that what the hell was in my shoe ow   that really hurt stupid shoe this shoe sucks it  broke down way quicker than I wanted it to but  

It’s cool I should just go over to the lake the  lake I love the lake and so a lot of times they   will say that they don’t need you that they don’t  want them at guys they’ve been saying this for 60  

Years you know what I mean so it’s not like  this is anything new so what they do is they   say well you a-holes are leaving I’m here why  you don’t you can’t handle us and what they do  

In the same breath is they go oh man these gu  they don’t tell you all these things is what   I’m getting at guys let me let me just fix this  stupid Sho they don’t tell you any of this stuff  

SE secretly deep down and secretly they say oh  man they are leaving they get scared and out of   fear it’s the typical aw response the typical  aw response is to freak out and to panic and  

Then double down on what is it called um denial  well I didn’t need you anyway yeah actually you   did am I going the right way okay this way hold  on a sec take Country Club wait is this country  

Club I think this is country club if it isn’t I’ll  just go around it’s fine wow it’s beautiful out   here God I love it guys barely any cars nobody  having nervous breakdowns clear streams okay  

Let’s go this way can I go this way I think I  can go this way yeah I’ll go this way and then   I’ll go back that way okay cool so what they do  is as they’re approaching the wall as options  

Start drying up they’ll start lambasting you  shaming you and then when you don’t come back   gentlemen this is something we’ve never gone over  before when you don’t come crawling back to an aw   what do they do they chase you see what a lot  of AMS American men fail to realize is Once you  

Walk away completely they start chasing you and  this is something that guys have alluded to for   a while and say oh you know ignore them and all  this other stuff well when you actually do walk  

Away you start to realize that you have the power  that you have the power to essentially just laugh   at them and say good luck a-hole and when you  guys go overseas which I’ve talked about many   times before they literally have no options AWS  no deep down they don’t have any options the only  

Options they really have which we’ve gone over  before for those of you who are knew the only   options they actually have are to deflect insult  guilt Gaslight and shame you to come back because   gentlemen here’s the biggest problem that AWS  don’t understand we haven’t really nailed this  

Before they have no other options than a western  simp I’m going to repeat a W’s only have options   as a western simp that’s their only option now  why don’t they have more options you ask because   gentlemen nobody wants to deal with them and  they they of course twist it and say well you  

Can’t handle me I you can’t handle me at my worst  so you can’t handle me at my best well where is   your best ouch do you see what I’m saying so  of course after all that being said what do  

They do they follow you to to the other country  to see what you’re doing why am I losing my men why getting the results that I want why am  I not guys they have no other option they   are lost they have what what other options  do they have their only other option guys  

Is a very very dark one we don’t want to  talk about on YouTube we won’t see it uh let’s see it’s crazy they flew all the way  to Thailand with a married husband just to   say we don’t want our need and stop please  showing off your foreign traditional women  

To us because we don’t care thousands of  miles man Zoom to Thailand made a two-part   really good video on this topic yeah well again  gentlemen they have no other options AWS don’t   see what you’ve been I don’t want to go down  this path but gentlemen you’ve been lied to  

By AWS what they say and what they do are two  different things they’ve said for many years   they don’t need you they’ve said they don’t  want you they said you’re Dusty well you’re   leaving overseas because you can’t deal with  us but gentlemen if they were so great how  

Come keep guys keep me if AWS are so great  how come guys keep leaving ouch that’s what   you need to ask yourself Miss aw my AWS out  there who watch this stuff and who grind and

Grit and you need to come and look in inside  you’re going to have to find out why they’re   doing and at the end of the day you’re  going to blame here’s what you’re going   to do to my AWS out there now I know I don’t  normally directly talk directly to you but I  

Want you little AWS to know something I know you  better than yourself for accepting the lie and   once you eventually come full circle and you  say you know what it is me are going to Face Reality more more girls are posting this online  they understanding that they made a mistake and  

No matter how many simps come to your Aid and  how many of your chick friends tell you you know   you’re still amazing and stupendous you know the  truth deep down that you were lied to that your  

Mom kicked away your dad and she did the same  thing that you You’ never known a real actual   man in your life you’ve only known simps and  you’ve only known other liberal women you don’t   understand how to be conservative you know these  things are true and this is very depressing to  

You I know and I know it hurts that there’s  nothing we can do to save you you made your   choice and now you have to deal with that choice  and guys are going to keep leaving they’re not   coming back anytime soon they’ve already left  the vast majority of men aren’t even interested  

In hookups do you understand how bad that is  the vast majority of men aren’t even interested   in hooking up from top to bottom they’re just  like I can get it whenever I want these girls   don’t ran through it’s incredible of course  they’re going to follow us to other countries  

Men’s daily advice you think it’s it’s bad now  it’s going to get even worse they are going to   follow us to the ends of the Earth because you  want to know why gentlemen that we’re the only  

Ones that they know they can get if they shame  us enough look at this beautiful view look at   this you guys got to see this it’s freaking  spectacular I know it’s not very sunny out but guys they know it’s over they know they  have no other options they know they’re in

Trouble they know they’re in big trouble what  else are they going to do what are they going   to do stay in the west and cry themselves to sleep  every night no gentlemen they are going to follow   their anger they’re going to follow every bit  of the pain that they’ve been experiencing and  

The person that they blame which is us and  they’re going to get more and more pissed   and they’re going to find ways to make everybody  else miserable and you know what’s funny none of   that’s going to work because you want to know  what’s really going to happen and see here’s  

What’s going to make it even worse is when the  AWS go overseas and try to shame guys overseas   guys they’re not going to get the same response  they get in the west they are going to get shamed   and lambasted they are going to be ejected  from these countries if they get too crazy  

Because gentlemen the biggest problem with AWS  is they don’t understand any patriarchal system   they think they live in a patriarchy here but  they don’t patriarchies exist overseas in fact   almost everywhere you go overseas gentlemen is  a patriarchy the only places that aren’t are you  

Know the Western countries Canada United States  western Europe Australia guys other than that the   vast majority of the world is actually quite  patriarchal and so the AWS are going to have   to deal with this the AWS are going to find  out of the very very very hard way that they  

Have no allies anywhere and a lot of you guys  may not understand this or may not know this   but gentlemen when you do leave you are going to  be blown away now we can do video after video I  

Can bring on traditional foreign women and all  this stuff but gentlemen you’re going to have   to go experience it eventually you’re going to  have to get out of this country and understand   what I’m talking about and you’re going to be  blown the F away now if you’ve only been to  

Western countries you’re not going to be blown  away if you go to Canada if you go to Western   Europe if you go to America you’re going to see  the same old crap a bunch of angry Western A’s

AWS and this is not going to be eye opening for  you now here’s what’s funny guys I moved out to   Texas a couple weeks well week and a half ago  it’s my second time here and the women here  

Are much more feminine I give them high high  marks for that there are more relationships   here there are more babies being made here  there are more tradition I can tell the ladies   aren’t necessarily as ball busting there’s I’m  100% with you to the midwesterners and Middle

America is again gentlemen the laws don’t favor us  so regardless you can tell me to your blue in the   face I’m going to get a country girl I got you  I’m with you but I’m never going to sign off on  

This until the laws change because right now if  you do these things you are giving the power to   the AWS now again when they’re about to hit the  wall what are they going to do they’re going to  

Pull the eject the rip cord they’re going to eject  they’re going to blow up a 25y year marriage guys   there’s women from Tennessee and Texas that get  divorced all the time now divorce rates in Texas  

Are actually the lowest in general I’m still  not going to sign off on it now the only reason   they’re the lowest is because it’s the one of the  most expensive states to get a divorce so a lot of   people stay married longer and they’re miserable  just because you’re married doesn’t mean you’re  

Happy gentlemen doesn’t mean that you’re having a  good time so one of the things you guys are going   to have to understand is the wall is coming  whether the little ladies want it or not and  

They are going to test that wall we haven’t gone  over this in almost 1700 videos gentlemen but the   women in the west AWS are going to test this wall  they’re going to test the theory they’re going to   say the wall doesn’t exist you see video after  video constantly proclaiming there is no wall  

You see women telling other women over and over  again that you are desirable in your 60s you see   constant nonsense over and over and over again  that all of a sudden somehow the wall doesn’t   exist gentlemen do you understand how detrimental  that is for future generations of AWS do you  

Understand that that resonates that the little  AWS still haven’t learned their lesson they’re   literally denying the fact that they’re going not  going to lose their egg that they’re going to lose   their eggs that somehow they’re still going to be  desirable do you see what I’m getting at gentlemen  

They haven’t learned anything they haven’t  learned a damn thing oh guys I’m going into   the Ozarks I’m going into the forest there might  be a serial killer out there better better watch out oh the poor lady W’s why was the married  Matrix chick in Zoom to Thailand’s video shocked  

That she had no idea there were so many women in  Thailand like the ratio was 20 to1 and her husband   looked very disappointed uh well men’s daily  advice because again AWS they live in a very   very tight little bubble they live in fantasy  what we’ve discussed before on this channel is  

That AWS have a very active imagination they’re  great at imagining guys one of the best artists   I ever used for my video game prodction the best  I had is an artist there just like they okay and   there’s plenty of good guy artists out there  but guys the little ladies when they get good  

At drawing oh my God they’re pretty good at it  very good active imag so they stay in this kind   of Quasi fantasy environment where they think  everything is idealized and centered around   them which of course Western culture kisses their  butt tells them they’re stupendous they could do  

Anything they want anything a man could do they  could be desirable until 150 years old but we we   got we already know J this isn’t true so so  what they’re going to do is they’re going to   post their regret online they’re going to post  their you want to know another reason why they  

Post a regret online is because they need to fill  the attention Gap they need to feel better about   their bad decision see what they really do this  for gentleman is posting their regret online is   to Virtue signal number one but to also get  the attention and validation that they crave  

So deeply that they never got from the first  man they were with and the saddest part about   all this it never changes the outcome it never  makes them more more desirable it never makes   them successful isn’t that sad it’s unfortunate  it really is it’s the saddest thing gentlemen  

See it’s seeing AWS kind of just shrivel up and  get miserable and lonely and the the last place   I was living guys the small apartment shout out  to my bro for allowing me to stay sometimes you  

Got to sleep on the floor guys sometimes  you got to sleep on the floor you got to   got to etch it out get a Hustle but this Karen  who lived above us the saddest thing is just   seeing her turkey face her her desperate  and she was a full-blown Karen she was a  

Full-blown Karen she was in everybody else’s  business all she wanted was to focus all this   attention on one dude all she really wanted was  a family I lived here for 18 years I left here   for 20 years did I tell you I lived here for 18  another Karen another another casualty ah poor  

Little ladies but it is what it is guys just let  them do their thing holy cow we gone already an hour it is beautiful out here though I have to  admit it is absolutely spectacular I’m loving  

This m there was only one one Dead Zone by the  way on this uh on this Trail so that’s not too bad   we can handle that guys can’t we it was just one  little Zone I think I can I think I can get past  

That but other than that smooth streaming um it’s  cuz I went to this little Park this beautiful Park   yeah anyway dark Rebel too many guys still think  30 is young for a yeah tell me about a dark Rebel  

W that is pretty gentlemen do you understand that  overseas you know dark dark Rebel makes a great   Point overseas they’re very very conscientious  of the wall guys you understand that the little   Chinese that I met this little Chinese in Hong  Kong she was so man she was cute she was really  

Cute man and she was also pretty and I told  you guys that’s my type I have a type I like   girls that are kind of cute but pretty at the same  time you know maybe a little dimple or they have a  

Little butt nose or something but she was pretty  she had really long hair and she had uh kind of   higher cheekbones and a heart-shaped face I love  heart-shaped face uh kind of larger almond shaped   eyes so she was like she looked like a little  she looked like a little Pokemon character or  

Something but she was very pretty and she was a  presenter she was one of these news anchors right   she was one of these news anchors which they call  presenter she’s like I am speaking five languages  

But I am not fluent I wish I was and she guys she  had the softest skin oh my God she was soft and I   held her God I guys I held her little hand and  man she was so feminine she’s like you are very  

Gentle to me I appreciate it she was very she was  so respectful what am I getting it guys she was   25 she’s like I am almost 26 I am leftovers now  she and she literally knew she knew she’s like  

I waited too long I’m very scared I don’t think I  can I don’t think I can get she did get a husband   she was very sweet and very she kind of had  like um I can’t compare it to any like American  

Actresses because a lot of the Asian-American  actresses are not necessarily the most beautiful   you know what I mean so I was like I can’t really  compare her but just think of um think of like a  

Little like a Chinese doll very I don’t know just  very very very pretty and and by the way oh here’s   the other thing she said I am fat and I looked at  her and I said she was like guys maybe 5’5 120 lb  

110 P guys that’s considered fat and she had  large chest let’s just put it that way and she   was fit but in China that’s considered fat if you  have big breasts in China they think you’re fat I  

Was like damn I am oh and no cellulite don’t worry  no cellulite no stomach fat I looked at her ABS oh   yeah I looked at her ABS guys she had no stomach  fat she wasn’t you know she was in shape I was  

Like oh my God and she didn’t understand that  breasts large breasts in America is considered   very attractive and you know what I mean like a  man she was so what am I getting at she knew there  

Was a wall she knew that the wall was undefeated  she knew she couldn’t escape it guys she didn’t   did not fight with me on this at on this at all  and guys you would have thought she was pretty  

I’m not bragging I’ve had some very pretty women  in my life and I’ve had some very ugly women in   my life I’m not going to lie I’m not like the  dating roaches shout out to the dating roaches  

She was probably a la 7 which is a Wisconsin  9 no she was she was pretty so but this girl   just approached me you are very handsome I said  what the hell is happening and by the way guys I  

Wasn’t in shape I was fat at the time my arms were  skinny and I had a belly my arms were skinny and   I had a big belly anyway they know the Wall’s  coming guys they understand this fact All Too

Well men’s daily advice hell everything he said  was right on the money about the Matrix a W is   being shocked uh especially seeing tons of a am  overseas in the very Eastern and Deep South deep  

Southern hemisphere of the globe yep hell Kevin  Samuels even said that a lady came on his show in   her late 70s talking about she’s ready to date  again yeah oh I believe you thousands of women  

In time overwhelmed her yeah gentlemen I dudes  are too generous in the west with age oh I oh   happy to catch you L thanks dark rebel I love  that when you guys chime in you guys give me  

Energy I guys I could do these streams for hours  I could do these streams for hours I’m not lying   all I need is a little bite to eat and then I  just go off and do my thing but D there is no  

There is no there is no end of the rainbow there  is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for   the AWS because what they don’t understand is  time is running out the time is working against  

Them the amount of bodies that they’re racking  up the physical wall gentlemen when okay like   let’s say for example let’s say for example you  dark Rebel or you men’s daily advice you meet   an 18yearold 19-year-old whatever aw right she’s  already racked up 200 bodies in which guys today  

Is not unheard of let’s say you meet one of them  do you think she’s going to be mentally okay do   you think she’s going to be happy does she do  you think she’s going to be able to keep you  

No because she is so used to being tossed  to the side of the road she is so used to being not treated as girlfriend wife material I’m   breathing through my mouth like a mouth  breather guys and the reason for this  

Is because when you’re talking it’s hard  to breathe through your nose at the same time but unfortunately this aw is going to learn  the hard way this and all of them are going to   have to contend with the fact that they’re getting  too old that they’re getting out of shape that  

Hundreds of bodies takes a toll on there body  guys I don’t want to get too graphic but let’s   be honest when you’re with a woman who’s been  with a lot of bodies down there there’s going to  

Be an alteration let’s just say most of those that  have been with a high level they’re going to be a   little bit let’s just say like a catcher mitt they  are going to be uh I can’t say this on YouTube but  

It’s going to be like throwing a pencil down a  m Shaft or throwing a c they could say that they   want 50 in I want a guy who’s 14 inches guys don’t  let that stuff bother you because that’s like  

Taking a freaking cucumber and throwing it down  a freaking well okay it doesn’t matter because   what a lot of guys don’t understand is that their  body does change when they do those things now why   does it because it’s accommodating the many times  that they’re doing this I can’t see this stuff on  

YouTube all right Jesus she was very humble men’s  daily Vice yeah guys and by the way men’s daily   Vice this 25-year-old chick I think she’d only  been with like one dude I she said she kissed a  

Guy he kissed her on I can’t remember guys this is  so many years ago I got to get all these stories   and just write them down so I don’t forget okay by  the way AWS and to my ladies out there size does  

Matter for you oh because if you’ve been with  a lot of dudes now don’t get me wrong guys some   ladies are bigger down there because they’re  bigger they’re usually taller right that can   influence certain things however however this  can also be the opposite because gentlemen I  

Did triggering stuff very tall she was about 5  foot n and a half she was very pretty she was   in very good shape not an ounce of B she wasn’t  fat she wasn’t skinny but what was funny is she  

Was very tall and she was not a small girl however  in the down stairs it was very challenging for me   to to I can’t say if I say this on YouTube guys  they’re gonna they’re gonna kick down my stream  

Wow there’s graffiti over here maybe this is where  are there go wow I would have never seen that if   I hadn’t walked down there but other than that I  haven’t met I’ve only seen three homeless people   and they are very different than La homeless  people these homeless people are actually clean  

And they’re friendly it’s very strange but uh  what’s funny is the whole tightening of the   lower regions uh is not necessarily proportionate  to how tall they are okay but I think there is   definitely a correlation between their body count  and downstairs because if you notice guys a lot  

Of prawn stars expra stars want to get vaginal 1 2  3 4 Rejuvenation okay does that make sense so yes   there is a physical wall ladies unfortunately  the more you go through the saxual process in  

So many words you are going to take mileage on  your body and most guys want nothing to do with   that mileage they don’t want anything to I got bad  news from my AWS out there if you got a high high  

Body count you’ve done irreparable damage to your  body you’ve done irreparable damage to your psyche   there is a psychological wall you’re going to have  to face the these problems eventually I don’t care   how many times you post your regret online it’s  like being with a much older Jen Z Kelly type of  

Aw knowing that all of their nether regions are  expanded I hope I can get that on YouTube YouTube   is very sensitive to this stuff sometimes it it’s  really it’s kind of a crapshoot so I understand Mr   reviewer if you’re reviewing this YouTube video  right now you’re seeing if this is suitable for  

All advertisers I’m keeping it rated rated G I’m  gonna you know what I’m going to do guys I’m going   to put little little characters on here little  elephants and happy happy dogs little cartoon   characters I’m going to do that and then I’m going  to explain these situations in very kidfriendly

Dialogue I’ll say oh that’s the No No Zone that’s  the I’m gonna be very religious about it it’s   gonna be funny so yeah unfortunately AWS have man  I’m so loud I don’t need to shout so loud I need  

To I need to tone it down I’m like yelling at the  top of my lungs here I’m so used to screaming and   shouting in LA Los Angeles you know what’s funny  guys speaking of La a lot of the ladies there the  

Wall oh my poor little AWS my poor La chicks oh  yeah plastic Patty oh yeah you just couldn’t hack   it her you canot hack it her sorry I got bad news  for you miss plastic Patty I did hack it in LA  

For many many many years but I’m I’m not going to  stay in a place with in extremely high prices it   overcrowded with everything spread out horrible  traffic probably the most ran through chicks   you’ll ever come across who have dated every dude  in one County and then they go to the other and  

All the at the same time be in the rat race with  a bunch of other dudes with Porsches Lamborghinis   etc etc the hell am I doing why am I competing  over there you know where you go and compete  

Guys where you going to make Headway that’s where  you go compete you know what I mean I got bad new   the No No Zone yeah exactly I got bad news for  my AWS especially my ala chicks sweetheart you  

Got a lot of you girls you know you’re you’ve  hit the wall you know you have you know you’re   18 19 you got tattoos all over your chest you  got tattoos on your neck and you’re angry and  

You’ve been getting toss to the side of the road  since you were in your teens your middle teens   your mid- teens and now you’re pissed off you’re  pissed off gentlemen when I talk about kayes when  

I used to talk about KES and KS and you used to  see them in my video a lot of these girls were   very ready to start riding the you know what and  they were very young and as soon as that happens  

We’ve already spoken about this before as soon as  that happens you know what happens they get their   heartbroken they get their little heart crushed  they get their little heart crushed into a million   pieces and they cry you want to know why I know  this gentleman because I’ve done I’ve done it and  

I’ve seen it so many times in my life I thought  he loved me but he doesn’t and all this stuff   and I’m like well the police are coming for me  guess see police coming for me oh that who’s that  

Creep he’s creeping around and he’s shouting and  screaming and we this tight quiet little town in   this SOB gentlemen I needed to get to a small town  quiet peace I can actually think before it’s like   slamming noise Sirens every effing minute of the  day day and night Sirens fire engines ambulances  

Police cars people who are trying to get clout  I’m good I don’t need any of these headaches you   know what I need peace and quiet because you want  to know something gentlemen for those of you who   are already inspired and motivated you don’t need  external stress you know what you need internal  

Power well you already got it but you see what  I’m saying guys I don’t need somebody kicking   my ass to motivate me I’m not one of those types I  don’t need anybody breathing down my neck telling  

Me what I need to do to get to a to ABC I’m not  that type I don’t need and I’ve always been this   way when people tell me I need to do this and  this I’m like dude just keep your F your effing  

Mouth shut I know what I’m doing number one and  if I do need help I’ll come to you number three   I’ve already got internal motiv motivation more  than most people I don’t need people telling  

Me I need to work till I’m dead till I drop dead  which is which is part of this whole equation too   as well guys AWS are working themselves to death  they are literally working themselves to Absolute   failure they have no personal life and all their  life revolves around their boss cracking the whip  

I don’t need that guys I’m very selfmotivated  gentleman I could work every day the hell is   this coffee beans I could work every day it’s not  a big deal but the point is I’m not going to work  

Myself to death and never do anything with my life  and not have a personal life it’s not happening   gentlemen you still need a personal purpose in  life I know I pushed business purpose for a long   time but you also need a personal purpose you  can’t just what what let’s say you work every  

Day of your life 24 hours a day seven days a week  gentlemen you’re going to burn out number one and   number two you’re going to be very irritable  and number three guess what your personal life  

Is gone and you start asking yourself why am  I even doing this what am I am I going to work   till I drop dead just to work people who live  to work gentlemen are very very very neglected  

In the personal department they have no personal  life you have to have at least a little bit of   a personal life now what is a personal life a  personal life now I’m going to get it tie this  

All back together a personal life is enjoying some  of the personal sides of life for example Hobbies   video games gardening hiking swimming swimming  trail riding riding horses hunting firing off   weapons learning how to bow hunt learning how  to shoot a firearm riding motorcycles personal

Hobbies gentlemen do guys do you know that I  started these this channel as a hobby because   to me it’s not really that much work and I was  like oh yeah I’ll just start as a hobby and I’ll  

Learn a little bit about marketing and I’ll  do my thing and I was like wait a minute this   is actually resonating it’s actually pretty fun  for me so I started doing it and it turned into   a business ironically but the point being guys  this is a business everything is a business when  

It comes to when it comes to this side YouTube  is very much a business now you can make it a   hobby or you can make it a business that’s up to  you but for me it’s a business so there you go  

But it’s funny that this started off as a kind  of a personal hobby now have other Hobbies but   my point is isn’t another way that AWS are just  hitting the wall they don’t have a personal life   or their personal life is absolute an absolute  disaster and this is one of the things that  

Also I got out of LA because people in La don’t  have a personal life they really don’t they have   people in the major uh liberal areas usually  have zero personal life or their personal life   is absolute disaster and this is what you’re  getting with the AWS a lot of that wall is not  

Having a personal life or having a very very  poor one no friends no family that they’ve   created the only thing they really have is a  dog or a cat they stay at home all day lonely   depressed they scroll through Instagram  guys scrolling through Instagram is not a

Hobby that’s not a hobby okay let’s  just be honest scrolling through any   type of social social media is  not a hobby you know what that is it’s filling time anyway some of my other Hobbies you may not  know gentlemen are cooking I love to cook it’s  

Actually kind of relaxing to me in many ways I  enjoy it I like creating new flavors and stuff   like that I really enjoy that another hobby of  mine used to be working on cars when I was in  

Cars that was really cool paint drawing you  know what I mean and a lot of AWS don’t have   this stuff they spent their whole life chasing an  unrealistic goal and that’s another reason why I  

Got out of Los Angeles guys I’m not going to be  in the rat race I’m not going to work to become   high value and then all of a sudden that’s it I  get a a fat lazy aw I’m not doing I’m not doing  

That crap uh what was the other oh yeah so what  they do is they’re posting a lot of this regret   online and by the way guys as many mistakes as  I’ve made I’ll be honest with you I don’t have  

Many regrets of course you can’t live your whole  life without some regrets there’s no doubt about   it but if I could do it over there’s a couple  of doovers that I would have done but at the  

End of the day I’m living every day I guys I’ve  never been more alive I still got bills to pay   I still got taxes to pay I still have what’s  it called um um what is it uh debts to pay I  

Still have things that I got to do but this is  just more business life wow it is so peaceful   out here guys and quiet and I keep screaming I’m  so not used to this peace and quiet it’s crazy I  

Went guys you’re not gonna you guys are going to  laugh I went to the grocery store yesterday this   is one of the things I’m talking about Midwestern  girls are very nice they’re there spectacular but   it was funny because I went to the grocery store  and everybody was moving together nobody was H  

Felt uncomfortable about distances between each  other nobody was awkward it was the most I could   I felt out of place I was like wait a minute  why why I got to slow down I had to slow down   my Tempo because I’m so used to very anxious  very self-centered very stressed out anx like  

Um uh very hyperactive behavior in the big cities  gentlemen if you go to New York and you’re from a   small town in the midwest you’re going to be  shocked because in the midwest everything is  

Slower oh guys you got to see this beautiful view  hold on a second let me show you this you guys are   going to love this hold on a second if you’re  from the Midwest and you come out to one look  

At that Lake look at that Lake oh man we got a  lot of rain yesterday that is be I got to go down   there today I’m going to go down there might do  a second stream but it’s crazy because you go to  

These these big cities as a small timer and you’re  Blown Away by the amount of drugs people do you’re   Blown Away by the intensity the fast pace the go  go go go mentality never stop constantly going and  

Going and nobody Sleeps and everybody is selling  as much as they can and excess and you know cars   and it’s constant intensity uh my brother said  something very very poignant the other day shout  

Out to you buddy he said you have to smoke pot  in Los Angeles just to handle all the noise and   stress I to be honest with them I can’t disagree  I mean it is so intense and you can’t you don’t  

Even get a chance to breathe you’re living by the  beach you’re having a good time yeah let’s go out   and drink let’s party let’s do it’s like dude calm  down take a breath enjoy your life your personal  

Not your business life and this is another reason  why the AWS are hitting the wall man guys they   have no personal life oh there’s some deer right  there there’s some deer right there oh she’s a   beautiful dough Jesus those are literally they  they literally just look the deer the deer was on  

Her lawn look see the deer right there the deer  is on her lawn and they’re just they’re kicking   it and she just drove by them hey dear how’s it  going I bet bet that but that she’s she looks delicious hold on hold on stream lag

Hold on hold on stream leg buffering  this is the dead zone we got the dead zone hold on is the deer chasing me hold on  guys hold on I got to run down this stupid Hill hold on hold on oh my

God oh my God that killed me  oh that killed me guys sorry   for the dead zones stuff h jeez Louise that killed me sorry guys freaking Dead Zone  I ran down the hill there’s just   like one little dead zone there but other than

That man I’m dead why am I dead Lord have [Music]  mercy all right sorry about that all right we’re   back there’s just one dead zone there that’s  my bed okay my bad my bad my bad I’m kind of  

Hungry I’m going to go eat some lunch I made some  tacos I’m not that hungry I’ll be honest with you   let’s let’s keep going guys let’s have some fun  let’s let’s have some fun don’t laugh this is  

Karen Cocker see my trapezoid smile I’m happy  I’m not hitting the wall see my Angry V right here turn off your loud music I’m not playing  any loud music Karen cockman I don’t care   there’s music in my head I don’t like your  attitude I couldna poke you with little

Needles I wish I had a husband sad turkey  Shad turkey I’m a Shad turkey yeah guys   have you ever noticed that the average Karen  is kind of a mixture between rosin pork belly   and an old jenzy Kelly you know what I mean  they it looks like a sad chicken it’s just

The oh my God I’m getting a part-time job  guys I want I want this stream I’m willing   to go back to Medi well not mediocrity but  a little above mediocrity just to keep this   stream to get this stream to get these streams  to where we are making a little bit of cash and  

By the way gentlemen I don’t even if I do these  streams and I’m just making my living expenses   I’ll be happy I’m not even joking guys I don’t  care about being a multi-millionaire and all   this it really is okay if I do fantastic  but to be honest with you I really don’t  

Care because at the end of the day money does  gentlemen money is one of the easiest things   to make in life it really is it’s about  keeping your money that’s the hard part   and number two you know what doesn’t really  motivate me high value gentlemen who cares  

What is high value going to bring you other  than a bunch of gold diggers a bunch of angry bees you know what I mean and not only that you  can get a nice beautiful traditional foreign  

Women overseas who hasn’t hit the wall ouch AWS  don’t like that you know what’s funny is the vast   majority of women that I saw overseas when I did  go overseas every time I’ve been and I’m going to  

Go back by the way they were all in shape none of  them had hit the wall only the ones that were old   and married old and had boyfriends that was it  but other than that they were very pretty and  

They were very proper and the like the girl from  this girl from maau she was absolutely adorable   she smiled all the time she was always smiling and  she was so cute because she would always she would  

Always say thing she would say things to Bright  to always brighten my day she would text me in   the morning good morning I was thinking about you  and I saw this little egg and she would send me a  

A picture of an egg and I’m like what the hell is  this egg it is a maau egg and I’d laugh I was like   this girl is just adorable she was very cute and  constantly bouncy constantly she never gave me any

Attitude she never gave me any and she’s like  I am 24 I am getting old and it was just the   funniest thing cuz this is a more of a Cantonese  maau girl and I know some of you guys aren’t into  

The Chinese EES but it means more for me cuz  I love them little chin the Chinese girls are   interesting guys they’re sloppy yeah I noticed a  little differences between okay so Japanese women   are very disciplined I’d say Japanese women are  probably the most disciplined they’re the most  

Disciplined I mean guys they have unreal amounts  of dis the Korean girls are pretty disciplined but   they have more uh what’s it called um they’re more  playful they’re a little more playful okay so they  

Do like the eggo which is cutesy stuff like you  know they very cutesy and giggly sorry for all the   nois they’re doing some construction over here  in the woods in the forest and then the little  

Tie girls are more calm traditional Tha women are  more calm sorry for all the noise lots of noise   over here you guys notice most of these streams  are all Noise free now mostly Noise free I hate  

Beeping drives me crazy I hate that beeping back  there but the ti women are much more calm guys I   met a TI a tii chick out here in this Tiny Town  I was like what are you doing here what are you  

Do oh I am divorced oh you came here for green  card didn’t you yes I made a mistake yeah you   made a mistake you don’t ever get divor man she  was so ashamed of telling me that I could tell  

She was ashamed she she’s like I am racing like  and I said you got divorced and I shook my head   and she’s just like I could tell she was very  she put her head down I was laughing I was like  

You shouldn’t have just ad man you learned your  lesson she’s like yes I said I shamed her ass   but I don’t need to shame her cuz her uh her  family sh her all oh shout out to you my Thai  

Lady My Thai single mom out here in Texas she’s  nice guys she’s nice it’s just I had to give her   crap about that because I am her father guys you  want to know something I am the father of many of  

These RP dudes but I’m also the father of a lot  of these liberal foreign women and I’m also the   father of a lot of these AWS who don’t know  what they’re doing I am all their father you  

Want to know why because I got more experience  than probably all of them combined they don’t   even know what the hell they’re doing now I’m not  arrogant about it I’ve learned the hard way but   what I’m getting at is a lot of them don’t know  what the heck they’re doing these liberal foreign  

Women they don’t know what they’re doing and they  have to learn the hard to all my to all my little Koreans I got bad news for you liberal girls  you don’t come and be conservative your man’s  

Going to leave you and you’re going to be alone  and unhappy like the uh like the AWS all right   you’re going to be hitting the wall too I got  bad news for my little liberal Japanese girls  

Konichiwa if you do not stay traditional you are  going to be left alone too and you’re going to   be very sad you are going to be a sad little  Japanese to my colombianas hola mamitas hola  

Chas if you are not a traditional if you are not  traditionals you know what’s going to happen you   know what’s going to happen my little colombianas  you’re going to be very sad you are going to be a  

Sad sad Colombiana you are not going to be  happy uhoh uhoh we getting stream lag just   checking just checking uh oh just a little little  buffering okay I think we’re back okay okay okay   I got bad news for my little mexicas who think  they could be liberal you know what’s funny is  

To my liberal girls out there I’m your father  but not only that you’re going to learn the   hard way you could say till you’re blue in the  face guys die alone it’s not the ladies who die  

Alone you could say these things you could try  to project you could try to deflect you could   try to insult guilt Gaslight shame all you want  but at the end of the day you’re going to learn  

You’re going to learn the hard way the wall is  undefeated it really is it’s going to take you   whether you deny it you can say look you can say  till you’re blue in the face I’m desirable until  

I’m 80 because simps online kiss my butt but how  many rings do you have how many marriages do you   have how many relationships do you have exactly  zero how many men have you kept in your life

Zero you could say to your blue in the face I am  the table you’re the size of a table there there’s   no doubt I agree with you there you can say till  you’re blue in the face I have all the leverage  

No you don’t because what you don’t understand is  that guys are getting women worldwide you can only   get am simps American men simps that’s all you  can get and you don’t even desire them you are   burning them you’re burning the Destinies you’re  burning the guys who ask you out on the date  

You’re burning the RP dudes who say they have game  you’re trying to get money out of them well guess   what the masculine guys are walking away and by  the way even the guys who aren’t masculine per se  

And who are just young still figuring things out  are walking away they’ve already left and you’re   stuck here alone see what you fail to realize to  my AWS to my sip guys out there there’s nothing  

You could do to fix this you’re already too late  because the Moment of Truth has meant the point of   no return what does that mean you will figure  things out by the time it’s too late you will  

Realize that your powers are gone see one of  the things Tom like has said many many years   ago guys if you get a chance check out Tom like  is really old content 30 years old whatever one  

Thing that Tom like has said that was very very  true is that the little ladies unfortunately the   aw he was ahead of his time in many ways what he  talked about was about how you’re going to realize  

Reality but by the time you’re already past your  Prime when you’re past your Prime it’s too late   that’s what you a lot of the AWS don’t understand  it doesn’t matter how much you prop yourself up it  

Doesn’t matter how much you say well that doesn’t  count you could stay in this fantasy and delusion   as long as you’d like have at it enjoy but the  Moment of clarity is coming and when reality hits  

You you’re not going to be too happy when you get  out of f here’s some my AWS who don’t believe me I   want you to shut off your phone I want you to shut  off your phone right now this is what I want you  

To do to my little AWS in my simps to my people  in delusion I want you to take this phone and I   want you to press the power button okay press  that hold that power button and and then when  

Your phone shuts off I want you to shut off your  computer and all your electronics and everything   that connects you to the internet now I want you  to tell me I want you to tell me how many real  

World options you have right now how many real  world options do you have go ahead feel free to   put it in the comment section you’re just mad cuz  you’re hitting the wall I know you love projecting  

But what real wall do men have if we’re desirable  worldwide not here’s what’s funny to my AWS out   there who are still going to fight me on this how  desirable are Western men to the vast majority of  

Western women how many AWS still ask us out on  dates propose to us marriage hit us up all the   time how many AWS do that all the freaking time  exactly no matter which way you slice it AWS are  

Still hitting us up now not only are AWS hitting  us up now you could say there’s a certain segment   that’ll say no I’m too good for you you’re  Dusty you’re broke if you make only seven   figures whatever what other women desire Western  men worldwide oh wait let’s see H there’s pretty  

Much all of Asia got that all of Eastern Europe  got that pretty much the whole continent of Africa   okay got that uh let’s see what else hm pretty  much all of Latin America wow it looks like wait  

Oh wait we can also get the Western Hemisphere as  well so we essentially have the whole world as our option whereas you oh wait that’s that’s right  you only have online see what a lot of you little   ladies don’t understand is your only options  are virtual and I’ve been talking about this  

For almost two years your options are virtual  we’ve got the options we have the leverage you   do not you can you can wax philosop you can say  till your blue in the face that I am the table  

But in all reality all you are becoming is an  inverted table you are becoming that wall you   could say you have high standards and I dated  multi-billionaires and sure you probably got   ran through by them but how many were you able  to keep when you break it down you are different  

From us you are never going to be like us you  can flatter yourself and flatter us until the   end of time but in all reality all you’re doing  is trying to become us when in all reality you  

Cannot get us or keep us ouch and that’s the  saddest part about this whole wall thing about   you posting your regret online about how sad  you are about how you’re lonely all the time  

About how you cry yourself to sleep about how now  I’m going to get you back and I’m going to double   down on stupid and I’m just going to go ahead  and say well F you I’d rather be alone than be  

With you have at it because what a lot of the AWS  don’t understand is we don’t care oh you say you   don’t care but then you make podcasts you want to  know why we make podcasts Miss genius hello hello  

Anybody home think McFly think the reason why we  make all these is not for you miss self-centered   this isn’t for you none of this kind I got okay to  my AWS out there who understand you understand to  

My AWS who are indignant who aren’t very bright  we don’t make this content for you you know who   we make this content for guys you know who I make  this content for I make this content for guys who  

Are ready to leave for guys who are on the Edge  for guys who are over the edge for guys that are   already on their purpose business and personal  this isn’t for you miss self-centered Miss I  

Am the center of the universe it has nothing  to do with you you’re welcome to join the 20%   of you who do you are welcome to chime in you  are welcome to say that you are incredible when  

In all reality you’ve lost all the things that  made you charming see what I got bad news from   my little AWS is before you weren’t hitting  the wall before you were Superior I got bad   news from my AWS my grandmother could wipe  the floor with all of you she was that much  

Better she was guys my grandmother could wipe  the floor with a lot of traditional War women   she had a great attitude she always supported  my grandfather even when he had a drinking problem she was tough as nails she cleaned  that house every day till she passed on she  

Was made out of toughness she stayed in  shape her whole life I got nothing but   guys I was blown away I could not believe my  grandmother was tough as Nails these dogs dogs agree my grandfather was tough but man was  my grandmother tough she was made of stuff  

You don’t I I don’t even know grew up in  the Great depression and she wasn’t even   depressed and you’re coming up did she  need any head Med head meds no she did   not did she need any padding on  the back oh there’s no wall she  

Would be she’s probably spinning in her  grave right now listening to you ladies wine this content isn’t for you ladies not  even close this is for guys this is for   guys to understand that they have way more  opportunities than they even know they have  

To all my young guys out there to my old  guys to my middle-aged guys to every guy   that’s watching this right now you have all  the options sir you literally have all the power you have the power to win everybody else  nope to my AWS you have zero power you lost all  

Your power when you went against God when you  went against nature when you went against your   very own biology when you said the wall doesn’t  exist when you said you have unlimited time when  

You said I’m going to be like you well I got  a news for you I got two words for you Merry   Christmas Merry Christmas because boy oh boy  you’re gonna be spending it alone most like   because you’re not spending it with a little tie  girl you’re not spending it with a little happy  

Tie you’re not spending it with a little happy  Colombiana a little happy Peruvian you’re not   spending it with a beautiful tiny Korean with a  cute little puffy cheek you’re not spending it   with a Mexicana who has so much passion for  us that she can’t even hold it in all day I  

Was thinking about you all day Papito Chulo I  was think thinking about you all day so I made   you empanadas I made you 50 empanadas cuz I know  you love empanadas and I love you so muches well  

Thank you Miss Mexicana Latina and I did a little  dance and I stayed in shape and my body’s nice   and guys Mexican women holy mackerel they have  ridiculous bodies Mexican women have unbelie and  

Now not the ones that come to unit well a lot of  the on that come to the United States are kind of   chunky you guys know I don’t like them chunks you  can have a juicy you know what in a nice body and  

Not have any cellulite guys there are plenty  of women with curves who don’t have cellulite   that is disgusting anyway your average Mexicana  guys her body is insane and she keeps her hair long let me tell you oh there’s dogs over there  of course it’s so nice out what should I make  

Today guys I’ve been making tacos recently  lots of tacos craving tacos the meat out here   is spectacular by the way shout out to Texas  ranchers shout out to Texas Cattle guys Texas   meat is unbelievable it’s really good I’m not  going to lie the C the cows out here have the  

Most shiny coats and most of them are grass-fed  or pasture raised I wave to everybody I just [Applause] wa dark Rebel slim slim fit with  long hair we have similar taste ball yeah  

Man look guys I love fit chicks I I don’t look to  my ladies out there I know you guys get insecure   about this stuff to my little traditional to  my traditional ladies you don’t have to have  

Big you know what big big chest it’s fine just  stay in shape you already know stay make sure   you run make sure you don’t eat too much Etc you  know how it goes don’t starve yourself all right  

Take it easy the dogs agree they’re like their  bees in shape just make sure you know take it   easy but yeah guys so these traditional  foreign women are hiding some incredible   bodies oh my God my little thick Columbia oh  my God gentlemen the last Colombiana I went  

Out with I I it was one of the best bodies I’ve  ever seen in my entire life and I’ve seen a lot   of bodies she literally her her chest she swore  up and down it wasn’t fake guys I te I tested  

It it wasn’t fake and it was like perky I  my eyes just I I could not understand how   perky she’s like it’s just genetics papy  feet though I’m scratching my head going   how are and her oh my God she almost had like  she had like the outline of the four pack and

Humongous Peach in the back and she did not  have any cellulite there was Zero cellulite   zero I check I go like this you know what I do  guys I get on my fat my body fat calipers and I  

Go like this you know I clip the the body fat  C she was running like less than 20% body fat   okay I don’t need you to be a rail okay that’s  not what I’m saying but she was in tip top shape  

She said I do my dancings first I do my little  dancings and then and then I do the weights I do   this I go ah I said that’s good Latina I said mu  Bueno isn’t that right doggy the dog agrees holy  

Mac guys I need some food getting hungry out here  the dogs agree so just remember gentlemen as far   as the wall goes for you you have nothing these  poor little ladies man they’re projecting hard   I feel bad for him sometimes I really do cuz  it’s kind of pathetic at this point you know  

Before I didn’t feel bad for him now I just  like God your life is so pathetic and all the   while they keep doubling down on stupid they keep  telling us that we’re the problem I’m like okay  

I mean if that’s the way you want to live I mean  crazy is is crazy does it’s kind of hysterically   funny so just remember gentlemen the wall is  undefeated they’re going to keep posting their   regret online 30-year marriage so sorry for the  noise guys they’re doing they’re constructing a  

House right near me 30y year marriage 40y year  marriage doesn’t matter they’re going to break   it apart and they’re going to learn the hard  way and we’re we’re they’re actually doing us   a favor okay so stack up your paper figure out  which part of the globe you want to go to if you  

Want to go to Brazil guys those Brazilian women  are nuts you want to go to Brazil have oh now   the Sun comes out okay good I won’t get sunburned  I’m not going to become a redneck just make sure  

You stack your paper stand your personal purpose  business purpose ah we’re going to live our life   of abundance and guys we’re just going to keep  winning donkey punch the like button on the way   out bring you to subscribe button comment in the  comment section become a legionaire member hit  

The notification Bell and as always gentlemen I’m  definitely watching you so let’s get to it yeah


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    00:00…Karen "Trapezoid" Cockbender is mad!
    07:00…AW's misery hasn't peaked
    13:00…Some buffering
    20:00…AW's are none of what they say they are
    30:00…Alpha Adam holds frame!
    38:00…AW's use reverse psychology
    47:00…AW's can't go overseas and get the same results as AM's
    53:00…AW's imagination
    1:00:00…AW's say there is no wall?
    1:07:00…AW's ruin their bodies?
    1:13:00…Personal purpose
    1:20:00…AW's personal lives
    1:27:00…TFW's behavior
    1:33:00…AWs past their prime
    1:38:00…This content is not for AWs
    1:43:00…TFWs are in shape

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