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#TV3NewDay: EC’s Decision on Indelible Ink Sparks Constitutional Debate – Minority Weighs In

Join the discussion on #TV3NewDay as the Minority shares insights into the Electoral Commission’s decision to abandon indelible ink, raising constitutional concerns.

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Agenda must agend she’s wearing her her blue white and red looking very bright good morning good morning how you doing I’m doing great what’s going on campaign has started already oh yes okay yes I mean the NDC started way back you know weak is a signal weak or is strong very very

Strong you can see how you signal is on is so strong hey you know oh no it’s lovely how you been I’m doing great um very poised uh for the Christmas let me quickly wish your wonderful viewers uh Merry Christmas in advance and then I wish him to the president of the land

His Excellency n Dan kufu and then his Excellency Dr Ali mahamudu so um Merry Christmas to um by the grace of Almighty incoming um the candidate that everyone supports the candidates that everyone including butterfly and NDC they support oh yes I mean he’s a unifier all angles

I mean someone who is a te who gets things done I mean now you know where inflation is um from January it was around 53 something now around around 19 all the all the all the all the all the prizes are coming I mean this Christmas this Christmas my God will

Even take me out because oh I mean we are really going to enjoy we are really going to enjoy and and and you know with h digitalization i mean you get things done okay uh you you you you you see Loop holes where people can do their unimaginable things you’re in a very

Good mood I can see that oh yes that’s because the signal is so strong the signal is so strong and and we can all attest to it and this Christmas uh we are it’s going to be Smiles because uh inflation is falling down falling down and then they see are praying so

Hard that inflation should go up why for to go up when to the advantage a of but you still lost so you get it but but I mean but I mean we should all be happy that things are are getting better and I know it will even get more better

All right and with his Excellency bomia trust me believe you me I mean things are going to get better and better and and and ghanians ghanians H especially your viewer you know how Discerning they are they know what is good for them they definitely know what is good and

They’ll vote accordingly and they vote I wish you the very best they will vote for my your party the very best thank you very much nay J is also here she’s um a former General Secretary for the CPP it’s good to have you in the studios

Naya I I I wasn’t sure no I wasn’t sure what to say after that you just say it’s okay just say it in our new political Merry Christmas I hope you also take me out I say youve agreed to join them which one is this this one maybe a

Confession wa it may be a question is it true I’ve extended an invitation to I want to do it before ver and everybody so everybody’s extending an invitation please everybody should let me enjoy Christmas after oh before you let us know the wait is too long you

Said it in your own statement that you let us know what let me finish Christmas Jesus is going to be born so he’ll give me Insight he as where to go I’m hearing a is calling you everybody is calling me I won’t lie I mean everybody is

A um Ghana we are all for Ghana you see everything is for Ghana but let me say Merry Christmas to you to Media General to thank them for the opportunity they’ve given to as women I won’t say myself about the women in politics it’s a great thing and now you realize that

Because of your show it’s being replicated all over most media houses are now doing the women show um we hope that you increase the days for us and we hope that when we also talk you also make it news like the men for anytime I see the scrollers it’s all the what the

Men said we also see some useful things women have been trending but we don’t see it on your scroll so oh so on the scrollers okay because social media we actually cut all the things you say so scrollers we some see some of the women saying things especially the positive

The positive on so you see them I mean so I mean whatever it is we are doing great and I I’m urging all women to come on board in politics you you might face some some pitfalls you might experience some turbulence but it doesn’t mean it’s

The end of it I mean we give birth and having a child is more turbulent than anything else so I think that’s thank you media general for what you have done for women and let me send my greetings to everybody here my sisters I think it would be nice if this

Christmas we can all meet all of us who have been here before we find a spot somewhere or somebody offers their home and we all meet and irrespective of political we are women so we have a great time with yourself with Cookie and everybody you have some good time and

Plan into the year okay thank you very much and my greetings to his Excellency John Dr mahama I mean he’s doing some great job for himself good morning to Alan chatin okay I mean Alan is my brother my like my cousin but my brother and I hope that um everything goes well

With him he’s also doing some great job and good morning to his Excellency NAD Dan kuf a great man a Visionary who didn’t get the right people to help him oh it is unfortunate but he’s done his bit and is time for him to bow out he

Has one more year yeah that is it yeah next year you have a few days he has a few days yes it’s a whole year oh what year by next year I mean is it’s done even they’ve been magnanimous to him I’ll tell you a story in um 20

20207 mhm I went to president kof’s house to give him a hamper he’s my uncle and can you imagine when I went there after they had chosen n there was nobody in the house in the house oh so that’s what I’m saying that they have even been magnanimous too is

Excellen his time is gone I mean but this is we are in injury time you don’t score a goal in injury time when injury time yeah yeah they are in injury time hey you don’t score a goal when it’s injury time you don’t expect it’s only was talking about inflation 26% 32%

Food inflation do you get me but the the data as it stand does not support the reality the inflation has gone down food inflation has gone down but the data does not support the reality because reality is that prices are high especially during this Christmas especially during this crazy yes so the

Data so the data does not support the reality okay well let me bring Margaret and say in she is a member of the NC Communications team and she joins us good morning morning I like all the colors you’re all wearing I think you do some magic to your skin tone MH good to

See you in the studio I haven’t seen you as well in a while where have you been I’ve been around you’ve been around now as a neck member party assigns you to other regions to go and do some work so we’ve been working I think recently the

Women’s wing also had a review and uh I mean we’ we’ve been working you have’t well see you and then for Generations yet unborn to yeah Merry Christmas in advance to you thank you darling you also want to say Merry Christmas to the Pres oh B you changed my mood I’m just

Asking if you want to say Merry Christmas the Pres as you mentioned the present oh but he’s the father of the land so okay but fathers fathers make life easy for their children children we want soft life you understand so if fathers make life hard is is sometimes you get the

Hard life to learn how to go forward and how to deal with your father but but this father deal so you Merry Christmas to our cherish viewers those who have taken up time to watch us this morning and who have been doing it always some people are particularly on Thursdays

Just to see the beautiful faces of Naya and Co a Merry Christmas to them we pray that the New Year may God expand their territories may God bless all of them times are hard have been hard for the past 7 years B it hasn’t been easy but

This also tells us that God is the provider of all other than that I wouldn’t know what ghanians would have done they have endured enough and I know change is coming and it’s the birth of Christ yes and as Christians as I always say Christ birth is something that

Brought us salvation and when you want to when you want to compare it to the situation in the country right now M but we are looking for a new birth and the new birth is a new government which is the NDC and his Excellency John dramani mahama come December 2024 election then

January 7th 2025 and with the new birth it is not just sitting and waiting Jesus Christ was given to the world not just by Joseph and Mary we had prophetes like Hannah who was praying in the temple for 60 good years praying down Jesus Christ that’s the man maranata story so I’m

Urging ghanians in in as much as we are waiting for change let’s go down on our knees Pray for Peace pray for stability pray for the NDC pray for the Visionary leader his Excellency John ramman mahama to come and give us the hope we are looking for Merry Christmas to you all

Merry Christmas and I’d like say good morning to money NE money I’ve seen lion NE lion as well on Facebook ni aqu and I see there’s one Mona who is very popular she joined the stream and everybody say saying hi to her so Mona o good morning

To you and everyone else who’s watching us on Facebook and if you’re watching us at home as well good morning to you we’ll get into our first conversation this morning and earlier um during the introduction we brought up the conversation about the Electoral commission indicating it was abandoning

The use of indelible ink for elections in fact this Revelation was made on the 19th of December when the EC chair Jee Mena announced um at a press conference that um the move was part of the commission’s effort to enhance the electoral process and establish a robust

Ident ification system so she stated and I quote the issue of indelible ink the question is when we were not doing biometric we were basically using your face and your card we look at your face we say this picture looks like you and then we vote unquote uh she emphasized

That the adoption of biometric technology has made a challenging for individuals to vote more than once so once a voter has been verified and has cast their vote the system registers the information preventing any attempts at Double voting so she’s very confident that this system is going to prevent

Double voting but the minority in Parliament is crying foul over this and they’re saying that the EC has breached the Constitution because if you look at article 51 it clearly states that before you go ahead um you know to put out any of these announcements there needs to be

A constitution um actually in fact let me just read exactly what they said and then when you go into the Constitution the 92 Constitution 51 says that um The Electoral commission shall by constitutional instrument make regulations for the effective performance of its functions under this constitution or any other law and in

Particular for the registration of Voters the conduct of public elections and referenda including provision of voting by proxy minority says that this was breached and so the EC cannot on its own just wake up one day and say you cannot you cannot use the indelible ink anymore Vera what’s your response to

That oh thank you should respond thank you actually um personally I would have wished that uh issues like this we get someone from the outfit to respond appropriately but uh once we are deliberating on it superficially maybe just one or two comment on it h I think that um from

Where I’m coming from the MPP we believe in electoral reforms that will enhance the things we do in our country and it’s on record that most of the reforms um were all pushed by my party and government the MPP and and so anything that is positive anything that

Would in to the benefit of our citizens that will make voting easy I wish for a time where people will sit at the comfort of their own homes and even cast their ballots um I will wish for a time where people will not even go out to

Queue and and that is what I want to see and so if uh EC is trying to enhance a process I know that um typically of ghanians it’s It’s a natural phenomenom I mean with us that anything new there is some form of resistance to it and and

So I’m I’m not surprised if some section of ghanians may not um welcome the idea but I know that with time they will understand what it is and once uh we are in the digital era once we look up to people who have advanced in that and are

Very successful why not and and so my my position would be that um we should look at the lapses and then try to enhance it because um from where from what I hear the um District assembly elections they use it as a form of piloting and so so

The challenges that are likely to pop up they will see them at this very moment and and make corrections to them and so I mean when when the opaque ballot uh boxes were there and then the transparent came I mean of course some people didn’t not understand why it

Should be transparent when we had the voter cards without pictures the black and white the color now theal and all that even when you go to the bank I mean you just just your your thumb you able to withdraw your own money and and so I

Think that I I will not say that it’s a bad thing or they shouldn’t go ahead with no I will not say that but I will say that they should look out for the challenges lapses that may come up during this District assembly elections and then work on them improve on them so

That at least I mean we we should stay ahead of our our peers in in the African continent we shouldn’t use mediocre um situation to to to do our measurement that shouldn’t be our reference point but our our reference point should be on those who ahead of us

Those who who have been able to advance and and oh I mean in in other jurisdictions where they they they don’t qu to to to vote where people can even vote and post it or people use their phones and all that but that’s a far advanced technology no we are almost

There we are almost there we almost we almost there how are we almost there there I mean clearly the contition stipulate what you have to do as an electoral commission if you want to um you know introduce some of these new um things you haven’t done that well well

We need to interrogate what you read properly um you know you know that uh uh when it comes to issues of Law and all that uh uh even even with ordinary policy as as free shs excuse me NDC said is 419 it can be done if they have 20

Billion they will invest it into that and all that but today they turn around and sometimes even say they started it which is so ridiculous so of course um when it comes to issues of Law and policies they they try to play it to to to win certain level of um sympathy from

From ordinary how the Constitution we all know law of the land there’s no other law that proceeds that of the Constitution so if the Constitution clearly states that you have to you know have a you know an instrument in order to introduce something like this and

You’ve not done it I don’t see how you’re likening that TOS for example no you see the the page that you read I I didn’t hear anywhere it it stated that uh you you can’t enhance a system I didn’t hear anything like like like that

But it says you see so that point says regulations for elections and referenda and it says the Electoral commission shall by constitutional instruments make regulations for the effective performance of its functions under this constitution or any other law and in particular for the registration of Voters well then how is that a

Regulation is it not it if you are taking out something that has been used you are not Tak she say that you enhancing it by taking out something that already exists B Bella if you wake up this morning and then you apply lipsticks on your lips

Like I’ve done and my sweet sister has done it doesn’t mean you’ve taken your lips off off only you’ve only cannot be equated to election oh you not getting what say I’m trying to I’m trying to break it down okay yes I’m trying to break it down what I’m saying is that if

Something exists and you are trying to enhance it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t mean that you’ve taken it off entirely that’s not what it means you are supposed to use an ink where that ink with the advancement Tech technology and where we’ve gotten to it’s it’s become problematic and then there is this

Digitalization agenda where it enhances it so when you are enhancing it you don’t say that it is something bad and you are taking it off no you see you ask yourself why do you use the endel ink to prevent people from what cheating the system to prevent

People from going to clean it and and voting repeatedly but with technology which which no there are chemicals that can be used we we do it all the time NBC my friends we all do it all the time now what we are saying is

That there is no way there is no way you can cheat the system with digitalization mhm you cannot cheat the system I mean people go to the banks fake other people signatures and all that but with digitalization even if you fake it you’ll be found out because your T print will be different

You see so I believe that the way to go is to embrace change is to look at challenges enhance it and get better that is my position but to say that anything new that is coming up because we think that loopholes will be blocked people will not be able to take

Advantage of of the old system and and then and then vote repeatedly and then probably uh probably the NDC may be taking advantage of that old system and so this digitalization agenda will prevent them from from from from cheating the system and told they need

To find ways and means to stop it I I think that it’s not fair let me bring nay in because I I presume that some of these conversations are had during the ipac meeting so that all parties are aligned even before the ET goes ahead with some of these decisions you’ve been

To a number of them did any of these conversations come thank you Bella this one did not come up maybe one came up when I left because I left before the district so it’s possible to had a meeting but you see Bella anybody or any group of people e they

Should not plunge this country into chaos look at what happened with the district level elections so abysmal that today they are even having an election today how how is that was it part of the plan you see anybody who want to take out the indelible ink is in

Coho with the MPP to rate the election why would you say that no no seriously Bella the Del in no matter how that you want to go and clean it you can do it as fast as you want it is an indication if anybody wants to be strict it’s an indic

We’ve all voted before it’s an indication that you have come here and gone if you are going to be stract no I’m serious because and even in the bank when you are doing your Tamp print you do it with an ink which stays on your thumb for some

Time you do it with an ink how can you say that you want to take out the indelible ink technology please I beg you I beg you mhm I’m listening I beg you technology it fails your computer yesterday Micha I had to send an email to somebody so

Urgently my pastor my my machine was not booting do you get me so you don’t do technology throughout you always have to add the two do you understand and indelible ink is one of the the things that identify somebody who has already voted are you telling me that technology cannot be

Manipulated are you telling me that that technology cannot be manipulated it can be manipul you see the 202 24 election is not an election that we should joke with because you see the MP they’ve made up their mind that they want to break the eight they should be careful that this

Fixation on the the the the the word is not even their passion to break the eight will not break this country they should understand that ghanians are not happy with them they should also understand that in the history of this nation every party wants to break the eight into 2016 NDC wanted

To break the eight they didn’t use break the but they wanted to break the eight because it was their second term mhm and they lost 208 MPP wanted to break the eight it was their second ter and they lost so in this country Nobody Breaks the eight so

They shouldn’t try to manipulate the system to break the a today you know the kind of propaganda going around some of um um their people I don’t even want to mention any are saying that the vice president the president did not listen to the vice president how so yeah you

Asking me that is why we are in this situation that when he advised he didn’t take his advice and this is said by one of his people so I am saying that they want to use every me when I heard that I was mortified that if I am a president and my VI

Can use that against me that today I am saying that I’m going to make sure that you become pres I am saying that you are going to get a zongo first lady and all that and the person I’m doing that for tells me that I don’t listen to

Him it is very sad but the point is that this one person who is the vice president of this country wants to be president by all means so it doesn’t I don’t know what the fixation is and I don’t know what they have done so well

That they want to break the eight and come back I don’t know because you see Bella whatever it is no matter what the things are not great that to the extent that we cannot even borrow money IMF somebody told me yesterday one of my son he said Mom you see the point is

That Ghana if Ghana was abroad we we have a a bad credit score our credit rating is bad because why should we be here the IMF trench that was supposed to come in November is not even certain when it is coming because 11 January the board is going to

Meet on the matter and we sit here and we behave like ostriches and this government behaves like peacocks and they want us to see furthers but that is not what it is Ghana is at a crossroad there is a low turnout in Ghana Ghana is in some dark place that

We need to bring Ghana back on track Ghana must rise again and that is what should be what what we have to do this fixation on breaking so they doing everything you see you don’t introduce a new system before a major election this thing should have been use

I mean maybe variously uh you you do a pilot you test you do all manner of things before you decide that this is the way we are going so for example it was introduced ahead of the district level elections that’s a pilot is that not enough level after District level elections we

Are going into a major election and we know and look at the low turnout e itself is not doing their work and the two men who are there with gin me because Jin is a woman I was very particular about how I spoke about it but this one is is going off Bosman

And maybe they have to let put their their tools down people TR traveled all the way to vote and the there was no ballot papers for them to vote let’s assume that his Excellency John M travel all the way to B and he got there and there was no P paper let’s

Assume that it’s not even assume the area honorable such a a St a man of his St travel to O and there was no ballot paper he had to come back do you understand and how many people how many old people who wanted to vote older people and they

Couldn’t vote they travel people left their job so today you said you are doing an extension of the voting an extension of the voting what is it now people are going to um those who went there and couldn’t vote now they are going to do extra transport in this hardship the assembly

Men who stood they bought food for their agent some even prepared ahead of Celebration or or Victory or celebration of a loss everything has gone waste are they going to do it again this time around so it’s as if that these people the Electoral commission they are not in

Ghana when they are doing anything they don’t even consider the people of Ghana of whom they are there on their behalf Bella when we talk about this we also go to our constitution a systemic flaw because it is the president who appoints the Electoral commissioner somebody who should and all their Commissioners

Somebody who should be independent that body should be independent I think it is time that there’s a constitutional review we shouldn’t joke with it so that the Electoral commission should be chosen based on competitiveness you go through an interview all of them you go through an interview process okay then through um

What is it um the the public Public Services Commission you go for an interview all of you go for an interview then you go through Parliament then you swear before Parliament instead of the president you take your o of office before Parliament because Parliament is Ghana 275 constituencies so you stand there and

You swear an oath it will tell you that your Allegiance is to the people of Ghana first so in that case if any president calls you to do anything you can tell that president in his or her face that look I can’t do it because my allegiance

Is to Parliament my allegiance to the people of Ghana and this electoral commission whoever it whichever or whoever should report to Parliament period the President should not have an interface with the Electoral Commission because it brings about manipulation and I think it is time that Ghana as a nation we stood up and

Ensured that this is done because you see for instance in 2020 b nine people died nine nobody in this country should die because of an election and when I saw all these military men and prison officers at some electoral areas for the um assembly I was like what what are

They anticipating is this government always anticipating violence but should that be the only reason why they released them to why should so many of them in the fu it was as if they were going for a war how many do you need you need one to bring in order maybe some somebody wants

To go ahead of the line and there’ll be order a whole contingent what is it okay what kind of intimidation is that Mario let me come let me come to you because again vera indicates that really it’s not every decision that’s made that requires a constitutional instrument in this case with the

Electoral a sh if doesn’t know once is a shell is mandatory a a clo that says a sh and this is please and this is not you see this is not a change you see this is not a change that is like some easy change you are you are you are

Changing listen you are changing a main feat understand yes but she say that this is an enhancement and so it is a sh it says that if you want to do anything whether enhancement or whatever you should it is a sh you don’t you don’t expect that the constitution to say that

Enhancement list all the things that you have to do whatever movement that is in our political electoral process they should do the should the media let Mar come in to respond to this as well and then I’ll come back to you there well thank you

Once again and there I just want us to go to the ci1 127 that is a regulation 33 section 2 Clause C it says a mark shall so far as possible be permanent possible be permanent shall be made on the voter I am reading from the CI that J Mena presented to Parliament

On the 2nd of July 20120 he stayed in Parliament for 21 days in accordance with the constitution of this country she made this regulation it has not been revoked yet she I don’t think she has placed another CI before Parliament for this one but they haven’t looked at it

So this still stands and Bella the reason why she plays this in her own CI which she presented in 2020 July 2nd is to prevent multiple voting Bella let’s put our sentiments and everything aside we let’s deal with the law the Constitution the the the lady herself presented this before parliament in 2020

July so what has change you see Madame jensa is running the EC as if she has her sole proprietorship company that she’s running babella in Africa as Naya said election disputes election matters Bella we are Africans we should learn from our compatriots our neighbors and take lessons guiding us into the

Future election 2024 whatever it is is it must be the the the EC herself must follow her own CI and respect the constitution of this country besides any policy you want to make Bella you should know that at the end of the day the policy must benefit the greater percentage of your

Population please what is the reason behind this her removal of the but she has explained she says that that’s supposed to ensure that there’s no double voting but she placed in her own CI stating that it should prevent multiple voting on Tuesday’s elections there were lot of she they themselves came out to

It a lot of technical challenges people couldn’t even vote because their names were in the register but they couldn’t their their their fingerprints the machines couldn’t pick them they weren’t verified so they couldn’t vote can you imagine this happening in 2024 elections and I’m surprised why she’s

Even joking with electoral how do you call it District assembly elections because that is the most important part of our elections as a country we need to develop and this assembly members and the unit commteam members are the Agents of development Bella politics is local development is local we all come from a

Certain Community or a certain electoral area the assembly members are so crucial so important to our nation building assembly members are supposed to help the assembly raise fund mobilize resources in every electoral area the assembly members should be able to identify whose property is this who is

Not building without a a a permit who is not do all those things must be identified by the assembly member to for so that the assembly can plan with it you need to document the concerns and challenges of your electoral area where there are schools challenges where there

Are toilet challenges water the assembly member must document all this for the general assembly meeting for implementation so this is an election that bothers on the development of the citizens so you need not joke with it can you go experiment it you need not joke with it at all Jan Mena is behaving

As if she’s she’s a lord on her own but no Bella no you see we are ladies we are women if anything happens to this country we will be the people to suffer where will we go so when a woman is in a certain sensitive position and she does not

Bring her compassionate and empathy to Bear it baffles my imagination how is she not showing any form of empathy she has said that before the district Assembly Election she came out with a press conference telling the entire country how prepared she is we went into an election my constituency Su concy for

Instance the places that they voted originally are Trad areas where MPP wins I’m talking about general election this is nonpartisan but the places that the elections went on were traditional areas where MPP used to win today they are now going to do the traditional NDC strongholds was it a

Strategy to to to to test whether they their strongholds are going to maintain or they going to win by their soal quote unquote colored people was it a strategy you see J Mena is doing something and the nation must come alive but ideally we’ve even been trying to take take out

The partisan politics from our district level election that is why I’m telling you that the traditional NPP areas what I mean is that the Electoral areas is not devoid of politics when it comes to general elections and when general elections are announced everybody knows where their strongholds are and it all

Goes down to electoral areas so if you conduct elections at places where a traditional MPP strongholds and you take two days to go and do where traditionally NDC strongholds there could be a strategy has areas where the election could talking about myenc but I’m just letting you know hold on I’m

Letting you know that in the Shanti region as well there were areas traditionally known to be strongholds of the MPP that also have challenges over the years that she cannot be trusted every day jensa has Integrity issues when it comes to her job I I I I

I I I can’t comprehend whether she’s incompetent or she’s being deliberately biased towards her job every decision that EC must make must make sure that it goes for the greater good of the country not her personal good you told that you were prepared for this elections and here we are today we

Are going for assembly elections so what was the what was was was the funfare about the press conference that she did telling us that she was prepared and two days after even when you couldn’t finish the next day you couldn’t do it meaning that ordinary Assembly Election that we do not even

Have 50% turnout you are not prepared for it so how can you tell us that you are prepared for the general elections which is so crucial and critical to the to to to to the victory of this country to to the future of this country you see

What she is doing today is telling us what she wants to do tomorrow and we must see through it and point it out to her but my my my pain is where are the the the the neutral voices where are the eminent members of advisor she took

During the 2020 elections where are the the the the different voices that spoke during President muhamed in the NDC era where are they because this woman is gradually planting this country into chaos she is doing it deliberately and testing our pause she is doing it deliberately and where are those voices

She that’s an unfair statement to make about the woman she left she’s doing this deliberately I’m telling you J has credibility issues have you ever witnessed since 1992 any e who gave three different results to general election have you witnessed it before have you witnessed it before has aan

Ever given you two different results for General before but this is what either she’s ignorant either she’s being coached she’s somebody is sitting somewhere and giving her the figures to this is a country this is not a tribe this is not somebody’s school private school she built somewhere this is an

Entire country of over 31.8 population where its citizens per Statistics over 60% of this country are below 30 years meaning that this country has a long way to go we need to build it for the future and this woman want to plunge this country into chaos by misbehaving by

Proving her incompetence biasly I don’t think she she doesn’t know what she’s about because when she was at iea all the things that she said Bella I never knew or she’s misremembering is she misremembering all the suggestion she made to Madame shalot say she is deliberately destroying this

Country because she has the support of certain people certain invisible hands or the government because what is happening is very appalling and no country should take this especially when we have just a year ahead to go into a crucial election that would decide the future of this country the woman is not

On top of the job she has been sleeping on the job but I know jensa is deliberately doing this and well-meaning ghanians should not sit down and allow this woman to go scotf free you say with a lot of conviction that you know that she’s deliberately doing this ex moving

Forward what do you think should be done with this issue about even the indelible ink for example we have to call her out this is her own CI that she took to Parliament on July 2nd 2020 nothing has there is no change nothing has been

Changed so why do you sit at the comfort of your bedroom and take a decision for the entire country that is not in the interest of the larger population you said you are doing this to prevent multiple voting so in this District Assembly Election how did she detect

Whether people voted multiple times or not how did she put up any mechanism to show Bella we must Analyze This critically we must put this woman be sit her down and talk to her this is a country B it is not her private business it is not her father’s property she’s

Managing you understand Bella you and I and our children even Generations yet unborn this is the Ghana we have and one lady has decided not to listen to anybody and do as she pleases how do we allow this to happen how Vera so in this case and you know a former chairman of

The Electoral commission Mr faran had indicated that yes it’s good to introduce some of these um Technologies into our electoral system and our elections in the country but we must make haste slowly and this is the man who has been the longest seven okay so if he comes

Out and says that make haste slowly you can work hand in hand and ensure that even if you’re introducing the technology do not do away completely with your old system face it out gradually we’re not seeing that happening even with this new introduction that the EC has has made oh

I’m seeing it happening how what I I can say is that the NDC are in a very serious Panic mood how so the NDC are in a very very serious Panic mood I will explain and I will say that uh my dear Bella I have always said that

As a human human especially when we are on platforms like yours this huge platform uh we can always make every submission Express every opinion by not using unprintable words or attacking somebody’s personality you see you can say anything you can express your view your opinion you can attack the the the the

Introduction of the enhanced system you you can say whatever but we should be very mindful especially when we use very very unprintable words um to express or make our submission has anyone done that on this platform well the viewers uh will be my judge so explaining why the

NDC are in a panic mood Bella you see the NDC have realized that the loopholes that gives them the leverage to do multi mple voting is going to be blocked the loopholes in our electoral process that gives the NBC The Leverage to do multiple voting they are very good

At it they are expert in it we are together I mean my sister she’s my sweetheart I mean this Christmas we are all going to have fun together it’s not like we are enemies we should let the viewers know we are not enemies we have different ideas our ideologies and how

We do things are different and of course when it comes to the MPP we deliver when it comes to policies when it comes to programs when it comes to things to enhance our country Pro poor policies to help the vulnerable it is the MPP you see Bella what haven’t the NDC resisted

In this country what is it is it is it the the new register is it is it the new h biometric the new Ghana card is it the free shs what every single thing that will enhance our institutions every single thing that will help our country to develop to accelerate this country every

Single thing NDC will resist and you see I will repeat that as of this morning my sister’s expression and utterances affirms what I’m saying that they are in serious Panic mood but she’s not the only one saying Naya has also said she does not agree with this

Decision very decent statement by Mr who say make slowly in fact Mr Adam Bon who is a security analyst he is even more concerned about the security of this country because he says that this is calling for an allout War because there’s going to be a back forth that is a very

Unfortunate St unfortunate from you say he’s called he’s a security analyst he says that this policy let me just read what he said for for you so it says it looks like the policy is not a wellth through policy if you look at the issues we have when it comes to public

Elections in this country there are issues to do with mistrust distrust and suspicion you don’t want a situation where you are going to have an allout confrontation amongst the citizenry via the E officials and the security officers who are supposed to be maning the polling centers so to say that the

Indelible ink is not going to be used again is almost saying you are calling for an allout war on Election Day because looking at the issues going into 2024 there’s suspicion everywhere yes this is what he also think there’s no suspicion anywhere thank you for that

Word NDC and the Adam boness are those creating the doubt they should use the opportunity to educate people they should use the opportunity to to help the system to enhance the system they shouldn’t create doubt you see the movement is a strategy it’s an NC strategy to create doubt look all the

Things I’ve mentioned even the national health insurance what didn’t the NDC say you see even even with the biometric system the NDC said that when you even put your your your ter on it you going to get cancer even the drones their own NDC National Women’s

Organizer was had and on was on tap that it is purposely to take naked pictures and videos of women how is that possible you see so what what I’m saying is that there is precedent there’s a reference point NBC will always until probably I don’t

Know but they have always in fact it is senyum with the NDC to resist anything that will enhance our country that’s what I’m saying it’s not just the NDC that’s saying this any other person you through so Adam Bon is what NDC even even Mr faran uh he is he’s NDC yes Mr

Faran yes in the in the recent meetings and everything he has come out clearly that he’s an NDC he said it himself that he a member of please please I didn’t say he said he is but I’m saying that we everything shows and you see but just

Like how you saying that we cannot attack someone’s person attacking anybody say come to make a stat I’m not saying you’re attacking but if you come out to say a statement like this do you have evidence to back so that if he comes and says prove this points that

You just made on a national platform do you have evidence to back the the the point is that he’s with them and then there are a lot of things on on on on on on based on what fact my sister if you if you wait for just 30 seconds you

Understand I’ll wait for you go ahead I’m saying that all the reforms and the good things that we’ve done before and still doing and all state institutions are doing to enhance our country and DC and their extensions have always resisted and this particular one this particular one that they want to make it

Digital and enhance it the NDC have fallen in into a serious Panic mood because it is going to prevent them from their usual multiple voting things they do and I’m saying on the fact that that is why they are panicking and you could see my sister gting it’s out of panic

She doesn’t even know she was dirting because you see the thing is that they know that if we put we honor Madame Jan mea conduct a free and fair election they are going to lose the elections if the elections is going to be conducted freely and fairly NDC will

Lose they have no message they have no polic they have nothing they keep singing from their old him book they have been in power their candidate has been a president whatever he wanted to do he did it we’ve seen his track record we have his Excellency allari we have

His Excellency Dr bom Mamud bomia who even as a vice president has has has done so much I mean he he has proven himself Beyond reasonable doubt that look this is a man even as a vice president he has been able to do a b c d

Even the digital agenda he’s driving it even currently this Christmas we are going to the one driving the digital agenda why not so that mean that he is in bed with this government and with the vice president which is why they implementing some of these fact globally

In fact globally in fact the advanced countries that we are trying to look up to are don’t are they not digitalized can’t we do the best thing can’t we observe best practi say the vice president the one driving so does it mean that all these digital you know implementations being

Done by the EC it’s coming from the vice president and thereby your government oh Bella this isair it’s unfair question how is it un because because you see because you see um Bella even from where you sit we all do you respect you are not a caricature for people to manipulate you

Not to talk of as stute woman with long service experience oh please you see that’s why I’m saying I don’t like to use certain words for people even my sister my sister myself who can manipulate us so e CH is not being manipulated no way so all but I’m

Saying that what I’m saying that in in our country Even in our individual lives we need to improve we need to enhance and so NDC should calm down if they have genuine concern they know the processes it’s not about running to the media it’s not about making noise noise has never

Ever solved their problem so what she’s done now is noise it has never solved any problem for them that is why they’ve lost election twice and they will lose again because they are not focused it’s all about it’s all about it’s all about passion it’s all about shouting it’s all

About using unprintable words it’s all about attacking personalities you don’t you don’t win it elections by that you see that is why our candidate his Excellency Dr Mahmud Bia is likely to win because you see we are doing a decent what campaign we don’t attack personalities we don’t use some

Predictable words on people we put down what we want to do what we’ve been able to do what what we’ve been able to do and what we want to do so that the ordinary ghanians based on that will vote for us but always always at the E

Making it easier then for ghanians to vote for the and not for NPP but to take all the pressure from them okay let me bring Naya in at this point but the only thing is that the NDC are panicking because their multiple voting agenda has been squashed well in that case then

Does it mean that anybody that’s speaking against any policy that the EC may bring out or even the MPP is NDC you are likely to be extension of they’re likely to be an so nay here had said that she doesn’t agree so why can’t she be an extension of you’re saying that

She’s likely or she is why not she’s here you can ask her well you are the one making that well for me I see extensions making that illusion my de you know what the MPP they are very unfortunate an unfortunate group of people in Nigerian that’s the unable

Words I’m talking about you know normally I don’t use those you can say it but you see it it is sad it is sad that anybody who has an opposing view is as an enemy you see if you are in a position a position at home a position

As a government a position anywhere and you don’t want to be criticized then it means that you are unfortunate being the only being that we cannot criticize because that being is perfect is God through Jesus Christ a aside of that any being who does not want to be criticized it is

Problematic let me say good morning to n a of the NDC Communications team and say Merry Christmas to you my sister you see I am very sad I I I I I just you see barah here is my sister I just was just putting myself in the in

The frame that she’s just defending her government but if some of the things that she has said if you have to take them seriously then we are in D streets if you are not careful the EC will plunge this country into chaos never God forbid I am telling

You it is not words it’s actions the E I will not pinpoint only Jean the men with him her sorry the men with her are also culpable you see I always say that as if somebody is after G she’s always running she looks afraid she looks jittery she

Has all these military men around her for what she didn’t used to be like that so it means I see somebody’s breathing on her neck to do certain things it is unfortunate the way she does things even at IAC people were not happy with her even the MPP themselves

The way she used to take decisions and just come and throw it at us even the New Patriotic Party because you see what is going on even members of the MPP not happy whatever happened at the district level elections members are they have they now tend NDC have they now tend an opposing

Wing I am asking members of MPP are unhappy so are they also NDC you see we need to speak truth to power we need to enable to let people have been put in positions know that they are doing right or they are doing wrong Bella I I always say that this

Country belongs to us the Constitution says that the sovereignty of this nation lies with its people and the government as a s which government that comes in they are our employees because we have asked them so it is time for us to see some servant leadership we are fed up with the

Subjugation we are fed up with the intimidation that whatever they do we should accept it hookline and sinker and it is not right we are not going to accept it and anything that would bring down this country we would not accept it never because this Ghana is for us it is

Not for anybody it’s for the 32.1 million people and nobody in this nation is going to cross the border because somebody did not do right with our electoral system nobody is going to be a a a a a a refugee in another another Nation no one

Because B you see I always say that me I don’t speak French I don’t speak ever Ghana is bed by Togo Ghana is bed by what Ben civo and the golf Gulf of Guinea so maybe we all go into the Gulf of Guinea that is what perishing we are not going to allow

Because MPP should not say that so when you when you oppose them they say you NDC they say you here you are there they because you see they don’t they don’t want to be criticized they become pampered children when they do wrong you shouldn’t say it immediately you say it become when they

Were in oppos what didn’t they do one classical thing for which me I know and I would say they said that they criticized the purc for increasing tars today their tariffs is about the highest I know what I’m talking about they T today when you buy electricity you you

Are killing yourself you are putting a gaping hole in your finances they are tis right now tis and they interfere in the tis even at the time his Excellency John dman Mah wasn’t interfering we were able to give a levelized t today what is happen because of a bad economy because they have

Mismanaged the economy the parameters are wrong you see they should go and increase the taret for as if they say today inflation is 26% real because 26% is an IND indication of tires of electricity and water tires is a key indicator my dear what didn’t they say in this they talking about

Saying what didn’t they say m was their punching back what didn’t they say they said so that what they said there it is good when they said they going to give us everything they going to give us heaven on Earth what didn’t they say that today we

Are in this in this situation I’ve even heard that I saw it I don’t know if it is true that Co has come back again I saw it scrolling on your this thing we keep hearing that different variants you know being detected yes do you get me so if

Today it is going to come then we are finished because even Co is not there we are in trouble I I me I do not understand the MPP that they don’t want to take criticism once you criticize them then they have to come after you

They have to insult you B I heard you saying something that Ashanti region is their stronghold no I’m not saying it is their stronghold was saying that it looks like the the reason why they holding elections in some of the areas is because those are NDC strongholds and I said there areas

In the Ashanti region that are known to be Ashanti region is no longer their stronghold I said there are areas I didn’t say the whole of Ashan region there some areas I just want to I want to be clarified that they think it is their strong it is not okay because

Allan is in the freay now and the Ashanti region is the third stronghold of the NDC third or second they get a lot of votes there and what is going on they should forget it’s no longer their stronghold a dream don’t even mention it because it is not

Their stronghold not M I’ll would wrap up with you on this point yeah B thank you and let me respond to a few things that my sister ver said but first of all she said the NDC lost elections twice and that we are panicking Bella let me state it to you in

2016 ghanians did not see President mam in the I didn’t say that’s why they are Panic I’m saying because we are going to prevent your multiple voting you said we have lost twice you I I wrote what you down let me let me ghanians did not vote out the NDC

Because president Muhammed and the NDC were evil ghanians voted for the MPP because the MPP gave them promises promises that it was so difficult for you to resist Bella that is the reason why when the MP P called us incompetent in 2016 today the ordinary ghanian on the street

Is calling the MPP useless haven’t you heard it several times take your microphones to the streets ask them about this and they will tell you it is the most useless government ever in the in the Fourth Republic they call us incompetent ghanians are calling them useless so

Ghanians did not vote out the NDC because president mama was evil but they voted because president uu ad gave them hope and gave them promises and today they’ve been scammed that is why they calling them useless Bella and again B says no they have not scam Gan

Ver and ver is saying that we have lost elections tce how many times did uu lose elections didn’t he come in 20 2008 is not Bella hold on she say lost election T I’m telling you how many times lose election not he wasn’t not npp’s candidate he lost once he lost

Twice and they brought him again so why when you lose elections twice your party and and the personalities they should throw you away then they should have thrown long was he a president when he lost you understand and and and Vera is telling me presid we should we should

Use printable you see if I want anybody to advise me on what to say I want Vera to go and advise their second lady the lady what has that got to do the woman what the second of their flag bear what what what has that got to do with

The topic the top and call the Pres but that’s not related what that got to do with the why you take theight attacking the second lady ad not me I said it I said it here and I’m here I Cann allow because we’re talking about elections so can we can we keep it

Within can we keep it within the conversation she Tak


  1. I've always been wondering why the npp guys think we the viewers follow them in their Confusion. The way u guys are going to be punished paaaa hunnnnn, especially from Ashanti Region.

  2. This npp woman paaa, do you remember when you used unprintable words on madam Charlotte Osei. Npp will never come back to power again. Wicked Political party.

  3. The use of indelible ink can only enhance our electoral system, especially when EPV machines malfunction. The ink is a verification mechanism and should be maintained at all costs, especially in this coming election.

  4. Many of us well-meaning Ghanaians are still not convinced beyond reasonable doubt that NPP genuinely won election 2020. EC should not allow election 2024 to be marred by suspicion of what many of us deem a CONTUMELIOUS strategem to RIG with reckless abandon.

  5. These NPP woman is not serious, which party does multiple registration more than her NPP, especially in their strong hold Ashanti Region.

  6. Is it not even strange that one particular Party almost always supports anything and everything the EC does? The country is at a cross road, seriously.

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