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The Eagles are SPIRALLING out of Super Bowl contention | Is it time to panic?!

Liam Jenkins breaks down Monday night’s gruelling defeat to the Seattle Seahawks and debates whether or not it’s time for Eagles fans to panic after 3 consecutive losses

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Fortune you give me Fame you give me power your name of every person you need to bring yeah oh I’m the god Person just not not what we wanted to be talking about today is it this is just not the stream that anyone wanted to endure all right we’ve had two weeks now coming into today of just bad Vibe streams of just streams angry frustrated stressed disappointed underwhelming like like all of these emotions concerning

The Eagles and we were hoping that after two horrible defeats to the premier NFC teams that a fixture on the road against the Seahawks would be enough to drag the best back out of this team to put the Eagles back where they belong to get them digging deep inside themselves and

Putting on a display that even if it was remotely average would bring this team together and start the the confidence needed for a playoff run what we got instead was the most uncoordinated soulless disappointing dross I think that we might have seen all season and we can start looking at

It and saying about uh Jaylen Herz and how he wasn’t 100% but I think even if he was would the eag was a won this game we can look at the defensive coordinator with sha desde we can look at an offense that for two drives look like red San

Francisco with the amount of motion and then they just stopped and then everything just became the exact same it was almost like it was a token like they decided to start using motion they decided to start using all of these things just to prove that they could

Just to prove that they can just to tick the Box keep the naysayers happy keep the fans happy and then they can get back to doing what they usually do which is reallyy messing everything up I’ve not been that frustrated after a loss for a long time for a long time and I

Can’t exactly put my finger on why that is I feel as though genuinely and look we’re going to start this show off with an a relationship analogy that some people you you know look they know it’s coming we tick it off it’s another box ticked okay that game going into Seattle

Felt like when you do break away from a toxic X and your relationship of ups and downs and betrayals and heartbreaks and whatever else comes to an end and you’re free and you get out for a week and then the text comes at 11: p.m. on a Saturday

Night that they want to meet up and you go back against you better judgment you go back and then slowly but surely despite that night being absolutely tremendous slowly but surely it all just starts coming back to you the reasons why you left you know the subtle digs the the the passive aggressiveness

Whatever it may be and then it ends up you lose patience you end up becoming tired of it because you’ve enured so much already and you want to leave again that’s exactly what that game to me felt like that throughout the week talks of accountability a padded practice that

Was extra guys getting healthy coaches taking accountability and a couple of days before they even fly out to Seattle a huge change at defensive coordinator one that I still don’t really agree with but hey it worked in terms of look there there were changes it didn’t work but there changes

Okay and then you get the motion and you get Slants and you get screens and it’s a mixed offense and it looks brilliant and then it just goes away and it becomes soulless and frustrated and the leaders on the team start rattling a little bit

And we that’s like two weeks in a row now that AJ Brown has had a little bit of a tizzy two weeks in a row he’s got a little bit frustrated it’s not the first time go back a few weeks ago with the sidelines SP with Jaylen Herz he’s now

On Twitter doing his finest Darius Slay impression it I don’t understand where it went so wrong if maybe we had just been lulled into a false sense of security whether or not this Eagles team was never really that good but we just presumed that they could be and held

Them to a standard that they couldn’t accomplish and it began to to spiral out I’m not overly sure we’ll get to some of your comments I’m sure they will spark some debates later on um a shout to all of you tuning in um I had a m quibble I

Didn’t sort everything on the back end of the video until like three minutes ago so that was an issue so sorry if it’s a bit of a quieter one tonight um but love to see you all here if you could leave us a like on the video that

Would be absolutely amazing um and a shout out as well to Anthony Lara for leaving us a like on Facebook again I can see who likes on Facebook I can’t on YouTube so you get a little cheeky shout out for that one um let’s go down through the comments then I’m a broken

Man says Isaac that’s that’s a great way to start that’s always a tremendous starting point it Caba be a late night Christmas gift shoot me a DM I’m I’m trying to think when I’m free I’m free tomorrow morning I could do tomorrow I could do I could only do tomorrow

Morning but yeah if that doesn’t work I’m sorry I’m sure we can work something out go ahe and throughout the Christmas week and into the new year I’m sorry I don’t mean to be so flaky Lindy I promise um trending in the AM has had two really negative shows it doesn’t

Surprise me I mean it’s hard to be positive I guess at this point like about the there is not really much at the was are doing to instill any kind of positivity or or confidence and every time there is it just gets undermined by something completely different that re

Like the only things genuinely in that game that I felt were in the warranted confidence were the fact that Sydney Brown um played really well in the first half the second half was an absolute stink job don’t get me wrong he sucked in that second half but the first half

Of Sydney Brown’s play was really impressive and if he can just hone his t there was enough on tape there to be like the eagles will have a ball player if they can develop him okay it was a night for the rookies key Ringo looked really good um Eli Ricks another between

The two of them I think they had five targets no receptions allowed Jaylen Carter had a sack Nolan Smith had a big play it was a great day for anyone that’s a member of that Eagles rookie class anyone else it was it was pretty dismal it was

Pretty dismal um we we’ll get to this I think with this warrant a conversation and I’m sorry for overlooking your comment there Antonio I will get back to it I can assure you um what trying to think of a nice kind calm way to to Broach this but Nick serani

Entered today’s press conference right for those that know Nick serani for those that know this Eagles coaching staff you know that it is typically a joyous occasion with serani that the day he walked into the NovaCare complex he was being mocked for how positive he was for how joking he could

Be for this silly almost like I don’t want to say immature but just very rambly but very passionate man you know he was renowned for being highly energetic highly passionate clearly loves football loves his team a little bit of pandering every now and again was wearing like Dallas suck shirts or beat

Dallas or whatever it was okay you start off at there and then the confidence builds and he ends up making comments on the sideline and he shakes hands with fans and he makes a passing comments to Chief fans at the way of the stadium as they leave after beating Kansas City and

You go to today’s press conference and he sits there looking like this just devoid of positivity devoid of confidence devoid of any kind of genuine like love for that current situation and he sits there he snapped and I don’t want to misquote like this is obviously quite a critical bit of

Information but I believed he snapped at Dave Dave spadaro who’s obviously a member of the Eagles it might not have been spuds it might have been someone else if someone wants to catch me up on that FS but he snapped at an eagles reporter asking didn’t you ask me that like two seconds

Ago this is Nick serani the the most positive like Michael Scott level head coach that everyone has a strong opinion of some hat him some love him because he is just this joyous bouncy I love Eagles I love football I love my players we’re going to do the game film we’re gonna do

The practice and for him to sit there and just look so beaten and just bored and tired tired is probably the word to look tired is one thing but then to sit there and explain that final interception as a a decoy Pi that the reason that jayen through that final

Pass that was intercepted that sealed the game when all they needed was 20 yards for a field goal they they had a chance they were marching down the field a field goal seemed genuinely likely at that point Herz throws it up deep it’s intercepted that’s the end of the game

And Nick sani’s defense is yeah but it could have been a pi could have also been a sevenard comple your Bozo but you don’t hear us complaining you know it could have easily been a six-yard out route but it it wasn’t it was a 30 yard lofted pass to AJ Brown under thrown

Into coverage a great play by by love it has to be said but realistically what defense have you got like just say Jayla made a bad decision just say Jaylen might made a bad throw all right he had an off night he’s gonna work on it we

Know he’s better than that to go yeah we we called a play and we what we thought in that situation was that AJ Brown can get a pi no one is that tacked for there are 15 seconds on the game clock you are not sitting there going all right what

Do we call here um Brian what are we saying you want to call it one are your little shitty screens that go nowhere no no no no what about one of your verticals yes but go for the pi what Brian go for the Pi Pi I’m telling you

They’ll they’ll get a pi don’t you worry AJ’s gonna get a pi on this play throws it what are you doing I’ve never heard of a team trying to scheme for piis it is one thing for a receiver to go down easily to maybe emphasize a bit of

Contact to pretend as if you’re scheming up pass interference draws is ABS it’s everything that’s wrong with this Eagles team the the lack of awareness whether it’s slay on Twitter AJ on Twitter Nick serani completely failing to read the room and say yeah that interception no I

Was designed that was designed to happen yeah we wanted a pi there and we didn’t get it that’s a shame that is a shame is absolutely barbaric I’ve never heard a head coach do that in my life and if I’m Jeffrey lurry if I’m Hoy Roseman I’m

Stood there looking like hoe in that Meme after he’s gone to fist bump everyone and he gets rejected and how he’s gone like that that’s Mar what are you doing you are the head coach of this team you are the one that preaches accountability that sets the tone for

Everyone else and you are going to sit there miserable in a press conference going yeah that play we designed that that so instead of catching the ball and getting a reception we draw a flag counter argument Nick and I I’ll level with you here let’s just say hypothetically this was your grand

Design and you thought you were being some sort of wizard and you are an egomaniac and you thought that somehow was a good idea I’ll I’ll send you hypothetical Mr serani okay what if hypothetically in this situation where you are launching a ball 30 yards down the field with like

10 seconds to go to try and get a pi have you considered that a DB might be slightly aware of the fact he doesn’t want to give up a pi and then therefore might not be as solid in contact and that might be why even jumped under the

Route in the first place have you ever thought that when throwing vertically down the field with 10 seconds to go ADB might just anticipate the catch might not be made might just you know stay a little bit outside the hit pocket and reach in they’re not going to be

Purposefully as grabby is has that ever come up in in your mind like you cannot game plan for a pi without the anticipation of there being a pi which means you also have to accept that there is a strong possibility like most plays in the NFL that there won’t

Be what is the average Pi percentage I’m not having it right we we’re going in I’m I’m I’m starting a new tab I’m finding the average Pi average uh Pi NFL I’m not having that what is the how long is it called no no I want to know how

Many uh Dam it pass into I can’t spell with one hand but I want to know how many Pi calls are are 15 yards per Co no that’s not what we want that’s not what we want we want I know have all the players in the world how many of them have been

Defensive pass interference right okay so we can add add this total up right so we’ve got that’ll take a long time but it’s at least 10 20 20 30 40 50 60 let’s say about 100 looking at that okay about 100 we can all agree yeah around 100 if

Someone wants to do the math field free so a 100 plays out of right there are 32 teams in the league and they all play 18 game they’ve played 15 games haven’t they all right so they’ve played 15 games how many snaps has that been does someone

Want to do the quick mask for me there it’s about 10% all right so duck said it’s about 10% so you’re scheming up a low percentage play to get a first down right with seconds plenty of time left okay you can easily get to field goal range but your reinforcement for

Being aggressive is that 10% of all passing plays in the NFL are pass interference that you are banking on a 10 to one shot that you get a pi and I’ve seen the people on and it’s the same people and I’m not calling anyone out but there are people on Twitter that

Will defend specifically Jaylen Herz no matter what he does and they follow him from Alabama and it’s a very weird dynamic I’m not critic criticizing anyone’s fandom but there’s literally tinted glasses are like he can do no wrong and they’re saying yeah but the the full quote’s different and what he

Actually says is that he’s schemed up and they knew that it could be a pi well yeah every play can be a pi can’t it every single play can be pass interference that’s football but if it’s a 10% shot the if the deciding factor which is what sounds like between

Playing it safe and going for it is yeah but you get a catch or a pi it just doesn’t what is that what gambling logic is that if my rent is due tomorrow and I’m told right you can gamble your rent on one thing in the casino all right it

Would not be a slot machine it would be Blackjack 5050 shot okay it would be roulette put all the money across 31 numbers hope the 302 doesn’t hit keeps repe repeting it over and over again I would not March over to a slot machine and pound like a ,000 into it hoping to

Pay my rent going yeah well it was a 10 to one shot could have left own with 30 grand leave home with nothing but it was a possibility that is ridiculous and I’m all for analytics in the NFL but that is absolutely stupid um and I don’t know if

He’s if he’s trying to protect his cat I don’t know if he’s trying to protect his coordinator but he’s making himself look like an absolute bozo in the process um and we’ll get to some of your comments I’m just have a quick quick slurp unfortunately it’s not wine I I

Wish it was after that game uh if you want the pi then you throw it out long and just Out Of Reach of all the players yeah you don’t underthrow it and maybe that was on Herz and look maybe Jaylen Herz we cut him some slack for this past

Game because he was playing through flu symptoms and he didn’t travel with the team and he was a little bit under the weather and I I saw someone online say oh but I wouldn’t have played if I had the flu that’s fine okay but if you are

Bad enough where you’re not going to be 100% you have to be aware and enough to go look I can’t do my job today I need help let Marcus start there has to be that awareness so so I’m not willing to give him that excuse because at some

Point either A Team official a doctor the coach or Jaylen could have sto that process and it didn’t happen so I’m not willing to go yeah but Jaylen was ill if jayen wants to play Hill or Jaylen wants to play Hill you did you die with

The consequences okay if I want to run around that casino with my pants down and I get arrested that’s that’s the consequence of my actions isn’t it you know um but just the game overall was a total mess and we’re gonna go into a Giants game okay where New York are five and

Nine their season is done they’ve got Tommy DeVito at quarterback and his agent and that’s a lovely fad that’s a great bit of you know Tik Tock verality there sure that’s fun but at the end of the day the Giants are five and nine they’ve got a mid a mid offense with a

Backup QB and they’ve got a mid defense but they will smell blood in the water because they’ve not beaten the Eagles in four games and I’m I guarantee you it’s a franchise so petty that they will forget or they won’t forget what happened uh when the Eagles tanked that

Game a few years ago which meant the New York couldn’t make the playoffs and the fans were livid okay then not going to forget that the Giants are Petty and they would love nothing more than to play spoiler and There Will Be Blood In The Water right now you can smell it

That there is fear in this Philadelphia locker room there is discontent there is a a fracture in places the team leaders are doing anything but leading the team captains are not leading and what at all okay the coaches are too busy playing a game if he said she said well he said

It’ll be a pi and then I called it and then Jaylen was a bad throw sha and Darius Lay’s going yeah but I I did play well I didn’t play in that game guys all right yet sha the Eagles like it wasn’t me it wasn’t me Darius Slay you can keep

My name out your mouth all right I’m a pro I’m a pro bowler I’m a pro bowler you’re not I’m a pro bowler you’re not that’s the attitude of your team captain after a game AJ Brown is out there like battling with Lord Brunson on Twitter didn’t he literally buy a hat

From La Bronson at the start of the Season saying like hurt season or something like I don’t get like I could stomach bad play I can stomach character issues if you put them together and there is such a direct link it takes assertiveness and a Stern

Change to rip the rug out and say this ain’t acceptable all right jayen Herz all season has been talking about this mythical thing this fabled thing called the standard okay he’s been talking every press we’re not playing up to our standard we’re not living up to our standard we’re not committed enough to

Our standard what is the standard because surely at this point having seen it all season long it’s very much the standard Jaylen and nothing above the standard would be a miracle it would be a festive dream come true that’s not the standard the standard isn’t greatness anymore it was

12 months ago the standard now is subpar uncoordinated soulless just wasteful football on both sides offense and defense that’s the standard there is no point preaching we’re not playing up to our standard or crying out loud I would hate to see if that they’re a little bit

Lower than what they are now if the standards here and they’re about there I don’t know what is down in that Abyss but it can’t be much further to go you cannot preach a standard if that has been the average way of playing all year

Long that makes no that very much is the standard Jaylen and you’re missing it you missing your own standard there okay now if you can be better than the standard which has been significantly lowered be my guest I’m sure we would all love to see it hell fans are begging

For it at this point but it’s not going to happen so long as coaches are deferring things scheming up plays deliberately for piis which I I I cannot get over that was a quote whether it was misquoted whether it there’s grander context to it the fact that you have the

Goal to sit there in a press conference and say yeah the reason we chose that is there was a chance of a pi look I go out every day hoping I might find a million pounds on the floor I’m not gonna find it okay I turn on my

Computer every morning hoping that for some reason it magically transforms and unicorns come out of it to grant me three wishes it’s not going to happen you don’t scheme up in the biggest play of the game a play purely designed to get a one in 10 chance of a

Flag oh a one in 10 10 passes one in every 10 passes is a pi and you’re making a play you could get a pi on the short one in in that regard you could get a pi on the short one it doesn’t matter where the ball is in the field

Ises it you can still get a pass interference if it’s like five yards off the line of scrimmage or 15 if anything it’s easier when it’s shorter because you can box out and turn round and someone has to reach in and maybe they disrupt that turn you see it all the time on

Couts if anything there probably was more of a chance because you know they’re going for the field goal and you do not want to let that up if they’re going for it all you’re like ah yeah he’s not going to get that and you just sit there and you don’t have to throw

Hands so that defense is so devoid of logic it is absolutely stupid and I’m running out of breath and I’m tired talking about it and I saw a comment earlier today I will just quickly highlight comment here nice to see you drew um he watched a Q&A with

Inside the birds that last play according to Avant AJ ran a bad route jayen didn’t look the safety off well enough and premeditated the throw probably because the offense is predictable um I I saw the same thing and regardless like it’s not the play that’s the issue

As much as it is the reason for calling it and I mean for crying out loud if the reason for the biggest play in the game was to go 30 yards deep down the field if the reason for that was we might get a pi I can suddenly understand

Why the rest of the offense is so unbelievably [ __ ] it you know all of a sudden it just clicked like if that’s the ethos i’ L it up to AJ we might get a pi and we might win the game if that’s the theory I can understand why the little

Things they’re not getting right like screens that go absolutely nowhere like vertical pass that go nowhere yeah just just unbelievably Bland QB draw outside Zone pass over the middle outside Zone QB draw pass down long pass down long QB like all of it it is predictable when

There isn’t any motion or anything and it makes sense if the whole reason again was to do that it’s just stupid less talented teams gam less talented teams gamble for penalties in that manner there’s no way the Eagles are completely incapable well no and I think the other

Thing is that like less capable teams will when they stuff isn’t on the line it it it’ll be something that you see like a three- win team or like the Giants or the Jets or a team like you know I’m trying to think of a good one um the Cardinals probably they would

Pull that off to try and do a trick play to [ __ ] out a win look at the Dolphins a few years back when they beat the Patriots like games where there isn’t a lot on the line and it’s like you can it’s risk- free it’s a it’s a bonus bet

It is fanel Credit in your account with a bonus bet they can do it they but the Eagles did have stuff to play for they had a chance to send that game to overtime knowing that you’re playing Drew lock a poor pass defense a very poor pass defense okay that was lacking

Devon Weatherspoon we haven’t touched on that yet okay and an offense that can’t really do much against you okay you could go into overtime knowing that you should realistically win that game you should win that game and instead look go for it all if it’s like fourth and eight

And you can’t get the field goal that’s when you go for it all but you’re trying to secure the ey then go for a win okay if you’re playing golf you don’t go for an eagle every hole you take apart and if your ball lands a little bit closer

And you can tap in a birdie beautiful one under par well done that’s a great day at the office but you can’t just randomly start h three-wood from every Fairway and going over every obstacle and every Hazard and every bunker you You’ make those risks you

Take them when there’s a reason to when you’re confident in it not just for the sake of doing it when there isn’t something on the line it is it’s wild um 28th rank pass defense knew where Jaylen was going with that pass yeah I think

That kind of sums it up it was just I mean I will say the one thing we haven’t really touched on yet is James Bradbery being bullied on like three of the exact same play being walked back into the end zone he may as well have Moon walked all the

Way back down there I’ve never seen anything like it I saw it once and I was like wow what an unbelievable throw DK metov might still be one of the best receivers in the NFL then they did it again and I was like Wow DK metov one of

The best receivers in the NFL that wasn’t so bad Sydney Brown was a bit late on the safety help but that wasn’t so bad I didn’t mind that and then it happened again and then happened again and and you’re just watching the same play with different receivers lining up

To take their shot at James Bradbury who’s like eight yards off and still ends up getting toasted it is just ridiculous you know like that is beyond predictable the Seahawks ran the exact same play near enough three times in a row and the Eagles couldn’t do a damn thing to stop

It that is nuts the whole thing and look again I was happy they made the pricia switch because I thought maybe it will instill some accountability in the defense bollocks did it I was happy that hey maybe it might make Brian Johnson get in his bag pull out some new tricks

Which he did for two drives and then it went back to the mundane same Eagles team and now they go into these Giants games they go into that Cardinals game knowing they have to win out and they will somehow realistically end up winning they’re going to somehow end up

Winning these games and like I said the past two weeks um and I’ll highlight Martian I know Martian was right he did call it but I will say okay the same thing I have they will win these games against terrible teams and they will give off this energy like the

Past month hasn’t happened like it’s all some big fan like it’s a fugazi it’s a fugazi yeah in W for Wall Street like like it’s not real it’s pixie dust and they will come out with underdog and Darius Slay will start tweeting angry emojis and AJ Brown will start

Retweeting Pro Football Focus stats of himself and Eagles will Jaylen Herz is gonna go into a press conference and say something like Yeah The Rock’s not hard when the hardest the rock is the hard and and all of a sudden we all gonna be back in again bought into this team wow

Maybe we did doubt them maybe they were this good all along or maybe for the final three games they’re playing teams that have combined for literally about three wins on the entire year they’ll go into the playoffs and they will get absolutely slapped if things don’t

Change they will get a wakeup call again because there is a level of complacency here whether it is overzealous confidence is causing it that we are all that that we are that good that we don’t need to to play up to these teams I I don’t know where it’s coming from but

You cannot go through a year talking about this mythical standard we’re not meeting the standard it has been the case for 15 weeks and 15 weeks of bad play to me is very much the stand did it is going beyond that now there has to be an underlying reason why all this is

Happening and I’m not still overly sure why I think is so many things coming together uh I think it’s a lack of accountability from the coaching staff as evidence today with Nick serani I think there is complacency with the play calling which I guess will Stam at

Serani I I think that the captains probably the wrong captains on the team AJ shouldn’t be a captain at this point slay I don’t think should be a captain at this point genuinely a better captain in that DB room will be someone like Kevin bed Kevin B is someone that is a

Proven leader that has accomplished the same thing Slayers you don’t see him barking on Twitter you don’t see him throwing patties you you don’t see him taken out like like he’s an immature 13y old child you see him behaving like an adult he’s walked into that locker room

Halfway through a season when they were winning and has tried to hold them to a standard and his playing not might be there but the attitude is and it’s the kind of attitude you wish to see in young players that’s what you want to see in a Jaylen carer in a few years

Time from now it’s what you want to see eventually in a guy like Jordan Davis in key Ringo but having someone like slay AJ like Devonte Smith would be a better Captain because he isn’t and I don’t want to call AJ ad Diva because that is

I think a bit far but he doesn’t have that star quality of I’ve got all this money wow W ball buddy ball this that and the other like Devonte is Devonte and he knows he’s going to get his and he keeps himself to himself you don’t see him on the sideline starting on

Personnel you don’t see him chirping up with DBS the way AJ does because he’s bigger and he can you don’t you just don’t see it you see a young man that’s won a Heisman that is very very similar to Jaylen Herz in terms of Personality that is Resolute that is quiet that does

His talking on the field you don’t see many players Lane Johnson should be a captain BG should be a captain are I know these guys already are and have been but Fletch obviously is another one but these are players that should embody the soul of the

Team AJ doesn’t do that right now Darius Slay doesn’t do that right now um it’s it’s just bizarre I I don’t get it when the will start to wobble that’s when leadership comes in when things get uneven that’s when strong leadership can dictatorship when things aren’t going

Your way when you’re three losses in a row and you’ve been blown out by the Cowboys blown out by the Niners and you’ve dropped a horrible game to the Seahawks and there are questions from every angle and there’s pressure from every angle that’s when you need the leaders

On this team to step up and instead they’re stepping aside picking up their phone running to Twitter and talking about PFF grades or how many pro bowls they’ve got or which fan they’re going to beat up give me a break man when did it get to that when did it get to it

It’s all lovey that’s the thing as well is that they’re all lovey doy when they’re winning it’s always the most vocal ones so I love this place I love Philly I love Philly I love Philly as soon as it goes bad you never hear the

End of it and it’s the type of stuff that you would hear like Ben Simmons level come out you know look at the way that Ben was treated and the city stood behind him again and again and again and he comes out with the comments he did

Years later it is the exact same kind of thing um we’ll get to some of your comments quit gaslighting us Le um are eagles don’t evaluate talent well I I will say yeah I will say that putting Square pegs and round holes is very much been a a trait for a while and

I think cranberry is a fantastic nickname and I’ll give you that but I will say that again the only bright spot for me from that game was key Ringo playing well Eli Ricks Jaylen Carter cydney Brown four players four rookies that’s your future of the team they’re

Your cornerstones in the F you’ve got four years of these guys okay four years are those guys Nolan Smith another to to make the most at them to mold them into players that can be impact stars for your defense and I have every confidence that that a guy like Sydney Brown will what

Ruined it are the veterans and that’s the thing when you start kind of throwing that that money around but you’re right Ringo and Ricks all zero yards they they got targeted five times between them how they end up losing SN I mean Bradley Roy played okay I’ll say that I think

Bradley Roy really knows like he held his own kind of separated himself from that little crowd the linebackers I thought Nicholas Morrow Wily played pretty well um but outside of that just watching it like the first two first 10 minutes of that game where they had like an eight minute drive on

Offense and there was motion and it was like just carefully crafted like there was a well oiled machine there was a gentle pass and a run outside and then a long pass and a QB rush and there was a balance and a rhythm and a and a

Direction and it’s like we all know the NFL teams script plays okay the first like two or three drives are scripted as soon as they go away from that and Brian Johnson is left to his own devices it is like a toddler with a piano just hammering any old note

Go that’s what we’ve got with that Playbook it is and then the players don’t know what they’re doing you’ve got Jason Kelce spotting a ball that somehow goes offside and I’m not even shocked at that point I don’t think it’s Kelsey as much as it is

Anything else but I I just do wonder if the hype around this team just got too much too quick okay 2022 was the nicest surprise ever no one expected an MVP level caliber campaign from Jaylen Herz no one expected a seismic leap that saw Herz go from wow

This kid’s good to wow he is a top five Talent no expected the Eagles to take advantage of a very weak schedule but Hoy Roseman fora it built an incredibly talented roster for one year only to go after a ring he gets to a Super Bowl and

They fall just short Jaylen gets $255 million I I don’t want to use the Christmas songs and the podcasts and the Twitter but like if you look at the the the side hustles I that’s probably the wrong term but the Kelsey Brothers podcast okay admittedly there it is a

Distraction from football you’ve got the the Christmas album I love it I’ve listened to it I had last years I tried to get it on vinyl it’s brilliant but it’s separate Twitter the behavior on there the the national media pressed the coverage there is so much nonf football

Noise around this team that I wonder that like if it’s just maybe got involved if like the confid the concentration levels the commitment levels are down maybe that’s what hurts meant the other day when he was talking about commitment and I that’s not the type of thing I like saying because I I

Very much endorse like supporting those wider projects and the stuff that is fantastic for the community and the Kelsey’s podcast is amazing like new heights is a brilliant show it’s one of the most charismatic in the NFL unfortunately then you’ve got guys like Darius SL sitting there Haring on his

Own you know like trumpet for loads just sat there talking about himself and his own achievements and it just like everyone’s caught up and I just I don’t know if a distraction how much it’s paid it’s it’s worth considering at this point because it is only getting worse

It’s only deteriorating um let’s go back into some of the comments I know I haven’t read many out today it’s it’s a postgame show on a Wednesday all right we’re going to be ranting somewhat but if you are new around here bonjo come and tapl to um I hope you’re doing well

Just a quick shout as well to anyone that has liked the show on YouTube today I can see his liked on Facebook again uh that’s Anthony Phil stifle as per Mr consistent Uh Kevin cped so I believe that’s his second like in a row shout

Out to to Kevin said his name wrong so sorry Kev to Cory Neo our Eagles writer as well if you haven’t liked it yet and you could on YouTube it would be amazing it’s the best way to support the show and make sure we can reach as many

People as possible um well we’ll get to some of the comments now uh great content no respect uh L sorry man not all of us are going to hit the panic but I over three losses uh did did the n no this team can win Nick can win SL slumps

Happen I know it’s not been pretty but you’re being dramatic I understand and look that that’s fine okay fans have different look look put it this way when the Eagles went like down against the Chiefs early on one of our writers was on Twitter nine minutes in with left in the

First quarter saying well that’s the game the Eagles won I’m not that guy but I I will not like hide from calling stuff out that I don’t like you know if something start smelling a roses I’m not going to pretend it does if it is actual

Dog poo I’m not going to stand there be like yeah that’s lovely man the great team go bird like my job is to be impartial unbiased and to try and give you guys the best content that I can and create discussions okay I’ve been panicking about the

Eagles since just before the loss to the Jets realistically and and the people that have been in this show long enough will will understand this is not new that all of the stuff that’s being mentioned tonight isn’t surprising and I think that’s why it’s so frustrating

Okay that but when they’re like you know 10 and0 you can’t or 10 and one you can’t critique them because they’re a 10- win team and you don’t have bad 10- win teams the Eagles are great they’re 10 and one how can you argue with 10

Wins then they’re 10 and two how can you argue with with 10 wins though they’re 10 and two let top of the division then they’re 10 and three well top of the division 10 and four at what point are we able to start criticizing at 10 and five 10 and six 10

And seven at what point do we look at this Eagles team and accept hey this isn’t sustainable it’s fantastic you’ve got 10 wins but if you cannot back it up it’s substanceless it doesn’t matter until he get to the playoffs unfortunately an NFC East Crown is

Lovely if you get bounced in the the first second round it doesn’t really matter okay I I can’t sit here genuinely hand on heart is someone as a fan first and someone that is this has been my life now for eight nine years covering the Eagles and say that I’m confident

Around that team and I would be like doing myself a disservice to sit here and say no guys it’ll be fine I I bloody love Brian Johnson he’s gonna be just fine it’s just a slump it’s just a little slump and because then we’re looking at the Eagles are 12-point

Favorites against the Giants obviously they should win that game game if they don’t then there is a thunderous issue a thunderous issue you know like so the sky isn’t falling down they’ll beat the Giants they should beat the Cardinals they should win the division that’s fine but they’ll do it

Under this pretense of yeah shut up doubters yeah we’re class we’re the Eagles and you all doubted us and you don’t stick by us and we’re very good no you’re not the same flaws are there just the teams you’re playing aren’t able to exploit them and you’re

Going to get to the playoffs and then will learn if they can get to the playoffs and they can get past Sam Fran or they can get past Dallas even Detroit then I’ll be like you know what fair enough maybe I was wrong to be a bit

Quick but I’m not going to apologize for holding them to a standard that they themselves have built Jaylen her says it all the time that we’re not meeting that standard right now unfortunately that is no longer the standard but it is one that was preemptively built in at the

Start of this year when having coming off a Super Bowl win or Super Bowl appearance actually say they strengthened that roster like no other team should ever have been able to the Eagles shouldn’t have been able to land Jaylen Carter and Nolan Smith in the first round the Eagles shouldn’t have

Been able to retain both Darius Slay and James Bradbury the Eagles shouldn’t have been able to have Jason Kelsey back one more year all of the pieces fell perfectly for this team to run it back perfectly and and the play just hasn’t been up to par so we I can’t sit here

And say yeah you know what the Eagles are going to be be fine because the standard that they themselves have told the world that this is who we are now we’re a championship caliber team we’ve got Elite Talent on offense and defense and we’re gonna run it back and and

That’s not there fans have every right to be disappointed and every right to be critical and I’m not trying to single you out and have a go by the way so please don’t feel like I’m attacking you um because I just wanted to make that

Point because I know a lot of people are conflicted some fans want to be very critical of this team some fans want to be more patient and understanding and I am like to a point but when you don’t see the when there is no change you know

It’s hard to accept that maybe they are struggling to implement it h Gail Crawford a shout out to you for liking the show on Facebook as well um again if you are watching this on YouTube I can’t see you like but it’ll be amazing we’ll

Set the challenge again um if we can get more likes than the Eagles have scored points now the Eagles of course had 17 points um in that game against the Seahawks so 17 likes can it be done there’s 22 of you here let’s pump these

Numbers up and see what we can do um Eric is in I forgot to say hello to Eric and I’d be unfortunately very rude if I didn’t uh you know wobbles my wheels me you’re getting a chance to say Cheerio Salam good day to the distinguished CH

Chap 12 and a good day to you Eric um unfortunately it wasn’t as as good as we could help um but let’s go through some of the other ones we’ve got Alex saids the philosophy around beaing building the defense is an issue the devaluing of linebackers crushing the defense as well

As patching up with agent vets yeah and no um I I think the philosophy is there in terms of finding cornerstones like someone like Smith and Carter and Davis you’re gonna have four years with all of those guys including this year four years where they’re all guaranteed to be

Together without an option without an extension four years of that play that’s pretty good okay the fact that key Ringoes there as a developmental name is fantastic Reed blanken ship Sydney Brown like I’ve not been as optimistic about a young young like conveyor belt team of like the Next Generation this this youth

Infusion coming through um then I have for a probably a long time um and I know not all of them have been fantastic but there is a clear Direction there whether it’s Circle pegs round holes or square holes I don’t know but I feel that the

Stability is there the issue is like you say the devaluing of that linebacker position and it’s the same at running back the difference is bad running backs can succeed behind good off offensive lines bad linebackers get humiliated behind bad defensive lines okay if you’ve got a bad offensive line and a

Great running back it doesn’t really matter if you’ve got a bad defensive line and a bad linebacker God you know you’re GNA struggle because the defensive line can’t make up for it you can’t hide as a linebacker as a running back you can maybe break off one big run

And you get 70 yards mil Sanders and then that poultry 2.8 yards per carry moves up to 3.6 and that saves you from being viewed as a waste of space in the eyes of most fans miles Sanders um but as a linebacker you don’t get that

Luxury you get left left out to dry and the Eagles aren’t realizing that that Shaq Leonard for crying out loud looked absolutely lost he looked lost he looked like an old man had snuck onto the field and security about to come on and sneak

Him off and gone oh no come on Shaq back come on back we go you shouldn’t be out here should you you silly sausage come on let’s get you back inside in the warm looked absolutely lost out there absolutely lost Billy Gray Al Bill Gray thank you for the the like on Facebook

As well six likes on Facebook today you guys are flying on the old Facey B um I’m not sure where we’re at in terms of YouTube likes but I’m sure we’ll find out shortly not three straight losses three must- win straight losses I I don’t know

If they all have been I don’t think the ners was the Cowboys one felt like it because of the ners loss it was very much a chain reaction like oh damn it well now the Cowboys are won back and if we lose this they’re tied and it’s a

Momentum thing going into the playoffs isn’t it and it obviously plays a part in the you know the tie break excuse me the tiebreaker but then this one felt like well now they’ve dropped two and this is like I said go on into to Monday night

It was the last chance for us to properly evaluate the Eagles against the playoff caliber team now do the Seahawks make the playoffs I couldn’t care really there a seven win te n they’ve got to try and get past the Rams they’ve got no getting out their own division because

The Niners exist so it’s going to have to be a world card spot are they good enough to get it I don’t know but it’s the closest you’re gonna get and the closest you’re gonna get without the Giants or the Jets if we just go back

And have a look to to this screenshot from the other day we’ll see 28th ranked pass sry 28th ranked rushing offense and the 15th pass defense okay that was The Benchmark that was the last Benchmark of the year that we would have right wi without now seeing the Giants or the the

Cardinals and they blew it and it again it wasn’t but this is the thing I don’t want to say it was like a Carson Wentz lost because again not the same at all but Carson Wentz through 2016 2017 2018 was getting away with things he shouldn’t have been right this [ __ ] it

And Chuck it that I like to refer to as play of just ah screw it ah Ocean’s up there ah send it like it some fantastic plays some huge touchdowns like the play to sprouls against the Steelers chef’s kiss all right it was amazing an amazing

Era of football but if you keep playing Blackjack and you win your first down with $10 and then you bet 20 and then you win that and you bet 40 and you win that and you bet 80 eventually you’re gonna get caught out and you’re gonna lose and then you’re gonna put more

Money down and you might lose and that was exactly what happened the Eagles have not budged from their philosophy and they’re continuing to just send and send send and send and send and it is just not working it’s not working it’s failing it’s falling apart and there is

No any kind of like hint that this is going to change that’s what’s frustrating that every week is the same players in press conferences saying they’re not at a standard the coaching staff they’re not at the standard we’re not committed enough players bitching on Twitter they get to Sunday and do the

Exact same thing they did the week before and go oh we lost I don’t understand I’m being silly I don’t get it like change something then you know like the press conference today from Nick serani for those that saw it felt so eerily similar to when Doug Peterson had

The life sucked out of him and not in a good way not by BJ okay but just sat there soulless tired ju annoyed snapping a a reporter that works for the team saying you just asked me that two seconds ago you’re not Bill bellachic buddy okay you you’re not Mike Tomlin

You’re not Pete Carrol you’re not a long-term main stay in this league that has achieved everything there is to achieve you’ve not built some of the best teams you’ve been given the best teams you know and now the pressure’s on and now you learn how much of a good

Coach he is or isn’t this is where we learn and you know what like I think a lot of us were quite open last year with sani’s Coach of the Year um or or lack of acknowledgement for that award okay he should have been he coached a team

That made the Super Bowl turned Jaylen Herz into an MVP I think maybe now we’re seen we didn’t may maybe now we’re seeing what other people saw in that maybe it just was a very good team you know having said that I’d like to have thought I could coach that Eagles team

Last year and seeing Brian Johnson a man who is clearly way over qualified compared to me do worse maybe I’m not um we’ll get some more of your comments uh where are we at bear with me um super isn’t we downright atrocious I’ve gone too far back in the comments

Of an I uh bear with me I want to make sure you all get spotlighted here CH has been watching we haven’t spotlighted charlee yet so I wanted to shout Char out thank you for watching the offense does look better though no it doesn’t no it

Doesn’t the mic’s off as well for God’s sake anyway I apologize to Chandler I thought he said offense and I snapped okay um I can’t believe that oh that was an alltime PSM moment as well uh I will say charler I was incorrect I was incorrect I thought you said offense and

I wasn’t having it and I was about to flip but you said defense and I assuming makes an ass out of you and me all right I’ve assume they’re wrongfully uh in ter giving you a great PSA moment I’d like to think uh but if you could just retype

Like the offense looks better so I can recreate it and then get a Tik Tok clip out of it then don’t we won’t tell anyone it’ll be our secret in this the 23 of us here it’ll be our secret yeah so if you could rewrite it we’ll reenact

It you all laugh and pretend it’s hilarious they they they do this on ESPN all the time I’m sure of it um but no I I agree the the defense did look better um for several three outs hel him to 13 points until the final four minutes one

Week under Patricia I I think that there was just more of a a desire to to expand under Matt Patricia and maybe and I think there was a the guy that runs the account like the honest NFL or whatever it’s called the one that was apparently an NFL scout and

That now just definitely isn’t Hoy Roseman that runs a Twitter account okay um put it best and said something along the lines of I’ve literally forgot I’m trying to think of the guy’s name but so along the lines of like the eagles are in defensive situations now

Where sha Des had maybe one year of like tape to go back and look at or experience and he’s only played a set few teams as the defensive coordinator Matt Patricia has got like years worth of defensive coordinator and head coach experience where he’s got books of the

Stuff and you can kind of dive into these pages and pages and pages and look for things and spot things that desire Can’t Stuff you only get with experience and I think that much was very clear does it mean what does it mean M muted oh it’s G loud again isn’t it this

Is see I’m being like absolutely pipe bombed aren’t I now ridicul there we go um but yeah like seeing a guy like Sydney Brown playing in the nickel playing in the SL up top playing in the box like really spreading out his um he played like 60% of snaps and he played

Literally everywhere and that for me is huge because you’re moving guys around and you’re still seeing like the blitz disguises you’re still seeing the core values of that that fio defense um I think it sucked at the end it got beaten it really sucked that it got beaten but

I don’t think that there was a visible difference that’s the one thing I’ll say there was a clear difference between the Patricia defense and the desire defense and I think that that was what was needed to just promote a discussion going into this week of okay how much of

Matt Patricia’s philosophy do he carry over how much of his coaching do he follow do he carry over um is he a better Coach does he rally the players up more like how much of this do we really dive into for next week maybe he

Takes sha under his wing and he let sha just assist and they flip the rols and I think that might genuinely work better um but Chandler is right um before I walked out the room and thought he said offense apologies again for that Chandler and for unplugging his

Microphone um Matty Pat play did play a single high safety with crap Bri and Man Press and no safety help yeah but I think playing Brad Bri with Zone and seven safeties over the top wouldn’t help at that point I mean James Bradbery has been absolutely disgraceful and now

D dunk pointing out something he says he’s calling BS on Patricia being the better coach at the minute I don’t know I wouldn’t necess I wouldn’t necessarily say that he’s the better Coach but I would just say that there was a change in the way the defense worked now did the points reflect

It against drew locken the Seahawks does it matter um um no not particularly do I think that sha desai’s defense had weaknesses that were potentially Gap filled by Matt Patricia yeah but they came with like issues of their own so I don’t want to put Matt Patricia on this

Pedestal and say yeah he was fantastic like it’s not the case at all it it still gave up some horrific plays especially that final drive it was it was ridiculous um but I do think the fact that there was a visible change on the field mattered That’s What mattered was after

Seeing a year of nothing after seeing a year of no change in the same thing over and over to just see Sydney Brown play frequent football was a joy to behold and and that for me was all I needed from that experiment like I don’t really

Care what happens from here on out with it but we got to see change and know that change can happen maybe it like to fire under Brian Johnson something has got to I could just imagine him sat there like you know that Meme like for those of you that are young enough and

Are on Tik Tok there’s a meme of like the old woman in the car going that’s like Brian Johnson right now just like carrying the world driving around looking at all the lights like not even thinking about it you know and realistically he should be feeling the pressure and serani should be feeling

The pressure and the fact that not it’s it’s wild um Lock’s not good I tell you what Drew lock did have like four or five plays that were the plays of his life um um and fair play like when that happens you just hold your hands up like

That first pass to to DK unbelievable throw unbelievable catch okay the second one brown was a bit late the third one no excuse but Drew lock was just dialed in for 10 minutes and it and it was as a as a neutral you’d probably be buzzing

It’s it’s a great thing to watch as an Eagles fan you’re wondering like why is it always the bad quarterbacks Sam how uh Zack Wilson now Drew lock oh but Patrick Mahomes yeah they can beat Patrick Mahomes they can beat Josh Allen they can beat two a tongue of AOA

They’ve beaten Dak Prescott but the line stops at Drew lock and the line stops at uh Zack Wilson and the line stops at Sam how give me a break I don’t get it I don’t get it whatsoever here’s the thing says Isaac uh you’d expect your best defender

To be able to win one-on-one it’s how Bic played it one double met car put your best CB on the Lesser receiver unfortunately everyone Isaac knows literally more ball than the entire Eagles coaching staff um whereas what we’ve learned in these past few months is that Isaac and most of us here would

Have no problem coordinating an offense or a defense in Philadelphia because the others are literally again a toddler with a piano just hammering buttons trying to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I’ve never seen anything like it um Johnson’s protected by serani and hoe he has no reason to change because he

Didn’t in the game against a May defense that was depleted yeah and the thing is like I said now even Brian Johnson shorty defense sorry offense should be able to put up significant points on the Giants there is a reason the Eagles are 12-point favorites against the Giants

The Giants cannot score points the defense will either allow three points or 33 there’s no in between the Eagles should have no problem like at all getting past the Giants but they will they will get past them and then they’re going to come out and like I said be

Like oh yeah you all overlooked us we’re so great we’re the Eagles give me an e h g l e right and then they’re going to get bounced it’s you cannot gain anything out of these games these next three games I don’t want to hear about a

Resurgence I don’t want to hear about how much better things look because at most it will look the same if not marginally improve against the and I swear to God if they play on Christmas Day and they the offense starts two drives with motion and moving guys

Around and then it disappears again and it is like the exact same game plan I will have a problem I I would be ABS it’s Christmas Day for Christ’s sake you know 20 dude exactly charler right everybody I would just like to say that Charla Samson is now a member of our

Core 12 we’re now to a core 14 we’ve got buddy Jes as well um so cha in he’s one of the boys now that’s the Insight we need um and that’s what I was saying dude I I put on Twitter literally last week uh just a rant about Brian Johnson

And how bad the offense is and it blew up and people were critiquing me saiding oh my God but the defense is like so much worse and okay great well now you placed a 28th rank rushing offense and can do anything against them you face a Seahawks team without Devon Weatherspoon

You can do anything against them you end up throwing plays in clutch situations to try and get pi and yet offense isn’t the issue Chandler’s right we’re all right um will the Eagles be all right I’m not sure you’re definitely going to have a problem on Christmas yeah unfortunately but on that

Note guys um I should be around on Friday’s stream obviously our next stream will be Friday night I should be around I might be a bit tipsy I’m not sure it depends look I I’ll update you on Twitter at Liam Jenkins PSM whether or not that’ll be a stream um it’s just

Family stuff around Christmas obviously but I will try and and sneak one and if I don’t get one out I’ll try and get a video out in its place instead so that there should be some sort of form of content on the channel um we have a

Core2 rotating with a core 13th member sometimes sha sometimes winners sometimes it’s Buddy Christ um an has been here a few times Alex’s been here a few times um and a shout get he the call six on Facebook Bill Gray Gail Crawford Cory Neo Kevin S PES Phil stifel and Anthony Lara they’re

The boys and no they are boys I know Gail’s I’m assuming a l but again assuming we’re getting into a hole however you identify yourselves I appreciate you thank you for hanging out and watching the show uh Brian Johnson is plays at work he refuses to call them

I find that a problem he literally had the game plan to win and he imploded the offense I I I don’t know oh just just telling you now you don’t got to do a Christmas Day stream but I might but I might because it is Christmas day um what time were

The Eagles on on Christmas day let me have a look they are on at um 9:30 for me maybe I’ll see it it depends how Christmas goes but look okay if I don’t see you before have an amazing Christmas happy holidays however you celebrate it I hope you have an amazing time with

Your family and those closest to you just again thank you so much for for watching this show since the start of September thank you for hanging out giving me your opinions for all the chaotic moments and listening to all of the the the fun and the roller coaster

Debates that we’ve had along the way you guys make this show what it is the the comments that you bring about like my light switching off and the PlayStation and the the running jokes that we have you make this stream so damn fun so just thank you for allowing me back into your

Lives um if you want to hang out again maybe Christmas Day if not it will be the the Monday following that which will be I’m guessing the 27th yeah the Wednesday sorry yeah 27th on the Wednesday so we will see we’ll see how we go but if you haven’t subscribed

Um make sure you do because you can stay up to date with all of our streams um we have an eagle stream essentially every day of the week um mine are on Monday Wednesday Friday 6 PM Eastern um if you could leave a like again it’s it takes

Two seconds but for us it really just does help YouTube um show us more people I know it looks like the channel has a ton of subscribers we were vacant for a while because I wasn’t uploading so the algorithm hates us so we’re just trying to rebuild that um you know Community

Again so a little like just does does help us out a lot have an amazing Christmas guys I hope I hope you’ve all been very good boys and girls this year and I hope you’ve all um get everything you could ever dream of from Santa including a win on Christmas from the

Philadelphia Eagles I’ll hopefully see you uh on Friday for one last Rodeo before we go into that Christmas Day game but just thank you again for all of your support over the past few months enjoy yourselves be merried hopefully the Eagles can beat the Giants on Christmas Day and fingers crossed we

Can debate it on Friday but until then go birds take care I’ll see you soon you [Applause] me me your name I’m every person you need to be oh I’m the god oh oh

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