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Fishbain’s “Not-So-Fun” Bears Facts + Cardinals Picks & Predictions | Hoge & Jahns | #chicago

Kevin Fishbain is known for his obscure-yet-informative Bears facts on Twitter. But sometimes they can be NOT on the fun side. So Kevin has prepared some exclusive Fun Facts for the Hoge & Jahns audience. How many will be ACTUALLY fun? Plus, the boys dive into Matt Eberflus’ comments about Luke Getsy, 3 Big Questions and Bold Predictions for the Cardinals game.

#chicagobears #justinfields #matteberflus

What’s up welcome in hog and John’s with you it is week 16 it is Bears Cardinals the Old Chicago rivalry that everyone still talks about that no one still talks about that half the people in the world don’t even know that the Cardinals ever played in Chicago John I have

Family members that still talk to me about going to games at kamsky Park you really believe it or not yes what do they say about them they’re boring and the Cardinals were terrible they belong in the damn desert they they they move just like the baseball team that currently is there

We’ll probably move too eventually oh come on no don’t go there but I don’t think I’ve ever met a Chicago Cardinal fan I think they still exist where I mean in nursing homes to the point where well football fandom is generational though yeah no but I think that’s the point

Like no one you’re right like no one right okay I see what you’re saying is there anyone in Chicago that’s met yeah this still roots for the Cardinals is what you’re saying like followed them to Arizona yeah I don’t think so I don’t and like pass that phandom on to their

Sons and daughters and so on no I’m I’m being serious I would say less than 10% of football fans in the world even know the cardinal he was playing Chicago I think maybe Chicago football fans May appreciate a second option at this point in their lives yeah

But our producer Ken said he didn’t even know no you go there you go um so yeah maybe not really it’s big of a rivalry or as big of a game as we thought it might be a week ago uh after the Bears lost to the Browns so some interesting

Story lines we got to get to make sure you following us on Twitter Adam hog Adam Johns you can follow our show account hog and Johns uh make sure you check out Tuesday show in case you missed it we’ve been getting a lot of good feedback from it so appreciate all

That but we had Randy Mueller former general manager in the NFL uh jump on and it’s always interesting hearing those guys perspective not just on what they think about these players um the Justin field situation Caleb Williams all that but the more of the in and outs

Of How It’s thought about inside you know the walls of these NFL facilities and how they really process this stuff so I think you’ll find it very interesting if you missed it and if you already did listen to it and you gave us some feedback thank you very much uh we

Appreciate it uh make sure you go to Hogan as well you can get all of our merch there we’re both rocking some merch today uh I got the walking bear t-shirt on today John’s is repping the old JD hoodie by the way we gotta give out that

Uh Jeff Dickerson good guy award next week I think the votes have been counted I think I know who the winner is don’t say it pat Finley will come after you our good friend I have to embark with that information until it is announced but I have sources who tell me

Pat pat won Pat won he tallied the votes and Pat Finley won yeah our good friend Patrick Finley uh where where’s our friend Patrick Finley yeah um now so actually that’ll be that’ll be next week and uh we have some uh exciting new news with that award too that will be

Announced I don’t even think I know that I don’t think you know that either so there’s a little tease there even for you so and do I have to be present it’s no it’s not like a prize no I mean like not like it’s a pres do I have to be

Physically there no okay no no yeah and it’s definitely not like a prize it’s handed out to one of the media members in attendance oh okay yeah so no you do not have to be there um media bad guy award think I know who will win that

That one this year hey now um all right so yeah all the merch up at Hogan check it out you’re still looking for last minute holiday gift you can go uh find all that there and then um we got some we got some interesting stuff to talk about here we have Kevin

Fishbane jumping on the show today too with some what we’re calling Noto fun facts with Kevin fishbane so he’ll be here uh in a few minutes but uh and then of course we’ll get in our three big questions over unders and uh make our picks for this we game against the

Chicago Cardinals um before we get there yesterday was I don’t know I didn’t think it was that you tee this up you were at how Hall we were kind of reacting on C at the time but Matt eberflus had some comments some really good questions from um from the

Reporters in the room and then I didn’t know what to make of the answers we have some of the sound but I’ll let you kind of tee all this up well I just listening to the line of questioning from our friends the media core yesterday seemed

To become the day for Matt eberl to defend lietti to give him that vote of confidence uh multiple questions in a row um there’s questions about Justin Fields um the production in the fourth quarter and then it went towards lii and it was our friend Chris Emma friend of

The show who well had this question so you want to hit the the button there my friend mat offensively your working relationship with Luke how much interjecting is there from you and how much delegating is there just say well this is Luke’s field I’m GNA a differ to

His expertise yeah and uh I I uh talked about that on Monday a little bit briefly and uh you know I’ll go back to what I said there you know during the week of course you know we’re doing first and second down moving through third down uh into the red zone I’m

Always interjecting ideas and and looking um at the plan and and making sure that we’re on point in terms of the Protections in terms of the routes in terms of the Run game in all those areas um and then during the game same thing the same thing during critical downs

We’ll beet um on the headset you know hey it’s a green light here on this fourth and one to four or fourth and one in the quad zone or wherever it might be you know what are the plays uh he gives me the a few plays you know that we’ve

Already talked about on Saturday of those critical downs and uh you know I might say hey I like that one over this one or and uh you know you feel confident about that yes I feel great about it and then we go with it but uh there’s constant communication during

The course of the week and constant communication uh during the game man to to that to that point with the Improvement of the defense this year there’s been a a little bit more focus on Luke gety and the offense at least from the outside as a culprit for the

Way things have gone this year what’s your analysis of where this offense is right now relative to the expectations at the beginning of the Season yeah I mean you know looking at that you know in a whole in terms of the expectations you want to focus on what we’re going to

Do this week you know and uh you know we’ve had some improvements uh during the course of the year on all sides of the ball and uh it’s critical that we focus on being the best we can be this week you know against this opponent uh

Right here right now and have our feet right here but does any part of you as a head coach take a look at kind of big picture and say hey where are we going where are we heading I mean isn’t that part of the job no question no question

And again we we’re going to assess all those things at the end and again we got to play these games right here right now so we’re going to focus on being our best uh when our best is required and that’s required today how would you assess L Luke in particular what he’s

Done in his role as OC yeah um you know um I love Luke he’s he’s a he’s a great leader you know in terms of the the room and you know and then like I said I’ll evaluate everything at the end uh we’re constantly evaluating things every

Single day um so today after practice like normal we’ll meet we’ll talk about this play that play hey we like this one let’s try to do it this way or let’s correct make this correction there so it’s constant communication like I said during the course of the week and then into the

Game so that felt like an opportunity for me you had a few questions there right but that last one felt like an opportunity not for me for for flu for M Eber flu to offer a little bit more support for luk ety instead you got the the old I I

I love that guy you know what I mean yeah I don’t know you read it any differently but but in that in the room in that moment sitting where I was sitting I’m thinking like oh wow like that felt a lot different than Ryan pes’s defense from of Matt

Eberl what six seven eight weeks ago oh yeah way different um yeah it’s interesting because like Chris Emma didn’t ask him like about his job security he just said how would you evaluate him as a leader and then it was we’ll evaluate everything at the end

Of the season like Matt offered that up on his own which I found interesting and then I don’t know if he just caught himself because then he spun it to like oh and then we evaluate everything every day it it was like an interesting little trip

Down his answer to that question if that makes sense yeah and I don’t really know what to make of it because he did say at the beginning I love Luke Luke’s a great leader but then he immediately couches that endorsement with then we’ll evaluate everything in the End season

And then he kind of catches himself and then he goes back and the well we evaluate everything every day so it’s just like whoa that was a roller coaster right there right right um he didn’t say he’s a great play caller great play designer that he’s found a great philosophy that

Worked for the Chicago Bears um it’s interesting I know Luke gs’s got the the hottest of seats at how Hall especially from the outside um I just felt like it was an opportunity for Matty eberl to to Really back up his offensive coordinator knowing that I’m sure flu knows that his

OC’s Under Fire especially after last game so just interesting to me that’s not cliche talk that’s real talk that is real talk that’s a former play caller is he like a current play I’m confused when I watch the Chiefs games it’s um always confusing though and I

Think that’s intentional by the way I think they do it’s like everybody’s calling it’s like they have everybody on the sideline looking at the play sheet calling the plays yeah how many people are calling these plays yeah and on naggie sheet it’s no longer be you it’s B Andy and

I’m kidding I’m kidding there there’s your Merry Christmas joke everyone but um I don’t know Like I I just think play callers look good when when like when things work right like when things work for like the Bears I don’t think Luke gety ever gets like credit for it it’s like it’s all Justin Fields like like well I always I always like how Greg Braggs puts it he

Says just just call the good place don’t call the bad place just only call the good ones okay yeah the thing with play callers they think every play’s a good one yes until it’s not did you see Mike make the annual speech by the way that was going

Viral yesterday from hard KNX no I did not but I I know what clip you’re talking about but I’ve have not watched it yeah so he like after they lost that brutal Monday night game to the Titans it’s the next morning uh and he team

Meeting and he gets you know he put some plays up on the screen and he’s like this is a trash play call this you know this is trash play design I can do something better than a jump ball fade here in this spot in the Red Zone you know like so

He put you know and and he called out players for stuff too but like he started with himself I just thought that that was like like that’s real accountability so you’ve been big on that do you think so that was behind closed doors that that wasn’t public

It’s only public because hard KNX isn’t in the room right do you think Flo and gy and do you think the Bears coaching staff does something similar yeah I mean it’s impossible to know without having you know impossible unpossible impossible I don’t know what I said

Um but we you know we did asked Cole KT about that earlier in the season on CH and he basically said yes they do that so I I don’t know if it’s to that level though or like Mike McDaniel’s putting up his own play call and calling it

Trash he’s very blunt about things isn’t he like this just his style my wife says he swears too much too there a lot of f bombs just like Kevin fish pain you know how much Kevin fishbain has a potty mouth there’s going to be a lot of fish bombs coming up here

Coming up soon I think here Kevin fishbane uh joining the show now how are you guys we’re great I guess I mean we’re I I’ve been teased on this segment that you’re going to give us not so fun facts h i you know what I sprinkled some

Actual fun facts in there I don’t believe you but why don’t you uh set this up just in terms of how long it took you how many paths you T you took and you sent these at like 10:30 last night you said that’s when I got the

Text saying these are good to go I have nine fun facts yeah I whittel it down uh I think I sent Kent five or seven I don’t know um you know the Bears have had an incredible way of making history this year um and last year at

Times and under mat Nagi um so I’ve gotten kind of used to using uh stae to figure out how rare something is that happened to the Chicago Bears um so yeah that help I some of these are actually not new I’ve tweeted them out before um there’s a Justin

Fields stat that I’m sure will get everybody um Angry on all sides and a couple new and I and I you know what I came up with a couple new ones just for you guys just some fresh these have not been tweeted they’ve not been written they are brand new exclusive for the

Hogan John show fishbane fun facts I like and and uh yeah so I just was I was just kind of looking at the roster looking at the stats thinking what looks unique and not to be confused with what looks yanique in gway what looks unique and uh yeah that’s what we got today

Seven seven fun facts we have not and we have not seen these no all right number one what do you got let’s do it the Bears are 2 and 21 since 2008 when intercepting at least three passes in a game those two losses have both come in the past four games in Detroit

And last week in Cleveland wait a minute when they the defense intercepts three passes they’re they’re two and 21 or they’re 21 and two they’re 21- two sorry Kent I’m like what I’m like we’re off to wait time out we’re off to a bad start

Here we’re off start that is that is not a not so fun fact that might be the most incredible stat in the history of the NFL sorry as John said I’m like there’s no way that’s accurate yes as John said it was 10 o’clock at night when I was

Finishing these up so uh that I hope is the only air the Bears are 21- two since 2008 when they intercept three passes in a game those two losses have both come in the past four games so that tells me just just like based off the stat and I’ve obviously covered those

Games you need more production from your offense even though I thought in that first Detroit game they they provided enough and the defense kind of let them down at the end obviously you know where stand in the Browns game but that’s my first impression and that’s that yeah I mean I

Think the I think the Detroit game they had plenty of offense and they had the interceptions the defense should have been able to put that one away although the offense did have their chances too to you know tack on I was kill shot and I was actually a little surprised I came

Up with I found that stat during the Lions game and then just tacked the Browns game on and and it was surprising to think about how bad some bears offense has been over the past couple decades and they’ve still won all those games when they pick off three passes

Yeah you’re talking about some Lovey Smith teams there yeah a lot of Lovey Smith teams there all right number two y this one will be smoother hopefully uh fun fight number two in week four let’s bring you back to week four Justin Fields became the second quarterback in

Bears history to post a passer reign of at least 132 and lose they are 27-2 all time when their quarterback has 132 plus passer rate when’s the when’s the second loss uh Rudy uh I always forget how to pronounce his last name bich buckit okay yeah somebody from the somebody from the

Rudy book era is gonna yell at me mispronouncing that his last name I’m gonna get yelled at by Mark rash probably um yeah that’s how far back you had to go to the last time a quarterback was that good for the Bears and lost how about the fact it’s only happened 29

Times in the history of a franchise that’s been around what 104 years now yeah that’s that’s another every five years they get a good quarterback game yeah so what did I say that rating was 132.0 I mean that’s a yeah that’s a pretty good 132 yeah that’s that’s

That’s pretty good um but how many 132 ratings have there been in the NFL this year is what I’d like to know like I I think it happens how about this H do you want a bonus fun fact I don’t know Aaron Rogers has posted 132 passer rating 36

Times in his career okay that’s I just came with that right on the spot for you okay you Aaron Rogers yeah number three uh this one’s gonna get everybody mad here we go this is the one this is the one this is the one okay in the in the final three minutes of

Games that are within eight points Justin Fields is seven of 20 passing for 118 yards with zero touchdowns and three interceptions his passer rating in these late game situations is 16.3 that ranks 29th out of 29 qualifying quarterbacks his completion percentage of 35.0 is second to last behind only Joe

Burrow who’s had only I believe five pass attempts in these situations so can’t can’t leave that up for a second there’s a there was a lot there okay so final three minutes games within eight points so one possession three minutes too Fields is seven of 20 118 yards zero touchdowns three interceptions passer

Rating at 16.3 okay so I did a story leading into the Vikings game and I included 20 2022 and and uh shout out Jason Sterrett our editor at the athletic who’s a True Media whiz and he he found that stat for me and then I just after the Browns game

Just got it updated um so that that’s actually technically a new the second time you’ve had an unbelievable you’ve had to update to add to it this season I mean think about that yep okay this is not fun I I think the fun ones are coming

Okay well that was the segment the not so fun fact the not so fun facts so I guess we’re doing a good job I think you see those oh hold on hold on I got thoughts hold on I think I think you you see those fault no I think they kind of

Work hand in hand but those are the moments right you want your quarterback to be the best player the multiplier right those those situations are different than other game situations two- minute situations you know Red Zone just something to look at like those fourth quarter numbers that he has too just

Something to look at go ahead Kev all right we got a good one here the Bears defense has three plus interceptions in a game four times a season only the just Giants and states have done it twice 15 teams have yet to do it once in a game

Or had done it once all season EXC yeah the takeovers have or the take takeaways I should say have uh well the takeaways have been taking over it’s good for unfortunately as you pointed out earlier they lost two of those games yeah you just turned the fun fact into

Not so fun I did didn’t I do h colon is stocking nothing’s off the table nothing is on the table right now but there is a table um we think the T they took T they took the table away from the house on me that is true that

Is true the table is gone now it’s a el turn yeah it’ll be back this gonna be some for the end end of the season presser yeah no I like the idea of of Ryan poles and and Kevin Warren standing together behind the lecturn yeah off back and forth oh Kevin

Warren’s at the press conference I think that means that there’s been news I would hope that we get to talk to Kevin Warren at the end of the season we always got to hear from George and Ted it was always off to the side though when they when they would keep

People um back to that stat I think mdy bro and Ryan bus they deserve credit a lot a lot in a sense for what they’ve done defensively the linebackers the two free agent signings are producing uh montz sweat is playing like an all pro great acquisition uh your secondary your young

Secondary full of draft picks is producing and the decision to stick with Jaylen Johnson despite his trade demand his trade request like that’s something as well one of the best players at his position right now in the NFL so that actually just to pause from the segment

Real quick because I don’t want to lose that thought uh Jaylen Johnson what did you make of those comments yesterday of him saying that he wants to stay here it wasn’t him saying that he want to stay here they got me it was him saying that he thinks something is building here something

Special is coming and I think that that’s ml so what’s going on defensively it’s Jermaine Edmonds it’s TJ Edwards it’s montz sweat it’s it’s you know Tyreek Stevenson making that interception against the Browns so if they move on from Flo you think that changes Jaylen Johnson’s stance

I think the the locker room is still there the players are still there but yes I think something is happening between Flo and those defensive players I mean the production the numbers are there you know what might be something even more special is if another team offers him more money yeah well you’re

Not gonna get there unless yeah I mean if they tag him yeah yeah doesn’t doesn’t matter but if they don’t it’s a transition tag scenario oh Kyle Fuller style Kyle Fuller yeah there’s a tag coming one way or the other and I actually I think it’ll actually be franchise tag but yeah

Simplify the process all right where we at number five this is five or six yes um montz sweat has more sacks six and quarterback hits 13 in six games is a bear than anyone on the 2022 Bears defense it I it almost feels like you could take that a step further like and

It’s anyone on both of these two defenses combined I don’t know if that’s accurate but it feels that way uh the yeah so jquan brisker led the team with four sacks last year how many do have this year Montes has already passed that so like he would be the 2022 sack leader

And actually if you go back a few years like so let’s say if if sweat finishes with 10 sacks it’ll be the most aside from Robert Quinn’s record setting year in like the last four bear seasons and he’ll have done that in a partial season well do you know that Montes sweat

Currently leads two different NFL franchises in sacks that’s pretty cool because he’s still Washington’s sack leader for 2023 hog fact yeah how about that that was fun that was very fun he he’s been a great position you know I he’s been better than I expected

He would be like I thought he’d be a good player I didn’t think he had this well to use Ryan bus’s words this many multiplying factors to to what he can do but he’s been dominant for stretches of of multiple games this season great great move by Ryan poles so if you’re

Ryan poles how much do you factor that in to who gets the credit for this defensive turnaround well I still think it’s you know part of the coach putting him him in position right I agree but if you’re factoring in okay what do we lose defensively if we make a coaching

Change like do I already have the core pieces for any defensive coordinator to make right can I hire you know a guy with a similar scheme to come in here and basically just keep this thing rolling so that’s a Jimmy and Joe’s argument over the X’s and O’s and and I

Don’t and the only reason I is not taking anything away from flu I think we all agree mat flu has done a really good job with his defense this year there’s no question about it but I if that’s got to be the conversation you’re having if you’re Ryan poles and you’re thinking

About a possible coaching change correct by the way I’ve had several people and I think they know it’s a little ridiculous in the mailbag who have asked well could they fire could they just demote flu to defensive coordinator it’s the dumbest thing like out there in Bears Twitter it a lot of dumb

Yeah I mean could you imagine that conversation uh Matt we’re going to have to let you go but do you want to stay on as or defensive coordinator no because Matt eberflus can go get a job as a DC probably tomorrow with what he’s done this year absolutely and then still get

Paid the rest of his money by the Bears at the same time oh and the flip side of that hypothetical is hey welcome in new head coach by the way the guy who was the head coach is now your defensive coordinator right so have fun with that

In the locker room and the entire building no well that would dumbest thing out there that wouldn’t be the first time the Bears forced a head coach to or a GM to have to keep somebody on the staff yeah but not the former have we gotten the quarterback

Situation completely right no have we won enough games no everything else is there okay Kevin I think you have two more two more two more two more uh Deontay Foreman leads Bears running backs with 425 rushing yards the last time the Bears didn’t have a running back with 600 plus

Rushing yards in a season was 1992 Neil Anderson LED them that year with 585 rushing yards well he’s got three games to go this was a 1015 at night like I was just like trying to find something different and I thought that was kind of interesting is the Bears running in game

The most overrated aspect of their team well it’s not working anymore cuz it doesn’t feel like it’s that good but aren’t they still like top five in rushing like but it’s like it’s it feels like it’s the quarterback it’s a quarterback yeah I he’s their leading rusher they were good at running the

Ball at one point though what happened well somebody this came up in the mailback this week actually I don’t think khil Herbert’s been the same running back as he was last year and then he got hurt hurt I think Dante Foreman has not been the same running back since he got hurt

And you might be able to argue that Roshan Johnson hasn’t been the same running back since he got concussed and none he looked pretty good and he looked pretty good in Minnesota Johnson did yeah uh your guy Nick Morano pointed that out and I’ve got a story up today

That looks at some of the deep shots that didn’t work out and there are at least four that you could point to just bad bad pass protection by the by the back Foreman Johnson blazing game Herbert they all missed missed their guys that’s the thing K blasting game

Has been on that too a few times and like he’s usually yeah really good doing So Co K Co K can’t play every position on the offense to block be great if he could but by way hog did you got not that I didn’t listen to yesterday’s

Episode Tuesdays but uh did you guys talk to Cole about his pancake of Miles Garrett uh yeah we on the Robert tanan drop yeah yeah we talked about that play it was a little awkward to talk about because it like yeah it wasn’t a good play in the

End um right it was that was that was an incredible play by KT I mean how many tight ends in football can do that that crazy I know and and then he seemed more up upset or I don’t know annoyed about the um the toss Herbert I think flu

Talked about this a little bit yesterday too right yeah so where Garrett just comes right up field blows up the crack toss that is such a tough play to make though yeah no leverage from the the moment of the snap so Cole let’s get into this because Cole this is one of those Where Cole explains it but in a way where he’s not throwing anybody on the bus so then I’ll add on to it to do that um no because we asked about that play and the reality is he’s lined up here right and basically right before the snap miles Garrett moves a little bit

Farther inside takes away any blocking leverage Cole has but he’s on the line of scrimmage he can’t he can’t shift again to get over no you know what I mean like it’s too late um now if they have more time and their you know Fields

Maybe he sees it and they check and then at that point Cole can slide inside more and get more leverage but at that point it’s one of those plays were pre- snap you know you’re going ah I’m screwed here like you almost wonder if something has to be recognized and changeed pre-

Snap like okay this is not gonna work right well so also what it is really good player miles Garrett understanding I’ve seen this play four times already in this game I know what’s coming I’m GNA slide in so this this tight end can’t block me again and then he goes

Right up field so that’s why I’m saying Cole didn’t you know bring up that aspect of it I’m bringing up that aspect of it because no miles Garrett moved inside and got the leverage because at that point how many times did they run that toss play and

It’s like okay it’s a good player miles Garrett understanding what’s coming and getting the right leverage and so I don’t know how you blame Cole Ked on that one at all but like flu said in his press conference yesterday right he’s like well you got to have a better

Alignment or whatever it is he said yeah he said point of attack it’s got to be better but that’s why I was wondering if there’s a rule in place where if braxon Jones sees that yeah if he sees miles Garrett move inside does then is he

Allowed to just put a hand on him before he gets to his next guy but then I guess then his guy’s unblocked I don’t know it’s like Ty Scott Jet Sweep like yeah braon Jones yeah when they let the essentially a free rusher make the tackle right well

Theoretically the Jet Sweep bothos to beat it beat that what I don’t understand is in that situation when you need one yard why would you just block the guy in the line of scrimmage yeah like you’re going for the Home Run play when you need one yard like if you just

Block the guy in line of scrimmage leave the linebacker un block yes you’re not going to get it you’re not going to get 10 yards even you’re GNA probably get three but that’s all you need in that situation that’s what’s frustrating to me about some of the some of the design

Of some of these plays that they’re running that’s like they’re too cute in situations don’t need to be cute just get the damn yard did you guys see or talk about the um the attempted throwback screen to Roshan Johnson that Justin Fields just kind of threw away oh oh the one where

He the yeah the screen he didn’t throw that was there yeah I was like that’s in my story today as well like you look at that play there is one Browns Defender Three Bears off offensive lineman and Roshan Johnson and then there’s 25 yards before the next Browns player and I I

Don’t know why feels didn’t throw the ball I I don’t know what I don’t know what happened there I mean it’s easy for me to say I don’t have the Browns defense coming at me but that was that was all there I’m I’m glad you brought that up

Because I asked around about that play this week I my understanding is that and and I kind of suspected this watching the film the film cuz it’s so high doesn’t give you at all the quarterback’s Vision right I mean sometimes it does downfield but not on like little screens like

That I I think Justin thought that whoever that Defender was kind of in his face that he could that he didn’t have a window to get the ball to Roshan and in reality he would had to kind of like really Loft it over the top but I don’t

Know so what dude that’s the play like you I say that’s lot SC yeah those are screens that’s like what you’re always doing with something like that on a screen again it’s easy for me to say cuz I don’t have those guys like you know coming after me but that’s that’s the

Browns defense that’s why you you want to call screens against defenses like that sometimes because you create that opportunity that was a home run hitter if he throws it I mean it it it was there and he just it’s like he panicked and just threw it it was not to me I

Didn’t that was not a good look for Justin that was a huge missed opportunity number seven last one last one last one this is this one’s for hog Cairo Santos’s Touchback percentage this season is 81.4 a career high increased from 57.1 last season which is his previous career best in a full

Season uh okay just for you H little special teams H how much of that do you think is strategy I think some of that might be the yeah the rule did you guys see those stats last week that were shared by the I don’t know if the NFL

Came up with them or someone came up with them we showed him on CH they I missed that episode yeah it sounds like you’ve been missing a lot there buddy so like I forget the exact year it was like 2002 or something 93% of kicks were being returned and now it’s down to

20 wow like so you’re one out of five kicks are even being returned at this point um I think it sounds like a question for coach hiow today how much of it is Ro’s leg strength and how much of it is teams not returning the ball

Kev you know what we have to ask today we have to make sure we don’t forget um I the you what you were texting me about in the middle of the game illegal guy downfield on punt because I honestly I don’t know that that one confus me

Um and here’s another thing I don’t know to be honest if you fair catch the kick is that considered does that count as a Touchback I mean ball gets taken to 25 but does it actually I’d have to check does it does that go because that might also be why

Cairo Santos’s numbers are high right like I don’t think they have a uh well for punting they have a stat for they they delineate Fair catches versus touchbacks but I don’t know if they have that set up for kickoffs now yeah I don’t know well this is this is the this

Is why I brought this stand up to you coach hog yeah well and also he’s been kicking the I mean his leg is stronger there’s no question since he got back since his second stint with Bears started I mean he has added strength there’s no I mean his field goals have

Been longer his kickoffs have been better now they just got to figure out the punter yeah I was about to say that hey bonus fun fact um just because it’s the only one I took off that actually remember uh Justin Jones is on Pace to be the Bear’s tackles for loss leader in

Back-to-back Seasons no bear has done that since AEM Hicks how many are we talking he’s got nine right now bad now Grant I think Keem Hicks had like 18 one year but cuz somebody asked me about Javon Dexter they’re like does Dexter shown you enough where he could be the three

Technique next year and like you don’t need to I I mean I think Dexter is flashed for sure but Justin Jones is still playing like 65 7% of the snaps like are you ready to move Dexter into that role I don’t know my most immediate reaction to that is

No yeah having a veteran would help no just Jones have been solid hey they’re getting the job done on the dline lately see if they can keep that going uh which we need to talk about this week’s game Kevin thank you so much for jumping on thanks for having

Me boys it’s uh that was actually I had fun so you’re you’re welcome to come back with not so fun facts again awesome I had fun too and next time all of update them yeah if they get three interceptions on Sunday and lose to the Cardinals we we we’ll come back uh next

Week with the new that’s I mean that’s that’s honestly hilarious that you had two of those were from earlier in the season and you had to update them yeah to add to it that’s that’s unbelievable all right Kevin thanks see you soon bye there he is Kevin fish pan not so fun

Facts all right um what do we got next questions three big questions I believe big questions you ready yeah number one better quarterback Adam hog oh Justin Fields or Kyler Murray can you answer your own question first uh my answer is I don’t know I I here’s the problem and I was wondering

If Cardinals fans feel the same way about the Bears this year I don’t know but I feel like I haven’t watched a second of Cardinals football this season and and Murray missed a lot of time yeah uh but it sounds like they want to keep Kyler Murray now granted they already

Paid him so that’s part of the problem but the the Cardinals because I talked to our guys over at phnx last uh last night and they’re actually they’re coming on Cho today to give the Cardinal phnx my head’s in the gutter go ahead oh yeah that’s a that’s what that’s that’s

Our Network in Phoenix yeah um and they seem content that they’re GNA move on with Kyler Murray because the Cardinals are potentially in a spot here where they could land Caleb Williams or Drake May if they really wanted to and they’re all talking about nope Marvin Harrison Jr

So my very uneducated answer on this question in this moment is I think Kyler Murray or should I just say Justin field so people don’t get mad at me so in Kyler Murray’s thirdd season 2021 the year Justin field was drafted he started 14 games the Cardinals went nine and five he

Completed about 70% of his passes 3,787 yards 24 touchdown passes 10 interceptions um 100.6 rating averaged 270 yards per game passing like the numbers at this point still tell you that like Kyler Murray like is a better quarterback like he averages over 200 yards passing per game like that’s something that he has

On Justin field so right now space down win success you know even current potential I think you still got to say Kyer Murray right yeah look he’s played five games he’s already over a thousand yards throwing completion percentage is only 62 though this I’m talking about this SE

So yeah I mean look career accolades career totals I mean yeah there’s no question he’s had a better more successful career um yeah look he almost threw for 4,000 yards in each of his first three seasons 37 39 37 and then you know the last couple years haven’t been so good

Obviously he dealt with that stuff um you know that stuff the claws in his contract he has to watch more film but forgot about that story yeah he’s still only 26 yeah all right I think we answered the question number two do you think that Ryan poles has already made up his

Mind about Justin Fields probably I I he’s definitely got to be leaning one way or the other right I felt like the Browns game could have been a great statement game I guess this is where a lot of my disappointment lies uh with his performance like it’s a great defense we know it’s a great

Defense but you have to beat good defenses at some point yes that’s how you become a good team I think this applies to both Luke gety and Justin fields and I we had this discussion with Baldi yesterday it’s like look I get it every team is not going to play as well

Against the Browns or the Chiefs earlier this year or the Vikings with Brian flores’s defense but at some point during one of those games you have to step up and have a good game they’re not the 85 Bears yeah I know you know um it can’t just be acceptable that okay

Yeah we’re going to play well offensively against the bad defenses and we’re going to struggle against the good like no you got to take it to the next level you have to find if you want to be a Super Bowl winner you’re going to face a good defense probably multiple good

Defenses in the playoffs and you have to be able to elevate your game and have those moments where it’s like oh wow he’s just a really good quarterback doesn’t matter who they’re playing and that’s if that and that’s why like my gut and I think your gut I don’t want to speak for

You but we’ve had this conversation it feels like multiple times this season it’s just like I think both of our guts are saying if Ryan poles is really building this thing the right way and you know has a vision of championships I think we know where this

Is added right if you just G to put like layers on it if there’s one decision I think he can make like right now is no you’re not picking up his fifth year option the wins the numbers the production the consistency or lack thereof tell you not to pick it up yeah

That doesn’t mean he can’t be your quarterback in 2024 but it tells you not to pick up that option for 2025 you just can’t with the wind’s not there the numbers not there I mean Justin Fields again just throw more context in this like his qbr is what 23rd in the

League passer rating it’s a little bit better or is he at 21st that’s like even in uh wasn’t it 2018 that like Mitch tris’s qbr ended up like fourth that’s 2018 yeah and it was like a huge thing because everyone was like oh well it’s just because it was rushing

Look at his passing that’s what qbr factors in it also factors in like certain passing situations that’s why it’s jarring to me that Fields is that low because he’s a better Runner than Mitch but he’s still that low despite everything he can do on the ground like that’s what’s crazy to

Me um do you think poles has already made up his mind yes but there is so much more to get through in terms of the draft that like all decisions are not final that the one thing about that though is now the tapes all in yeah but the the med playing yeah I

Know I know the interviews but in terms of the football I mean Caleb Williams season’s done Drake ma season’s done each three seasons worth for kale Williams the only one who’s still out there is JJ McCarthy yeah but he’s not I think when I when I wrote that like JJ McCarthy

Analysis people are like he can’t be on the table for number one no he’s not on the table for the first overall pick but he’s on the table for later I do want to talk about um we’re we’ll have a show on January 2nd on that Tuesday which the

Day after the rose bow um I do want to treat that though as like uh you know let’s talk some let’s let’s talk about that game a little bit on that show let’s do it because he’s the only one who’s still really out there in terms of possible first round quarterbacks

Playing in a bulll game and he’s you know in in a real ass game in the playoffs yeah Daniels May and Williams are not playing their bowl games plus he’s playing Alabama so it’ll be a great test Michigan I believe which surprises me but isn’t like one point

It’s changed yes decreased it’s G to be a great day of football I’m so I’m so excited about those games that day number three do you think that Ryan poles has already made his mind up about mad EO ah this one I’m gonna say no if you want

Me to answer first my answer here is no I don’t know why it’s s i I feel like he’s probably leaning towards I’m keeping him my defense is playing great right but there’s a lot of factors but how much is that intertwin with the quarterback decision too it’s not their

Quarterback yeah but I just mean like who you want coaching your next quarterback then like because do you think he’s made up his mind about Luke getsy probably I mean do you want Luke gy coaching cayb Williams who you bringing in the coach Cale Williams I mean that’s kind of the

Thing like if you’re keeping flu now you got to go hire an OC and who’s that guy going to be it it’s it’s very complicated it’s it’s just not this is not because you can’t just bring in a guy who yep we’re gonna run this system and

Then you don’t know who the quarterback is gonna be if there’s one thing we’ve learned about Ryan poles though I feel like he’s prepared for this because let’s not forget like the conversation before this the season began he built in this opportunity to Pivot if Justin

Fields did not play well sure yeah and pivoting a quarterback means a whole bunch of different things yeah like offensive staff changes maybe he has a short list can I add a fourth big question that might be the biggest go ahead has Kevin Warren made up his mind about all

These guys we’re talking about I think he keeps Ryan poles I think well I do too but what’s his what’s his mind say about Flo or the quarterback and how much say does he have over it or want to have over it he can have all the same he

Wants describe it as in influence right but like what do you make about wasn’t it Albert Breer like a month ago kind of floating out there that report that Kevin Warren wants more say in football or is going the president of the team of course he has it though like I don’t

Know why there’s this like perception out there that he’s just handling the stadium he’s not he’s meeting with Ryan poles and his staff every week I know but I still think it’s interesting because he wasn’t here on Ryan poles was hired and the structure was different when Ryan poles was hired

And I just feel like that’s sort of this underlying it sounds like everything’s fine like that doesn’t sound like it’s awkward but it could be in many other situations across the NFL I mean how much how many franchise do you see end up infighting over power stru struggles

Happens all the time you and I talked about that like from the GetGo about how this is just backwards and how they hired Ryan pes’s boss after he was hired but Ryan poles let’s not forget was involved in those actual interviews I it’s it’s it’s you know I

Don’t know if it’s like the best way to do things but from the outside looking in I feel like Ryan PS and Kevin Warren have a great working relationship going now I’m just man it I would pay so much money to just be able to listen in at one of those

Like closed door meetings that Kevin Warren and Ryan poles have about all this stuff like the same way you and I are talking about the stuff right now they should start a podcast and then just put it all out there Ryan and Kevin yeah the the poles and waren pot now that is

Hellis inry little shout out to bat Finley again all right over unders all right ready what do we got number one from Tonio over under on Tyler Scott jet sweeps one and a half I’m gonna go over I’m gonna say there’s two why not I will

I will I will crawl up into a ball and throw stuff if it’s over there’s definitely one enough of that oh how about okay you get two but one each for veis Jones Jr and Tyler Scott okay can I talk I I call me crazy I actually want

To see 12 get the ball more I like this the sweep not really throwing bombs down the field I we just had a conversation about how the running backs been bad when they put bis Jones in the backfield last week it went well do you know who

Liked that play call the Bears front off office who was sitting right behind us during that play and they were going hit it hit it hit it it’s there and he hit it almost like he was he got tripped up right at the end but if he makes if he keeps his

Balance I mean that’s going you know who ran into him who tripped him up which player which which Lucas Patrick oh basically tackled him he’s on the ground a lot yo can you just please keep your balance and get out of the way of the guy running with the football yeah that

Was that was not a fun look on tape again he’s on the ground a lot this is from Dr CK over under and Bear’s receiver drop passes that applies to rde re wide reer wide wide receiver running back tight end one and a half okay off the top of my head drops don’t

Seem like they’ve been a big issue this season it’s just because they’re such a big one um last week last week can I give you NFL draft leaders can you guess which team leads the league in draft the Chiefs correct I think Tony leads the league then they’ll put him back out

There next week yes um at 26th did Chiefs said 26 26 do you know where the Bears rank in the 20s 20th or sorry or they’re tied with one two three four five six teams with 13 and there are a bunch of teams ahead of them like winning

Football teams ahead of the Bears that have more drops you mean yes yes you’re you’re talking like the the Browns the Cowboys Vikings 13 though that’s almost won a game better than 26 I don’t think Cole K has a drop all year I think he has one from the last

Game right two games ago oh did they give him one I don’t remember drops can’t be a subjective stat if yeah the throw isn’t exactly like on target all right um I’m gonna take the I’m G take the under I gon say it’s one yeah there yeah stay with those with

The trend under this is from Cole number of late hits field sustains with no call over under half over way over yeah every game there’s at least one mhm this is like this is if this was a real thing you could bet this would be like Justin Fields over rushing yards

Last season or like there wasn’t a high enough number he just bet the over every week and you cashed it the same thing late hits on fields that don’t get called I mean I wish that was something I could bet on every week from Chad over under Point differential for the Bears

In the fourth quarter minus 10 and a half um I’m GNA take that on wait does that mean they’re he’s saying they’ll get outscored by 11 out scored yes outscored by 11 I’m going to take that the the Cardinals are bad this was a different week like maybe

The Packer game in a few weeks I’d take the over but I’ll take the under on that yeah I mean the fourth quarter has been a problem specifically for the offense specifically for the quarterback it has to be better all the way around um you know what in the defense deserves

Some blade for allowing explosive plays in certain moments especially late in game so but the Cardinals are not good that’s why the Bears are favored by four you ready for it um I guess so four and a half I should say bold predictions uh all right this is Fox

325 hate does everyone hate this is a 325 game this week well especially on Christmas Eve I mean just cuz they’re playing a they’re not even playing a West Coast team the C it’s December the Cardinals are on mountain time they could have we we could have kicked this

Thing off at noon 11:00 a.m Arizona time they want to get home to Arizona anyway to their families I don’t understand why this is a 325 game and I hate it and I think we should all boycott it deal um bears are favored by four and

A half which they should be uh bold prediction um I I’m trying to think of a good Justin Fields one like I think Justin Fields plays well in this game I’m going with two rushing touchdowns by the running backs man that’s sad that that has to be thing I let me give you

One just thought of this one I should be more prepared veis Jones rushing touchdown see I thought about something like that so that’s count for for my bold prediction too two rushing touchdowns by Bears players who aren’t Justin Fields okay I want some of that veis

Jones man so like DJ Moore in the back field again F two rushing touchdowns by Bears players who aren’t Justin Fields that’s what I’m that’s what I’m predicting okay all right I’m gonna go with that specifically veis Jones I’m going bold bold all right how what about your pick for the game

2416 Bears I think the defense we have a good plan for Kyler Murray um I think one thing that stood out to me in that Browns game is the Bears which were the best team in the league defensively and limited in explosive plays gave up some big ones right some

Of that was tackling some was missed opportunities you know jumping in passing Lanes I’m thinking of that touchdown pass and you missed a tackle um to Amari Cooper um I think that changes this week it’s just not the same type of threats even though ker Murray is a pretty elusive quarterback I think

They can keep him contained yeah decent day for the offense better day for the defense 2416 Bears yeah there’s not a whole lot of other weapons to worry about um besides Kyler Murray I mean there’s a there’s a there’s a couple guys but the biggest one is actually Trey McBride who’s been

Unbelievable this year as a tight end just to totally emerging is a huge fantasy threat um putting up you know he’s getting targeted double digit targets every single game so that has me a little worried because of what en joku did on Sunday and the Bears got to fix

That on defense because otherwise McBride’s gonna be a huge game and Kyler’s just gonna keep throwing it to him so I actually think the Cardinals get some you know some scores in this game I I tend to think it’s going to be a little bit closer um but I’m goingon to go Bears

20 car Cardinals 16 so the Cardinals actually covering that four and a half Bears 20 Cardinal 16 I think it’s a little bit tighter than that maybe everyone wants on their Christmas Eve which is a good time to bring this up is it better if the Bears lose this game no it’s not

Are you sure sure about that not it’s not okay well what scenario do you want are you like if you’re full fire everyone well the Cardinals only one game behind the Panthers for the number one pick now there’s the Patriots are in there too and the strength of schedule

Tiebreaker doesn’t work in their favor but it would and the Bears are two games behind the Cardinals to catch them in the draft draft order so I mean this not like this one game would flip it I don’t know that it’s but the the Bears are in a spot

Here with the draft order where you know they win these two games the next couple weeks they could fall out of the top 10 maybe whereas if they lose they’re maybe in the top five I know what you’re saying in terms of like draft order and sometimes I think the obsession of it

Like I understand the obsession for the first overall pick but kind of everything after that like wins are so important because if you get wins that means like young players like dvon Dexter are probably making plays Tyreek Stevenson’s making plays look I got the thumb down coming even your own

Screen is disagreeing with you right now you just your your computer just thumbs thumbs down yourself I’m living in Conflict here no winds are are still important to development okay I agree but if they lose it’s not the end of the world I guess is what I’m saying

Because there’s a benefit to that too because I don’t know some good players in that top five you don’t want to have to move up um okay thought I’d bring that up speaking of teams you need to to win this weekend there’s there’s some big ones so let’s get into this uh

Let’s pick our other five games um there are it’s a wacky schedule we got games on well first of all we got a game tonight we got a game on we got two game Saturday I think got Sunday slate and then three on Monday on Christmas day as

The NFL continues to take over the world it’s fine by me I’m excited about it but we’ll go Fox noon lions at Vikings John I’m gonna be in Minnesota Sunday actually and I I uh I was uh you know trying to convince my wife that I could

You know just pop over to the Vikings game for the noon you know it’s a noon game I won’t miss dinner honey I well I gotta work anyway just I I could get back over watch the Bears game then and we’re doing the shows remotely on Sunday so I’m still

Working um but yeah like I got a hard I got a hard no on that one Mike Lenin though um what is it Vikings are what are three and a half Point dogs at home against the Lions give me the Lions to cover I’m gonna take the Vikings to cover his

Defense has been good the Lions have been you know yeah sure they look good last week but when they face good defenses and this was another this is a road game I don’t think the Lions are as bad as they looked against the Bears and I don’t think they’re as good as they

Looked against the Broncos last week if that makes sense yeah I got you so I think this is more of a struggle um should be loud inside US Bank Stadium and I will take the Vikings one of the local writers Adam hogi or hog excuse me

I don’t know how to pronounce the last name hogi Fox noon you think it’s hogi okay um biggest game of the weekend for the bear there you go bigger than their own game Bears fans have to root for the Packers yeah this caused a stir yesterday I don’t know how much you want

To go down this road I’ll just warn you um people took some very silly uh just fun things we were doing way too seriously there may have been a cheese head that appeared on C at one point yesterday yeah it was it was a thing I

Did not see that that’s probably a bit too much who was that maybe I don’t we don’t have to talk about who brought the cheese head in but um at least I think we can agree on this one right you you do need to root for

The pack well you don’t have to root for the Packers but you want the Packers to win you need you need to root against the Panthers how about that can we agree on that Panthers are five-point dogs at home very important they lose this game for the Bears to secure the number one

Pick who you got you know what’s GNA happen here it’s going to be closer than you want it to be because the Packers are struggling right now Jordan love is the Jordan love we expected him to be after some good games and it’s gonna be interesting Chris Taber is

Gonna manage a close one here I I got like the Packers winning by three but it’s going to be closer than closer it’s G to make you uncomfortable for a lot of it yeah um 100% I agree I think five’s a little bit too much in

This spot I’m gonna take the Panthers to cover uh their pack Packers defense is a mess everybody wants Joe Barry fired they keep giving up huge I think the uh the last two NFC players of the week have been they played the Packers if I have that right I think

That’s the the deal the last two weeks um so defensively Packers are not doing so well and that’s not great so you’re going to have to sweat out your Christmas Eve a little bit for the Bears play um yeah there it is hug H H Fox 325 Cowboys at

Dolphins all this is a good game another what why can we watch this game at 3:25 I saw a meme that these are the two teams that beat up all the bad teams by a lot but they can’t beat good teams yeah there is some truth to that a lot

Of Truth to that there is some truth to that look at their schedules uh the Dolphins one and a half Point underdogs I believe Tyreek Hill should be back in this I’m sorry dolphins are favored by one and a half at home I believe Tyreek Hill is back this week Cowboys had a

Really bad game against the Buffalo Bills or maybe the bills are just that much better yeah um this is a tough one I like how the Dolphins bounced back last week 30 nothing against a good defense and the Jets I’ll take the Dolphins yeah give me the Dolphins by a

Touchdown his quote courtesy of Adam hge 7:15 NFL Network Patriots at Broncos this is confusing this week by the way the Sunday night game is actually on Saturday and it’s on peacock I believe so Saturday night’s game is the Sunday night night crew and you have to have peacock to

Watch it I don’t know why they’re they’re this is annoying but then on Christmas Eve the Sunday night game is actually on NFL Network and I believe that’s Rich Eisen and Kurt Warner are calling the game Patriots at Broncos Broncos six and a half Point favorites at home you gotta

Root for the Broncos right bronos win I think Patriots cover that’s it yeah because I I believe the Patriots now have the tiebreaker over the Panthers over the strength of schedule correct well they’re tied in strength of schedule and I and that’s just going to continue to

Be fluid because it was the Seahawks game on Monday night that tied them like it’s just going to be other results that end up moving that strength of schedule but that’s why but yes it’s close enough that you do not want the Panthers to win another game but it would certainly help

If the Patriots found a way to win another game I don’t think this is going to be that game they do play well defensively really the Patriot’s biggest problem this year it’s just been awful quarterback play so six and a half for as good as they’re playing defense this

Is another game where I’ll actually I’ll I’ll I’ll take the points did I just say like root for the Broncos I mean root for the Patriots to to win to do something yes yeah it does get confusing though and Bron are going to win though yeah

Um I think we haven’t won enough under the leadership of George mccy and that’s what we’re working on Monday night so this is your Christmas Day night game now and it’s a good one 7:15 on ESPN Ravens at 49ers ners five and a half Point favorites against a really

Good Ravens te yeah Super Bowl preview possibly these two played in a Super Bowl back in the day the two hard Bob Brothers going up against each other I covered that cover the lights went out they did um beonce was the halftime show had a nice week in New Orleans it’s

Interesting you remember Beyonce the Beyonce part so vividly actually I could not see a thing so far up in the by the way those um those halftime performances at least in my experience sound terrible in inside the stadium they’re made for TV correct like they don’t those halftime shows for the Super

Bowl are made for the audience on television they’re not like a normal concert you go to where they dial everything in for how it sounds in the stadium yeah my memory of the Beyonce halftime show is just not being able to see it it being very loud and going to

Get something to eat there you go all right well who you got here Ravens 49ers 49ers by a touchdown they’ve been rolling I it seems like a lot five and a half points but I especially at home I like how they’ve been playing I think they keep it going

Still be a good game like a good 27 to 20 win for the 49ers and I mean just the the explosive plays that both teams can provide it’s going to be a fun game all right well we gotta get out of here it’s been a fun show not so fun facts fun

Facts that’s so fun fun facts from fishbane thank you for him coming on um by the way um we are not going to have a postgame show Sunday um with the uh just it being Christmas and the game being late anyway so we will uh we’ll wrap things up we’ll

Come back on the 26 on Tuesday and uh we’ll get all the reaction from the game we’ll get one out for you on Tuesday of course and I’ll recap everything but just so you guys are all aware there will not be a postgame pod dropping late on

Christmas Eve soon as we’re done with work we’re gonna go go spend some time with our families and we hope you guys do the same thing as well and enjoy Christmas Eve enjoy Christmas day hopefully everyone has a a nice weekend and then we’ll all reconvene on Tuesday and and break

Everything down for you um maybe it would have been different if the Bears had won last week but I think this is the the right call so that’s what we’re doing I just want to make sure everybody’s aware not looking for that Sunday night um you should be looking

Out your window for Santa Claus instead it’s on your phone now the Santa Tracker yeah I’ve used that it’s a little creepy my son my oldest has discovered um there’s a phone number you could call to talk to Santa like oh yeah yeah that’s kind of

Creepy it is but my experience is that it works it does yeah but still yeah no I have that I have that I’ve I’ve called Santa um all right where out of here uh enjoy Christmas everyone and um yeah well make sure you’re following us on Twitter check out Hogan get

All the merch and we’ll uh we’ll talk to you on Tuesday Merry Christmas


  1. Is it really super obvious who would win the worst Chicago media person award? I feel like there are at least a handful of people that have been genuinely awful to listen to this year 😂

  2. I never liked the Getsy hire. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After watching TheQBschool breakdowns I am confident Getsy is below average at best. Unoriginal. His schemes have head-scratching details. Like playaction on a goalline fade that the LBers could never reach if they started running there immediately. Wasted motion that distracts the QB. Or using 160lb WRs to block linebackers and DLmen on outside runs. A disconnect from what his personnel are. It's become obvious that many plays lack the oh-shit options. And his play-calling lacks overall awareness of tendencies. There are far too many of these things that outweigh the few good play designs or play calls that occur in a game. And the slow development of Fields is equally to blame on coaches as Fields himself. I hear many QBs talk about the importance of footwork. Yet Nagy said they don't care about footwork. And under Janocko Field's footwork is unchanged. His footwork causes him to be slow and affects timing throws. So it's hard to evaluate a QB with bad coaching. That said how many QB's you gonna find that don't need coaching?

  3. If you keep Justin, in next year draft we’ll have two 1st round picks and three 2nd rounders. If Justin plays poorly, we can easily replace him next year.

  4. This is gonna sound like an excuse. But I think due to the rain a few plays the ball slipped and got away from Fields. The glove, no glove thing with Fields made me think he was having grip issues.

  5. Fire Eberflus, hire Shane Waldron the current OC of Seattle. His EPA is fantastic and he's gotten a lot out of Geno Smith and Drew Lock. So whether Fields or Williams he'd be a great development guy and as HC ya can't poach the OC.

  6. If you're the president of the United States, it makes sense to couch your answers about people underneath you because that could cause a national panic. But as a head football coach bus chuck these crap coordinators and their terrible play calling. The fans are dying for it.

  7. You can talk all you want about what the Bears are going to do but the one thing you can count on from past history it will be the wrong thing , it's been that way since Mike McCaskey was GM !!

  8. I grew up on the south side and knew some Cardinal fans, then again the Cards left Chicago when I was 6. A lot of my dad's generation were Cardinal fans.

  9. Fields isn't close to being elite. He is who he is at this point. He's a bottom 16 QB. Eberflus is a loser. The D has some really solid players, but Eberflus isn't a special D coordinator. This D blows it in big moments

  10. THE ONLY THING THAT BOTHERS ME IS WHEN YOU GUYS SAY JUSTIN HAS TO STEP UP, KNOWING it was a touchdown dropped , and another drop that would have put us in field goal range. then u say Justin has to step up. We had 3 games that the defense loss. Justin stepped up and defense loss those games.

  11. This is the second year of a rebuild that Poles said it takes a while. The defense is almost there. especially coming from last place 2 yrs ago. The offense has improved. Everything is going in the right direction. I feel no one is getting fired because the progress is there and we can see it. 1st yrs no 1 rnd draft pick, 2nd years got aa butt load of picks. now this year with two 1st round picks and MHJ out there, omgthis team should take off next year.

  12. You expected J Love to be top 10 in yards, top 5 in TD’s, literally everyone injured and still out playing meaningful games?!? lol.

  13. You have to remember, Justin Fields is a part of the Bears' running game. If you only look at their running backs they're kinda pathetic.

  14. A lot of former Chicago Cardinals fans are Packers fans now. Had a few people that I grew up with that had the Packer fandom passed down to them that way

  15. Playing the Browns game beat them with better offensive line that is the reason the Bears lost. offensive line depth has hunted this team all year long along with poor Center play.

  16. @adamJahns how much of the valuation when it comes to Justin do you think Poles is gonna weigh in as far as the operation coordinators scheming preparation planning, and whatever else goes into being an offensive coordinator?

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