Golf Babe

Ellinor Sudow becomes the latest Swede to earn an LET card

Sweden’s Ellinor Sudow ends the week T16 at LET Final Stage Q-School in Morocco to secure her card for 2024.

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Ellena after two brutal weeks you’ve done it you have earned L status for 2024 just tell us how you’re feeling right now oh it’s so exciting I’m super excited to be a little bit more in Europe H hopefully play some events in Sweden my own country um maybe

Scandinavia mix and Hur open they’re both in my hometown um just really excited about it yeah talking of the Swedish Roots obviously you now join a long list of L players coming from Sweden Ling Gran Maya anaka just tell us what that means there are so many of us they’re so so

Good and it’s really excited to be one of them um I didn’t grow up being super good at golf and now just to add my name to that list is uh pretty cool and for those that obviously aren’t familiar with you just tell us a little bit about

Yourself so I grew up in south of Sweden played lots of badminton um super fun I uh did lots of other sports gymnastics badminton tennis all of it didn’t start playing golf until I was 12 well really 14 when I started playing more um the start later love the game it’s super fun

Uh then I went to college in the US I went to Unity of Charlotte North Carolina did my undergrad there and international business and then did a masters at University of Arizona um then got my tour car on the lpj and now I’m back here I want to play

Some L as well we saw some fantastic golf this week you’ve now given yourself a great Christmas present what are you going to do to celebrate thank you um I’m going to go home I’m so excited to go home I haven’t been home since the summer um going to have some Christmas

Celebrations with my sister who is pregnant so I’m really looking forward to see her then I’m going to go up to the north and ski a little bit um yeah just hang out with family and friends and really enjoy my time off well Play Congratulations thank you so much

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