ARP | 2023 DGMT Finale R1 F9 | McCray : Rowell : Garcia : Chapin | MP50 Feat. Card |

Ace Run Productions brings you the 2023 Disc Golf Masters Tour Finale presented by Innova and generated by Grit Discs. This is a 4 round PDGA A-Tier and we will be crowing an inaugural champion for this tour! We are at the beautiful North Cove Leisure and Golf Club in Marion North Carolina. A big thank you to the DGMT for having us out to cover this event. Make sure to check out their link below to see the upcoming 2024 schedule. #acerunpro #DGMT #discgolf

Check out the upcoming season schedule for the DGMT

Round One Feature Card:
JohnE McCray
Todd Rowell
Crist Garcia
Jayson Chapin

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Ace Run Productions LLC.
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Hello disc golf fans and welcome to the 2023 disc golf Masters Tour finale at North Cove presented by ineva and generated by grit discs this PDGA a tier taking place at the North Cove Leisure club and disc golf course in Mar in North Carolina we are Ace Run Productions bringing you this coverage

I’m Felix Vega here on the mic happy to be in the studio bringing you the action from this incredible venue one that you may have seen before throughout coverage not only on our Channel but on the disc golf pro tour as well and there are some Immaculate properties some beautiful courses out

Here on this incredible property we’re going to be focusing on the gorge today and let’s take a look at this round one feature card of the MP p50 division leading the way a name you know and love the Timeless Wonder himself Johnny mcra is staggering 21 career wins to his

Credit joining him Todd roral 30 career wins and 986 Rating third on the card today we’ve got Chris Garcia with 99 career events this will make 100 for him triple digits very impressive Jason chapen 48 career events 9 918 rating coming into this finale and we’re going to kick things off here on the gorge a property that

You are probably familiar with if you watch the Blue Ridge championships this whole one part three out of bounds off the tea here until you clear that tree line there this plays as a peninsula as out of bound is off the tea and then Hazard if you

Don’t land within the confines of these two cart paths both in front and Behind the Green here very small landing area that you have to place your disc within in order to be safe guys you from I’m from ZR Hills Florida from Florida Johnny McCrae Johnny McCrae representing all of

Florida it’s so great to see Johnny back out here doing his thing he’s looking to take the backand here up the traditional Gap and putting just the slightest bit of turn on this disc as it works its way down the Fairway and puts himself what maybe 15

Ft or so absolutely Pure Drive to start his day Todd roro following with the backand as well but this looks to be finishing out on Heiser clips that tree but it looks like that settled on the far side of the C path which is safe so he is not in the

Hazard Chris electing for the forehand here over the entire tree line spiking back over oh but that one is landed short of the peninsula so that will play as a hazard Jason tracking that tree there and that falls straight down which is out of bounds stay provisional calling provisional here on

His second shot here as he’s going to rete after conferring with the card and just does Miss hitting that same limb again but this is pushed too long and he’s going to be long in the hazard now so his card mates did go up and

Confirm that he was out of bounds on the drive so that is the shot that he is playing so a rough start there is he’s going to be out of bounds and then Hazard after ring there saw the jump approach for Todd Chris laying up there with a floaty bit as well and

Jason with the jump putt approach putting them inside of the boulders oddly enough there is a course on here called The Boulders which is not this course there as that putt leaks out left somehow and does not stay in the basket uh Boulders is the course that

We’ll be seeing uh during the final round of this event we mentioned there are three courses on here you see the gorge and we’ve also got H Boulders which are the two longer courses The Gorge is by far uh the furthest and probably the most challenging I would

Say of the three courses on here then there’s River Run which is much more friendly course uh which they did night Golf out here glow golf which was incredible disc in the- darkk was out here lighting up the entire course not just the baskets but they had rope

Lights of they had DJ going just an incredible Advantage if you weren’t a part of this finale uh you definitely want to look into joining in for next year as CI mcmorran has done a tremendous job of growing this tour as the tour director and it’s a fantastic week in being out

Here we’re moving on to from the second hardest hole to the hardest hole hole two Par 3 390 ft as you can see average there .96 above par you’re taking off from out of bounds so your disc must move from left to right in order to be

In bounds you need to stay within the Fairway here on the right hand side and you see those rocks Boulders on the right hand side those Define the out of bounds on the right side of the Fairway and also wraps around on the back end of this green here creating out of bounds

Long a treacherous and difficult t- shot especially with wind thankfully we’ve got pretty calm conditions here Johnny McRae up first and he’s going to be bending his disc on anheiser from right to left forcing it over and getting some finish and he has filleted the first two

Holes of this course the two hardest holes on this course and he’s making them look pedestrian at best so far Todd going with the same line as Johnny just a little bit shorter there but he finds himself nestled right in the middle of the Fairway there’s that

Mandatory there on the right hand side which prevents you from going Hiser right off the bat and around all these trees although some of the smaller trees that were there last year have now started to grow up and present much more of an obstacle even if you were trying

To take a little bit of a cheater heer line there Jason plenty of turn on that one keeps carrying right and needs to check up but gets the skip and has gone out of bounds on the right side of the Fairway so so Jason not the start that you’re looking

For after hole one now he’s gone out of bounds once again this very floaty approach here for RO for Todd Ro excuse me is going to straddle the line of in and out but that is inbounds as you can see there half to disc well over the

Line Jason with the jump putt approach and that settles nicely there could easily be some rollways on this green here as you can see the basket perched on that slant there Chris also gets his disc to settle up nicely we have Todd putting here for par un fortunately just a little bit low

There and Johnny looking to start two for two on the two most difficult holes and he has done just just that strong start for Johnny McCrae here through the first two Jason sneaking it over the top there for the boy is Johnny McCrae gives us a smile Walking On by

I’d be smiling too if I was two for two to start on this course these are not easy holes to get oh and Chris’s mini is gone as it rolls down there we talk we see the rollway and we just saw an example of it thankfully it was only his

Many all right we’re through two holes Johnny mcgrae off to a strong Start [Applause] There you see the 2024 schedule is out for the dgmt check out D gmt. us be a part of these incredible events this finale was amazing I can still taste the prime Raven cheesecake fun time had by all fun time could be had by on this

Hole too as it is a difficult one par 4 565 ft out of bounds looming on the left hand side this is a unique one as you must finish your disc inside of the actual sand trap which normally would play as a hazard but on this one it’s

Target you need to land inside there to be safe you see the rock wall on the right hand side there has Johnny teas off also playing at as out of bounds very difficult hole to land a proper shot on his Johnny’s flirting with this left- hand side OB and needs to hold on

And it does grabby grass keeping him in bounds oh Chris has turned over this forehead a bit early needs to find a way to get through and it does and that ditch is safe he is in Bounds Very neutral flight there gets a little bit of a rough kick off the tree but settles inbounds as well in that ditch long as you’re not across the cart path there you’re fine and then the rocks on the right hand side def find the out of bounds that one gets a kick

Straight down but stays in bounds for Jason as he is electing for the pitch up forehand here and he has placed it safely here’s the hard part you need to get inside of this sand trap in order to be safe anything short of it goes right to

The Drop Zone and that one trickles its way in it’s a little bit more uphill than it looks here very slight elevation change Chris looking for the forehand getting some flare and hoping to stick in and is it has he can’t see it but trickled up over the line and is out of

Bounds so he’s going to have to proceed to the Drop Zone which is about a 6065 foot putt Jason is going to leave that one short and that is going to be out of bounds again unique rules on this hole where the sand trap is playing as the

Island you have to land inside of that bunker in order to be safe Johnny McCrae on his second shot when you know it safe Chris with the spinny approach puts it inside the bunker Jason looking to do the same giving it a little bit of a run there but just little bit right Side and Todd it’s looking like he’s going to be picking up a par here on hole three Johnny McCrae looking for the turkey and he collects his third birdie of the day already three for three good putt there it’s going to be a putt or par for

Todd Chris is going to take the bogey after that unfortunate curl up that put him out of bounds on his second shot and Jason going to take the double there to close out hole three quite the scoring separation already through there three holes here out here on the Gorge hole four this one is a par three 302 ft a tricky shot here as there is a drastic elevation change from the T be thr a shot moving left to right up this hill here and through a very tight tunnel with a lot of different branches

And obstacles that can knock down your disc at the end here the boulders here at the front are playing at about 10 to 15 ft from the basket there so anything near those uh you’ve known you throwing a good shot pretty difficult green to access Though Johnny with the turnover a little bit early but gets a friendly roll back there think and it looks like that’s going to going to leave him with a putt we’ll see how obstructed he might be this one not quite getting into the initial Gap there it’s going to fizzle

Out to the left hand side that looks very good just needs to hold that angle that’s a very good shot again this is a very tricky hole and one that’s not easy to navigate getting that up up the hill and having your disc whole turn to the right hand side while staying within

A very tight tunnel Jason with a nice shot as well and gets a very friendly reaction off of that late kick there to keep him in the Fairway so looks like we’re going to have Todd here looking at a skinny gap on the left hand side and unfortunately Clips an early tree and

He’s only gained about five ft of uh forward progress much better on the second attempt there that putter looks like it’s in trouble in his hands we’ve got Jason looking for birdie and he gets it to drop in nice spin putt there over the top of that

Boulder that’s got to be a good feeling to get that monkey off the back there on hle four and Chris after the good drive just sails it left unfortunately Johnny for four for four that’s a lot of fours but goodness Johnny McCrae is dicing this course apart so

Far four down through the first four holes and he is putting on a driving Clinic Chris knocking home the par there after a good Drive Johnny mcra perfect through the first four there you see no one else under par yet on this feature card we move on to this beauty of par five this one actually playing as the easiest hole on the property par 4 I’m sorry whole five par 4 629 ft the

Rocks that you see on the right hand side are not out of bounds uh for the Pro Tour the Blue Ridge championships they were so there’s a lot of room to work with on the right hand side your second shot here is going to be tackling up this peninsula sorry up to

This Plateau which does have a bit of a steep drop off on the right hand side Johnny mcgrae opting for the big turnover air shot and this is moving way down the Fairway o that is a pump he’s probably going to have maybe 120 ft or so left from there beautiful shot

There Chris also opting for that outside turnover line and this is carrying beautifully down the Fairway he’s on that right hand side as well again no need to go left side left side kind of pinches off your angle there so you’ll see either High shots or you’ll see these big anheiser turnovers

This one drifting down the right hand side as well and again in this format perfectly safe we’re going to have Jason up first being on this right hand side just opens up your lines a little bit more it gives you the forehand and backhand lines and

It takes a little bit of that right side drop off out of the equation but this one is turned over not not quite what Jason was looking for there Todd looking at to throw something neutral uphill in her and have it drift to the right and sit down on that

Plateau and that is nicely executed he’ll have a a bit of a scary look there as he’s going to be facing that drop off right behind the basket and Chris knows he turned that one over early and now he’s going to have to essentially waste a shot to pitch back

Up unless he wants to try to run that there we’ll see what his angle looks like Johnny with the putter approach and he is boy sitting in great position to go five for five Chris with the floaty bid o that one was spicy bit of a run there from

Jason let’s see if Todd’s going to go after this he does and he misses it right side and we’re going to see if he paid the price R it looks like he’s quite in the middle of the thick stuff here but comes right back and sinks the parut Fantastic scramble there to get

The par on whole five keeping his wits about him after that uh M putt beforehand going to have a par there for Jason starting to turn things around with a birdie and a par in his last two holes and Johnny McCrae five for five incredibly impressive start here for

McCrae it’s not easy to catch somebody when they’re not making mistakes let’s take a look at our scoreboard so far for this card as you can see Johnny well out in front so far let’s see if we can keep the momentum rolling after this break All right welcome back to the action we are on whole six this part three coming in at 272 ft pretty simple hole up until you get to the end of it you’ve got these couple of trees here that the Drone is flying by now that you want to decide if you’re

Going to go Heiser or forehand around them and then you’ve got this basket which is perched on this Turtle back here and provides rollways from all different angles there’s also out of- bounds long and left of the basket here quite a tricky green and the danger

Isn’t over after the t- shot as Johnny trying to coax his six-legged friend off the teapad there which he has done oh squeezes by that last tree gets a little bit of a redirect by a late Branch scores and finds himself up on the green

With we’ll see how scary of a look that is once we get up there Jason second to T is opting for the Hydra line on the right side wanting that disc to swing on back around and is just on the bottom back side of the Hill there again that could be a scary

Approach from where he’s sitting Chris also opting for the tighter Hiser line checking up nicely on the hillside there and Todd going more of a direct approach at it there’s going to finish more left and on the bottom side of the hill to the left side but he looks like he has stayed

Safe Johnny faking out the camera guy looking like he’s going to give this a bit oh no he’s just laying it up oh and that is going to roll all the way out of bounds just went all the way down that slope and kept on going little soft bid here for Jason is

Looking to do the same and it’s going to be parked right next to Johnny and unfortunately both players going out of bounds on this very tricky Hillside you you can’t be serious are you kidding the all three discs are right by each other all out of

Bounds and that that one sits for Todd Johnny now first to act oh and this one’s he tries to punt it away but it sits does not go out of bounds but he’s further away now than he was on the putt that he just had that one hits metal

You’re almost terrified to touch metal here because of the very real potential of the roll away another metal hit but that one sits for Jason what a crazy easy turn of events here on this hole Johnny with the turbo does not connects and this is going to erase quite a

Bit oh man a nightmare situation now in the green that’s going to wipe out nearly everything that Johnny has done to start off this round par looking amazing right now on this on this hole is the rollways have gotten the better of everyone besides Todd on this hole and

Johnny is going to drop in a quadruple bogey that drops him from five under to one under on one hole certainly didn’t expect to see that after the start he had gotten off to wow All right hole seven par 4 533 ft teing from an elevated position down into this wooded area so going from open to very wooded these three trees here in the middle kind of Define the Fairway and there the three that you really have to beat off

Your initial drive here if you can land anywhere past those and near those Boulders here you’re going to have a pretty easier time trying to get your approach here to kind of high around but there’s Boulders and roll away potential everywhere on this hole and even the

Lines that are there are not real lines at times so we’ll see how these guys tackle this this is going to be early left and never quite turned so we’ll see what Todd’s angles are looking like from there Jason putting a bit more turn on this

One but again that one’s going to fight out early as well and it is thick over there even this time of year there’s still plenty of leaves and trees that are presenting a big challenge Chris going with the forehand and he’s going to be on the right hand side a

Little bit early at the Gap oh my gosh Johnny looked like maybe you got a little caught up and he gets a very fortunate kick out back to the mouth of the gap just a little Pitch Out forehand there for Todd Jason has a gap for the

Heiser and is fought his way back to the right hand side of the Fairway Chris off the Fairway on the right hand side looking to pitch back across towards those Boulders there and he’s put himself behind one of the bigger trees there we’ll see if that’s going to affect his ability

There that one skims the top of the boulder there and fights its way up towards the circle probably Circle two we’ll have to see when he gets up there and Chris with the flex forand there around the left side looks like he’s going to have a look there at a

Putt yeah this hole will make you shake your head it is difficult from start to finish so we’re looking at an overhand going Tomahawk and looks looks like he’s found himself uh just a bit outside the circle there but definitely some solid forward progress Jason also looking at a

Tomahawk gets a little bit of a redirect but looks like he’s going to be Circle two as well maybe a little bit out but the question is do he even have a line to approach looks like he did and he’s put it just behind Johnny looking for the turbo

That should be a relatively easy tap in for his par oh good bid just stayed right and kind of broke behind the basket there Chris awkwardly on a boulder here straddling Just a Touch low really great effort there that could not have been a comfortable stance and Jason fighting and scrambling

His way to that bogey there Todd will also take the bogey Johnny capitalizes on that tree kick he got off the drive and is able to get up and down for the par the only part taking on this hole from this card hole seven is a nemesis there you

See it it can it can bite you Quickly we move on to hole8 this par 4 comes in at 584 ft you’re teeing from the woods out into this open area here need your disc to move from left to right via forehand or turn over and get into this Fairway here the further you

Can climb up the hill here the easier your second shot is going to be as the hole then takes almost a 90° turn from right to left and guarded green here surrounded by multiple smaller trees and again the rollway potential is there as the basket his purse on a bit of a

Slant wind here can be a very key factor again we weren’t dealing with too much Breeze here as Johnny is going to float this one out on anheiser and then you kind of see it helicopter stall back over to the left and that is safe over there another

Turnover this looks like it’s going to find more of the meat of the Fairway and is safe Jason going with a bit more angle on his drive there and that one’s starting to flatten out nicely heading back to the left left hand side not too far from where Johnny mccrae’s Drive ended

Up Chris cutting it a little sharper off the initial line and this one though fading out over to the left hand side a little bit more than the others yeah L to be more of a stable disted he through as he’s trying to force that one over a bit

More second shot on the way going up towards the top of the hill and he’ll be able to see his Target from there very good second shot Johnny McCrae looking to cut the corner maybe and this is pushing through clean baby and he’s GNA have himself a look if he wants

It Jason going with the higher approach here that needs to work on over to the left and push forward but that’s going to stall out there he’s getting a little bit of Breeze kind of pushing that disc back there as you’re elevating up the second part of this

Fairway and Todd is g to be early left there and it’s going to be in the thick of it oh late tree there yes that that’ll make you shake your head it looked clean from uh the player cam there but unfortunately caught a late hardwood that is a great

Scramble for Jason there from where he was and Todd just floats it pin High to the right hand side Johnny here see if he’s looking to make a bid at this certainly looks like one little floaty and Heiser bid there just missing Chris with a similar line maybe

A little bit more straight at it and catches the right side of the chains and it brings it on home for the par fantastic putt there getting some love for Johnny and nearly getting taken out by the cour itself there’s a lot of dangers out here a lot of roots lots of

Boulders lots of sticks and twigs and all kinds of stuff we’ve seen black bears out here not thankfully not on the course um but just a beautiful property overall that just offers so much and they’ve revamped the clubhouse the bar there just offers fantastic drinks and

Incredible food we ate all week and I we didn’t eat anything that was bad everything was just delicious and can’t say enough good things about the staff just really really love this venue and love coming back here year after year one hole left to wrap up the front nine

We’ll catch up with the action after this [Applause] break All right check us out at different molds and discs available from Discraft infin at this and Trilogy jerseys hats all kinds of stuff on there we appreciate the support let’s check out whole nine this par 4 657 ft out of bounds on the right hand side that cart

Path there as this hole kind of tightens as you get closer and closer to the end these Hills and undulations also present The Challengers out of bounds long right and out of bounds long left of this hole on your second shot kind of want to break this hole

Down into two easy shots here as Johnny McCrae believe that’s his one war ship holding over beautiful anheiser line right in the middle of the Fairway if you can just chop this up into two 325 ft shots that’s all you really need this one drifting a bit more to the

Right needs to fade and finish and I don’t see an OB graphic so it looks like he is safe on that top right hand side Jason also going with that turnover line and he’s going to settle up right behind Johnny mcrae’s drive very nicely done and Chris opting for the

Forehand this looks clean and safe and he settles in on the right hand side of the Fairway nicely Jason floating there this one just left to the basket needs to hold on and it does look like he is safe but he’s going to have a pitch up from where

He is Johnny gets this one over far the right and that is drifted long out of bounds he is pushed past that cart path Chris here opting for the backand after going forehand off the T and using all of that airspace on the right hand

Side and that’s going to check up on the backs side of that last Hill there finally Todd here with a soft approach there a slow move to the left wants it to settle we’ll see where he ended up here Johnny floats his up and it Nestles up just behind the

Pin Chris lays his up there to about 10 feet looking to play this for par at this point and Jason here trying to ring up the birdie and just a bit low but he Nestles up nicely up against the PIN no harm there yeah a bit of a disappointing hole

There Chris knocks home the par to close out his front nine at 5 over so far you see the wind starting to pick up here on this flag the back half of this course in particular can definitely be affected by the wind par there for Todd and Jason as

Well what a roller coaster front nine we saw ginir Craig get off to five down through five start but he’s going to finish this front Nine Dead even and has brought the field back into play here still plenty of golf left we’ve got nine more holes to show you

But let’s take a look at our leaderboard through nine as you can see Robert Ryan right now two down through 11 he is your current leader couple of evens as well by far we’ve got a lot of disc golf to come make sure you come on back and check out the back

Nine of this first round a big thank you to the Cali McMoRan and crew for bringing us out here for this incredible event and again check out D gmt. us for the 2024 season these events are just growing and growing and growing and we’re proud to

Be a part of it big thank you to all of our Ace runners we appreciate all the incredible support make sure you guys like And subscribe and we’ll see you right back here for the back nine of round one of this disc golf Masters Tour Finale


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