Shannon Sharpe & Chad Johnson react to Deontay Wilder’s SHOCKING upset to Joseph Parker | Nightcap

Shannon Sharpe and Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson react to Deontay Wilder’s loss Joseph Parker by unanimous decision. They question whether Wilder’s lack of technique can be fixed this late into his career.

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I tell you what you’re not going to feel worse than Deontay Wilder he got to come all back with that L and how he looked tonight all the way from Saudi yeah you know after that performance they should make him walk back after what he put on

Tap day oo they need to make him walk you know no Wilder man good good friend of mine boxing is weird the way it works boxing is weird the way it works is he’s he’s always been dominant he’s always been dominant with one hand and one punch he’s always been dominant with one

Hand and one punch for so long he’s relied on it for such a period of time that now I think it’s almost too late where now it would be much better nothing now it’s too late it’s too late know mean if he a little bit more Technical and a little

Bit more sound as a boxer not a puncher yeah you know because now you’re now you’re meeting people that have a a great Ring IQ that are able to protect themselves from that one hand and that one punch and they are they are better boxers does that if that makes sense

They might not be the better they might not be the better fighter than him but they are the better boxer they’re out boxing him yeah and yeah and as long as they don’t walk into that punch or he let them set them up and trap him but I

Think the thing is for him Oho in Combat Sports like when you’re when you’re like Invincible you remember how Mike Tyson was Mike nobody really wanted to fight Tyson until Buster Douglas knocked him out and then everybody had a line around the block it was the same thing with

George Foreman when when he was knocking people out he almost killed georgea uh uh George fras uh uh Joe Frasier when he almost killed Ken Norton nobody wanted to fight him then Muhammad Ali beat him he took a sabatical because the the era of instability in invincibility when you’re

That guy when you’re the king of the mountain kind of like a bully everybody scared of the bully until somebody whip his ass a you ain’t all that b shut up you Ain you ain’t beat him why you telling me to be quiet you should have

Told that man to whip your ass to be quiet and that’s how it is in anything in any combat sport as long as like you have this this this ER this Aura of in invincibility people gonna be like man can anybody because you have to understand Deontay Wilder although he

Only had that one punch it was dite effective any listen this is the this is the funny thing about it I’ve seen Deontay wild wild Spar a few times listen the sound the power behind those punches or that one punch the jab is nice but when that right hand catch you

And if it does catch you he ain’t even got to hit you clean he could graze you no and you going down but then when you get against better competition you get you come against boxers that are good that have great footwork that can that

Can get in and get out even though they heavy weights and they’re outboxing you using this up here then you struggle you struggle a little bit in most heavyweights oo as you go up in weight classes most Fighters as you start going up in weight classes can end

The fight with one punch obviously in the heavyweight division everybody can throw a punch and get you up out of there but the thing with a boxer is that he knows I ain’t gonna stand directly in front of you I’m gonna hey I’m gonna

Come in at Angles and I’m GNA try to I’m gonna negate some of that power that you have by not standing in front of you and so now all of a sudden instead of a square target they give you like this here you ain’t got nothing to hit well when you

Come yeah I mean you get like like hit my head hit my it’s like a stop sign so he goon te off on you and that you know the thing was what really I me and I don’t like I said I I follow boxing I

Love boxing and I’m a huge boxing fan I think what broke him more than anything it wasn’t losing is when he hit the guy with his best punch and he got up yeah he got up nobody had ever gotten up from a punch like that and he kid him

Flush and he s up in the middle ring like Undertaker and got up and commenced to whipping his ass he said Oho if you tea off on somebody you hit them as hard as God will let you and he don’t go nowhere or if you knock him down he get

Back up I got to run well you in the Box it could almost be demoralizing like godamn that was that was that was my best shot that was all got and to see somebody take your power and get up and continue to fight it does something to

You mentally I’m I’m sure it does obviously I only been in the ring once so I really am am not you know really equipped to be able to talk about it like that but but with the with the love I have for the for boxing and the love I

Have for watching the sweet science throughout the years I think I’m somewhat kind of qualified to talk about it how about we put how about we how about put we put it in terms that we do our best hitter hit the receiver he go across the middle and we hit him flush

And guess what two plays later they throw the ball to him again he go up and grab like damn okay man you know how many times we have had guys turn that down when they see them guys like that now all of a sudden we like well damn he

Ain’t scared he ain’t got no alligator arms he he he really about that life so it it takes something out of not just the defense it takes some out of the whole team because as an offense we used to seeing guy him yeah and all of a sudden he ain’t laid

Out he catching the ball and he off at all and the funny the funny thing about boxing the funny thing the great thing that I love about the sweet science is Styles win fights Styles win fights so no matter how much of a power punch you

Are no matter how much you can you can hit somebody with one shot when you get a when you get a better fighter in front of you that is great at movement understanding when to take chances and what when not to that is very sound defensively and has a ring IQ that is

Trouble for anybody that’s a that’s a one hitter quitter like like um Wilder rids I wish I wish even at 38 I’m not I’m not sure at 38 can you develop the skill set to be a better a better boxer and have a better ring IQ I doubt it oo

Or is it too late but think about it oo he got started in the game late right it’s not like you know what I’m saying oo it’s not like he he he started like in the amateur ranks with the golden gloves and work way up he was a late

Starter anyway so you’re asking him to pick up skills and to be able to do things that he probably should have learned probably like let’s just say from the a let’s just say 10 a 10 year 10 to 12 year old well he didn’t get started till he

WIS so now all of a sudden he’s already at a disadvantage it’s kind of like in any in any sport when you Tiger Woods understood because think about it Tiger Woods had a golf club in his hand two years old versus somebody that start playing golf as a teenager not to say

You know you I think you know the the longer you play something the more skill the more knowledge and the more understanding that you have and so I think that’s what happened with Deontay he got a late start he wasn’t he wasn’t technically sound although he had

Dynamite in that right hand he wasn’t a guy that was looking to put punches together to get you up out of there he was looking for you to make that one mistake he landed that big right and it was like South now if he caught you with

It with the exception of Fury it was good night I every time you think it is too late though do you think it is too late to develop the skill set listen the movement what I saw from him today in the early rounds the movement the being the patience the

Picking and choosing when to take chances and when not to it looked great round one through four even though he was losing those round because he wasn’t as active as he should be is is he scared to take punches Soo because you you know now in order to

Knock somebody out you got to take a chance I ain’t never seen nobody knock nobody out like here got so when you throw that punch guess what’s open your chin cause you trying to line that punch on him or whatever it is maybe it’s a combo maybe it’s a uppercut so whatever

The punch you’re trying to land you subject yourself to taking one do you think after I I I hear boxers always say I hear announcers always say after a boxer’s been knocked out he’s never the same again he’s never the same you you think that that whole truth you

Think yeah yeah it messes with your psyche you think you you get cautious okay get cautious okay I see what you mean I I hey I tell you what I’m old enough to remember you remember in Roy Jones when he lost he was never the accident yeah he

Was he was never the same fighter he was never same now I understand you know he had Roy had went from Roy went from you know Junior all the way up to Super middle all the way to to to heavy he took the belt from R he was 193 he took

The heavyweight title and then he dropped all that weight to come back down that’s what he shouldn’t have done but Roy was not the same fighter after he lost the Tarver he started losing the fighters that Roy would have never Lo Roy would Roy would have toed with him

Yeah most definitely I think I think one one of the problems with Roy also is as his skill started to deteriorate just a little bit just a minute just a little bit he wasn’t sound defensively either because he was so everybody else yeah yeah you know he

Could I mean you know he he Dro his hands and he would like okay you not hey he catch you with that left he would catch you something when you suspected so now you’re not as technically sound and you’re still trying to take those chances as you start the age and the

Reflexes aren’t quite the same so uh uh hopefully that say he coming back he he he can’t in like that you can’t end like that you you get you get you get back in the lab and you you work on what you need to work on and you come back and you keep

On fighting uh uh guys back in the 80s and 90s were so skilled people think heavyweights are just big and slow no footwork giant but you have to understand those guys had Olympic background they came amateurs Ali won the gold medal in 60 Frasier was 64

Foreman was 68 Holyfield was went to the Olympics uh Mike Tyson was a was an alternate in the Olympics Roy Jones was in the Olympics uh Floyd Mayweather was in the Olympics sweet P Whitaker uh uh uh uh Mark Breeland all those guys uh tubs and Henry tman you go back the

Greatest the greatest boxing team ever assembled was the 84 Olympics I think we won 10 of the 12 gold medals and we got a I think we got a silver in one and and a bronze but we won 10 of I think 10 of the 12 and you go look at that

Roster from sweet PE to Mark breelan to Henry tman I mean we we were loaded them boys on there so you think things would be different for him from from a skill point perspective as far as footwork and ring and ring movement ring IQ and stuff

Like that if he had started much earlier as opposed to 20 yeah because the thing is how often are you gonna be able to knock somebody out with that hair gear so now you got to outn them now you got to outbox them you see what I’m saying not not to that

You can knock them out but it’s a lot harder that’s why they spar with headgear it’s a lot harder to knock someone out when they have headgear ver not so now it’s a point system I gotta outpoint you in order to beat you because the likelihood of Me Knocking

You out is but he’s not a volume puncher though so that take that that that takes that out out out the equation too why why because he didn’t have the background the amateur background he didn’t go up and and in the Golden Gloves he didn’t grow up you know to go

To the Olympics so he just got in so to get as far as he got with the limited train and the skills that he has you have to you have to yes but that’s why that’s why I was asking I know boxing is different from football even at 38 is it possible to

Attain those skills even at over a short amount of time to become a volume puncher to be able to come out and throw maybe even even as as a heavyweight it might be ridiculous to say you know 50 60 punches around is that possible or is

That not in his DNA you think you could you think you could have been the same route Runner if you didn’t start playing football till you was 25 hell no boy I need I need I need all 10,000 of them hours exactly to under so now because

You not only do you understand you know okay this is what I want to do you understanding how to set guys up you also understand from the defense that when I catch this ball here’s where the danger is GNA come from so you already know that from all those years man this

Single house safety oh ain’t nobody coming somebody gonna come they gonna be coming from the inside so if I give him an inside move he gonna probably bite I can spin out okay if he’s com coming up on man he probably coming up on the outside let me speak I’m gonna be able

To get back up inside but somebody might be coming so just make sure hey I gotta make this thing happen quick it’s just years and years and years of Repetition


  1. Ye, Wilder changed his style trying to be more technical. Can't do that at that level. He should have built on his unorthodox style and athleticism, setting more traps, and work on his accuracy and volume. His trainers let him down

  2. Wilder been trash. Casuals think he is an actual boxer. The guy has been coddled his entire career. When he finally fights a decent boxer (fury), he gets exposed.

  3. Marc breland (wilder first trainer) messed him up. Only trained for him to use the right hand. Now that he has to rely on other tools, wilder is starting over as a 38yr old fighter. time to retire brother. he cannot afford another L. When wilder get in the ring, and the fight does not go his way, he reverts back to his old ways.

  4. If your familiar with Joseph Parker, and how much Wilder's boxing abilities are behind Parker's, this really isn't that big of an upset. I saw this fight going exactly the way it went. If Wilder didn't hurt Parker with the right hand, Parker wins by decision.

  5. Freddy Atlas calls Dejontay’s punch the eraser …the man could be losing the whole fight , he just needs to land that one right and it’s over .. that’s why he was like “The fuck” when Fury got up

  6. Those 3 fury fights took alot out of him and tyson. At 38, he is gun shy. Wilder has overachieved. He should retire and enjoy his life

  7. I'm a huge Wilder fan but he has NEVER had the legs or footwork- the actual boxing IQ and skill to be a notable boxer/fighter at this stage and age of his career… And the bad thing is what he's lacking can't be taught, it has to be in you and he's just never had "it"… He has always relied on his power and that "big right" but that's not enough and now he's just further tarnishing his legacy by continuing to fight when he should just retire. Hard to watch…

  8. Love these two: Chad and Shannon lethal combo….

    Sad way to go out for wilder I think he should still fight AJ anyway

  9. Deontey Wilder was feared for so many years because of how he knocked guys out. I mean cold blooded knock outs. I first sw Wilder on ESPN. Didn't know nothing about him. After a while i started keeping up with him, Tyson Fury, AJ, Ruiz, Parker, guy like that. I watched his fights and i just saw a guy who was mean, put fear into his opponents mind way before the fight even took place. Wilder usually took everybody out pretty quick. Those guys were terrified. You could see it. Afraid of what could happen. Instead of fighting like they actually came to fight. Most jut got caught. Wilder was actually kind of fast and moved pretty good in the ring but the guys he fought wasn't nothing to brag about. Now Wilder looks and moves like a baby deer in the ring. Lol. I dont know if Fury messed him up, age catching up to him. He bored, or what. I give guys like Ortiz, Fury and Parker props. They all had Wilder on the ropes. They actually took it to Wilder. I feel like Fury open the door on how to beat Wilder. Although i picked Fury in all 3 fights. The reason why is because i started watching Fury fight and how good he moved in the ring. The i found out he was 6"9. I said Oh yeah Wilder might be in trouble. Also Fury confidence always stood out to me. When Wilder talked is was more of trying to punk his opponent but Fury wasn't falling for none of that. I didnt think Ortiz would win but he knew he had a shot because he looked so powerful in his fight but his age concerned me a bit. He did good. Just got caught..Im not surprised Parker won. They called it a upset but i saw it as a good match up. Wilder cant fight. Let me rephrase that. Wilder cant box. He can fight and hit hard but thats it. Parker is a smart fighter. I seen enough of his fights to know that. He know how to stick and move. Its about taking what you see and not taking what you want. Thats how you get caught. Everytime Parker saw a opening he went for it. Anyway. I do believe Wilder vs AJ might be next Im pretty sure Ruiz, Usyk might be licking their chops do. Itll make it exciting just seeing those names matched up together. ✌️

  10. Some of us been telling you this about wilder for Almost a decade. Same tactics Fury used, same tactics parker used. We been telling you guys this about wilder forever
    Yes he has a right straight, but thats all he has. He fights the old and the slow FOR A REASON. Anyone with boxing will tell you, put that boy on his Backfoot, and pressure him, fighting him close. Parker used his reflexes and fought more midrange. But its the same principal. Unless he's lining someone big and slow up for the right straight. He has NOTHING. I watched him hit parker with a left hook flush, and parker walked straight through it.

  11. Still delusional Wilder fans, he doesn't have the power you think he has fighting and KOed bin men and cab drivers if hes power was so good that a graze knocks people our why didn't any of those punches he caught Parker with hurt him

  12. It looks like Parker finally has a bit more aggression. Which is necessary in not only just the sport but in the division.

    Us Polynesians are too nice. It’s a part of our culture to always show respect, but it is counterproductive in Boxing, Rugby etc.

  13. Come on. Where’s Parkers credit???? He was smarter, had a plan, patient, powerful. New coach Andy lee is on the $$ with him. Look at Deontays history and who has he fought? Fury, Ortiz 5 times, and 50 sub 30 ranked heavyweights.

  14. We saw what most of us already knew! He's not a great boxer! Never has been! NOW WE CAN FINALLY MOVE ON FROM HIM!

  15. Roy Jones Jr boxed like Ocho ran routes. It was beautiful to watch. Somehow they would make whipping peoples asses look like dancing.

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