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Cosmo Warrior ZERO “La Jeunesse d’Albator” | Série Complète en MULTI | Japonais + Français

Warius Zero, alias le Cosmo Warrior “, commandant de la flotte terrienne, a pour mission de traquer et éliminer le capitaine Albator
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© 2022 – Tous Droits Réservés
#AnimeFR #AnimationFR #FilmComplet

Original work and direction: Matsumoto Leiji Project manager: Imanishi Kazuhito Executive producers: Yanagisawa T., Tsuburaya À. Story board: Fujimoto Nobuyuki Character design: Masunaga K. Mecha design: Itabashi K., Tamura K. Artistic direction: Dobashi Makoto, Abe Taizaburô Opening credits: Nakajima M. Geminiart High Quality Music: Geminiart High Quality (Production: Yatabe Tadashi) Director: Yokota Kazuyoshi

Co-production: Namiki Shunji, Imai Tomoyuki Production: Tsuburaya Eizô, TV Tokyo Medianet Co., Ltd. Stop! Stop! I can not do anything ! Stop! Search, search… Lost, lost… Go! You are incapable. This is all your fault! The Humanoids have beaten you. Give me back my son! Give me back my daughter! Give me back my grandson!

Give them back to me… Commander! Propulsion level vibrations. Thrust limited to 60%. Overpressure in the thrusters. Full power. Full power! Commanding officer ! Don’t worry about so little. The enemy will not wait. Commanding officer. You must stop exercising. The ship won’t hold up. Stop for so little? The enemy will not wait.

Think about the crew. It’s just an exercise. That’s right, it’s just an exercise. I understand. End of exercise. Take care of repairs. Batlyser, take charge. Before, he wasn’t like that. He was at the head of the fleet during the war. Anyone would go crazy on this old boat. You do not know him.

He will pull himself together. Do you want to resign? Yes. The ship has been assigned to someone else. The war against the Humanoids is certainly over, but are we really at peace? I couldn’t protect anyone. Not even my own family… You are not the only one responsible. The Earth still needs you.

I’ve already made my decision. Commanding officer ! Commander, remove your cap. Like that, there is no more rank. Stop running away, Zero! You’re not the only one who lost everything. The future of the Earth is at stake now . Zero, our planet is not dead yet.

There are humans left, and we must protect them. We must do this in memory of all those who died in the great space war. I know. Sorry. Shit, and shit! Zero, why? Why do you feel so guilty? Message to the convoy: stop the machines or we will open fire. Unidentified vessel approaching.

Get ready to fight! Arm the cannons! Ready to shoot. To the destination of the convoy: stop the machines or we will open fire. -Fire! – Shoot them down! We received an SOS Commander, come quickly. Mayday! We are being attacked by pirates… Stop! I can not do anything ! Stop! Determine their position.

Navigator, determine their position. Received. I determine their position. Contact the Land Union. We will help them. Understood. To the whole crew, get ready to fight! We are ready. Forward, all! Forward, all! What does it give ? The usual junk. Damn. Captain, what do we do? Destroy it. To the ship’s commander:

This is the Kagero, of the Earth Union fleet. I am Commander Warrius Zero. Appointment. All our guns are locked on you. Captain, these idiots want us to surrender. What are we doing ? It’s just a common patrol. Here we go ! Fire ! The enemy fired. Dodge! Damn, it’s too late!

Prepare for shock. – | missed us? – No, he did it on purpose. But then that means they fired manual. These guys are really, really strong. What do we do, Commander? Nice shot. Data analysis completed: transport ship number 0013 belonging to the Galactic Government. Registration number: 24536. On the way to Pluto.

It’s a humanoid ship. Commander, let’s leave it alone. The enemy is sending us a message. Message to Kagero: Unlock your cannons and leave the area. We have nothing against Earthlings. To the ship’s commander: Earthlings and Humanoids have signed a peace treaty. Attacking a humanoid ship is considered aggression towards the Earth Union.

Disable your cannons and surrender. Are you serious, Commander? We belong to the Earth Union, we must do our duty. They were the ones who picked the fight. And they’re going to get it. Commanding officer. Nohara, right on target. Engineer officer, full power, please. Do you want to destroy the ship?

We don’t have another ship. Take care of it. I know, Batlyser. Rai, just destroy his cannons. Count on me ! This one is old. Wow ! Captain, he’s heading straight for us. Interesting. So he challenges me. I accept. I was sure of it ! The enemy is heading straight for us.

Calm down. The first to deviate loses. They are courageous. Starboard? To port? Engineer officer, the thrusters are vibrating dangerously. Come on, just a little longer. Damn it ! Dodge to starboard! The helm to starboard, all! To starboard. The helm to starboard, all! The helm to starboard, all! Dodge to starboard!

The helm to starboard, all! Assess the damage, quickly! He will be back. Rai, are you okay? Turret 2, operational. The enemy is sending us a message. All our guns are locked on you. But as you fought well, I will spare your life. What ? The transport ship… Can we stop them?

Impossible from this angle. Connect me. To the ship’s commander… Stop! Stop! Why did they do this? Use the auxiliary motors! All thrusters are out of order. The enemy is moving away. Curse ! | escaped. You should know that Galactic Government ships are regularly attacked by space pirates. Yes, I am aware.

The one who caused the most damage to them is an Earthling, his name is Harlock. Harlock? || commanded the ship that attacked you: the Death Shadow. Was it… the Death Shadow? The Galactic Government demands that we eliminate these pirates. What if we fail? The Humanoids risk breaking the peace treaty

And starting a new war. Let me take care of it. If you agree to entrust me with this mission, I will have a request to make. Go for it. I would like to get the Karyu back. The Karyu? I see. I will inform the Governor. And then… And then?

Piloting the Karyu is extremely delicate. I need my crew. I’ll take care of it. Something else ? That’s all. So I’m counting on you. Understood. Be careful. Are you satisfied ? It’s gone. How can you volunteer for such a mission? If Zero bothers you that much, just find an excuse

And have him kicked out of the army. I don’t want to create a second Harlock. And neither do you, right? Because our peace treaty is extremely “delicate.” The Karyu. I’ve been waiting for you. Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi, chief engineer. I’m coming for the ship. Finally, here you are, Commander. Turn on the lights!

It’s magnificent. He had However, it was damaged during the war. The survivors of the maintenance team completely repaired it. We also updated the ship’s armament. Thank you very much. My old comrade. Lieutenant! If he took care of the repairs, there is nothing to fear. Commander, this is for you.

The standard of the Independent Fleet, the one on which I took my oath. Why is Batlyser accompanying us? You have been assigned a new second . What… What happened? Let me introduce myself: Marina Oki. I have been transferred to this ship. Commander, what is it? No, nothing. Who sent us this new second-in-command?

It’s me. I was tired of having a robot as my second-in-command. But I didn’t expect this. Commanding officer ! The ship is ready to set sail. GOOD. Everyone on the bridge. She is pretty. She is pretty. You need a good revision! Salute. Listen to me. The Earth Union entrusted the Karyu

With the mission of hunting down and eliminating space pirates. Check all systems. Systems verification. We leave. Hoist the standard of the Independent Fleet. To the entire crew: we are going to set sail. Evacuate the area! Evacuate the area! Antigravitational thrusters at 12,000 revolutions! Doors openning. Unlocking the launch pad. Unlocking the launch pad.

Unlock OK Unlock OK OK The Karyu has taken off. Look at it carefully… The ship of hope, the ship of the last men of Earth. Gentlemen, take your hats! Greet the maintenance team. I’m coming, Harlock. We have a score to settle. Inspection of the vessel. I repeat: inspection of the ship. “Marina Oki..

“Graduated from the Galactic Military School, year 256. “Embarked on the destroyer Monsoon, “then joined the general staff, “then the defense HQ of the planet Jupiter…” Good job. Good job . “Request to rejoin the fleet. ‘Navigator officer on the Daïsan “then second in command on the cruiser Muo.” Only Humanoids take care of cleaning.

Checks the crew’s schedule. Checking the schedule. Cleaning chores. “After the great space war, ” joined the land staff. “Promoted to captain, “refused the position of second in command of the general staff “to board the Karyu.” Why? Why give up such a promising career? Why on my ship? Why?

Hello. Let’s get along a little part? Lieutenant… What’s the matter? Why are you making that face? It’s nothing. I knew you liked her. She looks like your poor wife. I’m sorry. No, It’s not serious. So, Lieutenant, is everything okay? No problem with the crew? You mean between Humans and Humanoids?

Same diet for everyone. Don’t worry. I hope. Is this a joke? I’m a cook for Humanoids, not for Humans. We don’t eat nuts! We want chefs for Humans! I don’t know where they are. It’s just us. What is that thing ? It’s a great vintage. Hyper oil. It resists -20 degrees…

– A fight! – Go ahead ! All about Humanoids! Fire ? Fight ? Calm down ! Stop! Stop, stop! Check the cooks’ schedule. Here too, Humanoids are exploited. Checking the cooks’ schedule. Help ! How are you ? Don’t dawdle! Afterwards, you will have to test them. Why are we the only ones working?

We’re on the same team, right? What ? You dare to question your superior’s orders, you dirty robot? I’m not a dirty robot. I have a name and a rank. What ? You… What rank? You may have won the war, but let it be clear, the Karyu belongs to Humans.

As long as you are on board, you will obey us. – | is not in question. – What ? Let him go, Chief Engineer! Captain! Greet your superiors. This ship is part of the Earth Union fleet. By leaving all the work to Humanoids, you are breaking the rules.

The whole crew must work. That’s it. Thank you so much. You are with us. I’m not with anyone. No pity. Captain, are you feeling bad? No it is nothing. Inform the stewardship officer. Have him check all the valves on the ship. We can synthesize water at will. Water is life.

Do you mean that life appeared in the aquatic environment? Captain, wait! Another fight. Fight, fight. Certainly… Commander! Ishikura? What is it ? We must put an end to the inspection of your mate. The inspection? Why interrupt your inspection? In fact… Misery, we have to hurry!

He’s a lamb in the middle of a pack of wolves. That’s why I don’t want a woman on board. Is the captain unhurt? No, it’s the opposite. Opposite ? How so ? So. Commander, the ship’s regulations are absolutely not respected. The behavior of certain crew members is unacceptable. Don’t be so harsh.

We have just taken off, they are still agitated. It’s not about hustle. In fact, Humans and Humanoids don’t get along at all. I checked the crew schedule. Humanoids are exploited and bullied. I see. That’s what I feared. This risks harming the smooth running of our mission. Let’s give them exercises. Count on me,

I will make them work so hard that they will forget their differences. Captain, this is not how you will change mentalities. But… We are approaching the hyperspace entry point, Commander. Well, we have work to do. Hurry up. We are going to enter hyperspace. Machines: RAS Well, when leaving hyperspace, go to high alert,

Activate the sensors and try to locate the pirates. Let the crew take some rest. Commander, the exercises… He’s right. They worked day and night so that the Karyu could set sail. The commander is right. All systems green. A machine never makes a mistake. Nobody asked your opinion.

And then a machine doesn’t need to rest. What ? – Navigator officer! – Yes. Apologize to the radar officer. On this ship, we are all comrades. I will not tolerate my men insulting their comrades. Excuse me, Commander. I’m sorry. – What is going on ? – Explosion in the armory. Gateway, here armory.

The Humanoids have mutinied. What ? I go ! Hey, wait! Bastards, mutiny is punishable by death! You are exploiting us. Call the commander. Manure. Stop, don’t shoot. Will it be okay? – What happened ? – Commanding officer ! What is going on ?

As they refused to work, I wanted to punish them, and that’s it… Wasn’t it you who didn’t want to work? Here, I’m the one in charge. I’m the one who decides the schedule. But finally, what is happening? – Are you the commander? – Yes. We are not Robots.

We want to be treated better. I understand. We will listen to you. But first, put down your weapons. We won’t do anything to you. – Do not go. – Hold on. That’s it, let’s talk. Commanding officer ! Wait, that was… Commander! – Captain, will you be okay? – Yes.

We have to end this quickly. Wait, we need to talk. But it’s a mutiny. The other Humanoids risk joining them. And then, this mutiny may have been premeditated. How so ? The Karyu is returned to us, and the crew is full of Humanoids. Maybe it’s a trap. It’s possible, Commander.

Maybe they want to take over the Karyu. We must put down this mutiny. Yes, let’s kill them. – To death ! – This is our ship! – Death to the Humanoids! – Kill Em ! No ! Captain! Stop! Wait ! Captain! It was an accident. Cease the fire! Hold on.

Come on, put down your weapons. We will listen to you. You don’t want this to escalate, do you? It’s true. We need to discuss. Captain! Captain! Captain! A stretcher, bring a stretcher! Hurry up ! Put down your weapons! Tell the doctor! You heard ?

Listen to me carefully, as long as you are aboard this ship, Humans and Humanoids will be treated fairly. If you don’t like it, get off this ship! Leave immediately! Are you doing well ? Captain! Doctor, I entrust it to you. I’m coming. But he’s a Humanoid!

He’s going to turn me into a Humanoid! If you wish, I can take care of you. No, I want to leave here. Commanding officer. Get treatment from the doctor. But… It’s an order. Doctor, please. Count on me. I’m a doctor, it’s my job. So you don’t punish them? Exact.

But, Commander, even though they had good reasons, they stole weapons and mutinied. We have just set sail. I have to reconcile the crew. It’s my duty. Commander, we must punish all those who participated in the confrontation. Punish them all? The Karyu is on a mission.

All those who break the rules must be punished. If we allow discipline to slacken, the crew will not be able to respond effectively in the event of a fight. You are too harsh. It was the Humanoids who started it. No, it all comes from the climate of mistrust that reigns here.

By punishing only one party, the situation risks getting worse. We must attack the evil at the root. I see. We will apply the same sanction to Humans and Humanoids. The same sanction? On the Karyu, we are all comrades. If we can’t trust each other, we won’t be able to help each other.

First officer, carry out this order. Well, they will all be punished the same. Commanding officer. Here is the exercise program. Entry into hyperspace will take place in 2 hours. Then, combat simulation, emergency evacuation exercise and simulated attack on an enemy building… The second in command seems to be doing well. Yes.

What do you have ? Are you worried? I feel like she wants to die. It’s true that she’s a little reckless. You should go talk to him. Maybe that will sort things out. No. Maybe it’s better that I don’t know anything. Zero,

To me, it’s more you who seems in a hurry to get it over with. How to reconcile Humans and Humanoids? This war has lasted too long. There was so much hatred on both sides. It won’t be easy. We must forget the past and start all over again. You too, Zero.

The commander is requested on the bridge. I repeat… Well, we have to go. The captain returned to the bridge. We are ready to enter hyperspace. Authorization granted. Engineer officer, go ahead. Entry into hyperspace. Navigator, enter hyperspace. Entry into hyperspace. Why don’t you end it for good? I want to see what

The people of Earth are capable of. What is it, Radar Officer? The radar has spotted something, but the image is blurred. Again… Are you sure? The Karyu’s three-dimensional radars can even detect stealth ships. I’m sure. And then, I have a bad feeling. We should go into waking state. We passed near a star.

Simple electromagnetic disturbances. The Humanoids have premonitions? Calm down and take care of your radar. Nohara! But, Commander, this is the third time. In addition, it interferes with the smooth running of the exercises. Commander, the navigating officer is right… Go into standby state. Wakefulness state. Commander, is something worrying you?

I feel like I’m being watched. RAS at the gateway level. So, Phase Breaker? Everything is normal, sorry. I’ll check it anyway. A scared robot… When faced with doubt, most Humans avoid thinking too much and interpret the facts as they see fit. But we are different. It is not fear that motivates us.

Commander, can we resume the exercise? Okay, back to exercise. Resumption of exercise in two minutes. Enemy spotted. Return to your battle stations. I repeat: return to your battle stations. Enemy spotted. Return to your battle stations. I repeat: return to your battle stations. Another exercise. It’s not true. I can’t take it anymore.

Fire alert! Intervention of the firefighting team. Again ? These exercises will eventually kill us. End of fire alert. Ten minutes of rest. I only have ten minutes to clean everything? But what is she playing? Exercises, more exercises. She’s a sadist. She must like to be obeyed and called mistress.

Who does she take us for? For robots? She’s pretty, but maybe she’s a Humanoid. She wants to get ahead. She is part of the elite. First in her promotion. The elite of the elite, I tell you. Commander, the training is too harsh. The men are exhausted.

In the event of a real alert, they will not be operational. – Commanding officer. – What is it ? I would like to modify the exercise program. Good idea ! Why is that ? I observed the behavior of the crew. Lieutenant Ishikura is right, the crew’s morale is at its lowest.

Captain, is this the result of your reflection? The one who commands is always alone. You have to know how to give orders while ignoring this solitude. GOOD. Authorization granted. Thank you. The test of the bipolar gun initially planned for this afternoon has been postponed until tomorrow. Wait !

We would finally be able to test the Saint-Elmo cannon! But there are other exercises planned. It’s perfect. The gunner officer will have time to make all the checks. I’m like the radar officer. I have a bad feeling. Okay, well too bad. General, it’s time. Okay, friend, throw out the mash!

I receive an SOS I establish the connection. Mayday, mayday! Here station V434, in orbit around Lyntees. Were attacked by unknown ships. I repeat… Harlock? V434: This is a Galactic Government station. Determine their position. Location search. Calculation of parameters. Engineer officer, full power! Commander, can’t we wait? The program verification is not finished.

The system ? All systems green. I fear there will be problems, particularly with the radars. We will see this later. Change of direction. Forward, all. Well, amigo, give them an ultimatum. This is the Terran Revolutionary Army. Surrender and your life will be saved. They are tenacious. Exterminate them! At your service !

Fire at will ! General, we have visitors. Don’t worry. It’s just a patrol. Scare them a little. Let’s give them a nice fireworks display. It’s not Harlock. The enemy is preparing to shoot. Commander, we must change course. We are in their sights. Stay the course. To starboard, all.

Commander, we are going to present our flank to the enemy. The Karyu must protect the station. There are only Humanoids on this station. There’s no point… Execution! On the same heading, to starboard, all. The enemy opens fire! Battery number 1, activate anti-laser defenses. Understood. Defenses activated. Battery 1, fire!

Commander, do we have authorization to return fire? No, we will give them an ultimatum. An ultimatum ? But, they are attacking us. Second salvo! Battery 1, fire! There are Humans aboard these ships. They don’t fight back. They really are losers. Let Franco position himself behind them. Then let me know. At your service.

Message to enemy ship. This is the Karyu, from the Earth Union fleet. Surrender without resistance. I repeat, surrender without resistance. Surrender? It’s so funny. Amigo, connect me. Message from the enemy. I make the connection. Who dares to give orders to General Hunter? Commander Warrius Zero of the Earth Union Independent Fleet. Appointment. Surrender?

Since when has the Earth Union been under the orders of the Humanoids? What ? We fight against the Humanoids in your place, bunch of losers. You should thank us instead. I repeat: Surrender immediately. Have you forgotten what the Humanoids did to the Earthlings? Commander… I see you remember. Listen to me.

We are fighting to free Earth from the yoke of Humanoids. We don’t attack Humans. Additionally, we help refugees who want to escape Earth. I do everything I can. I’ve heard about these refugees before. Why do pirates help refugees? This is the role of the Earth Union.

I lost my son in the great space war. I understand. You are soldiers of the Earth Union, you know who you must fight for. Commander, this man is right. You have a good crew. I offer you something. Why not fight alongside us? With the regular Terran fleet,

We would no longer be treated as pirates. Let’s fight Earth’s enemies together. Have you finished ? Pardon ? Surrender, or we open fire. Commander, this is not Harlock. Let’s leave them. That’s right, Commander. We do not have time to lose. Piracy is illegal. General, Franco is in position. GOOD.

It’s really a shame, amigo. As you are a Human, I tried to help you. But we failed to understand each other. It’s fate. Don’t blame me, amigo. You’re going to die! Enemy fire. What angle? Second ship spotted! At 6 o’clock ! Jerk ! Why didn’t you spot it sooner?

The radar is jammed, Commander! Too late for interception! We are touched! Assessment of the damage! Rear thruster hit! Machines OK The station is affected! Commander, we must fight back! Commanding officer ! Navigator, place the Karyu in the firing line of the two ships. Their shots must not reach the station. Commanding officer !

Gunner, aim at the turrets and thrusters. Commander, that won’t be enough! They are going to massacre us! Destroy their offensive capability and propulsion system. Open fire! Okay, but that won’t work. Battery 1, fire! Franco is hit! Calm down. It’s a stroke of luck. Come on, guys, fire all you want!

Salvo from ship number 1! A rescue team on the bridge! Stop! Stop! Navigator ! Sit down! Commander, I propose using the bipolar charge cannon. The Saint-Elmo cannon? Otherwise, we’ll never get through this. No. The program check is not complete. A malfunction of the Saint-Elmo would be much more serious than a radar failure.

The duty of the commander is to protect his crew. Have you forgotten ? It’s no. Do not pull. Propulsion system affected! Auxiliary system. Good, friend. We have played enough. Use the X cannon. At your command! Front deck hit! Standing ! Aim the gun of ship number 1.

The gunner officer is injured. He lost consciousness. And the rescue team? I’m going to pulverize them. Browser, what are you doing? Stop, Officer Navigator! Let go of me ! What’s wrong with defending yourself? If we don’t kill them, they will kill us. The navigating officer lost consciousness. Phase, return to your post.

Canon of Saint-Elmo in charge. Canon of Saint-Elmo in charge. The Saint-Elmo cannon has been activated. Turn it off! Helium-3 fusion process activated. The control system is HS Positive pole charged at 75%. Negative pole charged at 80%. 30 seconds before melting point of helium-3. What is this light? A Saint-Elmo fire. Simple energetic interference.

Positive pole charged. Negative pole charged. GOOD. Disconnect the main computer. Understood. I shut down the main computer. You’re going to sleep hard, old thing. It’s me who’s going to have a big sleep. It was stopped by the firewall. Melting point of helium-3. This heat… It’s unbearable. What warmth.

Circuit connected to the Saint-Elmo cannon. Commanding officer. You have to shoot. If we let the energy build up, everything will blow up. But… They finally gave up. They are certainly preparing the white flag. We will board soon. Ours is the spoils. General, I detect a very strong energy source.

Don’t worry, their blasters can’t reach us. We’re pulling out all the stops, guys! Magnify yourself! You have to shoot. Curse… To the whole crew, prepare for the shock! Check if there are any survivors left. I checked the data recorded during the fight. There was never a single Human on board. I see.

Someone is trying to test us. Do the radars work? Still scrambled. We changed all the parts. All electrical circuits must be checked. Navigator, where can we land? We can reach El Alamein in 30 minutes. GOOD. This is Warrius Zero, from the Earth Union fleet. – Let’s request permission to land. – Granted.

Unidentified object at 6 o’clock. Distance: 42,000 km. Size: 10 km! What is this ? He disappeared. – A meteorite ? – Inoperative radars. Either way, we are powerless. All the guns are HS Indeed. Repairs must be made first. – What is going on ? – Surface-to-air missiles!

This is the Karyu. We are under attack. This is El Alamein base. You are under fire from the rebel army. – Take route B1. – the rebel army? – SO ? – He escaped. Hey, can we go play outside? No, it’s crawling with Humanoids. I have to clean up first.

We don’t need to fight! And what are you going to do? By talking, we will find a solution. With the Humanoids? We will never be able to defeat them. Better to surrender. It would be a shame. If I don’t fight anymore, my life will be very sad. You’re just a murderer!

Yes. I am a mercenary. I was hired to kill. By your father. My father is dead ! You have no reason to stay here anymore. Go away ! I don’t abandon a battlefield. Thank me. After-sales service is free. What can war bring us? Nothing… except death. It’s horrible.

Everyone on this planet is dead. – Do you know this planet? – No. Women are not made for war. They are too sentimental. Take that out right now! You insult me! These are just prejudices. A woman has her own personality. It’s okay… No, it’s not okay!

Welcome. A maintenance team is waiting for you. Thank you for your cooperation. By the way, who are these rebels who attacked us? In fact, it is a Human who says his name is Grenadier. A human ? You mean he fights alone? Yes, he claims to protect the planet.

He doesn’t know that peace has been signed? We ordered him to surrender, but he doesn’t want to know anything. No one knows why he continues. He must be supplied with weapons and ammunition. If you want, I can try to bring him to his senses. Perhaps a human voice will change his mind.

– Thank you so much. – But no. It’s my turn to help you. Take care of repairs. Why are you doing this ? I just want to meet this Grenadier. Meet him ? How so ? – I want to hire him. – Pardon ? Think. This man fights alone against the Humanoids.

– It will be very useful to us. – But… He certainly has information on Harlock. Maybe he’ll put us on a trail. I’m coming with you. It’s too risky. No. This man fights alone. So I have to go alone, too. Otherwise, he will never accept. But… Trust me. He is alone.

I see they have some brave guys left. It is over 3000 m. He won’t have me. You see me and yet you don’t move. You have guts. But don’t underestimate me. I can get you from here. At this distance? What ? A human ? He smiles ?

I knew it. I have caused trouble in his mind. A Human cannot curb his curiosity. What is a Human doing here? I heard of a man who fought alone. I came to meet him. So it’s me you’re looking for. What do you want ? I am the commander of the Independent Fleet,

Warrius Zero. My mission is to eliminate Harlock, the pirate who betrayed Earth. Harlock? It seems that he is very strong. A white guy like you doesn’t stand a chance. I need guys like you. You accept ? In fact, I really want to measure myself against him. But I refuse.

For what ? You are indeed a mercenary. Doesn’t that suit you? There are Humans left and I must protect them. I see. You’re not killing me? Maybe I’ll come back with a whole army. I never shoot in the back. Nice to meet you. Distance: 3400 meters. My new record. Mines…

You owe me a debt. This is not a death worthy of you. I hope the commander pulls through. While you are dreaming, the work is not progressing. What ? I’m worried about the commander. He said, “Trust me.” We must concentrate on our work. You… the navigating officer is right. Let’s trust the commander.

We were going. We just want to save our lives. I do not believe you. It’s the truth. We have had enough. I want proof. I give you our position. You will be able to destroy his stock of weapons and ammunition. Give me some time to get the children to safety. GOOD.

I’ll give you 60 minutes before launching the attack. The war will soon be over. You can play outside as much as you want. It’s not true ! What is going on ? Good news. We discovered his landmark. I just sent the bombers. How did you do ? That scoundrel Grenadier

Was hiding human children. They contacted us to surrender. The poor. They must really hate him. Children… There are Humans left and I must protect them. I gave them a deadline to get to safety but I’m going to roast them all inside. This is the cost of resisting us.

Hurry up ! Don’t take too much stuff. – The bare minimum. – And that ? – What will this be used for? – Quickly, only 30 minutes left. What ? They are ahead. Uncle ! Come on, it’ll be fine. I am here. Get out of there quickly!

Everything will be alright. I don’t need him. I will protect them myself. Stemm! Stemm! Shit! They come out everywhere! Stop! We’re inside! There are… There are children… Stay close to me. You’ll see, we’ll get through this. It does not work ! It’s not working, it’s blocked! Shit! We’re stuck! Stay here. Here !

We can take shelter there. I will make it ! I will save them! Get in there. Dad ! Dad watches over us. We’ll wait for the fire to calm down. I will make it ! I will make it ! Dad. Without a weapon, we cannot defend our own. Stemm.…

It was I who killed him. Stemm. It’s not possible ! Stemm! He can’t hear me. Stemm, don’t stay there. Go take shelter. Farewell, old companion. I told you not to go out. Where are your brothers? Still inside? First I need to do a little cleaning. Okay, stay there. Hey, this way! Shit!

This way, you bastards! Uncle ! Go away ! Stemm! Get on! – THANKS. – It was nothing. I owed you a debt. I said that for the little one. THANKS. There was a big extra charge with the little one. You always have the last word. I need your help.

There are kids under the rubble. What ? We need to attract the bombers over here. You accept ? I don’t have much choice anymore. We have a child with us, so don’t miss them. Trust me. I have a little gift for you. Shit… I’m going to die here… In this place…

In this world… which only knows war. Dad. It’s my turn to go. I’m entrusting the little one to you. They are safe and sound. Big brother. Stemm. Why did you listen to them? I thought it was the only way to protect the little ones. Because of you, they destroyed all my equipment

And all my weapons. But… I wanted… I’m leaving. Do what you want. Go away ! I will protect the children myself. You will see. Your father told me this. It’s yours now. Zero, I’m coming with you. Are you sure ? I promised his father to protect him from Humanoids

Until he became an adult. He doesn’t need me anymore. He became strong. He is intelligent, while I only know how to fight. He will know how to protect them. He surrendered to me. He is therefore in my custody. But we suffered heavy losses… If you wish, I can show you around the Karyu.

You violated the laws of war by deliberately attacking children. The Independent Fleet may have special regulations. In your opinion… What penalty do you incur? You are welcome. Get on board. You…you dare to threaten me? I never said that. Let’s stay there. I’m taking the rebel leader with me. So leave the kids alone.

Of course. Hey! I brought water. It’s leaking, hurry up! – Still drawing. – Go back to work! It’s not good. Dad.…. I will become strong. One day, I will make this planet flourish again. I swear to it. Do you have any information on Harlock? You have to go to Gun Frontier.

The entire underworld is looking for him to receive the bounty. What is this ship? It’s full of Humanoids. Commander, I don’t trust him. How so ? Are you saying that because I was fighting against the Humanoids? It’s all rubbish. Trifles? You want to laugh ?

It was the captain who brought him on board. I am a mercenary. My enemies of yesterday are my friends of tomorrow. We’re going to celebrate my arrival! Stopped ! Let go of me ! And if you don’t like it, we’ll settle it between men.

– Let go of me ! – You’ll see ! I wouldn’t try. He shoots as well as me, if not much better. And he knows the Humanoids’ weak points. Absolutely. Do you want to kill me to get the bounty? Sorry, but you’re no match. In Gun Frontier, there is a girl named Sylviana.

She probably has information on Harlock. Who is it ? A bounty hunter. Killing Harlock is his only reason to live. She pursues him relentlessly. – Will she agree to speak to us? – It won’t be easy. This girl is obsessed with Harlock. It is not convenient. Too bad, she’s cute.

It’s the only way we have. We have to find this Sylviana. Let’s send a group to reconnoiter. Good idea. Grenadier will serve as guide. And… I’m a volunteer! Me too ! Navigator officer, you too. At your service. I will accompany them. Wait, Commander! We don’t need him.

It’s true. We’ll do just fine without him. It’s an order ! GOOD. Ishikura, you will command. This is an intelligence mission, don’t take any risks. The planet Heavy Melder. The crossroads of the universe where all space trains pass, starting with the famous Galaxy Express. Everyone who travels into space stops

On this planet and from there flies towards their dreams. In Gun Frontier, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done. Even if two enemies meet, they drink together and tell each other their dreams. It is the city of freedom. Anyone who touches this freedom risks his life.

This is the rule of Gun Frontier. Never touch another person’s freedom or alcohol if you value your life. I won’t let myself be killed like that! I know. But I don’t want to lose any crewmen. We still need time to become one with the Karyu. When we are ready… We can face Harlock.

What do you have ? You are constipated ? We may have to disobey the commander. What do you mean ? If we find Harlock, we will kill him. I refuse to obey such an order. So go back to the ship. We don’t want you.

Out of the question. I received an order from the commander. It was he who entrusted me with command of this mission. It’s true. If we eliminate him, we will have accomplished our mission. We won’t have to put up with Humanoids anymore. But Harlock is very strong.

I will kill him, even if I have to stay there. I am ready to give my life for the commander. In fact, I really want to compete against Harlock. I won’t let you do it. I’m calling the commander. Please help us! Ishikura, you… If we kill Harlock,

We won’t have to grovel in front of the Humanoids anymore. The commander’s situation remains delicate. If we kill Harlock, our superiors will recognize our worth. GUN FRONTIER Freedom and alcohol are sacred Hello company! – Who are you? – We’ve never seen you before. Boss, serve me some food.

We do not serve women or children. So what ? I am a man. Do not make me laugh. You’re too small for a man. Yeah. Go home before someone hurts you. Are you scared, kid? We don’t judge men by their appearance. Okay, you’re a man. A great man. What do I serve you?

I want a big, thick steak. What a man ! But I have no money, give me some soup and milk. Even I don’t always eat my fill. This is what makes life so charming. Hold. It’s so funny. Soup and milk? And you call yourself a man?

You are Tochiro. And there’s a price on your dirty head. I will be able to pocket the bonus. Come on, fight! Leave him, Sylviana. He is really very strong. Even you… It will only be more interesting. Damn. Boss, another glass of milk. Obviously, she’s the one who pays. What ? It’s normal, right?

Do not look ! Why didn’t you kill her? A brave man does not kill a woman. That was delicious. – But it hadn’t simmered enough. – Sorry. Hi, Sylviana. It’s been ages. Happy to see you again. Not me, but not at all. You want to kill me ?

– I’m kidding. – That doesn’t make me laugh! – Let’s get to the facts. – It’s true. We’re looking for Harlock. Do you want to join us? No. It’s up to me, and me alone, to kill Harlock. And then, I don’t like big guys full of muscles. My aesthetic sense refuses.

Don’t be so harsh. How about we go out together tonight? You’ll see, I have good sides. At least give us some information. Harlock can be found in his lair in the Grand Main Canyon. The Grande Main canyon? Really ? A beast called “the Great Steak Cow” guards its lair.

You’ll have to kill her first. Do you agree to tell us where he is? You’ll never be able to kill Harlock anyway. GOOD. THANKS. Fools. – So, is it there? – || First you have to kill this monster. Wait, we can’t take any risks.

Do you want to turn back? Harlock is there, in front of us. It’s true. A brave man never backs down. Good. What is this monster? What is it ? I do not agree with you. Ishikura is too impatient. I hope everything will go well. Ishikura and Raï are still young.

That’s why they need to see Gun Frontier with their own eyes. In this town, everyone fights fair. I want them to feel the energy that comes from all these brave people. It’s too early… I know, they still lack experience. I forbade them to fight.

But why did you impose the navigator officer on them? I know they don’t like Acceluder. So why ? Humans and Humanoids are different. But if they fight together, for the same cause, they will end up getting along. I am convinced of it. And even if they fight, if they do it with sincerity,

They will become true friends, worthy of trust. What are we doing ? I don’t want to end up crushed! So run! Everything will be fine. They will return safe and sound. I trust them. Whether it’s Ishikura, Raï, or Acceluder. But what did we do? You disobeyed the commander. The girl lied to us!

If I catch him, I’ll beat him up! To Sylviana? I would like to see that ! In any case, she’s going to pay us for that! She’s there ! Go away ! I’m going to beat you up! Hold on ! You lied to us! What is going on ?

What morons! They brought back the Steak Cow. Everyone with me, guys! We’re going to make them! That’s it. I’m really awesome. But I haven’t been able to test it yet. A bazooka is dangerous. We don’t know where it could go. What ? This is where I regret having such small legs.

By the way, why am I running away? It’s really not precise. Our alcohol! It must hurt. At table ! For me, good thick steaks. Your dream is fulfilled. But she ravaged the town and my saloon. What happened ? Who did that ? They’re the ones who brought back the Steak Cow!

It’s your fault ! It’s true ! Sylviana, why did you lie to us? Sylviana! Excuse me. I had to do it. He forced me to say that to protect Harlock. It’s Tochiro. – Did you do that? – I don’t understand. Still, you destroyed the city and our alcohol supply. It’s the Steak Cow…

You’re the one who shot. Tochiro, according to the law, you will be executed. Executed? By hanging! Get it! Bastard… Don’t just stand there. He’s a friend of Harlock’s. What ? Are you a friend of Harlock? Then you will die. Now that’s enough ! Since that’s how it is, let’s catch the remaining ones.

– || Better to retreat. – All right. – Me too. – Hold on ! Why are you leaving, Sylviana? Let go of me ! I’m not responsible ! Yes, it’s your fault. – Bring us back Tochiro. – All right. But I keep the bonus. You’re kidding ?

The bonus will be used to repair the damage and buy alcohol. I don’t work for free. Go ahead, otherwise you will take his place. Okay, that’s okay, I’m going. Why did you protect me? I wanted to minimize losses. My arm can be replaced. Not that of a Human. THANKS. I’m grateful.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like the way you do things. But I understand how you may feel about the commander. Absolutely ! On this ship, we all share the same destiny. We must help each other despite our differences. Pardon. In fact, I admire you. I was afraid I wouldn’t see you again.

I tried to kill you. You have the right to kill me. Are you going to kill me? Or… Urgent call from Lieutenant Ishikura. Here is my report. We had to face Harlock’s friend. How ? You had orders! The town of Gun Frontier suffered slight damage. Come back immediately!

No, it was Sylviana who told us lies. No way. It was a huge cow that destroyed the city. – It’s wrong. You have disobeyed. – Shut up ! What ? I want an accurate report! Wait, fools! You can see they weren’t ready. Commander, it was your idea, you must act.

I know. I assume my responsibilities. You got me, I didn’t see it coming. Did you really think I could admire a guy like you? Did you take a good look at yourself? I shouldn’t have dropped my sword to undress. Without your sword, you don’t impress me at all. Well done, Sylviana.

With the bonus, we will be able to repair the damage. They smelled death. The vultures will clean up your corpse. Stop! Dirty beasts, you’ll see! I refuse to let myself be eaten by common birds. You’re ready ? No, but it won’t change much. What is this ? This skull…

He came to get me! Harlock! Hey, Harlock, here! Here ! Let’s get out of here! Do not go ! It’s your chance or never! Do not say stupid things. It’s Harlock! I refuse. Stopped ! What do you want ? If you don’t want to die, fight! But…

You were going to hang Harlock’s friend. He won’t forgive you. It’s true. So either you fight with me, or I’ll shoot you. We do not have a choice. We have to fight. We’re Gun Frontier guys! You shouldn’t have attacked my friend. Go ahead, Harlock, slay them!

Are you going to fight on your ship while we’re on the ground? And you call yourself a man? Alright. However you want. We will fight fairly. You shoot well, little one, but next time… I won’t spare you. You did it on purpose ? If I can avoid it, I don’t kill women.

Do you dare to make fun of me? You’ll see ! Chase him! Harlock! Aren’t you forgetting… something? Bastards! Misery. I can’t even get rid of these birds. Emeraldas… You came for me. For you, I would even come from the depths of the universe. How could someone like you let yourself be caught?

I am ashamed. Sylviana took me by surprise by charming me. I’ll leave you to meditate on this lesson. Hey, it’s not what you think! Hold on ! What are we doing ? We can’t present ourselves like that in front of the commander. We didn’t follow orders.

If we report now, he will put us under arrest. You are very stubborn, Humanoid. If we achieve a feat, Zero will not blame us. Yes, but what feat? There is only one solution: find Tochiro. I thought he was a friend of Harlock’s. Effectively.

If we catch him, he’ll tell us where Harlock is hiding. Okay, so here we go. Shit. With our weapons, we don’t stand a chance. Would you dare shoot an unarmed woman? Are you a man? Alright. Shit! Fight seriously! I can’t stand cowards, men or women. Who is cowardly? It was a trick.

You wanted to fight fair. Shut up ! Women have less strength. I have the right to an advantage. Do you like fighting against people weaker than you? You don’t deserve your reputation. This time, I will show clemency. You are lucky. Hey, wait, Sylviana!

– You give up ? – I do not give up. I’ll have Harlock’s head. But today I’m not in good shape. I look bad and what’s more, I’m hungry. If I was in great shape, he wouldn’t have a chance. Where are you going ? Damn then! That’s good women, that’s it.

And what do we do? You wanted to hang my old friend Tochiro. You are going to die. We rubbed shoulders with Harlock, the pirate. We are ready to die. I would have liked to have a drink before I died. It’s impossible. Because of Tochiro, we no longer have a drop of alcohol.

What ? What are you telling ? You attacked us without knowing why we wanted to hang him? Sorry, when I see guns, I’m not myself anymore. Bad habit. What did he do ? Tell me everything. I don’t know the whole story. Initially, a group of individuals were looking for you.

They were the ones who caused the panic. Then Tochiro destroyed our alcohol supply. I see. Sorry. You’re not going to kill us? Of course not. I didn’t know he was guilty. Excuse me. We were going to hang your friend. I understand your reaction. It’s the rule of this town. This is how.

Yes, here in Gun Frontier, alcohol is the next most important thing to life. I know. What could be nicer than coming down here to drink a Red Bourbon. A Red Bourbon! Harlock, I have a feeling we’ll get along well. Come and have a drink… If that had been possible…

– No more alcohol. – It is too sad. Do not Cry. We are safe and sound, that’s the main thing. But, living without alcohol… It’s true. Count on me, I will compensate you. Shit! Stop! Hey, you over there! Could you unhook me? All right.

But in exchange, I would have a favor to ask of you. Ask me ! Ask me what you want. Safe. So what do you want? You are my prisoner. But, it’s you! Is this man really a friend of Harlock? I find it hard to believe it too.

They’re not great, but go ahead and help yourself. Will this make up for Tochiro’s crime? Obviously ! Come on, Harlock, this time we’ll challenge you to the hooch. As you would like. Sorry. When I have more money, I will repair all the damage. It’ll be fine, don’t worry.

No, if Tochiro committed a crime, I will compensate you, even if it means losing my life. Really ? Tochiro must be someone exceptional for you to be willing to die for him. It is the most prodigious brain in the entire universe. He is exceptional. By the way, where is Tochiro?

He’s still on the gallows… Don’t worry. The lovely Emeraldas went to his aid. I leave them alone for a bit. Where is Harlock hiding? He’s a tough guy. You want to die here, right? What a desappointment. What ? I would gladly give my life for Harlock. While losers like you

Imagine that I could betray him… It’s truly humiliating. The farm ! Leave it, it’s useless. He would rather die than speak. – Then untie me. – Out of the question ! Bring me something to eat! My conditions of detention are intolerable! Stop. I advise you to keep quiet.

I set it to Tochiro’s voice. If he says one more word, it clicks into place, and boom! – Do you want to use him as bait? – Quite. If he tries to warn Harlock… Boom! When he’s close enough, we’ll shoot him down. I understand. Will Harlock show up?

He will not abandon his friend. I would have preferred to face him fairly. I don’t like it either, but we can’t go back any longer. We no longer have the right to make mistakes. Harlock arrives. Distance: 100 meters. Distance: 50 meters. A little more. Let him approach. Can’t he see us?

He won’t spot us if Tochiro doesn’t say anything. He won’t say anything. He values ​​his life, like everyone else. What’s wrong with you, Tochiro? Distance: 20 meters. I’m going to untie you. Get out, Harlock, it’s a trap! – But what ? Gosh, I’m still alive. Shit! Wait ! Wait !

– Commanding officer ! – What are you doing here ? Their conduct is unforgivable. I apologize to you. But Commander, we have Harlock and his friend. – What is happening ? – I don’t know. I already told you about Gun Frontier. It is the freest city in the universe. The Earth Union fleet

Must protect this city and its freedom. You’ve soiled it. Excuse me, but by eliminating Harlock, we will work for peace. He cannot escape us. Let us fight! What ? If you had attacked him, he would have killed you. Haven’t you figured it out yet? Why, then ? Why did you capture Tochiro?

We wanted to set a trap for him. That is what I thought. But Tochiro blew it. I don’t understand. He was ready to sacrifice himself to prevent Harlock. A man is only strong if he is surrounded by friends who share the same ideals. Do you have such friends?

Are you ready to die for them? You cowardly attacked men willing to die to save their comrades. You, my own men! Soldiers from the Earth Union Fleet! You’re not yet ready to fight in Gun Frontier. So the bomb was fake? The goal was to prevent you from warning Harlock.

Idiot, you had the opportunity to eliminate me. In fact, I don’t like acting like a coward. I see. Let’s stop talking about it. I’m sorry. Let’s go have a drink. One drink, and you forget everything. This is one of the good things about Gun Frontier. Warrius Zero, commander of the Independent Fleet.

My name is Harlock. My name is Tochiro, and this is Emeraldas. We live under the banner of freedom. The standard of freedom? A man of your caliber should be waving a different flag than that of pirates. I prefer to fight as a pirate rather than submit to the Humanoids.

By attacking their ships, I weaken them. I fight for Humans. But you also destroy cargo ships. So you don’t know what they’re carrying? What do you mean ? You have to see it with your own eyes. Why did you abandon Earth? You don’t accept Humanoids? And those who stayed on Earth to rebuild,

Are you abandoning them too? Zero, and you, why don’t you leave Earth? The Earth no longer has the strength to fight. If I too leave Earth, what will happen? Who will protect her? Would you rather obey the Humanoids than abandon Earth? Whatever happens, I will never abandon Earth.

I will fight for Earth, even at the risk of my life. This is my way. I chose the one with the skull and crossbones flag. The standard of freedom. You cherish this flag while you are considered traitors. Zero, we haven’t abandoned Earth either. A day will come

When Earth will regain hope and fight. In preparation for this day, we are building a new ship. We are fighting for the future of the Earth. I don’t need a pirate’s help to protect Earth. There’s nothing you can do with this old ship. Our new ship is very efficient.

Well, from now on, I will be merciless. Do not worry. Harlock is happy to know that there are still men like you on Earth. And yet, this man will do anything to kill him. Perhaps he will succeed. If he was able to survive on Earth despite the Humanoids,

It is because he is really very strong. Death Shadow modifications will be completed soon. When Arcadia is ready, we will be invincible… Invulnerable… Humanoids… And young Humans… I hope they don’t cause you too much trouble. If I can reconcile them, they will make a formidable crew.

My men are young, and that’s why they will go far. One day, I’m sure, we will beat you. Ultimately, we can’t agree. It’s normal. I have to kill you. This is my mission. Harlock, you are my enemy, but I am happy to have met you. You are truly brave.

Zero, you too are brave. You have chosen your path and you are determined. Even though you are my enemy, I will never forget you. Next time I’ll kill you. I will wait for you. If you decide to come and confront me, with all your heart,

I will show you how a brave man fights. We will fight fair… With all our might. You have my word. I will wait for you. Commanding officer. They were punished with three days of rigorous arrest. GOOD. I looked through their report and I’m missing something. Yes ?

Aren’t we supposed to go after Harlock? You let him go like that? Don’t worry. We will find him soon. We will find him…and we will fight. Because this is our destiny. We left the atmosphere of Heavy Melder. We are in space. You won’t escape me, Harlock. You will see.

It’s me who will kill you. It’s not true ! I took Tochiro’s laugh. Urgent message from the Earth Union government. Earth ? I make the connection. President, this is Warrius Zero. But anyway, what do you do? We continue our mission. Isn’t your mission to eliminate Harlock? He is currently attacking

The planet Select in the Thor solar system. Go there immediately. Harlock? We received no SOS Harlock attacked them by surprise. If we don’t stop his actions, the Humanoids will break the peace treaty. Understood. We intervene immediately. Planet Select is very close. Harlock himself gives us his position. It’s an unexpected chance.

Determine their position. Location search. Azimut 486. Mechanic, full power. Full power! Commander, our fighters have sufficient range. Send the Saint-Elmo squadron to reconnoiter. Good idea. I’m leaving too. Go ahead, but be careful. – And respect the rules! – Count on me. Saint-Elme Escadrille on deck! Leave me some!

– I hope he doesn’t lose his temper. – Stop. He received his baptism of fire at Gun Frontier. He has become more adult. – Isn’t that right, Gunnery Officer? – Absolutely ! This is aircraft number 1. Ready to take off. Number 2, ready! Numbers 1 and 2, clearance to take off.

Here we go ! So where did they hide it? Under some sort of dome near their HQ That must be it. Okay, let’s destroy it and leave. Unidentified squadron approaching. A squadron? We arrived in the area. Visual confirmation. It’s Harlock. – Video link with number 1. – Pass it on the screen.

Its firepower is incredible. Commander, we must engage in combat. No, wait. Contact Harlock’s ship. – Establish the connection. – A moment. I don’t think he’ll agree to surrender. I just want to talk to him. Captain, message from the approaching ship. – What are we doing ? – Connection. Harlock, it’s me. Stop immediately.

Don’t come and bother me. I’m doing my job, understand? Cut. I see, Commander Zero sent these devices. Captain, what do we do? Scatter them. If they persist, shoot them. Are you sure ? I will eliminate anyone who dares to stand before me. – This is how. – Understood. Here are some ways!

– Commander, we must react! – No. If we use the triple beam cannons from this angle… the planet will take damage. Ishikura, watch out for their flak! They are bad. If they come any closer, you’ll have to shoot them down. Are these warning shots? They make fun of us ?

The enemy opened fire. They don’t follow the rules. – Request permission to shoot! – Granted. I want a list of facilities based on this planet. At your service. Trying to guess Harlock’s goal? A pirate has only one goal: to destroy and plunder. That’s all. Heavy fire. We can’t get any closer.

Let’s ask for cover fire. At least destroy their DCA! Commander, do I have the green light? Captain, have you found it? Wait, I’ll check the results. Dirty gnats. That’s it, dome locked. Destroy it. – SO ? – [[ is nothing. Commander, there is nothing except a small logistics base… -Fire! – Open fire.

Missiles ready. GOOD. Annihilate him. Civilians. Civilians ? What the… Help me! Civilians ! They immigrated here 50 years ago. I don’t see what could have pushed Harlock to attack them. Why did he do that? – Missiles, fire! – Cancel the shot! Shit! Number 3, where are you going? You are too low! Wired!

Straighten up! He got… Number 4, hit! I’m going to crash! Laked, eject! Laked, answer! – Eject yourself! – Raï, only aim at his turrets. – I don’t want any damage to the floor. – I’ll try. Well, open fire! Wave of energy approaching! Turret number 2, hit.

It must have been a military base. Why are there civilians? Our data was wrong. Captain, we have to maneuver. Captain. Let’s fall back. The enemy has disappeared. – Radar tracking. – Impossible. I can not believe it. Commander, we need to settle down. We must help them. Commanding officer ! Yes. Land the ship.

Hold. THANKS. Mom. Mom. There was a lady who picked up my ball. Why don’t you wake up? It’s over. Unplug their brain circuits and leave them alone. Doctor! Doctor, take care of Laked, quickly! He’s a friend, take care of him! Doctor! He can’t die! Laked! Laked! Laked! Open your eyes, Laked!

I don’t understand, Commander. Look. They are all Humanoids. You won’t hear any cries… And yet they will die. Commander, why didn’t you attack sooner? Let’s ask for cover fire! At least destroy their DCA! A pirate has only one goal: to destroy and plunder. That’s all. Commander, do I have the green light?

Is this linked to the fact that Harlock is a Human? What do you mean ? Commanding officer ! If you need anything, just ask me. Let the victims know. Commanding officer ! I already told him. Don’t let resentment guide your words. The commander only did his duty. The commander waited too long.

It’s possible. But it’s up to the commander to decide. Commanding officer. I’m sorry. If I had found it faster, this wouldn’t have happened. You did what I asked you. – Do not worry. – But… Whatever happens, the responsibility always lies with the commander. Commanding officer.

Right, and if he doesn’t rest from time to time, he won’t last. – Isn’t that right, Captain? – Um yes. Go get some rest. I am here. But… Go get some rest, Commander. What… I feel a presence. There’s someone… I can feel it. Commander, I… Uh, no. We will see this later.

Excuse me. I have to take care of it myself. Batlyser, stay here. Come on, drink. We have not abandoned the Earth either. A day will come when Earth will regain hope and fight. We are fighting for the future of the Earth. Is Harlock such an extraordinary man? That’s what I believed.

When we toasted Heavy Melder, I thought he was trustworthy. But I was wrong. And because of this mistake, I lost two of my men. Laked and Wired. And that’s not all, many innocent people lost their lives. Don’t feel guilty. If you believed in him, I trust you: he certainly had his reasons.

What reasons? I can’t forgive him. I will never forgive him! Very close… What is this feeling? Who is here ? There is someone ? The second in command is not one of these lesser creatures. I see that the same energy circulates within us. I know you… Who are you? What are

You doing here ? I don’t have to answer you. We must react. I have to warn the others. You can not do anything. She can read my thoughts. Intrusion into the computer room! Alert, intrusion into the computer room. What could she have done? The data has been modified. Commanding officer !

-Are there intruders? – Perhaps lost civilians. – In this room ? Impossible. – Where is the captain? – I saw her leave earlier. – What ? That’s it. – What is going on ? – Explosion and start of fire. – What ? – In the computer room. Where is the captain?

– Maybe it’s sabotage. – What ? Double guard. I entrust you with the bridge. Commanding officer ! This is not possible… The program has been modified. That’s it. Captain, are you there? Answer! Batlyse, is the door still blocked? Fire alarm lifted. Unlock imminent. Here we are, Commander! Is she inside?

I looked for her everywhere. She’s definitely there. But what is she doing there? Unlocking. I open the door. Stand back! Captain, answer! Shit! Zero ! We can not do anything. You have to put out the fire first. Hurry up ! This is madness ! Come back, Zero! Commanding officer. Captain! Captain!

Hold fast ! You are… The most important thing is to get out of here. – No ! Let me go ! – Idiot ! Come with me ! Commanding officer ! Commanding officer. Commanding officer ! How is the commander? He inhaled a lot of smoke and suffered multiple burns

But his life is not in danger. – And the captain? – Don’t worry. – I have a question to ask you. – Go for it. Who gave the order to post a guard outside his room? It’s me. His behavior seemed suspicious to me. Let me know when she wakes up.

You are truly unconscious. Humans rarely act like this. And all this to save the captain… You didn’t know about it? I understood when I saw her. – If you had known… – It wouldn’t have changed anything! Doctor, don’t tell anyone. I respect professional secrecy. But why does she want to hide it?

It’s very hard for her. We have to wait until she decides to talk about it. I too am a Humanoid and I hope with all my heart that this day will come quickly. Doctor. Humans make mistakes. And doctors’ mistakes are reflected on their patients. That’s why I asked to be mechanized.

I don’t regret anything… I kept my human soul… Enough talking. Come on, you need to rest. What the… Sleep well. It was the only way to make you stay here. No, doctor, I don’t have time… A commission of inquiry? She entered the computer room without authorization and an explosion occurred.

When you plant a bomb, you don’t stand by, a matter of logic. Maybe she did this to clear her name. – What purpose ? – I do not know. A new second in command comes on board just before we leave Earth. Strange, isn’t it?

This is all the more strange since during the time of the Kagero, no Human has ever held the position of second in command despite our repeated requests. But then, the radars breaking down, the Saint-Elmo running amok… That would mean that the captain… Is perhaps a spy. Impossible. Why, then ?

When it comes to women, you can trust me. The captain is a pretty woman. A pretty woman can’t be bad. And Sylviana? Was it an angel, perhaps? Well, actually… Let’s go search the computer room instead. We need proof. Good idea. You will see. My eyes are never wrong. Bridge, the captain has escaped.

The guard was knocked out. You should wear glasses. No one leaves the ship without permission. You are… For now, we need to get out of here. I have to catch up with her. I must protect the Karyu. Where could she have gone? She’s there. She finally found me.

Alert, unauthorized access to auxiliary computer. – From where? – Currently researching. Ishikura! E Bridge, Block 406, someone is trying to break into the system. Understood, I’m going. Appointment ! – What are you hoping for? – Just one move and I’ll shoot! I doubt. Stop! Your little scheme is useless,

Your friends will be here any minute. Well… when I say your friends… I remember. You were on my planet… Mirai Celia… It’s been so long. You made us turn into Humanoids. Thanks to me, you survived. What are you looking for ? I just want to know what Humans are capable of.

Are you testing them? You are in love with Zero. What… Lesser creatures are slaves to their emotions. But, no matter how strong your love is, with this body… It must be said that Zero is really strange. His wife and child were killed by the Humanoids,

And yet he is willing to risk his life to save one of their own. It’s… I would be very surprised if Humans managed to overcome their hatred. But I believe they are incapable of it. Do you want some good advice? Kill Zero…and transform him into a Humanoid. Shut up ! Shut up… Wait!

Captain! No more gesture! Stop! Stop or I’ll shoot! Captain… Alert. A device has just left the Karyu. – A hunter ? – Identification impossible. Nothing on the radar. What is going on ? There is a problem ? Captain, what do you want? I need a device. We have completed repairs on number 8.

But, Captain… This aircraft is not… No time. Open the doors! I take responsibility for it. There, hurry up! Stop her! Stop her from taking off! Shit! Is there a device available? – Numbers 1 and 2. – Good. I’ll take number 1. Wait! Wait, Ishikura! – Commanding officer ! – I go.

– But, Commander… – Everything was explained to me. But I’m sure she has her reasons. So why didn’t she tell us anything? I don’t know… But I still want to believe in her. Besides, I don’t want to lose another crew member. If I don’t come back, take charge. He will leave !

It’s a bad start. I don’t have anything on my radar. It’s a stealth ship. My name is Marina Oki. I was transferred to this ship. To me, he was just a narrow-minded officer. Captain! We don’t have the same blood, but that doesn’t matter. Captain! Why suffer in silence…

Why didn’t she tell me about it? And why didn’t I realize it? She’s a Humanoid, and yet… What an idiot! I shouldn’t have held on to life. Not to the point of accepting this damn body. Due to the growth of its two suns,

Mirai Celia will soon be nothing more than a lifeless planet. Today, science offers us the possibility of mechanizing our body, to survive this ordeal. Are we left with no other solution? Alas no. Our body is made up of water. We cannot leave the aquatic environment and even less live in space.

We must make a choice! The glorious story of Mirai Celia must not end like this. – Marina. – Yes. Do you want to live? The time has come to transform ourselves! Follow me ! Wow ! Mirai Celia. I returned. I’ve found. An ultra-sophisticated sabotage module. This is the cause of the radar failures

And the malfunction of the Saint-Elmo. And that… It was a trap. The captain must have noticed that the computer had been sabotaged. She tried to intervene and was caught in the explosion. The captain is innocent. What are we going to do ? The commander will bring her back. Phase !

I’m trying to locate the commander’s ship. Time has stopped. Time will never pass again on this planet. Do you want some good advice? Kill Zero…and transform him into a Humanoid. I can not do that ! I want to go back to the past. I beg you ! Crystal snow… I came back.

Mirai Celia… Marina. Marina. Welcome, Marina. Dad mom ! We missed you very much. Marina, promise us never to leave us again. I will never leave again. I have no other place to go. Marina! Hold fast ! I’ll get you out of there. Commander, it’s all over. Do not be dumb !

Come with me… I can’t return to the Karyu. For what ? I betrayed you and the entire crew. I am… I am a Humanoid, like the ones who killed your family. No one can stop time. Look straight ahead, that’s where the future is. Stop living with your gaze turned towards the past.

I want to live moving forward. I only want to think about the present and the future. Come fight alongside me. For the inhabitants of Earth, whether Human or Humanoid. I would have loved to meet you sooner. Idiot ! You still don’t understand? I need you ! I want to have you near me.

Zero… Commander, look. I have listed the attacks attributed to the Death Shadow. Strange, isn’t it? President, look. The attack points are too scattered. This is not possible if we refer to the time-distance relationship. At 0:17 a.m. space time, it attacks at point S-709. At 0h41mn, he was spotted in this sector,

13 seconds later, he attacked another point. It’s absurd ! It attacks in four places at the same time. These images prove that it is indeed the Death Shadow. Would Harlock have a new teleportation system? What is the Galactic Government trying to hide from us? What do they expect from us?

Watch your words, Zero. The government has tasked you with eliminating Harlock. As for me, I order you to put an end to the criminal activities of the Death Shadow. But it’s the same thing. Destroy them all if you have to, but do it quickly. But what is she talking about?

There is only one Death Shadow, as far as I know. There would be several Death Shadows? A ship approaches the Karyu. What type? The Death Shadow! Stealth mode! Stealth mode! – I put it on the screen. – It’s him… The Death Shadow. Are we attacking? He hasn’t spotted us yet.

No, there’s something strange. Activate the sonar! Sending the pulse. Echo! There are movements. Based on frequency, they are Humanoids. But… a new type. 5…. 6. 10, 20, more than twenty. What does it mean ? Approaching ships. They are heading towards us. Center the map on the Karyu.

Karyu in the center, radius: 50,000 km. – Did they spot us? – Not yet. They are not in attack formation. There is something in this area. Why such an armada? – We have eye contact. – Main screen! Death Shadows… It’s Harlock! They will surround us. – Maintain stealth mode. – But…

Where is the real Harlock? President, is that what you were hiding from us? Look ! – I… – You knew, didn’t you? If we take down the real Death Shadow, all the bounty hunters will know. When they meet him again, they will understand… The Governor uses fake Death Shadows

To cover up the genocide of the human species. Sorry…I can’t tell you anything. – President! – Stop convoy attacks. It’s a priority. I’m counting on you, Zero. President! It’s true ? Are you sure ? The Governor organized a genocide? So, we… Collaborated in this crime.

We were given the Karyu back to eliminate Harlock. So far, she has told the truth. They deceived us. Why continue… This no longer makes any sense. I think the opposite. By speaking directly to us, she was perhaps trying to send us a message. She wants to betray the Union?

I doubt. He is the very type of a zealous servant of the Union. Exactly… Perhaps it’s intentional. She seems harsh and bossy, but in truth, she is on our side. We almost never had to kill Humans or Humanoids. She was guiding us without us knowing it. I believe in her. I am sure.

She is sincere. You got married, you had a child, but I will never grow old, I will always remain beautiful. It is all I have. MY… MAN… Darling! It makes you happy ? It is my present. Take care of the little one. You Humans are truly unreasonable. What happened ?

It’s nothing. I need to rest. You too should rest. Excuse me. A little pick-me-up. – This attention touches me. – It’s nothing. THANKS. You always take care of me. I am here for this. – I feel so lonely. – Do not say that. I will always be at your side, President.

And you have an ally. Zero ! Excuse me ! This does not concern me. Maybe you are right. The future of this planet is in your hands, Zero. Gravitational imbalance at the bow! – Distortion! – A vortex! It starts again. An object leaves hyperspace. We are sucked in.

– The object has appeared. – A colossal force attracts us. Maximum thrust! – Maximum thrust! – We can’t escape. Transfer all energy into the reactors. Energy transfer! We are stabilized! But the ship will not hold. Is it a black hole? The other ships are sucked in, too. What is this ?

No doubt, it’s the same. This time I will know who you are. It’s impossible ! He is at the heart of the vortex, and yet he remains stable. It’s like he’s surrounded by a black hole. He can no longer escape us. I’m going to make spare parts for Humanoids.

Wait, we still need the Karyu. It is no longer of any use to us. We must take care of Technologia as a priority. Do not forget it. We must not underestimate Harlock. Zero is our centerpiece, I intend to use it against him. Harlock is a determined enemy,

But he will hesitate to kill one of his own kind. Harlock has principles. We will take advantage of his hesitation to attack. So Harlock is so dangerous? Don’t overestimate it. You’re worrying for nothing. Maybe I’m overestimating it, but the stakes are too high and I don’t want to take any risks.

We will soon have absorbed everything. GOOD. Heading for the Magellanic Nebula. Destination Technologia. The enemy is teleporting! Attraction: 0! What happened ? – Normal gravity. – And the other ships? Straighten me up. They all got sucked in. I feel like I dreamed. – Assessment of the damage? – Finished.

Armor damaged at blocks 5, 17 and 58. Compass out of adjustment. Margin of error: 0.02 degrees. Magnetization. Margin of error: 0.0000062. Acceptable level. Commanding officer ! One ship left at 12 o’clock. – A Death Shadow? – Apparently. Reactivate stealth mode and follow him! Reactivating stealth mode!

It enters the atmosphere of the planet Olberse. What is he doing here? Commanding officer ! He stopped. Looks like he’s dropping something. Main screen. – Humans ! – Corpses… What? Do you even know what they’re carrying? They used the name Harlock, they even built fake ships… Humans… It’s monstrous!

Commanding officer ! Let’s destroy them! No ! Navigator, come as close as possible to us. Understood. Summon them to surrender. If they don’t respond, shoot them, and we will have accomplished our mission. The enemy ship has completed its drop. He withdraws. No answer. GOOD. Battery number 1: fire! Objective destroyed. Ready to land.

How cold as hell. I get chills. What is it ? – Here too… – There were other drops. This planet… is covered in corpses. Pardon. To think that we are walking on human beings… – What? – Who are these? Humanoids? Wait ! We come in peace. What the hell are you doing?

Wake up ! They are shady! It’s them or us! Go to bed ! What was that ? These creatures showed no emotion. I can’t believe… they’re one of us. Commander, we have to get out of here. Commander, where are you going? – Let’s follow him! – Yes. Commanding officer ! She’s crying.

She’s crying ? I don’t hear any sobbing. It’s her heart… This planet, this woman… Sadness is everywhere. I am Commander Warrius Zero, of the Earth Union fleet. My name is Maetel. It’s not safe to stay here alone. You are right. This place is so sad.

But that’s exactly why I had to come here. And you, what are you doing here? We have been ordered to eliminate Harlock, the pirate. We took down that ship, but… It wasn’t him. But how do you know? Those who travel in space know: Harlock could never do such a thing.

Am I not right? Yes, absolutely. Besides, it wasn’t his ship. But… what about these? Why… Why are Humans born? Why do they die? Why do they seek eternal life? They are born, but then what do they get? Only sadness and despair. Well ? You do not agree ?

I can’t answer these questions, but… But? But, I don’t agree with you. Today the world is empty. Every day, many things disappear. We only know how to produce weapons or ammunition. We spend our time waging war. This is how we live. But there is something else.

Beyond this war, shines the light of hope. We believe in this light. On my ship, Humans and Humanoids coexist. There is sometimes friction, but it’s a natural reaction. Some have a short life, others live forever. But deep down, we are the same: we don’t like to fight. Maybe that’s true.

You are certainly right. But the threads of destiny are tangled in such a complex way. We have to hurry. You have to untangle these threads one by one and that will take time. Count on me. I will recognize those who have a soul. But… But some beings don’t have them.

Tell us. Who are these creatures? Have you seen them too? These monsters dropped human corpses. They are… Humans. The very ones who lie on this planet. But then, these are… The victims of the genocide… These creatures were created from Humans. It’s impossible ! No more pain… No more joy… No more feeling.

Vulgar puppets. It’s horrible ! Who is behind all this ? You must know this. You came here to pray. – Leave her. – But… Now I have to leave. Wait ! An artificial planet is being built. It was created so that Humans and Humanoids could live in peace.

Your story made me think of this planet. Living in peace with Humanoids… This planet may be the light you seek. What is her name ? Technology. Zero. When we meet again, maybe I’ll be dressed in black. I don’t know what fate has in store for me, but I believe in you. You are…

Hope. I see. You’re old and ugly, and you can’t stand yourself anymore. If you had told me sooner, you would have kept a beautiful body. Why am I still afraid of them? It’s finish. I’m not alone anymore. I can count on Zero. But I must still guide him…

The future of the Earth is in his hands. An intruder consults files classified as secret. – Let him do it. – But… – It’s there. – The code has been modified. Fine, then force the door. Cylinders ready. Opening ! – Do you have the President? – No answer. Our request was nevertheless accepted.

What’s going on, President? – She’s there. – Quickly. Open fire. No more gesture! Stop! – President! – YOU ? Over there ! – Quickly ! – Cleared ! Sorry… He’s hooked. Touched. What ? She comes down. Warn the other floors! Zero…Zero, do you have me? Urgent communication! Direct transmission from an external terminal.

Zero, Zero! The president ! I am here. Zero. President! Your face ! Hurry up. I will get to the point. Technologia is located in the Magellanic Nebula. As for this gigantic ship, it is the Hell Castle. Hell Castle? Don’t let the Hell Castle and Hell Maetel destroy Earth. Hell Maetel? Earth ?

Why are you doing this? You are a Humanoid. I kept my human soul. I was in too much pain. Forgive me for lying to you. Do not say that. You had no choice. President! There ! – Up there! – She falls. Fire ! – We got her. – She is dead.

Make sure it is dead and recycle it. How beautiful. Even on this Earth, Zero… the sun still rises. I am waiting for you. How far will you get? How long can you resist me… Zero? Nothing. Neither on our maps, nor in the database. We can not do anything. I managed to locate Technologia.

I recognize you there, Captain. I enter the settings. Lurvyce Galaxy, next to the Magellanic Nebula. – Ready to enter hyperspace. – Understood. A moment. To reach the Magellanic Nebula via hyperspace, there is only one way: you have to take the Galactic Bridge. So what ? A powerful magnetic field makes

Crossing this hyperspace bridge dangerous. What if we try the passage? We risk being propelled into nothingness for eternity. Batlyser, do you have more data? It is the one and only hyperspace bridge connecting the Magellanic Nebula. To our galaxy. In recent days, 13 cargo ships have disappeared in this sector.

13 cargo ships? How is it possible ? And if it was this strange ship… But yes! He must have crossed the Galactic Bridge. These cargo ships were caught by its gravitational field. We will therefore not be able to travel in hyperspace. || We have to act quickly, Commander.

The enemy is heading towards Technologia. GOOD. Forward, all! Understood ! Reactors at full power! Are there living beings on this planet? Affirmative. Colonists settled there. Okay, position the ship. We will absorb them. Admire my omnipotence! I will soon swallow up the entire universe. The power is already going to his head.

No wonder, he comes from a race of weaklings. Princess Hell Maetel, we will always be faithful to you. Watch your words. For the moment, he is the Governor General. For the moment. We have left the galaxy. We are approaching the Galactic Bridge. Objects approaching at 10 a.m. An asteroid field. Distance: 4000 km!

– Can we avoid it? – It’s possible… But we will have to spend a lot of energy. Our road is still long, we must minimize energy expenditure. An asteroid field is approaching us. We could have tested the Saint-Elmo cannon, but… Impossible! Too expensive in energy. I know.

In any case, it is not yet operational. If we shoot, no one knows what could happen. I’m sorry. We still haven’t resolved the problem. I don’t blame you. Distance: 3000 km. We just have to use the turrets. What do you think ? No, that would be just as costly in terms of energy.

Commander, hand over the Karyu to me. I only need 2 minutes. What ? You are overstepping your duties! If we want to save energy, we must stay the course. But you have to cross the asteroid field! We can maneuver. To keep the damage level below the acceptable threshold,

You need a reaction speed of 0.005 for 2 minutes. Impossible for a Human, but… – I can do it. – Heard. I entrust command of the Karyu to the navigator officer. – Commanding officer ! – You have a problem ? Radar officer. Transfer the radar data to me. Understood.

No there is no problem. Data transfer. It’s incredible. A Human would never make it. – We went out. – Good game ! Have you changed your mind, First Officer? In fact, I… You maneuvered admirably, Officer Navigator. Okay, now let’s head to the Galactic Bridge! I’m not fine ? I do not feel good.

You should go to the infirmary. Yeah. Hey, I need someone! Doctor, please. I do not feel good. Sit down, I’ll come see you. I have never seen such a dense gas cloud. A magnetic storm? She looks very powerful. Browser, everything okay? Navigator officer. – What is it ? – You feel bad ?

– Go and rest. – No it’ll be fine. Resting is part of a soldier’s duty. A call from the infirmary. This is Zero. We are going through a magnetic storm? Effectively. A real fireworks display. It intensifies. We have to turn around. Otherwise, the Humanoids risk becoming uncontrollable.

They are very sensitive to magnetic fields. Their memory circuits risk blowing. Their motor skills are already affected. Really ? I myself won’t last very long. Let’s turn around, Commander. Commanding officer ! I…I don’t want to die. U-turn! Stop, you have no right!

– Let go of me ! – It’s up to the commander to decide. I know you. You don’t like Humanoids. It amuses you to see us like that. It’s wrong ! Stop him! Let me go ! Commander, you’re stopping me… from…doing my job! Radars broken. – Everything is fine. – Then shut up!

It’s not the moment ! Understood. I am silent. It’s okay, I’ll keep quiet. I will not say another word. Even if I’m asked, I won’t say anything. I’m calm. Hey, say something! Hey, don’t touch that! I have a team on the auxiliary engine. I know ! If you turn it back on,

They’ll all fry! Engineer officer! Sorry, I have no choice. Take him to the infirmary. Quickly ! Let me go ! Sorry. I had to disconnect their central power system. Their memory circuit no longer worked. Can you imagine what the shutdown of the central system represents for a Humanoid?

When you reactivate their system, they will wake up, right? You’re not going to turn around? We need to reach Technologia as quickly as possible. Can you reach it without the humanoid crew? We’ll get there. Trust me, Doctor. Ishikura. -Ishikura! – Yes. Go back up and take control. Should I also log out?

– Are you feeling bad? – No, but… – I think it will be fine. – For what ? We are designed differently. The liquid in her body must certainly protect her. But I can’t guarantee you anything. She may be in great danger. Are you continuing, Commander? Captain, how did you find Technologia?

It does not appear on any map. I’m sorry. I contacted Harlock. What ? Those who yearn for peace gather at Technologia. I thought Harlock must be there. You had no choice, but Harlock is still our enemy. Can we trust him? Maybe he set a trap for us.

No. Harlock would never do such a thing. If he didn’t think we were worthy, he wouldn’t have said anything. We must stand together. Doctor! Reconnect my circuits and I’ll turn everyone else back on. Commander, if something happens to the Humans, no one will be able to wake us.

We will bring you back to life. You can count on me. I trust you, Commander. I know you always keep your promises. THANKS. Heading to Technologia! We must leave this area and reactivate the Humanoids! Unstable radars. Deactivation. Unstable autopilot. I switch to manual. What misery. We’re going to have to do everything manually.

That’s what I feared. If the Humanoids are in this state, the computers must have also suffered damage. Grenadier, can you hear me? Get in immediately. To the entire crew, strengthen the teams on duty. Sorry. We’ll wake you up soon. Be patient. Wait, we have no visibility! I’ve never flown this kind of ship.

How so ? You are an outstanding fighter pilot. The principles are the same, but that’s it. The steering system is different. What is that ? It’s the emergency braking system! Why are there so many buttons? I control the speed. You stay the course. I can’t guarantee you anything.

– No more than 2 degrees difference. – Understood. This is a good point of reference. – Give me the settings. – Understood. Are you doing well ? I like you you are beautiful ! He did not changed. Marina, you are beautiful, you are beautiful! What’s wrong with him? He’s not usually like this.

I speak on behalf of the commander. What ? It’s all red. What density… No obstacle on the horizon. Don’t believe that, look. The ship attracts a whole pile of debris. Where do they come from ? Commander, thrust is unstable. I need to go sort this out. Heard. Rai. Can we use the cannons?

Impossible to aim precisely. Be ready, you never know. – How are you ? – Yes sorry. How long do we have it for? No more than 24 hours. Finally, I hope. 24 hours ? I will never last. In addition, we sail manually with a reduced crew. – Commanding officer. – Who ?

I don’t know what it is, but there’s something at 11 o’clock. – Something ? – I have an echo. There is air inside. At 11 o’clock ? It’s on the axis of the star! A station ! – Maneuver! – Too late ! – Decelerate! – Impossible !

Otherwise, we won’t be able to leave again. Raï, battery 1! – Shoot straight ahead! – Understood. Fire ! We passed. Depressurization! What ? The hull of the Karyu is torn? The magnetic storm must have weakened certain parts of the hull. The station put up very little resistance. Fire doors blocked.

Broken auto repair system. The air will start to run out in less than 10 minutes. There is nothing to do ? Nothing works anymore? Let’s not give up ! Are the machines failing us? We will repair by hand. I go. I can’t let you out. I know the risks. No, it’s suicide.

So what ? I go. We need you to pilot the ship. Commander, Captain, and all of you here, no one can replace you. If I don’t come back, you can continue without me. I’m the only one who can go there. Anyone can fill my position. It’s too risky ! Pressure decreasing.

5 minutes before critical level. Whatever the risks, I must protect the Karyu. We do not have the right to die. Otherwise, who will wake up the Humanoids? I’ve just come to terms with the browser. We are not going to separate like this. No way ! It’s OK. Authorization granted.

Find the breach and plug it. At your service ! One more thing. Come back to us alive. You are part of the Karyu. You’re irreplaceable. Heard. We will get through this. We will wake up the Humanoids and head for Technologia. We must act quickly ! He will succeed.

In the meantime, we must hold on. I’m going to confess. One day, I made the Humanoids do my job. I am sorry. Now the right button. Go get some rest. It’ll be fine, Commander. But they will see you. It’s not serious. It’s good ! The pressure builds up. The breach is closed.

Congratulations. Go get some rest. If you do not mind. Ishikura! Operational reactors. There is nothing more to fear. Finally ! The storm is behind us. Technology in sight! This is Technologia. The last hope of all living beings. The enemy is waiting for us. Not forgetting Harlock. Again ?

Obviously. I have a score to settle with him. I’m not going to stop there! Here is… Technologia. You were very courageous. Go get some rest. I’ll rest when we wake up the Humanoids. It’s true. This is where everything will play out. Hello, Commander. You succeeded. As best they could.

It couldn’t have been easy. Yes. I actually didn’t think it would be so hard without the Humanoids. THANKS. You risked your life to protect the Karyu. The important thing is that you are all here. Come on, we’ll replace you. Go rest. Will we succeed in defeating them? What can I do ?

Princess Hell Maetel, answer me. Why did you place this imbecile in the post of Governor General? You do not like him ? Princess, we are your faithful servants. But we refuse to fight for him. The Karyu has become dangerous. I took all Humans for inferior creatures.

I didn’t think Zero would make the Karyu such a dangerous ship. He’s just a Human. He can’t do anything against us. Effectively. But we never know. We must be careful. And the governor? Him ? It’s just a puppet. The Hell Castle, Zero and Harlock will annihilate each other.

Our goal is to exterminate all organic life forms and cover the universe with machines and robots. I will stop at nothing to accomplish our goal. Check the condition of the hull. Locate and reinforce damaged areas. Commander, rest. The engines are green, but check them anyway. What about the self-repair system?

Is the radio repaired? Hurry up ! The Karyu must be operational as quickly as possible. He suffered too much damage. We do not have a choice. We need their firepower. But I don’t know if Zero will agree to help us. Zero, can you see me? Harlock! I’ll get straight to the point.

Tochiro and Emeraldas will try to stop the Hell Castle. I don’t know if they will succeed. This is where everything will play out. Yes, we must protect Technologia at all costs. But there are too few of us. Zero, come fight alongside us. I refuse. How ?

It’s up to the Independent Fleet to protect Technologia, not the pirates. The galaxy is in danger and you’re telling me about the Independent Fleet? So you only have that word on your lips? Let’s stay there. I fight in my own way. I have no orders to receive.

Do what you want. But don’t come and bother us. Did you do well? It’s better this way, there will be no ambiguity. And then Harlock can defend himself very well. Don’t make that face. It’s better like that. He is not made to be under someone else’s orders.

He will fight much better on his own. Minefield straight ahead. This must be their line of defense. Will these mines be enough to stop him? We must find a way to annihilate its gravitational field. If only Arcadia was operational… It won’t work! It won’t work! Ridiculous… We attract all enemy mines.

Should I turn off the gravitational system? Wait. The Hell Castle’s power increases as it absorbs energy. Governor, didn’t you want to become all-powerful? They are just simple mines. Fine, don’t change anything. They arrive ! Thanks to its formidable regeneration capacity, the Hell Castle will not suffer any damage. Shit! What extraordinary power! Die!

Let’s go back to Technologia. Harlock is waiting for us there. It does not work. All simulations failed. The control program may be faulty. Other tests need to be done. Fine, I’ll try again. Hull armor repaired? Not completely. The hull metal is badly damaged and we are missing armor plates.

The ship is in bad shape. We are not operational. Captain, Ishikura, come. Our lasers are powerless against its gravitational field. All that remains is the Saint-Elmo cannon. This is the only way to cross this gravitational field. No ! The Saint-Elme is not yet operational. If we use it,

We will have to stay 40 seconds without a shield, the time to transfer all the energy into the reactor. If we get hit, we will be pulverized. I wonder what Harlock will do. He certainly must have a plan. I hope. If we are killed, Harlock will continue the fight.

Only he… can save the Earth. Commanding officer ! Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Do we have to fight? By talking, perhaps we will find an arrangement. It’s useless. You know very well who we are dealing with. There is nothing to expect from them. I’m afraid…

A man named Lubia wants to speak to you. Who is it ? He commands one of the ships in Harlock’s fleet. Zero, is that you? Yes. What do you want ? What are your intentions? My intentions? If unfortunately we fail, Darkness will cover the entire Universe.

Are you determined to fight to the end? I am ready to die to protect the Earth. It’s good. Which one are yours ? My men and I come from the planet Lubiana. Hell Maetel has decimated my people. Almost all of them have been transformed into Humanoids.

We have to stop him from doing it again. This is why I fight. So that other peoples never suffer the same fate. I see. Now I leave you. I wanted to know the face of my new ally. Good luck. So do you. I hope to be able to toast with you one day.

With pleasure. So you couldn’t do anything against this ship? The Karyu is in poor condition. Harlock, let’s let them use our new alloy. But we can’t… Arcadia will never be finished on time. But we can help them strengthen their armor. All right. Do as you like. Perfect. I am going right now.

I will finally be able to board the Karyu. I found a good excuse. Tell me, Tochiro, do you have a plan? I let you think about it. It’s superb! I thank you, but I don’t want to owe Harlock anything. – Do you really want to die that much? – What ?

If you survive, you will be able to repay your debt. You will use this special alloy to repair the hull. Understood ! Hurry up. The enemy will soon be here. By the way, Zero, your bipolar cannon, is it a new model? Yes. Helium-3 combined with wave energy generates terrifying power.

We call it the Holy Elmo. I can see him ? It is very powerful but that is not its only advantage: it is possible to control the trajectory of the shot. It’s really awesome ! With this, you will be able to cross the gravitational field of Hell Castle.

Victory can no longer escape us. If we can shoot… Isn’t it working? Really ? Now is not the time to joke. In each of our simulations, the reactor goes into overdrive. Rai! Yes. It must be from the cooling. How do you cool the reactor? Air cooling. We checked, there is no problem there.

Create a cold water bypass. You could use air and water simultaneously. It’s impossible. The main engine will have to be shut off during installation. You must try. Only the Holy Elmo can defeat Hell Castle. It will take us at least a day. During this time we will be paralyzed.

We will try to slow them down. It’s too risky. Trust us. I have to think about the Karyu and my crew. I understand. It’s not without danger. It’s up to you to decide. It will all be over soon. Technologia is their last bastion. They will fight until the end. Zero and Harlock

Don’t scare me. Take care. Humans are dangerous when they have nothing left to lose. We have already seen this. Merge with the Hell Castle and we will be invincible. You forget who you’re talking to! They are no match for me. GOOD. Too bad. By the way, I forgot to tell you.

One of Zero’s officers is from your planet. What ? A woman from Mirai Celia who became humanoid. But his body is much inferior to ours. I salute you, officers of the Karyu. What do you want ? Before pulverizing you, I would like to recover one of my compatriots. In my crew? Unless…

Is it her? No point trying to hide it. It’s her. Deliver her to me. I refuse ! And faith, why do you remain loyal to Zero? You were ready to do anything to survive, even becoming a Humanoid. You are one of us. Meet me. Are you a Humanoid?

He lies. It’s another one of his tricks. Captain, say something. You don’t have to answer. Sorry, I lied to you. I had my body mechanized to escape Mirai Celia’s annihilation. It’s not possible ! Why did you hide it from us? That’s enough ! Her body has been mechanized,

But she still remains one of us. We all lived and fought together. That’s how you see it, but what does the girl think? I understand how you may feel… No. I stay on the Karyu. What ? It’s the Karyu… That I chose. I don’t… I don’t have anywhere else to go.

You heard ? It’s clear. She stays with us. Poor fool! Cut. Can you forgive me? There is nothing to forgive. Quite. You are our captain. On the Karyu, Humans and Humanoids are equal. We were only surprised. But don’t be secretive anymore. On this ship, we are all brothers. Thank you.

What are you doing ? This idiot chose to die rather than deny her feelings. I’m not like her. You are incapable of rallying someone of your own race. You are no match for Zero. He managed to awaken the feelings of a Humanoid. He is dangerous. Governor !

You were born into a dying people and you dreamed of becoming all-powerful. Forget fear, hatred, envy, and all those useless emotions. If you want to live, merge… with Hell Castle. SO ? You will finally become a perfect mechanical being. It’s normal to be afraid. I don’t know if we can win,

But I will fight. We must fight with all our might. When this is all over, we will finally be able to take control of our destiny. Yes. I won’t run away anymore. I must accept my destiny. I want to live with my eyes turned towards the future. At your side…

I want to live with my eyes turned towards the future. Come on, Governor. You must merge with the Hell Castle. The Hell Castle, our new god, will destroy this impure universe to make way for Darkness. Our new… god? Only Hell Castle is worthy of becoming our new god.

Merge with our god and become his faithful servant. Eliminate Zero and you will be master of the universe. I’m going to merge… with a god. I will be… master of the universe. The master of the universe. I feel the strength rising within me! I finally became a god! I am a god !

He is a slave to his desires, like inferior beings. But he can beat Zero. It is in hatred that he will draw his strength. Kill Zero! Kill Zero! Kill Zero! Kill Zero! He’s approaching. Accelerate deployment. It is going to begin. Yes. The enemy is accelerating. We need to repair the hull!

The enemy is coming! It’s going to be fair. Enemy salvo! Targeted shot at the Karyu! Deploy the shield! Shield deployed. To port, all! To port, all! The reinforcement of the hull is not finished! We must fall back to complete the repairs. The… enemy shots… Will hit Technologia! What ?

Commanding officer ! We have to fall back. Stop repairs. Get ready to fight! Get ready to fight! Commanding officer ! We won’t move from here! Rai! Battery number 1! At your service ! Fire ! The Karyu fired. Captain, why are they only targeting the Karyu? I do not know.

Let the entire fleet prepare to fire! Understood. Lack ! The gravitational field deflected our shot. Fire in hangar number 1! Automatic fire extinguishers? Disabled. They haven’t been repaired yet. Firefighting team! Hurry up ! Don’t hang around! The allied fleet has just opened fire. Lack ! They didn’t even give him a scratch.

Shit! With the Holy Elmo… Forget it! Listen to me ! The enemy necessarily has a weak point. You have to find it! Enemy salvo approaching! Commander, we have to maneuver. We risk being hit hard. No, stay the course! But, Commander… We are the last shield of the planet Technologia. The last shield?

For what ? Why are they attacking the Karyu? What if… it was me? Meet me ! You were willing to do anything to survive, even becoming humanoid. Commander… – Who? – If I… If I obey him, maybe he will stop this useless carnage. It’s absurd. Captain, you should give up on this idea.

This is precisely what the enemy is looking for. Why is he attacking us? I feel hatred. Hate? Yes, I’m afraid of it. The Karyu crew is made up of Humans and Humanoids. The enemy is convinced that we will never be able to get along. But look at our ship!

We are perhaps prefiguring the Earth of tomorrow, where Humans and Humanoids will finally live in peace. Maybe that’s the enemy’s weak point. Hate? Technologia has been severely affected! Navigator, change of course! But if we leave… the enemy is attacking the Karyu, we must keep him away from Technologia.

Calculate the sphere of influence of its gravitational field. Compartment 3, hit. Batlyser, I’ll send you the data. Analysis completed. The sphere of influence of the gravitational field extends 60 km around the approaching object. Well, we’ll approach to 61 km, and we’ll open fire. Then we will swing-by to get behind him.

Are we attacking? Death does not scare me. We’re going to get him in trouble! I guarantee we will all see Earth again. Remember, our mission has just begun! We must protect the Earth… No, we must protect all living beings! It’s our duty ! And that’s why we will win!

We have no right to fail! Azimut 102, machines at full power. Full power! Ahead ! The Karyu attacks the enemy ship. Why do they do this? Perhaps to attract enemy fire on them. They are crazy ! It’s suicide. Luck favors the brave. Zero will certainly try to draw fire on himself

To keep the enemy away from Technologia. Auxiliary radar hit! Batlyser, you will activate the retrorockets. Count on me, I don’t want to die. Stupid! I will swallow you and your ship. Die, Zero! Hunter hangar hit! DCA number 6, hit! Assessment of the damage! Activate the fire extinguishers. Send a rescue team.

I’m taking care of it. Well, go ahead! Hey, are you okay? – SO ? – Well. – How many are they ? – 15 guys from team number 2. Damn! Hey, can you hear me? Here, it’s ruined! Close the airlock! What ? Get out of there! Out of the question !

You have to blow out the air to put out the flames. Quickly ! Quick, close the airlock! But, if I do this… Get out of there. It’s an order ! Too late. Close the airlock! The Karyu! Protect the Karyu! Commanding officer ! Ishikura. Shut it… Wait! We arrive ! The injured first!

It is the last. My men won’t have time to evacuate. Close the airlock. – But it can explode! – It’ll be fine. We don’t need air. I close. Fire under control. No explosions. They succeeded ! Go get these Humanoids immediately. But they must repair… We must first heal them.

I don’t want to lose these heroes. They protected the Karyu. Repairs will wait. Reactor 2, hit! Fire extinguishers in operation. Reactor 2 thrust, decreasing. We are approaching the enemy ship. Distance: 65 km. Commanding officer ! We can’t go any further. We have to fall back. Influence of the gravitational field: 20%.

We are slightly sucked in. We will never succeed, the Karyu will not hold. Trust the Karyu and his crew. Harlock, the Karyu won’t last. We must go on the attack and attract the enemy towards us. No not right now. If we attack now, Zero’s attack will have been for nothing. But…

If he fails, I will try too. Distance: 64 km. Please… hold on. I’m going to swallow the Karyu! We are approaching 63 km. Batlyser, is it good? Calculation of parameters in progress. 62km. Accelerating. We’re going to cross the line! Calculation completed. Start of the countdown. Support for retrorockets. I’m counting on you, Batlyser.

45 seconds before activation of the rear propulsion. 44, 43, 42… Auxiliary motor affected. Engine stalled! The shot changed our course. Correct the azimuth! Auxiliary engine stalled. The bar is not responding. We are going to be caught by the gravitational field. Commander, retrorockets! Insufficient thrust! Try ! Do not give up ! Sorry, Commander.

It’s true, we must not give up! Retrorocket activation! Captain. The Karyu will eventually be absorbed. This isn’t working, Commander! We are sucked in. Stupid! Do not lose hope ! Get as close as possible! I’m going to turn you into a sieve. A little more. NOW ! Fire !

Zero, I’m going to pulverize you! We are touched! Shit. Didn’t we do anything to him? What… Commander! The moment they fire, they cut off their gravitational field. You think ? Batlyser, can you confirm? Analysis in progress. Analysis completed. Before each shot, the gravitational field is deactivated for 0.13 sec.

I see. They must disconnect their gravitational field to use their cannons. Phase, warn the entire fleet: the enemy cuts its device for 0.13 sec before firing. We will have to synchronize our shots and attack at this precise moment! – It’s a good idea. – Well seen ! Harlock, we’ll have to fire simultaneously.

A synchronized shot… But who will command? It’s you, Harlock, from your ship. The Karyu is no longer in good condition. Well, that’s okay. Raï, do you understand? Synchronize with the Death Shadow. Understood. Synchronization of the firing system. That could work. We can succeed. We will succeed. We have no room for error.

Concentrate fire on a single point! System ready. Target locked. We will automatically respond to their next attack. Your time has come, you dirty pile of scrap metal. Die! Fire ! We will succeed. We have no room for error. Die! Fire ! We got it! We did it ! It worked ?

We got it! That’s it, we got it! What ? What… Is that all? Miserable Humans! I will swallow you all up. I want to see you writhing in pain! Miserable Humans! We only have 0.13 sec. It’s way too short. We won’t be able to damage it enough and overtake its regeneration system.

So there’s nothing more to do? The question is: can we hold on without the main engine? Miserable Humans! Go ahead, unite! Unite in suffering! In suffering! Miserable Humans! Miserable Humans! Disappear! Disappear! Stop! Stop! The St. Elmo Cannon… Activate the St. Elmo Cannon! Zero. Commanding officer. Commanding officer. We no longer have a choice!

Let’s go ! Activation of the Saint-Elmo cannon! Cannon of Saint-Elmo activated. Opening of the Saint-Elme canon circuit. Opening of the Saint-Elme canon circuit. Activation of the reactor, start of the fusion process. Reactor power at 120%. Reactor power at 125%. Transfer fire commands to me. Transfer of orders. The time has come, Commander.

I take the helm. Open the internal line. Internal line open. To the whole crew! This is your commander. You fought well. I am proud of you. Same, Zero. The time for the final battle is approaching. Here is my final order. Listen to me carefully. Evacuate the ship and return to Technologia.

Evacuate the ship. It’s an order. Ishikura, you will pilot. I refuse. I leave you no choice. It’s an order. Sorry. I refuse. I will not obey this order. I’m not in the habit of disobeying, but I stay, too. Out of the question ! General evacuation! Commanding officer !

I became a Humanoid because I was afraid of dying. Today I’m afraid. I feel like I’m back to being the Human I once was. Joy, pain, love… I had forgotten all these feelings. Commanding officer. Thanks to you, I found my former emotions. I want to stay with you. Stupid, you don’t understand yet?

It’s no ! I am… A Humanoid, like the ones who killed your family. Do not be dumb ! Come with me. Zero. Come fight alongside me. For the inhabitants of Earth, Humans or Humanoids. I would have loved to meet you sooner. Idiot ! Haven’t you figured it out yet? I need you !

You won’t change anything, no one will leave. And if you persist, we will take you and the captain away by force . What do you say ? All right. Got it. You trust me. This is the engine room. Power at 130%. It’s when you want. Okay, start the firing process. Contact Harlock!

Bonding with the Death Shadow. Can you shoot, Zero? I don’t know, but you have to try. We need 40 seconds to load the Saint-Elmo cannon. During this time, I will have to disable all systems on the ship. Even the thrusters? Absolutely everything. We will have to cut off the retrorockets

And we will be sucked towards Hell Castle without even being able to defend ourselves. I see. We will cover the Karyu while the Holy Elmo is loading. Zero. Yes ? I’m happy to fight alongside you. Shut down all systems. All systems disabled. We are sucked in. Acceleration. Energy charging.

Countdown to the firing of the Saint-Elmo. 40, 39… 38, 37… I’m counting on you, Harlock. Listen to me. We must attract the enemy towards us. Let’s go. Trust me. Zero, go ahead, we’ve got you covered. Die! Fire ! Miserable gnats! I will crush you all! Okay, let’s pull him over here.

Take this ! Tochiro. I will protect the Karyu no matter what, but I don’t intend to let myself be bullied like that. Helm to port! Ahead. Perfect ! Pathetic. It is for us ! Take this ! Fire ! Is the Holy Elmo ready? Not yet. 19, 18.. Impact. Evacuate external blocks.

Rescue team! 3-D block fire! A firefighting team! 5-D block fire! Engine room affected. We have 70 injured including 40 Humans. Send nurses! Nurses, quickly! Ishikura, close this door! There is no more juice. Stupid, you have to close it manually! Push yourself, Ishikura! That’s it. It begins. Fires of Saint-Elmo! It begins.

There is interference again. You have to evacuate the energy, otherwise everything will explode! I know. Positive pole charged at 75%. Negative pole charged at 86%. Fusion: critical level in 30 seconds. Saint-Elmo cannon connected to the reactor. Where does this glow come from? Miserable worm! Die! We must channel the excess energy

And eject it into space. Understood. I load the cartridges. Take shelter in the survival module. Impossible, my body weighs a ton. Where is the Holy Elmo? I will hold on. I’m going to take a little sleep. Die! The Karyu is in difficulty. Quickly, position us in front of the Karyu.

In the gravitational field? We must protect the Karyu at all costs. The helm to starboard! Harlock protects the Karyu. Harlock! I’m coming ! I will avenge my people. Go to hell! Lubia too! Take this ! Front turret hit! Hold fast ! Captain, it’s ruined. I trust him. Lubia is affected.

One must keep. We must protect the Karyu. If we ever fail, Darkness will cover the entire Universe. I must fight so that what happened to my people never happens again… Never again. Zero, I wish I could toast with you. Harlock, I’m counting on you. Lubia’s ship exploded. We must protect the Karyu!

Phase, it’s dangerous! Don’t come closer, it’s dangerous. Phase ! Count on me, I’m very strong. I will make it. Phase. Call the doctor! Quickly ! Phase, hold on! Commander, energy decreasing. What ? Origin of the damage? Origin unknown. Danger, danger. Commander, reactor overheating! Ridiculous. How long do they hope to last like this?

Disappear! Everyone disappear! Interrupting the process. Evacuate the reactor compartment. Commanding officer ! Here the reactor. We will do everything we can. Don’t stop the process! Keep going! Shit. Commander, I will hold on. So close to the goal… It’s so stupid. Captain, the Karyu is on fire. Tochiro, the Karyu… This time,

They are lost. Cooling… Create a cold water bypass. Imitate nature. Use air and water simultaneously. What does it mean ? Commander, the temperature is dropping. – What do you say ? – Zero. Marina! Use the Holy Elmo. Shoot, Zero! GOOD. It’s OK. Zero, shoot! The Saint-Elmo cannon!

Commander, you can fire in 10 seconds but the main computer is broken. We can’t lock on the target. You have to shoot visually. Either. Visual mode! I see him ! Come on, I have to get there. Zero, I’m counting on you. Tremendous ! Where does this energy come from? Marina! Marina! Humans

Are extremely dangerous beings. They managed to overcome their hatred and join forces beyond their differences. They should not be underestimated. They even performed a miracle: they managed to coexist with the Humanoids. Zero. Marina. Zero. I have collected enough data. End of operation. We’re going back. Okay, we’re heading back to base.

– It’s over. – Yes. For a moment, I thought it was ruined, but we ended up getting it. GOOD. The enemy has been defeated. But we still have a small score to settle. I see you haven’t forgotten. Well, you don’t want to stop me anymore? I know you are innocent.

And I don’t want you to end up in the back of a cell. Tell me, Zero, wouldn’t you like to leave the army and come with us? No, I have to return to Earth to help with the reconstruction. I have my own way of seeing things.

I see. You will never make a good pirate. And you should forget the army. We will see each other again, Harlock, Tochiro. Goodbye My friend. You must protect those who are dear to you. THANKS. That’s what I will do. Come on, goodbye! Get ready to set sail! Get ready to set sail!

Commander, our course? Looking to the future, Acceluder. Towards the future of the Earth. Heading towards the future! Full power! Full power! Ahead ! Bastard! He’s tough, this one. However, we had a party for him yesterday. You really have to be wary of him. Kill me, if that’s what you want.

As long as I live, I will not give up. We’re not going to kill such a valuable hostage. On the other hand, we can weaken it a little further. He will have less desire to get away. Good idea. Do not worry. That’s not what’s going to kill you.

Tell me, do you know where Emeraldas is? The pirates gather on the side of Ludos Barrier. It worries him. She went to see what they were up to. The Pirates ? Are they looking for us? Yes, thanks to our earthly friends. They put a price on our head for a tidy sum.

That doesn’t make me laugh. It’s our lives that are at stake. I don’t mind that. I was starting to get bored. Effectively. We do not travel through space to seek peace. Anyway, we have to wait for Emeraldas to return. So that’s where their landmark is? What is happening ? The engine is ruined!

I can’t leave again! Needless to say, the boss is strong. He captured a government army officer. Another one of his tricks? He was disguised as a police officer. He doesn’t look like it, but he’s a crafty guy. More deceitful than him, I don’t know. They really aren’t smart, these soldiers. Real pigeons.

But it is thanks to them that we can eat our fill. It’s true. Hey, but it’s not Emeraldas? I doubt. She wouldn’t have come down here alone. And even if it’s her, I don’t want to mess with it. You’re right. Let’s continue drinking as if nothing happened.

Either way, there’s nothing we can do. Get out of there ! Don’t be smart. I just wanted to see what you shot me with. That’s enough now. Give it to me. It’s just an old joke. I like her. And then it’s none of your business. It’s enough to kill a human.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead, shoot. This rifle is not loaded. I was right to be suspicious of you. I’m a simple pirate but I have ambition. I know how to make my brain work. Do not forget it. Have you finally decided? Again, no.

It’s really unfortunate. Come on, tell me yes, amigo. I am Warrius Zero, Commander of the Independent Fleet. Rather die than collaborate with pirates. The Earth is doomed. So don’t act strong. Come on, take this and contact your second captain. It’s easy. You just have to tell him to evacuate the Karyu. Never !

It’s unfortunate. Very unfortunate. You’re quite a guy, you. Anyone else would have screamed in pain. Delicious, friend. It’s desperation that gives it this good taste. You have a very poor palate. What ? I already told you, I will never give up. What do we do, kill him? He’s right, boss.

No matter how hard you hit him, he doesn’t flinch. We won’t be able to get anything out of it. He’s hard-headed. It hurts. We’re starting to get tired. Wait. It would still be a shame to kill him. But it is no longer of any use to us.

If the Karyu spots us, we risk being attacked. You are deaf ? I said: we’re waiting. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to contradict you. Excuse me. Leave it. We’re not in the army. We are all friends. But, friends or not, you have to respect the rules.

Of course. And the rules are you, boss. I see you understand. Take him away! I sent the Karyu an ultimatum: your life in exchange for their surrender. Your second in command better accept my deal. You risk being disappointed. It’s really uncomfortable, you know. I doubt she will accept.

Zero, I’ll wait until tomorrow morning. I sincerely hope for your sake that your second will change his mind. Otherwise… Adios. You’ll be less smart once you’re at the bottom of a coffin. HIGH STANDING RESIDENCE It’s itchy. Did you give me your stuff? My thing ? Oh, ringworm? Do not worry.

I have very good medicine. That’s not the problem, Tochiro! Hey, bird, you prefer Tochiro, huh? Yeah ! – I like animals a lot. – For what ? Animals do not judge an individual by their face. Does that mean I’m less beautiful than you “from the inside”? I never said that. Emeralds?

I learned that a man had been trapped by the pirates. But I didn’t think it was you. You lie. It was Harlock who sent these pirates. Harlock has nothing to do with this bunch of cowards. I don’t see where the difference is. So what are your eyes for? What ?

The truth is the same for everyone. You decide whether to see her or not. How so ? If you want to know the truth, you have to see it with your own eyes. You’ll see. By the way, Tochiro, and your famous experiments? My time, things are progressing well. The prototype is almost complete.

Alright. We will finally see your Arcadia… Our Arcadia. – What’s the matter ? – I had forgotten ! I need a special alloy for reactor shielding. I’ll go get it for you. It’s too complicated. I have to choose it myself. Let’s both go. Mii, you keep the house. And you too. What ?

Go alone. I will take care of them. Don’t let anyone into my lab. No one will touch the secrets of Arcadia. I promise. I’m counting on you. If there is the slightest problem, Emeraldas has the key. Tell me, boss, why are you so interested in Karyu?

With the Karyu, we will be able to face the Death Shadow. Want to rub shoulders with Harlock? There is a price on his head and the bounty is very interesting. This is not my only goal. If we eliminate Harlock, the Governor General will get us.

He will cover us and we will be untouchable. But he put Humanoids in our image into circulation. We can’t work like that. It is better to keep your back rounded. If we ever make him angry, it’s the end of the beans. Exact. Well, for now, we have some unfinished business.

We’re going to kill Zero, right? Yes. It is no longer of any use to us. We will find another way to appropriate the Karyu. What an idiot. I will be able to take advantage of his absence. Of my absence? But I’m here. Well go ahead, shoot. Once again, I had everything planned.

You’re a good little guy, but it’s too late. You will die. Your brain isn’t working very well, it seems. Forget your advancement. Please, I just want to take naked pictures of you. Let go of me ! I will not publish the photos. I promise, I won’t sell them. But let me go!

Where is Tochiro’s room? Don’t come and bother me. I’m already late. It’s not going well at all… And when will you be finished? Here, I’m going to put a woman in. A pretty woman. Not like you, little one. It will be perfect. Stud! It smells good. Can I taste it too?

What are you doing ? All I have left is this. What is that ? Mushrooms that grew on my underwear. So it’s good ? How dare you make me eat that? You helped yourself! I have nothing to do with it! Why did you come to my rescue? I am your enemy.

I didn’t come for you. I simply cannot tolerate their unfair methods. You told me I had to see the truth with my own eyes. So show it to me. Take me to Harlock. If you don’t like them that much, why not destroy them? The Que en Emeraldas cannot take on an entire fleet.

At least, not yet. Odd. However, you managed to infiltrate their base. He is not powerfully armed but I know how to defend myself otherwise. Emeraldas, why are you doing all this? Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill Harlock? I don’t understand you. In any case, I wanted to thank you. I didn’t come for you.

I wasn’t talking about that. I wanted to thank you for the wine, it was delicious. That idiot let him get away. What ? You are as responsible as I am. I’ve found him suspicious for some time now. Maybe he was in cahoots with Zero. What ? Come on, let it go.

It’s not good to accuse your comrades. It is better to eliminate them directly. What a moron. I’ve never been able to sniff that one. Always bragging about being the smartest. And Emeraldas, then? Why did she save Zero? I don’t know, but one of our ships is following them discreetly.

Maybe they’ll lead us to Harlock’s lair. Harlock and Zero may be in cahoots. It’s possible. That would explain why the governor was suspicious of them. If we find his mark, we’ll get our hands on his treasure. Perfect. That way, we’ll kill two birds with one stone. Harlock is here. Hold on !

I can’t let you in. I promised Tochiro. What are you hiding from me? It’s none of your business. You will not enter. I have several questions to ask you. And if necessary, I will use the strong method. Reconnaissance report. Poorly defended enemy base. No trace of the Death Shadow.

The Que en Emeraldas does not appear heavily armed. That’s it, boss. Well, I think it’s now or never. Shall we share the spoils, boss? Obviously, friend. That’s it, I found Tochiro’s room. There is nobody. I enter. Mine is the treasure… Ugh! It’s disgusting ! What is that ? But… where am I?

What is that ? Awesome ! This is the first time I’ve seen these weapons. It’s amazing ! It’s a real gold mine! An auxiliary generator. I will be able to repair my Star Horse. And that is certainly… You are in the workshop of a man who believes in the future.

If you value your life, let go of this object. I managed to get out. But… It’s not possible… What a horror… So? It’s already over ? Don’t stay there. It’s dangerous. Your arm… Stop, stop! Were you injured? So what ? I haven’t said my last word. Why… You better get out of here.

It’s between Harlock and me. Leave us. You’re hurt. Stop immediately. It’s an order. Come with me. They’re going to kill us. Emeraldas’ ship. That’s where they hide! The entire fleet, in position! – Fleet into position! – We’re ready, boss. Spray it! And the Que en Emeraldas?

It is not with this type of cannon that they will overcome it. The danger is elsewhere. This planet is nothing more than a pile of little mushrooms. She is very unstable. If pirates attack us, it risks falling apart. Effectively. The gravity device that Tochiro installed is right under our feet.

I must protect his underground laboratory… No matter what. Ready for the second salvo! Boss ! The enemy does not react. She may no longer be on board. Effectively. Okay, you stay there and watch the Que en Emeraldas. Understood. We are going to attack. Emeraldas, Harlock, Zero…

I’m going to send them all to hell! Men are really stupid. You’re hurt, you didn’t stand a chance. The Pirates ! They followed me? Where are you going ? I don’t want to fight 1 against 10. And then, I know you don’t want my help. GOOD. Take care of yourself.

If he had asked me to stay, I would have helped him. He doesn’t understand anything about women. It’s Harlock! – Emeraldas is here too. – Ours is the bounty! So, are we trying to escape? If you resist, I’ll pulverize you. Without this damn breakdown, they never would have caught me.

I don’t see Tochiro or Zero. Boss, we’ll never get them head-on. All our men are going to be killed. You coward! We continue ! Harlock will be dead soon. It’s well worth a little sacrifice. Really curious, this house. It’s a real maze… And there are funny animals there. I don’t say thank you.

I forbade you from entering here. Why did you come back? First of all, I owe him a debt. And then these pirates are mine. Do not say stupid things. It’s me they want. It would hurt me to see these losers take you down. It’s up to me to do it. Either.

Do as you like. That works. He missed his shot. We’re retreating! To the ship! Let me go ! But let me go! It’s an order, let me go! You’re wild, my darling. Are you a friend of Harlock? But no. I have already told you. I came here to kill him.

We have plenty of time, you know. That’s good, we were bored. So, are you bored? But that’s not good. Would you like to spend some quality time with me? Good idea… You can touch it, if you want. Too bad, but charm doesn’t work with me… My darling. For what ?

My charm no longer works? It’s not possible… Unless… you don’t like women? It’s wrong ! I told you it wasn’t true! Stop! Let me go ! We’ll resume the interrogation when the boss arrives. Keep her in the corner. Slowly, I’m a woman! Did you hear, idiot? What about the Death Shadow?

– Tochiro goes shopping with it. – Do you have a radio? I’ll call Karyu. The spores jam communications. This is not how we will be able to resist them. Well, are you afraid? That will give me one more feat to tell. You will destroy the loot, amigos! Don’t damage the building!

Why don’t you run away? Are you protecting a treasure? I made a promise. A promise ? Tochiro has set up a laboratory in the basement. We promised him that no one would enter there. Is it to keep this promise that you are risking your life? It’s stupid.

No one is forcing you to stay. What a fool… Without me, you would never have been able to hold on. You could thank me. Rather die. You are too proud. And shit! It’s not the moment. You’ll go pee later. Just hold them for 1 minute. 1 minute sharp. Hold ! In the teeth.

It takes you this long to swat those gnats? Get lost or I’ll make a massacre! Gather the ones up there and surround them. Reserve units, join us! Helm to port. Stay the course. Understood. Helm to starboard. Did you manage to break away? A pretty girl always sharpens her nails, just in case.

Catch her. We got fooled by a girl… The reinforcements change course. What ? We have a problem… What’s going on? Boss, this isn’t normal. We have to go see what’s going on. It’s getting worse. I don’t know what’s going on, but they’re lifting the siege.

Okay, let’s try a way out. I have a score to settle with them. That works. This is Tochiro. He’s finally back. What is happening ? I’ll tell you later… When I calm down. Main battery! Show no mercy. Exterminate them! Escort, hit. Destroyer, destroyed. We don’t measure up. We must surrender.

I didn’t do all this to surrender! Counterattack! They are fighting. It’s perfect. Shit! My plan was perfect though. But I’m surrounded by a bunch of incompetent people. That’s enough ! I surrender. I will no longer obey you. Dirty traitor. Thruster hit. Thrust down. Enemy salvo approaching. – Boss ! – The farm !

Raise the white flag! Quickly ! Leave if you value your life. But don’t fly the skull and crossbones flag anymore. It belongs to us. We hoist it proudly because we refuse to submit. It is the symbol of freedom. I will easily resell Tochiro’s inventions. Hey, it got really heated while I was gone.

We defended your lab, as promised. As promised ? Oh yes it’s true. Thanks, Harlock. Did you forget? We risked our lives to protect him! That’s really you. Sylviana! Damn. Come get me if you can! You bunch of idiots! What is this ? Pirate fire has made the planet unstable.

And there’s nothing to do? I’m going to restart the gravitational device. Come back, it’s too risky! No. I have to go find Mi and the bird. Courage, I will lift you up. Zero. Hold on tight. It’s not for you, it’s for the critters. I won’t let go.

To Tochiro and me, they are a bit like our family. What… What’s going on? Who are you ? Maetel. A planet ? Wait. What is this planet? It was minus one. Tochiro. Well, luckily I gave you the key. I might have arrived too late. I’m rather short on legs. Health !

Come on, drink! Zero, thank you. You don’t have to thank me. You too saved my life. And then… I’m starting to understand what you were trying to tell me. It’s very strange. This room doesn’t look like much, but I feel good there. You can come back whenever you want, Zero. On occasion.

It’s not over… Emeraldas, I will steal the secret of your strength. “The Book of Life” A long time ago Somewhere in the future Beyond space and time There is a book where one can read What was and what will be The prophecies of the past The joys and sorrows

The smallest of our tears Words, deeds Thoughts and feelings It’s all written there Some embrace the darkness Others embrace the light But the lives we lead Are the stories we write In the Book of Life Adaptation: Julien POULY & SATO Yoko Supervision: Cedric LITTARDI Subtitling TVS – TITRA FILM


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